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Who Goes to the Beach In Winter
Date of Scene: 21 January 2023
Location: Coney Island
Synopsis: Karolina and Beroe meet up after the latter's photoshoot, and an old friend shows up, much to everyone's delight.
Cast of Characters: Beroe Kazinski, Karolina Dean, Molly Hayes

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
It was only yesterday, the day before? That Beroe met Karolina and so soon enough there's some DMs bouncing in her direction. Then a great idea happens, and Beroe sends out an invite, "You HAVE to come back to the beach. I'm getting some shots done, and thought of you, cause we were at the boxing charity!" She is even excited in her DMs.

By the time Karolina shows up, it's likely that the photo shoot is ending. Beroe is in a rare situation of getting someone else to take some of her photos, and she's paid someone to show up, get some shots, even with her taking selfies, and otherwise doing cat things. From batting at the sand, to digging, to rolling around, and otherwise doing more typical beach poses and shots.

Once that's all done, Beroe heads to the location she suggested they meet up, unless Karolina's already there.

Karolina Dean has posed:

Karolina has been bumming around her apartment for most of the day. Reading, watching cute videos on the internet and taking care of her many, many, many plants.

She has a lot of plants.

She does check her phone when it goes off. and grins at the almost over the top excitement. This should be fun! People are, for the most part, great, and they're always interesting. She gets up off her sofa and starts getting ready to go. She considers flying, but thinks the subway is probably a better idea.


Karolina is not quite there when Beroe is, but she is in eyeshot, and she's carrying two cups. She walks a little faster, lifting one of the cups in greeting. When she reaches conversational distance, she beams, offering one of the cups. "Hi! I figured that since you were shooting out here, you'd probably be cold. So I grabbed you an oat milk vanilla latte."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
Beroe is ALWAYS busy and quite easily distracted. Even in the 'walk up' to her, Karolina can see her pop her phone away through a portal one moment just to pull it back out, find a picture, upload it to her insta with a caption, and then take another picture, surf the web, and then stuff it back into the portal she calls a pocket, before she's doing it again. And then answering the phone she is talking, "Oh, okay mom, yeah, I'll be by later for those test results. Thanks! You always - ohhhhhhh, Karolina!!!" She squeals, "Mom, gotta go, one of my bestest friends is here!!!! We're gonna hang out. Bye, love you, bye, no, bye. Yes. Okay, yes, no. Oh my god, mooooOOoooooom." With a giggle she's hanging up the phone and reaching out for her drink.

"This is SO nice of you. Do you accept hugs in exchange for being super duper nice?" And she's already leaning forward to give a squeezing hug, before pulling away and starting to sip at her latte, "Thank you so much, this is perfect!" It's a super power on its own, having this many exclamations in such a short time.

Molly Hayes has posed:
    Sadly, for Molly, the new year means the restarting of the school year too. But school year also means weekends. And the ramunctious girl that she is, well, she's slipped free of Happy Harbor again and took it upon herself to go on adventure! Or, at the least, eat a bunch of hot dogs and shove off the winter blahs as far from the school as possible. To that end, the blonde girl with the Boo (That's Super Mario Bros. Boo) hat trying to eat her head is out scarfing down a bright pink wad of cotton candy!

    She's got some fuzzy snow boots on, some thick leggings and a swooshy skirt, her top half shielded from the cold in a puffy jacket that's open, revealing the faded but colorful AVENGERS shirt she's wearing underneath. Molly's just finished devouring the last bit of her cotton fluff and staring longingly at the paper cone it was attached to before spotting... "KARFLMINA?!" She's super strong, not super fast, so Karolina has ample warning for the be-hatted girl charging at her at top speed for an eighteen year old girl that's not on the track team.

    Which is to say, not the fastest, but she makes up for it in energeticness. "Oh my fluffy aunt!" she squeaks mid-run. She looks like she's on a collision course to glomp-tackle the blonde right after Beroe finishes hugging her.

Karolina Dean has posed:
"I accept nearly all hugs. The world would be so much better if people hugged more," Karolina says with a smile, hugging the other girl with a possibly surprising amount of warmth, both physical and emotional. That's just how she is, truly living the 'Love others' philosophy.

