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Latest revision as of 23:24, 15 September 2023

Yo Rogue Experience
Date of Scene: 15 September 2023
Location: Harry's Hideaway (Bar)
Synopsis: Rogue, Wade and Jubilee meet to talk about the events surrounding the Mutation Reversal drug and Senate situation! It is a gay ol' time.
Cast of Characters: Wade Wilson, Rogue, Jubilation Lee

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "So... where was the point when you all were dirty law-breakers and fugitives?"
    Are the words that filter up out of the booth down deep in the depths of Harry's Hideaway, in the strictest PG-13 sense of the word. Back in the back of the bar that passes as a hangout for a particular snooty school's faculty. It is there! That Wade Wilson finds himself seated, the black and red suited mercenary lighting dabbing the bag of herbs and leaves into his tea cup, lightly saturating the hot water with all sorts of grubs and germs and dirt and twigs.
    "Because that is the main thing I recall and regret missing out on." He had neatly and politely set his twin katanas aside, putting them on the seat next to him as he sits up all nice and prim and proper. The swords too. They even have a small napkin spread across the hilts as if they needed a bib of their own.
    Finished with the tea bag he sets it aside, pulls the lower half of his mask up... sips the tea. Then immediately throws it all into the recycling bin over near the entrance to the Men and Women's bathrooms.
    "Also nobody is talking too much about it to me. I get that whole vibe like whenever I ask Thor if he ever burned down a monastery."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is seated across from Wade, wearing a army green shirt with 'ROGUE' printed in stylized font on her chest. It's actually a weight lifting equipment company, that she just buys shirts from for her own branding purposes. With her aviators up in the wild tendrils of white hair framing her face, and her gloves pulled off to be set on the table in a X-pattern over one another, the Belle holds on to a glass of amber beer. She's sipping from it as Wade asks, and lowers it to smile softly. She shakes her head once.

"I wasn't even there for when the team got branded enemies of the state. Remy an' I went to Ohio to search for any kinda leads on where the genetics lab might be sending its medicine. That's when that Sinister fella showed up in holo-graphic form hosted via his cronies. That Black Team unit that really hates Mutants..."

She draws in a breath, glances at his swords as they sit there on the other side of the booth with their napkins. "I ended up throwin' Remy around the warehouse we were in, an' maybe was doin' it a bit outta frustration at him for the past couple years'a him runnin' out all the time. But, also... I wanted the medication, if it were real. I didn't know Sinister was who was behind it at the time though. Plus they were threatenin' my Aunt's farm in Mississippi. Sayin' if I didn't turn myself over to them, they'd take the farm from her, throw her out on her butt."

Rogue sighs heavily then, her fingers tapping the cold glass of beer in front of her. "These people are maniacs, Wade." She tells him with a smirk. "Ya better watch your rosey red ass out there too, or they might even come for you."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Ok so Sinister, got that. But let's start at like, the beginning beginning. So who is this Xavier guy again?" But then he holds up his hands, "I keed I keed."
     He leans over the seat and then pointedly grabs the bottle that was left beside Rogue's beer. He tilts it back and one white eyelet squinches up tight as he looks down the neck, then tries to sip the shniblets. Fails.
    He drops back into the seat and promptly _slouches_ in his seat. "So okay." He holds up his gloved hands palms facing each other as if he was holding a breadbox in front of him. "So there's a cure. It's marketed. Yay cure. And shit I can understand the whole... yeah, would be nice in some ways."
    He cocks his head the other way, "Though I bet Mags went all, 'Mah peoples' and Magneto Xed it all up in heah. So you went for the cure thing. Remy followed along. Then it got all governmental with the dudes and the things. Fill in what I'm missing."
    Across the way, Wade does take a moment to gesture at Harry who is busy cleaning glasses behind the bar. For poor Wade's efforts... he gets a stink-eye for some reason. Wade sighs.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Fiiiiine... Give me a... soda." It's the voice of none other than Jubilation Lee. When she arrived a few moments earlier, Harry immediately motioned for her to come over to the bar so he could warn her that she'd have to order something if she wanted to stay.

    "A soda!" Harry gruffs. "/That'll/ keep the lights on... Fine."

    "And an empty glass," Jubilation adds, suddenly standing up straight in this hallowed place for adults. She's an adult! "...A clean one!"

