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Cheetah plans to play Tiger Queen and Rob a Zoo.
Date of Scene: 17 February 2023
Location: Central Park Zoo
Synopsis: Cheetah and Saberooth leave the zoo with four large pets. Totally not fleeing juggernaut.
Cast of Characters: Barbara-Ann Minerva, Monet St. Croix, Cain Marko, Victor Creed

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
And today at the zoo, wild cats are lose. People are running in panic and well the master mind behind this is Cheetah who decided after a marathon of Tiger King she wanted to Tigers. As well some snow leopard...Maybe a lion, heck big cats are nice to collect! Who doesn't like big cats. Right now in her furry persona the male and female tiger at the zoo walk by her as she some of the guards at the zoo try and stop her. With a quick leap, Cheetah goes up and lands on top of one of the guards and then slashes the mans throat before quickly spinning and knocking the feet out from under the other guard and slinking along him. She takes the keys to the cages before she tilts her head and then calmly tears his throat out before standing up and licking the back of her palm daintily. She then jumps up and over the encolsure and lands in the snow leopard, those precious snow leopards enclosure.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
She had been enjoynig the snow in Central Park when the yells of the zoo having (yet again) another breakout had her attention. Monet St. Croix gets a sour look on her face as she goes to walk towards it steadily. People are running and pulling back, and she goes through the waves of people evacuating. Her fists are relaxed. It's just some minor supervillain or civilians doing a breakout again. Then she goes to catch sight of a blast of fur.. Wait. She didn't get a clear view.. Sos he flies up and over into the air.

Cain Marko has posed:
Wearing his civilian clothes at the moment, Cain just happens to be wandering through Central Park. He does that a lot, wandering. Comes from the lack of sleep. As he passes near the zoo, he also hears the ruckus from inside. His big head tilts to the side curiously, then the currently seven foot tall man begins to amble casually towards the place. He's not there yet, but he is heading towards the front entrance to the place. Presumably open if Cheetah is already inside. If not it's not like it would be hard to open them himself.

Victor Creed has posed:
The screams of innocents is music to Victor Creed's ears. Like a siren song, it calls him towards the zoo in search of the source. Once he gets near, however, there is something even sweeter to his senses - the smell of blood in the air.

He licks his lips, and allows a full grin to display his sharp fangs as a family runs terrified from the zoo. They immediately back away and start running back inside. "Good choice," he murmurs to himself before he starts running inside the zoo.

Where there is blood, there is fun. And somewhere nearby, there is a lot of blood.

And that means a lot of fun.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah opens the door to the enclosure and beckons the two snow leopards who become obediently follow behind her. What little resistance there is in the back is put down by Cheetah as she emerges with the two large cats in tow. She let out a rather loud feline roar as the tigers begin to bound along and then regroup with the Leopard and Cheetah. She chuckles a bit and begins to walk along almost skipping as she encounters very little resistance. She does come to a stop as she Cain and her casually approaching. She comes to a stop and just looks up at him, locking eyes with him like most cats do when they are asserting dominance. She makes a sit motion as the two tigers and leopards sit on their haunches and lazily yawn and flick their tails as they watch the little show. Cheetah folds her arms over her chest and lets her tail flick back and forth and flattens her ears a bit. As for Monet, they are ignored. She is busy with Cain right now in the stare down.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Cain is all too easy to recognize. What's he doing here? Monet St. Croix' eyes narrow as she confirms who it is. Oh yes, she remembers her. M floats up into the air, fists clenched and narrows her eyes over at Cheetah. "Stop what you're doing at once." The 'or else' there being implicit.

Then she sees the faceoff with Cheetah and Cain and she's.. Not sure what is going on. As Cheetah ignores her M restrains her normal instinct to yell at Cheetah how dare she be ignored.

