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Burning the dead
Date of Scene: 01 November 2023
Location: Oslo, Norway
Synopsis: The dead are afoot in the University of Oslo, and the object they want is the same that Frigga wants, that is, the remains of a newly discovered Viking warriormaid. Many thanks to Sonja, Thor and Kelda!
Cast of Characters: Frigga, Mary Jane Watson, Rien D'Arqueness, Thor, Kelda Stormrider

Frigga has posed:
There have been archaeological finds of the Vikings for hundreds of years. Longboats, coins, swords, runic inscriptions on stones and wooden carvings all fill University museums, national museums all around the world. So much has been learned of these people who have gone from 'brutish' and 'war-like' to 'civilized' and 'artistic', with a side-order of 'brutish' and 'war-like'. Their stories, their legends, all experience brief resurgences here and there, particularly when something new is discovered. The last 'major' discovery was the fact that a great deal of their runes are in a code. Something, apparently, that they enjoyed doing.

There are always the grave diggers as well. It's a mark of where they are, where they've been, and the points on the compass of all their various settlements. Now, in the 'modern age', these early Vikings can be seen in the DNA of the generations of progeny while the towns names whisper their origins. One burial here, a battle field there that is off a main battlefield.. discoveries that simply add to their stories.

The next major discovery now is enough to turn a lot of beliefs of who the Vikings were on their heads. Laying in the ground, a particularly well-armored body lay, skeletonized. Beside it, sword, buckles, cloak pin.. all the trappings of what would be the hallmark of a warrior. Someone buried in a compass point.. and a couple of small, gold disks that could be coins. But that's not the news item, no.

It's the DNA. It's a female warrior, without a doubt.

Instantly, the archaeological community was clamoring for more information, more pictures, more research into the stories of old.. and the body was disinterred and brought to the University of Oslo.

Within weeks of the remains being moved, the research area had been suffering from the occasional electrical surge, a leak in pipes, difficulties with heating and air conditioning.. thus causing the University to spend a great deal more money to keep their artefacts safe and sealed.

Researchers guess as the identity of the warrior woman. Was she a chieftain's daughter? Was she a slave forced to fight? Was the the wife of a warrior? Was she simply taken along to provide food for the warriors? If so, wouldn't she have farming implements rather than weapon of war?

For one, or perhaps a select few rather, there is no question as to the identity of the maid that was so disturbed. Kirsi. One of Frigga's own when she walked the paths of Midgard a millenium ago. It takes a great deal to move the All Mother to anger, and the disturbing of those laid to rest so they can enjoy the feasts of Valhall can do it.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Sonja has given an oath of duty and fealty to the All-Mother, serving her as the days of long, long ago where she had given her devotion to Scathach. She is also very, very skilled when it comes to robbing tombs. Having spent so much of her former life as a thief and assassin of some reknown has her quite, quite cheerful as the group goes in.

She's mildly disappointed in that she won't be able to slaughter everyone on site, to the horror of Mary Jane whom had quickly suppressed that. The archaeologists are doing this unknowningly and with ill intent. At least by the standards of MIdgardians.. By the standards of the Asgardians, it's probably something of a far fouler state.

So with the group Sonja is present in.. Something a bit stranger than most times.

Her body is mostly bare, wearing heavy combat boots and a belt about her ihps festooned with the tools of her trade. Pair of flintlock pistols, variety of bombs and blades.. Huge sword over her back slung in a sheathe, red combat gloves..

And also for reasons unknown to most she's wearing what can be described as chain mesh. Armor. Or lack thereof consisitng of something to give her maximum mobility even with her enhanced reflexes..

Just why -is- it a bikini, though?

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
When something of an old, odd, and/or magical nature pops up, SHIELD likes to get eyes on it. Boots on the ground. And that is why Rien consults for them on occasion. So when the news started filtering through about the archeological site and the issues occurring there, she gets tapped to go with the team to help figure it out.

