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Scoping out the Tower
Date of Scene: 17 November 2023
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Rook brings Honey Badger to Titans Tower for the tour - and learns that she and Jinx may actually become friends in some alternate timeline. Gabby meets Jinx, Xiorama and Kian and gets a taste of the Titans life.
Cast of Characters: Damian Wayne, Gabby Kinney, Jinx, Kian, Xiomara Rojas

Damian Wayne has posed:
When Rook sent out the invitation for Gabby to come visit the Tower, there were some strict rules discussed. The Titans do not know who Rook really is, except for a select few and for that reason, he opted that costumes be worn for her first visit to the Tower.

"I'm sure if I talk to Donna, Gar and Caitlin, we can set up something as far as climbing the Tower." Rook is offering assuringly to her as they arrive in the main area after registering Gabby with Marvin and Wendy to make the Tower's AI does not see her as a threat. "So... this is the common area." he gestures to the vast modern space.

"Home of many tactical meetins... as well as pizza parties, pillow fights and arguments over video games." But the way he's saying it? Rook has probably not participated in a single one.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Aaah it's not really any fun if you have to *ask*," bemoans the shorter costumed Gabby that walks in alongside Rook. Her arms are hooked back behind her neck as if she were reclining even as she walks in a sort of cocky posture. She'd opted for her full costume with the lower face mask and red tinted glasses to hide her identity--Not that she usually considered really needing one. In this case though she was trying to make things easier on Rook to help keep HIS identity.

Usually she only wore this when she was out with XFactor or on some other mostly covert op.

"Though I admit the Stark Tower defenses really gave me a run for my money. Also I kind of owe Tony for breaking one of his security drones, but I paid in back in cookies when he ticked off his girlfriend so I think he used those to get out of the dog house."

The conversational chatter continues even as the tour is given allowing her to glance around with a slight nod. "Cozy-ish. Reminds me of my old schools' kitchen a bit. Except with a way more aerial view."

Jinx has posed:
Jinx is in said common area. She has a murder board up on the wall with a map of the world. There are pins in it at specific locations and twine connecting them. The notes indicate names and times. In the top right hand corner is a picture from Scotland Yard evidence of two ornate golden daggers.

Jinx is peering at the murder board, finger tapping her chin as she considers what she's learnt so far. There's even a receipt from a thief she hired. The purchase was not worth the money - not any fault of the thief but that her opponent is years ahead of her.

She turns around when she hears Damian approaching and peers at Gabby. "Uh.. hi." A twirl of her fingers is a sort of wave to the stranger as she looks between the two. "Oh!"

A snap point as she figures out who this must be. Not that she knows a name but she knows -of- the existence of a girlfriend. And apparently she's real and not at all made up. "Hey. I'm Jinx." She's given up trying to guess if people know her as a Supervillain or not. It's very hit and miss and generally people don't think 'attacc!' if they did know of her previous career.

Kian has posed:
    Wandering out from the kitchen area with the predictable large tumbler of purple sugar water, Kian remarks, "An' sometimes all four at the same time, it seems."
    As is his custom, he greets the newcomer with a slight bow and a "/Kie/!"
    He flits over with an apparently effortless wingflick and lands about two meters away, without having spilled a drop of his drink.  He seems very slightly baffled by the visitor, who's his height: he keeps looking past her shoulder as if expecting to see wings.  "I'm Kian.  Are you joining us?"  He makes a little inclusive circle with his finger -- himself, Damian, Jinx, the whole building.  "An' you should see the view from the roof, if you think this is aerial."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Yeah, I don't want to have to explain to the powers that be why the AI guns tried to fire on us both." Rook comments, a brief smirk. After all, he'd have to explain that to /Him/ and he doesn't really want to do that.

"Wait, you make cookies? You'll need to meet Caitlin, she does most of the cooking around here. I think her and Donna are like team moms. Don't tell them I said that."

And then we have the Murder Board. "Jinx, good afternoon. What are you working on?" the detective in him immediately drawn to the information. "Tracking down H.I.V.E.?" Come back to it Damian, you don't want to get distracted.

