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Latest revision as of 01:04, 20 February 2024

Stroll, Interrupted
Date of Scene: 17 February 2024
Location: Chelsea
Synopsis: The Juggernaut is out for a stroll. Attitudes flare up, a grenade blows up in an armored car, a police officer briefly becomes part of the NYC timeline, and the Juggernaut escapes. Heroes are left to do what heroes do best.
Cast of Characters: Cain Marko, Neena Thurman, Rogue, Elektra Natchios

Cain Marko has posed:
The whole mess began somewhere around the intersection of West 17th Street and 7th Avenue. Reports indicate that an exceptionally large man wearing red armor and a domed helmet crossed the intersection and, upon being impeded by a motorcyle, is claimed to have called out in typical New York fashion: "I'm walkin' here"! Instead of going around the vehicle halted in the crosswalk, reports indicate that the Big Red Man had simply stepping onto the car and walked over it. The problem is that it crumpled the car as a result and thankfully the motorist was unharmed.

The man continued east down West 17th Street, stopping to lean against a couple buildings as though catching his breath after a rather strenous bout of exercise. Unfortunately for the exterior walls of those buildings: the Juggernaut isn't one for being stopped. Those walls splintered beneath his lean and crumbled inward. The alarms of a cafe and neighboring museum, along with a wellness center further down the street began to shriek their shrill cry and onward the Avatar of Cyttorak continued on with his leisurely stroll through southeastern Chelsea.

The Unstoppable brute has travel nearly four blocks and seems to be carrying on ignoring responding law enforcement and support personnel throughout his casual Big Apple afternoon walk toward the Flatiron District's historic Flatiron Building. He's half a block away from the historic site and despite police and others trying to talk to the behemoth, the towering monstrosity of unstoppable power and destruction has yet to really acknowledge attempts to communicate.

Things take a turn though when upon shoving an armored car out of his path, causing the thing to topple over like a child's toy; one of the responding officers fires a tazer the crimson clad criminal. "Hrm, we jumping right into the foreplay, huh?!" The barbs of the stun device fail to take root; in fact they seem to fail to even touch the brutish man.

Juggernaut answers the ineffective deployment of the tazer with a gruff growl that booms with the power of a god and a flick of his wrist that sends a police cruiser flying as though his own show of force. The cruiser flies through the air, crashes into the ground, and begins to tumble toward a distant crowd of bystanders...

The Juggernaut barely breaks his stride to accomplish to the titanic feat and continues on his stroll. The few responding police officers seem baffled and look among themselves, wondering wide-eyed if they should attempt more drastic measures.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Why is it that whenever Domino returns to the City, it's snowing or raining or something is trying to overrun the place and destroying everything in their wake?

Oh wait.. that last bit is usually her and Cable.

Never mind.


So, love is in the air, or was, and Neena Thurman spent a day collecting all those little things that one can't find in tropical, balmy Madripoor for Nate. A good pizza, a proper pastrami sandwich.. after all, what does one get for a future soldier that can have anything? Good food.

So, with paper bag in hand, Domino is coming out of a deli, and approaching 'her' car that happens to be double parked. (They all are in the City!) With a *whistled* beep, the locks pop open, and she sliiiides in, setting her stuff in the back seat behind her. It's in that rear-view mirror, however, that she gets the first glance of the destruction that is Juggernaut. And the fact that PD has a 'floating' blockade that doesn't appear to be working.

"Great. I'm gonna be late getting back, I know it."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue spent a lot of her down time coming in to the city to act as a local super hero celebrity. Known as 'Mighty Woman' she'd make random appearances around Manhattan, stop crimes as she found them, which were usually small level things, with the occasional much worse! Using a phone app, she could get fairly fast warning of criminal activities taking place, as people called for heroes to come to their locations in a very contemporary 'Uber Hero' kind of way.

Case in point, tonight, Mighty Woman was flying around outside of a movie theater, getting some photos taken by onlookers who asked for some action shots, when her own device sounded off with the alarm of something serious taking place. Pausing in mid-air, the southern belle hovered in the sky to check her phone, and was quick to dash off when she gathered up the gist of what was happening a few blocks over.

The people outside the movie theater were eagerly snapping pics, and taking videos, of the local celebrity heroine as she flew off around a street corner!

