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Latest revision as of 11:39, 27 April 2020

Wait. This one is not a future Summers
Date of Scene: 26 April 2020
Location: Staff Meeting Hall
Synopsis: Scott spent some time vetting Bishop and Bishop agrees to help where he can.
Cast of Characters: Bishop, Scott Summers, Lorna Dane

Bishop has posed:
The newest time displaced guest, sits patiently in the teacher's room, waiting patiently to meet with Mr. Summers, and her majesty, Queen Dane, who met him the first day he came to the mansion and promptly bounced him. In the time since, Bishop meet with Jean to determine that he wasn't immediately dangerous, and has been trying to make himself useful around the school. Looking out for the young students, helping on a fishing trip, and mostly trying to be inobtrusive.

Bishop has also found time to be shown the Danger Room and completed a few scenarios, which reveals he's a very capable combatant, but also a surprisingly violent one. Like most people that travel from the future, apparantly his future sucks and is pretty violent.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott is almost relieved to have an interview with a time traveler that is not related to him. That shows how weird has gotten his life in the past couple months. Not that it was exactly normal before, but fate seems to be trying to break records lately.

He, of course, arrives right in time. You can use Scott to set the clocks. "Mr. Bishop," he greets, offering his hand and studying the large man for a moment. Stance looks like a soldier, and that is probably a good thing in Scott's book.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna was there waiting for Scott, she'd come back from Genosha after the little fiasco where she'd broken down emotionally again. The start of a possible bipolar spiral.. or just a reoccuring symptom of her PTSD... it was hard to say. Possibly a combination of both. And when Scott saw her this time, her hair had been dyed black and straightened, her hair extension gone. She sported a ripped up black sweat-shirt loaded down with safety pins all over the arms, and a pair of equally distressed jeans and pair of steel toed boots.

Suffice to say, Lorna was in a mood.

But still, at least Bishop was distracting enough to warrant being there, given that she'd been the one to meet him first. So she sat, slouched in a chair as Scott entered and slowly put her booted feet back down on the floor.

Bishop has posed:
As Scott arrives, Bishop raises and offers him a hand to shake. "Mr. Summers. It is an honor to finally meet you. Thank you for taking the time." Even though he's a little taller than Scott and trying to stand with a good military bearing, his eye betray that he feels a little small meeting yet another one of his heroes that are all but canonized in his time, and who's stories inspired him to keep hope when the world was at it's most grim. Bishop looks to Lorna and bows his head to her, "Ms. Dane was kind enough to wait for you with me. She was the one that promptly bounced me when I first arrived until the Ms. Grey or the Professor could give my mind a thorough exam." Bishop may not be good at social queues, but he could tell, Lorna was in no mood for him to try and be formal and use her proper title.

Scott Summers has posed:
Lorna's new threads make Scott blink twice. But few would notice with his eyes behind the thick quartz glasses. He will try to talk with her later. Now he needs to deal with Bishop. Thinking it is an honor to meet him is strange, but it might be normal courtesy saying in the future.

"Honor is all mine, please sit down," Scott does the same, then adds, "please, tell me a bit about your future and what plans you have now in the current time. The Xavier Institute is interested in helping mutants everywhere, everywhen, but I imagine you could also do much for us."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna mostly sat in her chair, arms crossed as she watched on, but as Bishop mentioned her as 'Ms. Dane', a flicker of a smile came to life on her features and amusement flitted through her gaze. "Call me Polaris or Lorna," She offered, her voice dry with the same vague humor. Still, she had been the one to see to Bishop not marching up the Mansion and doing who knows what. But Jean had cleared the man. She was mostly there to check out his story and clarify anything he'd said before.

