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Latest revision as of 14:51, 25 May 2023

Say My Name!
Date of Scene: 21 May 2023
Location: Happy Harbor Plaza
Synopsis: A sudden attack leaves Shazam in a bad way.
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Mary Bromfield, Marie-Ange Colbert

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam found a deserted plaza in Happy Harbor. It was his last regular shift at the pizzeria. and he'd bought a pizza to share with M&M and he called his sister and near sister. He had a bag under his cape with needful things. He was going to meet the ladies as Billy. Yet when they arrive, they find he is still Shazam and he is staring at the Happy Harbor Assisted Living Home. The building as several windows covered with plastic sheeting. The pizza in his hand is getting cold.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Since owning a car in New York is decidedly not the best idea, Thunderbolt is flying Tarot in, holding her easily as she soars over the plaza. Seeing Billy is still here as Shazam, she angles in and lands on her feet nearby, setting Tarot down with a smile. She does, however, look a bit concerned.

"So, what's up?" She sounds curious, glancing around with a bit of a cautious expression.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Tarot has her own way of flying, yes, but given that her option involves creatures the size of buildings flying through the sky... and also that she has /this/ as an option? Is it really any surprise which one she's choosing? The redhead's arms are looped lazily around the brunette's neck; there's clear trust that she won't be dropped, there.

"Oui, Shazam? Is there a problem that needs solving?" she adds; using the hero name for obvious reasons. You never know when there's a stray ear that could be eavesdropping.

Billy Batson has posed:
Anyone with a sense for magic, or evil can feel it. It's a taint. It's like the second or so before you walk face first into the spider web, or the last tingle from your foot waking up. It's hard to describe for those who are not magical, like describing green to the colorblind. It's a hole in normalcy, radiating from the Home across the plaza.

"You feel that, right?" His sister seems to feel things similar to him. She heard the Mentors which made him very thankful for her. He half suspected they were an illusion crafted by a kid in over his head, who took too many lightning strikes to the head.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary pauses, closing her eyes a brief moment then nodding, "Yes, there's something... off, with that place." She looks over at Tarot, giving her a smile, "Definitely a problem, though I'm not sure what would solve it off the top of my head."

She considers, looking thoughtful, "Sadly, I don't really have too much contact with genuine wizards or witches, this might be something more for them than us." Not that she's adverse to trying to solve it, but she knows her limitations.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie looks towards Shazam, then to Thunderbolt, then the direction they're both looking...

"We could bring them flowers?"

Poor, sweet Marie. She might radiate it, but she doesn't have a lot of grasp as far as magical things are involved. There were people who tried to change that, but fate had other plans for the redhead. At least so far. Of course, as Mary mentiones wizards and witches... "You require the aid of magical practicioners, Thunderbolt?" ...because Marie? Marie could produce a LIST.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam says Marie, "We HAVE a Wizard but he's on sabbatical or something. We haven't seen him lately. A practicioner would be nice."

He turns to Mary, "Let's fly up and have a closer look err sense. Maybe, Tarot, can you do a reading?" He'll wait to see if Mary and Tarot are good with that plan before proceeding.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods over at shazam, "Makes sense, go ahead with the reading Tarot, and then we'll go in for a closer look. At least get a better idea of what we're dealing with here, besides general heebee-jeebees." She looks fairly serious at least, not descending into quips.

Which probably shows just how creepy that house is.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Well, there's Mademoiselle Kale, who was going to teach me at one point... Madame Crowe, who is even more gifted with the tarot than I," That might be Marie downing herself. "Monsieur and Mademoiselle Strange, Madame Clea, not to mention the League of Dark Justice." A little smile to that. Yes. She knows people. She knows a lot of people.

As for the reading? "Of course, Monsieur. What is the question you wish to have answered?" Another look between the siblings. That's something she needs answered, afterall!

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam ponders a moment. Then he says, "What will be the results of this magical event?" He chin nod, then looks at Mary. "I'm really more the hit them till they fall down type. She and Pantheon got the Wisdom." He points at Thunderbolt.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary hrms, "Well, that's a definite list Tarot... I might have to meet some of these people at some point." She grins a bit, and looks over Shazam, "Oh, you have it too. I just tend to use that first." She winks, then looks curiously at Tarot, wondering what sort of reading she'll get.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
For her part, Marie moves to settle on the ground in a crosslegged fashion, pulling her deck from the pouch at her waist. "Very well, Shazam." she replies with a smile, and then offers a brighter one to Mary, "You will. I do not have to ask the cards for /that/ particular answer." She teases. Afterall, these are people she considers friends. They'll likely be over at some point.

