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Latest revision as of 05:15, 14 February 2023

A beam of Joy to herald spring!
Date of Scene: 13 February 2023
Location: Greenhouse
Synopsis: Ivy gets some friends to visit as Harl performs an intervention
Cast of Characters: Pamela Isley, Susan Sullivan, Harley Quinn

Pamela Isley has posed:
    The city is quiet after the big game yesterday with everyone sitting at home to watch it. Ivy is just glad that the day is quieter, and Ivy is trying to take a chance to enjoy the sun she has to tend to the greenhouse plants. She will see about gently watering them and walking with her sheers to prune. Today she is feeling like it she has a tiny bit of energy and is proud she got out of the bed and took herself a nice clean shower to brush her hair out. "Soon my sweets. Soon we'll have a chance to get ourselves some real soon and strength back."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan uses her key to open the door. "Hello?" she calls out. "Pam?" She closes the door behind herself and carefully steps into the space full of plants with the potential to be deadly. "Hey, guys. You gonna be cool, today?" She remembers what Ivy had done to make them more accepting of her, even without her ability to 'blend in' with them, but she's still a bit cautious around them.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Ah yes, a quiet and peaceful monday. So sweet, almost idyllic. Almost as if something was missing here. You know ..., like a bit of ...


The sound of a car arriving near the greenhouse is heard, tires complaining at the hard break near the door. And a few moments later? The door opens! Right after Susan.

"Out of the way Winter! For I have arrived...!" Yes, it's Harley Quinn, here to banish winter once again apparently! She's dressed down in long black and red pants today, a midriff top and atop it all this large fur coat that nearly goes to the floor. On her eyes a pair of round sunglasses of course.

"Where's mah Ivy? I am heah like Daenerys, first of her name, comin' to kick winter's ass and ..." she stops to ponder a moment, looking at Susan. " ... wait, that was Jon Snow, wasn't it? Lightbringer and all that shit...? Bleh.." she makes a face and continues on, fully unafraid of the deadly plants on the garden. It's almost as if she was immune to poison or somethin'!

"Paaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmm.." her voice echoing.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    The plants all rustle and shift. "I'm awake," her voice comes out from the back near some of the more intense plants, and a very new young looking cacti she planted. "You'll be safe, don't worry."
    Ivy stops her watering at the squeal of tires and readies herself, thinking it may be an attack. Does she have energy for a fight? Will she have to run. Only for all that thinking to be pointless. She can't help but smile at the voice that breaks through the still calm afternoon.
    Ivy starts to come out to meet the women, "I don't know. Never read the books you know me. I rarely get into that stuff as much." She gives Susan a polite nod but is head for for Harly, "Hello Harl. It has been too long."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan looks relatively clueless. "Just thought I'd peek in," she says. "Did you need anything? I'm going to jump on the hyperloop to go to work and check in on the apartment, but I will be back tomorrow."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Daaaarlin..!!!" Harley greets, her smile like a beam of sunlight cutting through the dreadful winter scenery. Arms wide open as she gets closer to her bff to greet her properly. "Euro kissies." she announces, moving to put a kiss on each of Pam's cheeks, followed by a little hug. So much fur on that coat!

"Also ..." And Harley makes a scandalized look, "... you haven't even gotten to watch the SERIES? Urgent re-run for us to watch it. Tomorrow night, come by April's. She will have the pizzas! Don't say pineapple or we gonna have problems.." she appears to be going 100 miles per hour while making preparations but eventually comes to a stop, hands on her hips. She doesn't really wait for confirmation, almost as if assuming it's settled for tomorrow night.

"So, how have you been..? All in it's right place at least." she says eyeing Pam up and down with an approving nod, grin still on her features. Looking towards Susan afterwards she fingerwiggles her way. "Hullo there! Don't think I have met you.." she leans closer to Ivy to whisper. "Who is this? Are you back to crime and mayhem? Is this a new hench..?" always assume someone you don't know in Gotham in an hench of someone!