"I tapped Jean when she had a moment, as was in the report Scott." She offered, as if the man hadn't already read over that report and checked in for details from Jean.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop reclaims his seat and nods to Scott, "Thank you Mr. Summers. My future is..." he thinks for a moment as if trying to unpack it. "In my time here, and in, perusing your library which has quite a bit of literature on quantum mechanics and theorhetical time travel, I am fairly certain that, somehow when I came back something went wrong, and I am not in a time line that was my own." Bishop explains, "For instance, in all my memories and in the history I learned, Genosha was.... well I won't go into it but it was a place that was horrible to mutants..."

He clears his throat then and says, "But I am digressing, I'm sorry. My time. Where I am from, we were just rebuilding society after close to 100 years of humanity and mutant kind being enslaved by the Sentinels. We eventually worked together to over throw them, but in the after math relations between human and mutant kind deteroriated very rapidly, and many Mutants not wishing to see the past repeat itself formed terrorist groups to assert their dominannce. It was decided the only way to build the bridge was for Mutant Kind to police it's own, so the Xavier Security Enforcers was formed, which I was a part of."

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott sighs at the news a century from now humans and mutants are still fighting each other after a brief alliance to get rid of giant robots. Some days he doesn't know why the X-Men bother.

"Interesting, a few months ago another time traveler claimed pretty much the same," he offers. "She said this was not her past, but something had dragged her here." That was Rachel, and it was the Phoenix. What about Bishop? "What brought you here?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna leaned forward as Bishop spoke of Genosha in his past and she arched a brow, glancing slightly toward Scott and waiting for a break in the conversation. "It sounds like we never went to liberate Genosha in that timeline. So it continued to be what it was." She whistled and shook her head, and glanced back to Bishop. "In a combined effort the X-men and my father worked to liberate Genosha.. which is how it was no longer a place that enslaved mutants. Though.." She trailed off and fell silent for a long moment. The news about humans and mutants still having tension in yet another timeline earned yet another twist of her lips.

"Why can't anyone come back from a nice future to tell us how awesome we did at making the world a better place?" She asked Scott, as if her mind had gone to a very similar place as his had. Though her's was decided made of more snark. She would wait for Bishop to share why he thought he might have ended up in their timeline and softly, hmm'ed under her breath.

Bishop has posed:
"My team and I where on the trail of a former X.S.E. officer, Trevor Fitzroy..." there's a beat as he seems to collect his composure, "he left the force, and set up an ambush where many good officers were lost." Bishop's tone is even and even formal as it always is, but it's clear recalling this is causing him to repress some anger. "He had an ability to drain life force, and use it to open up portals. We thought he could just use them for travel, but some of the kills he managed against some of our best officers we quickly learned that he could use them to go to different points in time. We eventually found one of his safehouses abandoned and in it found two things. Technology that after study we realized was meant to amplify his powers to let his powers cross a greater gap in time. And an incomplete recording of Jean Grey explaining that the X-Men will destroyed by a traitor. We eventually uncovered that the his technology was supposed to be brining him back about a month before the time stap on the recording of Ms. Grey. My team decided we would try to get his machinery operation and follow Fitzroy to the past."

Bishop looks to Lorna then and offers a wane smile. "This is probably not much comfort, but from what I have read, it is entirely possible that the reason travelers find ourselves here is that *this* is the time line where you make the world a better place and is going to the future that truly will be, and that's myself and other time travelers have found ourselves here, instead of the fractured timelines we came from?"

Scott Summers has posed:
Mutants with the ability to time travel is another can of worms that Scott has troubles handling. Lets not get started with Illyana and the accidental trips her friends and her have already done. Ugh. More things for Hank and Reed Richards to handle.

"I'd like to be optimist," he replies to Bishop's words. But Scott is NEVER optimistic. "There is also a chance something is drawing time travelers here, and if you don't know what, then I will keep investigating. In any case, are you going to try to return to your time? I know a person or two that could help you."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna snorted a laugh, and shook her head. She was never particularly optimistic since Genosha had been destroyed and well.. she was already in a depressive spiral at the moment. "Somehow I doubt that our future is going to be the one that finally pans out, but I like the idea." She muttered, and glanced toward Scott. "Could be some time rift stuff, or something that's unique about our timeline that's bringing people here." She'd only very minutely dipped her studies into those theories.. her physics studies were less about angular momentum and the tiny particles that made up those concepts. Either way it was better left to the experts.

