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Latest revision as of 22:58, 26 February 2023

Discordants: The Fallen King
Date of Scene: 25 February 2023
Location: The Raider Settlement
Synopsis: The Ravagers meet the former king of Nidavellir, Sindri.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Harley Quinn, Yondu Udonta, Kraglin Obfonteri

Thor has posed:
    It took a little bit of time to secure the situation with the raiders. Their 'leader' was taken into custody and the mess was cleaned up. The villagers had set to repairing the damage was done, though they did so with a nervous positivity. Some celebrated, some seemed scared of what waited in the future. Through it all, however, the short armored figures milled around the being known as SteveRogers who occasionally shared a few words with them. At one point one reached out to touch a hand to the tall man's arm only to have it slapped away. The armored being looked suitably chagrined.
    Though the crew and Luna would likely pick up one word in their language that translated somewhat. The word they used to refer to the man that held much of their interest. That word was simply, 'Thunderer'.
    Then, however, it was time for their departure. A hover truck was 'borrowed' from some of the locals. Oh they volunteered its use, but it was a volunteering that seemed a touch... worried about the mayhem they saw the strangers cause the previous day. The trio of armored figures clanked as they got into the back of that ground effect vehicle, at times they would confer in that stilted chunky consonant heavy language of theirs, other times they would simply pass the time looking at the view. Though one was always focused on advising the driver where to go.
    The journey itself was a strange one. The outskirts of the settlement were heavily overrun with jungle though the roads were kept clear by some manner, as if a force was keeping the growth from moving past an invisible line marked upon the ground. The GEV ate up the miles fairly quickly until it passed through a large set of pylons at one point. Two large metal cylinders that jutted straight up into the air some thirty feet high. Nothing of remark when they passed through them, though communications were broken up from that point forward. And another set of pylons were found and driven through as well... still little change or notice given.
    But when one of the armored figures indicated they should turn around and drive through it again was when it seemed strange. For the second time they drove through that same set of pylons suddenly...
    They were not on the same planet. The sky above was no longer bright and sunny with that purplish hue. Now it was night, and the ground under their feet was hard, porous. Like the planet they were on was a great mass of coral that had died and was chalky against their boots.
    Though what drew the eye all the more was the grand fortress of stone and steel that was before them, and the heavily armed and armored guards, hidden behind the elaborate runic exo-suits they wore, that stood bracketing the narrow bridge that led into that fort.
    SteveRogers' reaction to this was... one of mild surprise. Even moreso when those guards saluted him.

Harley Quinn has posed:
The Thunderer. Curious.

Luna's attention had been peaked, both had the valiant sheriff that had stopped them but also in the way the shorties milled around this man. "Not much I can understand but there's one word that they repeat and translates well.." this to Kraglin and Yondu's benefit, "Thunderer.." a small frown on her expression. Where had she heard that term before? She felt it lingering at the edge of her brain but .., so far nothing.

"How well exactly do you know this .., SteveRogers of yours?" This she asks the Ravagers while they are going on that ROAD TRIP across .., a pair of pylons? And then again. The woman feels the shift and her eyes widen. Teleporting magic? "Amazing.." she murmurs, "This kind of technology..." technology or magic? She wasn't too sure.

"If this was a trap too late to go back now.." She murmurs.

Yondu Udonta has posed:
It was one of those moments when the universal translators only went so far. Which was why they were lucky they had SteveRogers, who seemed to understand all sorts of languages. He had been their point-of-contact on this one with those armored beings. Despite trepedations, they had entered the vehicle and set out for the long trek. Only the crew that volunteered had come along for this part of the journey. Yondu didn't make it an order.

Yet, he'd felt compelled to go along and see how this played out. Even as he watched that interplay between the armored figures and SteveRogers. Even as he picked up on little nuances. "He's been with us a few months now. Found him floatin' in space. No suit. No helmet. Thought he'd be dead but he wasn't and you can see he got better." Well, except that scarring and the eye and the new hand he had which Luna had worked on.

During the trip, he had just seemed relaxed as they rode. Then when they opted to backtrack, that seemed strange and he sat up a little straighter.

Even he couldn't hide his surprise as they arrived--somewhere else. He had no idea where. He had never seen this world but that wasn't so unusual. Space was enormous. No one could have seen all the planets. But when those guards saluted SteveRogers, he turned to look at the man in question, carefully schooling his expression back to just curiosity. "Somethin' you rememberin' here, SteveRogers?"

