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Broads and Brawls
Date of Scene: 11 June 2023
Location: Harry's Hideaway (Bar)
Synopsis: A group of eclectic mutants wander in and over a game of cards ponder life, mysteries, drama, and celebrate the paranoia that comes with childbirth.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Gabby Kinney, Carol Danvers, Lorna Dane, Warren Worthington, Franklin Richards, Ororo Munroe

Monet St. Croix has posed:
This isn't much of a Hideaway. But for whatever reason Harry's had long ago turned into the home away from home for the teaching staff at Xavier's. They would come here to celebrate, to reminisce, and to relax. For whatever reason, here was more accepting thana nywhere else. No matter whatever would happen along their lives. Harry's always camed out intact and they could always come back here.

But alas, Monet St. Croix is sitting over to the side and trying (and failing) to see the appeal.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
This was the place to hang out. Enough students had tried to get in over the years that Harry had actually made 'underage hours' during which they could come and eat and hang--but past a certain time that was cut off so that only adults could be here. That never really stopped Gabby either way as she had a fake ID, but she also never ordered alcohol here. It was pointless given ehr healign factor.

Older now, and no longer a student at the school thanks to getting her GED early on so she could focus on her teams, she still liked to visit on occasion when in the area. Right now she was coming back from a bit of a trip so a stop for awhile seemed nice.

Pushing through the doors she enters with a quick glance cast around to see any familiar faces---Only to alight on Monet with a bright grin. "Hey, Monet! Been awhile."

Carol Danvers has posed:
No one's ever going to be shocked that Carol Danvers is dropping by a bar. No matter how much the occasional reminders of her past excesses from friends earn a roll of her eyes, she just can't stay away. Mostly because a good dive bar has that comfortable atmosphere where anyone can relax and unwind and forget the world.

And sure, Harry's is really more of just 'a bar' than a real dive, but it's got good food in a 'deep fried things that make your cardiologist frown' way.

But Carol hasn't seen a Kree cardiologist in a long while, and she's pretty sure firing energy blasts at super powered beings literally burns the calories off. So if these mozzarella sticks cause any trouble, she'll just go pick another fight with Titania or something.

She's trying to keep a low profile, a simple leather jacket over a faded t-shirt and jeans, Carol is absolutely incognito, if it weren't for the height. And the swagger. And the fact that she can't really do anything about her face and at a certain point of media coverage, trying to actually go incognito is a joke.

So really she's mostly just trying to put off a very 'I am casual and unconcerned' vibe that screams 'Look at me, I'm up to something' to those in the know.

But what are the odds a bunch of people who routinely have to have their personal threat detection radar up and running are going to be at Harry's?

Lorna Dane has posed:
    Tell me if you've heard this one, a billionare, a clone, a space worrior, and a queen walk into a bar. No? Great because I haven't either.

    Walking in not long after Carol, a figure steps in, and makes his way over towards the end of the bar where he asks for an old fashioned. Pretty normal. After him however, a green haired woman enters and anyone familiar with Lorna will quickly realize she looks a bit more... swollen since their last meeting. She's thick, and seems to be sore, maybe sick? It's hard to tell with the lighting in Harry's.

    Lorna takes a deep breath inside the bar before she walks towards the bartop and hefts herself up onto a stool, not really looking around at people yet, feeling self conscious about herself and apperance maybe, and when asked, "I'd like a water, and a soda too. A zero if you have it."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would turn over to Carol, quirking a brow, "What brings you here, Captain Danvers?" Well, there goes the whoel 'incognito' bit. Then again, this is Harry's so folks might not care that much. Sort of like how Patch went around Madripoor and it was never, ever an issue even when he had to go about in a tuxedo.

M at least doesn't make any further inquireis after that - it's quite fine to dismiss her and not reply. Nor is she making a big deal about it, so if she were not replied to she would let it be. She would glance over at Gabby. "So what brings you out of the cold, Gabriella? You don't come to Westchester often." At least, not that she was waare of. But Gabby did soemwhat more often than her sister did, at least. The approaching Queen of Genosha is also given a nod.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney flashes an easy grin to Monet while she makes her way to the bar just long enough to get a pint of rootbeer. For all those kids wanting to look like adults, no doubt, but it was actually pretty good rootbeer. If she was going to drink something that wasn't going to get her intoxicated it may as well taste good. "I just got back from a trip and was passing by. Thought I'd swing up for old times sake and visit a bit," she explains simply enough.

Captain Danvers earns a grin as well with a cheery little wave of her free hand. "Hey, welcome in. The fries here are awesome. If you're into that." Her attention then does falter when Lorna comes in looking... puffy.

Concern flits over her face as she regards the green haired Genoshan Queen thoughtfull. "... Did you get attacked by a swarm of bees, Lorna?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Why if it isnt Carol Jane Susan Karen Ignacion Chalupa Roxette Sally Elizabeth Danvers." said Warren on approach, though his demeanor was affable, and his humor evident in the twinkle barely contained by his soulful blue eyes. His wings where amidst an unconscious re-shuffling, settling themselves on his back in a gracefully ballet of re-organized feathers that seems to cuddle with each one beside it until they where all at peace. He smiled to Monet, Lorna, and Gabby he wasn't about to murder their names, enough blood had already been spilled.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol lifts an eyebrow at Gabby, "Wait, are the people who aren't into fries? I thought fries were the universal equalizer. Well, not universal, but like... Earth-bound? They're vegetarian, they're delicious, you can cover them in chili and cheese... or /gravy and cheese/. If you want to be Canadian. Real world traveler stuff."

