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Latest revision as of 03:52, 20 December 2023

Evolution in A Minor
Date of Scene: 18 December 2023
Location: Midtown
Synopsis: A car crash almost becomes something far worse! Caleb prevents a massive fire with a timely use of cunning technology. While that was going on, Olivia (who fainted due to her sound sensitivity) was aided by Ms. Frost. The telepath may have lost a perfectly fine blouse in the accident, but she stuck around to ensure that Olivia wasn't left to suffer in fear and panic in a world that is suddenly very, very loud.
Cast of Characters: Olivia Gaudin, Emma Frost, Caleb Dykstra

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    It's a lovely afternoon. The matinee has completed, the crowd has largely dispersed, and one Olivia Gaudin is loitering not far from the Gershwin Theatre. She's killing time before it's her turn to get ready for this evening's show. She is not precisely slumming it, appearance wise. She's wearing a button down silk shirt and black slacks. Over this she's donning a faux fur wrap to keep her warm.

    She gives off the aura of one who is putting something unpleasant off until she is finally confronted by the irresistable flow of time and drawn into makeup. Or maybe she's just watching children play in an alley near the theatre. They certainly seem to have the Broadway star's attention!

Emma Frost has posed:
New York, New York, it's a Hell of a Town. Metaphorically or literally, depending on if any of the numerous portals to the planes of the damned are open at any given point - or if they're near to Gracie Mansion. Emma Frost is out on a stroll, a purse slung over her shoulder as she goes to walk in and out of people going past. A firm psionic nudge making them part at her passing ever so carefully.
    Them not being aware of the pressure or of the light nudges to consciousness to be aware of it. Life's simple joys - making sure one didn't get stuck in traffic.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
It is a nice afternoon, yes. And Caleb is here, after school, enjoying a walk to clear his head from life's troubles. Dressed for the weather with a long coat - and a number of assortments he's developed and learned to conceal underneath it for the time something could happen -, he's minding his own business, having a hot beverage as he walks.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Traffic in Manhattan is generally busy, but there is no jam in sight! But this is just the calm before a storm, really. A text message someone just couldn't wait for, a light going from green to red, and a heavy truck pulling out all combine to create what many refer to as a t-bone crash. It's the kind of accident that is quite loud due to the speed, but the contents on the bed of the struck truck only add to it. Large, metal drainage pipes fly from the truck and towards the pavement, raining down with sounds that are upsetting to many an ear.

    Olivia is oblivious to this. She was facing the wrong way, after all, but it is very close. Perhaps twenty yards separates her from the collission. It's a very small period of time between the impact and the sound reaching her. Her considerable growth in audible powers is still an ongoing matter, and she's only had hints about it.

    She feels an explosion of pain. Then more with each pipe striking the ground. It's brief, though. It's intense pain for a moment, and then darkness. She falls straight to the pavement.

Emma Frost has posed:
The sound of one thing crashing into another is all too common in the chaos and the shrieks of the city. Emma herself, that had been walking across the street, is in the path over of it as well. She doesn't have the time to try and jump out of the way as the trailer rolls over towards her and that should have pulped her. She can quickly make out Olivia over to the side as the truck jackhammers towards her..

But Emma has to save herself first! Her body immediately transforms to her secondary mutation of organic diamond, the freight hauler shattering around her upon impact as the inertia from it carries it well and past her, her body shearing off a chunk of it! Fortunately the fire and smoke conceals her and the impact of it. She's rapidly darting out the other end, using the fire to not be obvious while doing so. Expensive blouse.. Ruined.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"HOLY SHIT!", is what Caleb says once the pipes come flying and rolling down the street.

Okay, think fast, Caleb! Think fast!

He doesn't have time to think, really, so he reacts! As pipes come rolling, one flying over a parked car in his direction (!), he runs and ducks, sliding towards the back of said car, using it as a nice barrage against the flood of pipes. But it doesn't last long, as another slams straight into the vehicle (!!), and he is forced to jump to the side, landing on the top of the hood of the vehicle parked right behind. And yet another pipe, that pinballed through the remaining, has been catapulted to serve as a ramming rod against the hood of /that/ car (!!!), and Caleb finds himself having to dodge that one too.


