Opal Moirai
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Opal Moirai (Scenesys ID: 2975) | |||
Profile | |||
Name: | Opal Moirai | ||
Superalias: | None | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Semi-demon | ||
Occupation: | Observer | ||
Citizenship: | Various | ||
Residence: | New York | ||
Education: | High School / On-Job-Training | ||
Theme: | Original (OC) | ||
Groups: | |||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 127 | Actual Age: | 127 |
Date of Birth | 14 Oct 1893 | Played By | Nicole Kidman |
Height: | 5'9" | Weight: | 130 lb |
Hair Color: | Platinum blonde | Eye Color: | Blue / Opal |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: |
Character Info
Opal and sisters Ruby and Jade are infernal agents gifted with unique abilities and long life. Each has one eye that has been replaced with their namesake gemstone as the focus of their power. Opal can see into someone's heart, weighing whether their heart is pure or dark. She has been around since WWI and has accumulated significant influence as well as followers, to aid in the causes of her choosing.
June 28, 1914: Archduke Ferdinand of Austria is assassinated, precipitating events that will lead to the First World War. Infernal powers recognize the opportunity and select three sisters to act as their agents for events that will unfold over the next century. Opal is the youngest of the three, with Ruby and Jade being the elder sisters.
1914 - 1918: The three sisters separate and go to the various Axis powers; Jade to Turkey, Ruby to Austria-Hungary, and Opal to Germany. They ply their gifts and assert their influence, although not always in direct support of the Axis powers. Opal establishes a network of information and espionage. The Axis powers ultimately fall.
1918 - 1933: Opal lands on her feet after the War, opening up a dance hall in Vienna. The club also acts as a front for the European underworld, and also lays the groundwork for later ties to the Italian mob. With Hitler's rise to power, Opal sells the club and once more positions herself in Germany.
1939 - 1945: Taking a more active role, Opal acts as an agent whose loyalties ultimately become fluid. While initially supporting Germany, she ultimately ends up as a double agent working for the Allies.
1946 - 1955: Opal travels to the US at the start of the Cold War, observing the Korean conflict from the sidelines. She establishes herself with the New York and Chicago underworld and spends time in South America to assist various, budding regimes.
1955 - 1975: As tensions heat up in Vietnam, Opal moves to California and ultimately to Asia. Unable to pass as a native due to her coloring, she adopts the role of war correspondent and circulates amongst the troops.
1975 - 1990: Opal moves around, remaining mostly in the US, following several 'cases' that she adopted during Vietnam.
1991 - 2021: With the world power landscape shifting, Opal shifts between various roles. Preferring to remain mostly in the background, she buys and sells bars and clubs at a whim. Opal establishes a network of sources and informants, agents and intermediaries, many of whom she leaves to manage the various businesses in her absence.
IC Journal
Opal can come across as being aloof. Decades of moving around and living essentially on the run makes it difficult to trust someone. And she's certainly not one to share her life's story on a whim.
Live For the Moment:
Because she's never sure when she'll feel that tug of insight to be somewhere else, Opal has learned to enjoy wherever she is and live for the moment. After all, what's the fun in having a long life if you don't get to enjoy it whenever you can?
Opal has spent decades watching history and global events unfold around her. She is to the point where she often feels like a spectator rather than a participant.
Opal has, quite simply, a soft heart. Being able to see the good in people means that she often will try to 'rescue' hard luck cases, often whether they want it or not.
Character Sheet
Opal, Ruby and Jade share a low-level psychic connection that goes beyond just being sisters. At any given time, each sister knows the approximate location of the other two as well as a general feel for their situation. Do they own an establishment? Are they an undercover agent? Working with a militia?
Gemstone Gift:
Opal has been granted the Gift of Heart by the infernal powers. She can look at a person and know the truth of their heart, whether they are good or bad or shades of both. Along with this gift comea flashes of insight in the form of brief, and often disjointed, images or scenes. Did this person murder someone? Opal sees the crime, albeit without enough of the surrounding detail for clarity. Likewise with deeds that reflect purity of heart, such as rescuing a kitten from a tree.
As another effect of Opal's gift, she is able to subtly influence the moods or emotions of others. This isn't an overt power by any means, and is really more the ability to apply 'steerage'. So she can't calm someone who is angry or hostile. She can, however, make them slightly less (or more) angry, or even divert their emotions towards something else.
(OOC Note: This requires player consent, and is in no way a 'mind control' ability.)
An advantage of their alteration, Opal and her sisters have been granted very long lives. They are unsure exactly HOW long, but their physical appearances have so far not changed since the early 1900's.
Opal can collect a 'marker' from someone to seal a contract for a future favor, usually in exchange for significant aid from her. The marker is often something of sentimental value to them, an heirloom, or similar. The marker must be willingly given with full understanding of the binding nature of the contract.
Opal can 'call the marker' at any time to collect on the favor owed. Refusal invokes the wrath of the infernal powers (usually suddenly and in a spectacular fashion).
