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Latest revision as of 21:44, 12 December 2023

Christmas Charity Interruptions
Date of Scene: 12 December 2023
Location: Gotham Royal Hotel
Synopsis: Damian was invited to speak at a charity event when the Victims of the Bat showed up! Just to get Smooshed by a group of heroes that were in attendance, or fashionably later!
Cast of Characters: Damian Wayne, Gabby Kinney, Cain Marko, Bunny Macleod, Illyana Rasputina

Damian Wayne has posed:
The Blue Room (better known as the Peacock Room) at the Gotham Royal Hotel is abuzz with many of the city's elite and high-society rollers. Wayne International is hosting the annual start of the '13 Days of Charity' for Gotham and this year's speaker was originally going to be professional quarterback Kelly Praetor, but after she cancelled her appearance, it fell to Damian Wayne, who originally was just only supposed to introduce Kelly, but now he's stuck with the speech too?

Someone's going to pay for it. Whoever decided that this was a good idea, most likely. Dressed in a well-made tuxedo, he glanced down at his phone, checking his messages. The event was already nearly behind schedule and Gabby was already supposed to be here as his date.

:: Where r u? So lame. Dick should be doing this. *bored face* *barf face* ::

Noticing the time, he sighs and straightens up, shaking off the sour face and putting on the public persona of the youngest child of Bruce Wayne.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the Gotham Rotary Club would like to introduce Damian Wayne!" Applause rise amongst the crowd as Damian steps out into the spotlight in the middle of the dance floor, taking up a microphone. "Hello, Gothamites and friends!" he greets, a smile forced into his voice. "Every year, at this time of year, I find myself counting my blessings to have come from such rich and proper grounds..."

As Damian is going into his speech, around the hotel there's a noise. A few small cries and panicked noises, before each of the doors to the ballroom are blown open and there are ominous figures stepping through.

To the South, there is a thin man in body armor. His stance and build suggests assassin with all the tactical gear he is wearing. But the most obvious feature of this man is the large Batarang sticking /through/ his head, the tip pointing out on one side, the rest of it on the other. BAT-HEAD laughs. "Sorry to interrupt... I need to finish my Christmas shopping... but the party's changed!"

From the West door comes a large man brandishing a flamethrower. In the middle of his face is the imprinted scar of a boot, in the middle of the impring is a Batsymbol. BOOTFACE snarls, sending a gout of flame into the air. "We're not here for the jewels or the money, but we may take that anyway!"

From the North door, the figure that steps through is a young woman. The sides of her head are shaved, she's very goth, and has spikes stuck in her neck and shoulder. "We're just here for the boy!" SCALLOP calls out, gesturing to Damian in the middle of the floor.

The East door opens, and what steps through is a Eldrich horror - three bodies, combined into one. Their body is partially melted, an amorphous mass with barely distuinguishiable three heads molded into one large body. "GYEAAAAAH!" SMUSH yells, and Damian reacts to that, stepping back in fear.

Above, a figure in a powersuit descends down as the crowd starts to panic in fear. "Everyone settle!" TERMINUS yells as he lands and points at Damian. "You!" he calls to him. "Young Man, it is your lucky night." His right hand is holding a large, electric branding iron shaped like the Batsymbol. "Tonight, you become like us. You become one of those marked by the Bat. As all in Gotham have! And we will get to you all!"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Texts from Gabby to Damian's phone are simple: 'Srry bb traffic be right there!'

Which was to say that she was already parking her motorcycle on the curb figuring she'd take the parking ticket, though she does toss her keys toward a valet claiming, "Big tip, I promise!"

Similarily as soon as she's inside she's peeling off her leather jacket which was. Stuffed. Full. Of. Skirt. Her dress was underneath, and she shakes it out so it LOOKS like a dress instead of just so much fluff tucked up into the leather while she had leggings on beneath, along with boots. Hey, you try traveling in a fancy dress on a motorcycle without making some creative choices.

Just in time she's about to head in when ... when some weirdo with a batarang sticking out of his head pops up. For a moment she stares, raises a hand... and gestures at him while glancing over to the young Wayne on the stage. Not one of his? Not one of his. Okay then. Sometimes it was hard to keep the ninja-with-batsymbol guys in check but this one reminded her a bit of Wade. Sans the batarang in the brain.

