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Latest revision as of 19:19, 5 February 2024

Date of Scene: 30 December 2023
Location: Asgardian Embassy
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Thor, Sif, Brunnhilde

Thor has posed:
    Standing in what had in the past served as a library for those learned souls in the Asgardian embassy, these days it had a more popular role of late as being a gathering point for the dissemination of information, envelops, and parcels. Perhaps it was due to it being centrally located near the entrance, just a few strides down the hall and a turn to the right takes one into the elegant interior surrounded with lovely furniture and over-stuffed chairs amongst all of the literary work from Asgard and Midgard.
    Or perhaps it was that it had a particularly inviting interior with the large fireplace and the abundant firewood in place in the hopper beside it.
    Or... it could be because this room had the best selection of liquor in the two carts. For indeed, Asgardians do enjoy their drink.
    Which is why it surprises no one to see Thor standing in that room, mug in hand as he calls sidelong into the hall. "Hedla! When did this arrive?" As he gestured with the shake of papers he held in his hand.
    The answer without was given, "This morning, Prince Thor."
    "This morning?" A small grunt, "Well good, it hasn't languished much at all then." He resumed reading.

Sif has posed:
"Good morning, Hedla," came a far more polite stating of the woman's name as Sif wandered into the room. She was looking very Midgardian today. A red t-shirt that fit just right tucked into the waistband of her black jeans, a belt holding everything in place properly. Boots on her feet that matched the jeans. No sign of weapons outside what might be a small pocket knife tucked into the right back pocket.

Sif wandered into the room with a mug of coffee already in hand. Black. None of that fancy stuff that people put in it and certainly no foam or whipped cream. That was so confusing. Obviously, people in Midgard had never been on a proper march where one drank any sort of bark created brew possible that might give one energy.

She simply moved to one of the seats and sprawled into it, facing toward the fire. Even as she looked over to the papers and Thor curiously. "Languished? I am guessing this is something important then?"

Thor has posed:
    "Mmm," Was Thor's eloquent response.
    For his focus was instead on reading the papers, flipping one page over the corner of the other, the bright steely staples holding them together resplendantly looking like those staples that the people from SHIELD use. Very strong, very durable, and costing the taxpayer extra assuredly.
    He takes a sip of the brew in his mug and knits his brow as he looks at it, then produces what looks like a curious carousel of actual physical photographs in a small binding that one can flip over. He takes those photos and tosses them toward Sif.
    "Have a look through that and see what you can see." He holds up the letter, "Tis word from the denizens of SHIELD. Some Midgardian vessels have suffered predations by phantom privateers of some sort. They have requested our aid as it may be connected to our... earlier adversity."
    Which is a polite way to put it.

Brunnhilde has posed:
"What is this talk about languishing?" Enter Brunnhilde, dressed in a crop top along with a pair of tight leather pants that would fit better on a stripper than on an Asgardian warrior due to the openings on the sides that show flesh. Clearly this one doesn't care about the New York cold during winter time! It's just another summer for her. "My admirers sent me gifts." she explains of her clothing, looking smug.

"Very airy." Yes, very. And wait, admirers?

She casts a look over at the papers after and then shares a look with Sif, "What earlier adversity? Did you guys went on an adventure without me?" she grunts and sits down heavily on the couch, peering at the photos Sif received.

Sif has posed:
"Perish the thought. Were we to adventure without you, it would be far less...unpredictable." Since they tended to bring plenty of alcohol on trips when it was all of them involved, as opposed to a normal amount when it was just one or two.

She was looking over the images and the papers, not sure what she was supposed to be seeing. Then she spotted something on one of the craft that had been pilfered and drew in a breath before turning the page and letting Brunnhilde get a full look.

"Is that a Svartalf blaster scoring on that wall or am I imagining things?" And as she looked through more, she found a couple of other things that seemed to lean toward that old foe. "You are not serious. There must be some mistake. On Midgard?"

