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Latest revision as of 02:50, 10 November 2023

A steamy evening in... Autumn
Date of Scene: 09 November 2023
Location: Vasquez Home
Synopsis: A Psychic, a Cat Grrl and a Streamer walk into a...
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Sharon Smith, Marie-Ange Colbert

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy arrives home after a patrol and a two hour streaming. He has a large bag of groceries (fresh hamburger patties, taco kit, canned veggies) and a bag of folded laundry Rosa dumped on him. He opens the door and warily looks around. "Catseye?" no answer.

Billy tosses the hambugers and taco kits in the fridge. He puts the laundry bag on the side. Then he flops face down on his bed. Should he have knocked on the bathroom door? He hates when people do that and he's a... little ... tired. Ahh.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Billy was hit by a wall of hot, humid air. The bathroom was thick with a white cloud of steam that would be the envy of any luxury sauna, and the terror of anyone paying the water bill. Deep within the thick mist was the eerie silhoette of a towel monster. It was, in fact, Catseye. The fog seemed to mute any color in the room. Her purple hair might have been the only contrasting color to break through, but it was wrapped up in a towel. The rest of her pale frame could barely be noticed from the bland, white matte of loose towels hanging off of her shoulders, several of which fell to the floor as she rushed to the open door. Why anyone needed seven towels to dry off was a mystery, but Sharon was compelled to leave no fluffy towel left unused. It was almost criminal!

The towel on her head practically smothered Billy's face as the towel wasting mutant dug through his shopping bag. "What did you bring me?" She asked very eagerly, and somewhat selfishly.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Billy was hit by a wall of hot, humid air. The bathroom was thick with a white cloud of steam that would be the envy of any luxury sauna, and the terror of anyone paying the water bill. Deep within the thick mist was the eerie silhoette of a towel monster. It was, in fact, Catseye. The fog seemed to mute any color in the room. Her purple hair might have been the only contrasting color to break through, but it was wrapped up in a towel. The rest of her pale frame could barely be noticed from the bland, white matte of loose towels hanging off of her shoulders, several of which fell to the floor as she rushed to the open door. Why anyone needed seven towels to dry off was a mystery, but Sharon was compelled to leave no fluffy towel left unused. It was almost criminal!

The towel on her head practically smothered Billy's face as the towel wasting mutant dug through his shopping bag. "What did you bring me?" She asked very eagerly, and somewhat selfishly.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy's dream of bed evaporates. The possible ripping of the bag is averted by a swat of Sharon's hands. "This is not how we greet people who host us! Greet me and ask the right way. I know you have more manners than this or... do you have to be wearing all those towels? All of them? I think you used all my towels up!" He draws himself up to his full height, two inches higher than her. Then begins displyaing his recent purchases to the purple haired girl. He helps her out with the greeting by managing a one armed hug.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith 's eyes shot up. Her fingers slowly left the edge of the bag. Catseye looked almost hurt, worried, or insulted at being called a bad guest. She slowly and saddly peeled the wrapped up towel from the top of her head, dropping it on the floor with the rest of her discarded articles. She stood there above her pile of midly wet rags in a long, lingering silence before suddenly pouncing forward in an ambush of a hug. "Good morning!" she beamed with far too much enthusiasm than was warranted for such a moment. "What did you bring me?" she asked in a giddy tone, this time not digging through his bag as she instead patiently waited for him to list is gathered bounty of groceries.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson has an armful of wet steamy girl. Okay... this is personal growth. She just needs to learn boundaries. The urge to yell Shazam is very real. He never... even when he was seeing girls he never... But he learned his lessons from Rosa Vasquez, greatest foster parent and mother ever. The technique is called killing with kindness. He swallows and returns the hug and tries to match her enthusiasm -not easy.

"Good morning, Sharon!" He gives her a peck on the cheek and lifts her off the floor a bit.

"We have hamburgers and taco fixings to choose between for our dinner. Would you like to make breakfast with me? My you smell nice. That bag over there has clean clothes for us. Why do you see hwat you want to wear... I mean bacon splashing is a thing." he breaks the hug but gives her slippery shoulder another squeeze.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith gave an amusing "Baw-haw-haw" in a mock laugh. The feline minded mutant wasn't great at laughing. It wasn't that she couldn't laugh, or that she didn't have a sense of humor. She was simply bad at the task herself. Admittedly, her fake laughs were almost as amusing as her real ones, especially when she held her belly, threw out her chest and gave the most cartoonish style chuckle conceivable. Billy had to drop her to her feet first, but she carried out the comical cackle with all of it's silly flourish.