Kraglin Obfonteri has posed:
If the Cap'n was sticking to Steverogers, then Kraglin was gonna stick to the Cap'n. A risky business considering how weird this trip down to a supposedly safe haven had become. But, hey, he reasoned to himself, while his gaze shifted from Yondu, to Steverogers, when wasn't it strange on a Ravager ship.

The worried crease between Kraglin's eyebrows got deeper, watching the locals fawn over their unusual new crewman. Luna's translation only deepened the furrow and added a frown to the mix. "Thunderer? You sure? I mean...you know something of their jabber. Do you know enough to ask'em what it means?" He watched the others in the transport suspiciously when communications fuzzed going through the first pylons.

Kraglin smelled the change first, then stared hard at the landscape.

"Wha..? Did we just jump?"

Thor has posed:
    The sky above danced with a hint of lightning as clouds roiled. There was a tension in the air as those guards then set their large metal halberds down with a resonant _clang_ upon the ground beneath them as they returned to parade rest. Their suits of armor were much more elaborate than the ones who had traveled with the Ravagers. They turned then, shifting stance so they were standing at the sides and gestured with metal gauntlets toward the large gateway at the end of the bridge.
    The three smaller figures formed a small circle and conferred with hasty words sent back and forth. Their armored helmets focused on SteveRogers and his comrades, the eyes of one helmet turn from a bluish hue to a faint tinge of green.
    "It seems we are to enter." The foundling says as he turns to look at Yondu, then Kraglin and Luna. "I have never been here before. That I can recall. But... there is something familiar aobut these beings." He nods to the armored guards near the bridge.
    Then he turns to Yondu fully and says, "Good captain. You have done well by me in these times past. I know not what lies within, though I am inclined to find out. I understand if your obligations would not allow you to continue further. Though I do appreciate all you have done for me in this short time we have had. I am indebted. But I believe I must see this through."
    As he says that he turns to the bridge, then smiles at the others, his one-eyed gaze softening a bit.

Harley Quinn has posed:
There's a nod out of Luna when Kraglin suggests asking about it. She points at the three lil ones that are conferring about and then repeats that word. "Thunderer." in their dialect. Then points at Thor. Then lifts her shoulders in a questioning shrug. "What does it mean?"

With Thor then suggesting going in alone there's an eyeroll out of the good doctor. "And stay out here in a strange planet without the ship nearby?" she lets out a sigh, "We are going in with you, whether you like it or not." or at least Luna is!

Headstrong that she is.

Yondu Udonta has posed:
Luna had read his mind. Not literally. Though perhaps not exactly as his mental phrasing had been different. But when she voiced that, Yondu gave a little nod as he gave that strubble on his chin a leisurely scratch. "Got t'say, she's right there. They seem t' have taken a likin' to ya. Which is great and all. But yer part of my crew and Ah ain't leavin' a man alone in an unknown like this."

Which might sound all honorable and stuff. But was it? Difficult to tell with someone like Yondu. It might just be he wanted to watch over his investment.

"Thunderer." He says that word musingingly, glancing up at the lightning in the clouds above then focusing back on the task at hand. Or more precisely, SteveRogers and the strangers who had brought them here.

Kraglin Obfonteri has posed:
One-eyed, one-armed, pretty strong. That's only the beginning of Kraglin's list of pros and cons concerning Steverogers. Well, hell, what's with the armor and the castle? All Kraglin's decisions depend on the Cap'n. He calls it, no matter what the meddling doctor has to say, though she makes a good point. The question is where's it gonna be safe if they are joyriding through space without a 'this way' or a 'by your leave'.'

The Cap'n calls it and comes through for his crew, yet once again. Hard as nails on the outside, but...yeah, Kraglin will never reveal the softie on the inside.

"So, he's got a name? We gonna call him Thunderer now?"

Thor has posed:
    The smaller armored fellows confer again back and forth, then look back with glowing eyelets as one answers in a metallic automated voice. "One who thunders?"
    Yet with that revelation granting... little, the bridge doth beckon as the guards step back and away once SteveRogers draws near. He gives a nod of acknowledgement toward Yondu for those words. He then lifts a hand to the guards as if acknowledging their change of posture, then starts to walk past them. At first a touch slowly, but then with a hint of conviction as he pushes forward, on toward the large thirty foot tall gate that hangs ominously open, just enough for people to walk through without having to turn their shoulders. The span goes across an abyss that seems to delve deep, the sides of the valley having a look as if they were carved from the coral with some sort of heavy equipment, there are clear makes of slicing and cleaving. The fortress itself is a masterwork in stone and steel with tall ramparts, though those ramparts seem to be abandoned.
    SteveRogers steps up to the door and passes through.
    Which is when a voice greets them that answers Kraglin's question for him. As there's a deep rumbling guttural tone as a voice shouts from within.
    Within those doors and through them the Ravager captain and crew will see more of those gaurds in what is clearly a reception hall, not a throne room, but more an area that is gathered for accepting ambassadors and travelers. Though with the angles of the windows above and the slim arrow slits, it's clear that this hall could be converted to repel invaders as well at a moment's notice.
    The voice, however, came from a wizened short bearded figure in tarnished silver armor though no helmet obscures his visage. He stands on the dais that leads further into the keep, his armored arms spread wide, "All of these years, and you have found me! Were you sent? At whose bidding come you upon Sindri?"