As they start to separate, the familiar voice hits her ears. Time seems to slow for Karolina, as she catches the flicker of motion from the corner of her eye. She, on instinct, hands her coffee to Beroe. "Hold this please."

This gives her enough time to fully prepare for the Molly Missile. She spreads her arms wide and relaxes, prepared to hit the ground. This clearly isn't the first time this has happened.


She still sounds so happy, though.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
"That's such a great sentiment, I agree! I just love too much, is what my mom says, but I don't think that's possible. Hugs -" Pausing she takes the other drink, not really following what is going on, "Oh, sure, your hands must be tired what with how long you were probably carrying these."

And, only when Karolina turns to say Molly, does Beroe turn her attention, mid-sip and sees the girl barreling in their direction. Her lips turn into a smile, "Cute hat. Is that from Super Mario Brothers?" She asks, her head and body turning naturally, keeping her facing Molly as the girl charges Karolina, and just trying to have a normal conversation with someone running towards them. Nothing abnormal with that, doesn't everyone try to talk with someone charging them?

Molly Hayes has posed:
    Now with her mouth empty of cotton candy (but her lips still showing signs of sticky pinkness from the sweet, sugary treat), Molly can shout the blonde's name properly. "Karolina!" she squeals with girlish joy and does, indeed, tackle the taller woman to the ground with a resounding display of radiant entbusiasm that might well rival Karolina's 'powers out' form. "Holy business cards! You're here! In New York!" she shouts, somwhow managing to not shove her face into Karolina's chest.

    She then blinks up at Beroe who is amazingly maintaining a conversation, "Uh huh! It is! My..." her brain hitches a moment. "...friend... girl... girl.. friend?" Oh. She blue-screened and now she's blushing up a storm. "...girlfriendgotitforme!" she manages to squeak out. All while pressed snugly against her old friend.

Karolina Dean has posed:
Karolina hits the ground pretty hard, but she has certainly taken worse. Plus, you know, actually made of star-stuff. She just laughs instead, enveloping Molly in a fierce bear hug. If her bracelet were to fall off, her glow would be blinding as she scintilates with joy.

"Molls, I -live- here! So, of course I'm in New York. I just needed to ... not be in California anymore."

She adds nothing to that. She looks up at Beroe, giving Molly another squeeze. "This is my dear, dear friend Molly. Molly, this is my new friend Beroe." She pauses, looking at Molly. "Girlfriend? Oh, that's wonderful, I'm so happy for you!"

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
The charge, hug, glomp tackle doesn't seem all that out of the norm for Beroe, she just smiles, "Ohhhhhhhh, so you like to be tackled. Duly noted." She lacks much of the strength of Molly but definitely has all the enthusiasm. Then there's the stumbling over girlfriend, and blushing and Beroe giggles a bit, "Is it your first girlfriend? That's so cool! Congratulations. I have a few girlfriends, right now, well, and a boyfriend or two depending on definitions, and I try and remember to give them gifts, when I can. It's certainly a special hat, for sure!"

She smiles big and looks down to the lattes she has in hand and then to one then the other, "Uh oh, I think I've forgotten which one is for who." She laughs, then looks down again, "So, Molly, you and Karolina are great friends then? Well, any friend of hers is a friend of mine!"

Molly Hayes has posed:
    "YOU LIVE HERE?!" Molly gives Karolina a very 'shocked Pikachu' expression before realizing her position and considering her options. After the squeeze, she just rolls onto her back, taking Karolina with her and... gives the blonde a good solid -PUSH-. "Up ya go, 'Lina!" she announces, then takes more time to pick herself up off of the ground. "...ugh, bad idea, got grime in my galoshes..." she pouts, trying to brush herself off before addressing the pair.

    "Uhuh! First! Um. Only! So far? Wait, you're allowed to have MORE?!" she seems very confused, looking intently at Beroe, and then nodding. "Old friends! California sucked!" she puts her hands on her hips. Then it's back to being bashful as she takes extra special care to ensure her hat isn't all dirty.

    "Uhuh... um... um... Nico gave it to me."

Karolina Dean has posed:
Karolina giggles as she's rolled and then hefted to her feet with a sturdy push from Molly. She knows how strong the other girl is, so she's slightly surprised with the amount of control shown. She dusts herself off, all smiles as she looks to Beroe. "I don't have cooties, so as long as you don't, it doesn't really matter to me since they're the same."