"Don't splash bacon on me" she stated as she walked toward the kitchen. "Let's make breakfast!" she encouraged, as she pushed past. She didn't worry about outfits right that moment, but she seemed to have the danger of grease splatter covered, as he walked in to find a cat sitting on his kitchen counter.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson gives the kitty a stroke from her head to the root of her tail. "Good kitty. You won't get anything dirty and I would never hurt you in any form. We're friends and... I like having a guest." he senses boredom from the cat and decides to scramble some eggs. Hey, you like your eggs, fried or scrambled?" He only makes bacon one way -well done.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith sits naked on the countertop! She was in the furry form of a small, so it wasn't quite as scandalous as sitting naked on his countertop in human form. Not that anyone could put it past the realm of possibilities, but Catseye was being tasteful for once. She calmly licked the back of a fluffy paw as she stared up at Billy with a wide-eyed look. It wasn't likely she heard him past 'eggs.' It wasn't even certain whether he needed to cook them at all by the way she was salivating.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson waits fot the okay and then goes ahead and scrambles another pair of eggs. He plates the scramble with some bacon and sets it befor Catseye. She can decide hos she wants to eat it. He takes his plate to the small table he just bought and pours himself a cup of coffee.He waits to see wht she'll do. Watching what Catseye will do next is never boring.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
    Knock, knock, knock. Is Billy psychic? No, but his newest visitor most certainly is. Marie had come to drop off some baked goods -- store bought, not her own abominations! -- and visit for a little while... and today was a day that her cards had indicated that she should do exactly that. So, she waits for the door to be answered, humming a little tune under her breath.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Looked from Billy to the door. The air in the room briefly changed to that similar to a Mexican stand-off, although none of them was armed, and the inanimate door was probably a bad shot with a revolver. Catseye sprang off the table and rushed down the hall. It seemed like she was running away, but just as quickly as she'd left, she came rushing back with purple hair and a towel.

The towel-clad Sharon threw the door open and called out with a broad, bolsterous "Welcome!"

If there was a book on how to embarass Billy, Sharon could have written it. Certainly naked girls answering doors in towels would have been somewhere in there. Probably around Chapter 3.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson for his part ran as well but was not as fast as Sharon. Not even close. He gets to the door after Sharon, looks over Sharon's shoulder, spies his sister by another mister. Unseen by Sharon his face twists into a nigh demonic grin! Now Sharon was going to get it! He was sure. The only way this'd be better would be if his big sister was with... no... let's be happy with the way things are. Billy hurriedly fixes Sharon's towel better... or tries. He never really bothered with towels after achieving damp. Freddy didn't care.

"Marie! Good morning! I think you know Catseye! Shazam found her on the streets and she's been staying her till she finds a place to stay! Shazam felt sorry for her!"

Shazam is a big dope at times.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
    If there was a book on how to embarass Billy, well, Marie knows a few people who have likely had their input on the book. Mary being very much on the list, but Marie herself? Accidental, if anything. The girl doesn't have an impolite bone in her body.

But, the sight of /Sharon/ answering the door in a towel...

...is actually not entirely surprising to the redhead. She's come to expect the feline mutant in the most unusual places, and her lack of modesty was very well known to her. So, Marie's reaction is a brighter smile, an enthusiastic "Sharon!" and a move for a quick, one-armed hug.

Billy gets a bright smile from Marie as he too comes into view, "Well, that is most wonderful of both you and Monsieur Shazam," They're really two seperate people, honest! "to arrange this for Mademoiselle Sharon. Though..." she pauses, glancing back at Sharon. "...it seems you have gained some benefits in this arrangement too, n'est pas?"

She might have been hanging around Mary a bit too long.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith happily pounced into the hug. She turned gave Billy a confused look as he fussed with her towel. "What?" she asked. She seemd to entirely misinterpret his intentions, her hands lifting to mostly undo his efforts as she was trying to hand him the towel. A very comical, counter-productive wrestling of hands briefly ensued.

She looked back mid circus to smile at Marie "He gave me pizza." she explained plainly. "And he made breakfast!" she added. Sharon was easily bribed by food. There wasn't much interrogating needed after such a statement. If there was ever any reason to wonder why Sharon was anywhere, one only needed to look to the nearest empty plate to find the reason.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson engages in a reverse tug of war over the towel. "Put it back on!" he finally squeaks. He lets go and steps back. "And maybe go eat your breakfast. It's getting cold." He wipes at his forehead with... another towel of vital importance it seemed. He drapes this on Sharon and tries coaxing her to the table so he can have a word with Marie.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
    One thing that Billy might notice as the tug of war goes on -- Marie's not covering her eyes and turning as red as her hair.

The reason for that is simple enough; she's had /that/ visual thrust upon her enough times that, well. It's lost some of it's scandalousness. Instead, she tries her best to politely look away, focusing on Billy's eyes. "Pizza /and/ breakfast? That's quite impressive, Sharon, do you think you're going to keep him?" she asks, before nodding once to Billy's words, "Cold breakfast is not nearly as delicious as warm breakfast, so you likely should eat, oui?"

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith ended up with a towel on her head. It wasn't at all the right way to wear a towel, but at least she had one on... technically. She tilted her head back to peek under the hood of the towel to stare up at Marie. "You'll join us?" she encouraged, seeming all too happy to give away Billy's food to any random psycics that showed up at his door.

"Maybe" she decided. "He could use more practice giving foot rubs." she claimed, but it was hard to tell whether it was a critique, and offer, or a challenge. "You can stay here with us. His bed is very big." she advertized. Not only was she giving away Billy's food, but now she was giving away his apartment rent free? She was also wildly misleading Marie about her relationship with Billy, but that was probably so that she could further embarass the poor fellow.