It tends to help that she looks.. well.. normal. Of short stature, blonde hair, blue eyes, French accent. One would never think that she's anything other than what she presents herself as. And that is her advantage. So rather than costume up and go in claws first, Rien is wearing warm clothing: ski leggings, boots, a North Face coat.. looking like a normal person. Tooooooootally normal.

Frigga has posed:
There are those that say 'gods walk among us', but those that do really don't mean actual gods, do they?

They do. Just check the news on any given day.

There are those that don't walk in the light of discovery, however; not unless they want to, anyway. Frigga, the Norse god of pretty much everything Odin isn't, does walk Midgard again, but does not seek attention. As such, then, she walks the street of Oslo in a cross between that which she'd wear on Asgard with a Midgardian flair; her hair is back and in a braid, the dress that she wears is long but not seemingly out of place. It doesn't hurt that she undoubtedly has some spell to keep her FROM being noticed.

Instructions of the most basic were given MJ, or rather, Sonja. The remains of the warrior maid must needs be returned to her so that a fitting burial can be given. There are rumblings in Valhall that they were disturbed, which is how Frigga received word of who and .. how. The 'why' came later.

As for SHIELD? Well.. any movement of a supernatural being that just happens to be related to Thor or Loki should be watched- particularly when said being doesn't have a working relationship with the international agency.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Red Sonja is prowling. She's been given something to safely take the remnants of the Valkyrie in and is going in stealthily. The intent is to bypass the guards and security rather than disable all of them. She's quickly darting along, unseen by most and almost unnoticed. For her it has been eons since she has utilized this skillset..

But she has always been a good thief. Of her era, in the best. Matched and exceeded only by an elite few. Including that oafish Cimmerian that had in the tens of eons since been.. But that, dear traveler, is a story for another day.

Sonja goes along, darting close to the ground, her hands free. Eyes alert for signs of security, for traps.. OF both the normal and magical types. The academicians might not have placed about any, but it was quite possible that some of the enemies of the Asgardians might have. To defile the body of a Valkyrie would be great sport for some of them after all.

Frigga has posed:
The University of Oslo is large, with their museum buildings and research labs looking very modern in comparison to the mid-late 19th century styled classrooms. Evening classes are completed, the museum is closed, and the skeleton crew that is security is on. A few grad students remain behind in the basement artefact rooms, working on their pet projects; after all, it is 'publish or perish'.

In the storeroom, there are steel shelves from floor to ceiling with labeled boxes, marked with collection numbers. Within are everything from clay jars, to bronze jewelry, to leather goods like shoes and the like. And skeletal remains.

Outside on the sidewalks, it is still a college campus. Students walk the quads, loud voices raised in good spirits. For some traditionalists, it is a special time of year, even though they aren't completely aware of the origins. It is 'Alfarblot', that is, one holiday dedicated to GUESS WHO?

The Queen of Asgard moves down one of the paths on university grounds, keen blue eyes locked to the museum in the distance. She'll not go there; she has another who has been directed. She's here for the aftermath..

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Getting into a museum shouldn't be that difficult. Sonja has in her memories snuck into crypts full of revifying corpses, citadels crewed by demons, ships set upon by dragons and krakens.. At least in her memories of her past lives. Which may or may not be accurate. As so manys tories and tales told of ages past could blend together, lost in the mythology of memory.

Sonja goes to make her way over towards the museum, presuming nothing interrupts her, staying to the shadows. There's no need to incapacitate anyone. The alcohol will probably do the job for her. Presuming that the studetns here party like they do in the states.

Approaching the museum, she goes to plot the simplest entrance while looking now for magical defenses. Wards, runes, signs of creatures slumbering ready to be revived..

