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Latest revision as of 05:37, 23 February 2023

A Family Dinner
Date of Scene: 01 June 2022
Location: Nice Restaurant in NYC
Synopsis: Ended
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Rogue, Lydia Dietrich, Remy LeBeau

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The invitation went out to Anna-Marie, to most known as Rogue. Dinner at a four and half star restaurant in New York City, wear something nice, and oh sure, bring Remy if you'd like. Mystique had made the reservations, set all the plans in motion, then arranged for a teleport to the front door for herself and Lydia.

If the cobalt mutant was nervous, is didn't really show. She wore a pair of tailored slacks in white with a wide white leather belt and white heels. Over her torso was a low cut billowing pale blue silk shirt that tucked in at the waist, with just a little of the shirt pulled up to lay over the belt. Her deep blue skin stood out among those waiting for seats to open up in the restaurant, but she didn't seem to care about the stares because she had her arm around Lydia's waist and a smile on her face.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had tracked down Remy to tell him about the dinner invite. She left it up to him to see if he wanted to go or not!

She'd then gone to get cleaned up and dressed up, and thusly taking her new car to the city, and to the restaurant in question.

Dressed in a dark green dress, with heels on, and a black leather choker around her neck, Rogue's hair is tied up in a bun, and she's got a pair of short gloves on her hands, also of black. She steps out of her green and black Dodge Charger, and is soon to raise a pair of sunglasses on up over her eyes, to shield from the dying sunlight as she makes her way toward the eatery!

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    Lydia is likewise a bit nervous. She only met Anna-Marie once and even then it was only briefly, and her last interactions with Remy haven't gone so well. She can't help thinking to herself that this is only going to end in disaster. Still. They need to be invited to their wedding, and it needed to be more personal than a card.

    For her part, Lydia is dressed in a black off the shoulder tube dress that hugs her curves with matching black heels. She's warmed herself so people aren't curious why one of the undead is among their midst, and has applied natural makeup to give her cheeks a little more blush. Her hair has been wrangled into a thick French braid that hangs over one shoulder.

    "Do you think Remy will show?" she asks of Raven. "Will he try to make a scene out of this?"

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Call him old fashioned, but Remy decided not to go.

Just kidding.

He played super coy with Rogue, but ultimately showed up in a red sports car of some variety that is both expensive and probably doesn't belong to him... At least it didn't belong to him this morning. It has papers now! Just like a doggo what has had its shots and vaccinations!

Wearing a nice pair of black slacks, a white button-up shirt, and a blazer. His shaggy hair is pulled back into a neat Manbun and, get this shit, he shaved!

He shaved.



"Bonjour belle.." Holding out one set of flowers to Rogue, he still has two more. Hers are red because apparently that's important, where as the other two are white.

"Shall we din?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique may have had to give one particularly rude looky-loo a scowl, but that was because he was staring at Lydia... this was unacceptable, and now he knew it. Waiting just inside by the hostess podium, her eyes moved back to Lydia and immediately a smile returned to her face.

"I have no idea if he will come," she replies quietly. "Or if he will attempt to make a scene, it will all depend on just how much he cares about Anna-Marie I suppose. She and I have been on decent terms lately, so hopefully he will be as well."

A soft kiss is placed on Lydia's cheek before yellow eyes start searching those who recently entered. A young couple with all four parents, yikes... that was a stressful night about to happen. An older couple who look like they are celebrating an anniversary, good for them, oh and grandchildren... a lot of grandchildren... eight, nine... holy shit. Twelve grandchildren.

"You don't need to be nervous Lydia," she then says quietly as she looks back to her. "No matter what happens tonight, I'm still marrying you."

Rogue has posed:
When Rogue spots Remy she steps up to him as he to her, and she just smiles warmly at the man. "You cleaned up nice." She says to him, raising a black gloved hand up to stroke the side of his cleanly shaven face. "Smooth." She tells him before looking down to the flowers. "Ooo." She emits before her hand goes down to gather them up and raise them up to her nose to take in their scent.

She speaks something softly in French at the sensation of the smell within her nose, then lowers the flowers down again to lean over and kiss Remy softly on the side of his jawline.

"Ready?" She asks him as she takes one of his arms and starts toward the eatery.

Once inside, it doesn't take too long for Marie to spot her adopted mother, and Lydia, she raising the flowers up to wiggle her gloved hand holding them in a wave before they're approached by the restaurant's staff about their seatin.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    "Pssh. As if there was any doubt," Lydia says with a grin, and a playful bump of the hip. "Still. I find it kind of weird that Anna-Marie is going to be my stepdaughter and she's about my age." She looks up at Raven and grins, "You are /such/ a cougar."