So much for the dress. A claw pops out to slice through the skirt going for leggings and boots again the hard way. It DOES give her a nice length of ruffly poofy fabric to then throw over Bathead's, er, head and YOINK back firmly.

"Sorry guys, the only one putting a mark on that boy is me."

Cain Marko has posed:
At some point, Cain had arrived at the party. He didn't bother getting dressed up. He's dressed in perfectly normal, maybe even a little worn street clothes. Security might have tried to keep this clearly penniless loser out. He'd have ignored them, to the point of not even bothering trying to brush them off if they tried to restrain him. He just made his way over to wherever it is they have food, and started to scarf it down. People have probably been trying to ignore him and the sounds coming from his part of the room.

Then the entrance by the special guests happens. Cain glances over at the party crashers and scowls. He finishes emptying the plate of.... he's not sure what it is actually. Something fancy, meaning it actually doesn't taste that great. Then he clears his throat before casually bellowing, "HEY, DIPSHITS! Shut the hell up. I'm trying to eat." Just what looks like a random poorly dressed bodybuilder shouting at them.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny doesn't often get to dress up, and when she does it's of course as she's developing a cold from MYSTERIOUS SOURCES definitely not having roughoused in snow in the mountains.

    So her freshly-dyed pink hair is pulled back in an elegant bun, pinned in place with pretty pink cuetlaxochitl flowers made of silk (probably actually plastic), and wearing a retro-style pink dress with pink tights and pink heels. You may be able to guess her favorite color.

    She's also sporting a locket with a snowflake pattern on it, and she's also shaking out her skirt and the layers of tulle beneath it as she hops off the back of Gabby's motorcycle. Thankfully? She could ride side-saddle, though she looks mildly disturbed as she wipes off a little smudge off the sleeve of her brightly colored jacket and sort of... blinks.

    "... is... is your boyfriend the one on the stage or one of these guys?" she asks quietly to Gabby, though gets her answer when Gabby destroys the dress!!

    "... and me without my skates." she mumbles quietly, but in lieu of anything too flashy she runs and skids in front of the stage, and throws up her hands to create a shield for Damian's coer. IT's prismatic and sparkly!

    "Nice-To-Meet-You-My-Name-Is-Bunny-I'm-With-Gabby!" she introduces herself.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Glitzy events in the jetset social calendar aren't Illyana's typical scene. Much less social events in Gotham where Batman's opinions of overt supernatural activities is no secret. Exceptions will be made, however.

Before someone alerts the elder Wayne so he can start grinding his teeth, she isn't here in the capacity of "Demon Queen" or "Terrifying Sorceress." Attendance comes by way of invitation to Dr. S. Strange, neurosurgeon emeritus. She bears that name with ID to prove it. Though the archsmug doctor is nowhere to be found this minute. In his stead, behold a platinum blonde in a positively decadent cobalt-blue gown offset by a blood-red scarf. Schmoozing the philanthropists or conducting business of being seen is far less difficult for Illyana than her brutal subjects. Social vampires receive cool looks down her Russian nose or the slight, ironic lift of her lips that could be a smile or a scathing indictment of their liquidity.

Her comportment doesn't crack too much when the interruption to Damian's keynote speech. The tuxedoed man making a scathing comment under his breath abruptly doubles over, gasping, totally not courtesy of a sharp elbow when she turns toward the north door. Her chin raises at Cain's bellow, acknowledging that wisdom. While her conversation partner regrets those canapés, she turns the unassuming band on her left hand.

"How cliche." Her Russian accent makes a fairly good masterclass in icy, bored disdain for Scallop like so many icy, bored supermodel sorts that come out of the far north. "Spikes, bad makeup, lopsided haircut. You need a better stylist. So angry 14-year-old. You want to quote Nietzsche wrong at us?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
BATHEAD had just gotten through the door when suddenly, he finds himself wrapped up in puffy, really nice fabric and as it goes around his neck and Gabby is able to /yoink/ him backwards. He is spun back towards her, and he pulls out a pair of long knives.

