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Latest revision as of 13:06, 13 January 2024

Honky Tonk Intervention
Date of Scene: 01 January 2024
Location: The Corral, in Yonkers, NY
Synopsis: Inez, Clara, Ted, and Opal meet at Opal's bar. Inez spikes Clara's drink. Hilarity ensues.
Cast of Characters: Opal Moirai, Clara Jennings, Inez Temple, Ted Grant

Opal Moirai has posed:
Sitting back off of a side street near the Yonkers Historic District is a bar. From the outside it could be a Cracker Barrel, complete with front porch and railing, if it wasn't for the pink and blue neon sign running the full length of the building. 'The Corral' There's even a shifting, 3-color neon image of a cowgirl riding a bull to complete the picture.

The sounds of steel guitar and harmonica assault the senses even before opening the front door, where the music just *blasts* new customers. The bouncer looks like he probably has a collection of wrestling championship belts at home, and is wearing a t-shirt with the bar logo that shows he has no definable neck.

The lighting in the bar is a bit low, but good enough to give a clear view of the place. There's a long bar on the right side with tall, swivel stools that are bolted down. A good assortment of four-top tables occupy the center before giving way to a hardwood dance floor. The stage is centered against the back wall with three steps leading up. On the back left side is a mechanical bull in its own 'pen' filled with sawdust.

A blonde woman leans against the bar. Cowboy boots, a denim mini, red and black checked shirt with the tails tied up under her bosom, a comfortably-worn Stetson tops it all off. And when she peers from beneath the hat, aviator shades cover her eyes.

Clara Jennings has posed:
    As part of her education, Clara is to become familiar with American customs and to fit into society. Her governess of course meant high society, but that leaves considerable room for interpretation. Due to entirely personal reasons that have nothing to do with a poor showing at a New Years' party, Clara's resolution is to get modern dance lessons. Private ones. With her allowance she can afford it, and on short notice.

    She steps out of the studio into the night air. Yonkers is far from Gotham. But that is intentional. A woman needs her secrets.

    It is when she is practicing her steps on the street that a familiar woman spots her. Familiar to her. But Charta saw Inez ride a dinosaur when she had her mask on, so the reverse is not true. There's really no way to break the ice, but somehow, some way, Clara is just swept along, following Inez like a lost puppy and putting herself in the woman's very capable hands. Or lasso, perhaps.

    From outside, Clara can tell the music is not what she's used to. Oh sure, she's heard country music before. But not like this. To say she's nervous is the understatement of this very young year.

Inez Temple has posed:
Most people think that the key to avoiding a post-NYE hangover is to drink lots of water. Others swear by the hair of the dog, or weird concoctions featuring eggs. Inez's own favorite technique is just to not stop partying. Hard to get hung over when you're still boozed up! It was her papa's last bit of advise before she left the ranch, and she's held on to it all her life.

Oh. And having a mutant healing factor sure as hell doesn't hurt.

Inez's string of debauchery and revelry post zombie dinosaur wrangling has lead her from Gotham to New York City, and now she finds herself in Yonkers following rumors of a new honky tonk bar. Some people might find it random. Inez? She can appreciate the symmetry of a cowboy bar in Yonkers, the birthplace of Jon Voight, most famous for his role in 'Midnight Cowboy'. Ain't that kind of shit just awesome?

She is wearing her NYE gear still: rhinestone-studded daisy duke shorts barely covering her lower body, her cowboy boots freshly polished, and her good Stetson. She's also wearing a shredded style Jack Daniels tank top and a belt buckle that proclaims that 'My Other Ride Is Your Dad'.


"C'mon, now! Ain't no time f' wallflowers!" Inez tells Clara with a broad grin from under her hat. "Order a glass o' a dark soda." She advises as they walk towards the bar, Inez's thumbs hooked in her belt. "That way they can't see t' whiskey Imma pour innit when I order a bottle." She lifts one hand to tap the side of her nose, before looking over the bar staff. She spots a guy in a tee bartending... And brazenly reaches into her shirt, lifting first one breast and then the other to increase her cleavage. She looks down, nods in satisfaction, tips her hat forward for effect, and then walks up to the bar.

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant enters the bar without a real ripple. The bouncer is a boxing fan. After the initial awkward moment where the bouncer had to look up at Ted, he went fanboy and got his shirt and bicep autographed. "Avoid the clap ~Ted Grant."

The aged and ageless pugilist scopes out the room. He initially categorizes the lengthy blonde at the bar as trying too hard. Then he takes a second look and realizes, no, this woman isn't trying at all. This is her default hotness. Then he takes another look and walks over to her, looming in a friendly sort of way. "Have we met? This is not a line, I'm asking." Then he hears Inez' now familiar drawl.

Opal Moirai has posed:
At the bar, Opal's attention slowly pans the room back and forth. It's her place, after all, even though she may not look the part. Clara is noticed, mostly for her discomfort, but the fluff-and-strut routine from Inez captures her attention more fully.

