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Latest revision as of 02:37, 1 January 2023

Meet the 'Bots!
Date of Scene: 30 December 2022
Location: Penthouse - Kord Co
Synopsis: Doug meets Ted and Joan and the bots!
Cast of Characters: Ted Kord, Douglas Ramsey, Joan Wright

Ted Kord has posed:
"GaaaaaAaaaah! What are you... for God sakes, I was sleeping. Bingo... go help Joan. I'm fine! Humans SLEEP. I lie down close my eyes and don't move for a while sometimes. I do not appreciate you holding a mirror under my nose to check if I'm breathing. It's sleep. Go look it up?" Ted grabs his phone to checks the emoji, Bingo flashes: sleeping, skull, question mark? He puzzles over it and sighs. "Yes people die in their sleep. Pretty sure something else will get me... not for a very long time!" He pats the bot on its head. "Did you chose a gender yet? Are you still 'it'? Okay. Fine. Whatever you pick is fine. Way you worry I'd tend towards female. Go find something else to do."

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
Outside the building, Doug checks his phone. He's on time. You never know if you're going to make it, in this city. He adjusts his tie - because you should always look your best - and hits the button to be buzzed in. Bzzzzzzzzz. The door attendant's a computer, natch. Doug says, "Doug Ramsey, I have a 10 AM with Mr. Kord?"

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan, who most notably NOT sleeping is instead situated in the main living area of the penthouse. In what has become a bit of a pattern, the architect finds herself here after work more often. But that doesn't mean she has left work behind her. As she sits upon the sofa, she looks away from an architectural digest to look in the direction of the protests. Ted's last comment gets a bit of a brow raise. "Are you saying men don't aren't capable of worrying like that?"

This is dangerous territory.

Let's see how Ted treks.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord says, "I am just speculating, based on anecdotal evidence. This level of worry is more prevalent among women than men. You should talk... 'Ted, we're going to crash! Ted, we lost power! Ted, you need to go to the Emergency Room NOW! Sheesh... oh hey Doug is here. What time is it. Oh for... okay let's bookmark this for later. Bobo.. go bring Mr. Doug up here please?" Bot 01, claps his manipulators together and flies off to comply. Ted wisely is not taking his eyes off Joan and doesn't notice the bot ignore the elevator and fly over the side of the building.

"If I die, you'll find none of the passwords work anymore."

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
Outside, Doug looks up as - is that a drone? No. Descends the side of the building. He speaks to it - in binary. Ones and zeroes. It takes a moment, binary's a slow language when you have human mouthparts. Finally he switches back to English and he says, "I agree, you would be faster than taking the elevator." He oblligingly sits in the crook of Bobo's arm and lets him carry him up to the garden terrace.

Joan Wright has posed:
As Ted lists the instances where Joan has displayed worry, the woman shakes her head. "Being in each of those instances, there was the possibility of you dying, those SHOULD be things that concern you too." Joan replies, "And each of those times I was right."

There is so much more potential for this discussion to go.

And then Ted mentions the password thing. "I'm not sure if that's meant to be an assurance or a warning." She comments, head turning to watch Bobo take a route away from the elevator. She parts her lips to say something but pauses, looking over towards Ted.

She gives a smile. But doesn't state WHY.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord is facing the elevator doors when Bobo arrives carrying Cypher. He lets the man de-bot, and compliments him on his only slight accent. He then snaps his manipulators to get Ted's attention.

Ted turns around. "Oh gosh... I'm sorry Doug... he's a little literal minded. That's Bobo -Beetle Operations Bot 01. I hope he was polite at least. Joan's about somewhere preparing to filet me, if experience is any kind of guide." He walks over to hug Doug. Then he steps back and lets out a very loud whistle. Suddenly the room is surrounded by bots.

Bobo for his part, pats Doug on the shoulder, yeah he was polite. Then he joins what turns into a procession the flying machines around thee center of the room.

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
Doug hugs Ted, and then he says, "Oh, he's fine. Believe me, when it comes to robotic life-forms, I've had conversations with worse." He remains standing, and then says, "I'm sorry I wasn't able to continue working for you - I had to take some time to reconnect with myself. Still working on it, really." He looks around at the other bots, and listens in to their conversations with one another.

"Interesting. Experimental AIs? Hello, Joan." He smiles, brightly.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan is a little late in greeting the newcomer, waiting for Ted to catch on to what's going on behind him first. "Hello Douglas." Joan greets, "It's been awhile hasn't it? How was the scenic route?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord waves off the apology. "Not working for me is okay. I mean we were both making a lot of money but we can both do that. More to the point we missed you. I wanted to show you the gang. There's ten of them. So far the first two have become aware: Bobo and Bongo, then there's the last two, Bingo and Bailey. It seems to take effect based on time active... but Bailey and Bingo had newer processors. They lit up next. The middle six... there's no telling."