"But if he ended up in our timeline there's a good chance the guy he's chasing will end up here too.. either is here or will eventually."

Bishop has posed:
"From what I can tell.. some of the events that lead to my future, never happened here." Bishop explains. "So, I think I'd like to stay until at least I know Trevor Fitzroy either can't come here, or stop him if he does." He nods to Lorna, "Just so." He loosk then to Scott and says, "I am afraid I know little of the actual mechanics of Time Travel, I put my trust in the X.S.E. scientists, who believed they had a handle on it. But now that I am here, I think more study is warranted, because... something that is pulling time travelers here? That could be very dangerous."

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott nods. It feels also above his pay grade. Which does not mean he won't have to deal with it, because somehow this kind of thing always ends getting him. Most of the time travelers being related to him is one of those funny things only happen to him, for instance.

"There is a man called Reed Richards," he mentions. "Brilliant scientist and engineer. He has published about time travel. Maybe you could contact him?" Otherwise, he adds. "You can stay here for now, of course. Professor Xavier will want to talk to you too."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged once again as Bishop spoke, it wasn't her deal, but she was more than a little concerned about this guy showing up that could do all of these things. She frowned faintly, but at least if Bishop was here.. they were prepared. So it was something. She glanced toward Scott again as he spoke of Reed Richards and nodded her head. "He's likely to be the one to talk to, I don't have any strings to pull that way to get you a visit though." She hmm'ed, "Could bother the Avengers but I doubt they want to deal with our sudden Time Travelers all around issues."

Bishop has posed:
"Reed was well known in my time, as were the Avengers. I will at the very least reach out to warn them of Trevor Fitzroy. I haven't found any record of him making it to this time line, but the more eyes that can at least warn us if he does, the better I suppose." He looks between Lorna and Scott then and asks, "In the meantime, how can I best make myself useful here at the school? I feel ungrateful living her and not being much help. I am also willing to strike out on my own now that I am more understanding of the time I am in if I am causing a strain on the schools resources. I have no wish to be."

Scott Summers has posed:
"Good point, Lorna. The Avengers should be informed. Could you talk with your siblings? Otherwise I can ask Hank," says Scott looking at the young woman.

Then he turns to Bishop. "It is not a strain, but if you are volunteering to help, we can certainly put a man of your skills to work. We still need to find the people responsible of the Genosha genocide. And we need people in the island to help Polaris keep order. There is also a new anti-mutant group that needs watching." And so much more. "For starts I am going to ask you to write all you know about this Fitzroy criminal for our archives. We will be looking for him too."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna nodded, at the askance of seeing if she could inform the Avengers. "Yeah, sure." She'd spent more time hanging out with her siblings and meeting various Avengers members in the past month than she had in the past five years. At least now going to the Avenger's Mansion wasn't quite so awkward.

"I'll make sure they get the intel." She shifted in her seat as Scott mentioned the help needed in Genosha and she winced, pushing herself up to stand. She didn't have anything further to add there, and a look of guilty crossed her features as she moved.

"I'll leave you to it.." She murmured, figuring Scott would make sure Bishop had what he needed for putting together a file on Fitzroy.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop looks to Lorna and says, "Polaris, I have experience in maintaining order in a contested territory. You put me on my path here, so I'd be honored to help you maintain whatever order possible in Genosha." Bishop offers, but says nothing more as she is preparing to leave. To Scott he says, "Mr. Summers, I will put together a profile of Fitzroy for your archives. Thank you for your time. I can go work on that now, I am sure you have much better things you need to do than worry about the most recent Time Traveler to end up on your doorstep."