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Latest revision as of 06:12, 26 November 2022

Friendsgiving in Brooklyn
Date of Scene: 24 November 2022
Location: Angelo's Carriage House
Synopsis: Friendsgiving dinner and music!
Cast of Characters: Achilles, Gabby Kinney, Mercy Thompson, Ariah Olivie

Achilles has posed:
    Yes, the irony is not lost on Angelo. He predates most holidays in the modern world. But the emotional content to a holiday is different than just the 'official' reason to observe one. He has no family left in this world. I mean his mother is still alive. Stupid sea goddesses. His great grandfather too, but that's different. Zeus doesn't tend to visit. Angelo isn't pretty enough for that letch.

    But either way, he understands that there are some people who don't have family to visit, and he also realizes that people tend to get emotionally distant and depressed at times when they watch others enjoying family gatherings.

    So, Friendsgiving is born. Word spread, mainly him telling Zee to pass it along to her friends, that Angelo was planning to cook a large meal, and entertain guests at his place.

    He woke up early today, and began the traditional preparations. Turkey. Dressing. Sweet Potato's done with marshmellows and cinnamon. Pretty much everything America has come to associate with Thanksgiving. While Angelo found he is a terrible farmer, he is a good cook and he enjoys doing it.

    This year, he literally wrapped the turkey in two layers of bacon. One above the skin and another under it. Hard to miss that smell in the house. And there are several different types of dessert. The idea was for something of a potluck too, but yeah, he has on his 'kiss the cook' apron, and a simple pair of blue jeans and a tee-shirt extolling the virtues of a rock guitar legend. And the front door is wide open, smells wafting out into the cool air of late November.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney had family, and places she could go. They'd just been places she'd been estranged from for some time. So in an effort to join in helping those out who might not... or who could just get to meet more of the JLD... she's tagged Mercy, and Ariah. A few others as well though she wasn't able to drag them with her for various reasons (being cute didn't work on Constantine when he had a daughter who was cuter for instance.)

Not to arrive empty handed she does have a tray with her that was, likely, bought from a grocery store. A veggie tray with dips. Simple, easy, and she couldn't cook it incorrectly. Lured in by the smell of the cooking she lifts her head to sniff audibly. "Ooh bacon AND turkey? I approve, whole heartedly." With a warm grin she continues in boldly in spite of never having been to this residence before. Just following her nose mostly.

"Hey Angelo! Thanks for the invitation! I brought some other JLD members with me. And a veggie tray." The tray in question is hefted up in between both hands. "It seemed safest given my skills aren't in the kitchen."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    This holiday Mercy was avoiding her mother and that side of the family. She sent many offerings over to her extend foster family but she's on her own. Not surprising, Mercy's comfortable being alone and does it a fair bit. Still she knows others can use help at this time and figures there's nothing hurt by showing up to those who are opening their homes. That said she also isn't one to turn down when there's a bird to be had she didn't run down and hunt herself.
    Not one to show up empty handed, she has several of her baked cookies and breads that Zatanna and Gabby both helped her bake recently. All secure and tucked under hear arm as she gets out of her car. Bit of a drive from Harlem so she took her VW. She's dressed casually save for a slightly nicer top and spent more time scrubbing her hands clean then usual. As she gets out of the car she has a phone pressed to her ear by her shoulder. "Mom." Pause. "Mom. Yes mom I know. But you're on the other side of the country and I promise I'll visit before the year is over. I got to the house now. I should go." Another pause as her hips shuts the car door. "Mom you know I don't break my word. I'll visit. Now I have to go." Her expression softens. "Love you too. Now go bother my step sisters and remind them to be glade I'm /not/ there to steal all the best food bites." She hangs up and then makes her way to the door to ring the bell politely.

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Gabby being cute, however, does work on Ariah. And while she isn't the most social of creatures, the promise of food and getting to know some of her other colleagues is a way to get her to come along. After all, she might be laying down (un)life and limb for these people. That and maybe Gabby bribed her with a bite or something. Who knows. But the well-dressed young woman arrives. She'd grabbed a thing of hummus and pita chips at the same store Gabby had snagged the veggies.

    And besides, her own family at this point, really only extends to her Sire at this point. All of her immediate family is long dead or far out of contact--and she'd rather keep it that way.