Like her sisters, Opal has a limited form of precognition. It manifests in the form of an intuitive hunch, a little tug, a feeling, usually that she should be in a certain place at a certain time. She usually doesn't know why, but she has long since stopped questioning these feelings.
While Opal is capable of getting physical, she very much prefers to talk her way out of trouble. With her natural good looks and winning smile, the woman is a distraction when she chooses to be. She can also be quite persuasive, and often can convince others to take care of messy things for her.
Opal was a spy during both World Wars as well as during the Cold War. She knows a thing or two about surveillance, shadowing, gathering intel, picking locks, maintaining a cover ID, and everything that goes along with the spy game. And she's had decades of practice.
Getting Messy:
Between her activities as agents during the Wars and her criminal connections to the Mob, Opal's skill goes beyond just being capable of defending herself. She's very efficient with a knife, a crack shot with a pistol, and even has a heavy right hook. Opal also knows how to set up an ambush and even plan a 'hit'.
Opal has travelled extensively in Europe, Southeast Asia, South America and the US over several decades. She speaks a wide variety of languages and is familiar with many cultures to the point where she can often pass as a native (if pale-skinned blondes could do so).
Opal has accumulated a wide network of agents over her many, long years. In many cases and cultures, these roles have been passed down through generations to children and even grandchildren. She doesn't have people who support her EVERYWHERE, but she's had over a century and knows people in a lot of places.
As Opal moved around, she often left whatever bar or club or shop she was working at the time in the care of one of her agents. As a result, she has a string of safe houses in many major cities throughout her travels. Each one offers safe refuge, basic equipment, cash or other liquid commodities, and even a weapon or two.
Opal, Ruby, and Jade may not always agree or even get along, but they do support each other as much as they can. Should one sister need help it is always available, although often indirectly. Likewise, people carrying a missive from one sister can expect cooperation from one of the others.
The Corral:
Opal's current venture is a honky-tonk bar simply called 'The Corral'. Line dancing, mechanical bulls, sawdust on the floor, and free-flowing beer are all trademark. And it's an easy drive to New York City.
Opal has had many decades to invest and accumulate wealth. She isn't amongst the ultra-rich of society, but the woman is certainly upper-crust. And she lacks for nothing.
Opal has a pearlescent opal gemstone in the place of her left eye. While she can hide it behind long hair, the dip of a hat brim, dark glasses, or even an eye patch, its presence is very distinctive.
The opal that is the focus of her power is also a source of great weakness. Removing the gemstone is impossible without killing Opal, but damaging or breaking the stone will completely incapacitate her. Should this occur, repairing the stone will require extra-dimensional or mystical aid.
Opal has, quite simply, a very long history. As such, a skilled investigator who made a concerted effort might be able to put together her appearances in various places throughout the world and assemble a profile of her.
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Opal Moirai has
11 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Honky Tonk Heroes | May 4th, 2024 | No description |
I thought you'd never ask. | April 22nd, 2024 | It's been a trying few days and Bucky retreats to the one place he wants to be the when everywhere else is the last place he wants to be, The Corral and the arms of Opal Moirai. |
Bob Buck Rides Again | January 27th, 2024 | Bobby Lane makes the wrong (or is it right?) turn in NYC. He gets something invaluable for all foster children: stability. |
Watching after the lost | January 13th, 2024 | A little interlude during Namor's bout with amnesia, staying with a friend and discussing Agatha Christie. |
Honky Tonk Intervention | January 1st, 2024 | Inez, Clara, Ted, and Opal meet at Opal's bar. Inez spikes Clara's drink. Hilarity ensues. |
The Devil Comes to Call | November 30th, 2023 | The Devil (or the Devil's son) stops by Opal's place and leaves his card. |
Stories of Stalinists | November 28th, 2023 | Natasha and Opal talk about Stalingrad. And war. And the universality of how it brings misery. |
Talking with the Mockingbird | June 25th, 2022 | Chatter in the SHIELD Rec Room turns to sparring and an outside visitor joining in the spy games. |
Caught Red Handed | July 25th, 2021 | Opal catches Bucky red handed, literally. But she still sees the truth of his heart. Question is, did she make *him* see it too. |
It's all Okay at the Corral | July 12th, 2021 | In the after math of Logan nearly gutting Bucky, Cael gets tipsy, line dances, rides a mechanical bull and she finally gets a little insight into the Winter Soldier. |
Like a Freight Train | July 11th, 2021 | What's a little blood and gutting between Battle Bros? Bucky actually manages to walk away from an encounter with an angry Wolverine, but not without a little help from his friends and a LOT of help from Morrigan. |
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Opal Moirai has
11 finished logs.
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Entertainment Credits
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Opal Moirai has been credited in
0 shows.
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Opal Moirai has been credited in
0 albums.
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Opal Moirai has authored
0 books.
Title | Release Date | Synopsis |
No books submitted yet. |
Group Memberships
Opal Moirai has been listed in 1 groups.