Harley Quinn has posed:

There's a moment there that Luna just looks at the smaller one that gives that answer back at her. Some tension lingering. Almost as if she was ready to go into violence. Eyes narrow but then the moment passes. Short fuse? Or something else? "These guys think they have a sense of humor." she murmurs to the rest. To Kraglin and his question she answers. "Nah. Call him ..., the one that thunders." a sagely nod at Kraglin.

Or Thor. As apparently someone knows the tall guy's name. She looks over at the one that calls himself Sindri, measuring him for a moment. But she decides to remain silent for now. Watching it unfold.

Yondu Udonta has posed:
"Seems, we're up to three names now," Yondu drawls, glancing over at Kraglin a moment. A glance his first mate would know was a be-on-guard cause it was a wee bit odd that they had met someone who knew their wayward refugee crewmate and had forced them to another world it seemed, without a so much as one's leave. But outside that little glance, he was ever that mellow and relaxed presence that he presented most of the time.

"SteveRogers. Thunderer." He smirked slightly. "Or he who thunders. And Thor." A look to the trio of people with him. "Any of those ring a bell to anyone? Especially you," he adds, looking pointedly at SteveRogers/Thunderer/Thor.

Kraglin Obfonteri has posed:
Kraglin straightens as he follows the Captain past the guards, lancing dubious glances at the precipice they walk over then the size of the gate yawning open especially for their approach. He spares a sardonic shift of his eyes to the doctor, then looks up to stare hard at the little guy with the big voice.

"Yeah, right. We're gonna have to find one that sticks. This fella," he jerks his thumb toward the one naming himself Sindri, "He seems to know him." At the Captain's question, Kraglin gives the big guy a narrow-eyed look, meant to back up the Captain.

Thor has posed:
    Sindri stalks down off the dais, but he is not unaware of the expression that this 'Thor' seems to wear. For SteveRogers turns his head to the side, brow furrowed slightly, as if not entirely comfortable with what is being said. He then looks over toward Yondu and he says, "I... do not know. I recollect little. I do not recognize this man."
    To which Sindri advances, his crooked metal staff clinking upon the stone beneath his feet as he walks. At his sides two taller figures in their full exo-suits follow behind, their runic armor glowing with inlaid gold and a hint of energy flowing from what seems like a core power source and out into the limbs, like surging neon.
    "You do not recognize me?" Sindri says with just the right amount of indignation, "I was king in Nidavellir when you were but a stripling. I was at your naming ceremony. I laughed and told your father to make sure you were his since you were born so ugly."
    All of these words do seem to have an impact on poor SteveRogers who seems... annoyed. But perhaps more because he does not have any memory of these things. Or perhaps no recognition of the man.
    At Yondu's and Kraglin's words, Sindri points. "You travel with him and know not Thor, God of Thunder, Prince of Asgard? I find that unlikely!"

Harley Quinn has posed:
All this is a lot of info. But in a way it -does- make sense to Luna. At least it's better than the alternative, that this SteveRogers has any kind of relation to Thanos. "Asgard. Thor." some measure of recognition on her voice. To both?

"That's..., that would explain much.." she says more to herself than to the others even if it's audible.

And then she dips her head at Sindri, "His mind is not right." she tells the old one, "Most likely due to some trauma, probably where your.., Thor.., got those injuries you can see with your own eyes." the doctor had made an assessment on Thor after all.

"But our Captain can surely explain the details better."

Yondu Udonta has posed:

Yondu sort of locked onto that word for a moment. Because prince meant royalty. And royalty typically meant credits. Though not in all circumstances. Yet, Asgard was a name he knew. "Prince Thor of Asgard."

If Thor allowed it, Yondu would rest a hand casually on his shoulder a moment. "You done moved up in the world a bit there, SteveRogers." Though it just seemed casual, there was a momentary squeeze of Thor's shoulder. Giving him that reassurance that he wasn't alone. Yondu had seen what seemed to be frustration because this still was all lost to him. He dropped the hand pretty quickly but that moment was shared.