He finally finds decent cover, ducking around the corner to a side street. He looks up above, towards the sky, "Seriously, man!?? One single day! Is that too much to ask??"

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    It takes a moment for Olivia to realize she's on the ground. It's not her sight that clues her in. It's the cold feeling of pavement under her. She takes in her situation slowly. She wants to get up quickly, but she feels incredibly dizzy. The world seems to be spinning. Across three dimensions. There's also a growing sense that there's not one world around her, but two. And they aren't quite in agreement, with one spinning one way and the other is going the opposite direction. Or is she dreaming?

    Her first audible comment on her situation is, "Uhhh... what happened?" She forces her eyes to look around. Which nearly makes her get sick. The nausea is intense. Olivia wants to sit up. It's cold. But trying such a feat is utterly beyond her at the moment.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost goes to rapidly shift back to normal as she's left in a position more akin to Rogue or She-Hulk's state of less than professional attire. Then she goes to take a glance over at Olivia and heads in her direction. "Stay still, darling. Don't move. You could be at risk of significant injury. Stay still until paramedics arrive." The sense of vertigo rolling off the girl is very, very obvious. So Emma goes to try and reach into Olivia's mind to tamp down on it just a little bit.

To tamp down on the terror, the disorientation.. To try and help her mind steady itself over in her present position. And not focused on feeling like she's having an out of body concussion.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Okay, Caleb! Now that you've finished ranting...

Once the pipes have settled, the young man moves fast towards the focus of the accident - if a truck toppled, the driver could be in jeopardy, or there could be others injured.

"Hello??", he shouts, "Can you hear me?"

He spots Emma and Olivia, and approaches, "Is everyone alright?" He looks at the truck, assessing the risk, and trying to see if the driver escaped.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    The driver appears to be fine. He's going to get help to get out from some bystanders soon. For now, though, he's sitting weirdly untouched, looking more surprised than anything else. Oh, and the old line about never having a cop around when one is needed is put to rest, as well. One pulls up by the wreckage in mere moments and hops out to call for help. The authorities are on the ball. Granted, it's Broadway. Patrols here are pretty regular.

    As for Olivia, she feels her mind suddenly calm down. The rising panic is gently put to rest. She shuts her eyes, relaxing. She feels so relieved. Her voice sounds almost dreamy, childish.

    "Ms. Frost? Is that you?" she asks softly. Despite the situation, Olivia smiles. "I'm so happy you are here. I was scared. It was so very loud. I've never heard anything so loud." Though she does recount the situation, she's still calm. "Is everyone okay?" She hears a question from someone else. A voice she doesn't know. "I'm okay. I think. But I mustn't move." Ms. Frost's orders.

Emma Frost has posed:
Also the patrollers no doubt find they get free tickets when they show up regularly. There are no doubt procedural incentives built in to the existing system! Emma Frost goes to stay still, even as she works at trying to help ground the girl's vertigo. Recognizing very well what an overload is when something is manifesting. SOmething to do with auditory.. Emma works at trying to cut down as much of the feedbcak as possible.

"I'm not a doctor, but I presume you have a concussion, darling. So stay still. The paramedics will be here shortly." She works at trying to sooth the vertigo, locking down Olivia's mind in a fixed location, and trying to turn down her sense of hearing as much as possible.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb is glad that the driver is okay, and the police is around and already calling for help. However...

Caleb is the one to see it first, in the middle of all the confusion...

When the truck capsized, metal cut and exposed wiring, which is now dangling and sparking, dangerously close to the lake of fuel that's leaking pooling onto the asphalt!

"Uhh, ladies...?", he calls out for attention, "Officer...?" The state of emergency pulls his voice into a shout, "GET AWAY!!"

He's not getting away, though - instead, he pulls out a gadget of his making, something like a pistol, which he aims at the cable, "Please, let this be a good day... Let this be a good day..."

And he fires!

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    "There's a paramedic at the theater," murmurs Olivia. The Gershwin is about two blocks away, but frankly, the paramedic they have doesn't stick around between shows. Olivia's just a bit oblivious to that fact. And the fact that a real first responder is what she needs, not someone who mostly hangs around to prevent lawsuits.

    The first responders are no doubt on their way, but it takes some time for help to arrive. The sound of an emergency vehicle's siren can be heard. It's probably an ambulance, but it's not in view yet. There's naturally a mess of traffic, as well. Things quickly go from smooth to a snail's pace.