Thor has posed:
    The day had such promise.
    It had started as such days often do under the herald of a rising sun that cast the city of Manhattan in perhaps its more favorable way. The prospect of a new day, of new opportunities. Considering it over the brim of a small ceramic cup that had a rather choice blend of coffee, it was a day that brought Thor out from the corner library that he spends much of his time. "Thank you, Hedla."
    Quiet words given to the Asgardian head of house who tends to the Embassy's daily matters, he stepped to the balcony where breakfast was so often served. It was there that he saw the remnants of the earlier morning service. Likely for his brother or his mother, perhaps even Sif if she chose to spend this time here in the embassy. He took up a seat, sipped his coffee. Considered the day, the future.
    Hedla's voice was quiet and calm as she said, "Forgive the state of matters, Prince Thor. Your mother departed in haste and I had not the chance to clear the table."
    Which, at first, had Thor nodding with understanding, gesturing that it was of no matter. Though a few moments later his brow furrowed as the words truly registered. His one good eye narrowed as he turned his head toward Helda, "Bide, whyever for?"
    Hedla's answer was a blank look. Though on her tray she had been taking away the small tablet as well as a folded periodical of some sort? Thor gestured for her to bring them before him and so he did peruse. His brow furrowed as his expression seemed curious. Then one particular piece of information caught his attention.
    A piece of information that had him rising from the chair and calling out to the embassy proper. "Sif! Kelda?! Brunnhilde?" He rose up quickly, and then moved out into the hall. Distantly Stormbreaker stirred and lifted into life, leaping down the hall.
    Apparently there was a matter afoot.

Kelda Stormrider has posed:
Like a cold wind skirling off of a glacier, rumor sweeps through the Embassy. A rumor of the All-Mother's ire and descent to Midgard. The Goddess of Blizzards has little need to ascertain what has wrought her anger, first and foremost she is one of her ardent defenders. More details than what she overheard from Helda's conversation will follow. It suffices her to know that Frigga is unhappy.

Thor's voice brings her to the balcony in a thrice. A glance between Hedla and the Prince enough to inform her that the rumors are true.

"No need to tarry here. Let us join your Lady Mother and get to the bottom of this?"

And they do not tarry but take the rainbow express of the Bifrost, leaving the Embassy and arriving on the quad not far from the museum doors.

Frost forms at the slippered feet of the goddess as she descends to a sidewalk on the grounds of the University of Oslo. Next to her the Thor in all his glory. Kelda seldom makes an effort to disguise herself from the inhabitants of Midgard - let them deal with her draped, floor-length gown and pale blue cloak and call her an eccentric student.

Cloak billowing in the wind of their passage, she strides toward the door, head turning left and right, searching for Frigga.

"Do you see her?"

Frigga has posed:
Should there ever be a question as to where Prince Loki received some of his magical training, let it be answered now. Or soon enough, anyway. Frigga can hide in plain sight without being invisible. Those who look in her direction simply sees nothing. All thought and memory of her in place simply isn't processed. If she doesn't wish to be seen, she is not.

It's not difficult to miss the Bifrost, however; the change of landscaping is a sight to behold, and absolutely gets the attention of some of the students in the area. Various exclamations rise, and a small gathering begins at the edges, one poking at the indentations with a foot, another whipping out their phone to get a picture. Who in Norway HASN'T heard of Thor? Seriously? And, well.. memories have to dig deep to remember Kelda, sorry..

There is a hint, however, of Frigga's presence. A pair of housecats sit upon a park bench, a pair that Thor knows well..

Within the building, Sonja moves stealthily. Flourescent lights flicker, and the corridors all look the same, the doors all look the same but for the lettering on the doors. Within one of the rooms, a grad student is pulling a box of remains down off a shelf and with the bulk of the box in hand, walking towards the door. A couple of fingers turn the doorknob and pull, while his foot does the rest of the work. Once in the hall, he's oblivious to the approaching Sonja.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
And there is her mark. Sonja would ordinarily simply drop the target down and slit his throat. But.. In these times.. She has to be somewhat more polite. It's just a member of Asgard learning thier history. In a way dismissive and disrespectful of the culture the remains were from.. But was that not something that most cultures had done, intentionally or not?

She goes to take advantage of the student's lack of peripheral vision if she could by going up for an attempted quick chop to his neck when his back was to her and bracing the door open. Presuming she could, she would drop him with one arm moving forwards to catch the remains box silently.. Then hopefully also bringing up a leg to catch the boy rather than letting him hit the ground hard and risk breaking something.