She sketches a little wave to Monet and shrugs with a laugh, "Well, it was this or that SHIELD bar near the Triskelion, and I'm less likely to have some clerk show up with paperwork here..." She glances over her shoulder at the anonymous man who enters, tensing for a moment like he might be one such bureaucrat. Nope, just some guy. Whew.

But then Lorna's entering and Carol's going from slightly quirked eyebrows to full on 'Oh goodness, what happened?' eyebrow-popped surprise. But just for a moment before she's managing a practiced distantly unreacting expression. Perfect for press conferences and also not making Lorna self-conscious. Well, more self-conscious.

And then Warren is... Warrening? That seems like a good enough description for it. "I... what?" She makes a show of blinking slowly, "I am /not/ coming up with a ridiculously long name to reply with, wings."

Lorna Dane has posed:
    Being spotted by Monet, Lorna gives a kind, but subtle nod, seeming like she's much more on a business of watching others relax and enjoy their Sunday afternoon while she shares in a pint of - water.

    The woman then lifts eyebrow towards Gabby as she asks the bold question, "No, Gabby, this is something much more ... terminal." She says with a bit of gallows humor that she's feeling a bit lately with things going on, but she doesn't explain what that is just yet. Leaning back as Warren makes his brash entrance, the monarch smiles as he so kindly summons the spotlight to himself so effortlessly. Much like Emma does. Or Christian. Lovely people the beautiful blondes are. Lovely.

    But then there's Carol's face and she feels like it's high time she lets the cat out of the bag. "So... um..." She pauses, trying to find the words. "I'm ...-" She decides a bit of comedy is the way to go, again, "I'm growing an heir..."

    She pauses even longer, "Or two."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance over at Warren, "Misther Worthington." She would reply politely to him. "You appear to have been ruffled over on something." At the rapid shuffling over of feathers in a way that seemed to be constantly smoothing themselves over almost subconsciously. Whehter or not she had just made an attempt at a joke was really hard to tell over with the way her expression was still so stony.

"Very well, Gabrielle, it is good to see you." She would reply to the short cheerful stabby mutant girl after a moment,s witching her attention back to the proceedings. "I admittedly am surprised that it's managed to maintain it's existence for so long." Within her life experience, anywehre that had a sizable population of meta-being customers tended to get leveled fairly frequently. What did SHIELD's hangout have that the rest of reality's didn't? Okay, lots of people with firearms and no qualms on using them. "Can't you simply delegate bureaucratic functions to a servant and say that you'll have them fully thrashed if they don't do a competent job at it?" Oh, lifestyles of the rich and famous..

The comment from Lorna gets a curious gaze from M, but she doesn't elaborate on it - if Lorna wants to talk more, the others will chatter.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney tears her gaze away from Lorna at Carol's apparent confusion. "You'd be surprised. Apparently there's some people that stay away from fried foods all together. Supposed to extend their life or something... I don't know, it's crazy talk if you ask me." Of course she knew not everyone had her healing factor or the ability to burn a ton of calories at once, but it was still amusing. "The poutine here is pretty bomb. I'm gonna get some," she decides turning back to gesture at Harry who was already putting in the order with the small kitchen. She fistpumps with a quiet, "Yeesss."

Right before her attention is completely torn away by Lorna looking surprised. "Okay to be fair that *was* going to be my first guess, but last time I guessed that people got really pissed off at me. Who's the lucky guy? Guys? I mean, I don't judge, I've got two partners." There's a long pause before she adds, "Please tell me it is not Namor. He's been around more lately."

The rambling guesses are left open ended. Whether or not there's an answer it doesn't seem to bother her at all. Instead she gestures at the table Monet was at to invite everyone over with a, "I think we have enough here to play a game of poker! If you guys are interested. Warren? You still suck at playing right? I could use some cash." She teases with a wink his direction... only to pause looking at Monet. "Then again Monet's good at everything, she'd probably win hands down."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol's a little sad she had her eyebrows lifted high in surprise, because it makes it difficult to properly register her shock at Lorna's announcement! "Well, that /does/ explain the soda..." And then she's blinking, mouth falling open. "Oh! Twins! That's... uhhh..." She frowns thoughtfully, "Well, I'm sure some kind of... complicated, being royalty and all. I'm pretty sure I saw that in a TV show."

Monet gets a sigh and a shake of her head, "Oh no, no delegating things to minions. When you work for SHIELD? You /are/ the minion. I mean, at some point or another. There's always someone higher up in command. At some point I'm assuming, it's just a computer telling another computer to tell someone to do something."

Hands wave quickly at Gabby, "Whoaaaanonono, I'm not playing poker! I already owe enough people money."

