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Latest revision as of 01:58, 6 June 2023

This is a Thing II
Date of Scene: 04 June 2023
Location: Atlantic City!
Synopsis: Melissa sneaks out to see her old friends who are totally Juggalos.
Cast of Characters: Melissa Gold, Wade Wilson, Harley Quinn

Melissa Gold has posed:
The visit had been bittersweet. Melissa had learned that a certain group would be doing a performance in Atlantic City during the same time that the Suicide Squad, as they were so eloquently called, would be there for a mission. And thus, she did what any good member of the Squad would. She ditched to do something she wanted.

Not completely. She had made sure that all her people had their assignments and knew to meet back at the safehouse location before the next morning when they would be heading to to try to finish the mission. She could have gone with some of them. Instead, she sought time to herself.

And thus she was coming out of a smaller hotel that had a big marquee advertising that they had Pro Powered Wrestling for One Night Only. It wasn't one of the great hotels. Not even a good one. But it was cheap and it had a ballroom big enough for a ring to be setup and the Pro Wrestling group had great insurance. So even if their place was destroyed in the process, they would get some free renovations after. Win Win for the hotel.

Melissa was in her costume but over it was a pair of jeans, some oversized combat boots that weren't actually laced up, and a hoodie, the hood pulled up to cover her hair. Her harness was on but not visible under the jacket. She glanced both ways then turned, tucking her hands in her pockets and headed back for the safehouse.

The walk would take less than ten minutes, plenty of time for her to think about old friends and how Fate, if there was such a thing, was a complete and utter bitch.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    As she approached the safehouse she was likely pleased that most of the lights were out. It was a run down crappy ranch house that was part of a development at one point until its land got sliced up for commerce areas when they needed to rezone for one of the larger hotel chains. It was still a crappy ranch house, just now it was across the street from a liquor store and a pawn shop that doubled as a check-cashing service store. Real upper class crowd.
    She approached the house, lights were off. The door opened with a jangle, though when the door opened she'd suddenly be subjected to the bright glow of what could possibly be a spotlight...
    Though in reality it was just a lamp with the shade aimed in her direction as she stepped through the door. "And here I thought it was gonna be Roulette that was the one steppin' out just ta be steppin' out." That glowy light made it impossible to see who it was. But there was no mistaking the voice as Wade was unforgettable.
    "Though ok, either that's some really niche fetish club gear or... your sekrit boyfriend has some crazy kinks. Is that... clown make up? Oh my god, I knew it, Harley's Joker STDs are contagious."
    The lamp shade is pushed down and now she can see him, sitting there on the old la-z-boy chair that had been in the corner of the safehouse, in his gloved hands a pair of knitting needles and a half-made mitten. "I am disgusted... and yet mildly turned on."
    And then a curious thing is seen.
    He stops talking.
    Wade turns away and gestures with one hand, "Alright, G'night Mel." As he goes back to knitting.

Melissa Gold has posed:
"Sweet baby Jesus," came the words from the slight figure that had just closed that front door behind them before being blinded by the light. Literally. Melissa brought up a hand to try to shield her eyes, the hood falling off the back of her head in the process. Her voice had a heavier southern drawl than she usually spoke with as she said those words. And what was revealed under that hood?

It certainly didn't look like Songbird. Instead, of the long hair with the pink stripe, she had on a white wig that was cut shorter. It was all white and a bit spikey. Her face was covered in white clown paint, with a black triangle above and below each eye and deep red lipstick. Then her voice went back to normal and she tried to yank the hoodie back up but really, the clown was already out of the bag so what was the use.

"I have no idea what STDs Harley or Joker might have but this has nothing to do with them. I ...saw some old friends." Why was she explaining herself? Why did she feel the need? Just tell him to fuck off and go to wipe the makeup off her face. Yet, she kept talking. "They wanted to do my makeup for old time's sake."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"You sorta realize I am standin' right heah, right?"