Opal tilts her head, and even behind the mirrored shades it's apparent how her gaze wanders. "Nice shorts, honey." she drawls, the accent somewhere in the vacinity of mid-South. Her attention lingers on the shorts a bit longer, and that's when she spots the big guy autographing her bouncer.

Red lips draw into a wide, familiar smile as she watches. Yes, there is some definite familiarity. Leaning over to the bartender, then, she points to Ted. "He doesn't buy drinks in my place. Put him on my tab."

And almost casually, she rolls her shoulders back and does a very nice imitation of Inez's fluff-and-wriggle routine.

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Clara is, well, swept along by a tide so powerful that she really cannot resist.

    "Sorry, dark soda.. err, right then."

    The young woman is the very picture of what she calls 'off script'. She likes to have a few things prepared before entering these kind of social situations.

    So distracted is she, that she finds herself suddenly at the bar, after having witnessed Inez... perhaps it is best not to comment on that.

    Oh look, the bartender is here. But honestly, he does not even look at her, and her raised hand and soft, "Pardon.." do not even register as a blip on his radar.

    Her outfit does not help her much, maybe. She may look good in her dress, but she also seems to be in the wrong place for something knee length and more cute than, well, revealing. The neckline is far too high, to boot.

    Deciding to try her hand at conversation, she says, "Hi there, lovely evening," to a man at the bar. He just looks at her. Like eyes touching every inch from heel to head and snorts, turning pointedly away and taking a swig of his beer.

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant simply says "Opal!" Then grabs the proprietor in a hug that might qualify as assault in some venues. He has a decent memory. It's just he has more to remember than most people. He releases Opal and then taps Inez on the shoulder. "Hey keep it down, Texas. People are complaining about the noise... in Gotham."

Inez Temple has posed:

Oh *honey*. No, no, no.

Inez just gives Clara a sympathetic look at her attempt at ordering and flirting. There's no anger or disgust, just disappointment and sympathy as she realizes her newly adopted best friend is one of *those*. Poor kid. Fortunately Auntie Inez is here to help! Her fingers are put to lip and she lets out a shrill whistle fitting more for a Ranch than a New York Bar, but appropriate for here.

Once she's got his attention... "Hey there, big guy." She tells the bartender, leaning onto the bar and as his eyes travel up from the obvious place to start, she knocks her hat back with a knuckle. "Me an' m' little friend here are mighty thirsty, an' could use somethin' t' wet our whistles, y'know?" She tells him with a wink and a crooked grin, "Mind a bottle o' y' favorite whiskey, y' phone number, an' a coke for the little lady?" And out of her back pocket or whatever hammer space her stuff lives in given her lack of clothes she presents a Benjamin Franklin and slips it over with a wink.

Opal's interjection on her shorts in a southern drawl, and the following lift-and-fluff routine, gets the other woman a wink. Her own accent is pure deep Texas, which is no surprise given how Ted greets her. She laughs at him, turning to flip her middle finger at him as she turns and throws her arms around his massive shoulders.

"Hey there, bronco!" She greets, planting a kiss on his fuzzy cheek. "Tired o' gettin' y' ass whooped by lil' girls an' decided t' come honk your tonk?"

Opal Moirai has posed:
The bartender is suitably, and predictably, distracted by Inez and he even leans in closer to try and sneak a downward peek into that tanktop. "Right. Coke. Whiskey, hold the glass. And..." He takes an order pad and scribbles a phone number on it, tearing it off with a flourish. Folding it lengthwise, he inserts it carefully into the freshly-fluffed cleavage with a grin.

Opal is about to reply to Inez when she is captured by Ted. Letting out a squeal, she manages to get an arm around his neck while keeping her hat on with the other hand. And she hugs him right back, if much less vigorously.

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Clara is totally one of those. She could not be much more out of place without wearing cosplay. She does not seem bothered by it, though. If anything, she seems very familiar with the situation.

    Thank god for Inez. Clara could use a drink. And the whole thing is fascinating. The way she just gets his number instantly is among the most awesome things the young woman has ever seen. And she's seen Inez wrangle a zombie t-rex!

    Still, wallflower is as wallflower does. This place is very far from the lecture hall. Without anything to say except a soft, "Thank you for the drink!" she diverts her attention to the rest of the bar. This leaves her drink exposed to Auntie Inez's whims, too. This is going to be quite a night.

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant gives Inez a hug around the waist and a playful thwap... maybe a little south of the waist and says, "I am making a champeen of that little girl. And I usually let big girls get that rough with me." Then he sees Clara.

"Who's your little friend? Hiyah hun, I'm Ted Grant, former World's Heavyweight Champ. Undefeated." He holds out a huge hand to Clara.

Inez Temple has posed:
When you've been married to Wade 'Deadpool' Wilson, you sort of lose a lot of your sense of shame. Although it's a complicated situation that is as unconventional as you'd imagine given the people involved. And when the bartender slips the phone number into her cleavage, she grins at him and reaches out to pat his cheek fondly. "Attaboy." She tells him, and pops the lid off the bottle when it arrives. She takes a generous pull off the bottle before setting it aside, and winking at him, wiping a little bit of whiskey off her chin...