"Oooh, I found the girlfriend!" he calls out to the others. Not that he had expected the girlfriend to be /armed/ or a /mutant/. That puts a new wrinkle in the situation. Using the length of dress as a guide, he tries to yank Gabby forward to drive one of the blades into Gabby's side.

At least with Bat-head out of the way, the people in the ballroom now have an escape route!

On the middle of the dance floor, as TERMINUS reaches to grab for Damian, he stumbles. The hand grabs a hold of his jacket and the young man just seems to fall right out of it. How clumsy.

"Hold still!" he demands, about to slam the brand down on Damian's chest when -- a shield of bright colorful lights pops up in front of him and the brand slams into it. "What?!" he roars.

Damian looks up to see a figure in pink. All the pink. "Friend of Gabby's?" he asks, seeming to grasp the idea as he is trying to back away from the others.

When Illyana is facing off when SCALLOP, the young woman scowls, pulling off her coat to display the anti-Batman symbol she wears proudly on her chest. "Batman gave me my spikes!" she says with pride, though she has added a LOT of piercings since then. Lips, nose, one of her eyebrows. Probably more beneath her clothing. She pulls out a large taser and attempts to fire it up towards the blonde smugsorceress. "What are you, some kind of Russian princess nesting doll? Mail order bride?" comes her snarl as the electricity leaps towards the ruler of Limbo!

SMUSH hears Cain, and roars. As he is the person nearest to him, the three-in-one man turns and starts to rumble towards the large bodybuilder. His flesh oozes and goops around him as he moves, as if his flesh is always melting and then reforming.

A massive fist comes out, aimed to slam into Cain's chest to try to knock him backwards. The Ooze that ended up dousing the three-in-one has given him higher than normal strength and may actually hurt Cain!

That leaves BOOTFACE. Which is feeling ignored. So he turns his flamethrower to aim towards Cain and he releases a gout of flame towards the large man that Smush is facing off with, hoping to add heat to help the unfortunate three-in-one in the battle!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Yep, girlfriend, totally," Gabby agrees when she pulls Bathead out of the way so people can escape. Aside to Bunny who had already headed for the stage she calls out, "I'll make it up to you later, B!" Well she wasn't in costume so she wasn't going to use the codename, but the real name wasn't necessary either at the moment...

When Bathead steps in to stab her she doesn't really move. She doesn't NEED to. Instead she grins toothily at him and remarks. "Oh, right, I'm supposed to say 'ow' here. But... Oh! ILLY!" she greets with one arm raising to wave to the Russian she spotted further in. "Ah, just like old times. And Cain!"

Her attention turns right to stare Bathead in the eyes. "You guys really got bad luck you know?" Which is offered right before she rocks her head back and then SLAMS forward to headbutt him in the nose.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Friend of Gabby's! Hi! I'm Bunny!" Bunny gives a bright smile as the branding iron gets blocked, and then she turns her attention to TERMINUS.

    "But man you have the *worst* taste in Kidnappers, Dam-Dam!" she calls out.

    "Can I call you Dam-Dam?"

    It's all tactical, we promise. She's not going to call him Dam-Dam after this.


    She is, however, very focused on TERMINUS as she reaches beneath her skirts and pulls out a pair of extending batons!

    "Let's dance!" and she draws down, and springs forward, bringing her hand back in a punching fist, skirts flying flying behind her, heels barely hanging on as she aims to introduce her fist to Terminus's face via BUNNY PUNCH!

    The young woman follows up with a swing of her leg to try and knock Terminus off balance, disarm his branding iron, and land to his side, keeping attention off Damian.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Illyana has some idea of Gabby and Bunny near the entrance, a look shot over her scarf-strewn shoulder acknowledging them. "This party is better already!" More immediately, she makes a dismissive sigh at Scallop. "To be so young and dumb. Coming at me full of conductive metal."

Scallop approaching her means the bait is taken, and the snobby blonde puts her hand on the curve of her hip. Her mournful smirk meets the spike-riddled goth, waving around that nasty little weapon. Shifting into a contrapposto pose redistributes her weight for an immediate shift if needed. Working those angles, as Tyra would probably say.