    After a brief exchange of cash and dirty looks, Jubilation leaves the bar with her empty glass, leaving the soda behind. "Move your swords, Mister," Jubes demands sweetly as she lowers her butt down to try and annex a little seat for herself at the table with Wade and Rogue. Totally uninvited, Jubilee is a cautionary tale of what happens when someone is allowed to have too much self esteem.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just smirks at Wade before she glances at Harry too. Harry has a hell of a glare, and is one of those older bald men who just really pulls it off. She looks back to Wade then, and shakes her head. "I can order ya a beer if ya need. I can sense some kinda tension in the air between you an' Harry... Course I get the sense you have such rifts with most people ya run in to." She chides the red suit wearing merc across from her at the booth.

With another inhale taken, Rogue drops her hands down to her waist to straight her t-shirt out a bit before she puts her hands on the table again. "The Mutation Reversal medication is a lie. Or mostly a lie. It only has about a fifty fifty shot'a workin'. If it doesn't work, then it just degrades your DNA until you're dead. A genetic puddle on the floor, so ta speak." The Belle states as she takes another sip of her beer, her eyes going over to Jubilation when she arrives to join them. She grins at the young woman. "Doctah Peppah?" She asks coyly before reaching for one of the onion rings in the basket that had just been sitting there since their drinks arrived.

Rogue gently shakes her head side to side then. "We presented all our gathered evidence to prove all'a this back on Monday... my first time ever in Washington D.C., let alone bein inside the Senate Buildin'. Sinister behind it all, the drug bein' basically a death sentence, kidnappin' Mutants to test it on against their wills. Ain't no way this thing is gonna pass the vote in the Senate tomorrow, an' if it does? I dunno... feels like a declaration of war against our kind."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "I'll have you know my swords are legendary blades, they deserve respect! Folded four thousand times in the fires of Mount Peenemunde, sentient weapons that posess ancient knowledge and wisdom. This one is Laverne, this other is Shirl." Though as Wade speaks, grousing about the disrespect paid to his weapons that are so awesome they likely have an orange color attached to their name when one sorts their inventory by rarity.
    Yet he does slide them to the side, setting them down under the table with a faint clink-clank-clack of the sheathes bopping against each other and the wall against which they're set.
    But then he's looking back up and waves a hand off at Rogue's offer of third party liquor purchasing. "Nah, it's okay. I hear Harry..." Then Wade's voice rises sharply.
    His voice drops almost instantly back down to a conversational murmur. "So really it's healthier for me not to indulge. I'd order some food too but there are..." His voice rises again.
    And then instantly back down to that gentle polite murmur, "So anyways, please go on."
    Which is when Rogue starts on her tale to further elaborate. He watches her as he chooses to fiddle with some sugar packets, since _those_ are free at least. "Ew, ok, that sucks. Being a puddle is no fun." As if he speaks from experience. He listens a little more. Then his eyebrows raise as she gets to Washington.
    "Alright, so they had this thing. Deadly injection dealio. They were trying to pass legislation, and were gonna bust your aunt. You and Remy were investigating. The X-folks were running down the information they had. The main players were... Chuckles. Sinister. And these army guys?"

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilation sets the empty glass on the table and drops her JanSport backpack -- eBay, $12.99 plus shipping, A+++ great seller -- into her lap. Her attention is focused on fishing something out of the dark abyss of the bag, making it entirely unclear if she's even listening to Wade until there's an opening to reply. "Did you give them those names or, like, did they come with little cards with their names on them like at Build-A-Bear?" she wonders while rummaging, never looking up from her backpack business.

    It's not long before Jubilee finds what she's looking for. The sound of wood clop-clop-clopping against other wood can be heard as the backpack gets dropped to the floor near her feet.

    In a single, velvety motion of her fingers, Jubilation reveals just what she was pulling from that bag of hers. The smell of blood fills the air as the glass suddenly fills with the thick, crimson liquid before Jubilee flicks an empty plastic pouch across the table at Rogue.

    "Did anyone take the drug?" she wonders, cutting right to the chase. "Anyone we know?" Jubilation slooooowly brings the cocktail glass of blood up to her mouth and puckers her lips like she's about to play the flute. She takes a long sip from the glass as loud as she possibly can. Gross.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue has half a onion ring in her mouth when Wade speaks of unsanitary kitchen conditions. It causes her green eyes to glance to her left toward the entrance to the kitchen on the far side of the bar. She smirks, and looks back to him. A sip of beer later and she shakes her head. "Don't let him hear ya sayin' that kinda slander, he'll take seat priviledges from ya next." She fires back before finishing off the onion ring deliciousness.