She shakes her head, giggling a bit at Molly being Molly. It's stinking adorable. Her expression flashes back to shocked very quickly though. "It's been a while since I've seen Nico. I'm happy for you both. And yes, as long as all parties are consenting, you can have as many as you want!"

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
"Oh, sure, you can have as many as you and your partners are okay with. You gotta talk to them though, trust, consent, and respect are the fundamentals for any relationship. But it isn't for everyone, so it isn't about if you should or not, it's whether or not you really feel like that's part of who YOU are. Having just one girlfriend, is just as special and fun." Beroe does her best to oversimplify and cover all of the realm of sexuality in just a short period of time.

Then she smiles, "If you have questions, I'm an open book!" To Karolina she grins big, "I have terrible cooties." A pause, before she giggles some more, shaking her head, "No, I've not been sick since I was, oh, twelve. Or so, was always sick back then though, but my mom assures me I'm super clean." And she hands back one of the lattes.

"Nico, Molly, and Karolina. Got it. Oh, were these the lgbtqia plus friends you were talking about the other day? That you didn't want to out? That's so nice, outing others is a big no-no in my book."

Molly Hayes has posed:
    "Yeah! I ran into Nico on, like, New Year's Eve! And... and... we um... had burgers.. and... saw the fireworks at midnight and..." she trails off, biting her lip and blushing brighter. She turns dusting her hat off into pulling it down a little more atop her head. "...and... got... a... blessing... fur a... good lucky new year..." she stammers, then peers up at Karolina. "...must've really been a lucky kiss cuz I found you too!" she beams.

    Then she's nodding rapidly at Beroe, "I like hugs! I'll take 'em all! I might take all of your chicken nuggies, too, though!" Oh no. She's sugared up. And just happier than a clam. At least she's not spewing water all over the beach. "Was 'Lina talking about us? Um... I'm not. Like. Interrupting something, am I?" she looks around, as if finally realizing there might've been a photoshoot or something going on here.

Karolina Dean has posed:
"Yeah. They're the ones I was talking about." Though she was less worried about the Queer and more worried about the Powers, though Beroe is pretty free with using hers. Still, given history, Lina's a little gun shy about talking about it.

"Every kiss, as long as it's wanted and given with affection, is a lucky kiss, Molly."

She takes the offered latte back and takes a sip, smiling in satisfaction. It really is the litle things. "You do have to watch your nuggest around Molly. ... I mean, I don't, but everyone else does." No, Molly just steals Karolina's fries. Used to, anyway.

"And no, you're not interrupting. We met the other day at a charity event, and she invited me to hang out after her photoshoot. As far as I'm concerned, you're welcome, Molls." There just might be less flirting, is all.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
"Interrupting?!" Beroe exclaims, "Everything is an interruption to something." A big smile, "That's what makes living so exciting though! You never know what's going to happen." And with that she's drinking a bit more of her latte, "Nuggies, huh? I try and avoid eating meat, when I can, it's tough though, I get these sponsors who want food shots, and then I feel bad about wasting the food so I eat it!" A sigh and she shakes her head and smiles a bit, "Whatever the public wants, they get! They are helpful in doing things like making charity events matter, and keeping me employed, and that allows me to go out and stop bad guys in between photo shoots."

And that reminds her, she pushes her arm out through a pink metallic portal that opens up, and she quickly grabs her phone and looks at it, the portal sort of staying open and anyone from that side can sort of see into a bedroom where there's a nightstand and wifi charger, that she puts her phone back onto soon after, "Whew. My mom only called 3 more times." She laughs a bit, "I'll get to those later, she's always so excited about medical tests."

A quick pause, looking around, "So, what do you two lovely ladies want to do? Walk on the beach as the sun goes down? Yoga? See if we can convince a pet store that I'm a real cat?"

Molly Hayes has posed:
    Plenty of opportunities for more fry theft in Molly's future, perhaps. "Um...um.. it was.. really.. yeah. That. M-maybe less lucky and more magical? But I still found you! An' your friend!" She just about bounces in place. Her powers are pretty on the down-low, too. No rainbow blasts, no portals. Just Molly strength and durability! Not stuff you can easily spot. "I... I mean... yeah! That's. Uh. What's the word.." she taps her chin in thought. "...pragmatic? Is that the word?"

