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Latest revision as of 23:58, 9 January 2023

Red and White and Time All Over
Date of Scene: 08 January 2023
Location: Student Gardens
Synopsis: Telepaths talk over in the gardens.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Rachel Summers, Tabitha Smith, Megan Gwynn

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is currently spending a rare moment in the gardens. Ororo isn't present, and Emma is taking some time to just stroll through them. The greenhouse makes it warm, and with some of the otehrs having gone outside sledding earlier it makes for a rather relaxing locale. The telepathic woman is walking through, just observing things and enjoying the sights in a rare point of quiet and solitude.

Rachel Summers has posed:
Someone else is in the greenhouse, her psychic presence squeezed down to as small as she can make it. Rachel Summers meanders through the rows, stopping to sniff at flowers and check on some of the winter produce. She's dressed in a white t-shirt with the Xavier's logo over a tight long sleeved shirt, leggings and sneakers. (Her coat's hung on a hook by the entrance.)

She obviously can feel Emma's presence, and she's not exactly hiding, but neither is she seeking out the other psychic.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would take a moment to glance over at Rachel, "Ah, Ms.. Summers, is it?" She would inquire while gesturing, "I do hope that all has been well with you. I don't think I've had the chance to make your acquaintance to any extent." She would offer politely.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby finally emerges from snow based fun not so long ago. Mostly to continue walking along side Jerome Badonk Smith, the X-Donk. And even that is so she can make sure there isn't too much snow for the burro to trudhe through on hoofs.

Dressed for stable work, faded but clinging bluejeans. knee high workboots, a red parka that's not too puffy with a pink hoodie poking up out the colar with a matching beanie. The bespectacled blonde feeding the donk some carrots to bribe him to not eat anything Storm or anyone else had planted. Including Tabby.

They're tomatoes if anyone ever asks.

At least the greenhouse smells nice.

Even Tabby's telepathic presence pings on the other women. If Herome has any powers he's not revealing them aside from being a very handsome and cute donkey.

"If anything I'd have pegged the rich girl for hanging out in the stables to give the horses a ride." she admits to the guess. Ray being back even gets a big bright smile. "Ray's awesome. Still won't tell who isn't and is alive in her original time line." she points out with a grin.

Rachel Summers has posed:
"Miss Frost," Rachel says politely in greeting. "I don't think we have met." And she was (probably) dead in Rachel's time anyway! She's still keeping her psychic presence small. Not meek exactly, but very passive. She knows who Emma is, and doesn't really feel like a brain measuring contest right now. She just wants to smell flowers.

Which is why her nose wrinkles when Jerome accompanies Tabby into the greenhouse. Ugh. Stables. She does smile when Tabby fully arrives. A friendly face. "I can't count how many entendres that was, Tabby. It's good to see you. ... And your friend. I guess."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over at Rachel for a moment, "Of course. Good to have.. Met you then." She's read Rachel's file. At least, that which she's permitted to. It makes her head ache. Not as much as Cable's, at least. But few things do.

"Ms. Smith. A pleasure to see you. How fares things over with your.." She probably meant the donkey that had come into recent acquisition of the blonde girl.

"I do hope that you've found nothing of particular.. Paranoia as of late." What wiht Magneto having a Sentinel in the basement and everything.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The Donkey is petted and carroted and left to wander about, brushing against the other psychics in an affectionate little head bump. He is a friendly sort. Especially nbow he's adjusted to life in the school's stables.

"Jerome's fitting in nice since spring Break. I rescued him from an abusive life in the local entertainment industry of Cancun Mexico." tabby explains and introduces her boy to the ladies. "Amazingly enough I wasn't actually intending entendre or making a dent. Lot of girls with money tend to end up with ponies. It's as much a status symbol as having a family member." she points out.

Of course the broke ass trailer girl manages to end up with someone as downtrodden a companion as herself in the form of said donkey.

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel's file is a thing of horror. Even the parts that weren't redacted. The tales in there are horrific, and they don't even name names. There's a reason the young woman still has nightmares. And those tattoos. They're reminders for her about what she was and where she came from. Here, though, she gets to wander through the greenhouse and interact with people near her own age in a non-threatening setting.

Along with the occasional bout of necessary ultraviolence.