And Kian, fortunately, brings that distraction. "Ah, hello Kian! I... don't believe she is going to join, but..." He makes the introduction. "This is Honey Badger. She is a possible liaison to a pair of groups that the Titans could provide assistant to in the future, and I am working to build ties between the various groups." No mention of her being his girlfriend. Apparently keeping the two apart.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney pauses when Kian flits over to examine her. The remark about the view from the tower has her drop both her arms to gesture out at him in a 'SEE?' manner. "That's the point of climbing the building! I mean, seriously!" Her hands drop to chest level pointing out with a finger on each hand as she draws them up, and then away from one another making a giant 'T' shape. "Your building is a giant 'T', it's just *begging* to be free climbed."

That wonderful thought of shennanigans is let go for now with a sigh in favor of focusing on the people she was suddenly meeting. A hand lifts to wave in Jinx's direction, no apparent recognition given--Not that you could see her face to begin with. Just the hint of eyes behind the red lenses of her glasses were the best she can offer right now. "Hi, nice to meetcha! But no I'm probably not joining. I've already got my hands full with the groups I'm with."

As an aside she responds to Rook, "Oh heck no I can't bake cookies. I've got a source," it's said as if she's in-the-know of how to smuggle herself some cookies instead of just knowing someone who DOES bake. "One of our auxillary members bakes as a hobby. She's excellent."

Jinx has posed:
"You said that wrong Rook. This is Honey Badger, she don't give a fuck." A small smirk from Jinx. "So.. not joining but already has a fancy as fuck outfit? Mystery groups. Cool. Okay then.." She gives Gabby a nod - then gestures to her murder board.

"Not H.I.V.E. These are the daggers my parents used to murder a witch and attempt to sacrifice me to gain immense magical power. Scotland yard put them away in evidence as part of the investigation. However when I sent in a thief to steal them out of the archives the box was empty."

She hmms with distaste, "Which is unfortunately because they are extremely dangerous. They can siphon the magical energy out of any being and transfer it. So long as you have the right kind of catalyst. Or a human sacrifice. That someone else out there knew about them and stole them suggests they have a bad use for them in mind."

"There's Caitlin cookies in the jar if you want some. Don't tell Flash or they'll instantly disappear." She brings a finger to her lips in a 'ssh' motion. Not just to Gabby but also to Kian. Damian can auto-keep a secret.

Kian has posed:
    "I can't imagine working with multiple groups.  It's enough just keepin' up with *this* one."  Kian smirks, and sips his drink.  "I think Caitlin would accept 'mom'.  Donna would rather be the aunt you don't mess with."
    He tilts his head inquisitively at Gabby.  "I wouldn't know about climbing."  His wings spread slightly and re-fold neatly.  "My preferred route to the roof is coming down from above."
    Most of what Jinx has said is *way* outside his frame of reference, so he settles on the only part he does understand.  "Her cookies are safe from me.  Eggs, you know."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"I was just wondering." Because that definetly had been a secret that Gabby would have kept from Damian. "Ah, a source. There is a small bakery in Gotham that Robins have brought cookies and baked goods to the tower from in the past. I try to continue that tradition." he explains.

But his attention is again drawn to the murder board. "Do you have any information on who took the blades?" he asks curiously, now that Jinx has explained things, he's invested. "Or what they were scribed with so that we can put out feelers on the 'net to see if an image of them has turned up someplace. Though it makes sense that if someone who knew what the knives were for -- would want to return them to their original locations for the ritual. Can they complete it without you, if they found someone with a smiliar ability? Or does it have to be you?"

"I'm sure if you asked Caitlin, she'd find a way to make you an eggless version, Kian." Rook points out diplomatically. "And Donna would be the aunt that would take you out to do fun and dangerous things and then tell you not to tell Caitlin." he corrects, before his attention is to Gabby. "Honey Badger may be able to assist with your investigation, Jinx." he suggests.

Rook and Honey Badger are in costume, Rook is introducing her around - Jinx is in front a well used murder board and Kian is over at the cookies? They're all in conversation range!

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Having moved to the Tower, Crush was around quite a lot. She would appear at random times, day and night, then be gone again for classes, work, fighting giant robotic Nutcrackers.. what ever floated her boat.

Today she was returning from her college classes, still dressed in her usual attire of red leather pants, knee high combat boots, and an aqua colored half shirt under a denim jacket with the sleeves cut off. Wrapped around her waist just one time was a black chain, with diamond-shaped spikes that tap together when she walks. Slung over her left shoulder is a backpack with Happy Bunny patches stapled onto it.