... and using the rather erotic spectacle to pour at least two shots in Clara's soda before bringing the bottle up to her lips again.

She then nudges Clara, and nods towards her drink. "There y' go, girl." She tells her with a grin and a wink. "Drink up. Y' ever ride a mechanical bull?"

Ted's swat gets a squeak from her, and she chuckles at him, rolling her eyes. "Saw her lookin' lonesome. Couldn't have that." She says brightly, regarding Clara. She doesn't offer any introductions, because quite frankly she never got it.

Opal Moirai has posed:
Opal Moirai disengages herself from Ted, adjusting her hat and then her shirt as she settles once more. "Definitely undefeated." she confirms, regarding Ted's record.

Does she catch the splash of whiskey into the Coke? Oh yeah. Leaning in a little to Clara, those mirrored shades are lowered just enough to give the girl a glimpse of her eyes. The right is blue, but the left is... not natural. Smooth and polished like a gemstone.

Opal smiles to Clara, then pushes her shades back up. "Let's keep that sort of thing to the side tables, honey, not at the bar." And that's all she has to say about that. "And start with the bull's lowest setting."

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Wow. That.. that is a hand. Clara's hand is essentially lost in there, but it still works. There is a quick doubletake, and she says, "It is a pleasure, Mr. Grant. I am Clara Jennings. You know, my governess loves boxing. Whenever your name is brought up she goes on and on about the scoring on the demo round with Ali. It is about as energized as she gets. Could you autograph something for me to give to her? She would be over the moon about it!"

    Yeah, she has a governess. It is complicated. She nods when Inez orders her to drink and does just that. "Wow, that... tastes different. Does American coke have a different formula?" She has not the slightest clue what that little additive might be.

    Opal's eyes are enough to make Clara lean back. "Umm, hello. Sorry, is something wrong?" She looks over to Inez, "A bull? I have never even ridden a horse, though a friend offered to take me riding!"

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant beams at Clara and quite forgets to release her hand from his large, very warm WMD fist. "Well you thought enough to remember it," he says gently. "BARKEEP," he says in a tone designed to be heard. "Give this young lady whatever she wants, on me." He slaps a c-note on the bar. "It's a pleasure to meet you Clara Jennings. Shall we watch Inez make the mechanical bull whimper?"

Inez Temple has posed:
Inez Temple's eyes are sharp.

Like... superhuman sharp. She definitely notices the gemstone eye Opal is rocking behind the shades. But given all the things she's seen and done in her life, it isn't strange enough to make her react...

Although she definitely gives the other woman frown and a sharp look. The fact that Ted seems to know her and she knows the big lug is a good'n keeps her from being more than just a little wary.

To Clara and Ted, Inez laughs and gives one bare thigh a slap. "T' trick is t' hold w' y' legs." She grins, and adjusts her hat. "Whatcha wanna bet on me stayin' on?" She asks, and raises an eyebrow at Ted... Time for the revenge. "How 'bout... I stay on, y' gotta take y' shirt off, an' let ui do body shots, Wildcat?"

Opal Moirai has posed:
The bartender pushes the c-note back to Ted. "Your money's no good here, Mr. Grant. Your drinks are on the house." And with that, the big guy nods knowingly towards Opal.

Opal chuckles softly at Clara completely missing getting her drink spiked, giving her head a slow shake. "It's alright, honey." she offers. When it looks like Inez will be riding the bull instead, she grins broadly and leans on the bar. "What if you don't stay on, then? Same bet?" she coos. "The dial only goes up to 10, but anything above 8 requires staff to set."

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Ted feels safe. Which is perhaps ironic, considering how strong the man is. Clara nods at him, "Well, my governess is a very wise woman. I will have to tell her how polite her boxing hero is." Which is another way to say 'thank you for saving me'.

    Another drink follows. She wets her lips with a lick and laughs, "It tastes so odd, really!" Another drink, deeper. "But a good kind of odd, I guess."

    The conversation about the bull kind of just goes on and over her head. It is strange, how there is this little fog in her head now, though. Not an unpleasant thing, exactly. It helps her relax. As does Opan, when the eye contact is broken off.

    "So where is this mighty bull, anyway?" She sees nothing of the sort! But then, she is expecting horns and flaring nostrils.

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant takes the c-note and throws it in tip jar with a grin. He ponders a moment. Then he says, "I want the same from you if you get thrown off, but you can keep your shirt on... if you can keep /that/ shirt on. Annnnd in any event, Clara here gets the first shot. She has lost time to make up for. That okay, Clara?" Inez is getting payback for that swat and making her squeak. Only Ted doesn't mind. He also thinks the only way she'd be thrown is if someone buttered that damned bull. Reflexively as he points to the bull he slips an arm on Clara's shoulders. He has arm to spare.