She starts a little at the friendly bump from the donkey, hesitantly reaching out to pat Jerome's nose before he moves on. "You're right, I guess, Tabby. I was being inappropriate. I apologise."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance flatly over towards Tabitha and 'Jermone'. "Well, I'm glad that you're doing well with your new companion." WHo is she to deny the girl a sense of purpose and camraderie? "Do take care in case he attempts to take a bit of something that Ms. Munroe might take some offense at.

And she can only imagine what terrors and traumas that Rachel has been through. The girl's file itself and all thsoe redactions are terrifying. Only her own few encounters with her 'brother', however one might define Cable, or her 'cousin', however one might define Hope, gave some perspective. "And I hope that your recent weeks have gone.. Well." To Hope.. And to Tabitha.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The esteemed Jerome however does his best to look all fawning. He might not be one of the big stallions, but he does seem to know how to look cute for a slightlky shaggy burro no matter how much brushing he gets.

"He won't eat anything. I kinda maybe let him know it's not wise. I mean a lot of things here he totally could, but he knows he shouldn't. Plenty of snacks and fresh food and he's fine anyway." she points out.

The fawning at rachel also gets a pet and the donkey totally seems happy and brushes past to Emma where she's trying not to be awesomed by cuteness. "As long some of what's going on ddoesn't birte us in our shapely behinds." if anyone ius paranoid about the sentinelk in the sub-basement, it's Tabby. she does not like sentinels that aren't similated holograms she can blow up on a whim.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn doesn't visit the greenhouse nearly as much as she should, being a fairy and all. But the sight of an adorable donkey does catch her attention and so she makes a beeline for the place, dark eyes Wade bed in curiosity as she nears the small group. "Oooh sooo cute! Can I pet him?" she quips, already reaching out towards the donkey.

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel feels a bit of relief as the attention seems to be focused on Jerome for the moment and not her. Like any girl, she doesn't mind some attention, but a lot at once can be overwhelming, and Megan's arrival would likely send her scurrying. Luckily Pixie is focused on cute donkey rather than the ginger, so she doesn't run.

She does take a couple steps back, though. Some space.

"He's friendly," she says to answer Megan's question, trying not to think of Sentinels.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Rachel for a moment, head cocked to the side. Seh doesn't move over towards Jerome, or respond over to Tabitha for a moment. Utimately it's not on her if Ororo chooses or chooses not to do something. She's given the warning over after all.

Tabby's paranoia is shared by Emma by expression. And whatever it has done with Magnus and what's having the Lord of Genosha acting stranger than normal.. Well, all of them are paranoid. Most of all Rachel, Tabitha.. And likely Ellie.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's a grin as Megan discovers Jerome and the donkey knows the reaction he was looking for. He might have even given Emma a dismissive snort to say well fine then. Then trots off in a canter to the fae girl.

"You can pet him, if he likes you enough you can maybe ride him later. Some of the smaller kids do. Yes I know he can probably carry all four of us, but he's earned a live of leisure now." she states.

Tabitha does not even know how old Jerome actually is. He's about six years old if she poked enough. Rachel gets another smile. "Guy just looking for attention and loves he couldn't get when he was young. Kinda like a lot of us." she states and nods her head.

The paranoia at least, Tabby does a better job of burying or at least lets being a donkey mama and otherwise regular X-Stuff distract her.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and nods to those gathered, recognizing all of them though not particularly close to any. Her attention however, is primarily on the donkey, reaching out an open hand! palm up for the donkey to sniff if he wishes, before attempting to scratch him behind the ear. "Well thank goodness fir that, wouldn't want a rabid, wild donkey running around now, would we?"

She smiles and winks playfully at that. "Soo, you got a name, or should I just call you 'Donkey?'" she inquires, as if expecting the donkey himself to answer.

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel saves the equine introductions to Tabby. He is, after all, her donkey pal. The redhead maintains her state of 'Here, but seperate'. She observes the interactions with the donkey, smiling slightly at Megan's clear joy in the animal's presence.

Otherwise, she keeps to herself, because socializing is sometimes hard.

