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Latest revision as of 23:56, 9 January 2023

A run-in at home!
Date of Scene: 09 January 2023
Location: Lobby - Four Freedoms Plaza
Synopsis: Nice Family conversation is had!
Cast of Characters: Susan Richards, Johnny Storm, Franklin Richards

Susan Richards has posed:
    And so, Reed was probably busy for the last few days investigating a ~secret government dossier~ that had been dropped off, recently. And when Reed was in the lab, Sue was usually around to help him with that. The man was a genius, but he often needed that extra bit of hyperfocus. And he tended to forget to eat, sleep, and do other normal activities revolving around that.

    But he was set right now, and so Sue? Well. She did need coffee. And she was getting just that. She even went /out/ to get coffee from a nice bistro nearby, and had that steaming paper cup of something sweet-smelling in one hand, and a small bag of groceries in the right as she was waved into the Fantastic Four building, scanning her ID at the various security checks, although really - everyone knew Sue. At least /here/.

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm is in the kitchen, toasting a strudel and sitting on the edge of the counter. He's wearing drawstring pants and a Knicks jersey, sleeveless to show off the guns. He pushes up off the counter with his hands and does little push-ups.

"Sis! You're home! Fantastic! Oh god. I just said fantastic spontaneously. I apologize."

Franklin Richards has posed:
As the doors slide open in comes walking in the standard outfit of Fantastic Four swag, dressed in blue, and black from head to toe! His current shirt today was Bens mug with "It's clobberin' Time' written on it. In his hands he holds the reports he got from President Luthor, as he planned to go through them at some point on his trip. Though he is already distracted enough with everything going on as he still needed to get back to the school, and help the Doctor set up things for the coming year.

This all stops when he sees his mother, and uncle as he can't help but smile to himself, "Hey! Just looking for food!" and gives a chuckle.

Susan Richards has posed:
And that was happening to be Sue's goal, in fact. The groceries were heading towards the kitchen, and she was wearing a coat over her usual ~Fantastic~ outfit.

"It's part of being here, I think," says Sue fondly to Johnny. "There's a lot of ~fantastic~ going on. I know I have to say it with that little lilt in my voice, whenever I hear it," she says.

A sip of the coffee, as she says, "How have you been? I feel we haven't had a lot of time to..." Catch up? Well, Franklin was here too, and Sue didn't mind the presence of her son one jot. She never would.

"Hey, Franklin," she says warmly. "I was probably going to make something for your father - I got some chicken thighs at the grocery, so I was going to do something with /that/," she says. "But there's some leftover something in the fridge, or some cold cuts and bread, if you'd like," she says, as she arranges her groceries on the countertop.

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm hops down, "There's some guy named Wendell Vaughn looking to rent a space. Real keen about it. I think he's a good guy, but I dunno, I'm a terrible judge of character. Ask literally all of my ex-girlfriends. Actually, no, don't, some of them literally want to kill us."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin turns from his goal to help put away the groceries deciding to take a break from his worries. "Hey mom! I know it has been crazy don't worry about it!" he looks around a bit for the proper spot. "I was just going to grab an apple, Damian and I are prob going to eat while we are out there." he glances at Johnny.. "Oh yea that guy! He seemed nice though did you see how he stood at rest.. I wonder if he served?" and grins turning back to his task.

"And I am fine! Just keeping myself way too busy to do all the things I plan to do." he stops grinning at her again. "I wonder where I could get that.." then he is quiet just putting stuff instead away instead.

Susan Richards has posed:
"Wendell Vaughn?" says Susan, her brow knitting together. What Johnny said about him being a good guy meant more to her than a lot. /Technically/, Reed controlled the company and most of the finances - but pretty much everyone knew that Sue was the one that made things happen. "Didn't we fight one or two just the other week?" she asks, with a cant of her head to one side.

The tone was somberly playful, and the edge of Sue's lip turns up in a smile.

She wasn't going to comment too much on Johnny's luck in the dating game, though. Some people liked trouble!

"Damian?" she asks. "Is that a friend of yours? You can bring him in here if you'd like, but I would give your father plenty of space. He's got a mystery he's trying to wrap his head around," she says.

"He probably wouldn't mind if you or Valerie wanted to help around the lab, either. The more Richards minds, the better, right?" she says.

"Where you could get what, Franklin?" she asks.

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm will tell Sue about Vaughn being Quasar later. Not that he didn't trust his nephew not to spill the beans, but the kid was still just that, however brilliant he might be. And he didn't forget anything, even innocuous things, so you genuinely had to watch what you said around him. Cause he'd never forget. Made it risky to be the bad-influence uncle, doesn't it?

"Better you guys than me. When you kids get busy, he loops me into doing it and noooooooo thank you, I have beautiful women to woo, thank you very much."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin smiles, and shakes his head at that.. "Damian Wayne.. Yea, we been friends for a bit, but... well his family is kinda wierd they tend to stick to Gotham." he shrugs a bit, "It is a unique city I will give it that." he shakes his head, "And I was going to leave these out for Father speaking of him." he shows the presidenal seal folder, and files inside. "President Luthor had a meeting of the minds.. I figure we should at least know what he is up to.." he nods to the papers. "It seemed handled though.. So I didn't think I would bother him with it.

He does turn to look at the lab for a moment.. well at least in the general direction, and considers. "No.. while Val might be able I am afraid I would just get in his way." he smiles at his mother. "It is important." talking about his dads work.

"And where could I get.." he looks at her to see if she is messing with him, or if his humor has become so distracted, shaking his head he chuckles, he glances over at Johnny, "And you know life would be way too quiet without that bad influnce."