    When she arrives, it's with food and violin case in hands. "Bonsoir," she chimes in with Gabby. "...I have snacks..." she states, looking around. Then upon seeing Angelo, she just. Stares at him. It's more eerie than usual. The terribly tiny, quiet girl affixes her mismatched gaze upon the ever so tall demigod and.. blinks owlishly. "...we have met, non?" she asks, cautious, looking for a place to put down her food oferings but her eyes lingering on Angelo like he'd sprouted a second head.

Achilles has posed:
    Things like the bug-eyed looks happen from time to time. Occupational hazard for an immortal. Seeing Gabby, he strides over to greet her with a hug. He is a very huggy person it seems. And today is no different than usual. The fact that Zee was busy elsewhere doesn't seem to bother him. He is a man who has spent so many centuries alone, that not having a specific person present isn't enough to bring him down. Worrying about her condition however, is something he is unaccustomed to.

    Either way, he takes the veggie platter and sets it on the coffee table before saying, "Help yourselves. I have red and white wine, I have mead, and later, I will break out the real booze. Oh, also there is warmed spiced cider in the kitchen. It's on the stove."

    And then he grins to Gabby, "The bacon is wrapped around the turkey. Helps keep the turkey moist, and lends a bit of that smoky flavor to it."

    And the bell rings, "Door is open!" he calls out as he takes a step that way, scooping up a mug of warm cider he'd been sipping on already, even as he approaches said door to welcome the newest guests.

    And then there is the staring woman. His brows raise, and the truth of the matter is.. one person he met some eighty years ago, isn't going to be in the forefront of his thoughts and memories. But the voice, when she speaks... there is a connection there. Visual -and- audio. Almost as strong as a scent memory. And so he switches into flawless French as he gives a pass phrase the resistance used during the Nazi occupation, confirming that he -must- be the same man from back then. And then he grins and adds, "Welcome to my home. It is not some extravagant mansion, but I don't need such things." And indeed, his voice sounds like he is about three weeks away from shedding an English accent.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins warmly when she's caught into a hug. One which she easily returns keeping the veggie tray held to one side with a single hand in the process. Hugs were something she'd been accused of doing too much as well on occasion. "Sounds excellent, I'm sure it'll be great. It *smells* great," she assures with a little laugh, as if that were obvious.

"Yeah this is Ariah..." She begins gesturing toward the vampire only to pause when the slip into French. In her own not-so-great version of it she says, "< I see you've met. >" It wasn't often she spoke it though she had been learning thanks to Rien. A time past, now. Turning back toward the newest arrival and the familiar smell of cookies and coyote she grins again.

"This is Mercy, friend of mine and another JLD member. Makes amazing cookies," she assures even as she turns to sniff her way kitchenward. "I've never had cider. I could try some of that."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy will reach to open the door when she is bid to do so. Just needing to tuck her phone into her pocket. She subtly sniffs the air as she steps in and manage to not ask about the French even if she is rather curious. Honestly her German is better then her French by far. "Also a fixer of cars older then me. Nice to meet you all." She can tell some things about people but it is rude to mention it and bring it up. "I thanks for the invitation and offering of food," she offers the box over. "I brough some bread and cookies to help contribute."

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Ariah blinks again when Angelo speaks directly to her. A ghost of a smile creeps into the corners of her mouth and she brings the violin case up to her torso, pressing it against her breast and bowing her head before uttering a solemn reply: "Blessent mon Coeur d'une langeur monotone." Then she nods slowly to Gabby, "After a fashion," she says simply. "Merci, for the welcome, and the dinner." She moves to place the snacks she'd brought on the coffee table with the veggie tray and sniffs at the air. "...cider... bacon... it is... a feast you have prepared, non? There are only so many of us here to partake."

    She nods politely to Mercy when the other woman enters, too, and hears the introduction given by Gabby. "A pleasure. If. You wish to partake of music along with the food, I have brought my violin. I admit that I am not one who has celebrated this holiday, as my caretaker and I do not hail from these shores originally..." a beat, "...but I would like to partake of mead and cider, please."

Achilles has posed:
    "Met? In another life. Yes." offers Angelo with a smile towards Gabby as his eyes still track Ariah for a lingering moment. But then he shakes his head as if clearing it... or trying to shake off a punch.

    And then he turns to regard Mercy. "Old cars huh? I like such things as well. Though I admit I am not much for repairing them. I enjoy driving them and looking at them. I have an old Camero from nineteen sixty seven that could use some love if you ever got bored and watned to tinker with an old muscle car."