"Actually, Wade." rogue says after dabbing at her lips with a triangle folded napkin. "I wanted to ask you if you could look around in your circles for information on this Blackguard company. They were the folkds behind the Black Teams that we were facin' off with, and all we've ever managed t'find about them is that the bulk sum'a their finances were comin' from the Saudis. I don't know much'a anything about ... any'a that. They were really well equipped though, even with telepath blockin' helmets. We got one in storage."

The blood package hits Rogue's left boob, and she looks down at it to let out a little whine when she realizes what it is. She uses her napkin to pick it up and drop it off to the side, before her eyes look up to Jubilee again. She shakes her head at the question. "I was on the operatin' table when Magneto, and the kids from Ohio came bargin' in. They were ready to put the drug inta me... We busted out, though, and were confronted outside their base by that Black Team group... It turned inta some serious shit there-after. Thank the Heavens the resta the X-Men showed up when they did. We were under some serious fire... But yeah, I dunno none'a the Mutants that died from the medication. That Scientist, Clarington, or whatever... He knows some'a them. Said most'a them came from Los Angeles. Said the volunteer rates outta New York were terrible. Which is why kidnappin' became their go-to."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "They chose them," The sword names, "It gives one +3 to attack and damage against blonds, the other against brunettes." With that revelation, Wade settles into his seat and focuses on Rogue and her reply...
    Though as the bag of blood is produced Deadpool's comment is simply to point at it without looking and to declare and reinforce the notion. "Super gross."
    When Rogue asks about him using his contacts for the whole mercenary angle she'll see him tilt his head slightly to the side as various synapses fire. One of his white eyelets contorts and narrows, while the other eye widens as he ponders and considers. He perhaps even contemplates. Until finally...
    "Alright, I can run a few birds up a tree. I can see if that dog will hunt. I can see if I hoist that particular flag and who salutes it." He stares straight forward for a small time, "Blackguard. Blaggard. As the British say. Who do not really exist. Did you know that? Tell Betsy, she'll agree with me."
    That said he rubs the back of his mask and hrmmms.
    "But you know my angle ain't much of a one I can give you, right? I mean I know I am acutes. But really our PoV is more obtuse. We get contracts and it's sometimes not even mentioned who is doing the hiring."
    Yet he holds his hands up as if to stay any protest, "But fine, fine."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "You're full of this," Jubilation points out, using her eyes to make it clear she's talking about blood -- the blood in her glass -- as Wade expresses his disgust. "Both of you. And everyone in the place." She takes a hearty gulp from the glass and then moves it towards the mouth area of Wade's mask. "Want some?" she teases with a big, fangy smile. "Oh, here comes the airplane......"

    Jubilation's smile fades as the two continue with their serious business. "Magneto...wh--- what kids from Ohio?" Jubilation asks, though her tone suggests that she doesn't really expect Rogue to shift focus and answer that. It might sound like a question, but it's really just her way of saying that she doesn't know anything about Ohio or Ohio mutants. When Rogue confirms that she doesn't know any of the mutants who took the drug and died, Jubilee closes her eyes and leaves them closed. No matter how much of a goofball she'd like to be, she can't hide her relief.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just softly nods at what Wade responds to her with. "Just give it a shot, see what happens. No pressure. I know you don't perform well undah pressure." She says with a growing grin. The grin increases as the blood is airplaned toward Wade from the Vamp-Mistress of Westchester. "Yeah, but that's not my blood..." A quick pause beat. "That /better/ not be my blood." She warns with a smirk for Jubilation next. The questions from the Vampire does get a nod from the Belle, soft and quick. "It's a group'a five kids. Fifteen or sixteen. They had their own little Mutant super hero group. Kinda one'a those Nerd groups for outcasts in high school. Guess they actually figured out which medical warehouse the 'evil lab' was sendin' its stuff through. They rattled the wrong cages, and three of'em got snatched by that Black Team group. They got taken to the same secret lab in Colorado that Magneto and I were taken to. The resta the X-men found the other two kids tryin' to break in to the main lab in Atlanta... also gettin' chased by some'a those Black Team assholes. It's just been, a roller coaster... since all'a this kicked off."

Another onion ring is reached for, and another sip of her beer is taken. Rogue shakes her head again. "I know Sinister is the one we need ta focus on findin' most, an' finally stoppin' him. But, I mean, ya gotta give it to the asshole. He sure knows how to hide well."