Actually, where had the clownette come from?! Had she creeped in when no one was watching? Had she been there all along? Was she secretly a master of disguise and stealth? What's true is that indeed she is sitting over at the couch, across from the knitting Wade, feet up and she lounging lazily. Because she's stuck in a damn safehouse! "You know, instead o' doin' all this crap of getting gear and ..., whatever did you ask us to do? I could be watching some pro wrestling! I know there was a show close-by.." Yes, Harley is a pro-wrestling fan. Kickin' ass and performing to a crowd? A match made in heaven!

"Hey, no talkin' about my STDs, you will hurt theah feelin's..." a careless shrug given before she starts sitting up and peers at Melissa, and her clothing, and make-up. Lips purse together.

"Hol' up..." a shiny look of recognition there.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "That's cool," Were the two words that Wade uttered...
    Other than a quick murmur to himself of, 'knit one... pearl two... knit one... pearl two...'
    But after a moment he looked back up, those white eyelets in the shadows of that lamp focusing back on her. He tilted his head a little, "Look, I understand, Mel. You have a dark sordid past." Deadpool looks to the side and makes a face, his mask twisting a little. "Shit, girl. Who doesn't have a dark sordid past here in this crew of chuckleheads and dimdobs, right?"
    Wade sets the half-made mitten aside, his knitting needles set down on the side table where that lamp rests. He straightens up and spreads his hands. "I'm far from Judgey McJudgerstein here, I've got my own messes going on. Some of it right this very minute. But usually I keep that junk hidden behind my oh so clever comments and my funny funny dialogue that hides the oh so deep hurt within my emotional gentleness."
    He takes a deep breath. "So really. No judgment here, Big Melly-G. I understand. Old friends, crowd you used to run with, bad history. But also good history. Hard to give it up."
    Wade nods, "This is a safe space for you here, Spice-Girl-Six. I understand. It's alright..."
    "You're a Juggalo. It's fine. You do you."

Melissa Gold has posed:
"Sorry, Harley. I didn't see you." Which was the truth because someone Blinded Her With a Lamp moments ago and Melissa was still seeing bright spots when she tried to focus on anything. She tugged the hood back up over her hair, glancing around the room as though afraid other people might have seen her makeup.

And indeed, if anyone really followed Powered Wrestlers of the past when it had been a thing for a while, they might recognize a certain Grappler who went by the name of Screaming Mimi in the slight figure of Melissa Gold. Or if they knew a lot about old supervillains as she had been one of those for a time.

Thus her thinking that was what Wade was referring to. And she actually felt herself responding to the kind words from the usual insane merc with a mouth. It was so kind and understanding.

Then the word Juggalo came out.

"I am not a fucking Juggalo!" came the immediate response. Which may make one wonder how Melissa knows what one is if she is not one.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Hoooolll' uuuppppp..." Harley repeats, this time in a real long drawn exhale as there's that look of recognition on her face. Ohhh, yeeesss. Little gears inside her mind are turning and finding those old memories of going off to wrestling and seeing some of her heroes, or in this case villains.

"Screammiinnn Mimiiii!" She exclaims, arms opening wide in surprise and then of course she is hovering close to Melissa, and around her. And over her. And under her and ...., well, you get the picture. "How could you hide this from me?! You are now my favorite person evah." Harley has a lot of favorite people apparently, probably in a weekly rotation. "And you ..." she points a finger at Wade. "You bettah pay respect to one of the top wrestlers of all time."

Pause as Wade then goes on his two-dollar Doctor Phil tirade. "Also, leave the deep talk to the professionals. Like me." Hmph.

