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Latest revision as of 03:26, 16 April 2020

Strangers Rasping at my Chamber Door
Date of Scene: 13 April 2020
Location: Sanctum Santorum
Synopsis: Daniel seeks the aid of the Sorcerer Supreme for a problem.
Cast of Characters: Stephen Strange, Daniel Hastings, Michael Hannigan

Stephen Strange has posed:
    It's nearing the wizard hour in New York. It's not mid night, that's the 'newbies' hour of magic, while those that truely know the ley lines and the way the energies of magic work across the planes of existence and about the face and beneath the worlds themselves. Earth's is potent with living energies versus mars which wields great emptiness and the storms of jupiter. Earth is easiest to tap into in the early morning before the suns power has washed over the surface of the planet.

    Strange sits, not on the ground, but three feet in the air, his feet curled beneath him and the great cloak rests on his shoulders, touching the floor and pooling beneath the wizard as he meditates across the starways and the dimensions with nary a thought and even fewer restrictions on his mental travels.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Referrals. Ordinarily they are wonderful things. When referred to a Doctor, they're a specialist. In this case, it is more true than not. Either way, Daniel Hastings makes a somewhat leisurely approach to the front door of the Bleeker St address he was given. The exterior of the building didn't look like much but the glass window on the roof was a not so subtle hint he was in the right place. Wearing a grey suit and looking fairly ordinary for a New Yorker on 'business', he used the knocker to announce his presence.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Well, there is a long story to how Mike has come to be inside the Sanctum. But suffice to say, it consisted of many instances of wandering feet taking musicians to the same front garden whenever his mind started wandering. And well, after awhile that gets old. Conversations eventually start. And things are found out, such as the blind ignorance of one of the magic practitioners in the conversation.

And so ends the cliffsnotes version about how one Michael Hannigan, AKA Nick Drago. Rock Star, Actor, and songwriter, is using the libraries to essentially do homework. UGH.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    Down stairs, away from the master of mysticism, a large bald man opens the door, as if he was expecting company, and his brown eyes linger down onto Daniel and he bows as he opens the door inwards. A series of chimes ringing out through the brownstone, warning those inside of possible intruders, and yet the man upstairs, will trust those within to do what they must to protect this sacred place.

    Wong speaks up, "Good morning sir, you are here quite early, breakfast isn't for a few hours, but I can pour you some tea if that would be fine." The assistant welcomes Dan in, allowing the man access into the shallow foyer that quickly opens up into a separate but vast landing, with checkered tiles and a grand split staircase framing the room and obscuring hallways leading off the first floor. "What is the nature of your visit good sir?" Wong asks politely.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
There's a moment where Daniel doesn't know how to answer. The topic he wished to speak of was.. sensitive. But then this fellow Wong looks like some sort of ascetic himself and so.. "Good morning. Tea would be lovely, thank you." His quasi-British accent says he would love tea. "Could you please inform Doctor Strange that Doctor Daniel Hastings, Agent of SHIELD, would like to discuss a matter of some sensitivity. Regarding.." And now he pauses, eyes seeming to glance nowhere in particular. "the Tessaract. Tell him that.. The Vision.. directed me to him. If you could please." He smiles and gives Wong a gentilish sort of nod. "Thank you."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike's glances up, away from the book he's currently buried in. Hmm. Well, taking this as an invitation to take a study break, the musician gets up from his seat. He takes a moment to close the book before he starts to make his way towards the front quietly.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    "It will be done sir." Wong informs Daniel before he turns around and steps away from the door, leaving Daniel in the large open room, as the doors behind slowly close of their own accord. Wongs footsteps can be heard coming from all directions of he house, some echoing through the main room without rhyme or reason in their origin.

    After several long, almost absolutely awkward pauses, and an ominous sense of doom causing the room to feel like it's closing in around and deeper as the shadows begin to grow long and the fires in the lights all seem to fade and grow distant.