Lorna Dane has posed:
    Lorna was looking at the four present around her when she broke the news but her closest friend here, the one she was looking at the closest has a small hint and Lorna's heart breaks in her swollen chest. She starts to lift a hand, and stops. A hesitation. A fear. A doubt.

    These are things Lorna can not afford. She is strong, and she needs others to know she's strong, but she's also, a pregnant woman who is hormonal and cares about her friends deeply. She closes the distance in a hurry and hugs the SHIELD agent tightly, as tightly as she can because she knows she can't hurt Carol and she needs Carol to know that she needs her.

    There's no words for anyone else yet, because Carol's feelings and her own are taken priority by the monarch. Tears are rolling down her cheeks already.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would look over at Gabby, "Those thigns are.." She saves her rant on 'borderline unedible' after she decides now is not the time nor the point to go into that discussion. The sudden change in the stance of Gabby as the discussion goes on back and forth she -definitely- does not ask for elaboration.

"OF course I am good at everything, that geos without saying." Also it tended to be somewhat easy when you could just read someone's mind to get their hand.. Or even if not blatantly using telepathy plenty of other ways to cheat made themselves simply available.

"What then is there for us to get out of it then?" She would be about to add to her teasing over when Carol pipes up over and she just looks at Lorna wiht a 'you've done it now' expression as she goes to steadiness and calmness. And moves out of the immediate line of sight. She doesn't want -any- of that ickiness near her!

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin was finally old enough to get into a bar. Yes it was true he had been for a little bit, but he was also busy so after his releasing of Viper back into his life Franklin was looking for a calm place to relax. Wondering around, and with Franklins luck he comes across a small bar and smiles. He looks around a bit then enters giving his eyes a chance to let his eyes adjust. He wears normal clothes today as there was no need to go incogneto, but after his eyes adjust he moves to find a spot for him at the bar.

He waits paitently for the bartendeer not too worried, as he only was going to order water, or tea if they had it. He wasn't a drinker, but he liked the atmospher, so Franklin tried to relax, and take in his surroundings.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
All teasing aside this was not any sort of reaction Gabby had expected, even with Lorna's surprising news. Her mouth opens and just hangs there as the green haired queen hugs Carol tight staring at the pair a long moment. It had been far too long since she'd dealt with Lorna herself. She had no idea how to react to this, other than to murmer, "I guess it's not such a happy occasion then," uncertainly.

Turning away she steps over to Monet's table to sink down into a chair nearby giving the other a silent nod of greeting as she does so. If anything her expression is a bit somber, awkward. Maybe she'd said something she wasn't supposed to.

"Okay no poker then. Um." What else to suggest to get the topic off of... anything like sticking her foot in her mouth? She hadn't thought of anything yet when the door opens again admitting Franklin. Civvie clothes or not she knows him so she raises her hand to wave without thinking.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol lets out an exaggerated little 'oof!' because, really, it's not like Lorna's hug is actually going to hurt her! But her own hug back is careful and gentle as she laughs out softly, "Hey hey, calm down there. Really, congratulations..." She tilts her head and frowns thoughtfully, "Wait, when do the weird cravings start? Should I be ready to airlift you pickles at all hours of the night? I mean, that's what friendship is, right?"

Luckily, while everyone's at that particular level of awkward 'How do you breezily react to a pregnancy announcement without coming off like a jerk?' Franklin arrives and Carol manages a little wave towards the young man! He can... bend reality or something, right? Surely that'll... rescue them all from awkward silence? Who knows.

Lorna Dane has posed:
    Lorna lets the hug linger for a while as she's already emotionally a mess, and could REALLY use the hug. "Sorry." She whispers to Carol, but then pulls back. "You know I'm not a cannibal." A little joke about her being green, and pickles... nevermind.

    "No no no. That wont do." She says, as she pulls away from Carol towards Gabby, "You want to play poker at a bar, we're going to play poker at a bar. Harry!" Lorna says, calling over her shoulder towards the barkeep and smiling, "We're moving over to the big table, and all their tabs are on me. We're celebrating!" Lorna says, as she smiles, the tears still streaking down her face.

    Pointing at Franklin and giving a squint, "I heard you snuck into some class the other day, feel free to join us." She doesn't know Franklin yet, but Gabby does and that's enough for her. "Drinks are on Genosha tonight." And feeling touchy, she hasn't let go of Carol's arm just yet, if Carol wouldn't pull away.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Franklin's here! This is a potentially further chaotic addition tot he mix. But, Franklin has an advantage here that makes him immediately useful. Namely that he is A) A Guy, and B) Still in the 'But Wha Uh' phase of life where a pregnant woman is not something that instinctive self preservation kicks in with. That means that if anythign happens he can likely be used as a meatshield when it's instigated.

Then Lorna says that they're going ot play poker.. /And they all go to play poker/. Lorna's experience are part of the enduring sisterhood of experience. And they're all well enough aware to be truly, truly terrified of what it brings.

"Uh, yes." Monet St. Croix keeps her voice smooth over and goes to evaluate Carol. All right, Carol can likely fob off whatever the first round of things goes with, Gabby knows to duck and cover.. Warren's rich enough to just promise Lorna he'll buy her enough things to keep her distracted and is rich enough for her to accept it/has a reputation of buying such things.

