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Latest revision as of 04:35, 14 April 2023

The Cracks in the Hammer.
Date of Scene: 08 April 2023
Location: Palace - Asgard
Synopsis: Thor remembers how awesome Amora is.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Brunnhilde, Sif

Thor has posed:
    In Palace Asgard the world seemed right.
    For the news to the Golden City had been positive. The old war was over. The ancient enemy had fallen. The prince had returned. Asgard. Triumphant. Which was fair, for it had been a crucial time, and the possibility of defeat had been so very real if Malekith had been left to his path in silence and stealth. Yet he was discovered, pursued, and felled.
    But not without cost.
    Some in Asgard did know Jane of house Foster. She traveled in some of the circles of the Valkyr and had the blessing of Odin. Though to some she was still... of the other in some ways. A soul that perhaps was suited to an Asgardian, but still. An other. Then there were the warriors of Asgard who fell. Seven names had been proclaimed before the Halls of Valhalla and their place was cemented by Odin's bond. The majority of Asgard, however, did not know of the others who paid the cost for Asgard's war.
    And in some ways Thor had paid a cost as well. Yet what it drew from him he was still learning.
    For now, in one of the small studies in the grand hallways of the old palace, Thor had some solace in solitude. Save he was not truly alone. Mjolnir sat upon the table before him. It was an old oaken meeting table with six chairs around it. Chairs that Thor did not sit in. Instead he was settled in a conversational alcove, the chair turned out partially facing that table. A flagon of mead was on the table beside him. But for now he simply... looked at the ancient hammer. Its form was cracked, exploded, destroyed as it tried to save him from the black magics of Malekith's spell.
    Yet now it was the target of his gaze as he watched. And quietly drank from that flagon.

Brunnhilde has posed:
It had been an experience being back at Asgard. All was new but at the same time old. New faces, young faces. So full of joy for the war being won but they hadn't known true loss. Not like she had in the past. She was surprised to still have that rage burning inside her, the one that kept her going and that no matter how much she tried to drown it with booze there it was. Bright red and burning.

Rage for who though? The old man? He was slumbering and who knows when he'd wake up? Herself? Maybe. Asgard? Hard to tell. Yet she was keeping herself out of drunkard stupors these days. Not that she denied Asgardian mead but she wasn't drinking till unconciousness. Why though? She wasn't sure.

The door to the small study opens and Brunnhilde walks in, "I thought this was empty." it's a lie. She knows the Prince would be here. Brooding. She doesn't even try to hide it. Then she begins walking to the table, flagon in hand. And two cups. Why does she have two cups?

Thor has posed:
    Attention gained, that one good eye lifts and the Asgardian prince seems to be drawn back to the here and now. Mjolnir remains as it was, still settled on the table, its cracks still prominent though it still held its given form. Thor meets the gaze of the valkyrie and gives a nod, accepting the lie for truth for in a way perhaps it was.
    "Ah, if you seek privacy..." He offers, the sweep of one hand slow and given though the two cups likely gives him some small insight that privacy is not entirely that which she seeks.
    He partially rises when she draws near, the memory of manners ingrained deep into his psyche. When she settles on a seat he returns to his, taking a deep breath as he smiles a touch of thanks when the cups are set down.
    "I have not been sleeping well." He offers, a casual sortie toward conversation. "On the ship I was on... the Eclector. I had grown accustomed to this particular... thrum of the engines while we were traveling."

Brunnhilde has posed:
"Don't finish that movement." It's a warning. Don't get up as if she was some Lady following Asgardian etiquette it's what it seems to say. Yet while her voice may have that threatening tone the blue eyes are kinder in a rare moment apart from the fierce warrior turned drunkard more dulled gaze she appears to bear these days. "I swear, they have been watering down Asgardian mead since my last time here." a few hundred years?

And then the cups are set on the table and mead served. As if she wanted Thor to verify the veracity of her statement.

She listens to what the Prince says next. Not sleeping alright. She knows it entirely too well. "You haven't spoken much about your ordeals with the Ravagers." she says. And wait, she knows who the Ravagers are?

"Space is ..., a good place to forget. But it seems as if you didn't have much of a choice in the matter."

