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Latest revision as of 02:47, 24 May 2023

Rooftop Gardens
Date of Scene: 13 February 2023
Location: Roof - Renovated Theatre - The Roost
Synopsis: Two Speedsters on the Roof, in the gardens. Carin gets closer to the Outsiders.
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Bart Allen, Carin Taylor

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The Gotham Night is rarely friendly to those who aren't prepared.

    The hiss of propane and the click of a starter, the quiet roar of fire as one of the large heaters comes to temperature fills the area on the rooftops, before a few more lights turn on, illuminating the face of Phoebe Beacon, the Outsider known as Balm.

    There are bags of potting soil meant for container beds that have been brought up, and covers for some cold-hardy vegetables.

    There's also a hot bag full of warm pretzels, likely to keep the insides warm as well as help with the outsides. She's bundled up against the chill of the Gotham February night.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has come along tonight with a gift for the zoo. He stacks a few bags of manure at the far end of the rooftop before zooming back down to his room and showering before he comes back up dressed in more casual clothes that are much less smelly

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    It was the smell that hit first. Phoebe straightens up a little and turns, the mysterious delivery person already gone, and then she gives a slight grin, reaching up to grab one of the hot pretzels and offers it out to the currently empty air, and then once she feels the wind zip past her she grins.

    "Thanks, Bart!" turning to regard the speedster as he makes his return.

    "How's Jeffrey?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen is there a moment later and is taking the offered food "Thanks." He tells her taking a bite of it trusting her it seems "He is pretty good, I think he might need a special apple delivery soon though." He offers her a smile and says "Figured it would help ya prepping the beds." He nods towards the poo

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Why wouldn't he trust Phoebe? She'd never poison her friends!

    Phoebe gives a small smile over to Bart, and takes a deep breath, letting it out. "Sorry I've been so absent lately. Lots of stuff to do with both Day and Night work. And my other night work." she gives a smile, standing up and wiping salt off her fingers to investigate the delivery.

    "Is it a mix or is this from a particular pen?"

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "Is it... is it ok to be here?" comes the voice of another. She'd taken it slow, not going full speed tilt, but does come to the roof wearing a durable and warm set of clothes. Jacket, pants, scarf. Nothing that's good for 'speed friction' absorption but enough to get her there faster than a bus can. Carin's got her SHIELD-issue courier bag, though, which /is/ speed friction resistant. And inside, she brought some sticks and a bag of big-puff marshmallows. "...hey..." the redhead gives an uneasy smile to both Bart and Balm.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "Each bag is from a different pen, but I made sure to put the animals on it, in case it is best to mix it. Herbivore is best right?" He looks over and says "Hi, how are you doing?" He asks her in greeting."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Hey!" Phoebe gives a smile to Carin. "Yeah, you're cleared to be up here. I mean you've pretty much been absorbed into the group." Phoeb gives a slight smile, rubbing the back of her own scarf-wrapped neck. "Just prepping some of my frames. We all have hobbies that keep us busy or help us relax. Mine happens to be gardening. Red Robin's been kind enough to let me use the rooftop." Phoebe explains to Carin, and she then looks to Bart.

    "/You/ wanna eat something that's been fertilized by somethin' that poops Pure Protein Poops?"

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "...still smells better than Chicago..." Carin says quietly, but she does step away from the manure, or at least, closer to that heater. "Doing... better," the pale redhead gives a tiny smile to Bart, then nods at Pheebs. "Oh? Really? Am... am I clear to be part of the team maybe? Or... is there some kind of.. training course I have to run or something?" she asks, tilting her head. "...and uh. I don't really have any hobbies like that.." she frowns. "I like anime, and.. I'm starting to get good at Smash.." she offers. "Oh! I brought marshmallows! The heater there should be enough to brown them, right?" she opens her pack and holds it up.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Not really any training courses, more learn on the job type of things. Smash brothers or another Smash" He asks "If you ever want to your welcome to stop by room and watch the snails." He offers an odd offer, but looks over to Phoebe "Not sure, I figured it is not the best, but I aint studied poo."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Girl trust me nothing smells worse than Gotham on a July Day during a garbage strike." Phoebe pauses, straightens up a moment and goes "... again." with a soft snort "Except maybe certain types of demonic entities depending on their representative imprints, but that's neither here --" she comments lightly, and then rubs the back of her neck.

    "I mean, you're already employed by SHIELD, or at least friends with them. As long as you're not taking the info back to them I don't see why not?" she wrinkles her nose. "I mean there's probably worse things out there that know who I am, but I'm not really willing to risk everyone else's ID's." she purses her lips a moment.

    And then she holds her hand out "Can I see the ingredients list? Some marshmallows use gelatin, an' I cn't have it." she gives a slightly embarrassed smile, and a shrug. "And Impulse's snails are cool. That's how we met, before I was on the team."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "...remind me to avoid Gotham in July..." Carin wrinkles her nose. "And I... don't do so well in the heat as it is..." she sighs. "..I run way too hot for that. I wonder if I can just. Camp out on the beach..." she muses. With her pale skin? Maybe. Maybe not. She nods to Bart, "Oh, yeah. My girlfriend got a Switch, so... I'm learning how to play Smash." Her cheeks turn a little pink, though. Other smash? Not that kind she's willing to talk about openly.