Emma Frost has posed:
There's a look from Rachel by Emma. Then over at Tabitha. And Emma finally goes to breach her somewhat silence. "Come, Ms. Summers. Do enjoy yourself for a moment. I promise that none of us will le tanyone else know that you were relaxed."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"His name, Pixie, is the esteemed Jerome Badonk Smith, The X-Donk!" Tabby explains with a bright smile. It's aimed back at Rachel and then Emma. "If you need help relaxing, you know I always got a sixer and a baggie ready to go wherever you need it Ray!" she adds sagely.

The baggy would not contain that herb. Something more... groovy.

Even Jerome picks up on things and slowly clip clops back to Rachel trying to guide Megan along with.

There's not a single blip of telepathy from the blonde doing this.

Donkeys can be very clever creatures.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn ooohs, "Jerome Badonk Smith? Woow that's a mouthful.." scritch-scratch. "Soo is he like, a team mascot..Orrrr am I scritching the ear of a mutant shape shifter? Cuz that'd be waaay awkward.." she laughs nervously at that, hesitating a bit in her petting.

Rachel Summers has posed:
"I'm fine, Miss Frost. Thank you. I am enjoying myself, I promise." People are just a lot. They always are. She's a psychic and can't help it. There's always background noise. Now she'll prove it.

"I might just take you up on that, Tabby. It's been a while since we've hung out with nothing to do."

Emma Frost has posed:
That gets a low nod from Emma Frost. Of understanding at Rachel's logic (left unvoiced) and her appreciation that the other girl is going to try to interact more. It's a small display of appreciation given that Emma turns her attention back to Megan.

"You'll have to ask Ms. Smith ont hat one."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Jerome is fine for short. Full names are only for when we're in trouble after all." Tabby explains and keeps a happy smile as her baby is attended to and scritch. "He's just a donkey. And if you want cute mutant shifter pets that aren't awkward, Rahne's your girl." she points out.

"Hey, we get it Emma and I are telepaths too. The noise can be over welming, distracting and worst case, influential. And that's when things start bouncing back. Empathy going back and forth can be a problem depending on the emotions!" she states. Rachel and Emma likely already know this but it might be something new for Megan.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn arches a brow at Rachael, "You're Rachael, right?" she's never really talked to her directly Afterall, "The psychic from the future?" oh right, kinda like Hope or something. "You sure you're okay? Jerome really is quite gentle..."

She arches a brow at Tabby and blinks, Woah, surrounded by telepaths! She'd better not think bad thoughts! "Ohh, you're a telepath too, Tabby?" wait, that's news.

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel smiles gently at Megan, her green eyes just seeming tired. "I am fine, I appreciate the concern. The holidays are over, so it's just a bit louder now. I'll be fine once I'm used to it again." Solitude is adictive.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Rachel, "Yes. Tabitha is also coming.. INto her own powers. Iw as wondering if you two might work well together when it came to reinforcing shields and helping one another acclimate." It was bit of a reach but might be something that would give a hook for the two.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's a nod to confirm it. <<Yeah, I've always been psionic, but there was a thing with the Shadow King last year, crossed some wires. Now I can totally accidentally think the wrong thoughts about someone, like when theyy're cute fairy girls and have them thoughts pop in their heads. I do actually try to avoid that.>> she broadcasts to the three.

It's actually something Tabby vehemently tries to keep under wraps. It was bad enough when it was just telepaths. Now she's gotta worry about doing that to everyone.

"Extra training is always handy. Keep out the noise as best you can. Emma can help with that like she has me. One day I may let her take me shopping and pick stuff she likes as a reward." beats the louder clothes she normally wears when she isn't working. The spiky collars, and cuffs and belts can stay though.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks and flails when she hears Tabby's voice in her head, something she's never really got used to with telepaths! especially a novice who might accidentally pick up what she's not supposed to. "Gah! You crazy telepaths.."

She steps back quickly, suddenly feeling very awkward, the old faerie out so to speak. "Heh, I guess..It's kinda like when I use my faerie magic and do unintended spells.." she shivers at the thought. Yeah, accidentally jinxing a telepath would sure go down well..

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel smiles like the Mona Lisa, amused at Megan's reaction to Tabby's projected thoughts. "Please don't hex me. It would be very bad." Her eyes flicker to Tabby, a twinkle in them as she thinks at her. <You know, you need to be really careful thinking about lewd things now. You don't want to share.>

She steps forward and gives Jerome another pat. See? She's not that weird.