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Latest revision as of 13:27, 6 October 2023

Punching Holes
Date of Scene: 06 October 2023
Location: Danger Room
Synopsis: Monet and Jimmy help Rogue fight through some extra Danger Room work!
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Monet St. Croix, Jimmy Hudson

Rogue has posed:
There had been a number of the X-Men team in here about a half an hour ago, but most had separated and gone on their own ways. Now the big metal room is mostly empty save for a number of people-shaped stand-ins and a Southern Belle that flies between them.

Each time she reaches another one of them, she punches them in a clear weakspot, and the closer one gets to them the more they see that the 'bots' are created to be different sizes of Sentinels. Most of the Sentinel threat was taken care of before Anna-Marie joined the team when she was 18 years old, but she still trains for them incase they ever come back in threatening numbers...

Here and now, she's doing just that. In her green and gold bodysuit, her jacket laying over a ledge near the door, she's flying from bot to bot, slamming her fists in to their weakspots, ripping them apart, and tossing pieces this way and that in various directions!

It's a noisy mess of machinery simulated by 'hard light' of the Danger Room, helping the Belle remember where to hit each model of known Sentinel!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix has been fortunate in her time to have only faced off with the Sentinels a few times. And in most cases they were isolated, damaged, and far less potent than Sentinels in their 'prime'. So she's not had to face first the fully terrifying power that is Sentinels unleashed, like the suffering Genosha went through. And here she is, playing backup tonight as the group goes through the brawl and training.

She moves to fly towards one of the more 'human' sized ones. Rahter than going in on a direct attack line, she's being evasive while it's weaponry blasts up and over at her. She's not even making a move to attack it, focusing on the guns - how fast they rotate, how quickly they can reacquire her, and how effectively the targeting is. While also pushing her own flight maneuvers to start and stop as fast as she can.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
Having been working out in the gym, Jimmy was winding down of the night when he had come out and seen the light on for the Danger Room, showing it in session. Putting his towels over his shoulders, he enters into the observation area. And of course, there's Rogue, looking as Belle-ish as she ever does.

Dressed in an Acadenmy t-shirt and sweatpants with a pair of running shoes on, his attention swivels, moving from Rogue to Monet, watching her at work. They make a pretty effective team as they fly around, punching the sentinels in their weak points and he drops into one of the observation seats to watch them two women, cracking out a bottle of water to take a chug from it before pressing his finger on the room mic.

"Doin' pretty good there with the grace and style, full marks for technique." comes the Canadian drawl that is softer than the older clawed one gruft growl.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue and Monet basically train to be mirror of one another in combat, considering their power-sets are damn near identical, especially tactically when it comes to fighting killer robots. But the program is designed to become harder with every bot that gets obliterated by the women, and soon they are starting to move their limbs, dodge the punches, and even begin to fight back!

With grunts, and exhalations, Rogue just continues to use her fists to punch through the bots before her. One opens its eye-slots and fires two twin laser blasts at her, that the Belle senses with her 'Seventh Sense' of danger tickling the back of her mind. She dodges it, and puts a hand through the bot's face, causing it to quite literally lose its head!

She knows Jimmy's voice well, and pauses in mid air about 5 feet up off the ground. She looks back to the obs room window and smirks. "This ain't a tv show, or a streamin' network, Mistah!" She calls out, moments before a pair of extending metal tentacle arms grab her shoulders from behind!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
That's part of why Monet is focused on evaluating the robots. She's nowhere near as strong and fast as Rogue is - so she serves in this to help reassess the abilities of the Sentinels, how they react, and how potent they are. Acting as necessary to go to cover her teammate and play decoy for the hard hitter to go through them.

"Shouldn't that be claw marks for technique?" She would deadpan over in the general direction of Jimmy as he would watch the two. If that was her attempt at a zinger she had a lot of work to do. Or Jimmy didn't rate high enough tog et more personalized snarks.

As the Sentinel goes to blast over at Rogue with eye-beams, Monet is charging up and over behind it, moving to grab around the 'neck' of it to try and snap the head around to try to utilize it to shoot at it's confeder-mechs or have to shutdown it's blasters to do so!

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
"I'd pay $4.99 a month for it." Jimmy responds laconically. But clearly, that's someone telling him to practice. And it's true, with so many others with their shared DNA and snikts all inside of them, Jimmy may be the one that goes into the field the least, concentrating on teaching the kids in P.E. and being around campus as needed.