    Everything resets, into a 'normal' brownstone as a voice appears at the top of the landing on the second floor, hands on the banister and a curious old man looking down. "I was told you seek my councel from a ... Vision? I am not a fortune teller, I can tell you that."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    Daniel looks about himself, appreciating the dark woods and the decor. It was, in all estimation, a house he could find himself living in. Then the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. His feet separate just a little and he begins.. looking about.. or at least he's looking forward. He notes the presence of the fellow at the top of the landing about the same time the curious old man stands there. "I don't expect you are. Up until not so long ago, I wouldn't have put much stock in such things anyway." There's a wry hint to his voice. Then he shrugs, straightening and relaxing from his fight or flight instinct.

    "I'm Doctor Hastings. I.. assume.. you are Doctor Strange?" After all, the fellow's not confirmed this yet. "Astrophysics, mathematics. Oxford. Born the twenty first of June.. Nineteen twenty." That ought to get his attetnion. "Up until two months ago, I'd been a guest of the Kree Empire. What I'd like to speak to you about.. are.. in point of fact.. visions. My own. I was told you might have some insight in how I might control them.. or better recover from them."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
It takes a bit of time for Mike to make his way down. Today the library decided to be on the third floor and the stairs are being moody. It's almost tempting to just fly down but, based from the lack of booming sounds or shouting, likely unecessary. He eventually makes it to the second level.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    "Yes, I am Doctor Strange." Stephen says, as he pushes off the banister, his red scarred hand staying in touch with the polished wood of the rail as he moves over to the top of the standing. No reaction is really given to Daniel's mention of his birth year. Strange finds himself in the company of the impossible more frequently than he does with the sane, "What is it you'd like me to do about these visions of yours. Erase them? Obscure them? Do what I can to bring them to fruition?" Stephen asks rhetorically.

    "I'm not much of a teacher in regards to situations like that, be it you call them gifts or curses, but I can recommend a man who could help you with your 'mind' if that's what you're interested in." Stephen offers, remaining at the top of the steps, looking downwards.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    Daniel is a bit relieved that at least there's only one extra layer of formality to get through. He takes a moment to truly look at the fellow before continuing. "To the point, I once made contact with the Tessaract. I've been told that tends to be the last thing that happens to someone who is otherwise.. a mere mortal." For what that's worth. "In that instant, I felt myself blasted across the cosmos.. still seemingly aware.. and conscious of my self enough to reform upon a Kree colony world."

    Daniel lets that sink in for just a moment. "Now that I have found my way back.. I find myself.. having flashes.. of.. anywhere. Everywhere. Somewhere. Wholly out of my control for duration or timing. I'm told that you are something of an expert on the topic of.. these artifacts of power. What I would seek is.. guidance. Help in.. how to control these visions.. or at least to minimize them. I.. should note that there are other side effects of my contact. I could.. demonstrate for you if you like."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike glances, around, grumbing again as things are not where they were when he went up. WHERE THE HELL ARE THE BACK STEPS?! "You've got to be kidding me..."

Shaking his head, he makes his way down the hallway of the second level, walking towards the more ornate set of steps. "This house is moodier than I am." He mutters, steps slowing as he sees the flutter of a certain red cloak peeking around the doorway. Hmm. Looks like a conversation's going on.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    Strange's eyebrows lift up slightly and then reset to a more stoic face. "You've encountered a tesseract, was transported across space into an alien planet and then returned here and are seeking out a magician to teach you how to control something no one has ever controlled..." Stephen summarizes, either to himself or for the sake of revealing to Daniel how bizarre this plan is.

    "Can you access these vision in any way, or are they just visions?" Stephen inquires though he looks up at the sound of a voice from above and rolls his eyes again. "Just picture where you want to go, Mike."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    Daniel takes a moment to recap in his brain everything Strange summarized then gives a nod. "That about sums it up. Although.. I should say I do have a modicum of control." As if to demonstrate, Daniel disappears. He summarily reappears on the stairs about halfway up them with a hand moving to rest upon the rail. "I have found that I have the ability to fold space. To.. view things thousands of miles away.. to travel there.. to.. cojoin to points and unjoin them.. I dare say not at whim but with some focus. I've been getting the hang of these more and more over time but that doesn't solve the fact that sometimes I feel as if I'm just along for the ride." He leans on the rail.

