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Latest revision as of 19:44, 15 March 2023

Date of Scene: 15 March 2023
Location: Brooklyn
Synopsis: Stop me if you've heard this one. Four superheroes walk up to a ramen truck...
Cast of Characters: Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy, Bando George, Cindy Moon

Miles Morales has posed:
Brooklyn. The Thorough Borough. There are probably better nicknames but for the purposes of this here scene, there's not really another one that needs to be used right now. It's insanely crispy and cold out here right now and the people who are bundled up are all mostly going about their business and trying to make it to wherever they are headed in these brisk moments. There's quite a few people out at the moment but on the whole most things seem to be pretty calm.

Miles is strutting down the street right now with his jacket on, his hood up, his headphones blaring something musical that's giving him a beat to stride to. Daps and headnods are given to various familiar faces along the way. His backpack his on with his ESU ID badge swinging around with every vibing step he makes.

He really should be headed to the train so he can get back to Gotham for a bit but first he's got to hit up the street carts Can't beat some having some good eats for the ride back.

Now if he could only pick which cart to grub at...

Gwen Stacy has posed:
If there is ONE thing that's good about having your outfit be a Janet Van Dyne's (besides being INSANELY stylish) is that the Avenger normally thinks of everything. Like having an extra layer to keep the cold at bay! Not that it helps Gwen's mood which is on a record-low after her encounter with Spider-Man a few weeks back. But moping isn't her groove so today is patrol day.

Just like leg day, can't really skip it!

A message was sent earlier to Bando, inviting him over for a patrol and so here they are, swinging by the Thorough Borough. Of course that it's been quiet. And the street carts are right over there .....

"Fancy a sandwich, Bando?" Ghost Spider asks the young, plucky hero, swinging into the street.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando is bouncing on his heels as he walks as if he's listening to music, only there's no ear buds in his ears. He hums along, clearly invested in the song that's playing in his brain.

    Most heroes have a perch of some kind. They are on the rooftop or swinging like Gwen. They are in their car with satellite surveillance. This is how you track criminals. Bando is in his uniform, the bright blue and yellow.

    There was some teacher in-service day, which means he can go superheroing, or do homework. Not a hard choice. And of course Gwen asked for help! Clearly he has to do that. "Sandwich is good," he says. "Have you ever wondered, how much crime gets stopped by being flashy and bright in our colors, vs. how much crime gets stopped by actually fighting it?" Deep thoughts. "I mean, if I'm a crook about to do something, and I see a superhero around, maybe I decide against it for the moment, and just...you know, don't."

Cindy Moon has posed:
So Cindy's costume isn't nearly as therma-layered as Gwen's and because of that, it's bloody cold swinging around Brooklyn. The black and white, with traces of red, figure of Silk is visible as she transitions from one webline to another. The quiet hissing of her webbing is more natural than those of her compatriots, since her webbing is natural in origin. There is no release of preasurized air.

Though, like her compatriots, she is headed for the hub of grub trucks.

The truck grub hub.

To fight the cold she's added a very thick, wool scarf wrapped around her neck, and has a pair of earmuffs to protecc them from the chill. And she's strongly wondering about her own sanity being out in this just for a daytime patrol.

Suffice that she lands amidst the peeps and steps in line at a ramen vendor, trying not to shiver, with her arms wrapped around herself. "This is nonsense, why am I out in this."

Miles Morales has posed:
Miles only needs a moment to see that some familiar webbed crimefighters were meeting at the trucks today. He snatches out his phone as he's backing away towards one of the alleys, turning himself invisible along the way and swiping over to the Spider Group Chat to see if he missed any messages while he was studying.

Anyway, it only takes a few moments before SPIDER-MAN (II) swings over the horizon in his classic black and red number. Of course, he also seems to be somewhat dressed for the occasion as he's wearing a red and white 'Spider Symbol' beanie and rocking a scarf around his next as well.

It's an outfit choice for the ages! And he's waiting for the Spiders or Civilians to make a comment but... wait, he's still in invisible.

"AH!" The nice lady in the green hat smacks at Spider-Miles with her purse as his sudden un-invisibling startles her.

"Ow! Hey! I'm sorry!" Spider-Miles covers up from the purse swinging punishment. "I just want a churro like everyone else!"

Of course, Spider-Miles would have to make a bit of a scene.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"What's this?" Ghost Spider turns her masked face to look at Bando for a moment, "60 minutes with the deep thoughts of Bando George?" yes, there's a raised brow from under her mask. But at least that's more talking than she's been doing during the whole patrol. Maybe she's the one deep in her thoughts. Or just a foul mood. Probably both!