Then he looked to Sindri. "We found him floatin' in space. Pretty bad shape. Had no idea how he weren't dead yet. But we brought him in, fixed him up. He don't remember much. Just the name SteveRogers. So anything you know that can help him..." He left that hanging open ended since it was pretty clear what he meant.

Kraglin Obfonteri has posed:
"Asgard?" Kraglin's shrugs at Sindri's imperious question then rivets Steve...Thor with a questioning stare which he shifts to Luna when she acts all formal.

"Yeah? That's no place to mess with if I r'member, right? Ravagers don't work around there. Seems we stayed out of that sector."

"Yeah, thought he was a piece of salvage till we scanned him. He was near dead but we thawed him out and let him sleep it off once the auto-docs finished with him." He touches his own eye, "He needed some work on him. Prince, huh?" Kraglin looks as though he hasn't quite bought that piece of information.

Thor has posed:
    "I was... found, injured, indeed as the good doctor says. These are my comrades who took me in during that time of duress." 'Thor' says as he motions toward Yondu, accepting of the familiarity easily, though he eyes those guards nearby, frowning to himself. He steps to the side, body language curiously deferring to the captain in a way.
    Sindri takes a look as he sidles up, frowning his wrinkled visage as he leeeeans closer toward Thor, making a face as he peers curiously. "Mmm, he does look a touch... haggard. But I thought perhaps it was just he had grown up ugly as well." His lips twist, amused at his own wit.
    Thor seems unamused.
    "Any insight you can give will be much appreciated. I have been unable to recall any of these things you speak of."
    A soft _chuff_ comes from the former king. "Well, it seems we have much to discuss. We shall do so over beer and bread." He thumps his staff upon the floor again which is apparently a signal as the other armored figures begin to move off about their duties, whatever tension passes. He turns and starts shuffling further into the keep, still accompanied by those two large exo-suited individuals.
    "Found him injured you say?" He asks of Luna. Then turns toward Kraglin, "It takes quite a lot to put an Asgardian in such a way. That does not bode well."
    It is not far until they're in a larger room with a throne at the end upon another dais, as if one were to walk further and further into the keep getting higher and higher. Perhaps symbolic, or perhaps the monarchs of Nidavellir enjoy looking down on people. Whatever the case, he moves to the end of one of the many tables that are set out in that grand hall and takes a seat at the head of it, propping his staff at the end and letting those armored figures stand at his sides. "Beer and bread?" He looks to the Ravagers? Then to Thor, "Beer and bread? It's coarse here and rough, but better than nothing." Several servants come out as well to begin the serving.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Correct. As Kraglin and the Captain says." Luna inclining her head towards the first mate, "Found in space, injured and not remembering much. Crap job they did with his new hand but it was fixed." She is still a bit sour on all the work she had to to correct what had been done in that piss-poor job of a replacement hand.

Don't get angry, Luna. The mean dwarf isn't here anymore.

"The problem is his mind. What did this to his body also .., caused the rest. Though one can't just snap their fingers and return memories to someone. It requires finesse and time." this said as if the woman knew about minds!

The offer of beer and bread has her looking at the other Ravagers, "They are offering us hospitality.."

Yondu Udonta has posed:
Interesting choice of phrase. Typically these things required something to just trigger a memory and it often cascaded back. Otherwise, it might be lost forever. But here was Luna suggesting that it could be done with finesse? Odd phrasing that. Noted mentally but not commented on for now.

"We'd be glad to accept yer hospitality. If we knew what we were comin' into on that trip here, we woulda brought gifts or somethin'."

He wandered over to take a seat at the table, considering the goings on and the change in the atmosphere. "Ah know that Asgard has some powerful folk there. Strong, durable. Explains how ya ain't dead," he adds to Thor. "Don't know much about them outside most folk do avoid 'em. Just cause they can kick everyone else's asses." If he shouldn't be swearing in front of royalty, it's probably not a rule he'll be following. He's a Ravager. They tend to not follow most of societies rules.

"So what do you want to be called? Since we got so many options now," he added to Thor.

Kraglin Obfonteri has posed:
"Well, whoever put 'em there was not hoping for a good ending. Got to say he was rough lookin'. Surprised us when we got life readings," he replies. "Guess those Asgard folk are tough."

Anybody who offers something to drink stronger than water and food besides can't be all bad in Kraglin's estimation. Hospitality goes a long ways in this spacer's book. After an appraising look around the big hall, he takes a seat next to the Cap'n, eyeing the enormous tankard set out before him. Sindri and his people go up another notch in his estimation.

