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Latest revision as of 03:59, 16 January 2023

Waking Up in the Roost
Date of Scene: 15 January 2023
Location: Level 1 - Medbay - The Roost
Synopsis: Velocity wakes up at the Outsiders' medbay and meets Phoebe and Gabby.
Cast of Characters: Conner Kent, Carin Taylor, Phoebe Beacon, Gabby Kinney

Conner Kent has posed:
While Laura brought back the supplies through Gotham's annoying evening traffic, Conner just flew Carin to the Roost, down to the medbay. Put her on one of the beds and did a second, somewhat more throughout checkup, to make she was not dying.

Once reasonably sure she was not, he started sending messages through the medbay terminal, since his cellphone was fried by Megawatt. Yet another Starkphone fallen in the line of duty. First messages go to Tim and Phoebe, of course. Because his limited first aid knowledge is not going to be up for much more than waiting for the redheaded speedster to wake up.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Rancor's shocks had done a number on Carin. It's as if the big cyber-armed thug knew just what was needed to overload Cyberdata electronics and subdue the speedster. So between it messing with her cybernetic components, it did a solid job of knocking her out even if she didn't really suffer any actual injuries from it.

    She's clad in some pretty beat-up clothes though, and they weren't in good shape even before she'd pulled more seams and threads by trying to super-speed around tasers and trying to get away. Underneath, though, the bright green super-suit and some of its storage pouches. A phone, which may have been fried, or not, and while not exactly a SHIELD name badge, some patch at least. She's bereft of any other ID presently, whether by design or that she just doesn't largely exist in the system. Likely the latter.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe happened to be nearby when the alert came over her WayneTech phone (she finally had relented to an upgrade), and had immediately stopped her project with an apology, an order of coffee for her classmates, had rounded a corner and disappeared -- only to reappear in the hallway outside the medical lab. The de-facto medical head for the Outsiders pulls on a white lab coat as she walks in, braided hair pulled back and slipping on a pair of glasses as she walks in, sneakers hitting the tile.

    "Hey, SB." she greets Conner, and looks to the redhead with the popped seams, the fried phone and the bright green super-suit beneath.

    "... who do we got here?" she questions, reaching to pull on a pair of non-latex gloves.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner looks a little singed, and Phoebe finds him washing his face on the madbay sink. His leather jacket, tossed in on an empty bed, might be still smoking. "Hey, Ph... Balm." He runs wet fingers through his hair, "We found this girl during a supply run in the Narrows. Some cyborg thugs were trying to kidnap her, something about her sister... I have yet to run an id-check, but she is a cyborg too, and has a degree of super-speed. They shocked her badly, there were two guys with electric powers."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Despite the condition of Carin's clothes, which are certainly a mix of well-worn by previous owners, speed-frayed, and electricity-singed... the girl herself is... flawless? Despite her state of consciousness, her body is unharmed. Sure there's the whole thing where her skin is ivory white and there's that tattoo covering a good third of her face, which is probably strange but not a sign of harm. And there's more super-powered redheads in the tri-city area than you could shake a vibranium stick at.

    She does have a pulse, her vitals are good. She's just having a slow time rebooting, both literally and figuratively. Which, if she's just on the edge of consciousness, might as well be forever to someone with her perceptions.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Superboy, this is strictly --" Phoebe motions over to the leather jacket as she turns on one of the exam lights on the arm " -- a 'no-smoking' area."

    She moves the exam light and checks the scanner. First aid was completed, she was stable. Phoebe's lips purse, her eyes narrowing behind her glasses, and she taps a few things on the computer monitor.

    "Good Cybernetics. Not sure if their for 'optimization' or medical." she reflects quietly, the med student-and-magical-Medic makes a face.

    "Vitals are good. Pulse is steady and acceptable. She doesn't seem to be too worse for wear for the electrical shocks." she considers. "I'd try healing her, but not sure how that would react on an unconscious victim with the depth of machinery she's got." she remarks.

    "Yes, I am recording this for the lab record, so glad you asked." she tacks on, reaching down to check one of Carin's eyes for responsiveness.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Yeah, yeah," Conner takes his jacket and grumps. No saving this one, most of the right side is burnt and torn from the arc flash. He searches the pockets (for spare change) and tosses it on the thrash bin. "Can't you heal her around the cybernetic parts? And what is wrong with her skin? She is too pale even for a redhead."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Perhaps the strange thing is the lack of wounds. Period. No scars. No blemishes. She'd put a /dent/ in the side of a car with her head when she'd tumbled after trying to speed away after being knocked out and while there might be some dried blood on her forehead, there's no /damage/. No lacerations. No bruising. Beneath the skin, everything is nominal.