There's a loud 'tsk' at Monet, "I was told you had game." is how he responds to her, as he moves to push out of his chair. He is also aware that he is among the slowest to heal when injured of the group, and he closes his eyes. A grit of his teeth as he feels the organic steel cover his skeleton, and then the pain of the tearing of skin as two pairs of three bone claws come out, covered by the organic steel a moment later.

Just as the tentacles reach out to grab at Rogue, Jimmy lowers the window of the observation area, jumping out and diving like a rock at the Sentinel. And as he falls, he feels that rush of adrenaline that makes him smile. It's not street racing, but it's still a rush as he dives and brings his claws in front of him, aiming to naile the giant robot in it's face!

Rogue has posed:
Monet's efforts do pay off, with the laser bot coming to pieces in her capable hands! While the one grabbing hold of Rogue's shoulders get the bone claws of the most humble of Snikt-family members making it spew sparks out of the ear-holes on its metal dome!

Rogue curls her upper lip, reaching her yellow gloved hands up to her own shoulders to take the metal claws in her hands. She spins the disabled robot away from Jimmy's fists, and throws it by its own tentacles right in to another pair of them that are marching toward the trio of Mutants!

"Mutant Lifeforms," One of them speaks. "Surrender now, or be obliterated." It states before raising its shiny hand up, causing a bright white beam of power to launch from its palm right toward Hudson!

Monet, meanwhile has a electric net fired right at her, by the second of the duo, which garners a "Heads up!" Shout from Rogue.

The Belle flies up in the air, surveying the battlefield as the Danger Room produces the Hard Light enemies.

"Jimmy, let me know if this is too much for ya!" She teases the other teacher.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix goes to engage defensively as the blasts go at her, and she moves to quickly withdraw from her position, as the blasterfire scythes out at her! She goes to dart on past Jimmy, evaluating. Sharing along telepathically. <<Sentinels will automaticlaly prioritize the most dangerous of us to engage.>> Which means, alas (For M) Rogue, as clearly teh most dangerous one. That means that M will be the secondary target..

Which means that hopefully between the Sentinels blasting out over at her and Rogue, that Jimmy will have openings to strike over at them and inflict damage!

<<Target locations on them required for mobility. Servos, limb connectors, attachments for sensors and weaponry. The torso will be the most heavily armored section, and damage to the primary cranial unit does not necessarily incapacitate the threat>> Even as a blast slams into her and sends her flying.

Translation - try and stab them where the guns stick out or on the knees.

Her attempting to coordinate hte attack as the electric net is fired over at her! Too slow to dodge, just being able to brace her wrists up in front of her to ward off the worst of it as she would hit the ground, arching with electricity and yelling in pain!

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
Of /course/ Rogue would raise the level up to 'Crazy to Be Here' as soon as Jimmy joined. Ripping his claws out of the Sentinel's face, Jimmy realizes they're still bone and is quickly covering them in steel in order to give him more penache (Is that the word, Monet?) when he slices and dices.

Of course, in the time that it takes for him to do that, it gives the new Sentinels a chance to regroup, monologue and open fire upon Jimmy. "Crap." he manages to say as he is briefly illuminated in silhouette as the blast slams into him, sending him sprawling backwards.

Unfortunately, his gym clothes are not made for this type of abuse and the lower legs of his sweatpants and his whole shirt is shredded. He is pretty sure that Rogue did this on purpose. It hurts, but there's no scream, a snarl of a growl, a rising in that infamous temper that may be the lowest in Jimmy but is just as strong as the others when used.

Throwing his arms to either side, he takes Monet's words to heart, even if telepathy is a little muddled with him at first. Running forward, his claws at his sides, he goes for the knees of the first Sentinel he comes across, claws slashing in a quick succession of claw swipes that propel him forward... almost like a Berzerker Barrage.

Rogue has posed:
It's true, all of it. The difficulty does get harder based on the power level of the most powerful person in the room, and right now that is Rogue. Also, she loves shredded clothing, or at least that's what the minx Kitty Pryde likes to tell everyone on the team!

As the two on the ground deal with their own level of headaches, Rogue is soon batted at by the hand of the largest Sentinel yet that stepped from the 'Spawn Location' behind a metal pillar. This one is probably thirty feet tall, and slapping a giant metal hand at Rogue like she were a mere annoyance and house fly!