Looking a bit smug, he shoots the doctor a glance, "Our Doc here is not your average doc, bet she could do it."

Thor has posed:
    Sindri tears apart a piece of that rough bread, dipping some of it into a bowl of beer and slurping it up. His brow is knit as he listens to what is said while Thor seems content to allow others to speak for the moment for what has been said of his circumstances has been true. He looks to the others, then back to the former king of the Dwarfs and nods.
    "Something to do this to the Thunderer... to render him so." He hrms and then takes a swig from the bowl. "Also we have not heard from Nidavellir in over a year." There's a frown, "And Mjolnir rests not at his hip."
    When Yondu addresses Thor he takes a deep breath, "I do not know. I feel... familiarity with that name, but also a distance."
    Those words, however, do cause Sindri's eyebrows to rise. "That... is curious."
    He reaches over and takes up the metal stave, tapping it once on the ground causing it to light up and illuminate the darkened grand room. He holds that staff out partially in Thor's direction even as small runic symbols seem to glow a few inches above the metal rod, forming and then drifting off into nothingness.
    The old Nidavellian monarch frowns as his eyes glow and says, "It seems you are... unhoused, Thunderer. I call upon your name and you are not there. I seek your destiny in the annals of prophecy... and you are not there. The portent of Ragnarok no longer hangs upon you. Yet you are here before me..."
    He shakes his head, "This is wrong. It goes against the nature of the Nine Realms."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Kraglin may have just gained a free checkup back at the ship clinic when they are back. Luna does like being praised! Smug that she is, "Perhaps with some time." she agrees with Kraglin, perhaps confirming there is more to the Doc than meets the eye. Even if it had shown already when they were fighting against the village raiders.

She listens to what is spoken attentively. Not part of Ragnarok, nor prophecy. "Are you saying he was cut away from his Destiny?" she looks at the others, then back. "It would require powerful sorcery, specially if we are talking about a figure of Legend." not even a Prince anymore. A figure of Legend! Might be worth a lot in ransom. Eh? Eh?

But the more they talk, the more she thinks, the more she looks surprised, taken aback by the revelations. Of all the things she expected out of who SteveRogers might be? This wasn't it.

She breaks bread and drinks the beer. But it's not the food that's interesting her right now.

Yondu Udonta has posed:
Dipping bread in the beer is a bit new to Yondu but he's never one to turn down alcohol. Even if it has breadcrumbs in it. Thus he follows the example set by their host and finds that the bread combines well with the hoppiness of the beer. Though for the moment, he's listening. Until that staff comes out and the words are stated.

"Unhoused?" He nods at Luna's words cause they seem a good summation. Though Legend seems a bit strong. Or was that fitting? He didn't like not having enough information on Prince Thor as he related to Asgard.

"So basically he's dead? Ah mean, not literally. Since he's right here breathing just fine though not as pretty as me thanks to whatever he went through. Or he was erased somehow?"

Kraglin Obfonteri has posed:
Kraglin's eyes widen and he sputters into this beer when Sindri lights up his metal rod. Even the Doc is into the magic talk. Okay, it's a wide universe with room for all sorts of weird shit.

Rag-nor-rock? Prophecies?

The first mate tears his eyes away from the light and unknown writing to scrutinize their mystery salvage with respect. "He's got destiny and all that?" He raises his stein to ex-Steverogers then takes a long drink. Addressing the table, "Well, he ain't dead yet." Then leaning to speak more quietly to Yondu, "What's the chance we could take him home and get a reward?"

Thor has posed:
    "Hmm," Sindri says succinctly as Thor tells him openly, though not before looking sidelong at Luna and quirking an eyebrow, "I know none of which you speak, but it is disconcerting." He takes a deep breath, then and only then finally leaning forward to accept a piece of bread.
    When Yondu asks his question, Sindri shakes his head, "Difficult to say. Something has affected him powerfully." Then his lips twist as he looks sidelong toward the comrades of the Asgardian, Kraglin in particular, "Though I know one thing, if you have aided him well and true in this time of darkness for him. Then assuredly King Odin will look on you fondly and offer great rewards."
    Though at that moment Thor clears his throat and asks, "Is there aught to be done?"
    Which has the dwarf monarch frowning and nodding, "Perhaps, though I shall need to think on this for a time. Perhaps we return you to your place in that prophecy. Though how?" He gestures to the others, "For now, eat. Drink. Perhaps the light of morning will offer more insight on this matter."