    Olivia, though, is pretty calm. She's in very good hands, as far as she can tell. She's not sure what happened, exactly, but Ms. Frost's got her and it'll all be okay.

    Olivia does have a concussion, though. What may not be so clear is that she got it from falling to the pavement. She wasn't struck by anything. Well, nothing other than sound, which was enough to make her faint.

    Olivia remains relaxed even with that panicked call to move away. Even if she registered the urgency, there's really nothing much she could do at this point. Her legs are more like water than anything that might carry her anywhere. Her only reaction is a curious, "Hmmm? What's that?" Again, Olivia has a dreamy voice, like a comforted child, safe with Ms. Frost taking care of her. She's not in danger, right?

Emma Frost has posed:
Good, time to keep the girl stable over for the moment to then hand her over to the paramedics or whomever passes as the responsible adults in this situation. Emma mostly ignores the firing gun. It's hardly as bad as the Dow Jones when it comes to taking people's lives away after all. She goes to take a step back over and then looks down at Olivia. "They'll be helpig you momentarily darling and then get on from there. So just behave. I'm sure that your fans would appreciate having your singing voice to come back to now. You can't take that away from them now, can you?"

The sounds are mostly folding together nwo as Emma ever so carefully works at keeping Olivia's mind coherent and not get overloaded, moving forwards to try and keep the threads together.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    There's a lot to pay attention to in this situation. Traffic, two drivers, coordinating back-up. It's a bloody mess for a police officer. Then of all the craziness he catches a weird sound, then sees a gun. There's a rising chorus of horns to compete with, but the officer's shout does carry fairly well.

    "What the hell are you doing?! Put down the weapon!" And yes, of course he's reaching for his gun. This gets the attention of pretty much everyone on Caleb. Fortunately a few people were already recording and caught the action in the frame. This is going to be rather important later, to show that this actually helps the situation rather than adds to the chaos and danger. How much that counts to the authorities is anyone's guess! Is that thing registered?

Caleb Dykstra has posed:

The projectile is seen coming out of Caleb's gun, although the sound is nothing like a gunshot.

*SPLAT!*, is the next sound that's heard, as the projectile connects with the cable, glueing it to the frame of the truck - and away from the lake of fuel.

The young man relaxes, and holds his hands slightly up in the air. "It's alright, officer! I'm sorry if I startled you, but I felt like I had to do something quick in order to save these people!" He looks around at the growing group of onlookers, and he pulls the hoodie over his head. Clearly, he doesn't want his face on the news.

Emma Frost has posed:
With Olivia now braced, Emma goes to slowly stand up once she's turned over to the paramedics. "Be safe, darling. I'll try and check in soon." But she can't exactly stand around out here in the open with her expensive outfit in rags now, can she? And she won't even get to put this one down on an expense account. The things she does to maintain her reputation..
    She goes to stand up smoothly, and once she's certain that Olivia is secured, she goes to head out. Then moves to make sure that her purse is intact.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia finds herself speaking with a new voice. This time with a young woman who shows a motherly manner. She answers questions slowly, but accurately as she can. She's still got that dreamy voice. After the pain, being freed of it is so very calming. She feels safe. Soon she's on a stretcher and getting loaded into the back of an ambulance. Even as she's loaded up, one of the paramedics is reaching out to Olivia's emergency contact. Thank god she switched that from her dad, or he'd probably be racing up here to kidnap her and drag her back to Metropolis. Instead, the paramedic gets the treat of speaking with Glinda herself! Who takes down the information and does what every good Broadway performer does in this situation: ensures the show will go on.

    As for the police officer, he seems rather miffed and doubtful. "You what?!" With a few choice and unprintable bits of language being muttered, he starts making his way over to Caleb. The question is, will Caleb hang around to straighten it all out, or is he going to run away?

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Sorry, officer, can't stay!", the 'concerned citizen' starts running away, "But the facts speak for themselves!"

Having had to escape busts back in Gotham, Caleb does have the advantage; he quickly disappears in the middle of the crowd, and then from it onto an alley.

But not before saying: "And remember: drive safely and stay relevant!"


Okay, that was in the spur of the moment. Sue him.