The smallest bot, with flame appliques and press on nails breaks formation to fly over by Joan and wave at Doug.

"Our problem child Bot 10 -Bailey. Bailey decided to be a female. She gets very upset when you misgender her. She spilled coffee on Allison Blair when she did so."

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
Doug considers that, with his fingers over his mouth. "I have an idea." He says, before he gestures to Ted. "Do you have some pink ribbon and a hot glue gun?" He exhales, and then he holds up his right hand. "This-" He says, "Isn't organic material, exactly." It gradually transforms, the flesh becoming black and shiny, shot through with nanocircuitry. "My right arm is a highly advanced techno-organic carbon composite. Living nanocircuitry. A gift from long-term exposure to an extremely advanced extraterrestrial life-form."

"Individuals like yourself are just barely scratching the surface of inorganic Actual Intelligences. You've created four, and might give rise to more."

Joan Wright has posed:
As Ted mentions Bailey's issue with people misgendering her, Joan lifts up a finger. "Regarding that, she did pretty well around children taking time to catch on." Joan volunteers, "Around the time she did an emergency rewrap of a Christmas gift at the coffee shop. So maybe there's a threshold for when people should automatically know better."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord makes a note of it. "I wanted to try her out in the daycare center we run. But my lawyers... you'd think I took a shot at President Luthor. A machine, around kids? She's safer than the majority of adults." He turns to Douglas and says, "We frown upon ribbons and glitter here. These bots have intakes for their thrusters. So a ribbon can get sucked in and glitter is fine and conductive. So no dangly bits, 'mmmkay"

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
Doug tilts his head and then says, "I'm sure that turned out to be quite a fight. Well then, fine." He goes back to rubbing his chin. "Maybe she'd like an exterior casing in a different color. Pink? Pastel purple? Something pretty."

Joan Wright has posed:
"Well, it was one child and in a coffee shop." Joan adds on to the situation, "There might be a difference if there's more than one."

Joan looks over to Bailey and then back to the guys. "Do you mean like interchangable outfits?"

There's a giddy flailing of the manipulators as Bailey bobs up and down in agreement to Doug's suggestion.

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
"I mean in theory that'd be doable, maybe even with interchangeable pieces so that she can dress herself each day." Doug muses, his finger on his chin. "You could actually do that for all of them, if one of your male-identifying bots ends up having taste like Roberto da Costa. I mean, his fashion sense is *impeccable* but I get him one of the shirts Thomas Magnum wore on 'Magnum P.I.' for Christmas every year."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord says, "Oh dear Lord... like phone covers. That'd be really cute... and they could serve different functions, fireproof, EMP shielded... well more shielded. I don't skimp on protection for my guys and gals... You may have created a monster for me. I'll have to work up a bot cover... Bailey's covers won't do Bobo any good... oh knock it off, you'll wear something I design for you. You'd have pockets." Bobo folds his arms and extends the hatches covering his secret compartments. Picture R2 plugging into a power outlet.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan considers the discussion and Ted's suggestion of them being like phone covers. A very nice descriptor to get the general idea across. "If it works out for Bailey maybe it could be something to consider for an accessory product?

Bailey bobs, hovering over near Ted to strike a pose with her manipulators bent, before turning and heading down a straight line back to Joan.

Seems someone's been watching Top Model reruns.

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
Doug laughs, and says, "They've got a lot of personality." He says, before he mutters, "Bobo was starting to tell me about the twitch streams he's been watching and how much he'd like to start one."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord says, "Oh? I don't usually let them stream unsupervised. What have we gotten into Bo'? As it is I got five models of bots to make covers. On the other hand it will be 90% usable with my drones at the space port. Yeah radiation proof, heat resistance." Bingo hovers over Ted's desk sketching furiously with a stylus then presents.

Ted boggles a little. "Basic black, scalloped pattern cape, fins on the arms. Get me, Bingo, I am not making you a Batman cover! The man has no sense of humor. Besides we're not close." Bingo draws a jagged line in front of it.

"Flash? Sure."

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan looks over to Bobo as Doug mentions the streaming. "What types of streams? Playing games?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord looks at 01. "Oh I will find out. I'll check your onboard recorder if you don't come clean. Dug take your jacket and ti ff and stay for brunch. Bailey makes a fantastic brunch, Bongo does mimosas. If you want to look at my recruiting pamphlets, I won't stop you." Bingo in fact presents a handful fanned out perfectly.