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Latest revision as of 04:26, 2 June 2023

Banner the most wanted.
Date of Scene: 02 June 2023
Location: City Spire Condominiums
Synopsis: Ross attacks, but Mighty Woman, and Inez save the day with a little help from Hulk.
Cast of Characters: Bruce Banner, Rogue, Inez Temple

Bruce Banner has posed:
It is a nice warm day as Banner sits at the edge of the park. The nearby road busy with cars, and honking, the sidewalk busy though as you get into the park the less people there are, and the more.... joggers. Sitting at a stone table on a stone chair Banner sits. He wears his oversized jacket, solid purple T-Shirt, and blue jeans. He is playing chess against an old man named Waldo that doesn't talk to him as everytime someone talked to Banner while they were playing he would surrender, and the Waldo wanted to win.

On his wrist is a watch, though it doesn't have the time, only a number that Bruce glances at once in a while as he immerses himself in the sounds, and sighs of the busy spot trying to get used to the stresses it presented. He would be Waldo in another thirteen moves, as the man was good, but Bruce had already planned out the moves so was bearly paying attention to the game anymore as he just tried to enjoy the day with the sights of the park nearby.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was out on patrol this evening, playing the part of her public persona known in the media as 'Mighty Woman'. She was employed by a major sports equipment company for their 'Icons of Tomorrow' program, which paid vigilante superheroes of lesser known street cred to wear their company's uniforms, and do good around the city as any super hero should. It's... it gets mixed results on social media, with some loving it and then... well you know how social media goes.

Nevertheless young Mighty Woman has had a series of major events she's headlined around the city, from stopping Magneto once, to catching a out of control helicopter before it crashed down in to the East River. She's garnered quite a social media following because of it... whatever that accounts for.

She's also notoriously donated all of the money she gets paid from the 'Icons' program to charities in Bushwick, aka Mutant Town.

This evening, Mighty Woman is soaring through the air, wearing a tight-fitting attire of mostly dark green, trimmed with white lines, gun metal grey thigh-high boots, and a shoulder-mounted cape of a charcoal grey color. The shoulder cape whipping behind her as she sweeps through the sky, her two-toned hair of chestnut and white tied back in to a bun on the crown of her head, as she soars like a biiiird in the sky, sometimes coming low enough to get a fair bit of attention from locals and tourists alike who are eager to catch sight of a super hero in-action in New York City... though of course some of them are all like 'Aw, that's not Superman' or 'Who even was that?' when she did fly by, and they did snap off pics before she was gone.

Typical day for a lesser known Hero.

Inez Temple has posed:
On the one hand, the job was going to pay well. On the other hand, there was a chance of fighting the Hulk.

Inez had weighed her options considerably even after she had accepted the gig, and even as she made her way over towards a park where she had received a tip that Banner would be, she second guessed herself. She had gone up against some pretty decent foes and had always come out alright, more or less. But this was the Hulk!

Not the Hulk, she reminded herself. Banner. And they just wanted a conversation. So her goal was to get him to go along for a conversation. How hard could that be?

Opting to try to blend in with the locals a bit more than usual, Inez had left her hat back at the hotel room, and was instead wearing a pair of booty athletic shorts and a white tank top. She had even foregone her normal boots in favor of a pair of sandals. The last thing she wanted to do was stand out. Or look intimidating.

Which meant the guns stayed back at the hotel too. Although, honestly, if she reached a point where she might need those, she doubted they would have done much good.

Bruce Banner has posed:
As Rogue circles, and Inez approaches trouble brews under the cover. Perhaps she was too worried about the hulk, and fitting in does mean you have to follow the crowd which could make anti-servialance even harder. But from a car parked nearby a man with a beige and a cheap cap pulls up the collar of his Jacket. "I have eyes on Banner. Not sure where she is lost sight in the crowd." apperently the want to make sure to be extra careful worked a bit too well for the others to keep up with though they had found their target already. The man in the car hears, "We have forces moving lock on target for ID." then quiet again. Of course Banner sees none of this, nor Inez as she is approaching though Waldo is apperently sweating more as each move he makes is closer to the realisation he had already lost.

Rouge might see them already, though far away from where Banner is already at, two helicopters silently fly through the sky. They are black, and armed with missles, and large circular barrels they scream military. They seem on a mission flying though as planes in the area are diverted. Over the police scanner would go the call to start calling their people back as it was a training excersice for a terrorist attack in the middle of manhattan. It was a trial run, so the cops in the area lights turn on, and what few cops there were are now leaving.