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain ignores the normal folks rushing out of the zoo, unaware they're running into a worse predator than any in here. He glances around inside, noticing the general chaos. Then he spots some big cats converging on... a furry? Huh. He stops when he spots Cheetah, a brow raising a little. He stop in place, watching her as she approaches him. Peering down at the shorter feline villain, he locks eyes. He might not be that familiar with animals. But he is familiar with asserting dominance. He leans down, bringing their faces closer together. Not breaking eye contact, or even blinking. Eventually he says, "Who do you think you're staring at, little kitty?" His deep, rumbly bass is casual. Not showing any respect towards her. It's questionable whether or not he even knows who she is. He, in fact, does not. Though it's possible she doesn't recognize him either. Not everybody does without the helmet. And the extra three feet.

Victor Creed has posed:
It never fails him. Blood equals fun. And that is precisely what Victor finds as he rolls up on the scene after tracking the smell of that sweet, sweet life essence ripped from the guards. And whoever else were unlucky enough to cross that cat's path.

As tempted as he is to stride into the melee, and likely he would, the towering site of Cain Marko would give any person pause, even one was crazed as Victor Creed. Slowed enough upon seeing him, the three-way stand-off comes into sight.

And so, like the predator he is, Victor slips along the side of one of the buildings, stealthily stalking his prey. Which of them is his prey? Victor has not yet decided.

Well, he has at the least ruled out the Juggernaut.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Yeah as childish as it is Cheetah is not above those petty and even childish cat like tendencies she has. Yes Cheetah maintains her eyes contact and even squares herself to look taller, still she might as well be a child compared to Cain. Cain quip gets her thinking, the guy is obvious a super. One she dosn't know so she doesn't know how much she is biting off so she answers tactfully, a sly cat like smile spreading across her face. "Trying to decide if you are a bigger predator."

The tigers begin to lay down and get comfortable as they watch Cheetah, the snow leopard watch and look over at Monet for a moment with their tails flicking a little bit as they are trying to decide whether or not they should attack.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
And Monet circles. While she would ordinarily -rage- out against being ignored, well.. She's at an impasse here. And if Cheetah's going to be satiated by challenging Cain.. Then M's not going to escalate. The last time at lesat put some brutal beatings on her ego and gave her a reminder. So the lesson might have sunk in some!

She's at lesat quietly moving along to a positionw here she can flank. And Creed is not noticed.

Cain Marko has posed:
The response form the furry villainess makes Cain's eyes narrow a bit. They're on equal footing of not knowing who the other person is. On the other hand, he has that sort of massive confidence (despite all those deep down insecurities) that keeps him from ever backing down. Actually, they might add to that. Eventually, he smiles. "You're a cat. I'm a human. Pretty obvious who the bigger predator is. I wasn't lookin for trouble tonight, but if you want to have a little tussle I don't mind rufflin your fur." He reaches out a massive hand slowly, and pokes the nose of the apex predator. A lot of those around tonight. He still hasn't noticed Monet, let alone Creed. He's perceptive enough for somebody without enhanced senses or anything. But not THAT perceptive.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah's lip curls into a slight cat like growl at the 'boop'. She finally looks over at Monet and those enhanced senses as caught winds of Sabertooth and Sabertooth obviously has the smell of a predator about him. She turns her gaze back to Marko and puts both hands on her hips. "Well I am happy to go on my merry way.." She reaches down and lazily pets the tiger on the head and the other goes to the snow leopard who begin to chuff happily. "Beside it seems like the crows are circling." Once more those deep green feline eyes go to Monet.

Victor Creed has posed:
Oh, this tableau. If Victor Creed was not overwhelmed by the scent of blood in the air and the savagery that has been on display, he might be more patient with letting this scene play out. His lips continue to curl, almost letting loose a snarl as he crouches down, preparing to leap upon an unsuspecting victim. His gaze pivots back and forth between Monet and Cheetah. It is only that indecision which causes him to delay. Which would be the tastiest meal, he wonders.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
And M tenses once more. Creed. Why does it have to be him? She's seen what he can do. She would break her silence and go to hiss, "I happen to think either of youw ould make a lovely throw skin rug to be put over a fireplace." There goes her nearly thirty seconds spent being quiet!