A Taser discharging lightning would normally be frightening, but the civilians keep moving. A distraction proven quite useful for the blink-and-miss-it blue flame erupting like a Bic lighter going off right in front of Scallop's hands. Each is a portal open and shut quickly to snap up the Taser's pair of wires, with any luck shortening them or just leaving the gun itself as a decorative object to wave around. If the wires aren't an option, then portal-snapping off the lithium batteries will do just fine. Sure, she's in close fighting range, but that's never a bad thing...

The Peacock Room is not quite a dance hall, but it will do for Illyana's purposes. If only she had a pair of proper earbuds or control over the sound system. "Too late for Ballroom Blitz?" she calls out hopefully.

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain scans what's not a battlefield, and lets out a deep sigh. He seems less concerned with the going ons than a lot of the people here. But then, it's not like they're targeting somebody he knows. Gabby seems to, so he's not going to ignore people attempting to kill him. But... still. The enthusiasm is just not there. Then.... something starts to attack him. That's the best word he can use to describe it. "Jesus. You're an ugly bastard, aren't you?" He turns towards his opponent, and waits for him to throw that first punch to gauge what he's dealing with. He pushes back a bit into the blow to keep from being knocked away, then grunts. "Hmm, not quite as strong as you are ugly."

He steps towards the creature, bringing his hands together form either side in an attempt to, well, smush SMUSH. Whether that lands and what effect that has if it does, he gest distracted by BOOTFACE when he hits him with a flamethrower, the big man being engulfed in the fire. He stops in place, then lets out a brief roar. "FUCKER! You set my wallet on fire!" There's a flash of crimson within the flame, and the seven foot tall man suddenly grows by around three feet. Now clad in crimson armor with a domed helmet, he turns towards BOOTFACE with a deep scowl on his face, and starts to move purposefully towards him.

Damian Wayne has posed:
The knife sinks into Gabby. There's blood. BAT-HEAD is cackling manically, thinking that he has mortally wounded the boy's girlfriend. When she doesn't react, at all. He looks down. Yep. That's a knife in her side. That's blood on her dress.

"What the---*CRUNCH!*" Gabby's head slams into Bat-Head's face, braking his nose and he stumbles backwards, his vision blurred as he swings around the other blade, trying to blind slash across Gabby. He does not have the training that she does, however. This may cause more than a bit of a problem for him.

When Bunny calls him Dam-Dam, Damian frowns. "I'd perfer not." That said flatly, but at the moment, she's saving him (supposedly), so she can call him whatever she wants. Oh. Bunny! Gabby had mentioned her before. Well, this is ONE way to meet one of your girlfriend's best friends and ex. "Talk later?" he asks as he is really just trying to blend in with the retreating patrons - and looking for an opening. In case he can help.

"You. Him. All will be Victims of the Bat at some point!" TERMINUS crows as he drives to bring the branding iron around, the armor flaring as he attempts to brand Bunny with the mark of the Bat.

The punch strikes the armored face and Terminus snorts. "Is that the best you..." Apparently the weak punch was only meant as a distraction as the leg comes into play. Knocked off balance, the branding iron does come free from the man's hands, falling and hitting the floor as it slides across the floor.

Illyana has successfully aggroed SCALLOP. With the young woman charging forward, she's forgotten the civilians she was supposed to be keeping from escaping and instead has focused all of her attention on the cool Russian. As the taser fizzles out and dies, the woman hits it against her side a couple of times, and when it doesn't reignite, she snarls.

"I'd say I'm gonna cut your heart out of you, but you probably don't have one!" Ripping off her jacket, Scallop has several blades lining her arms and fists. She lunges at Illyana, the blades flashing in the light as she attempts to use her arm to slash her.

As SMUSH smushes into Cain, all three heads look momentarily confused. Which only lasts a moment before Cain slams into him on either side. You ever watch Animal House? When Jim Belushi does the egg-in-the-mouth pimple impersonation? Smush explodes like that, splattering about. And while not dead, he's going to take some time to pull back together.