    And her heart rate goes up. A sudden spike when fingers pull at her eyelid. Bright green. Pupil shrinks as her eye focuses and the other shoots open, both focusing on the woman above her. And then, in a blink, no hint of prior motion, her arm's up and grabbing Phoebe by the forearm. She's not wrenching it away or squeezing it, but she is giving her face about three inches of clearance. Her heartrate is still spiked and her eyes are blurs as they take in the room around her.

    Tactical appraisal, the Brain Box and her own perceptions of time and situation running at the speed of thought. Medical room. No shackles. No chains. No Cyberdata goons. No mind probes. No needles. All of this within milliseconds of moving that hand away from her face. Her grip isn't much stronger than the average human's. "...where am I?" she finally asks.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    There's an alert when the heartrate goes up. Phoebe's distracted a moment, looking at the exam screen before her hand is grabbed, and not hard, but firm.

    No shackles, no chains, no goons, a young doctory-looking lady in glasses and a labcoat and Superboy with no jacket.

    She looks up at Superboy, and then she gives a small smile to the girl on the table who, weirdly, has no injuries.

    Not that Balm isn't used to that. Half the team has healing factors.

    "You're safe. This is the Medical Lab of a little superhero group based in Gotham City. I'm called Balm; I'm the team medic. I'm going to ask some orientating questions. Do you know what year it is? In what city is the Statue of Liberty located? Which Justice League member is named for a flying mammal?" she begins, and then gives a tug of her arm.

    "May I please have my arm back? I'm a little attached."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Hey, relax," offers Conner, moving to save Phoebe's arm. "This is the Robin's Roost, the secret hangout of the Outsiders team, totally not a batcave. You are still in Gotham."

He grins to the awakening redhead, gently pulling her hand off Phoebe's arm, just in case. "I am Conner, or Superboy when I am in the field. And you are safe here, promise."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    It's certianly jarring. But her pulse starts to normalize at the words. From both of them. She blinks at Phoebe, and then at Conner, considering the latter seemed to not mind spilling much more specific information about their location. Robin's Roose. Outsiders. Gotham. That's where she was. Gotham. After.... Cassie?

    The questions, though, and her fingers uncurl, releasing the arm but pulling away from Conner. "...2023... New York State... Doreen Green?" she asks, then frowns. "..N-no... squirrels don't fly... and.. that's.. one of the... Young Avengers..?" she shakes her head. "Justice League. ...Batman?" Her head goes towards her forehead now, likely recalling the head trauma even if it's just basically phantom pain now. "...they took Cass..."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Well at least the basic orientating questios are good for something. She's not too confused." Phoebe remarks, and she pulls up a chair.

    Her lips purse a moment, and she looks to Superboy, and then she leans back and opens a drawer, pulling out a hefty plastic bag of... gummy sharks.

    They're medicinal, promise.

    She offers one of the orange-pink-and-red-and-yellow sharks to Carin.

    "Who's Cass?" she asks, eyebrows rising up.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Does that means she doesn't have a concussion or that she is not from an alternative reality?" Asks Conner, retreating from the 'doctor' and the patient. "In any case, it seems she will survive, so I am going to find some not burnt clothes and some food, do you want me bringing some sandwiches in, say, half an hour?"

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Carin sighs quietly and sits up slowly. Which might take even more effort, slowing down. But she's sitting up and not zipping around the room. She does seem to register the use of a code-name though in Balm and purses her lips. She takes the offered shark and pops it into her mouth before swinging her legs over the side of the exam table to get more comfortable.

    "Velocity," she states, vaguely gesturing to herself and then sighing. "...Cass... Cassie... she's my sister. The... guys that want me, they have her? I think? They used her name to try and grab me... before... he and the uh... um.. blades girl? Helped me... thank you. For that," she nods to Coner.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I'd wager no concussion, nothing on the scan, alternate reality I can't diagnose in this lab. That'd require Rob's help." Phoebe admits to Conner, and she gives a nod. "That sounds good, provided Impulse hasn't raided the kitchen since the last grocery delivery." Phoebe replies to Conner, and then turns her attention back to Carin, and then just hands her the whole bag of gummy sharks.

    "Velocity sounds like a Speedster name, and if I know my friends with the Speed... they're always hungry." she gives a small smile.

    "Do you have a way to try and get in contact with her? Phone number, parental unit, facetime?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
A few minutes after Conner steps out, the doors open again. Gabby strides in carrying a few items draped over he arm. "Hey, Balm," she greets with a nod though her gaze is already on Velocity. "Ran into Conner and he said you might need some spare clothes for someone." The arm is raised up to indicate the items she'd snagged.