She dodges it, sweeping her body down with her green headband fluttering in the wind behind her head alongside her chestnut hued hair! She slams right in to the 30 footer's right knee. Her shoulder slamming in to it causing it to buckle inward in a awkward way. A second after that, and Rogue just unleashes punch after punch, until the Sentinel fires off a series of three 'tiny' rockets that zip around to hit Rogue square in the back of her shoulders!


The Danger Room shakes, as the Belle tumbles away!

It is a hard night in the hard light room, and several more 10 foot tall robots are making their way toward Monet and Jimmy now, raising their hands up to fire more varied types of weapons at them! This certainly beats the gym workouts!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's not just the energy blasts that they have to avoid. It's the sonics. The neural disruptors. The psi chaff. The flares. The plasma busters. The bombardment is highly varied, and designed to overload from pain, stimulii, and everything else that mere brute force and concussive power might not be capable of overwhelming.

Monet is hit multiple times by energy blasts, crying in pain as she would shudder repeatedly in the energy netting.

In no state to dodge or to try and just rip her way out of the netting, Monet goes for a brute force situation. But she can't exactly focus enough to try and snag on something. Instead, she blasts her way up and over to let one of the high energy plastma bolts strike her.. It hurts. But it overloads the electro-barbs dug into her, shorting them out, which lets her tear off the net and the spikes dug into her. Taking a hit to remove a greater threat is not an optimal tactic, but on occasion an effective one.

Now free, she quickly glances over at the more numerous, more varied Sentinels. Too many to directly overpower, to evade, and to beat up. So at this point of the fight it's more of a survival game! Trying to last as long as you can! Monet's not strong enough to send them flying.. Instead she goes to charge over at he nearest one, intent on slamming her fists into the torso.. She's not strong enough to tear it clean off, but she can hopefully rend enough to get a solid grip on it..

And goes to crush her way to get her hands inside. Then she's moving to use her leverage from flight to reposition the 'bot.. And gets a rather effective shield!

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
Jimmy'll have to report to Kitty that everything she said about Rogue was true. "Keep movin'!" is the oh so sage advice that he has to off as Rogue makes the earth move in the PG way, and there's another snarl from the X-Man without a cryptonynm, because that is how little he has gone out into the field.

Juking along the ground and sliding as Jimmy tries to avoid the numerous weapons that are being launched at the pair. He slides beneath a laser blast as the heat of it singes along his skin.

There's a plant of his left foot and launches forward, springboarding to his right as he goes into the hips of the Sentinel nearest to him, his claws slammed into the lighter armor of the inner thigh as he rips through hydraulics, interior components, pistons and coiled metal that mimics muscles, sending up sparks and flames.

And in that intense concentration - he's smiling. He's delighting in the carnage, in the attack, the thrill seeker side of his persona eating it all up.

Rogue has posed:
The one thing about the Danger Room is that it can also be customized to provide you with things on command, or at least if that element is active in the program... Rogue had been blown away by the missiles, off behind the debris around the room's faux-building facades that are crumbling from all the chaos. The 30 foot tall Sentinel had felt triumphant in its attack on the Belle, and was now marching toward Jimmy and Monet.

When all of the sudden the sound of a very loud horn can be heard filling up the entire chamber, followed by the heavy rumble of a big big vehicle engine.

A dump truck slams in to the side of the Sentinel's back right leg, crumpling it inward and finishing off the damage that Rogue had started with it.

Behind the wheel of the dump truck, Rogue runs a gloved hand through her two-toned hair, letting out a heavy sigh. "Big bastard, gettin' what he deserves." She quips to herself as she peers out of the broken glass of the truck's windshield.

Outside, the 30 footer had fallen on to its face, but was doing a single push-up to try and right itself, only to have the truck slam in to it again, spinning the wheel hard to the right, Rogue just pushes the giant Sentinel across the Danger Room floor right past Monet and Jimmy, and takes it straight in to one of the metal walls where the 30 foot tall Sentinel is crushed right through its middle.

Rogue pulls the horn chain again, causing the massive truck to roar like a satisfied dragon!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's better than 'la cucharacha'. Monet goes to keep on using her own Sentinel as a bit of a shield, and then goes to rapidly evaluate. <<Hudson, dissassemble it while it's prone. I'll give you cover for the operation>> Rogue's put it down.. Now time to cut it down to size!

Monet goes to throw aside her Sentinel-shield and goes to swarm towards the next Sentinel close as she just tries to inflict as much damage on it as she can physically! It's not going to amount to much, but it diverts their attention hopefully away from Jimmy..