BOOTFACE has successfully aggroed Cain. As Cain rises up, after popping Smush, the man yells, "You're going to burrrrn!" And he turns the flames onto Cain, trying to increase the heat - until Cain transforms into Juggernaut. The look that comes across Bootface's face when he realizes that he's done messed up is classic. He's heard word of this creature supposedly man. And he's stepping back. "Mutants!" he yells towards Terminus. Well duh.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
When BatHead goes reeling back it frees up Gabby. She reaches for the knife at her side only to pause and sigh dramatically. "Right, don't pull it out, freaks people out more, blah blah." Phoebe would smack her. Don't pull it out until you're ready to heal! And bleed a bit until you do.

Instead she swings a leg out to kick at BatHead's knees trying to bring him down so that he doesn't accidentally slice any of the attendees that are trying to escape. Surely they had cleared the area at least.

"Ballroom Blitz is a good one," she has to agree only to grimace at the sound of Smush going smush. "Ew. Eeeew okay I'm going to have to take awhile to therapy that one out of my brain. Effective though!" A thumbs up is given.

And because she is who she is, she reaches into the remaining ruffles of her cut skirt to pull out some zip ties to start hog tying the downed individuals.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny tucks and rolls. She's wearing (you guessed it) pink bike shorts under her dress to stop any 'fan service' or flashings as she springs back up and runs at Terminus. She feints a punch, but instead slides to the side, kicking up that branding iron and kicks it up -- it's pretty obvious that she's had some martial arts training. She moves just a little like Gabby does.

    And she holds the branding iron like a fencing foil, looking to Terminus.
    "Sorry my good man, I'm probably counted as Bat-Friend." she remarks to Terminus. "Now you gonna dance or am I going to have to teach you a waltz?"

    And she gives a thumbs up to Damian.

    "Yep, got it! You do you Mr. Wayne!" she calls out, and then uses a chair and table to get some air to try and clonk Terminus right in the head!

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
The explosive noises that come from mobile flesh impacting a fist really do register with a gory resonance to those unused to such things. Trauma leads to fantastic psychologists and psychiatrists in Gotham, though. Probably a wonder they don't have the top university programs in the world after the last fifteen years of mayhem.

Illyana has to remember her whereabouts and the rules differ somewhat from scrapping with enemies in a field outside Westchester or throwing down in another dimension. Interdimensional mayhem is probably overkill, anyway. So the old techniques prove the best ones, even if she's stuck in that lovely dress about to be shredded by so many uncool blades. Better it than her skin, but she's not Colossus. The woman dodging at her earns her condemning smile, her eyes suddenly losing their ice-blue irises and becoming a sheet of luminous flame. "Oh, but I do. Best for you." With the scarlet leviathan closing on one of Scallop's co-terrorists, that smile might almost be welcome. However, she's not cool like the Bat-Fam armed with tonfas all the time -- and the nearest chair isn't nearly close enough.

What's a girl to do but take a few cuts? She whips the red scarf off her neck and twists it around, though it practically wriggles of its own accord. Hard to tell but it's there. even more significant when she drops into a very clear defensive fighting stance and moves in a slow rotation, threading the path between waiting for the goth to engage and not being too far unless she tries to porcupine some poor passing lawyer. Not that she doesn't agree with stabbing questionable lawyers, but there are rules.

Said rule means lashing out with the scarf to twist and entangle the woman's arm or hand. If those blades should prove particularly good at cutting through scarves, cheaper than her dress. And soon as one hits?

She has a viciously bright dagger just suddenly in hand, a blade happy to pass through flesh just as ready to intercept other blades.

Cain Marko has posed:
The scowl on Cain's face deepens as BOOFACE shouts. He picks up some speed. He often looks slower than he is just because of how big he is. Like how trains can seem. He reaches out to try and grab the flamethrowing villain with an oversized hand. "I ain't no mutant, asshole. Bunch of losers, getting pissy over losing a fight." He glances over his shoulder a where SMUSH is apparently re-coagulating, and frowns. "Gross. Somebody should put that thing out of its misery." He checks the rest of the fight. They all seem alright. Not that he expected anything otherwise. This lot isn't exactly impressive. Admittedly, he might have a somewhat skewed view on things.