"Nothin' wrong about being a Juggalo. What the fuck?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Oh, Harleen. Hello." Wade says, then adds an affected 'sniff' while covering his 'nose'. As if to address the possibility of contagious clown germs. He then addresses the clown in the room. Or rather the other clown in the room.
    "It's alright, Melissa. Like I said, I am not feeling judgey... right now. At least." Deadpool spreads his hands, "I reserve the right later on to give you the business, of course. But right now, hey it's cool Daddy-O. I'm hip. I'm with it."
    There's a pause as Wade tilts his head sharply to one side, "Though you might wanna keep your voice down. Vlad has those gigantic sonar ears and all that, and I think he's from Romania, they don't have Juggalos there, you'd have to explain to him the whole concept of the ICP. And then naturally that would progress to Wu-Tang Clan, and you'd end up having to inform him all about the 90s music scene, especially your time with the other two Mels, and whatserface? The stuck up one? Married some footballer guy."
    Another shrug, then the Merc with a Mouth _hops_ up out of his chair. "Right now though, let's let embarrassing totally true facts that are super real go. I'm gonna get some juice. You want some juice? Harley want some..."
    Which is the moment when recognition dawns on Harleen as to exactly who this particular Juggalo is. Screamin' Mimi? That's newish. "Oh wait, right... the..." He points at Melissa, then nods slowly. "The thing you secretly confided in me, this was that, and that was this. That's... Aww."

Melissa Gold has posed:
And suddenly there was Harley. It was like she was a hungry tarantula. One moment she was at one spot and the next she just magically was at the other end. And Melissa apparently was the prey as she found Harley hovering in front of her, beside her, probably getting a peek at green underneath the neckline of the jacket at this angle, under the gold of the harness she wore at her neck to allow for her powers to work. Which mean that yes, somewhere under those clothes was likely a familiar outfit to one that knew her old work. She winced slightly as she heard the defense of her status. "I mean...I was good. I wouldn't say one of the greatest..." she murmured softly, glad she had on the makeup as it hid any blushing that might be happening.

Then she heard the words from Wade and immediately said. "Victoria. AKA Posh Spice." Which was just going to add to the levels of embarassment from this night. Though then he put two and two together and actually came up with four instead of ooooh pink or something. Because if anyone could get the sum of pink from two and two it was Wade. "Yes, this was the secret thing...which is apparently no longer a secret. And I'll take a drink, please."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Damn right we want a drink, get us some top shelf stuff." Does Harley think this is a bar? Then she whispers, "Skullface brought some whiskey foh this, you can find it behind the cabinet ovah the kitchen." then she talks EVEN quieter. "He confided that he needs it to not shoot you every time he sees you..." this to Wade. How much of it is real though? Or maybe it's even Harley's bottle. Who knows?

Big wide grin goes to Harley's expression as she takes in Screaming Mimi again, hands on her hips. "And what ya mean, not one of the best.. That no holds barred with Letha is a classic. Tooop Rooopeee!" she exclaims, in that super excited manner of a fan meeting a celeb.

She starts humming quietly to herself something rather close to 'Wannabe' when the Spice Girls are mentioned and she looks at Wade, "I can't believe you ain't a wrestling fan.." she shakes her head at him slowly. Such disappointment.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Strolling into the open kitchen area with its sickly yellow and brown linoleum and backsplash, Wade pulls open the fridge and peers inside. "Ok we got, OJ, Soda, some Purple Stuff. Ooh look, Sunny D. Oh you want Whiskey?"
    There's a faint clink of glass and metal and a shift of stuff inside before he emerges with a few plastic bottles. One seems to be of Apple Juice, another is a bottle of Orange Juice, and a third is Grape Juice. He extends the first choice to Melissa, letting her pick what she wants, then the other two are offered to Harls. Wade'll be fine with whatever's left.
    Then he starts to wander over toward the location of the hidden hooch, eyeing Harley sidelong as he edges to the aforemetnioned hiding place. He leans behind it, disappearing partially from view, there's a scrape and a glassy click then he re-emerges. "Here we go. Booze." That said he brings it forth.
    "I'm not _not_ a wrestling fan. Just my knowledge is not hugely in depth. Like I know Letha. Mainly because... well she is teh-heh-sexeh. But like that's as far as my interest goes."