"I've got Robot Unicorn Attacks sweat shirt, some sweat pants, and fresh socks. Everyone always forgets socks," she points out with a little shake of her head. "No one wants cold footsies after being injured."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Surprisingly, Carin's eyes light up at themention of Impulse. "He's here?" she asks, "...I.. ran into him and Rave the other night... in New York. Some drones were after me and... they helped.." she sighs and pulls her legs up, hugging her knees now. She just shakes her head at Phoebe and blinks at the offered bag, taking it in one hand. "...thanks and...no. Our.. um. Our parents are gone..." she has that in her hazy memories, at least. Unfortunately. "...no contact. Just. Got a message in an old email address.. was.. keeping it around for her. And... either they have her or just know how to get to me... feels like the former?" she shrugs helpessly and takes a few sharks to nibble on.

    Just in time to have a mouthful of candy when Gabby comes down. Carin stares at her, trying to parse the data. Same as the one from last night but different? There's enough differences, for sure, for her to register as.. not the same. She swallows the candy and offers some to Gabby, maybe in return for the clothes. "...um... are...you sure?" she asks. "I've got.. this.. still.." she indicates her super suit, despite it being that snug superhero fit and half ways tits out. Who designs these things?

    "I don't... want to overstay my welcome..."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Ooh, no good idea, I should start stocking socks." Phoebe states, though her tone suggests she was making a joke.

    It was a pun. It was fully intended. "Other than the hospital socks, which I totally do stock here, HoneyBadger." she states to the other girl, and she frowns a little bit, and then she rubs the back of her head. "I can relate to that." she murmurs, and she leans back a moment. She doesn't approve of the top of the suit... then again... her own armor was a Tim Drake original design and was designed for As Much Protection as Possible for the squishy healer.

    "Yeah, but that can't be warm in a Gotham Winter. Don't worry about it. You're welcome to hang out here in the Med Lab until you're ready to head out -- but..."

    She steeples her fingers. "I'd like to know more about what happened, and how we can help you get your sister back."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gives a little snort at mention of overstaying the welcome. The bundle of clothese are pushed toward Carin, though she does reach out to snag one of the gummi sharks offered for the exchange. "Nah, it's fine. I'm a bit of a clothes hound. I've got tons of stuff hanging around. Besides I outgrew this. Kind of." She didn't grow MUCH but she's going to milk that excuse for all it was worth darn it.

A grin is flashed over toward Balm at the mention of the medbay socks. "Yes but those are so weird and usually too big for me. I end up with the little rubber grippies up my ankles." Words Laura would never say, there. 'Grippies.' Though in a more somber admission she adds, "They kind of remind me of the old labs, anyway." All the more reason regular socks were brought.

Hearing of the other girl's sister being taken though she glances back to Carin with eyebrows raising. "Wait your sister is missing? What happened? Of course we can help."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Carin doesn't much approve of the top of her suit, either, but there's matters of ventilating heat as well, which she dumps a lot of when she's running full tilt. Surely there's better costume designs, but at least she's got one. "I um... warm up.. quick.." she explains, taking the clothes and looking them over. "..if.. I can stay for a night, or two.. I.. thank you. I have somewhere to go. Um. I should.. tell them I'm.. not there.. but I'm okay?" she offers.

    Then between Gabby and Phoebe talking at once about her missing sister and getting her back, she sighs. "...where do you want me to begin? I.. don't remember a lot.. but.. I remember enough? I guess.. the quick version.." she's good at quick, "..is an organization kidnapping people with special powers and.. turning them into mindless soldiers for their army? I think they got my sister.. or.. know how to pretend they're her.."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Grippies does not sound like a word the serious Laura Kinney would say, no.

    "Of course. We'll just ask that you stay here until we get you clearance from our team lead. It's his basement." she offers as a small joke, and the braided Phoebe's lips press together tightly. "I think your phone was fried -- Honey, can you grab a burner from the drawer closest to the door? There should be a couple charged up." she motions to the assigned drawer near a computer desk, and then rubs the back of her neck, the medic smelling faintly of roses, black pepper, clove cigarettes and brimstone as she crosses her legs.

    "We happen to be pretty good at contending with organizations kidnapping people with special powers. What can you tell me about them?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Sure thing," Gabby says as she turns... catching a whiff of the way Phoebe was smelling. An odd look crosses her face a moment and she regards Phoebe quietly. Her eyebrows furrow together and she contemplates speaking up, but shakes her head after a moment.

"Huh. Right, phone. Sure thing baby," she offers back as a joke. Of course 'Honey' was part of her name. Didn't mean she couldn't make jokes too.

It only takes a quick look in the drawer to find one of the burner phones, and click the power button on. "We've had folks stay here before temporarily. I can set the Roost security up. It'll require authorization to get into certain areas, but the residental is open that way."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "Um, thanks.. can.. can I still make a call..? Or.. do you need clearance..?" Carin asks, looking between the women. She hugs the sharkbag and clothes against her chest, burying her face in the Robot Unicorn hoodie and exhaling a long sigh. "..this needs to stop.." she mumbles.