With her arms at her sides, her white bangs fluttering in the cool winter air, and her black hooded cape fluttering behind her back, Rogue flew rapidly over vehicles on her way to the situation, able to see a Cop car getting tossed across a street from her vantage point already!

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Manhattan isn't the kind of place where occurrences like this go unnoticed. Not when you have friendly neighborhood spiders prowling the the city and a whole plethora of other heroes. Or anti-heroes like a certain ninja assassin (Or ex-assassin depending on the circles one runs with). Elektra drops on a rooftop not far from where it all is going on, garbed in the black and red that is her traditional outfit, mask up and covering the lower end of her face. Hair is up on a topknot and she is surveying the street where it's all going on, eyes narrowed to slits.

Why did she bother actually coming here? Was this something that she cared about? Her agenda is as mysterious as the woman itself.

Stepping to the edge of the building she's at she lets herself fall, grappling hook shooting from her wrist to secure herself as she comes to the street itself.

Sirens tell her more police isn't far off, but perhaps enough to stop without violence. Wishful thinking of course. This is the Juggernaut.

It always ends in violence.

Cain Marko has posed:
The tossed police cruiser rolls to a stop after crashing down where the crowd was standing just before he scattered away from the landing zone. "Hah! Ten points!" Juggernaut calls out to no one in particular before his shoulders shifting and direct his domed head back toward the loose corral of police officer's with a menacing grin. "I'm just out for a walk officers," he comments as he begins to walk again. Judging by his direction he's headed toward the Flatiron Building and with about half a block to go. That is until he stops, turns about, and begins to walk in the direction that he's already come from. Directly toward that toppled armored car.

The police follow like agitated little ducklings, reciting such likes as: "Freeze!" and "Lay down on the ground!" or "Stop resisting!" as they attempt to deploy yet another tazer.

The Big Red Meanie ignores it all and continues on his inexorable path toward the armored car.

As various heroes begin to swarm the area as they so often do; Cain seems oblivious to their presence. It's with a singular minded, unstoppable focus that the nearly ten foot tall behemoth marches toward that armored chariot filled with cash.

Neena Thurman has posed:
With a prolonged sigh, Domino opens her car door again in traffic, and steps out, pulling her parka tightly around her. It's cold! But, it also gives her more space and more places to hide armament. A brisk walk turns into a slow jog, and as she approaches, she calls out, "Hey, no goin' after that unless you share!"

Right now, however, as he approaches, perhaps the best way to handle him is to take away his toys? Unfortunately, that'll mean a little more destruction than she'd- who is she kidding. She's all about destruction. Fires. Explosions..

Domino's jog turns into a run as she vaults up and onto a rolled police car, clamboring all the way up before she can jump onto yet another bit; awning, and in her movement, pulls a grenade from a pocket and yells, "Get out of the truck!" before she pulls the pin to throw it into the truck to destroy it and the money it carries.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is moving at quick speed, zipping over intersections between the tall buildings, her hands at her sides, one knee pointed down while the other leg was held straight back behind her! Up ahead, she could see a familiar frame lumbering toward what looked like some kind of overturned service vehicle.. With a heavy frown settling across her visage, Rogue swept low out of the sky, moving in toward the armored truck, and diving down out of the air to land on metal boots upon pavement, getting herself in between the Juggernaut and the truck.

She's totally unaware of Domino's intentions, or presence at all yet...

"Woah, woah, woah!" Rogue calls out, her dark green gloved hands rising up to try and slow Cain down. "Big fella!" Rogue calls out. "It's been awhile... what's got ya all worked up? Can't ya see this is a traffic incident, that needs a bit of a lighter touch than what you're probably lookin' to offer?"

Reasoning with the Juggernaut? That'll work, right?

Elektra Natchios has posed:
That's bold. Trying to take away Juggernaut's toys. Elektra notices what Domino is up to from her vantage position while still descending from that building and while it's enough to impress the assassin there's also the knowledge that it may just enrage Cain. But who knows? Still, this may turn deadly soon enough.

Feet finally touch the ground and she edges closer, away from the money truck of course because who wants to get an explosion right in their face? Not Elektra!

"Not sure you want to be between him and his prize." That's the black clad woman talking at last, over to Rogue. A low tone, watching from the side.

"But there's some truth to her words. This might be the kind of heist you may want to postpone." She suggests to the big guy.