    She's looking at Beroe intently, to figure out if that's the right word, with her outlook on interruptions and life in general. "Wait... can we do that? The last one? The cat thing? Can you turn into a cat?!" she stares. I mean she saw Beroe do the portal thing, maybe she can shapeshift? Molly lingers close to Karolina, though, being that she knows the woman very well.

Karolina Dean has posed:
Lina watches Beroe step away to take a phone call. These things happen, life is important! "Pragmatic isn't the right word. That's like, taking the most practical approach to things." She taps her chin with a finger. "I think the word you're looking for is serendipitous. Which just means by happenstance, but in a very happy way."

Leaving Beroe to her call, she focuses on Molly, holding the cup in both hands. "I am so happy to see you. I missed you so much. Nico too, but it's only been a few months since I've seen her."

Molly Hayes has posed:
    "Oh... I... should maybe... take my English class more seriously..." Molly frowns, chewing on her lip. It still tastes like cotton candy! Score! "Is that right? I mean, everything is interruption of some kind, right? Like breathing interrupts... um... something! And walking interrupts standing in one place!" She stands on one leg and starts to hop in a circle. "..and this.. does... something...?" she sounds unsure and pauses, resuming both feet on the ground now instead.

    "Humm. Um! I missed you too. We missed you too! It's been years! Too long! Too many! Happy Harbor kinda sucks!" she pouts. "...but I'm trying real hard. I just... miss all of our friends. But you and Nico are in New York now.. and.. I'm glad."

Karolina Dean has posed:
"From a certain point of view, everything interrupts something else, yeah." She can't help but giggle as Molly hops around on one foot in a circle. Her heart feels more full than it has in a while. She takes another sip of her cooling coffee, just enjoying the moment.

"I miss them too, Molly, but I'm glad you and Nico are here. We should get together, the three of us. You both could come to my place and I can make dinner?"

Dangerous words. Not because she's a bad cook, but, well, not everyone likes vegan food.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
"Perfect? How can test results be perfect, mom you have to send me the full breakdown so I can not look it over, like usual!" Beroe giggles, as she tucks her phone away into her bedroom, that's miles away, via one of her handy 'pockets'. And then she looks to Molly, "Turn into a cat? Nonono, though that would be amazing! I just have this cat girl outfit on, so it's like, how good of an actress am I?" As if anyone would be convinced, "Me-ow."

Then looking to Karolina, "What're you all talking about? Catching up? Friends? It's great that you both found one another again, and had this opportunity to meet. Not everyone gets that, though I suppose there are advantages to being alone as well, and meeting new people." She looks up and off to the side, having long since finished her latte, or put it away in her home, both equally likely.

"What is this about offering dinner to people? Is this some kind of open invitation?"

Molly Hayes has posed:
    "Dinner? Really? I can't cook an' I dunno if Nico can either... you uh... can you make, like... those falafel balls? You know. All crunchy an' with that cucumber stuff?" Molly looks up at Karolina. Ok so maybe she knows a few Vegan dishes out there that aren't so bad! "But, um... I'd have to ask Nico. Cuz. We're lookin' for a place an'... um.. I bet she'd love to have your food! I think I'd just be happy being around you both again..."

    She trails off, taking Beroe's appearance in again. "...I mean if you squint and kinda turn your head sideways..." she demonstrates. "...you... look -WAY- better than one of those... Cats 2019 cats... for sure. But that's a real low bar. You look WAY better than that..." she nods quickly. "..catgirls are cool..."

Karolina Dean has posed:
Lina smiles. "I can make those. I'd love to have you and Nico over to visit and catch up." She tilts her head slightly. Looking for a place? That's adorable. "Maybe I can help you two house hunt. I've got a pretty good eye for that kind of thing. And I won't take no for an answer, because I love you both, and won't have you getting hosed over in this real estate market."

She slides her attention back to Beroe, and giggles a bit. "Well, I think the invitation for Molly and Nico will be just for them but If you want, we could have dinner, just the two of us. I could cook, or we could go somewhere."