Thor has posed:
    Thor glances up upon Brunnhilde's entrance, one eyebrow quirked as he looks back to the papers. Yet her garb is enough to garner a second glance with his eyes widening slightly only for his eyebrows to rise slightly as he turns his head to the side, as if silently acknowledging to himself that Brunnhilde's thighs are indeed a thing.
    He turns another page of the papers and peruses. And when the Valkyrie asks of which adversity he rubs the bridge of his brow over his eyepatch and murmurs a touch distractedly. "The war." Which likely answers it.
    As Sif holds up the image of the scoring he again cants his head to the side but this time slightly upwards as if agreeing. He gives a nod. "It's not infeasible there might be some... remnant or such."

Sif has posed:
"They send ambassadors pressing for peace even while their people are predating upon the Midgardians." Sif's disgust is evident in her tone. But then she frowns a little and it is obviously due to some sort of mental acrobatics going on in her head. "Though if it is as we were told, they are without the hive to guide them now. Perhaps that is what leads to such a situation." She really hated that this might be right.

"Obviously, they must be stopped. Is that why you were notified of the incident?" She continued to look through the papers she had been given, paying them closer attention now that this came full circle to their War. Then she would pass them all over to Brunnhilde. Even as she finally took note of what she was wearing.

"It seems very airy indeed. I am not sure what protection they expect the leather to provide when there is so little of it," she murmurs as she tilts her head a little to the side.

Thor has posed:
    "They make no request for aid, nor accusation." At that he refolds the papers and then tosses them onto the drink cart, gesturing with his empty hand toward them. Likely offering for them to have a look if they so wished.
    He half-smirked slightly and then murmured, "Though likely they know what our reaction will be and are nimbly ducking the possible umbrage one of us might take at any hint of them so giving us orders." Which has him shoot a slight half-smile Brunnhilde's way. Not naming any names, of course.
    He takes another final drink from his mug and then in turn sets that down. "But yes, I do indeed intend to stick my nose into matters."

Brunnhilde has posed:
"Not a surprise for me." Hilde says in agreement to them as they peruse the images and find evidence of Svartalfar firepower. "I mean, even the Ambassador sort of said the same, they aren't united." she says it as if it was a natural thing. "They have always been rotten to the core."

Clearly Hilde has a centuries-old grudge with that race. But is there race she doesn't hold a grudge against?

As for her wardrobe she just smirks, "Gives the enemies a false sense of security. And distracts them." she winks after, pushing her long blonde braid away from her front, "But anyway, us working with SHIELD? That's good, I like some of those humans. When are we leaving?"

Sif has posed:
That was a mental step that Sif hadn't taken. The suggestion that SHIELD told them so they could choose if they wanted to do something made sense. One didn't go ordering Asgardians around. Yet by letting them know, it could be a request or it could be a hint that they left something unattended that reflected poorly on them. Either way, it meant they needed to deal.

She looked from Brunnhilde back to Thor. "Are they asking us to help? Or just letting us know in a subtle way since they know we will not sit idly by? I admittedly do not know a lot of them but SHIELD were helpful in the battle against our longtime foes so I see them as valiant allies."

Thor has posed:
    Arms folded over his broad chest, Thor looks a touch thoughtful, his one good eye distanced as he looks to the side. Then he looks back to answer Brunnhilde's question. "Today, soon. Gather your things, we'll Bifrost to the nearest area. Gather anything else we may need. Speak to those who may know. SHIELD will expect us to thunder forth as we often do and likely will seek to pick up whatever pieces we leave."
    There's a pause as he grunts, then he says simply, "Which suits me just fine." He turns toward the door. "Gather your gear, we leave in an hour."

Brunnhilde has posed:
"Midgardians thinking they are subtle..." Hilde rolls her eyes, "As if they don't know we have lived for a few thousand years. We already know all their tricks." and their booze. Intimately. At least Hilde does!

Leaving within the hour though? That gets a wolfish grin out of Hilde, the valkyrie getting up to her feet and stretching like a cat getting ready to strike. "Now we are talking. Let's kick some skinny elf ass."

Sif has posed:
"Do we want an airship or...?"

And once Sif had an answer to that, she was following Brunnhilde's example as she rose to her feet and moved toward the door. "I believe I had best change. Armor seems in order for this."

She glanced at Brunnilde's pants. "Full armor." And then she was heading out the door with a grin on her face to suit up for action.