All this is happening as Bruce just says one word... "Check.." and glances around thinking it wierd the unison of the cops going, but figured it was best as he didn't get along with the law that well in the first place as he returned to his game.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue doesn't have super hearing, or super senses in any shape. She does have peak human senses, as good as they can get on average... but it doesn't yield her any special noteworthy sight, hearing or the like. She doesn't realize things are going a bit odd until she sees the police lights come on down below. This causes her to slow her flying, it causes her to slip over to a empty balcony on the edge of a tall building overlooking the park that Banner is down in.

Rogue just puts her left foot on the edge of the balcony's stone railing, her right still hovering out in mid-air as she looks around down at the cop cars below.

The thumping of choppers does draw her eyes up though, even if they are more quiet than the average chopper, she does still pick up on them some distance away.

"God." Rogue says, her white bangs flowing in the warm early June wind rushing across her where she half-hovers beside that building.

She opts to just check in with the 'Icons' dispatcher, but there's only so much information you can get from a shoe company's dispatcher who is just listening to police band radio communications on the internet and relaying that back to 'Mighty Woman'.

Inez Temple has posed:
While she might not have super hearing, Inez does have a particular visual acuity, and so as she is moving towards Banner, she notices the action around. And frowns. This was not part of the plan. Or the job. Or even a very good idea. Suddenly she wishes she had her guns, after all.

She accelerates her pace, moving towards the chess match. Looking over at the approaching men and craft, she figures they are moments away from opening fire, and knowing the temper of the quarry, that is a bad idea.

Her gig here may have been to bring in Banner, but her job is still to protect people. At least, that's what she always told folks she would do. "Doctor Banner," she calls out as she breaks into a run. "You better move, because you've got folks moving in on you."

She leaves out how up until 15 seconds ago she was probably one of those. Pretty sure that check would bounce if she tried to deposit it now. Oh well.

Bruce Banner has posed:
As she approaches Banner makes a last move. "Checkmate.. Good ga.." and is interupted by a woman calling out his name. He stands up and hears the urgancy of her voice the number on his watch going up. "what.. Who are you? Are they.." and then BAM. Bruce looks directly at Inez, and says "You might want to run" then falling, and a lot of things happen.

When she yelled out the man in the car heard her, and paniced as unlike her he didn't know this was that Dr. heck he didn't even know the name just that the man could not escape this park. Of course a gun shot going off in a populated area is bad, as the people run.. The masses of groups of people just going every which way, traffic stopping, some people just abanding their cars, as in New York it wasn't safe just to sit in ones car, others speeding away. Not even seconds and the area is already starting to clear out, though it is chaos, Banner lays on the ground that moment as the person in the car Radios, "I got him.. The bountyhunter betrayed us but I shot him." to which he gets a "You did.... what?" Inez can already see the transformation as the bullet-hole seems to close as the bullet itself is pushed out to fall the the street as the man grows. "I shot him... He was going to.." the man in the car continues, but only gets a "Everyone move in now!"

The chaos of everyone running is then matched as now the copters have moved closer they are approaching quickly, and suv's are pulling in as everyone is trying to escape. There is yelling, and honking, and screaming, but from the ground where Banner fell is a loud angry Roar, and then there is silence as everyone looks as a large green man with torn pant, and no shirt is standing his eyes red with anger.

Moving to get up Hulk says almost to himself, "Puny Human hurt Hulk.... Hulk smash puny human."

Rogue has posed:
It is around the time that the gunshot rings out from down below that Rogue looks in the proper direction of things unfolding down in the park. Of course, she doesn't know Bruce Banner, and is entirely unaware of who he turns in to when he's angry. Thus, Rogue's full attention goes to the chaos that starts to break out following the expulsion of a metal jacketed round in a city park. "Shit." Rogue says to herself, taking her left booted foot off of the stone railing of that empty balcony, her body leaning in to the side that hangs mid-air over the street below, and she flies again...

... swooping down, Mighty Woman appears at street-level. She hovers above the traffic, a few cars rapidly driving beneath her feet by just a few inches, each with their drivers sparing a glance up at the Woman floating above their vehicle hoods before they pull in to the busy traffic of the city...

Rogue is just watching the chaos unfolding, when the Hulk appears about 30 yards ahead of where she's hovering. Her green eyes go to the big Green Guy, and she just stares at him.

"Double shit." Rogue says, her gloved hands going in to tight fists at either of her sides...

Inez Temple has posed:
Whirling around as the gunshot rings out, Inez screams at the man. "Are you fucking nuts??" No, just an idiot. She turns to look back at Banner. "Doctor Banner, are you o-"

No, he is pretty fucking far from ok. "Alright, everybody back away," she yells, starting to try to wave the crowd that had not immediately dispersed at the gun shot away from the scene. She knows that there is a ticking time bomb a few feet away from her, and she does NOT want to be here when it goes off.