    Then she tilts her head at Phoebe, "..um.. Cyberdata.. they... bought me after.. I was in an orphanage.. I had powers before then.." She closes her eyes and works to sort out her memories. "..I got sold to them and they did a whole bunch of 'work' on me. I'm.. sure you can get a read on my equipment.. We were supposed to be mind-conditioned, memory-wiped. super-soldiers for them but.. someone let us out before they could finish up."

    Her head shakes now, "...it.. seems like groups like this are a dime a dozen and have a lot of... backing. I know they want me back.. and AIM wants what's in my Brain Box..." she taps her forehead lightly. "I shouldn't have gone out so much. I've... just been trying to help. Using.. my abilities to do good things... you know?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe looks to Gabby with concern, her lips pressing tightly against one another before she turns back to Carin.

    "No. The burner phones are just cheap smartphones that can't be tracked back to anyone on the team. They're good for making calls out, you'll be able to contact who you need to." Phoebe explains, and the 'doctor' crosses her arms a moment as she stores the information away.

    "So you were released before they could wipe your memory and turn you into a soldier." she reflects, and then stretches her right hand out, her eyes closing a moment as she tilts her head back.

    "Well, I did do some scans. I'm not the tech-head of the team... that would be Red Robin. Who's been alerted to you being here as well and I'm sure when he has a moment, he's going to want to meet you and get as much information as he can... but I think Honey Badger and I are in agreement that you'll have our help. And probably Superboy's as well."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I'm from a lab, too," Gabby explains when she moves to lean against a counter with her arms crossing over her chest to regard the newcomer. "It wouldn't be the first time we've gone up against shadowy organizations, trust me. Had to rescue one of my own sisters once, so we're used to it." A grin is offered in an attempt to be reassuring in this instance.

"For now, yeah, call who you need to call. Turn the phone off after that," she points out with a little gesture to the burner phone. "We'll dispose of it later so it doesn't get compromised. And relax, as much as you can. It's safe here."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "..thanks.." she nods, looking at the phone intently. She sorts through her memory and collects the number she's looking for. She nods, absently, to Phoebe. "Y-yeah. My handler grew a backbone or suddenly got a conscience and let a bunch of us go... Um.. Cassie wasn't among them though... if they did get her... she wasn't... in the same batch.." she explains, or tries to rather.

    Then she looks back and forth between both girls, maybe feeling just a little more comfortable. A little more safe. For what passes as safe, anyway. "I'll.. call later.. she.. might be asleep.. or.. working on something.." she mumbles. "..I don't want to bother her.."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "We understand, Velocity. Take your time." Phoebe gives a smile. "Can we get you anything else in the meantime? Superboy should be coming back with some sandwiches. It'll be good to keep your blood sugar stable -- helps stave off shock. Can't be easy with the implants." she makes a displeased face,a nd then breathes out with a soft breath.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney nods in agreement. She pushes off from her spot leaning with a bit of a stretch of her arms over head. "Yep. Just take your time. Recover from what happened a bit, much as you can." Her arms swing down to her sides again and she flashes a grin. "It was good meeting you, but I should go check in on my own speedster and shield-type."

Turning to Phoebe she offers a grin and a wink. "Say hi to Reyes for me," she offers teasingly before heading for the door.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Carin shakes her head "No, no, thank you..." she looks at the phone, the candy, and the clothes. "This is all. Very overwhelming right now... um. I'll update my.... friend... and... stay here for a little bit. See if... I can answer any questions and.. maybe get some leads on Cass?" She shakes her head and gives a small smile to Phoebe and Gabby. "I'll eat. Then... find a place to rest. Change clothes. Call. That sort of thing... I don't know how long I was out but I just. Feel tired."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "What, we're allowed to own speedsters now? Should someone have dibs on Impulse or is he group property?" Phoebe asks to Gabby as she also goes to give Carin some space.

    And she physically stops mid-step as Gabby gets her comment in, and her head snaps over to Gabby before she looks up at the ceiling.

    "You couldn't have been out for more than an hour. Con's pretty good at notifying us when we're needed quickly." she offers a smile to Carin. "I'm going to step out a moment so you can change if you want." she states, and then cracks her knuckles. "An maybe rough up my teammate." she adds as a joke.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney pauses in the doorway to lean in, balancing on one leg with a hand on the doorframe to keep from completely tipping over. "Own, no, snuggle with, yes. I think that'd be entirely up to Impulse though. Byyyeeee!" And with that she swings back through the door for realsies.