That has by far the best chance to eviscerate it and dismech-ber it!

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
Jimmy can only watch as Rogue comes in with a dump truck of all thing and slams into the Sentinel, driving it into the wall. With Monet's voice in his head, he growls in response. "On it!" he snaps as he takes off running.

Bare feet on the floor of the Danger room as he races forward, and he leaps on the back of the truck, racing across the bed of it, onto the roof and then he leaps forward, his claws digging into the torso of the Sentinel as he starts to use them to climb upwards, and when he reaches the neck, he eagerly starts to slice away, spilling hydraulic fluid, cutting pressure lines, ripping into the throat as he works to remove the head from the giant!

Rogue has posed:
Rogue checks the rear view mirror on her door, seeing Jimmy working his way across the truck. She hears him run over the hood of it, then sees him going at the Sentinels' neck like a feral beast! This has her facial features graced with a lopsided grin. She pops the door open on the side of the truck, and floats out of its interior cab...

Just as she slams the door shut with a thud, the Sentinel's head falls from its shoulders, giving Jimmy a hopefully satisfying feeling of the kill on the mighty King of the Sentinel horde mode.

The head rolls away, wobbling in an awkward display as it tries to find its perfect balance of weight to settle upon the Danger Room's floor...

The floor of the danger room fully covered in the pieces of the various waves of Sentinel robots. It's a veritable trash pile, with one big swath streaked through it from Rogue's truck she drove through the mess.

Things begin to fall quiet then, as a bell rings around them. Rogue looks up, and around, before she smiles.

"We did it." She says. "Scott!" She calls out. "We did it! Your punishment of 'extra Danger Room work for runnin my mouth!' All done!" She says in a satisfied tone of her naturally sultry voice.

Dusting her gloved hands off, she smiles at Monet, then over at Jimmy. "Ya'll did great. I was worried there what with the net, and Jimmy's ya know... everything!" She teases him as she puts one hand on her green suited hip, the other hanging down by her other thigh.

"Who wants t'go get drinks now?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would sigh, "Yes, Rogue, a successful operation. I'm sure that Mister Summers will take our success into account next time he gives us disciplinary training." She is, however, speaking that in a highly amused tone of voice to Rogue. That Rogue knows her enough to pick up on. Jimmy? Jimmy may not know M's body language enough to pick up ont he cues. But there is that gentlee of 'smug' and 'way better than you' that seemingly is eternal.

"In that case, I presume that means that you'll be the one buying the next round of drinks at Harry's then?" Sure, she's rich enough to -buy- Harry's (if no one puts in a competing bid) and she assumes htat being a feral Canadian that Jimmy has no idea of the concept of 'money'.. But, as far as she's concerned Rogue's braggacido has earned that!

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
Dropping off the Sentinel onto the floor with a thud, Jimmy grunts, realizing he's covered in grime and sweat and it's gross and he's down to a Hulk-style pair of pants that are shredded at the knees and no shirts.

"Don't know anything." comes the drawl from the Canadian mutant, "Just did what Monet told me to do, she deserves all the credit." he admits, a nod of his head as he defers to the dusky mutant.

"I'm gonna pass on the drinks this time." He's healing, it's slow, he's gonna just let himself relax. Even when Monet gets all smug, it's still meant as a compliment to the young woman.

And Jimmy is not a feral Canadian! He had a loving family that raised him right! He even has a college degree! Pfeh! Picking up the remains of his shirt to throw away, he sighs. "Y'all two have fun." A fistbump offered to the pair of ladies before he's heading off to get a shower and relax.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's arms are soon to fold across her stomach as she smirks at Jimmy, watching him choose to leave rather than go with them. "Fair game, Hudson." She says at him in that sassy way of hers. "Nice threads, make it your normal style?" She has to add, ever the flirt too.

With a grin, she looks over to Monet before nodding toward her. "Lets get cleaned up, and we can head over to Harry's for a bit. Play some pool, maybe see if there's anyone who wants t'start a fist fight too." She says, all in good humor, right?

Probably hard to tell. Rogue is notorious for enjoying a bar fight, for obvious reasons, and she's rather prone to getting unwanted advances when she's in a busy watering hole!

"Computer. End Sim. Send Cyclops the final results."

The computer dings an affirmative, before the ruined clutter of robot pieces begins to dissolve in to thin air, leaving the room perfectly spotless.