    "Which brings me back to you." Daniel's gaze looks back up towards the wizard. "Vision informs me that you're.. in the know.. when it comes to these things. That you might be able to help me to.. get a better handle on things. Sometimes, these random visions are more than just a room or a view of space but are so much more vast than my mind can handle in a given moment. Not unlike when I touched the blasted thing in the first place. Those times.. they worry me. Make me feel like I might just get lost again only this time I might not come back."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"It's a bit late for that Strange," Mike points out, poking his head through the doorway, showing himself behind Strange. "I already made it here."

Realizing there's another figure on the stairs, the head turns, looking over to Daniel. "Oh. Hi.Seeing that you are on your way up, I'm going to just head on down..." He steps around Strange, starting down the other, unoccupied staircase.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    "Such are the risks of holding the cosmos within your grasp." Strange muses softly before he looks to the now relocated Daniel. "I assume it is like any other muscle system. Use it, practice with it and it will grow strong and you more capable with it, or avoid it, shut it out and it will atrophy, but this is just a theory and one that may cost you or other their lives." Stephen says with a shrug of his shoulders as he starts to turn around. "Speak with Mike here about living with things you don't or can't understand. He has some experience. I must go back to my watch." The wizard explains as he moves back into the second floor museum of the sanctum and disappears among the countless artifacts.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    "I.. that's not very reassuring." Daniel observes with a frown and a knit of his brow. "It's not as if I asked for this. I'm just trying to figure out how to.. live with it." But then the magician is wandering off again and Daniel lifts a finger as if he was going to say something. Instead, he looks over to Mike. "Does he.. often simply wander off like that? Somehow I thought he'd be more insightful."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike pauses halfway down the steps as he hears his name being mentioned. Glancing over to the only other person Strange could have been addressing. "Wait-STRANGE!" HE turns his head looking upwards to see that he has left.

Well. Crap. Hand resting on the railing, he looks over to Daniel. "Best I got for you on that behavior is that he's got a lot of stuff he's got to do and tutoring's not one of them."

He taps his hands on the railing, "So...first thing's first. I'm Mike. What did he just volunteer me for?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    Daniel is silent a moment, fingers tapping the railing. "I don't know that he did." He offers somewhat consolingly though it is clear he's not at all happy with how the brief meeting went. "I'd almost have been better off not coming. Now I have to deal with one other person in the know." A beat and he looks to Mike pointedly, "How much of that did you hear, by the by?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"I think from the part when Strange first addressed me. Travel. Visions. Cosmos. You didn't exactly volunteer for this..." He pauses, "Hmm. If it's any consolation, he's not exactly going to be telling anyone else whatever you told him. He just doesn't care."

He gives a slight nod, hands settling on the railing. Head tilting curiously. "I do know what it's like with the 'not exactly volunteering' bit and having to figure it out on my own though."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    Daniel takes a deep breath. "Doesn't.. care." His hand comes off the rail and he uses it to massage his face. "Right. I imagine that's me seeing myself to the door then." He shakes his head then looks apologetically to Mike. "Daniel Hastings." It's a terse introduction but then he did call hismelf 'Mike'. "If you'll forgive me.. I'm going to.. go have a chat with someone who /does/ care." My god.. did he seriously mean Vision? Who is, for all intents and purposes, a robot? What /is/ this world coming to.
    Daniel snaps out of his reverie to smile at Mike. "Another time then. I'm sure we will meet again. If you travel in his circles, it would seem inevitable." SHIELD was always cleaning up behind some mess or another caused by 'heroism'. He dips his chin in gentile fashion to Mike then.. disappears.