    And that said, he shrugs his shoulders, "It is something of a tradition to overprepare food, so that one has leftovers for at -least- a week. And mademoiselle, I would be honored to hear your music once again."

    As he speaks, he is stepping over towards the kitchen, leading the pack as it were... to where he has a ladel in an oversized saucepan filled with spices and cider. He selects some mugs, and ladels cider into them, handing them out one at a time. "Be careful. It is quite warm." he says.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney waits until the cups are filled to reach out for one herself. It's drawn forward to inhale deeply though she hesitates in drinking it at the warning of it being hot. "How hot?" She murmers somewhat uncertainly while her gaze skips around to watch the reactions of the others to guage their own response. At least for a few moments. Then she draws it in for a long gulp regardless of being too hot or not.

"Ooooh!" The sound squeaks from her along with a grin as it apparently wasn't a sound of pain or discomfort. "That *is* tasty. Thanks, Angelo. And you're right, it's a feast so leftovers are kind of traditional," she has to agree.

"If you need help with dishes or something I can jump in. I'm used to doing that," she assures trying to be helpful. "Music is always good with me too," she adds flashing a grin at Ariah as reassuringly as possible. She knew at least that she wasn't going to be eating. Not that at least.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy looks at the group and says, "I am very conflicted on this holiday for um obvious reasons." Mercy motions to her face and while her features may be mostly Caucasian her coloring and some details are very Native American. Most of the People see this holiday differently. "I'm happy to have the kiddy cider."
    She offers their host a smile. "I specialize in German classics. So if you want to leave the fixing up to someone else, I'm your girl. Got a garage up in Harlem with my name on it. I can take a look at the Camero if you need me to."
    She will take her offered drink to sniff at it some and sees if it's safe for her to drink but does say, "The smells here are very enjoyable. I'll help with dishes as well."

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    "Another life," Ariah echoes softly. She has a distant expression for a moment. The memories she wielded next to the hell knight to drive off a threat in the astral no more than a few days ago are still very fresh in her mind. She has to shake it off in the same way Angelo does, but likely for different reasons. She sets down her violin case, confident that it's not going to get stolen or damaged with present company, and follows the procession into the kitchen to wait patiently for her cider.

    "It is not a holiday I celebrate or would celebrate normally," she states to Mercy. "We do not celebrate it in France," she explains. "Still, here in this country, it seems that it is more meant to be a gathering of friends to break bread and share good memories..." the small woman trails off. Then shakes her head. "Or make new ones," she simply adds, warming her hands as she's given a hot mug of cider. "I, too, will do what I can to help. Beyond the music, of course. Which I am pleased to provide. Do any of you play instruments?" she asks, looking between the three.

Achilles has posed:
    "To me, this particular holiday does not mean anything having to do with the terrible treatment of the first peoples by the invading colonists. I myself was born is Greece." A pause, and he tilts his head to one side, "Yes. What is currently Greece. But despite that, I accept that this day has become something more of a tradition of gathering with loved ones and sharing a meal in the spirit of happiness. So, perhaps we can view it as such rather than representing something divisive."

    "I have found that when people want to be divisive, they will be. But that is something we -can- choose not to be." And then Angelo laughs, shaking his head, "Sorry. I'll get off of my soapbox. But sufficed to say, I have seen a -lot- of families over the years. I have experienced many things, and today, I -choose- to spend it with friends who are forced to suffer my cooking."

    He grins and lifts a freshly topped off mug of cider before saying, "To old friends and new." he says before taking a sip. And then he lowers the cup, "I have been known to play a few. My first was the lyre. But just about anything with strings, I can hold my own on."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney flashes Mercy an apologetic smile when she points out the obvious. "Yeah, sorry. The few times I actually celebrated this when I was at the boarding school, we usually got stories from James about his people, too. I think I enjoyed hearing about that more than just the whole Puritan BS."

When the cups are raised in toast she lifts hers as well, and then takes another sip. "I think they made tomorrow 'Indigenous Peoples Day' recently as well. Which kind of gets overshadowed by the shopping still. Maybe it's a step in the right direction. Kind of." Her lips purse thinking on that long and hard now while the others share their own insights into things.