Thor has posed:
    "It wasn't truly an ordeal." Thor says as he looks toward her, "More... a time away. I had no recollection of... anything. So while I was there I was just... a hand." He smiles a little, very slightly. "I did my work, conducted myself as I could. Met interesting people." His good eye distances a little. Then he shakes his head with a small smile.
    "And then I realized who I was, and everything rushed back. Realized I had to be elsewhere. Perhaps a small part of me mourns that. Yet it was a return to duty. To Asgard. So it stayed my efforts not at all." The Prince pushes a hand through the short locks of his hair, then leans forward liberating one of those mugs of mead. He takes a sip. A glance is given Mjolnir, though he says nothing of it.

Brunnhilde has posed:
The little comment about the hand just has Brunnhilde lift her brow just so. At least she didn't roll her eyes at that, nor did she look at the actually missing HAND.

"Forgetting can be good." She admits. "Putting things in perspective. The problem is when you get too accustomed to not remembering anymore." a beat, "Or when you regret those memories."

With Thor then taking a sip she does the same. Not a sip, because Hilde doesn't sip, she takes a swift drink from her mug that does more than just wet her lips.

The look between Thor and Mjolnir doesn't go unnoticed and she finally asks. "And who did you realize you were, Prince Thor?"

Thor has posed:
    "Thor, of Asgard. Prince. Son. Brother. Friend." His smile is wan as he looks past her, then he holds the drink in both hands over his lap, his elbows resting on the arms of the chair. He takes a deep breath, then leans back, drawing his boot up to rest on his knee. That dark blue eye meets her gaze and he smiles slightly. "Though it feels as if I am also..."
    Then he smiles a little, good eye lowering as he shakes his head, remembering something. He looks back up and murmurs, "It feels as if I am also SteveRogers. As that was one of the few things I could recall. I thought that was my name. So while I was there..." He lifts his drink as if to say, 'and thus it was so.'
    He shakes his head and smiles, "I shall have to tell the good Captain that some day." Then his eyebrows lift, that eyepatch shfiting slightly, "Or perhaps not."

Brunnhilde has posed:
"Do you rehearse that in front of the mirror every morning?" Hilde says in that direct manner of hers at those first words, but then lifts a hand as if to stifle any comebacks. "Yes, you are all that." she admits. "But you also can be more. Or less."

The Valkyrie then takes in a breath, considering Thor, "How much do you know about what was done to you?" blue gaze rather keen now as she watches the Prince, "Of what the usurper attempted on you."

Another drink from her mug in a pause on the conversation.

"He is one of your earth friends, is he not? The one with the shield. Why wouldn't you tell him?"

Thor has posed:
    His answer to her inferring he practiced those words had him smiling slightly, exhaling a breath that wasn't quite a laugh. Thor turns his head just a little, blue eye tracking her hand as she stays his response. He holds onto it, instead listening to her words for now.
    "I know..." He begins to answer her question asked after that. "That it was something he had planned. To kill me my place in... prophecy. In the world. My fate if you will? Had to be undone. I had to be unmade. And then he could kill me. Or at least that was what he believed." Thor gestures with one hand to the side.
    "Beyond that, I know little. Yet I do feel... imbalanced. I have my memories, my past. Yet in some ways I still feel very much like SteveRogers."
    Then she asks after the name and his smile broadens slightly, "Indeed, Captain America. Why not tell him?" His eyebrows lift, the eyepatch shifting upward as well. "Mmm, perhaps he'd think I was trying to usurp him. Or perhaps he'd think it a declaration of love." His lip curls a little. "But in truth, it was because he is a good friend. And I think that stayed with me. An unassailable friend. Without fault."

Brunnhilde has posed:
"He succeeded." Is what the Valkyrie then says, mug being put on the table and forgotten for now, "In all respects you should be dead, your aura..." and she gestures with her fingertips towards Thor, "It reveals death, you -should- be dead. But yet here you are, destiny returned." a faint smile then creasing her lips. "The same destiny as before? Maybe not. But there's a choice there that may not have been before. That you chose to be this. It is not your path, not something that was given to you without your say so."