Onion ring crunch.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Yeah, but mine is all cancery and ick. Still, gross. You're also made of water, would you drink water? No!" Wade offers that insight free of charge as he folds his hands neatly in front of him, pointedly not fiddling anymore with the artificial sweeteners and instead peering across the way at Rogue. Only now remembering to pull the bottom half of his mask back down.
    "And yeah, what kids from Ohio?" Which has him turning slightly to point an accusing finger at Jubilation as he says, "Also, stop stepping on my lines, Lee. You are totally 'no butting' my 'yes anding' here."
    That said he turns back to the Southern Belle and listens.
    "Kid nerd group, very Rogue-like. Go on." Deadpool nods solemnly, very serious. The brow of his mask knits a bit as she elaborates. "Alright. Alright..."
    Wade nods as understanding dawns. "So we got some good action items here. Good things that key to our core competencies. Find Sinister. Find these Blaggards. Find the money behind these guys. Let's take this offline. Maybe open the kimono. See how well we can interface with our similar methodologies. Give it a real..."
    A pause, "Shit, I got nothin' else." He snaps his fingers and points across the table. "How did the vote thing go?"

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee's eyebrows rise a touch at Rogue's worry about the blood being her own. Instead of outright denying it, Jubes brings the glass up to her nose and appears to give it a couple sniffs. She looks upwards, as though giving it some thought. After another sniff, Jubilation shakes her head with some authority. "No, not yours," she confirms. After a carefully timed beat of her own, Jubilation grins across the table at Rogue and takes another sip.

    Wade's accusation draws the attention of that tiny spark of Jubilation that still exists inside this undead creature of the night. Her smile is large, exposing the tips of her fangs like she has no concerns for what people might think.

    "I don't think the world is ready for both of us going full blast at the same time, Mister," Jubilation fires back with a grin as she gives Wade a gentle shoulder-to-shoulder shove. It's like two irreverent samurai exchanging silent nods of recognition and respect before taking out their swords.

    Jubilation smacks her lips loudly after breaking up the moment with another sip from her glass. "The X-Men are good for that," she opines with a a slightly more subtle smile directed across the table at Rogue. "I mean, if they hadn't had been shopping that day, I might still live at that mall. A girl can only hear that Mariah Carey song so many times before she snaps!"

    Without warning, Jubilation sets the glass down for the last time and reaches under the table to grab her backpack. She reaches inside and begins rearranging the contents so it can be zipped up properly. "Right, sorry, I'm gonna, like, uh...go?" she announces with an inflection that makes it sound like she's asking a question, as though she might be unsure if she's going to go. While joking around, snipping blood, and acting as though she's not listening, not connecting the dots, and only interested in goofing off, Jubilation's head filled with anxious thoughts. They're now spilling out.

    "I, uh..." Jubilation hesitates a little before standing and slinging the backpack over her shoulder. "...I know, um, someone... and she's kind of prone to being kidnapped... So... I might just, um, go check on... Her."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue spends a second biting down on her bottom lip and nodding her head softly before she smirks at them both. She exhales sharply, and her eyes do drop down for a second. "One guy did die in the fight though." She says, her stare coming back up to them across from her at the booth. "Some dude from Los Angeles... Went by the name Psycho Storm. He was one'a the Captives too. He was also bein' strapped down for the injection at the same time I was. He escaped with us, but... well he was a big fella, like Colossus. Had lightning in his fists. But he weren't near as durable as our Russian boy. He got ... obliterated by the tanks. I wasn't close enough to get in the way'a the shot, give him some cover. So, yeah. We saved the kids, but lost that fella in the mix. Pour one out for him, I suppose." She says, clearing her throat. "We did check him out though, he had a pretty bad criminal record in Cali. If that means anything."

When Jubilee is excusing herself, Rogue smirks softly at her, but nods to her too. "Better go check on everyone you think might've been anywhere near Bushwick the past couple'a months."