Cain Marko has posed:
The man seated in the armored car seems to regard Domino with a tilt of his head and a quizzically raised brow. It's likely that he couldn't hear her and as luck may have it, against protocol, he opens his door to call back: "What did you say?!?" The grenade goes flying into the cab and with an alarmed expression the man leaps from the cab of the armored car, dashing away.

Rogue touches down on the pavement and Juggernaut does not stop in his march - though he does slow a touch. The question presented results in a smirk, followed by a glib answer, "Pedestrian's still got the right of way".

Behind Rogue the armored car explodes but by virtue of its design it does not turn into a shrapnel bomb. The money inside is likely toast, however!

The sight of the armored car detonating from within and the reinforced windows blowing outward. Juggy doesn't so much as flinch at the boom of the explosion or the flames that swiftly taking up from within the armored truck. Juggernaut's cold blue eyes turning first to Rogue, then around to the rest of the area as though searching for the source of the explosion. His shoulders shift, permitting his dome-covered head turning this way and that to aid his search.

"I'm out for a walk. That's it," the voice of the Juggernaut rumbles like thunder. "Now I'm annoyed," the brutish man remarks as he glances toward one of the police officers that begins to edge forward as though he's going to play the hero and take advantage of Big Red's distraction.

The presence of another - Elektra - results in Cain's attention drifting to her and his grin only seems to grow, along with the manic widening of his eyes, "You think I ain't working?" That grin turns knowing and Juggernaut's hand snaps aside, grabbing hold of the encroaching police officer as though the pudgy cop's nothing more than a stress ball waiting to be squeezed. He doesn't squeeze though because the police officer's frantic shout of alarm doesn't turn to a scream of agony or terror, nor are there there sounds of a human body squelching as it practically explodes.

"You can fly, right?" Juggernaut asks with a malicious smile toward Rogue. His hand sweeps upward and with a suddenly terrified shout the police officer is sent flying into the sky over New York City. He probably won't survive the fall without someone leaping to his rescue.

It's in that moment that the Avatar of Cyttorak surges forward, scooping the burning armored truck up like lifting a sandbag. He does not hesitate when he hurls it toward Domino or, more specifically, the building behind her. It crashes into the side of the building and through, lodging itself in the third story of the structure. The flames spewing from the truck already only serves to ignite the office building's third floor. Now a fire's broken out. Already shouts and cries of alarm and fear are erupting from within.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Perfect shot! Lands exactly how she wanted, the driver got out, and it tore up all the money within. Domino stands still briefly, allowing a single, theatric tear to be shed for all the money that is no longer in circulation before calling it a victory.

Finally, she sees at least one person that she easily recognizes, and another that she has to dig deep.. and the woman's name eludes her for a moment.

"Rogue, you on it?" The police officer, that is. Domino doesn't fly! What she can do, however, is parkour her way up, from fire hydrant plugs, to awnings, grabbing hold of brick outcroppings on the buildings, and pulling herself up to the 3rd floor damage. Coughing in the smoke and fire, the alarms are going off, she finds herself doing a quick 'search and rescue' before returning to the large hole in the wall and pulling out one of her pistols. It's a flare gun, and she's levelling it towards Cain. "You made me blow up money! I'm really not happy with that.. so you need to stop this right now."

Rogue has posed:
"Look." Rogue is saying to Juggernaut. "These NYPD are getting new toys t'fight big dangerous types, like yourself. They may not be here, but they're on the w--"

The truck behind her detonates from the inside, causing the Southern Belle to look back over her left shoulder, her white bangs fluttering in the winds coming from around the armored truck. "Son of a bitch..." She mutters, before she looks toward Domino, and the arriving Elektra. She doesn't know Elektra, but she does know Domino, if not that well.

It is the Juggernaut's actions that draw Anna-marie's eyes back toward him though, as he snatches up that poor Cop, and suddenly tosses him. "Oh, come on..." Rogue says, exasperation evident upon her Mississippi Magnolia flavored voice. "yeah... I got it..." She grumbles back toward Domino... and then leaps!

Like a bullet, Rogue shoots up in to the sky, chasing after the officer as he flails, and screams his head off as anyone in his situation likely should!

It is on the downward slope that the Belle suddenly intercepts him, cradling him like a wee baby, she holds him up in the air, and smiles wearily at him. "I got ya, Sugah. No worries..." She states in a comforting manner, as she starts a flight path back down toward the line of NYPD squad cars below...

