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Latest revision as of 13:06, 13 January 2024

Fall Out From The Play
Date of Scene: 12 January 2024
Location: Coffee Shop Near Broadway
Synopsis: Doom and Latveria make it known they were not amused by the play but Reed comes up with a cunning way to take control of the situation.
Cast of Characters: Ben Grimm, Reed Richards, Johnny Storm, Zora Vukovic, Victor Von Doom

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm is sitting at a cafe checking his watch. He's spent two weeks putting out fires from one of the producers who took advantage of the kid's good nature on the 'play' by not paying people; Ben has made sure that the charity money stayed with the charity and paid actors, crew members and more from his own pocket; quietly grumbling after but meanwhile trying to figure out how to claw back the thing from the public domain without looking like a spoilsport. He sighs and sips coffee wondering if Stretch or Firebug will show up to read him the riot act. He doesn't blame the kids, it was funny at the end of the eye but it has caused somewhat of a mess to clean up.

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards approaches this problem the way he does every problem, with a concise logical mindset. He approaches Ben his expression dour but when he sees his friend beating himself up he can help but smile, "You're trying to figure out how to get the rights back? We might have to talk with Jen." He sits down at the table, "It was interesting, I never knew that you had artistic ambitions Ben. I'm sorry we couldn't be more involved but I appreciate how hard it must have been to put yourself out there. You have always been braver than me."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"I had no problem with me. Hell, I wish they'd gone harder!" This from Johnny as he enters the cafe, a wink over at the waitress. "Coffee and a slice of cake, not talking about yours."

Dropping into a chair next to Reed, he glances around. "No Sue?" he asks in mock disappointment and looks over at Ben. And he gets out his wallet to hand over five dollars. He lost the bet on if his sister would show up or not.

"So, you know it was probably all protected under parody laws, right?"

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm groand and smiles as he does, "Those Yancy kids were insideous; they actually paid an intelleuctual property lawyer to look over the creative commons before they put it out there; its covered under parody, public domain and 501C status. Its....gonna be really hard to get it back but if you can without us looking like creepys or Schmucks, I'm all in. Its funny as hell, and the money went to charity, but had I know...." he shakes his head and smirks, "Sue likely has better things to do than push a rock up a hill.

Zora Vukovic has posed:
Zora approaches the table with a pair of Doombots flanking her, while she herself seems to be escorting a (relatively) young man. The guy seems to be a little irritated at his escort, grumbling under his breath, though a severe glance from Zora has him quieting down soon enough. She ushers him forward as they draw closer to the table where Ben and Reed sit, something of a smug expression on her features.

The young man looks extremely put out, and very apologetic as he approaches the table, "Ah.. Ben Grimm? I-I'm terribly sorry to do this, sir but, uh..." Zora sighs heavily and pulls the paper from the man's hands and slaps it down on the table. "You are being served with a subpeona to appear in court for the defamation suit filed against the production company." She bares her teeth in what approximates as a smile, "Nobody slanders the name of Doom and gets away with it." Stepping back, she folds her arms across her chest and returns to her impassive, if severe, self.

Victor Von Doom has posed:
DOOMBots are scary. The metal clanking on the tile of the shop is a fearsome sort of sound. But they are programmed for servitude. And the task at hand right now is to protect. Even if the young lawyer did not want it, he was going to get an escort. It's the type of show of force befitting a lawyer from Victor Von Doom. While they may not be Dr. Doom themselves, they are in essence him. His eyes. His ears. His hands. And right now they wait.

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards look up at Zora mildly amusement in his eyes, sighs as he looks over at Ben "That seems about speed, though the Doombots were a tad over the top. Proving damage may be difficult in an American court. Though honestly Ben this is the- hunh." Reed gets a faraway look, considering, ruminnating, "Actually Victor, thank you this is just what we need." He smiles and nods as he takes the subpeone, "Yes, yes, I can make this work." He pats Ben's back, "Leave it to Zora to save the day."

Johnny Storm has posed:
As the cake and coffee are delivered, Johnny beams a smile up at the waitress. "Thanks, doll!" he offers to her, before he opens the napkin. Oh hey, a phone number! /Ignored/. Taking a bite of the cake, the flamehead glances up as Zora arrives...