"Oh, and if you need something Ariah, let me know. I can... well we'll make it work," she assures without outright saying it.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Food, gathering, music, I'm all for that!" Mercy giving a big grin to everyone. "I just think we can do it without need for a holiday is all." She shakes her head, "you don't want me touching me touching a piano. But I can carry a tune in voice some."
    "I brought sweets, and didn't mean to be a downer. Sorry about that if I did." Mercy makes a few mental notes about when to bring up some stuff. She will clink her drink with everyone and at drink along with them enjoying the flavor. "Love when people stick with the natural products."
    "I don't have many stories to share sadly, Gabby. But if I get any I'll let you know soon as I can. Besides you know I love the chance at some nice bird." Licking her chops in an exaggerated way!

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    "Do not apologize," Ariah says, her cold voice coming out a bit more firmly as she looks to Mercy. "The origins of the holiday are mired in terrible places. It is the hopes of uniting in joy and respect and being.. better.. that we strive for, non?" the small woman asks. Then she nods to Angelo, "Old friends and new," she states quietly as the toast is raised. She doesn't seem to mind the heat of the cider, either, as she takes a long, slow sip.

    She gives a sideways look to Gabby, blinks, and then slowly nods. "...perhaps later on? I can eat.. normal food.. it just. Does not provide for my needs." The vampiress doesn't seem to mind talking about such things in present company. She knows Gabby, and now knows much more about Angelo than she had eighty years ago. And if Mercy is part of the bunch, then why not? "If you have an instrument nearby, Angelo, perhaps we could duet if you are feeling up for it. If not, I am happy to provide entertainment for the evening while the rest of you relax and partake."

Achilles has posed:
    Nodding his head, Angelo says, "Okay. Let's go have a seat. The turkey should be ready soon. We -might- have more company before dinner time. But we could try our hand at some music while we wait."

    And let's be honest, just knowing that Angelo hasn't aged in eighty years is barely scratching the surface of who or what he is. He has been in or around so many events in the last three thousand years... that he could literally teach a class on how wrong many of the history books really are.

    He just doesn't do that. He has spent so much of his time trying to make up for the prick he knows he started his life as. Sadly, the last person to ever forgive someone is themselves.

    "I think that a Lyre may be a bit out of style, but I -do- have a nice acoustic guitar that may work for you." he says as he steps over to a closet and opens it to reach in and retrieve the guitar case.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney holds her hands up a bit only to shake her head at the continued talk of instruments. "I could maybe manage a simple drum beat but no instruments here. Unless you count whistling? Probably not," she has to admit to her own lame attempt with a chuckle of amusement. Still she's willing to follow along to where ever she's led with a nod of agreement. "Oh yeah, the more the merrier."

Mercy gets a simple shrug at the mention of stories. "That's okay. Not eveyone does, and his were rather sad as it is, but it was good to learn. I'm all for just having fun tonight." As for her offer to Ariah, she says nothing more, simply nodding at the response with another grin. "No problem. Plenty of food to go around after all."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy gives a nod about the music, "I am not sure if I can keep up with professionals. Though sometime I'll have to see if I can get Sam to play his guitar. That guy is pretty amazing." She gives a small knowing nod to Angelo, "glad you can enjoy the flavors at least."
    She goes with the group to get a seat eager to sit down and get to the food honestly. She's getting hungry from the scents. "I got tuns of stories, just not that kind Gabby." She relaxes and haves a happy sigh at the spread before them. "You said you want leftovers right? Because I could do some damage to that bird if I don't restrain myself." She makes sure her braid stays behind her shoulder.

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Ariah won't continue the line of conversation with Gabby, there's no need to obviously. Their little secret. Ariah hadn't been turned until some time after she'd last seen Angelo, too, but surely he can figure out she's... something unnatural. "Some time for music and then time for feast then, non?" she asks, nodding to Angelo as he retrieves his guitar. "Let us provide some music, and let the song carry us towards dinner." The small woman doesn't mind showing off when it comes to performing, that's for certain, though far less so when it comes to her magical talents.

    Another long sip of her cider before she takes up her violin case, and there's more than a hint of a smile on her lips now. She's comfortable, and in good company. Few things put her in a place to smile than such things. The case is open, the instrument removed, and she adjusts her stance some as she perches the clearly rather old and prized instrument on her shoulder. "Do you know Cafe 1930, Angelo?" she asks, nodding to him and his guitar.

    And thus a night of cozy companions and pleasant company and wonderful food sets off with the scent of cider and the sound of strings.