Elektra Natchios has posed:
In a way Elektra is glad she can't fly. Means she has no moral quandaries about saving people. Or getting in the way of the unstoppable juggernaut. She knows better than to try this with brute force (nor does she elude herself that she could do anything physical to stop him).

"That's the problem. I think you are. But Manhattan is a whole other ball game." She tells him almost as if she knew him. At least there's some familiarity to her tone as she addresses him even if her eyes remain as sharp as ever.

When Juggernaut then suddenly rushes forward she backflips out of the way, elegant, one hand touching the ground behind her before she jumps up to an upright position.

Cain Marko has posed:
It's with mindboggling precision and aptitude that Domino seems to find the most optimal route up to the third floor from the outside. "Help!" a voice calls from deeper inside the burning third floor. The front of the truck has settled into the splintered doorway of a utility closet, trapping someone within the cramped space. The flare gun leveled; Domino is now faced with the predicament of aiding the trapped person or threatening the Juggernaut. Judging by the fact that the crimson armored goliath turns away is likely message enough in answer.

The police officer sails through the afternoon sky and the whole way he's shouting in outright terror. Even after the Southern Belle scoops him from his fall, the man continues to shout his lungs out. Fear and shock will do crazy things to a person. "T-thank you!" he does eventually blurt out while he soars through the sky in the cradled arms of Mighty Woman!

"Listen, toots," Juggernaut comments at Elektra even as he begins to step back. A too-slow police officer is grabbed and flung toward Elektra, necessitating her breaking the man's sudden trajectory by whatever means she's capable or distracting herself with a timely sidestep. The titan's foot stomps and - locally, at least - the Earth itself seems to tremble. Those unprepared for it lose their footing and stumble to the ground.

The Juggernaut wastes no time leaning and turning aside. It's with heavy, plodding footfalls that he finally begins to move. It's not at a leisurely stroll or an orderly march. No. Now the Unstoppable Juggernaut is moving. At first it's little more than a quick job. Within a couple second it's a sprint. Within a few more seconds the brute is a slow moving train barreling toward a building.

The first floor wall crumbles as he connects with it. The first interior wall snaps like kindling beneath his advance. Among the sound of breaking architecture, shattering furniture, and the shouts of alarm that erupt from within; there is a flash of crimson light. The thunderous, plodding steps fade away almost immediately and - somehow - a being as massive as the Juggernaut is gone.

In truth the flash of crimson light results in the Juggernaut's disappearance and the reappearance of *Mr.* Cain Marko. A respectable pedestrian wandering through the labyrinth of The Big Apple's architecture until he's nearly two blocks away, an alley later, and a crowd that the red-headed man towers over.

Those police officers beginning to recover from their unexpected tumble begin frantically calling out the outbreak of a fire near the intersection of 159 5th Avenue.

Rogue has posed:
Out of the sky, Rogue brings the portley officer back to his comrades at arms. She settles him down beside a Ambulance that was parked in idle a bit of distance away from the main situation, handing him off to the EMTs who rushed over to help her. With a soft smile, Rogue left the terrified Officer to their care, shooting up in to the air once more, and performing a twisting backflip manuever that has her quickly going in the opposite direction back toward the fight, or what she assumes will become a fight...

Rogue sees no Juggernaut, however, and can see the outbreak of smoke, and flames.

She glides down out of the air once more, her metal boots touching down upon the rubble-strewn landscape. She eyes the building on fire, then looks toward Elektra and the Cop that had been hurled at her.

Where'd he go?" She asks the sultry styled assassin in black and red, as law enforcement and NYFD begin rushing in every which way around her and the building engulfed in the aftermath of the Juggernaut.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Toots? Really? A slim eyebrow arches up in a mix of amusement and ..., something else at that comment out of Juggy. But so he has chosen violence. Expected! Even if his particular choice of violence by sending a cop flying her way isn't what she expected out of it.

And darn it. A couple years ago she would had just sidestepped out of the way to let that man crash into a building. Probably into a pulp. Now? She catches him as he's flying over, using his momentum to twist them over so they both come to land against a trash can. She with her back towards it. Uff, that damn hurts. Curse her starting to get soft hearted. She blames a certain blind lawyer.

"Fuck..." she tosses the now unconscious man out of the way.

"I don't know." She tells Anna, getting up to her feet slowly. She didn't know, but she an idea or three on where he might be. It was time to investigate.

Because someone was going to regret calling her Toots.