That's on the insistence of Mary Jane. The part of her that is Sonja is fickle about how soft she has become.

Thor has posed:
    Like his mother, Thor's appearance is an amalgam of Midgard and Asgard. Likely not out of a choice for fashion, perhaps more out of haste. For what he wears in that appearance amongst all of the rainbow beams and slicing flashes of light... is rather mundane all told. White sneakers, a pair of blue jeans, a white t-shirt though it's covered by a grey hoodie. He does, however, have his crimson cloak that hangs loose over one shoulder as well as a leather harness of rather fine Alfar design. That harness allows a place for Stormbreaker to rest across his back, with a lovely quick release strap that seems to hold the weapon tightly.
    "I do not," Is his answer to the other Asgardian, yet he starts to advance forward, taking the first walkway that seems to beckon them. Such is the warrior prince's way for he finds that Fate often leads him in the correct direction. Eventually.
    "I know not for certain exactly what might have drawn her mispleasure, though this seemed to be the most likely. In any case, a walk in Oslo is rarely an ill thing."
    Of course then he smiles to a small circle of students as he walks with Kelda, her wispy frost-laden footsteps leaving a not so subtle trail behind them as they stroll. He lifts a hand in greeting when someone calls out his name. Perhaps there are some not sure if it's him because... didn't Thor have long hair... and both his eyes? And he wielded a hammer right not an axe?
    Then he espies that pair of cats on the park bench, his footsteps drawing up short though he voices recognition to Kelda with a simple, "Ah!" He moves in their direction and upon arrival, "Bygul, Trjegul, where would be your mistress?"

Kelda Stormrider has posed:
Head high, Kelda ignores the gawkers who trail after the famous Thor, seeking his attention. She long has preferred to remain unknown among Midgardians. Only those that worship the cold, her domain, know of her powers - a sure guarantee of a good ski run.

They both advance certain in their desire to find Frigga. So it it is with little surprise that she spies the regal forms of her companions perched upon a park bench.

"Aha," suffices as an answer. "When do they travel without their mistress? She is near. We can hope that your Lady Mother will reveal herself to us."

Frigga has posed:
Here's the thing; not only is it a holiday for Frigga, but for some, there is the belief that the veil between the worlds, between the living and the dead are at their thinnest. As a result, there are cross-overs from the dead to the living.

There's a reason why this box of remains is held by the grad-student.

Sonja's attack has the desired effect, mostly. There is a feint from the student, and as he begins to go down, he twists around, clutches the box tighter, and hisses as his facial features flicker from a vision of the living to the dead, and back again.

This is going to be a fight. Up above them, the string of florescent lights flicker again...

Fuzzy, very fuzzy kittehs on the bench. Thor's approach has one rising to his feet, arching his back in anticipated pleasure of perhaps getting petted. A trilled *mrowr* comes from the other, and in the next moment, there is the silhouette of a woman wrapped in cloak that appears by a tree. Her expression is one of concern, a delicate frown upon her clear visage. She greets the pair quickly, stepping close to them, her hands outstretched to take Thor's briefly. "Thor," her voice is soft, "it's Kirsi."

Kelda, too, is greeted, and once her hands drop from Thor, she turns to her. "Lady Kelda," she begins, "there may be need of you, if only briefly."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
There's something clearly unnatural here. As the grad student is able to match her attempted maneuver, and takes a strike which would have a normal human slumping down. Instead he goes to remain upright, and goes to strike back! Sonja's eyes widen a bit as the Mary Jane part of her registers surprise. Sonja goes to take over a bit more firmly at this moment as she goes to strike harder. The man-thing is being empowered by something.

She knows what not, and by not. Only that he resists. And that the host may or may not be still human. So she can't go all out. Sonja instead goes for attempted crippling mobility strikes. Attempted stomp to the inside of knee to snap it like a twig, fist puching up and over to shoulder to try and wrench it loose, other hand snapping up to try and give a palm strike to the jaw to break it. Even if the entity inside it is super strong, hopefully hitting it at joints will work to slow it down.