    Her sharpened senses pick up when Anna-Marie and Remy enter the restaurant and she returns the fingerwiggle with one of her own. "Hey," she says, with a genuine smile. "Thanks for coming. Both of you."

    Now that they're all there she waves down the host and asks for them to be seated, and once led to their seats she takes hers next to Raven's. "I hope you two are fairing well this evening," she says, trying to break the ice.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
The Cajun makes his way into the resteraunt like he's no stranger to this kind of establishment and might even look the part... if only tonight. Once they're shown to the table, a pair of white roses are held out: one for each of Raven and Lydia, "T'anks for da invite." If there's any raised hackles given who they're coming to meet?

He's got a poker face that could win him a brand new sports car that he showed up in tonight.

"Dis place looks nice..." Motioning around with a twirling finger, stepping over to pull Rogue's seat out for her all gentlemanly and such. Proving you absolutely can polish a turd. He answers Lydia with a wibble wobbling hand, "No complaints, really. When ya a lazy ass like me, every day is good day, oi?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique offers a wave as the Anna-Marie and Remy enter, the cue taken from Lydia that they were there. She hadn't really expected Remy to show, but was in fact pleased to see him there, and all nice and cleaned up... wait, did he shave? She has to stare for a moment, then moves her eyes off him when they approach.

Moving to the table, she selects a seat that allows her to put her back to the wall, the same routine in any place and she paid extra for it. Some habits never went away, and this was one of them that she would never lose. Pulling out Lydia's chair beside her own, she waits for her to be seated first then just as she is about to sit she notices the white rose being offered. Instantly the mask of neutrality slides into place, the one that has been practiced for over a hundred years and ensures there is nothing to pick up, no expressions to read.

Accepting the rose with a polite, "Why thank you Remy, such a lovely thought." Lifting the rose to her nose she takes in the fragrance as she settles herself into her chosen chair. It was then that she realizes the mask had slipped into place, and she drops it.

"They make a wonderful Beef Wellington here," she then offers, looking to Lydia to regain her /real/ expression, to ensure the mask is gone and a smile slips into place before she looks back to Anna-Marie and Remy. "They also have a honey roasted duck that might be the best duck I've ever had."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smiles at Remy when he gets the chair for her. She speaks softly to him in French about thanking him for such behavior. Then, after sitting down, Rogue grins to both Raven, and Lydia. "This place is so nice." she says in a loud whisper of a voice.

"You both look amazing too." She adds a bit more normal levels of volume. "Lydia, I love that dress. Strapless is the best." She adds further in a happy tone.

Once more her red roses are smelled before the Host offers to get a vase to put them in for her, which she gladly obliges and lets him take them for now...

"Duck?" Rogue asks. "I've never had duck..." She notes as she looks around at the group. "That sounds... expensive." She jests with a little laugh.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    Lydia can't help but be a bit surprised at the white rose offered to her from Remy. "Oh! Thank you," she says, taking the offering, putting it to her nose to take in it's scent. "Smells lovely. Freshly cut today?"

    She beams at Anna-Marie, "Thank you! I love this dress and I hardly ever get to wear it. You look nice as well. Both of you."

    She considers Raven's recommendations and nods. "The duck sounds delightful. I'll give it a try." She gives Anna-Marie a grin, "It's a very rich meat, falls right off the bone. I /highly/ recommend it."

Remy LeBeau has posed:
"Duck is a little rough for me.. You know it a natural cannibal? It eat its own dead. Dey like a avion pig." Remy shakes his head and pulls a sour expression, "I can eat not'ing engages in flagrant cannibalism naturally." Which is utterly fantastic tabletop, but even a polished turd is still a turd.

That said, he's been places... Dont let his young years fool ya!

"Mm, Beef Wellington. Dat does sound pretty good." The button holding his blaser closed comes open as he sits. "She right.. you both look amazing." A genuine compliment riding Rogue's.

"Oi, dere dis lovely flower shop up in Winchester, I would have gotten somet'ing a little better din roses, but I had to get fitted and.." He opens his hands apologetically, "Didn't have a lot of time, ses pa?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Crossing right leg over her left, Mystique watches the waiter come by with the menus, offering one to each person before offering the wine list.

"Anna-Marie you look amazing," she says as the waiter remains poised to take orders for drinks. "And Remy my boy, I never would have believed that a man-bun would be so handsome on you, but it is." It was hard to tell if the second part of that was sincere, given her track record it could be an act, but the smile on her face and the sparkle in her eyes were the indicator... she was being sincere and she was actually /showing/ it.