Then she looks back to Wade. "Vote is tomorrow in the Senate. Gonna have the results out by late afternoon, I think." She states, biting the last bit of her onion ring before another sip of her foamy drink is taken. Her left hand comes up to wave to Jubilation on her way out though. "Let me know if you wanna have a Mall Rat partner. I need t'get outta the house now that all the kids are back from vacation."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool is sitting there and when Jubilee gives him that subtle shoulder shove, his reaction is to lift his chin and crinkle his nose under that red and black mask. As if he was begrudgingly giving over to the sentiment but is still prickly about it.
    Yet his attention is grabbed at bits and points by the Roguemeister and just as he's about to say something is the moment when Jubilee sets her super gross ick glass down and starts to make her goodbyes. Eyebrows lift as she gathers herself together. It's only when she's partially departed that Wade leeeans forward across the table and murmurs in a faux whisper toward Rogue.
    "Is that... is she talking about going and taking the drugs? Is that what the kids say today? Or maybe she saw a tiktok that did a trigger?" Again he looks after Jubilee as she takes up that backpack.
    He does, however, bring his katanas back up and sets them on the seat that she just vacated, telling them softly. "There we go girls, didja miss me? I know, I know. Schlemiel, Schlimazel."
    Though a particular name catches his attention, "Psycho Storm. That's one of those 'I picked my own code name code names'. I mean only thing worse than that is when someone just USES THEIR ACTUAL NAME!"
    Wade's voice rises, perhaps chasing after Jubilee.
    Back to Rogue. "Alright, alright, I'll go cast my vote tomorrow. My constituents will be pissed if I miss another." He reaches over and liberates an onion ring and tears it in half idly.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee's expression flattens as Rogue reminds her of the summer break ending for the students at Xavier's. There was nothing better than that electric week in September when all the kids return from their homes and bring the mansion back to life. Jubilation was always one of the kids who stayed during breaks. Not anymore.

    "...Yeah... when everything settles down," she answers absently, taking a tone that almost sounds like she doesn't expect that it will.

    Jubilation takes a few steps away from the table, but her supernatural nature makes it appear like she's floating. She hasn't completely gotten the hang of being a vampire and often forgets to bob up and down when she walks. It's a process. She barely makes it more than two tables away before being forced to a halt by Wade's parting shot.

    "Oh puh-leeeease. We both know you're gonna be texting me in like a week to see if I'd let you use my name instead of that beater you got." She gives him a good-natured roll of her eyes before she covers them with a pair of dark Ray Ban sunglasses. At night. So edgy. Much spooky.

    "See ya, Rogue! See ya, Milpool..."

    Jubilee begins humming the theme from The Simpsons before opening the door and slipping out of Harry's and back into the night.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just sits there smirking at the interaction between the two of them. Her eyes do drop down to her basket of onion rings as Wade snatches one, which has her shaking her head in warning. She inexplicably begins to scoot out of the booth seat across from him then, and grabs up her drink, along with the basket of remaining onion rings.

"I'm gonna move to the pool room. Play some shooty shooty." She tells him. "You're welcome ta join me, unless you're plannin' on goin' over there to apologize to Harry for whatever it is ya did to him that has him still glarin' over here at ya every couple'a minutes."

The Belle shows a sweet smile to the Merc with the Mouth as she turns to her left then and starts to move through the large archway in to the room with the three billiards tables, finding one of the tall side tables to set her stuff down before moving to grab up a cue off one of the nearby racks.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Ah, kids these days." Wade says with a smirk that somehow shows up on the corner of his mask as he eases fully into his seat, arms resting over the back of the booth, sliding oh so subtly around those katanas as he pulls a Greg Brady with a hint of a yawn. "I do not know if I have her number in my cell."
    For a moment he digs into his pocket and produces his phone wrapped as it is in the pink Hello Kitty case with black magic marker writing on the back that proclaims it as simply, 'CELLPOOL'. With a swipe of a finger he activates it and starts to scroll through his phonebook. While he does this he takes a very small nibbling bite of his purloined onion ring.
    When she gets to her feet he rises as well, leaving Laverne and Shirl alone in the booth for now. He starts to walk after her though not looking up from his cell. "Hmm, hmm. Not finding it." He glances up, "What pool? No way, for all I know you went back in time and absorbed the powers of Ralph Greenleaf. Who won 21 world championships between 1921 and 1937 playing 14.1 continuous games. And I totally knew that I didn't just google it."
    Though he does wander into the room after her. He rests a hip on the pool table as she busies herself with getting set for the game. He scrolls a bit more on his phone then pipes up, "Oh here she is, I have her listed under Katrina Lana Kea for some reason. Weird."
    He puts the phone away. "I do not owe Harry an apology. He owes me. I just made a joke and he couldn't take it. Not even like a bad joke. It was one of my good ones."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grabs up a pool cue, stepping back toward the table now to get the balls all grouped up at the far end. "I dunno... I've seen Harry handle a lotta jokes before. Somethin' seems fishy about this. I hate seein' the two'a you have a lovers' spat like this too." She says with a smirk toward Wade. "Now grab a cue if you're gonna play, otherwise stand back from the table. Cause I break like ya wouldn't believe."

And soon the Belle is leaning over the green felt covered table, lining up her shot, and making a whole lotta balls clack and scatter far and wide!