Melissa Gold has posed:
"You're not wrong," Melissa agreed to what Wade said about Letha. For the woman was hotness personified. Not that Melissa, as Screaming Mimi, was any slouch but she was a slighter build than most of her fellow Grapplers. She started to take the apple juice, thought about the group she was with, and instead went for the grape. And double checked the lid three times to be sure it hadn't been opened before hand.

Harley's enthusiam was starting to make Melissa relax a little more. It was like the old days, when she had fans at ringside screaming her name and just happy to be in the same building as her. That was some of the stuff she'd loved the most back in the day. "Unlimited Class Wrestling Foundation sadly went away, thus us going back to a life of crime for most of us. In and out of jail. Then went legit but not legit during that whole Thunderbolts debacle." Where they pretended to be heroes before some of them turned on Zemo and took him down. "I got out of that as someone else took the fall." Poor Abe. "But I couldn't resist going to see them when I learned they were going to be in town. I know we have an assignment and all but...hopefully you guys can forgive me."

And a hint of a smirk. "Maybe if I get you tickets to their next match in the tri-state area? I'll be sure Letha is on the card for you, Wade."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"~If you wannabe my lovah ..., you just got to be .., just got ta be, just like Letha be, friendship nevah eeenndsss.. ~" There goes Harley, butchering through a Spice Girls song. At least her voice isn't half-bad and she does have that hip wiggle going because you can't sing spice girls without the choreography. But then .., choice of beverages. That gets Harley thinking .., and thinking. "Ooooh, get me the apple .., and a lil of that ..." she takes the OJ. "And the whiskey..." she makes a small mix in a glass.

"Deal!" This about going to a wrestling match. "Ya know, I had already half-thought about invitin' ya to join my roller derby league, but that sorta seals the deal, so I want you up on the trainings asap. I mean, having a celeb with the team, that's gonna be crazy."

Harley just runs past the whole 'hope you guys can forgive me' thing that Melissa does. Clearly Harley believes Melissa did the right thing. Which may be a scary thought. Or not!

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "On the card, is that like innuendo?" Wade asks as he takes the remaining juice bits and combines them too, hoisting his mask just enough to reveal the lower portion of his... rather unappetizing face. "Because if it is, sign me up."
    The mercenary takes a sip then hops back over onto his la-z-boy, dropping into it _heavily_ as it reclines abruptly with a THUD, the footrest snapping up sharply. "Because that Letha gal. I would love the chance to disappoint her in _so_ many ways." He waves a hand to the side as if just unable to count all those ways as he repeats, "_SO_ many ways."
    He reeeeaches over and triggers the handle on the side of the chair and makes it recline allllll the way back, his feet over his head now as he sips from his drink. "But as for illicit events you sneak out for, Mel that's hardly like, a one-star scuttlebutt event. Those are rookie numbers."

Melissa Gold has posed:
"You've hinted at the roller derby before," Melissa states, really unnecessarily. "I've never done that and not sure that I'd be able to act within the rules when I'm used to a more...full contact sport." As in literally flinging people around the ring. Since they weren't just for show in their particular form of wrestling, though a lot of it was. But they were still very much athletes, even if some of the matches had an outcome already planned. But unlike most professional wrestling by non-powered people, some of the powerec matches were very much real which made them all the more entertaining for the more bloodthirsty fans.

Learning she wasn't even a one-star on the scuttlebutt scale actually made Melissa laugh. And she gave a little nod. "I'll keep that in mind for the future. Though I don't intend to try to better my numbers." She cracked the seal on the grape drink and took a sip of the purple goodness. "I better go get changed. And this makeup off. Before the rest of the team gets back."

She gave a little wave. "And let's keep this..." She waved a hand at her face. "Is all our little secret. Yes, a new secret since you sort of let the cat out of the bag that you already had one before, Wade."