"You chose this destiny." and that seems to make the difference to her.

Expression eases somewhat after saying those words as she smiles faintly at the talk of his earth friend. "What better than the love of a friend for an Asgardian, eh?" She comments, "You should go meet them again, instead of sitting here waiting for that hammer to tell you what you already know."

Sif has posed:
There was suddenly the voice of Astrid, a woman who help take care of the residence for the Royal family, from in the hallway. "It's rude to eavesdrop."

Followed by the hurried response of a woman they both knew well. "I was not eavesdropping. I just got here!" Sif realized she sounded like the 12-year old she'd once been caught doing the same thing. Not that she was eavesdropping. Though she had been there a little longer.

"Almost a minute. Just open the door, girl."

"I was going to! I just wanted to make sure there was no swearing or breaking of furniture first!"

That got a rude sounding snort and then a moment later the door opened. There stood Sif, dressed in her usual garb though sans helm. She gave them both a momentary smile, looking between the two.

"Hope I'm not interrupting?"

Thor has posed:
    When Valkyrie declares that he indeed should be dead, Thor's eyebrows rise in that sign of resigned puzzlement, his hands lifting and flaring as he has no more answers than she does. Instead he listens and says with a hint of a smile. "Well I doubt it will change how I handle myself. I seem to be doing much as I have before. Putting one foot ni front of another, and trying to manage what is asked of me."
    Then she tells him to seek out Steve and Thor nods a little, yet then his attention is turned toward Mjolnir once again at Brunnhilde's behest. His eyes narrow, and he takes a deep breath. Something seems to weigh on him, something unspoken. Instead he just nods again at what she said.
    Then Sif makes her... rather announced entrance, a welcoming smile given to her at her question. "Only a little. We were about to talk at length about how troublesome people can be when they refuse to stay in bed and let themselves heal." He turns to look at Brunnhilde. "I would rank such people at a high, very troublesome level. Perhaps the most troublesome of all."

Brunnhilde has posed:
"Ah, but you already are different, Prince Thor." Is Hilde's retort, "You just haven't figured it out yet. But you will." she seems to have no doubt about that. The narrowing of eyes and whatever is left unspoken has the Valkyrie arching a brow again. That's one thing she hates. Things left unsaid. "You have something you want to say." it's not a question.

To Thor's benefit Hilde's attention veers to the door when there's that commotion on the outside, corner of her mouth curling up in a bit of a smirk at what she hears, "Yes, they need some heavy weights to keep them down." she agrees with Thor when Sif makes her way in, "Come in." she serves another pouring of mead on the two cups. One for Sif, another for Thor.

The bottle stays with Hilde, of course.

Sif has posed:
"Perhaps you should speak of other things than. Because from what I understand, you have no right to speak on such matters." Sif moved to join them, flopping into a chair. She gave a nod of thanks to Brunnhilde for the cup of mead which she picked up immediately and took a big swig from before settling back into her seat, the cup cradled in her left hand.

"How long was it you rested after you were found in space, hmmmmm?" And there is a bit of satisfaction in her smile, like she knew something. In point of fact? She just knew he'd been found in space by pirates. And that was about it. But she knew the Prince and she had no doubt that he didn't simply lay in bed waiting to recover as he likely should have.

Hopefully he wouldn't realize she was fishing.

"Trust me, someone with a very large arse has been certain to put me back in bed anytime she feels I have pushed too far in our training sessions."

Thor has posed:
    At Brunnhilde's urging, Thor meets her gaze. Things unsaid. He smiles slightly and shakes his head, "Perhaps another time." Then he motions with a nod toward Mjolnir. "Not in front of the hammer." A hint of humor in his voice, but it's subdued.
    Then his attention turns to Sif and he puts on his most positive yet condeminging outlook on his face. He lifts his chin a little arrogantly and looks at her with a half-smirk. "I rested as long as the doctor asked." Of course there wasn't a doctor. Not at first. "Those that found me saw to my injuries as they could." He holds up his right hand and turns it a little. It seems less... weathered than the other, no callouses for one, but it would be difficult to pick it out from the other all told. "Found me a replacement hand, used their supplies for my recovery. Though they did keep a running tally."
    His smile turns a little gentle, "I am sure they will come a calling for their payment any day now. Even though they did liberate one of the Svartalfar ships." He takes a deep breath. "But really, in closing. I am a much better patient." He nods once, as if that settled it.