There's no missing a certain black and white outfit though so she swings over and lands with a flip (show-off) a wave given over to Cindy, "Hello Silk." she gestures, "Come on, Bando, let's go get some grub over there.." ramen instead of sandwich apparently.

The sudden appearance of the OTHER Spider-Man has Gwen twisting in a tense motion. Not exactly the kind of reaction one might have if it was Spider-Man, is it? But then she seems to ease up when she notes who it is.

Even if she makes no motion to help Miles with the purse punishment. Heartless.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando jumps as well as Miles appears, "Oh snap," he laughs. "We got a Spider party ou t of nowhere," he says following Gwen idly. "I feel kind of out of place. Maybe I need a spider-themed costume. Think Janet would make me a second one?" he asks. Of course, he doesn't have spider powers, so there's that. One of these things is not like the others!

    "And Ramen sounds good, it's hot, and it's cold out here. I'm from Texas, we got four seasons. Early summer, mid summer, late summer, and deer season. Winter isn't supposed to exist."

Cindy Moon has posed:
Silk rubs her gloved palms together near the bandana around her face, which is a really crappy form of covering her identity for the record. Hissing some warmth into her fingers while waiting her turn to be served. This, of course, is a perfect time for friends!

"Hey Ghost." She is not familiar with Bando, but Miles appearing as well... She waves to the first and grins behind her face covering at the second. "Spidey." He's earned it! All they need now is Peter to complete the whole set.

"Why is it so god damn cold?" Brown eyes flicking around from behind tresses of black hair hanging across one side of her face. "Why did we decide New York and not Florida?"

Miles Morales has posed:
There are a few moments where Spider-Miles just tries to make sure that he's not being harmed by vicious purses. Somewhere in the middle of all that, Miles gets clear and just kind of moves off towards the ramen truck. "Have a nice day, ma'am!" That would be Spider-Miles trying to save face as he realizes that so many people saw that.

"I blame that whole Global Warming thing." Spider-Miles offers this as a quiply answer to Cindy's question. "It's really doing a number on Mother Nature and friends." There's probably an annoying grin underneath that mask and Miles reaches out to dap up Cindy, Ghost, and Bando in greeting. Daps for days!

"Besides, of we were in Florida, we'd never get anything done. For two reasons. One? Disney World. And two? Alligators." Spider-Miles shudders at that reptilian thought.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
No dapping out of Gwen. So uncharacteristic! But then again her whole demeanor seems a bit 'off'. She's still here though so maybe that counts for something. And there's even the feeling of a faint smile under the mask when she says to them. "Two words for you, Silk." dramatic pause, "Florida Man."

"Guys.." She then gesturing at Miles and Cindy, "Meet Bando." a nod towards the blue and white hero with her. "Been helping him through his first steps as one of us." being a hero!

"We really need to get you a good superhero name sometime though..." arms wrapping around her waist and hip jutted to the side, Ghost Spider looking thoughtful.

The mention of alligators also makes Gwen shudder briefly. Look, spiders are natural enemies to lizards! That's known.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando happily daps, since Gwen is too unlikely to, though he gives a sidelong glance at her, that look that says he's noticed her less than normal behavior. "Yeah, I should. I could be like, Zip, Zap, Jumper, um... Mr. Awesome?" It's clear that he shouldn't be allowed to do this process for himself.

    He rubs his hands together, breaking for a moment to give a brief salutory wave to the others. "Yeah I'm Bando. Live in Queens, don't have a tragic backstory or anything. I know that seems to normally be a requirement for superheroes."

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy actually says "Alligators" at the same time as Miles, as if this is just a well known and documented fact about the antagonistic relationship between spiders and the pre-historic monster of the everglades. She, as did Miles and Gwen, shudders.

Truly, the intricate relationship of spider and lizard is one forged in fire.

Brown eyes look to Bando, while her fist extends out to dap Miles. "Bando...." Any questions of the origins of this superhero name is waylaid by Gwen's pointing out it is not, in fact, a superhero name. "Ah, good to meet you."

Compared to how she speaks with Miles and Gwen, Cindy appears a little shy about looking directly at or speaking above a whisper, to the person she doesn't know. Maybe because she keeps side glancing Gwen, who is usually a lot more animate. She's not going to put her on blast right here at the frozen food court, but... She has her EYES on you now GWEN STACY.

Mr Awesome? She furrows her brow and looks at Bando from behind her hair. Shaking her head with the bridge of her nose wrinkling. She is not nearly as quippy as the rest.

Miles Morales has posed:
"The Bandolorian. I dig it." is Spider-Miles contribution to the whole hero chatter. "Welcome to the club, bro." Miles seems to just be pretty happy and chill that there's another hero around. The more the merrier tends to be the name of the game when it comes to all of this kind of heroic stuff. It just be like that sometimes.