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Ivy shakes her head to Susan. "No. I think I will be fine. Glad you asked however." She will welcome Harl's touch as they can share a hug and a cheek kiss. In a slightly rare case Ivy will hold to the fur some. "You're warm and soft as always, Harl." Enjoying that brief little moment. "Do you know what happens if you cut the B off a banana?" Ivy is telling a joke? "You get a pineapple. That fruit is so poorly named in English."
    Ivy shakes her head to the question about her health. "No. This winter was rough. I had odd nightmares and the green was affected as well." She answers the whisper with another, "That's Susan. She sometime crashes in the caretaker shed out back. She's not a hench and I still kick up a little mayhem, but not much crime." The mayhem wasn't always intentional though.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan raises a hand and offers an awkward smile. "I'm Susan," she echoes. "Nice to meet you." She hasn't kept up with the news well enough to know who this other woman is, but the crime and mayhem questions don't bode well. She DOES know who Poison Ivy is. She's done her digging since she works for her. "Bit of a huntress, but not a hench." She starts backing toward the door as she talks.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"You know it, I am soft in all the right parts.." Insert eyebrow-wagglin-teasin from Harley as she says those words, "I finally decided to make something useful out of Bud and Lou.." she says of the jacket. And hold up. Is she meaning she skinned her hyenas for the jacket?! She winks, "Nah, just joking. They are soooo jealous right now though of my new fur..." she does a little twirl on a foot, all elegant as her coat floats around her!

"Anana?" She asks, furrowing her brows. "Ooooh, ananas!" She grins wide at Ivy, "Look at you, I am already seein' some spring sproutin' ovah theah...", a pause, "But speaking of bananas, you like them on pizza, right? I hope you dooo..." what kind of a monster likes banana in a pizza?!

As Susan is then introduced she grins her way, "Well, hello theah Susan. I am Harley... And oh, what do you hunt? Is it like the Huntress? I must tell ya that gal knows to shoot a crossbow like noone's business. I have been seein' her a few times with the Birds..., which speaking of, I am sort of a member now.." she beams proudly back at Ivy.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "Let's just say if you're of the undead persuasion, you'd be wise to keep your distance," Susan says in response to Harley Quinn's question. She reaches out and puts a hand on the door knob and says, "I should probably get out of here, or I'll miss the hyperloop. You guys have fun!" With that, she ducks out and lets the door shut a bit roughly in her haste.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Ivy gives Susan a small wave and says, "Watch yourself out there." Letting her hold on the plants keep all of them back until it is only Harl and Ivy. She doesn't have to keep the plants back for Harl and relaxes them. "I'm socked that they haven't tried to mate you with that coat on," offers Harl. Then again she knows Harl keeps a good hand on her hyenas.
    "I know with you that anything is fair game as a pizza topping. And 'ananas' is the world for pineapples in most other languages." She gives Harl another small hug. "It is good to see you again. I've missed your wild energy I think."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Your friend is sorta shy." Harley says of the fleeing Susan, then shrugs and her attention is back on Ivy, cackling hard at the notion of mating, "They know who's the boss! Besides, if they tried anythin..." and she makes a sharp cutting gesture with two fingers. Like, you know, scissors cutting something off... So ruthless that Harley is! "So they stay nice boys, I have even managed foh them not to eat people no moouh too. They sometimes bite, but it's playful. They even sleep by April now!"

"But anyway, I figured you needed an intervention. And don't worry, it ain't ovah yet..." there's a glee on her expression that's telling. "Because I hope you have been keepin' up with your roller derby skills, I brought us the skates for us to go for a ride..." she announces.

Yes, Harley and her roller derby team is pretty much a reality now!

"I am still waitin' foh you to join the team. You know you would do great, and we get to kick other girls ass. It's win win." a grin, "And it's all legal.." very important.

"So let's go outside, greet the sun. Ride the skates. Make preparations foh a game of thrones marathon and talk shop. What dya say?" she opens her arms wide.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    "I haven't touched them for some time I admit." She is not sure if she has the energy for a roller derby match but she always is willing to try for Harl. Especially if it gets her out of the seasonal slump. "Harl if I do that and a girl gets my blood on them, I may make them sick or worse. You know those games get rough and I don't like hurting those who don't deserver it." She strokes along the fur before she lightly slaps at the dyed hair.
    Ivy nods her head about going outside about going outside. "Let's go. The air and sun should do me some good. Also I can be sure you didn't hit a bush with your car again." An elbow gently tossed at Harl's side.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Worry not, it's like ridin' a bicycle! And by that I mean you gonna fall a few times but I will catch ya.." Harley says back at her friend, delightfully beaming when Ivy agrees with going outside. It means she gets to hook her arm with Ivy, "Onwards then!" and she begins leading them out, laughing as she talks about hitting bushes. "Noooo, I am careful now. But I can't promise nothin' about roadkill.."

"Also, you can be suwah those girls deserve the beatin' they have comin', specially the bitches from the tenderloin district.." she grumbles under her breath with a few more expletives.

And off they go! Time to greet the sun and do some photosynthesis!