But a glance back as she hears that rumble of a voice confirms that she is out of time to make a graceful escape.

"Triple shit."

Bruce Banner has posed:
Now on his feet though a distance away, Hulk with a small leap the large green man goes from feet away to towering over Inez, and he Roars again a bit of spittle flying past as he raises his hands in fist above his head. Though he then stops, and looks down at Inez instead he brings his fist down to the ground behind her covering her with his large body as the sound, and heat of an explosion from behind him would cover them both though Inez would be covered by the body of the big man.

With a growl Hulk just takes it, as one of the helecopters shot a missle into the park with all the fleeing people. Thankfully most had ran away, and the warning from Inez to run helped what stubbern left get out of the direct blast radius though some might of been thrown a bit by the concussion. There is a deep growl as the Hulk has been through this before.. As a word comes out in a deep growling way.. "Ross.." as he stands back up what little damage to his back already healing as he seems even larger then before as he breaths in deeper breaths as he eyes at the Helicopters thinking about what to do.

The people in the suv's are starting to get out, there are about ten of them with wierd looking long guns heading towards the hulk, as the man in the car now has some kind of binocular looking device that has no way to see through it, but a red beam that comes out of it as he is pointing it at the hulk.

While this is happening, from one of the SUV's that had pulled out a younger man with a different hat approaches, and addresses Rogue. "This is a military operation Miss.. You need to go, as this air-space is restricted." he even looks surprised as the missle hit, as he is just a normal person and that was a bit much, but he looks up at Rogue again, "You need to go... now M'am." and then into the Radio.. "We have local super-hero's in area.. we may need backup." though he says it lower it doesn't take super-hero hearing to hear it. Though one might be glad to hear the response of, "Get rid of them, our target is the hulk."

Rogue has posed:
The Hulk, people shouting at the Hulk, a attack chopper firing a missile at the Hulk, and so much more. What in the Hell kind of start to summer is this?

Rogue shields her eyes from the blast of the missile before she lowers her arm again to her side in time to hear the man addressing her. This, of course, causes her eyes to narrow as she looks toward him. "I don't think so, pal." Rogue says, ignoring him for now.

Instead the Southern Belle flies toward the Hulk, believing in her agility and ability to sense danger before it strikes her... enough to give her a chance to talk to him. "Hey!" Rogue calls out to the big guy. "Ya got people gunnin' for ya, ya better make a run for it! Outta the city! It's too dangerous t'fight here!"

Will he listen to her? Probably not, but she has to try to convince him to flee, which is far superior to choppers firing more missiles, and whatever this shady shit who was on the radio was about to do.

Rogue flies upward though, enough to get between the Hulk and the attack choppers, ready to fly toward them in hopes of getting THEM to flee, if the Hulk won't see reason.

Inez Temple has posed:
There is a lot going on, and Inez is unfortunately right in the middle of it. She looks up as the Hulk seemingly tanks a missile for her, and blinks. She was not exactly expecting him to be benevolent. If that is what it was, which it certainly seemed. "You get out of here, we'll hold them off," she says quickly as she notices 'Mighty Woman' coming to join the fray. "They don't want us."

Or at least, that is Inez hope. She hops up and considers her options. She /could/ try to grab a firearm and return fire, and that might buy the Hulk some time, but she also does not want to actually fire on the US government. Not when they have her Social Security Number on file as the independent contractor on this job. Blowing the job is one thing, attacking federal agents?

"Look, get out of here," she says, waving away like some kid in an 80s movie trying to drive their dog away to avoid the pound.

She might have had a chance to de-escalate the situation. If she was a bit better with words. And if the agents were a bit more patient. Alas, as she puts herself between the Hulk and the military, they seem not to have much patience for their rogue in the park (as compared to not their Rogue in the sky), and open fire anyway.

"Mother --" is about all Inez gets out before she ducks away from the hail of bullets, making it two steps before an unlucky (or lucky) shot catches her in the shoulder, the impact from the high velocity round sending her to the ground.

Bruce Banner has posed:
The choppers guns seem to whirl, but as Rogue moves in the way they stop just moments before the bullets go off. The follow up shots not following as they don't have authorization to shoot down a civilian, even if they are floating. They seem unsure what to do as a big green guy rampaging in the park was one thing they had the lower yield explosives so while it might damage stuff it shouldn't kill anyone not seeing that he would of hit Inez they feel they are still on that line.

If only the hulk was that forgiving as he moved to grab a car, and throw it at one of the helecopters, though accidently it turns to be at Rogue as she flew inbetween the two. Thankfully while he was only getting madder he had not had that much time to get angry so with gravity the force behind the throw should be under 75 tons. He ignores the shots as they seem to just bounce off the realisation of who this is has made him way to angry to care about such small things even though it still hurt a little at this stage.