Norway, unlike America, has a decent and well funded universa medical system. He'll make a recovery!

Thor has posed:
    The hands of his mother taken in his, Thor's brow furrows. The gives voice to a name and after a moment there is a touch of recognition. He turns his head to the side, good eye narrowing slightly as he recalls the article then his lips part in understanding. For a moment he seems about to elaborate or saw something further, then his attention shifts toward Kelda and curiously enough the cats as well.
    But whatever those words may have been, they are lost in that moment and replaced with the simple words meant for his mother. "How best can we help?"

Kelda Stormrider has posed:
"Those two like all of their kind, have no shame," smiling faintly, Kelda traces a finger down Bygul's back and briefly caresses Trjegul behind the ear.

At Frigga's notice, she bows her head in graceful homage. A pale eyebrow arches in question as she nods her assent, "As you will, my Lady. We," she glances at Thor, "are at your service."

Frigga has posed:
Cats have ZERO shame, even Frigga's. The purrs that rise could shake mountains should they desire. At the moment, they're small and hidden away from notice. When they are of their own form, however, they stand shoulder to shoulder with Thor, ready to draw a chariot.

"Lady MJ is within, seeking her remains. While I am certain she is more than capable of doing that which I have asked, a couple more could not hurt."

Just after her words, however, she draws a breath between her teeth. "She will need your aid. Can you feel that?" Now, if it were Loki, he'd feel the shift in magic as Sonja goes hand to hand with the dead. Frigga does wait for a reply, her head tilting in askance.

She doesn't wait long, however, before clear blue eyes look to Kelda, and she nods towards the museum building.

Within, the, well, creature does resist. While the host may be human, yet it is animated by the dead. It feels no pain, even as the knee //cracks// and the creature falls. The box dropped, and the cardboard lid pops off as it hits the floor. While this creature falls, there is a shift in the magical realm, and another student appears from one of the other basement rooms, his expression and pallor very much the same as his compatriot's.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Sonja goes to catch the falling box even as the lid comes off. Hopefully before the remains are disrupted further. Because it wouldn't do for the fallen warrior to have her body spilling out on the floor. The falling, quaking possessed thing around her was enough to (at least Mary Jane) confirm possession, which meant her mental leashes on Sonja restraining her from full on aggressive were in swing. Instead, Sonja goes to twirl out a heavy metal baton in her off-hand, other protecting the box. She's going to withdraw, moving towards the window from which she had come in, giving quick strikes over with the metal end of the baton if one of the other -things- came close to her.

Other hand firmly keeping the box in place as duty charged. She goes to cackle madly and yells a few pitched obscenities to a god that had died more than fifteen thousand years ago and been long forgotten since.

Thor has posed:
    As the Thunderer listens to Frigga, he nods along with her words until she asks him that question which has him then shaking his head once sharply. He lifts his head and though he is not so in touch with the ley lines of the world, there is a subtle feeling of... unease.
    'She will need your aid.' His mother says to him, and so he looks to her, one eyebrow quirked. A single silent question asked between son and mother, then at the look given back to him he nods once sharply. "Kelda, with me."
    Which is all that needs saying as he steps forward, one hand grasping the haft of Stormbreaker and bringing it forth at hand with the subtle /WHOM/ sound. He moves forward, footsteps growing faster then no longer touching ground as he lifts off the sidewalk just some handful of inches, though his low flight takes him in a rush toward the door that so stood between him and his mother's wishes.
    There is a sudden /WHUD!/ as his shoulder strikes the door and abruptly it opens as Sonja and her opponents might well espy the arrival of Prince Thor.

Kelda Stormrider has posed:
Magic roils from within the walls of the museum. To Kelda's senses cold pours down the steps, but not the pure clean freezing cold of Arctic climes but another - the cold of the grave. Some strange unclean magic that she associates with death.

"Kirsi," she murmurs and after a deep nod to Frigga, she strides towards the steps, mounting them two at a time, then lifts in the air by Thor's side. At his shoulder she enters, hands lifted, ready to strike whoever sullies Kirsi's remains.