A new record!

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain smirks when she breaks eye contact first. Hah! He wins. What? He's been a bully a large part of his life. These petty little things matter to him. He glances around at the comment about crows. "Oh yeah? Hmm." He frowns a little. "Alright. You can leave. But don't kill anymore people on your way out, alright?" He didn't care. But he knew people who would. He reaches out again, and this time casually rubs her ears as though she was, well. A cat. "Be good, and if I ever run into you at a bar or something I'll buy you a catniptini." Yeah, he still doesn't seem to be treating her with the respect she possibly deserves. But then, to him she's just some animal person.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah oh that is pushing it, her ears flatten slightly and lets out that 'please don't fuck with me' growl that a cat does when it wants to hurt you but right now can't decide if it has the energy. Her eyes glancing to Monet then back to Juggernaut as she finally lets out a dramatic sigh. "Oh if I must, but if those guard point those pop guns at me all bets are off.." She claps her hands. "Come along children." The four cats slowly get back to attention and begin to follow Cheetah as she walks around Juggernaut to make her way to the exit with her pretty little kitties following her. She raises her claw fingers and waves to Monet. "See you around..."

Victor Creed has posed:
Four little cats. One big cat.

Sabretooth slips away from his cleverly concealed crouching spot, apparently having decided. The question is, is he stalking Cheetah, or has he been entranced as the other four have?

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Things seem to be de-escalating.. At least until Cheetah moves tos tart leading the cats away. "I can't let you do that." There goes her ego and any real chance of things stopping. She should have let it slide in the virtues of avoiding a melee..

Monet goes to fly over in front of Cheetah to intersperse herself.

Cain Marko has posed:
     Cain turns to watch Cheetah begin to lead out her new posse of pussies. Thick arms crossing over his chest. He still jut looks like a normal if big guy in street clothes. Though two out of three people capable of actual thought here are aware who he actually is. His attention shifts over to Monet once she pipes up, studying her. He makes no move to try and stop her or anything like that. Just observes. He's still unaware of the feral serial killer lurking around.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
With a dramatic sigh she tosses her hair and looks at Monet. "Do you really want a repeat of our laser fight? The amazon embassy is a little far away I might drop you in the crocodile enclosure this time.." The cats pick up cheetahs agitation with Monet and their ears flatten and growl at the super hero. She raises her hand up and extends those razor sharp claws as she examines them like she was checking her manicure. She idly gestures with her hand t o Monet and asks Cain. "Can I at least get this one out of my way, I won't kill it but I might really hurt it.."

Victor Creed has posed:
That answer appears to be solved for Cheetah, however, as a blurred figure with a golden yellow mane leaps out from the bushes, hands extended with sharp talons. Sabretooth strikes Monet, plucking her clear out of the air as he slashes across her midsection and seeks to drive her down into the ground.

He is wise enough to keep his primal cry of savagery in his throat until after he draws blood, lest he alert the mutant of his approach.

Sometimes he does have that feline stealth in him.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
M had been putting her full attention over on Cheetah and asserting herself to threaten the other woman. Her fist is cocked back as she readies to make do her threat.. When Creed strikes ehr from the side! She was aware of his presence, yet had ignored him. All those weeks spent training with the Amazons and situational awareness ignored due to her ego and inability to let herself be dismissed once more.

Creed yanks her clear out of the air an dhis claws dig deep into her flesh. She lets out a cry of pain as blood would fly, and a fist would swing about wildly - trying to catch Creed and hopefully send him flying off her -hard- before he ripped his way fully through her!