Damian Wayne has posed:
Gabby's sweep takes out BAT-HEAD's knees and he goes to the ground, smacking his head on the ground and is knocked out cold. Taken out of the fight, Gabby has successfully opened the way for the crowd to start to funnel out through her door!

Withe batarang brained villain down, Gabby gets a chance to secure him with zip-ties that she probably has in her thigh-highs. Damian won't try to think too hard on that.

That and Damian is noticing Bunny's fighting style. He does see elements of Gabby's training there. But he also knows something else. This is the same girl that he tailed around a dojo after coming across the Shredder.

There will be a talk with Gabby later, but she probably already knows.

TERMINUS has his branding iron knocked away, and as he is scrambling to grab it when the pink-haired girl manages to grab it first, and springs to her feet. As she's facing off with Terminus and trying to brain him -- a serving platter comes flying in from the side, taking out Terminus' ankle and causing him to collapse on that leg, opening him up to be smacked upside the head as she breaks the branding iron across the head of the armor and concussing the villain, taking him down. When Bunny glances over and follows the trajectory of the platter? She'll see that Damian was on the other end of it, his face grim. This was his party and these Bat-Terrorists are ruining it!

With SCALLOP and Illyana facing off, there is a flurry of blades, cuts and slashes that fly through the air. Scallop seemed to be pleased when she thought she had gotten a good hit in on the icy Russian, that changes when she seems to realize the changes in the Russian woman's demeanor. And in her eyes. Those flames were noticed, and it was just enough to distract Scallop as one of those thin scarves entangles and snares her, yanking her back to Illyana.

"What are you?" she asks, fear as she looks into the flame in the blonde's eyes.

Then the dagger descends into her causing her to scream.

BOOTFACE has the flame turned up all the way and then Cain just walks through it and grabs him by the head.

Crushed in Juggernaut's hand, he starts to lose consciousness, the flamethrower going out and falling down to the side of him as he slumps in Cain's grasp, finally passing out.

Outside, the sounds of the arrival of the Gotham Police are always untimely. But at least they are arriving instead of being suprmeley late for a change. Probably because the aggregate wealth level of the guests was high enough to warrant a prompt response.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Cops!" Oh. Wait. The warning call to give everyone a heads up comes from Gabby as she stands and steps back to lean against the wall a moment. "Oh wait, right, this time I'm not running from them," she mutters while looking down at the group here. SOME might want to run though. It's still a solid warning.

A deep breath is drawn, her hand moving to the knife at her side with a grimace. It didn't hurt but it was a mess.

Rocking away from the wall she heads over toward where Damian had taken to 'hiding' aka, helping when he can, and gestures toward the back rooms of the place. "I think we should maybe wander that way and I'm going to be losing a lot of blood so I'd rather not do it here."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny lands, skidding uneavenly on her heels and checking her dress a moment, she turns to follow the trajectory of the plate. She looks to Damian, and then gives him a small smile and an upnod of thanks before she grabs a bunch of pristine white napkins. Illyana and Cain also give upnods and waves as Bunny makes her way to Gabby, and hands over the napkins.

    "HEre, to staunch until it heals up." she states to the other short lady in the workings, going back and forth on her heels as she looks to damian.

    "Ah hi, more proper introduction, I'm Bunny, good friend of Gabby's. I hear you also hate people and like animals?"

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"Just a girl in the world," Illyana replies as she has to move damn fast to deal with the cutting edges released in a flurry. Having blades in your hands or feet is an advantage, as Gabby aptly proves. But having spent a good portion of one's adult life fighting with those bladed people has its advantages. Oh, she gets cut. Red lines weep all the same, and she doesn't slow down.

Pain, if anything, is an old friend as they duet around the dance floor. The Soulsword in its slim dagger form really isn't much fo a weapon at all. A shard of light contained in the palm. Neither does it leave any scratches or cuts whatsoever. Scallop's flesh will remain unmarked, no fresh scars there.