Snow falls in the warm corridor as ice forms around the being fighting for the possession of the box. Her pale eyes promise a quick end to any who would desecrate an honored warrior.

Frigga has posed:
Nothing like a museum that is filled with the relics of the dead during the time of year when crossing over can be at its prime. The one that Sonja took down is down, and trying to rise. The next one emerging from another door reaches out for Sonja with leather thong as the woman begins her way back down the way she came.

It's a slow process where the dead begin to inhabit the living, but one by one, each is taken over. It is initially difficult to tell who is what, but the flickers of life and death upon the faces can be enough. Grad students, the security above in the museum proper.

Thor's arrival gains the attention of those that have completed the transformation, a small handful, and they turn dead eyes towards the Thunderer. One has a corroded bronze sword in hand, another the head of a bronze viking axe, and they raise it to attack the newly arrived. (It's what they were studying at that moment!)

Even outside, near the museum that seems to be 'ground zero' for the event, those within its circle of influence are pulled by the dead and are given to those souls that should be at rest.

Behind the pair entering, that is, behind Kelda, then, are those coming in from outside, empty bottles that were either consumed or poured out as unlife filled those of the living are raised as weapons.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
It's only a horde of the undead possessing victims. Having managed to leap her way out tgo behind Thor for cover, Sonja goes to hold out her baton. "Odinson! Is there any consciousness left within them that can be salvaged?" If they can stop whatever is causing the possession, will the studetns and other unfortunates along the campus be freed? Or will they remain permanently lost to the void?

Sonja goes to circle along, weapon in a defensive position and letting the Odinson maintain attention around him. She has her own cargo.

"All-Mother, the remains have been retrieved." Not secured. Secured is when they have been taken and properly interred. Which is a ways off now.

She's more than happy to let Thor and Kelda put the undead back to rest.

Thor has posed:
    A sweeping glance takes in the moment and the Thunderer assays the situation. His good eye narrows and then he hears that snap of the redheaded warrior woman's voice, his gaze turned to her. She gives voice and Thor doth answer.
    "To me, then!" He moves forward quickly though he returns Stormbreaker to the harness upon his back. For instantly he can tell that these are souls who are being trespassed upon, other entities taking possession, their life and lives should not be snuffed out if they can prevent it.
    "Kelda and I will hold behind you, get the remains to Frigga. Hurry!" As he says this he manages to catch one of the turned and hoist the young man in his arms, tossing him bodily into a group of three that sends them tumbling. Thor's power is considerable, yet he stifles it here to ensure that no horrid harm will fall upon those so beset.

Kelda Stormrider has posed:
A bottle bounces off of Kelda's shoulder, provoking a visible huff of cold fog from the goddess. She turns in place, suspended in air, robe and cloak swirling around her. In her right hand, a transparent spear of magic ice snaps into existence. With a minimum of effort, she hefts it and throws the missile at her assailant, aimed for his heart. A second spear replaces the first. A small grunt of effort accompanies its arcing course for the second assailant's neck.

Neither spear will kill a mortal, both carry spells meant to sever the cursed dead from this realm of existence."Run to Her Majesty, we will hold these from you."

Frigga has posed:
Frigga is outside, and any more that try and enter, she has under her sway. (Why didn't she do all this herself? She'll never tell!) There is a circle burned in the ground where a small handful of possessed students stand. Each time one attempts to leave the circle, there is an unseen force that pushes back. Just beyond, the two cats that were so cute and loving only moments earlier are now a great deal larger and have a golden chariot behind them. Leather and gold tracings are intricately designed with runes and patterns of arcane magic.

Thor's creatures approach with their seemingly corroded weapons. When a sword is swung, however, there is a ghosted physical manifestation of what it had been when newly created by the blacksmith.

Kelda has a plan, and it's a good one; the ice that kills the departed souls that inhabit those that remain, and only them. The one first hit falls, then second then does so as well with a grunt. A bottle falls from the hand, the glass shattering on the floor.