    "I mean, I saw 'The Martian'... does... astronaut whatsit work for what you're trying to grow here? And... why snails?" she seems utterly bewildered. She's brought back to reality by Phoebe's mention of gelatin though and pulls out the bag of marshmallows. "Oh yeah, uhm... Kraft Jet-Puffed... less than... two percent of..." she frowns. "...gelatin. They do. I mean. A super tiny amount. But... I guess if you can't have any at all that's..."

    She sighs, "..sorry. If I'd known I would've found some, like... vegan-friendly marshmallows?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will zoom off and is back with some marshmellows for Phoebe, and says "I will eat the regular ones." He offers to Carin, and says "It is to help you learn to take life's slow moments and enjoy them, not to spend all time at speed, and miss some of things with normal folks."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "It's cool, I try not to make a big deal 'bout it. Most everyone else who houses here at some point offers me bacon." Phoebe good-naturedly replies, and then excitedly goes "Ah! OK so the Martian is an entirely plausable movie -- book's better, bee-tee-dubs -- but yeah everything that went on would absolutely happen. I checked with Red. He's way more sciencey-than-me." Phoebe replies to Carin, and she gives a grin to Bart.

    "You didn't have to grab me marshmallows, my man." she states, but she accepts it.

    She looks over to Carin again.

    "Most of the beds are a mix of vermiculite in order to keep things light, high quality compost -- which is where those bags are heading -- and specialized raised bed soils. used to mix my own but between All The Things it's hard enough to find time to da--y to day train--" Phoebe covers herself, though her ears get dark and she immediately stuffs two marshmallows in her mouth.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "Oh, hey, I mean, I brought enough for all of us... but split two ways is fine." She opens the bag and offers up the sticks at least, since there's four of them. And three people. "...I didn't know who else would be here, so..." there's a small shrug. "A-anyway... I don't mind the slow... I honestly just. Really enjoy quiet time. And. Cuddling. And... feeling time stretch out when you're lounging in bed and it's nice and warm just..." she exhales a long, quiet sigh. "...perfect..."

    She's taking her time, loading her stick with fluffy white goodness before nodding at Phoebe. "...that's awesome. I heard the science was sound, to a point, but didn't know how sound? So... what exactly are you growing?" she points a marshmallow at everything.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "At speed is my natural state, it took me some time to get used to more normal time. I had to learn to do the whole slow down and smell the roses. Max Mercury had a rather hard time to teach me about living live at normal speed

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "You're both speedsters. Pretty sure you could bring eighty pounds of marshmallows and they'd be gone about as fast as you can toast them. One of the reason why I also have pretzels in the bag there." Phoebe gives a small smile, drawing up one of the toasting sticks and popping one of the vegan marshmallows on it, and then a second one.

    "Ah... lessie -- snowpeas, cabbage, carrots, redleaf lettuce, three different kinds of tomatoes, jalapenos, mammoth jalapenos, aborito variety anaheims, nagas, scotch bonnets, Carolina Reapers, and chives." she states, and then purses her lips. "We have someone who makes their own hotsauces. Apparently people with healing abilities *reall* like it spicy."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    and at the mention of cuddling, and the expansion of time, Phoebe gets a sort of sad little smile, holding her marshmallow stick a little bit closer to the heater.

    "... never seems like there's enough time to take it all in. Always something going on, someone that needs help or saving."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "Or the world's weirdest game of 'Chubby Bunny'..." Carin quips as she points her marshmallow stick at the heater now. She listens to the collection of stuff Phoebe is growing and her eyes go wide. "Oh wow... that's... wow! Do.. do they get enough sun? I mean. Gotham's got its reputation..." she observes, listening to the amazing variety of foods.

    Then she gives a lopsided smile to Bart. "Yeah I... I dunno. People like us just. Live on another level. But. I'm glad I can... stretch out good moments... it's... I'm lucky? We're lucky like that? Cuz we can just. Savor them more. And. Not being impatient about it is really helpful... cuz time just keeps moving regardless... oh! Unless you can, like. Stop time. Or. Go back in time. But uh... one of your relatives I met said something about that being bad..." she muses.

    "...cousin? I think? Yellow costume? She's nice..."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods and smiles a bit and says "Yea, going back in time can be bad, but it can be good, I have had fun with it." He admits. The fact he is a guy out of time might be one of his normal things. He looks over to Phoebe and says "Or they have to leave just when you think things are perfect." He sighs a moment and starts himself a couple marshmallows and says "I might be able to teach you to let someone share the streatched moment with you."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Yeah, and when there's not enough sun, I've got a couple tricks up my sleeve. I try to keep things subtle." Phoebe gives another smile, and looks up at the cloudy sky as the wind whistles a little bit.

    She breathes out and rubs the back of her neck again, leaning back, drawing the marshmallow out of the heater and... just... looking at it burn on fire for a moment before she blows out the fire.

    "Yeah. They do that too." she reflects in a softer voice.