"Whoa hey wait a minute, are about to do a whole superhero naming montage? Because I've always wanted to do one of those!" Spider-Miles bounces his heels a little bit at the prospect. "I mean, my name kind of came with the suit but..." A hand gets waved dismissively about his own naming drama. "We will definitely name you by the time this patrol is over. But first..."

And now Spider-Miles turns his attention and focus back to Ghost Spider where his fist continues to hang. Waiting. He is not about to let this go. "Ahem?" Miles brings his other hand up to point an animated finger at the waiting fist. "Yeah, uh, I can't function properly as a member of this here Spider Squad without the proper dappage being applied to said Fist of Dapping. So unless you want me to short circuit..." Miles starts with some very bad fake twitching and shaking to try and drive his point home with obvious silliness. There's even a crackle of bio-electricity that courses around his body for a second to help with the joke. "I'm gonna' need a full on Dap or you to tell us, right now, what's wrong and who's butt we have to kick to infinity and beyond."

The Fist of Dap continues to hang in the air, those fingers opening up to wiggle at Gwen before reforming into the fist.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"More like Mr. Wiseguy..." As quips go that's maybe a 3/10. A bit weak for Gwen's standards! But at least there's some semblance of life on Gwen at Bando's usual antics. Well, usual to HER. "I do like Jumper. Like the movie, with Hayden Christensen. Loved it!" probably the only person in the world that did. "Anyways, this is Silk and this is Spider-Man.." a beat, "You really went with Spider-Man too?"

Which is when she notes the Fist of Dapping still waiting to get dapped.

And then being called out for her behavior. Which is fair enough! She ends up doing the dap with her fingers on Miles but it's not too big a dap. Not the usual Gwen dap!

"Have you guys seen Spidey lately..?" she then finally asks, looking between each of them and taking in a breath.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando considers. "Jumper." He folds his arms, nods. "I know, naming is awesome but I can never think of anything!" He seems to take the cue of Gwen's slower version of herself a little slower, even though he noticed it. "Which one?" he asks her. Which...well that's a fair question. "Like, there's one," he points at Miles with a thumb. He shifts to an index finger and points at Cindy. "There's one." Back to his thumb to sidewayse point at Gwen herself. "There's one."

Cindy Moon has posed:
Silk holds her elbow with her other hand, managing to look very much like a super hero with social anxiety, which is directly against type for the Spider-Clan. She peers around at all the people gawking at them and then betwixt the trio conversing around the figure of silent consideration... from behind a vail of hair.

"The book was better." Jumper.

Again she's watching Gwen. Not really calling her out, anymore than she already has been, and only stopping to consider Bando. "Don't call yourself Bandolorian. Let it come naturally... or look up a cool plant on google."

Seen Spidey? She shifts uncomfortably and shakes her head, "No. Not in a while. I've been kind of busy, though.. is he okay?" It's hard for her heart rate not to flutter a little at the mention of Spider-Man, but it's not nearly as bad as it use to be. And ignoring that sensory directional mircophone that could, potentially, point her right at him has gotten a great deal easier.

She barely even feels it some days.

Which is nice.

Miles Morales has posed:
"Listen. Kid Arachnid was too rhyme-y. Black Spider-Man scared half of Twitter. I wasn't about to be Spider-Boy, that just sounds lame. I didn't have many choices!" Spider-Miles seems pretty okay with the lackluster dap from Ghost Spider and does a half-hearted pop-and-lock routine to go along with that dapping energy. It fades almost as quickly as it was there. "Besides, Spider-Man's a classic. And you can't go wrong with a classic." Miles is going to be standing up for this name choice for a while.

"... Wait. People watched Jumper? On purpose?" Spider-Miles holds his hands up and definitely is not touching that one.

Then the topic shifts again and Miles is playing a little bit of catch up. His joking takes a backseat for the moment as he pays attention. Just in case. "Something going on with the OG?" Miles sounds like he's ready to jump into action but he's at least waiting on the low-down from Gwen.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Go with Jumper." There. It's settled.

As for Spidey.... "Yea .., not sure.." Ghost Spider looks a bit lost for a moment, reaching up to her neck to brush over it, perhaps sharing some of that anxiety with Cindy. There's a silence for a time. "If you guys can find him let me know how he seems to you. And if he looks .., you know.., the same." that's some weird talk out of Gwen for sure.

"He hasn't been acting like himself so..." she lets out a sigh and shakes her head a bit to herself. "Either that or I am hallucinating.."

Bando George has posed:
    "So he's not like, missing, just weird? Like mind controlled by a horrible eldritch force weird? Or like you acting all reserved weird?" Bando asks, letting the conversation move from hero names to Peter's condition. "Because it feels like both of those could be a thing. This is New York after all."