All does well to cover Sonja's escape with the remains.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
And Red Sonja growls over at Thor, "As you say." She has a charge and an instruction, as much as she would prefer to stay and join the melee. But,s he has bee ngiven orders, and she has her duty. So she goes to run over towards Frigga at a moderate speed. One arm holding the box to keep it stable, the other arm up and over with the metal baton to try and smash at anyone or anything that gets in her way as she goes to zig-zag to get back to the All-Mother without any form of interception.

It should hopefully not take her that long. They were just facing shambling mounds of death and destruction. It wasn't like they were upagainst the unicycling dead.

Thor has posed:
    There is, indeed, a certain look upon Thor's face that is a mix of displeasure and frustration tinged with concern and a dab of fretting. It's one thing to allow oneself to strike down one's foes, to lay about with power and force and lethal intent. Another thing entire to have to be careful with foes who hold no sense of self-preservation.
    For as Thor and Kelda are beset, the Thunderer mainly tries to keep these monstrosities focused on him. Even as blades lash out, cudgels come down, and the occasional bottle thrown angrily. He spends much of his time hunched down slightly, avoiding blows, ducking to the side, though always with the intent to make those around him less harmful. He ducks under the blow of an ancient being in the body of a grumpy millennial. Yet as he ducks he wraps an arm around them, pulls them in, then pushes them like a flailing projectile into a crowd of others. Then he catches a wrist of another attacker and slaps the blade upwards into the ceiling almost with a negligent slap before he steps in, hefts the writhing undead and hurls them into a display for the coming Winter carnival.
    "Be careful, Kelda. Hopefully we only need to buy this time."

Kelda Stormrider has posed:
The dead outnumber the living. Witness the students animated by the cursed spirits stumbling towards them. Kelda temples her fingers to her lips and blows, ice crystals forming around her fingers. Spells are woven and another icy javelin takes form in her fist. She aims to clear a path for Sonja to take her burden to the All Mother.

A brief look of amusement animates her lips as she watches Thor pull his mighty strength in an effort to preserve the students. She focuses her throws at the students focused on the Prince. Magic ice slicks the floor around him as she conjures missile after magic missile, severing the dead from the living.

"Let us quit this place and return to your Lady Mother, Prince."

Frigga has posed:
When Sonja emerges with the box, Frigga walks quickly to the woman's side and nods, holding out her hands for the burden. Once given, the All Mother turns towards the direction of the chariot that now waits for her, the cats sitting and licking their paws as if absolutely nothing is going on that concerns them in the least; including their mistress wishing to depart with some haste.

Once she is behind the reins, Frigga takes a look back in the direction of her son, and it lingers there for a couple of long heartbeats. Her lips move soundlessly before her attention is pulled forward again. In the next moment, the cats draw against their traces and the wheels of the chariot roll before it takes to the sky. One more thing to be done..

As the remains go further and further away from their initial resting place, those that are possessed begin to fall unconscious. Weapons drop from their hands, bottles.. as if a puppeteer has cut all the strings and there is nothing left to animate them.

Time enough has been bought.

Thor has posed:
    As weapons were lowered and souls cleansed, Thor had caught the look from his mother. Just enough time to give a nod in distant acknowledgement but then his focus was turned to those he so recently was set against. Now he moved amongst them, trying to help people to their feet, and seeing to what injuries there may. His job now was not one of war, but of peace as he spoke to those near.
    "Rise, my friends. Come, the evil has passed." He pulls a young man up with one hand, then pats the shoulder of an older woman likely a professor. He moves amongst the crowd, sparing a glance to Kelda just to give that silent message of solidarity before he steps around.
    "Is anyone injured? Let us help any who are in need."

Kelda Stormrider has posed:
An icy spear melts between Kelda's fingers, pooling at the goddess' feet. Bemused, she watches Thor help the innocent students to their feet. Alone she would have left them to their own devices but taking Thor's example, extends a helping hand to a young woman sitting with a bewildered expression on the floor.

"Come, the worst is over."