Susan Richards has posed:
There was an affectionate roll of her eyes from Sue at what Johnny said. "Many hands make light work, Johnny. And there's /always/ some way to help in the lab," she says to her brother, folding her arms over her front at that.

"He'd probably appreciate if you went to talk to him about it," she says. "I've been talking to him about balance, lately - and as long as the universe isn't collapsing, it probably would be good if he stuck his head out of the lab every so often," she says.

"And I would like him to spend more time with you and Val. I know you both are adults now, but still..." she sighs.

Sue did seem serious about not knowing what Franklin was joking about. And explaining a joke tended to kill it, but still... she didn't seem so invested in understanding, but she grapples onto what he says last. "I know. It'd be nothing but labwork all day, every day. Grateful you're here, Johnny. You help keep us all centered," she says.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin smiles and nods, "Fine, I will be sure to make an extra visit before I go." he concedes as he thinks about it a bit, "And I know you have believe it or not.. I saw him." he glances around then leans in.. "Outside!" he chuckles a bit, "Even got one of those street burgers.. though maybe that is learning the wrong lesson." he gives a bit of a shrug at how him, and his sister are adults now, though he does smile, "Look if it makes you feel better the only thing that has changed is we think we know what were doing!" and gives her a wink shaking his head.

"I am sure it will work out, but maybe we can do something, well together." he looks at the door with a nod, "believe me it is crazy out there at times I am sure we could find someone who has it coming." and grins again. "Could bring a picnic or something.. make a day of it?"

He turns grabbing an apple now he has put things away, "I know Val could use a break." he glanced back at Johnny "There is a bejewelled Doom-bot in there.." and sighs a bit "All work and no play.." making the loop motion of crazy with a grin obviously kidding. "Oh!" he stops after taking a bite of the apple remembering. "I might be... absent here soon for a few day." he smiles at the apple not wanting to look at her for this part. "I might be off planet for a while."

Susan Richards has posed:
Light laughter comes from her as Sue starts making the dish - gathering the chicken putting it in a dish, santizing the area, setting up vegetables to start to cut. "I believe it," she says. "Your father and I had a talk," she says. "And I wanted to do something ordinary - I said get as much of us all together and go to Chili's or someplace... ordinary. But a picnic, that's also a good idea. I love the outdoors," she says, her eyes a little wistful.

"You're a smart child, Franklin, and your father raised you right. I think you know what you're doing... 76 percent of the time," she says, a little smile tucking up the edges of her lips.

"A bejewelled /Doombot/?" she says. "What is that girl thinking, sometimes?" she says with a heady little sigh.

Although the last thing that Franklin says? Sue pauses, glancing over her shoulder towards him. He was an adult, Sue. "Is that right? Where are you going?" she says. "And when?" she says, her tone of voice in a forced conversational sort of stance.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin smiles, and nods. "Then that is just what we will do!" he nods looking at her put the meal together. He nods to her, "Ya know I love dad very much, but you too are your own person, don't forget to get out too is all I mean okay?" and nods to her as he worries about his mom just as much as his father sometimes though he would never admit it! "And we both were raised right! Though it seems Val has already branched out.." he takes another bite and mumbles out, "You should ask her about girl." and looks away like he didn't say anything!

When she hits that tone Frank smiles a bit, "I am not sure when to be honest, but there seems to be this place called... The Hub... it sounds as interesting as it is lawless." he shakes his head at that with a shrug, "I have to go Mom.. ^Somethings out there." he stops thinking about it for a moment. "Unbalancing things.." he finishes. He looks down at his apple, "But it is going to take me away for a few days, and I didn't want you two to worry." he turns to look at her with a smile. ^It is going to be okay, I am 76% sure."

Susan Richards has posed:
A tilt of her head. "I know that, but I've been helping your father since I was in college," says Sue, "It gives me... quite a sense of peace and joy to help him," she says. A wink sent to Franklin.

"And there's never a day where I don't run into a new challenge. It keeps me on my toes!" she says.

A tilt of her head. "About a girl?" she says. "Well, she's an adult," she says. "So if this girl is nice, tell her to bring them by to say hi sometime," she says. A pause, and she listens as Franklin explains what he does, her lips pursed.

"Well," she says. "Are you sure you don't want to run your plan by your father?" she says. "He might raise that seventy-six percent to at /least/ an eighty," she says. "He is the smartest man in the universe, after all," she says.

Which was debated, but to Sue, that point wasn't even in contest.

"Do you need anything from us to be safe out there?" she asks, with a tilt of her head.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin holds up his hands, "Okay Okay you know better then any of us.. " and chuckles a bit, she knows what she is doing of course way better then he did himself, but he wasn't going to let her go without at least reminding so he was happy. Then he actually laughs at the girl comment, he shakes his head holding a hand.. "No.. no... Sorry Val would never get me if I let ya misunderstand that!"

It was good to laugh, and his family always made him happy, but he has been running so much he forgot for a minute. "No, G.I.R.L. I don't know what it stands for, but she is doing good work." he glances back at the door. "I didn't tell you of course. But I do keep some tabs." and shrugs a bit. finally thinking about her last question wanting to take her worries seriously.

"I have what I need already.. I umm.. borrowed it as I didn't think anyone would mind." he slowly considers though shakes his head, "There is no quarenteed safty, you and dad both know that, but believe me if something wants to threaten my safty." he grins a bit "I will make sure they know you don't mess with a Richards." he stops thinking about it for a moment though does add.. "I will take it very seriously, and not forget the lessons both you and Father have tought me.. I don't need anything now, because what I needed you been giving me for the last 21 years." and nods with a smile.