But still even with all the important survival factors calculated in M shifts her seat around just a little bit.

Franklin Richards has posed:
While looking over he gives Gabby a small smile, and nod as he see's her. She had called his sister on him their last meeting, but she was alright. He spots Carol, and also nods again though he wasn't sure who that was it would be rude to ignore such a friendly greeting. Unfortunetly Franklin was not the one to save people from akwardness, he quietly sits, and watches the group. Interupted by having to explain how he doesn't want alchol he wants a normal water. He sighs, "Yes, I will pay a normal draft amount. It is fine." and he smiles waving a hand. Then he turns nodding to Lorna, he grins a bit. "They keep mistaking me for a student." he tries to explain with a chuckle. "I just can't say no to those who are so euthusiastic."

Taking his cold glass of water, Franklin thanks, and pays the bartender, before getting up to heading over. "I do not mean to intrude, I happened to be in the area. Are you also out here to relax a bit from the big city?" and chuckles. When he gets close he stops, and grins towards Monet. "Hey.. wait you are the one who caught Deadpool! Did you ever get him back, or did he end up getting away again?" he asks a bit curious what happened to him. He shakes his head, "Though I don't know anyone who could escape from Diana."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oh get over here and quit being weird, Franklin. Ask for the rootbeer, it's on draft and pretty good," she explains raising her own pint to indicate the frothy drink she had wasn't alcohol. A good thing no doubt given she was younger yet than Franklin.

With Lorna saying they were, indeed, going to play poker she merely shrugs in acceptance of Her Majesty's ruling. "Okay. I really haven't played since that last time with Domino and..." She trails off tilting her head toward Franklin. "What about Deadpool? I haven't seen him in ages." Something she was going to have to rectify soon, no doubt. All of her older friends had been drifting away as she grew it felt. A little quiet insecurity she pushes down as she gets up from her seat to drag the chair over to the larger table better suited for card games.

"I can deal if we need. I used to deal for a few bucks when I was younger."

Carol Danvers has posed:
There's a low groan at Lorna's joke about pickles... less a 'That joke was /bad/' groan and more of a 'How did /I/ miss that bad joke?' groan.

Carol sighs out and pinches the bridge of her nose as she's shanghai'd into poker. "I swear, I try to get out and they keep pulling me back in... /literally/ apparently.." She heaves a sigh, not that she's really fighting being dragged into socializing.

It's sunny and the grass is green outside and her last clear memory of socializing involved snow still melting, so clearly she needs to get out more for reasons that don't involve saving the world.

Once they're settling in, Carol does wind up ordering herself a root beer, eying Gabby and narrowing her eyes slightly, "...Wait, isn't Domino the luck gal? The one that can walk past a bank robbery and have money just like... fall in her pockets?" She clicks her tongue and shakes her head slowly, "That's... well, I guess poker's not all luck. Maybe she hasn't got a good poker face?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
    The groan gives Lorna a large enough smile and an embarrasing snort of a laugh at first, but she quickly recovers as her hands are up to wipe the tears from her face. She mouths a 'thank you' to Carol before finally letting go, trusting her friend to not run off and claims her own seat, but doesn't force anyone to sit next to her. She just listens to the life and bustle going on around her and it's oddly soothing, a hand resting on her slightly showing belly. Yeah. This might be alright.

    The fears and worries gone for a moment and her water and soda float through the air to come rest on the table before the queen. Not even a gesture is used by the queen, but she does well enough on her own, and then with a smile, she twists her hand, pantomiming holding a pencil up, but metal forms, rolling up her arm and into the shape of a pair of sunglasses, the frames a mirror chrome that she slides over her face. "Poker is all skill Carol." She says sliding her shades on, and leaning back like she's about to play championship poker on TV. "It's all about reading people. Except Domino, she's a lousy cheat." Lorna gets saucy when she's competing.

    "So, what're we playing Gabby?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would look over at Carol sympathetically. They're all stuck in this together now. She would go ot speak over to Carol and to Gabby tleepathically <<I suggest we just let her win. She'll be cheered up and the rest of us can get out>> She would go to glance back and forth.

"Domino has a number of skills related to probability manipulation, yes." Damned useful set of things. Not that M might admit someone else had powers that were more useful than she was.

"Very well, POker it is. A game based upon evaluation, skill, manipulation, empathy, and the ability to manipulate others and to avoid having them dot he same to you." Safety in numbers.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin grins, "oh Poker.. I love poker." he says as he comes a bit closer so he can play round the table. He looks at Gabby, "The game I got my first start-ship on was poker.. Well I think it was called.. Sh'Kyk or something, but it was like poker." and chuckles a bit. He nods a bit to Carol, "Not even I could beat her if she tried." he notes with a grin. "Even if I cheated." he noted with a shake of his head. "How is she by the way?" he asks Gabby, "I hope she had got past those people chassing her." he notes, as he did offer to help but it wasn't large enough of an issue to call him in.