Brunnhilde has posed:
Hilde stays in silence for a time, listening to the banter between them with all in-between. She takes a good drink right out of the bottle and settles back on her chair, foot up against the edge of the table, "Prince Thor was always known to doing what the doctors said."

He really wasn't.

"That should keep them entertained for a time." The svatalfar ship, that is. Eyes are on the new hand for a time afterward, "You seem to have made friends though. Ones that did not know who you were. That seems important."

The talk about large arses and then resting gets her to snort and of course she has a comeback for that. "So what you are saying .., is that you should both go to bed?" was that a tease? Well, yes. That's what you get for insulting her rather fine behind!

Sif has posed:
And though she is teasing, Sif takes a moment to admire the hand. If he hadn't told her, she probably wouldn't have realized it wasn't his. Sure, it looked a little different but it still looked like a real hand. Not like it was machined.

"I think we are beyond bed at this point," she told Hilde with a little sniff before sipping her mead again. "Just time to stop lazing around and get back to work." Which Hilde knew how driven Sif had been during her recovery. But it had been mutually beneficial at least.

"They took one of the Svartalfar ships?" she asked, looking back over to Thor with a lifting of her eyebrows. "I am certain you warned them they may be in for...some difficulties? And people who helped you without knowing you were a Prince of Asgard, nor a hero of Midgard? Though the tally you mention makes me suspect this was not out of the goodness of their piratical hearts."

Thor has posed:
    "They are capable souls." Thor offers in way of explaining that the Ravagers are likely to be fine with the use of the purloined ship. Then his brow furrows, "Though I believe one may have stayed here in Midgard." That said he looked to the side, likely making a mental note to follow up on the good Dr. Drake. He nods to himself.
    A look to Brunnhilde, "And aye, good people, driven to trying times in some ways. There was... a wholesomeness to them despite their..." He smiles a little, "Their roguish nature. They would do what was needed, but had a sense of honor. Though speak of it not directly to them, it makes them uncomfortable."
    A nod is given as if he were passing a law before the kingdom.
    Then he smirks slightly, "As for bed, I have slept enough of late." Which again his brow furrows, gaze distancing in thought. A glance is given to the side, "Would my father recognize such as well. I worry of him."

Brunnhilde has posed:
"Urgh..." A roll of her eyes given. "I was trying to use some of that innuendo I learned while on Earth but it did not work." about them going to bed. Hilde just lets out a dramatic sigh that sounds resignated enough and buries it in another swig. That bottle might be done soon enough with how quickly she pops drinks from it.

"And what comes next?" This to Sif. "Do we know anything about where Jane Foster is?" she inquires, a shake of her head given. "All I can say is that I know she is not dead."

Talk of Odin has Hilde shift in her seat, "And how is the.." she stops herself from saying 'the old man', instead ending with a, ".. he?"

Sif has posed:
"We can seek out Zatana, Doctor Strange, perhaps others that use magics. See if they have any ideas where she may have gone." A slight pursing of the lips and a glance to Thor. "Unless she appeared where you had perhaps? If there is a Ravager still on Midgard, perhaps seek them out to see if they can get it checked by the others?"

But as the discussion turns to Odin, she flicks her gaze over to Hilde but holds her tongue on the topic, knowing it is sensitive for the valkyrie. Instead, Sif focuses on sipping her mead.

Thor has posed:
    Lips parting in a wry smile, Thor's good eye lowers as he looks away from both of them. Then he looks back up and gestures with one hand. "You almost had it, Brunnhilde. Try to be more direct and obvious next time. Perhaps throw in a few sharp invectives of a bedroom nature. Perhaps even some hand gestures?" Though it's clear he is perhaps... not being entirely sincere in his critique of her innuendo delivery.
    But then the topic moves on toward the concept of Jane and her situation. Which has the Thunderer's brow furrowing. "I know not. She... her status it is complex. For her life force and her form... they were split. Yet Malekith's spell was aimed as you well know Sif... at her essence." He shakes his head, rubbing the back of his neck thoughtfully. "And the state of Hel without Hela. And no whisper of her within Valhalla. It is... difficult to know anything for sure."
    He gestures to the side, "I know there are individuals with gifts for magic working on this issue. And I have made it known I would be of aid but for now... we wait. And I hate waiting."