"I'm no wine expert," she admits, which was partly a lie. She knew about wines, all about them, she just didn't care for one more than the other. "Would one of you like to pick a wine? I figure it might be a good idea to order, perhaps sip some wine or another drink, and then I'll explain why dinner is happening at such a fine place."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks over to Remy, and reaches over to pet his suit that he got fitted for. "Well it looks wonderful." She tells him with a smile before she laughs softly at Mystique calling out the bun. "That too." She says before looking over to Lydia and Raven. She glances down at herself then and touches her stomach through her green dress. "I got this for the graduation ceremony, but I figured I should wear it again. I like it. It's very comfortable." She adds before her eyes go to the wine list.

"Ooo. Pinot Noir would be wonderful. I love me some dark red wine..." The Belle says in her Southern flavored voice while she thumbs across the menu.

"But, I yield to Remy on this. I imagine he could easily choose somethin' that I'd like very much..."

When Rogue's eyes come up again, she reaches up to her forehead to push her sunglasses up off her hairline, then lay them on to the table. "What have you two been up to lately?" She asks of Raven and Lydia.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    Lydia smiles politely at Remy, and doesn't seem to be bothered /at all/ about the topic of cannibalism. "Well," she says. "One could argue that I'm a bit of a cannibal myself. Besides, there are /all sorts/ of unsettling facts about ducks, but that doesn't change how delicious they taste."

    Lydia picks up the wine list and scans the entries. "A good pinot noir pairs well with duck and the beef wellington," she says, agreeing with Rogue. "But I'd love to see what Remy thinks. He seems to be a man of refined taste."

    "I've been working on my book," she says. "Not one of my usual romances, but a telling of the angel invasion of Manhattan. I was at ground zero for most of it and I feel that the story behind it needs to be told." She tilts her head curiously, "What about you two? Anything exciting happening?"

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy motions at Lydia's counter point, "Dere enough facts about ducks dat if we go down dat hole, we never coming out of it... I t'ink deres a song about it, too. Which-" One finger comes up to waggle playfully, "If you are a fan of Duck Tales.. is funny." But instead of going further, he grins at Rogue and looks down at the sleeve of his jacket.

"Well, I want to look good, oi? You say we have to dress all fancy and how often Ol Remy get to throw on expensive duds?"

As for wine, his brow furrows, "Mmm.." Head tilting back and forther, "Somet'ing medium body-" Again motioning to Lydia, "Pinot Noir would be good, maybe a Chianti..." She snaps a few times, "Cotes du rhones.."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
With the answer to what wine decided, Mystique looks to the waiter to say, "A bottle of your finest Cotes du Rhones," and then her eyes shift back to Rogue. She wasn't touching the duck conversation, no that was a rabbit hole she was not going down because Lydia was right. They might eat their dead, but they were still extremely tasty.

"Normally I would beat around the bush, play some sort of verbal game, get that mischievous little glint in my eyes," she begins, her smile going playful. "However, I don't feel like having this information take all night to get to."

She smooths hands over the legs of her slacks, then reaches over to take one of Lydia's hands in her own. Lifting that hand to her lips for a light kiss she looks between Rogue and Remy then says, "Lydia and I are getting married. July 15th, in Maincy, France in the gardens of the Chateau de Vaux-le-Vicomte."

That ton of bricks dropped on the couple across the table from her, she doesn't pause long to line of the next one. "The ceremony will be of the Jewish faith, to honor the woman I love," she looks to Lydia with a soft expression. "And I do love her, so very much." Yellow eyes move to Rogue, to watch for reaction thus far and now, the final ton of brick. "It is tradition that the bride and groom's mother and father walk them each down the isle. As clearly my parents are dead and rotting, thank all the gods... Anna-Marie, Remy... would the two of you willing to walk me down the isle?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks over to Remy and back to Lydia. "I know stuff about Ducks, but I'm not sharin' them here." She says with a little laugh before she just sits up straight at the table and puts her elbows gently on its edge while she folds her fingers together and rests her chin atop them. She smiles over at Mystique as the meat of the story is dug in to, so to speak. She lights up at the announcement, her dark sculpted eyebrows raising, as her eyes twinkle, and her lips part. "Ah!" She quietly utters before her pale green eyes dart from one woman, to the other.

"Oh my..." Rogue exclaims before she speaks something in French about being so happy for them.

Her eyes look to Remy next then as she leans back in her chair. "Congratulations, really! I got a free trip to France this summer, able to be scheduled any time I want it. It was a birthday present from one of the other Teachers. I'd... be honored to walk either one of you down the aisle though!"