He follows the floating things with a grin, and nods. "One definetly not to bet with." referening to her comments about Domino. He hoped to give Monet a chance to explain if she wanted before Franklin grinned at Gabby. "Well.. see he and lets say a few others, cause a bit of rucass including some poor UHaul truck." he starts thinking about it.

He chuckles a bit, "But Monet here, and Diana stopped them. Ended up catching the man in the laso. Learning some inconvience truths most likely, as who knows what he would say." he reaches into his pocket, and pulls out some sunglasses himself and nods to Lorna as he recognises the gameship. Turning he glances at Monet with a grin, "I would think the only thing that matters is what cards you have when you show them?" and chuckles joking a bit. He sits relaxed just waiting for them to start the game considering how much Monet actually knew about from the other day. He could of swore she felt the presence. "Please anything is fine with me, I am just here to relax from all that nonsense outside."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney allows herself a broad grin when Carol catches on to who she was referring to. "Yeah, that's her. Thing is it's luck, not always winning. It's the best outcome for her at that point in time kind of thing. At least," she adds pausing to take a sip of her rootbeer. "That's how she explained it to me once. See right after that hand I beat her at, she decided to call it a night and head out. Which was good for her because some stuff happened right after that was not so great." She pauses a moment with a crinkle of her nose recalling events. At least she decides not to go over them with a quick shake of her head. "Her leaving was lucky for her." Franklin's question just earns a slight shake of her head. "I've been out of touch lately with running my own team."

Even as she speaks she reaches out for the deck to open it up, take out any jokers, and start shuffling it with a rather skilled, practiced hand. She doesn't even have to look at the cards as she shuffles. "I was thinking five card stud--" She pauses breaking off with a glance at Lorna. Maybe not the best phrase right now. "Or Texas Hold'em. Seems like Texas took off to be more popular lately so we can do that." The decision is made, rambling the whole while.

The cards begin to shoot across the table sliding to a stop in front of each player with this decision made. "We don't have to bet money, it can just be for fun. I'll say 'hi' to Tommy for you too Lorna," she adds.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol sighs and shakes her head slowly, "I'm not asking Hulk for an autograph for someone if I lose. I'll just get you in the door." She sinks into her seat, shoulders rolling slowly and sighs out, teeth worrying her lower lip as she glances over to Lorna and hisses out, "It's a good thing you made that drink offer to a bunch of responsible people. Don't make it around Janet!" She frowns thoughtfully, "Well, actually, you could probably make it and she'd just pay for her own drinks to remind everyone she's rich."

Carol manages /not/ to choke on her root beer during Gabby's five card stud line. Heck, she even manages not to /look/ like she's barely avoiding choking.

Lorna Dane has posed:
    Lorna, behind her sunglasses, turns her head to look directly at Gabby at the Five Card Stud line, and then she lowers her head, and the glasses slide down to rest on the tip of her nose, like one would when they're trying to be threatening with just a glance, but Lorna's hands don't have to go near her glasses. She then leans back and the glasses go back up and she looks back to Carol, wondering what's going on.

     "I'll give you the details if you REALLY want Gabby." She threatens with a straight face. Poker face. If you will.

    "I'd love to see Diana man handle Deadpool. What a treat that must have been." She notes idly before picks up her two cards and memorizes them. "Oh my gawd. I need to tell Janet, and ... I'm not looking forwards to that. She'll lose her mind and say something about how she'll have to do the partying FOR me... and we both know what that means." Janet's going to attempt to black out party. "But yeah, she would totally buy her drinks anyways and make me feel bad for trying to be a good friend. That bitch." She says with a chuckle after. It wasn't something said in secret.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
No one wants to know the details over. She would look back and forth from Lorna to Gabby and then to Carol. Her face contorts in the position of 'wait what' before she goes to hold back it realizing that others are watching. And instead she just looks frazzled over -right- as Franklin fesses up.

"That was you and you could have at --" company present! She gives him a glare and goes to hold back her full on rant in front of others. As much as (to her) he deserves it, now is not the time nor the place.

"By reputation Ms. Van Dyne would buy you both drinks, then drink both of them, then buy the bar to keep it to herself." Her opinion of Janet's partying abilities may be based in gossip rather than fact.

Then again...

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin sits quietly listening to the others, and smiles just organising his cards in a nice pile as he gets them, though he doesn't look at them. He nodded to Gabby about losing touch, and smiles a bit as he was just starting to get out there individually, and she had already lost well earned friends. "I do not think it will happen for a while, but if I run into her I will tell her to sneak you a visit." and grins. He had not seen their paths interacting directly, but there was always a chance especially with Domino.

Franklin pulls out a small bag, and passes it to Gabby, "If you wish to bet for something, I think there is about a hundred units in there." he offers. Here on worth their worth was... low so he did not mind. "It is always fun to bet on a hand no?" he offers.

He is then interupted with a chuckle, glancing over at Monet. "Oh! You did detect it." he notes to her, and nods. "You are very strong to detect such things. I give you credit." he says honestly. Sitting back he puts his sunglasses on and gives Monet a smile. "Like I said out there is so complicated isn't it?" before he turns back to face the others.