"I was a girl like you, hurt by very bad people," she answers in a low tone, leaning in for just a moment. "You are no monster. You can be better. When you want to be healed and these knives and this poison taken out of you, come. You can become something better."

With that, she gently pushes the woman away and the dagger is presumably palmed under the scarf, the weapon wrapped up around her bleeding forearm. Glancing at Gabby and Bunny headed to the backroom, she raises her eyebrows, but doesn't immediately move to follow. Invitations are funny things, right?

Also, being someone who can walk out after saying "Yes I got attacked by Stabby McGee" is perfectly acceptable as an alibi. So is vanishing from plain sight, but that's not the moral of today's story.

Cain Marko has posed:
Eventually Cain notices the guy in his hand passed out. He shakes the guy briefly to make sure, then tosses him aside. He briefly considers the flamethrower, and eyes the splattered three-in-one on the ground. Hmm....nah. Probably shouldn't. He make sure one more time that Gabby and the other people are all fine, then makes his way back over to the food table. As he goes, he flashes again and is suddenly back to his former height and clothing. Said clothing has mostly burned away. But enough tatters of his pants remain to keep him modest. He resumes shoveling food into his mouth. "This stuff tastes like crap." It's almost like he's been in a bad mood today.

Damian Wayne has posed:
When Gabby makes her way back to him, Damian looks to her. "Hey, hon." There's a moment of relief there, a break in that facade of his, but it's quickly gone as he's grabbing some napkins, only to joined by Bunny.

Handing her her the napkins he had grabbed, it frees up his hand to unbutton his sleeves and roll them back. He knows Gabby will heal, but for now... "Hello, Bunny. I am Damian Wayne. It is a pleasure to meet you." Public facade back in place. "Gabby has mentioned you in passing." he admits as he works to carefully open the fabric around the wound. "Pull it out when you're ready." He grabs a pair of napkins and flanks the sides of the wound to close it up.

"I am not the most social of people, but I know is part of what I am as a Wayne..." he starts to say, a 'does she know?' look to Gabby, before adding. "And I am a great advocate of animals. I support many animal charities and support groups in my work."

Scallop's eyes go wide when she's spoken to by Illyana, the souldagger keeping her in place. A tear forms on corner of her eye, spilling down her cheek as Illyana offers her that chance of redemption.

Will it be enough to get her over the anger of her life. The pain that she believes the Dark Knight incited upon her person. Can she find that forgiveness within her?

Those aren't questions that are able to answered at the moment.

Bootface and Smush are both out of the fight. And it's not like Damian catered the event. That food would be great. Or maybe Cain's just picky. Oh what a mess to be cleaned up.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances back over at the others to flash a grin at the familiar faces who were finishing up their own fights. She'd have to catch up with Illyana and Cain soon, if they opted to leave before the police fully showed up. She would if she could move quickly at the moment.

Instead she's double-fisting napkins and having them held in place. "Right. Okay here goes," she remarks reaching down to yank the blade out without any hesitation. Of course that meant the napkins were definitely necessary.

The look Damian gives her earns a half-shrug. "Eeeeeh she knows you're familiar with the biz but not how," she offers simply. "Deets are for you to share or not."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "It's OK. I'm social enough for pretty much everybody, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one more talky than Gabby." Bunny gives a bright smile. "My dad used to be high up on the socialite ladder in Manhattan and I was paraded out to play piano at functions. I get it. Let's focus on getting her out of here so that no one starts to question why a pair of teenage girls were weilding claws and branding irons. You get that side, I'll get this side and we'll bring her out through the employee entrance. Bonus points is I'm *technically* kidnapping you too." she gives a grin, offering to handle Gabby's not-bleeding side.

    "And yeah. I pretty much assume if you're involved with Gabby, you're in-the-know about business."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"I'm a friend." Damian leaves it at that. If Gabby didn't share that he was cape and mask, which he is very grateful for, he'll keep it that way. "Gabby bodyguarded my brother before we were dating. He's a wuss." A slight tease in his tone as he holds the napkins in place to staunch Gabby's bleeding and kisses her cheek. "Thank you." he whispers to her. That, for keeping who he is mum. "Thank you both." For coming to his aid.