Stopping dead when she realizes there are people present, she surveys the room slowly and is happy to find familiar faces for a change. That familiarity is what draws a none tense, "Yo." from the Czarnian.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gives Kian a thumbs up when he shows off the wings. "Well yeah if you have those, there's no point in climbing. For us land dwellers though it's not a bad hobby to keep in shape and have some fun." A pause comes from the masked Honey Badger before she remarks, "I hear you can substitute chick pea goop for egg whites in baking, but I haven't tried it." Goop. Sure it probably had a proper name (aqua fava) but she didn't know it!

Her attention is summarily pulled away by Jinx's discussion of what was going on with the murder board, the missing kinves, and the whole sacrifice thing. "A witch? Which witch? I know a few. Though probably not one that would do that to begin with. Most of the ones I know are into raising the dead not making the dead. I mean. Depends on if you're a Nazi or not, at least."

With the attention span of an ADHD toddler on espresso she glances back over her shoulder at Crush's greeting to the crowd to lift a hand needlessly (they weren't THAT far away!) but she still offers a, "Hi! I'm Honey Bager, Rook dragged me in to check the place out. Promise I won't leave claw marks. Awesome spikes, by the way. Reminds me of my old roommate."

Jinx has posed:
"Hm. Lots of questions Rook. They can be used anywhere. Doesn't have to be me - but sacrificing a baby gives someone enough kick to make these things work if they aren't powerful enough already. So, you know, generally very bad." She raises an eyebrow.

"I put out feelers but nothing has bitten yet. The inscription is in what Troia calls middle Greek. But she has a weird perspective on Greek civilisation. Either way the magic works. As to who took them.. hmm.. my best guess would be whoever my parents were competing with back when I was born. Who they stole them from, who was trying to steal them too, but we're talking 27 years ago so this isn't exactly easy."

"Or my strong suit. I know I'm British but I'm not Enola Holmes." She points to the various locations, "I was hoping some of my usual contacts would have heard something / seen something. But nada. They're too dangerous to hope that someone has stored them away for safe keeping."

Jinx raises a hand to Xio, "Hey X." She points back to the board. "I'm thinking of trying to scry for them. But if another sorcerer or sorceress has them that might give the game away. Usually when I hunt down magical artefacts I don't have this much trouble. Usually I have more of a lead and someone willing to pay me money for the job."

She looks back to Gabby, "Kel Fontaine. Died 27 years ago. Died when I was born. It was her power my parents wanted and instead it ended up in me. It's a looong story. Kinda interesting but also I don't know you so.. sorry not sorry."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
A slight wave is offered to Gabby, er... Honey Badger. "Claw up what ever you want," she replies with a half smirk. "Not like it can't be fixed." Then as an after thought she adds, "Oh... right, nice ta meetcha."

Not entirely certain what they are talking about with Jinx, only that it seemed important, she hovers at the entrance to the room looking between the group and the hall, deciding if she should just go do her home work or linger some more. She was really good at lingering.

"Listen, I got home work from several classes to do, so uh.., I'm gonna go," she points toward the elevator again. "But if ya need anything, feel free to call... my numbers uh..." she rattles off the number. "And there's munchies in the kitchen, behind the healthy crap, feel free to have at it."

Kian has posed:
    "Chick peas?  As long as they're not made from actual chicks," Kian remarks, and it's really hard to tell if he's serious or not.  "And /kie/, Crush."
    Despite his better judgment, his attention is drawn back to Jinx's board.  "Why can I not shake the feelin' that if I understand that board, it would make me feel even uneasier than it already does?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
"You don't get answers without questions, Jinx." Rook says dryly, though he adds a small 'Tt.' at the end of it when he realizes that Jinx is teasing him in a certain degree.

And that's when Xiorama comes through. His eyes narrow inside his domino masks. He owes her a /talk/ about something when he was younger. He'll find her later. "I can vouch for Badger." Rook offers to Jinx - which is high praise coming from Damian, but he nods. "I understand the need to keep things close to your chest, though. I can act as a liaison if that would be acceptable, or take you to introduce you to who she is talking about." Just have to make sure his mom isn't there at the time or WARN her not to share his identity.

"Because, my assumption, Kian, is that if they complete this ritual, we'll get something that is extremely dangerous and needs to be put down quickly before it devours the world." So a Tuesday.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney crosses her arms over her chest in a casual manner while the explanation is given. Small as it may be, as lacking in information as it may be. It was at least something to kind of work off of. She considers a long moment or two then nods simply. "It's fine. One of the groups I'm in deals with the magical and supernatural stuff that tends to pop up a lot so it kind of caught my attention. Just part of the job to keep an eye out for stuff."