Finally he watches Lorna quietly and listens to her he says nothing just nods a bit as he gives his best poker face, but seeing how he has not looked at his cards he has nothing really to hide. Franklin just considers it a true poker face, as no-one knows what is going on.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney finishes doling out the cards, and then sets out the three communal cards to bet with on the table. The stack is placed at the end for each consecutive round of drawing another. "No," she's quick to state with a shake of her head at Lorna. "It seems like you don't want to talk about it and I'm okay with that." Especially with Lorna going into a sobbing fit like she had. Whatever happened she did NOT want to know.

The credits offered over by Franklin are picked up to examine with thought, a little sniff being given to it. "... Darn you spacey boys," she mumbles lightly. Sure she'd only just got her first trip out to space recently, but she'd known an alien or two in her time. The bag is set down with a shrug. "I can bet if need be. I've got some money. Or if you'd like, I can get you hoodies or shirts in some designs you might like. Berto gifted me a small clothing shop out in Gotham and we've been doing some hero-inspired design lines with local artists." Look at her, all adulting and stuff.

"You better bet I'm getting a few more drinks though. Just not alcohol. Doesn't do anything for me anyway. If I'm lucky I feel a bit light headed for a few minutes before my healing factor clears it up."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol is almost groaning out. But really only almost. Lorna really is trouble. And Gabby? Gabby also seems to be trouble. Franklin? Probably trouble. Monet seems to be pretty responsible tonight.

So what's the harm in poker? She's not going to wind up owing anyone an island or anything. This is fine. Just fine.

She's not even drinking.

On the plus side, looking so utterly overwhelmed at socializing again, means it's probably hard to read any kind of detailed thoughts about her cards.

She rolls her eyes and sighs out, "I swear, everyone else who's got some kind of enhanced power or durability or healing? Can drink down alcohol like water. And not in the... you know, bad, shouldn't-really-do-it way like I... uhh... could? Yeah. Could. Past tense. For sure."

She nods solemnly. Yep. That's Carol, totally a paragon of responsibility nowadays.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
A few cars trade spaces in the parking lot as people filter in and out of Harry's. Then the sound of one of the school's vans, with a painfully distinctive note of fuel economy and lack of elan of any sort. Voices approach the door and a few adult residents of the Institute arrive together, with Ororo at the tail end. "I'm not guaranteeing anyone a ride back," she reminds them, raising her voice to be heard. She grins despite herself and pushes her thick mane of white hair to get it all in one direction. Riding jeans, calf-high biker boots, and a sleeveless black tee that says 'Tame Imapala' i n white lettering, tied off above her left hip. Ah, there's some other friendly faces-- she waves hello at the crowd and slips to a free chair, fingertips resting on the back of it. "There you are," she declares. "Troublemakers, all. Is this seat taken?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
    "Why do you sound jealous? Like, I always thought it better to be a light weight. Less money to spend to have a good time." Lorna notes, with a lean towards Carol, "I mean, that's the only reason Janet is even rich is to afford her own tabs." Lorna says in jest before she double checks her cards, and looks at the cards in the community pile. "Well. ---" Lorna pauses and then taps her index finger on the table. "Check." She's not putting any money, or space ships, or islands up for grabs this hand. Not yet.

    Leaning back just in time to see Ororo walk in, Lorna blushes red, someone else she needs to break the news to. Fuck this is a lot more work than she expected it to be. Lorna moves her hand inwards, "Second thought, I fold." She says as she whispers something to Carol and then stands up.

    Stepping over to Ororo, Lorna steals a hug and breaks the news to her old sometimes mentor friend. "I'm gonna be a mom." And then lets the news soak in, or she tries to when a wave of nausea crosses her face and her belly can audibly be heard rumbling. "Be-right-back." She mumbles and turns towards the bathrooms in a sprint.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
There's talk of poker, and danger, and everyone being very, very paranoid over of Lorna. Monet goes to give a flat glare again to Franklin. "And yet you decided to play showman when you could have stopped things. Lives were at stake from.." You know what, never mind. The pretty boy is going to play perfect, so she's not going to remotely rise to the exchange. She's better than that!

She would look over at the things. "Those don't look like they have any particular value beyond something of memorabilia. So if we are going to have a game with no particular stakes.." Oh well, that just means that it's not one's fault but their own if they don't catch her putting up telepathy to use for advantage. She would glance over the coins flipped out. Or units.

And wishes she could elbow Franklin across the room. And through the wall. Teenagers. "Well, Captain Danvers.." REmembering what she had read on the woman, going to keep her mouth shut.

"Ms. Munroe, good to have you with us. I believe that there's some sort of game going on. And no, it's open." Finally, someone that Lorna can't just overpower and beat down!

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin just shrugs at Gabby, and adds, "It is a hazard, but there are things that need to be done out there." he chuckles a bit, "Trying to not become one of them.. It is really tough sometimes." though he adds it a bit distracted thinking about other things. He then looks surprised, "Oh merch counts?" and grins excitedly at Gabby. "You have any idea how many Fantastic Four stuff I got." he thinks about it for a moment then looks at Lorna. "We even have things for small children. If you ever need anything I am sure my mom would not mind." he nods to her.