There she goes again.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
"I can't cook either!" Beroe grin-beams and looks to Molly, then she ohs and hmms. She turns her head, squints, and then offers out a faux purr that rumbles a bit in her chest. Then she opens her eyes again wide and turns her attention back to Molly, "Like that? I'm not always a cat girl, sometimes a fox girl, I have been a bunny girl, goth girl, emo girl, barbie for business girl, lots of girls! I do a lot of different styles, this was for the charity boxing and then figured I should get a big photo shoot out of it, and also it's cute!"

Turning back to Karolina, she blinks, "Wow, you are SO nice. Willing to go house hunting with them. Such a good friend! My apartment is nice, for now, I'll need 200,000 more followers, plus a few more sponsors, I think, before I get a house. I'm ON MY WAY!"

Then she blinks, "OH, and, sure! That sounds great! I'd love having dinner, and either option works for me. I'd probably rather you cook, but I could also go somewhere. Let me know!"

Molly Hayes has posed:
    "Cooking is hard! I'm trying! But I get distracted! And stuff gets set on fire! It was totally that one kid's fault who can set fires with his mind, I did -NOT- torch that cake!" Molly looks adorable when she's grumpy, folding her arms. Then her head tilts to the other side as she listens to Beroe make noises and talk about her various forms. "...whoa... well, you're always a pretty girl! I can tell that much!" she says bravely, nodding matter-of-factly with her arms still folded.

    "Um. Thanks, 'Lina. And.. oh! The.. two of you, yeah? Liiiiike a date or something?" she asks, cheeks rosy again, looking between the other two older girls. Hey, Beroe is 19! She's older than Molly! "Thanks, though. I'm still stuck in high school an' I'm supposed to finish stuff up... I dunno what kinda job I want to get, or need to get, either.." she grumps.

Karolina Dean has posed:
Karolina might just blush a little, but it's cold. "I'm always happy to help people out, my very good friends especially." She just nods a little at Beroe's talk of follower count and whatnot. She doesn't get it. Being on display for the world to see. Her parents did it, but it's really not for her.

That pink in her cheeks intensifies when Molly asks if it's a date. "...If she wants it to be. Otherwise I'm just making delicious food for a new friend." Not that she'd mind if it was a date. She likes going on dates!

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
"Cooking IS hard. I'd rather get shot at!" Beroe comments with a level of serious exuberance to her tone, so you know she means it. And then tries to follow the rest of Molly's conversation, but wasn't there so she just smiles big when she's complimented, "Oh, you don't have to say that, you are so kind, though. Thank you. I try really hard to be both pretty AND cute, it's tough. Especially while fighting criminals and agents." She snickers a little bit at that.

And then she looks between Molly and Karolina, and then back and forth a bit, while still smiling, "A date? Sure, why not! I love dates, though you'll have to promise, if I screw it up, we can still be friends?"

Then she reaches into her room, grabs her phone and checks on it, "Hmmm. I don't know why my mom keeps re-running these tests. She's saying they are NOT perfect now. I don't understand science!" She giggles, "I gotta go. My mom is too smart, so smart that she finds things no one else would, and wow, is she thorough! I can't imagine the weight such intelligence puts on someone." With that she prepares to head away, messaging quickly on her phone as she offers a quick wave.

Molly Hayes has posed:
    "I'm super good at getting shot at! I'm invincible!" Molly says proudly, puffing out her chest (which has grown considerably since Karolina last saw it) and puts her hands on her hips. Then she lets her arms hang at her sides. "I mean, more friends are good. I don't have many... just a couple at school... an' Nico an' 'Lina here. So... more's good! Right?" she bounces a little on her toes, then smiles broadly at Karolina. "Um. You wanna. Go ride some rides? Or grab lunch? If she's gotta go... an' I don't wanna go back to Happy Harbor yet."

Karolina Dean has posed:
"Promise," Lina answers to Beroe's question. Just because a date doesn't go great doesn't mean people can't be friends after. That'd be silly. Karolina would have a lot fewer friends if that was the case. That would be a true tragedy.

"Don't worry, Molly. You don't have to cook at my place. Neither will Nico, I'll handle it."

She lifts her hand, giving Breroe a little wave as she wanders off. She slugs the rest of her coffee and smiles at Molly. She offers the (very slightly) younger girl her arm. "Sure. Let's go find something fun to do for a while."