Brunnhilde has posed:
"Invectives?" Another shake of her head, "How do you even know that word...?" Though there's some amusement on Hilde's expression and she lets that matter drop. Instead it's more serious matters (or maybe not!).

"Earthly wizards. For all their short lifespans they like taking their time, don't they?" a judging tone to her voice. The news about Hel and Hela get her to frown some, thoughtful. "Though I have an idea..." and she leans forward on the table.

In that same way that ages ago she used to do when she was about to propose something rather dangerous and foolhardy.

"There's a wizard here in Asgard we can go to. You know who I am talking about. Amora." who once upon a time was her nemesis and who knows what else? "She may have some answers. And besides, she still has my sword." and that won't do. "So we get on our horses and go get some answers out of that hag."

Sif has posed:
As Hilde leaned forward, Sif found herself drawn forward as well. Sitting up more fully in her chair and giving the other woman her full attention. Well most of her attention as she was still sipping her mead.

At the suggestion, the face she made very much resembled one made if she'd taken a big bite out of a lemon. She flumped back into her seat and pulled her mug to her face, draining out the rest of it.

Yet, she said not a word.

Thor has posed:
    Thor exhales softly as he looks to Brunnhilde. A glance is given Sif as if seeing if she has heard of what Hilde is saying, but then his attention returns to the fallen Valkyr. He gives a nod, "Aye, that's a possibility. Though when one seeks a mage, always good to have another mage with you." He takes a deep breath, brow furrowing. "Perhaps we have words with my brother, see if he might accompany. Or one of the Midgardians. Zatanna perchance."
    Yet as he says that he does seem a little thoughtful. He rubs the back of his neck then murmurs, "Or perhaps I can tell her that I need her aid. She may offer to help me for..." He ahems softly, clearing his throat and then murmurs. "For old time's sake."
    That said he spreads his hands, gesturing. "Though in my current state she might be disinclined, for I am..." And he stops there, not knowing exactly which words he seeks. Until finally, "She may not recognize me as one she cared for so in the past."

Brunnhilde has posed:
"Hah! Is now the time I do the uh .., invectives and hand gestures about Amora and you?" Hilde teases with a slim smile to her lips. There was no love lost between her and Amora, "From what I hear she hasn't been in Court for a time, nor at the Embassy." Oh yes, she went around asking.

"And now you are back and she wasn't here either. So .., something is up." Hilde us suspicious. "But fine, we can take one of the earth magicians." she doesn't seem to care much which one though.

"Good that we are agreed on then. We will go as soon as we get the magician with us." then a look at Sif.

Because she noticed she hadn't said anything!

Sif has posed:
"All the invectives and hand gestures," Sif muttered half under her breath as she glared into her now empty cup. A glance to Hilde to see if there might be any left to enjoy.

"She would most certainly do anything you asked," came the next words, directed to Thor. "For a price. And the question is are you willing to pay it. I would suggest we simply ask Loki and the Midgardians. Leave Amora in the dark, dank hole where a serpent like she hides until they have an opportunity to strike."

Bitter much?

Thor has posed:
    A nod is given toward Brunnhilde about waiting until they had a mage amongst them, "I am fine with that."
    Though then there are all sorts of commments about hand gestures and invectives. The Thunderer's smile turns wry as he shakes his head.
    Thor looks between Sif and Brunnhilde. He then lightly slaps his hands onto the arms of the chair and pushes himself slowly to his feet. "In any case, 'tis late enough I should try sleeping again." A look is given to either of them. "Think on what we will need for the expedition, and we shall be off once we have word from Zatanna. Until then." That said he smiles toward them. "And thank you for the drink."
    He turns toward the door.