And under his breath, he starts to beatbox the Imperial March. Right up until she gets to the table.

"How's my /favorite/ Verhangnisvolle Frau today, Zora?" he asks with a grin up at her. And then she's shoving someone forward. "Oh, oh, look! You got a fan, rockhead!" he starts to say - right up until the subpeona is delivered and he brusts into a laugh. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, is this Doom being so petty as to go to America's courts? Oh oh, can we book Justice Judy, pllleeease book Justice Judy!"

And a glance to Zora. "Going to wear a little pencil skirt and blouse combo to court? That would be so..." he holds up a finger, a slight flame and it fizzles out.

Zora Vukovic has posed:
Having caught at least some of what was being said as they approached, Zora inclines her head towards Reed, "You are correct. If the suit is successful, then your own attempt will have legal precedent." She looks back to Ben and offers a thin blade of a smile, "It would seem you need us, Grimm."

Johnny's rolling commentary has Zora's left hand clenching tightly into a fist, teeth gritting and jaw setting as she draws in a deep breath and lets it out slowly. The expression on her face is one that both Ben and Reed are likely familiar with, long-suffering mingled with aggravation and tempered by tested patience.

"I will wear whatever my lord requires of me, Storm. As ever, I serve Doom, and his wish is my command." Her hand settles on the back of Johnny's chair briefly. Juuuuuuuuuust long enough to send a small 'zap!' straight into his butt. The equivalent of a mild electrical shock, it won't do any lasting harm, but it makes her feel better.

Both hands tuck behind her back after as she looks between the elder two of the Fantastic Four.

Victor Von Doom has posed:
DOOMbots behave. For now. Standing and watching. That is until one of them speaks. "We could have always laid waist to Mr. Santini or Miss Williams, Richards. If you prefer a more direct hand, that can be arranged." The DOOMbot tilts his head to study the older man. "You are getting old, your mind must be slipping." the gaze takes in Johnny with that statement as well.

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm can't help but smirk at the whole thing and shakes his head, "Look, you get a legal and lawful subpoena from a US court and I'll testify; and, normally I dont apologize to Doom but I get how the kids are ....imaginative of their portrayal on the tap dancing doom bots, but they did base that play on the book; and the book says nothing that aint true. If stretch has a way to claw this thing back, I'm all ears but if you get me up on the witness stand, claiming that the play is lying, you better be sure you want that, because for the book, which I actually DID approve, I got the receipts and there aint one word a lie...." he looks at Reed, "What's the plan Thinking Cap?"

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards eyes twinkle, "I don't need the suit to be successful. It's less a matter of precedent and more a matter of jeopardy." Reed turns his body to face Ben in a way that is second nature to him but wholly unnatural. "We can buy the production company, as part of the sale we offer to take responsibility for the suit. Victor won't stand in the way as he would much rather embarass me than a random production company or even yourself, Ben. The production company escapes the negative press and the cost of a trial, much less damages. We can honor the existing contracts and obligations then quietly shutter the production. FantastiCorp can use NDAs to keep things under wraps, we do it for advanced research, don't want the general public to know about the moon base. I will have to sit down with Sue and Jen but I think this can work. Shouldn't cost more than a few million. Reed shrugs then stops and looks and actually sees. He looks from Johnny to Zora and then back. He leans over to Ben, "Ben, I know that I am never the most observant in terms of interpersonal relations but this seems almost, amorous?" He raises his eyebrows, "Victor, given your current legal involvement I would recommend against making overt threats against private citizens. You and Zora have diplomatics immunity, your doombots do not."

Johnny Storm has posed:
As Zora comes up behind him, Johnny doesn't seem to mind. "Aww, coming over to my side. Wanna fetch me a cup sugaaah!" He gets zapped and nearly jumps from his seat, glaring daggers at Zora for a moment, before his attention back up at her.

"Man, it must be good that you're a Latverian Ten..." he comments to her dryly, taking another bite of cake, "Because you're only a New York Six. And I mean, that's just getting by on that."