When Rook says he vouches for her there's an obvious grin in her tone when she next speaks: "Thanks, sweetie." Oh yeah he might never live that down.

Jinx has posed:
Jinx grins a little at Kian and nods her head, "Yeah that's a fair assumption. I'm a little concerned about it. Given that the daggers tried to take my life once already. Troia ain't too pleased they're out there either." She taps her chin again and then listens to Damian's words.

"By all means Rook, .. ya know .. help?" She laughs. It might be the first time in her life she's used the word 'help' but she actually means it in a non-urgent manner this time. "I'm out of my depth. Go use a batcomputer or something to find them. Follow the money, that's what they always say in movies about the government defeating gangsters."

She looks away from the murder board at the offer to meet Gabby's mysterious teams. "Hm. Depends if I have a reputation with them or not." Did she as a Supervillain, wrong them badly? Well she wronged the Titan's badly. They've mostly forgiven her. Mostly. If Gar can become a friend then nothing is impossible.

"Sounds interesting. But I dunno if your Honey wants to hear all about my weird alternate timeline." Tongue in cheek, oh so many teases in one sentence there. Who wouldn't want to hear about an alternate timeline.

Kian has posed:
    Probably fortunately, the terms of endearment and puns thereupon go right over Kian's head -- not a high hurdle to clear in either sense, really.  Besides, it's not like he's ever been shy about public displays of affection with Gar and Terry.  So, just as well.
    "It sounds like magic?  I don't like magic.  It doesn't follow rules I understan'."
    After a moment, he adds, "But if I can help, I will."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"If you want to attempt to deal with this alone, I will not stop you." he starts to say, before Gabby calls Damian 'sweetie', a touch of heat coloring in his cheeks. It is only a momentary pause, but a notable one to those that know him well. "I did not realize you brought your murder board for a walk and to get some sun." So he may not have grasped fully yet when someone, namely Jinx, is yanking his chains.

"It's not my place to speak for her, only to suggest she can offer a fresh perspective, based on the previous conversations and my misgivings of magic. I can, however, track black market dealings and changes that might have befallen these blades as well as track who may have stolen them in the first place. Even if it was before I was born." His arms go around his chest and Rook seems to be brooding. Just a little.

His attention turns to Gabby, and since the bird is out of the bag, it's a half-step closer to her as he explains, "To give you perspective and to fill in the gap, Jinx was a long time thorn in the side of the original Titans teams. She has recently decided to attempt to turn over a new leaf and worries about attoning to those she has wronged in the past. It's also where she gets her stellar sense of humor from."

A frown. "There are resources available to assist you." Apparently, he doesn't wanna hear about alternate timelines. A nod if given towards Kian when he offers his own help. See?

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney doesn't even attempt to resist the little snort of laughter that Jinx's rejoiner brings up. Apparently even if Rook didn't really appreciate a good pun, she could. "Ah, I'm used to alternate timelines at this point." When Damian begins to explain about the dark past however she only gives a faint nod.

"Well you're clearly not doing that now, so no skin off my nose. A good amount of people that work with me tend to have pasts. Heck, I've got a past." A simple shrug is given as if that didn't really matter. "Not saying 'forgive and forget', don't ever forget, but ... I mean, it's important to take into account what you're doing now too. Can't change if no one lets you."

Kian has posed:
    Kian chuckles softly.  "I don't have much of a past, but my present is like nothin' I could have predicted."
    He glances over towards Jinx.  "I mean, it's no secret it was a little awkward when Jinx first came here, but I believe most people really do want to do good, deep down.  Besides, Donna wanted to give her a chance, and I respec' her judgment."
    He smiles a little shyly.  "And this team has given me so much -- a home and a new family-by-choice.  I'd like to see others get that, too."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"The Titans have done a lot that would be considered unconvential." Rook agrees easily. "But if you don't mind, I should really finish taking Honey Badger on the tour of the place? I'll make sure you get her contact info if you decide to reach out to her. It's always good seeing you, Kian, Jinx." A faint tug of a smile and a glance at Gabby.

"If you're ready?" he asks her, waiting to see if she's ready to move on for other areas to explore.