Hulk looks about ready to do something else, as he sees the lady he just saved shot, and stops attacking as he turns, and moves over to her. The shots still ignored as he jumps over to cover her on the ground. He looks at her confused for a moment, and then something wierd would happen. The hellicopters turn, and start flying away, and the men on the ground start running. If they can get in cars and drive they do so. Rogue must of done it, and scared them good, as it seems it is a full retreat as the agents that attacked him run like their lives depend on it.

Hulk is carefully trying to move Inez to his hand.. "Hulk help puny lady." as he is going to flee taking her with him. Though he stops, and looks up for a moment he heard something that sounded like a boom in the air though it was a bit a ways away it sounded familer for some reason. In the air, a silver missle flies right now it is just moving but it is trained on whatever is hit with that laser, and that crazy Ross hit the button. If it hits the ground it will not kill the hulk, but the park, the cars, the buildings will all take a serious hit.

Hulk looked up and then down at Inez not sure what to do as he looked at the floating lady for the first time.. "Silver thing!" he points a big finger into the sky.. "Hurt park.. Hurt people.. Must stop!" he says trying his best to explain what is going on, as he is already losing strength as his anger is starting to wain from the effort. So before he gets tired, he plants his feet, and jumps through the sky Inez held firmly so he wouldn't drop her as he sails through the air. "Hulk find plus sign.. puny lady get better,"

Rogue has posed:
The flying car is seen out of the corner of Rogue's eyes, but she does manage to turn in time to catch it by the back bumper. She doesn't outright stop it cold either, instead she starts to twirl in a circle like a figure-skater competing for Gold! She, and the vehicle, spin around in several rotations before Rogue lowers down to let the car skid across the park ground.

She huffs out a sigh as her gloved hands release the rear bumper, her shoulders slumping for a second before she looks up to the helicopters in the sky above. She's jumping in to the sky when the Hulk moves to Inez's side... her flight path taking her right up to the choppers to stare menacingly through their front wind screens.

They start to turn tail and leave? Really? That worked?

The sound of the missile's roaring engine has her looking toward it just as the Hulk speaks of it down below. "Right... shit, of course."

Her fists come up, her legs straighten out behind her, and Rogue bursts at full speed toward the warhead! At her full speed, she moves at the rate of a airliner, making her pretty damn fast, and should she get to the missile in time, the green and white clad woman will try to wrap her arms around its sides, her full strength being pushed in to it to guide the rocket toward the nearby river where she'll hopefully direct it down in to the water for a nice early summer swim!

Inez Temple has posed:
"I'll be fine, Hulk," barks Inez as she tries to push herself up with one arm. In truth, she will be - eventually. But right now, it hurts like a mother fucker. "You have to get out of here before they..."

    Launch a nuke.

    The evacuating military and the whine tell the tale. There is something bearing down on them, and at this point, Inez is fresh out of ideas. Luckily, the Hulk isn't.

    "Worry about the missile, not me!" she says as she is scooped up, but then she spots 'Mighty Woman'. She knows Rogue can handle this kind of threat, and given that the Hulk is less than stable, she stops fighting him on that front. "Fine, a hospital, but one far away from here, ok big guy?"

    Some job.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Good news it wasn't a nuke, not even the general is that crazy, bad news is it was a blast made to hurt the hulk. The water though was a good idea, as leading it into the water stops the propulsion, but the impact through the water is enough to... after a small pause make it explode throwing water into the air. Though everyone is surprised, and a few dead fish float to the surface it is not long as Mighty Woman flies again perfectly safe though maybe a bit scuffed. She has saved the day, and though might have to write Aquaman a letter of apology, has saved the day once again. No-one is hurt from that, and the air is filled with rainbows as the water falls back down around her.

Now being held in Hulks hand may not be the best, but once your in there getting out again is difficult so as she squirms, and orders him he just looks around a bit before hopping again. This leap would make they fly through the air in a large arc before coming down again infront of the hospital. Walking through the glass front leaving a hulk sized hole behind him before the rest of the glass breaks from having a hole in it. With one arm he clears the front desk of everything that was on it, and lays Inez on the desk before turning to look at the poor nurse with a growl showing he would not take no for an answer, and demands.. "Fix her." which just gets an... "ooooo.. okay." and then he snorts at her turning around and leaping away again to find some place to sleep. It had been a busy day, and puny lady should be fine. Floating lady seemed a bit less puny so he didn't worry about her instead thinking maybe he should go to the zoo and eat and elephant before he goes to bed. as he leaps further into the city.