Offering random psychics to share Billy's bed had to be somewhere in Chapter 6 or 7 of that embarassment book.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson rubs hos eyes. "The bed is very big because I used a sleeping bag. And I give good foot rubs! <I wanted her to sleep a little. Still trying to get her to wear clothes. Do you know any kind Mutants she could stay with? I... already have a girlfriend and she'd be a ball of fury walking into this."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
    "I can, if Billy does not mind?" Marie asks in respond to Sharon's own question, glancing over towards the boy. At least... until she adds the rest. /That's/ the point where she does start to turn red, a bit of verbal avalanche spewing from her mouth that doesn't quite translate into words in any language, just... cacophonic sounds.

This is the point where she turns around closes her eyes. Taking a few moments to recompose herself, some deep breath, some shaking of her hands, and a stammered-but-defiant, "I-i-i have a girlfriend!"

Then Billy sideswipes her with his own announcement. "You mean you and Sharon..." she trails off. "...do you mean you and Madamoiselle Sunny have reunited?" she's not going to automatically assume... but this is where her head is leaning right now.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson shakes his head. "No. I might have walked away too soon from that. But I'm done. No I met Kid flash and we hit it off. We used to hang around at one time. She and I grew up a bit and reconnected." He pulls his phone out and shows Marie very blurry picture of a ginger with green eyes, "She's a time traveler and gone through some age shifting, which I really get and... we clicked, I taught her to drive. We do things for each other,"

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith waved off Marie's concern "He doesn't mind" the feline themed mutant insisted. It might have been more fair to get his opinion on the matter, but speaking for him was far easier.

Catseye narrowed her eyes at Billy's remark "I wear clothes!" she argued back. "I just haven't found the right outfit yet!" she claimed with a lifted nose. Sharon eventually drifted off down the hall toward Billy's bedroom. It was a promising sign that she might actually put something on, but also slightly worrying to think what sort of outfit she would come up with...

"I don't have a girlfriend!" she called out from the other room, trying to carry on the conversation from a distance. It wasn't very practical. Long distance conversations involved lots of shouting and were generally annoying to the neighbors, but Sharon was far too keen to give the pair her expertese on dating not to chime in.

She popped her head out of the door. She had on several shirts at that point. "I think it would be fun though!" she decided "To go on a date." she clarified. "I want someone to hold doors for me, buy me food, give me plants..." she speculatated briefly about what a perfect date looked like in her mind. It was probably close to what normal dating looked like, but the comment about being given 'plants' was enough to wonder what exactly her version of a perfect date would be. She shrugged and vanished back into the room.

"But nobody loves me!" she called out in a chipper tone that was unfitting of such a grim statement. Clearly she didn't seem bothered about the lack of love in her life.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
    Marie listens as Billy corrects tthe story... and then nods, and nods again, taking it all in. Admittedly, she hadn't personally /met/ Kid Flash before, but she's seen the girl highlighted on various news sources before, so that's at least something!

"Well... that is good for you, Billy. I hope it works out well!" Marie replies with a smile, though her attention soon turns towards Catseye's voice as the girl goes on her tiride about dating and being unloved.

"I mean... you do not require /love/ to go on dates, Sharon! Dates are often the precursor to love, and you are loved by plenty! Just... not in /that/ way." she tries to explain. How much of it gets through, though...

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson rolls his eyes. "OK, come here. I love all my friends, which includes you. Come here, bring it in!" He holds his hands out to Sharon. He knows displaying interest is enough to make her likely lose all interest in him. He hopes she's wearing pants or a very long shirt. He begins creeping towards the door.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith froze at the appearance of an open armed Billy standing in the doorway. The odd mutant somehow had on an entirely different set of shirts by the time Billy crested the threshold of the room. His room was a slight mess of discarded clothes. Apparently the creative process of Catseye picking an outfit was a messy one.

She reacted in the same way that most cats would to someone walking up with open arms. A shirt was wildly tossed at him in distraction as she made a mad dash to escape. It would have been reasonable to try and catch Sharon in her normal human form, but she had shrunk to a tenth her size as well as sprouted fur and a tail to made her escape easier.

The small black streak of a feline flew down the hall, pausing only momentarily when she reached the table. She sprouted into a human shape so she could steal some of the bacon that was waiting patiently on the table. "You have a girlfriend" she accused defensively, waving the bacon in a not so threatening manner at him as she edged toward the door.

Sharon's hand came down on the doorknob of the front door, slowly cracking it open. "I'm going to..." she speculated a good reason for her grand escape. "Stand by a door..." she decided. "I will wait for someone to open it for me and tell them: 'Now you have to be my boyfriend!'" she concluded her devious plan with a exaggerated evil laugh. "Baw haw"

Sharon chomped down on her fist full of bacon and vanished out the door.

As far as evil plans go, it wasn't the worst one. At least she wasn't striving for world domination or running off to rob a bank, but it was hard not to worry for the poor victim that would open a door for her.