And then the DoomBOT speaks and he chuckles. "Yeah, if I'm old, I can only imagine how decrepiated you must be, Doomy Doom Doom..." And he stops himself from breaking out into the Doom song. That will come later.

"Don't ask me to testify, I'll be a hostile witness." he points out to his brother in law and best friend. "Ben, you may want to start preparing your 'Weird Al' defense at this point." he comments as he takes a sip from his coffee.

And then Reed speaks and he spits out the cofee. "PFFFT!" Coffee is sprayed in the direction of the DoomBOT. "Me? And Captain Latveria here? Ahahahahaha! No way. Seeing someone way hotter. I'll introduce you sometime." And a pause. "And no, Ben, she's not in Canada."

Zora Vukovic has posed:
"That IS from a US court, Grimm. You really should read it before you jump to conclusions. Also, you may have 'receipts' as you put it, but that means you also admit to having violated the sovereign borders of a foreign country to attack it's rightful ruler without sanction from any government body, causing damages to the property and people of said country. So I would be careful how tightly you cling to that book stating 'nothing but the truth'." Zora sends an arch look towards Reed at that part, "There *are* downsides to having been the 'first heroes', Richards. You had no government sanction for your actions. All those 'rescue missions' to retrieve those imprisoned in Latveria to stand trial for their actions against the country and its ruler, all legally captured and detained according to Latverian law. The attempts to halt a so-called 'world domination' attempt, without any verifiable proof as to the intended use of any of the machines you so carelessly destroyed with no thought to the injury or damages it would cause. I would be very careful indeed."

Rolling her eyes at the pitiful attempts to get under her skin, Zora simply waits impassively as the comments continue to pile up, though when he sprays coffee in a spittake, she lifts one hand. The red crackle of the Power Cosmic she was invested with forms a shield around herself, the lawyer, and the Doombots. More, with a flick of her finger, the spray is sent right back at Johnny. "Still spitting into the wind, I see." Then she turns slightly, glancing up at the Doombot, "My lord, the subpoena has been served and accepted, I believe lingering any further will only result in further juvenile attempts at insult. I will escort Mr. Danbury back to his office and we can go over the next steps from there."

Victor Von Doom has posed:
"You would be surprised, Johnny in what health I am in." The DOOMbot says. "While you lot have aged, I have found other ways to remain young." The DOOMbot looks towards Zora and gives her a nod. "I'm grown bored of this interaction. There minds are not as sharp as it used to be. And provoking a fight in there elder condition would only result in them crying."

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm just looks incredulous at ora's reply to his own about infiltrations and the like but is still trying to think ofa reply before the Doombot(?) replies. "I'd like to see an Emerican Jury convict someone based on your little arguement. I mean maybe in Mississippi....but here/ Not so much." He turns to Reed, "As solid a strategy as anything. You certainly have my sign up for it. Having more control of tis situation couldnt hurt.

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards raises his eyebrows with a small smile at Zora's claims wondering if Doom has found a way to defeat the fractal masking that was integrated into their costumes. He rested content that the smart costumes had all been wired for light and sound and some other bibs and bobs since just shortly after he had developed unstable molecules.

    Reed gets a sad look as Zora displays her powers unsure the effect long term exposure to the power cosmic has on living tissue and knowing that Doom would never bother to ask. Reed sighs and smiles at Ben, "The dancing doombots were funny and at least the actree who played Sue was talented but... "Did the actor playing me just keep saying 'science, science, science, Fantastic?"

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Spitting into the wind? Only when I talk to you, babe." Johnny winks at Zora as he drops some money on the counter. Food and tip as he pushes up. "As this is getting approximately no where, I'm gonna blow this pop stand." he offers to the group at large. "Ben, Reed, I'll make sure to bring Kenesha by for a drop in. I think you'll find her fascinating."

A casual wink, and a glance over at Zora and the DoomBOTs. "Three DoomBOTS and I still bet I could do better." A casual grin at Zora and a sashay just for her as he heads out the door.

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards frowns, "I mean he was a lovely tenor and that song after the crash was truly moving, but I spent the first act thinking you'd replaced me with Gumby."