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain looks back at Cheetah from the floating mutant mutate. He thinks about it a while then shrugs. "Don't go too hard on her. I'll step in if you do." It's rough being a good guy! He seems to be not entirely clear yet what being a 'good guy' actually entails. And only occasionally remembers he's trying to act like one. Then suddenly Sabertooth is there, and attacking the floating girl. When did that guy show up? Cain frowns as he considers the assault, then sighs. he knows if Creed wins that fight, that girl isn't walking away in one piece. "Oye. Vic. I 'ppreciate the enthusiasm and all, but I can't let you kill her." He begins to move towards the tussling pair with long strides, and as he goes a crimson light engulfs him. When it fades, he seems to be around three feet taller, and he's wearing a suit of crimson armor with a domed helmet. Cheetah might recognize him now.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah is about to get ready to attack when Victor makes his attack. She is left standing there blinking a couple of times and then looks over at Cain as he transforms and then back to the brawl that is going on. This is really a tough call, on one hand she wants to deal with Monet and on the other hand she doesn't want to deal with the Juggernaut. Lift is so difficult right now, still best get while the getting is good and not make this easy on the hero. She lets out a feline growl as the tigers and the leopard snap to attention, cheetah jumps forward and lands on her hand and then starts to do the standing four on the floor cat scoot away. She isn't going full pelt yet, no need to burn the speed just yet. The tigers and the leopard break into runs with her, the beautiful animals looking absolutely stunning as the feel free for the first time. Tiger Tiger Burning Bright.

Victor Creed has posed:
Claws drenched in blood, Victor leans in with fangs bared ready to tear out Monet's throat, or whatever he can get his teeth around, when the rumbling starts. As they say in football, he hears the footsteps.

He looks up towards the approaching Juggernaut. And Victor Creed may be savage, and his taste for blood may be unquenchable. But he is not stupid, and he is a survivor. He leaps away from Monet, as instructed by the crimson tank, and he also settles into a four limbed dash away from the scene, his lope taking him in the general direction of Cheetah's escape path as well.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Nggrh. Monet's hand is over her stomach, where the slash went through and was brutal. She looks over at Cain, reprimanding herself for losing track of Creed, getting ambushed, and also her confrontational bit with Cheetah which served nothing more than threatening to spill blood over something that could have ended peacefully, if in a standoff. Her mind turns inwards with recrimations as she looks over at Cain. "Thank you." The words feel ashen - but more that she was stupid, she did multiple things which she's ashamed of, and it's a showcase to her of her failures.

"You.. Saved my life." Her head looks downwards.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
It is very true of hunters that when they see prey run they are inclined to chase, she expect no different of Victor. It is after all the predator prey relationship. The Special Crimes department has had MORE than enough time to arrive. You know the ones that deal with meta humans, the ones armed with high tech gadgets. A squad of five of them round the corner and yell the warning. "STOP IN THE NAME OF THE LAW!" Which is all that Cheetah needs to pounce and knock one down and then knock him out. Before the right one can swing around, she leaps and brings both feet down on the mans head and knocks him down before shoot up as a pair of beams shoot. The two are close enough that she manages a mid air splits kick that knocks both down before picking up the laser on and hurling him in with the elephants. This might slow her down for Sabertooth to catch up.

Cain Marko has posed:
As the feral murderer lopes away from the scene, the Juggernaut stops in front of Monet. He studies the young girl for a while then says, "Yeah, well. If I just let you die I'd never hear the end of it." Well, keeping somebody from dying didn't feel terrible at least. So there's that. He offers a hand to her to pull her onto her feet. "You're not gonna bleed out, right? You need to go to a hospital or something?" It's been a looong time since he had any wounds tat didn't heal within a minute or so. He glances in the direction that Cheetah fled, and adds, "You seemed to have something going on with the piece 'o tail that took the cats. I dunno if you had anything with Creed. He's a crazy bastard, he doesn't really need a reason to ambush somebody."

Victor Creed has posed:
Oh, it slows her down enough for Sabertooth to catch up. He comes charging out behind her and leaps into the air, his claws coming out to rake across the chest of another officer that managed to win the "wrong place, wrong time" award for the day, showing up just after Cheetah has dispatched his colleagues.

As that officer collapses, hand to his chest to try to keep his insides in, Victor turns to regard Cheetah. He gives a half nod of his head to her as he licks the blood from his lips.


Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would hiss, her hand holding in her side as blood would continue to seep out. "He is a monster and needs put down with a shotgun." She can hear the cries in the distance. "Dammit." She's skewered in teh gut and.. That's not important now. "Thank you."

But she can't let Creed kill people for fun. "I have to try." Is all that is said about Creed. The greater of two evils.. One hand at her side, M is flying towards where the cries of the man holding in his stomach come from.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
The quartet of pretty kitties come charging around the corner as Cheetah stops to regard Victor like a cat would another potential meal. She has at least stuck to what Juggernaut had warned her to do, she pulled her punched on these ones. "Sup.." She says back in a throaty purr, as she glances towards the entrance where the police are now doubt setting up one of those barricades. No problem for her but she might need help getting the cats through. Moving one hand in front of the other and doing the four legged walk she peaks around to note the little shields, cattle prodes and she sniffs. "Flash bags and bear mace.." That is going to be nasty.

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain grunts at that. "I mean. Maybe." He watches her start to fly off to stop Creed and Cheetah, and sighs. "Dammit." He follows after her, stomping loudly as he does. It's not hard to tell when he's approaching. He comes to a stop once he sees the SCD arrayed against the two of them. Hrmn. He's inclined to just let them escape. But he can't let them slaughter all those cops either. And the flying girl seems likely to end up dead trying to stop them. It's tricky. He's hesitating, just shifting his eyes from one group to the other, hanging in the back. Though the SCD might not realize he's not with the other two.

Victor Creed has posed:
Looking up, Victor smells Monet's approach and then hears Juggernaut's. He looks to Cheetah and nods as he pulls out a tear gas rifle. "You go left, I'll go right. Let's get your friends out of the way. Because neither of us wanna mess with that guy." He jerks his head back towards the Juggernaut, currently getting up a head of steam.

Without waiting for much of a response, he leaves the (possibly to recover?) officer behind and starts laying out cover fire with the tear gas gun to create a corridor to allow Cheetah's new feline friends to escape the hastily erected blockade.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
There is a pause as she hears some very distinct foot falls coming up from behind, even her cats look a little nervous like when animals sense a earth quake. Cheetah stares at Juggernaut then looks to victor as he gives her orders? Well it is a good plan so might as well go with it. She does those cat stretches before she bounds up and lands on the wall of the zoo and gazes down at the arrayed officers before she leaps down, she catches two by their heads and then slams down on on the pavement. As they turn on her she goes low and then slashes out the legs of one officer then another causing them to fall before vaulting up as fire starts to fire on her, raking the pavement with laser beams as she lands on top of a cop car.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
She's goig to take too long to get up to them. She can only fly so fast with having to keep one hand on her stomach. The liberated cat brigade is going to get away well,w ell before she gets there!

Cain Marko has posed:
Hmm. Well, they seem to be prioritizing escaping instead of killing people. He may not realize that's because he's there. The Juggernaut steps forward, waving a hand at the cops. "Look guys. You're not gonna be stopping those two I don't think. And it's not my business to catch them. So you should prolly just step aside to keep the maiming to a minimum." He looks over at Monet. "And you're just gonna get yourself killed with that gut wound. So I suggest you go find a doctor instead of fighting." Nothing to see here. Everybody move along. Let the superhero types hunt down the cat for all the murder later on. That's their job. He's just trying to minimize deaths. Which is a weird position to be in, really.

Victor Creed has posed:
It seems that escape is the game plan, at least for Victor. As he makes his way from the only real threat he sees, the ruby blockbuster, he continues to hew a path that Cheetah's new friends can follow, evading the authorities along the way.

He may not have been able to finish the job, but the taste of Monet is still pretty sweet.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Combined with Sabertooth and Cheetah the cops really don't stand much of a chance and once the route is clear Cheetah lets out a primal roar and the four big cats begin to bound out of the zoo and soon circle around Cheetah before she takes off. Now to find a good super villain lair that allows pets.