"The question for which you wish an answer is not always the easiest to ask; the cards generally prefer that the person involved be present in the reaching to impart their energy, but I will try to refocus things a bit." She explains as she shuffles, cuts, and sets down the deck. Three cards are chosen, placed face-down in a row.

The first card is flipped over, The Emperor. "The first card here will represent opportunities -- in the Emperor, based on the context that we have available..." she considers briefly. "...it likely represents authority, and in this case magical authority. We will need to seek out aid from skilled practicioners of the mystical arts; I will be happy to make a few phone calls, oui?" A brief smile.

The second card is turned... the Devil. Marie frowns a bit to that. "The second card reveals the challenges we face. The Devil is not an inheritly bad omen as one might believe, but in this position... it seems he serves as a corrupting influence, something which makes something, or some/one/ worse." she explains.

Then she flips the final card; it's one that's pretty familiar to the group, since Marie often calls the specter of Death to her side in battle. "The third card represents the outcome, and while the Death card is most often misinterpreted as reflecting a looming death itself, especially in this position... it is important to remember that the card most accurately represents change. Something is changing, or /will/ change." A solemn nod to that. The future is written in stone to Marie.

...granted, on one subject, she's willing to fetch a chisel.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam hears something, "I'm back", perhaps? There is nothing ambiguous about what happens next. There is a blaze of green fire that somehow does not illuminate. It feels very magical -and not the good kind to Shazam and Thunderbolt and yes even Marie can tell, no good will come of this.

A man, a monster really -bare chested with a mohawk hair cut and black pants steps forward, raises a huge hand cannon and aims it for Marie. "Spoilers, ya French bimbo!" He fires three shots rapidly.

Shazam leaps at him and he definitely does not look like the young man who played the flute with Marie. He trusts his sister to protect his new sister. "You bastard!!" He reaches for the man's throat and the green flames return and lick at him and his arm.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt moves rapidly, interposing herself between Tarot and the bullets, though she doesn't seem willing to take changes as she quickly bats them aside, the Speed of Artemis helping greatly as she deflects the trio of shots. She's focused on defending Tarot, letting Shazam tackle the mystery assailant.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Tarot gasps as the bullets are fired -- even when you know you're Not Going To Die Today, the visual and audio experience of it all is definitely shocking enough to startle her. Once the shots are knocked away, Marie stands on her tip-toes to try and peek around Mary to see if... whoever that was... is still there.

Billy Batson has posed:
The man/monster is gone in the green and black flames. Shazam falls to his knees draped in his cloak, clutching his arm.

What were your worst memories, Billy? Your mother telling you to go and stay away? Do you remember your dad leaving? Was it the Wizard saying you were a mistake or proving it so many times as Sivana went on a rampage? Then there were all those women who just... left: Angelica, Irie, Bea? Sunny will leave too. She's far too good for you.

All that pain is made physical, concentrated in his right forearm.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt hovers near Tarot, keeping her eyes and ears open as the man disappears, lips curved into a frown, "Cowardly little cur. He's like a chat troll, only less endearing." She doesn't seem to hear the inner taunting that Billy is going through, though she does look at him with concern regardless.

"You okay?"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie is fine, but seeing the threat gone and Billy down, she rushes over to check on him, as well. Just... at mortal speed. "Shazam?!"

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam pulls his cape back. His right hand is a pasty gray, the nails blue. The armguard and sleeve of his tunic have a charred, black. Sweat begins beading on his face. "Marie is okay? Good. I don't know what this is. Don't touch it! Help me get to the Rock of Eternity." He gets to his feet after a second try but can't seem to get airborne.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods, moving over towards Shazam, "Yeah, here we go, come on Tarot, you should come too, just in case chucklehead tries again at you." She smiles faintly, though her heart isn't exactly in it as she looks over at Shazam's arm.

With that, she moves towards a closed door. It looks like a random door, really, until she says, "Shazam!" There's a distant crack of lightning, and she opens the door... and it leads not into the decrepit building, but

... Somewhere Else.