He didn't mean to assume she needed for anything, but he always like trying to get rid of the excess of F4 clothing. He could only burn through a pair or two a week.

With a sigh, he plays with his face-down cards, though still not looking at them. "It is so interesting, being unable to do it myself I often try to observe others in that state." he shakes his head. "They often think I am a hallucination." and considers that for a moment. Though he moves a bit to the side to make room for Ororo, and smiles with a nod to her though also makes sure Lorna can't see his cards when he moves cause he knows better.

Finally he looks at Monet with a smile, and listens to her with a nod. "You and Diana did an excellent job handling it. Besides if you fight the smoke, you miss the fire." he adds though turns on that to look at the others, giving Lorna a nod as she goes.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Franklin is getting a very wary eye from Gabby at this point with a single eyebrow raised. "Watch people... what exactly? I feel like this could be something you need to explain before I assume the worst. And yeah, sure, merch counts." There's a pause before she adds, perhaps a bit hopefully, "Maybeeee one of those space suits? I got to borrow one once." Dang it was nice, even if she wasn't really fond of the whole obvious F4 on the chest.

She looks to her own cards in hand considering a moment only to sigh. "Fold. Damn."

With that small thing done she watches Lorna rush off as Ororo comes in. "Hey Storm," she greets simply. A little smile is given and she clears her throat. "Welcome to the game? Seems we have a free spot now."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo turns to welcome Lorna's embrace with a smile, but is caught up short by her whispered words. "My goodness!" she gasps, and a look of thrilled elation washes over her face. "That is wonderful news." Her eyes film over and she looks down at Lorna's swelling belly, and puts her fingertips against the baby bump. "Oh, and they're strong and healthy already," she promises Lorna. The blue returns to her eyes just in time for Lorna to beg her leave and dash off, with Ororo delaying her no more than is minimally necessary to ensure Lorna doesn't need help.

Once the mother-to-be is gone, she turns to the others and exhales a 'whew!' of amazement. Those with a more astute sense of things might perceive she's overselling her surprise *just* a little. "Thank you, Gabby," she says with sincere appreciation for the polite invite. Ororo settles into the open chair. "I'll deal in with the next hand." She puts her elbows on the table and interlaces her fingers to form a bridge for her chin to rest on.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Oh, Franklin needs to go to telepathic ethics 101. So does M. But M will wipe the mind of anyone that goes to try and suggest that! As the cards are dealt, she goes to look voer them. All right. She assesses the crowd. Carol. Air Force. Gambles for recreation for a few rounds at a time. Gabby - hypersenses, can read down someone down to nearly Kryptonian levels of accuracy. Do not bluff. Franklin - can reality bend the cards to win. Storm - amazing thief, second only to Remy. Will swindle the table out of the rest of them if she can be bothered. Warren - rich enough to buy the concept of mathematics and probabilty so he wins. Lorna - let her win or they all die.

She goes to look over the cards,s huffles them.. And then quickly debates whom isn't paying attention enough to the hands that she can try a few telepathic illusions to make it seem like her cards are better than they are.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin chuckles, "Oh I watch drunk people sometimes. They are quite numerous in New York." he points out as it surprised him at first just the sheer numbers. "It was a test to try to get to the dream realm." he waved his hand, "It didn't work, but it was an interesting study." looks ot the top of his cards still haven't seen the values. "I am still in. I got a good feeling about this one." then looks over at Gabby, and gives her a poker face. "I mean... I have seen better." acting a bit more relaxed about it to not give away his hand... That he hasn't actually seen yet.

He glances at Monet hoping to pick away a bit at the iceburg. "So what happened to him? How upset you are it seems he has got away?" then thinks about it. "Want to make a wager Monet." he grins, "win this hand and I will tell you something interesting." he pats his cards, "If I win I just want you to to relax a bit, and stop staring daggers at me as I feel you are so upset over these things." he grins. "It is a fair deal, what do you think?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney crosses her arms over her chest lightly and leans back in her chair letting it balance on the rear legs. She'd already folded so she merely gives Franklin a grin, and shake of her head. It was between him and Monet now. "You do tend to come off a bit strong at times, Franklin. And there have been times I wish I could get drunk." A long pause comes before she sighs. "Yes, I know I'm not old enough yet, but some of the stuff I've been through would be nice to blackout from at times."

Ororo's suggestion of dealing the next hand earns a nod of agreement. "Sure. I dealt this hand so I'm good with passing it on," she agrees quietly. Then, perhaps absently, she leans over a bit closer to Franklin. "By the way why'd you die your hair? I saw a picture of you younger and you're definitely blonde."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
To the mutant that can read minds, alter reality, see the future, alter probability, and has admitted to just watching people and fading in and out of existence, Monet goes to dignify all of this with a response of "No"." Even she has her limits with beings that can alter facets of reality. She looks annoyed while shuffling her cards and goes to mutter. She goes to look irritable - if one had to guess, her hand is probably horrendous, even by the standards of these pickup games with these strange alien styles of currency.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"Monet." It's all Ororo says; she gives the Moroccan beauty a direct, level look. It's far from scolding or a reprimand, but it's *exactly* the sort of expression she uses to quell teenage outbursts before they begin. And with her usual delicate touch, there's no insult or chastisement implied. Just a reminder of the value of manners.

"I might know of some herbs and roots that could give you a similar effect," Ororo says, diverting her attention back to Gabby. "It's not quite the same as getting properly bashed, but it elevates the mood and calms the spirit. You'd have to be sworn to secrecy though, and if you ever tell anyone about it, I'll have you on permanent detention until you're thirty." Ororo's voice contains her usual collected, unimpeachable assertion-- but there's mischief dancing in her blue eyes all the same at the empty threat.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin smiles, and looks at Gabby, "I wish I knew the answer to that, but forgetting is not an answer either." he shrugs a bit at that. "It is one of those things you will need to experience before you understand I hear." he clearifies as he doesn't expect her to agree. He then puts on his poker face only to break it again with a smile as he touches his black hair. "I was doing some training in Gotham, and my blonde hair was a bit bright in the night." he shrugs a bit, "I just decided to keep it that way, and since no-one really remembers they all think it is just my normal color." and he smiles a bit, "I like them not knowing." and chuckles a bit. "Though why you are looking at younger pictures of me does make it a curious." and chuckles.

He turns to Monet, and turns his cards over. It is a two, and a three off suit, as he turns to look at the others. "It is alright I didn't expect ya to change what your doing even if I did win without getting even more angry." he notes as he tosses the cards back to Gabby. "Relax a little.. We are just playing some cards not battle. I do not need powers in such a small game." he chuckles a bit. "Though I respect you did not use yours to get an upper hand."

He looks up at Ororo, "Oh Miss Munroe.. it is okay. She has reason, or at least what she believes is reason. Let her be mad at me, as I can take ones anger. Perhaps I should not tease so much though." he looks at Gabby, and nods, continuing. "I can be a bit much at times it seems." and smiles at Ororo with a nod.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would take the reminding commentary over from Ororo, even as she keeps her face passive. "Very well." It's not a reproach, it's a remidner. But for whatever reason she seems to have decided that Franklin is the one that she would like to imagine putting her fist to the skull of. Poor Franklin! Whom has done nothign whatsoever to deserve this sort of thing from Monet. But Storm has a point. Back to the cards.

"So what was Deadpool's ultimate target then, since youw ere monitoring affairs?" There, businesslike. Going to take her hand over for a reshuffle of cards over adn let out a low sigh. Moving them about in her hands a few times as if they might look better if she just stared at them hard enough. Oh yes, someone was not having that great a night.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches out to ruffle Franklin's hair with a little grunt. "Not a bad idea for Gotham. And you can blame your uncle for that, he had a picture of you and your sister up while out on a test flight." Here she grins a bit letting him think whatever he might in favor of turning back toward Ororo.

Her chair is pushed back from the table as she stands chuckling quietly. "Might take you up on that. It's not been bad lately at least." Looking more amused she adds, "Not a student anymore... but that's still a good threat. I won't tell," she promises with a laugh. "For now I should head back. I've still got a drive into New York proper before I can crash for the night. Great seeing everyone again, and thanks for the game."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo just shakes her head with a bemused expression. When Gabby rises, so does she, and offers her a fingertip squeeze by way of farewell. "Drive safe," she cautions Gabby, with a reflexively maternal tone.

The two wrangling over cards, she gives a bemused look. "Don't let her pile it on *too* hard, Franklin," Ororo advises the younger man. "There's no injustice in getting a few swings in yourself while the getting's good." A florid, amused grin breaks over her regal features and she lets one of her merry, lyrical laughs loose. "I am going to belly up to the bar and see how everyone's doing. I will see you all soon," she promises. And with that, Ororo takes her leave of the group too.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin smiles. and looks at the new back of his cards. "Oh... asking questions now. I do like this approach." he holds up a hand to show he will stop teasing as he answers. "Deadpool was after distracting you." he notes, he glances at her then back at his hands. He plays a little with them, but then continues... "Perhaps your worried about the wrong person?" and smiles. He glances around a little thinking before he finally adds. "Did you even check the UHault?" he asks as if curious as the stuff had to still be there, and if it wasn't that it was empty might show something.

Turning to face Gabby he smiles as he looks at her. "And thanks.. I was going to go with green, but Damian freaked out and said no-way." Franklin shrugs, as he isn't sure why. "I learned a lot there." he stands when Gabby gets going he remembers, "Oh Val says hello.. You should catch up with her when ya get time. I am sure she would enjoy that." and nodded to Gabby.

Finally looking at Monet. he leans on the table a little to look at her eye to eye with a grin. "His ways are rough, but this time it was for an.. alright cause. Let this one go, as there is real crime that could use your help. You can be mad at me all you want, but it will accomplish the same amount as I effected things that day." he sighs a bit pushing himself back up he turns to storm, and waves as she gets to the bar. He looks forward as he says one last thing to Monet. "We will meet again.. I hope you will continue to challenge me though." and walks away to disapear as he walks through the door leaving nothing but a chuckle as he leaves a smile on his face.