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One Time At Danger Room
Date of Scene: 07 March 2024
Location: Danger Room
Synopsis: Remy messes around with the Danger Room's program and things get weird. This marks the first appearance of Wonkula, a Danger Room construct version of Dracula who dresses like and speaks like Willy Wonka.
Cast of Characters: Jubilation Lee, Remy LeBeau, Patty Sloan, Noriko Ashida

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Nestled within a sprawling estate, the Xavier's mansion boasts a blend of Victorian elegance and modern functionality, with towering spires and intricate stone carvings adorning its exterior. Inside, the mansion reveals a labyrinth of hallways lined with oak-paneled walls and stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns across polished marble floors. Below the surface, secret facilities support the ongoing efforts of the mutant superhero team known as the X-Men. Somewhere in between the public image of Xavier's and its more clandestine mission lies a special outlier: the Danger Room. Thanks to a clever combination of cutting edge technology and classified advancements in the fields of artificial intelligence, digital imagery and projection mapping, this room can be configured to be any place imaginable, both real and fictional, mundane and impossible, to create a safe space for mutants to learn to control their abilities and work as a team.

    Tonight, however, it looks exactly like the Big Apple Splashzone, the New York City indoor waterpark that just held a charity event last week. It's full of happy customers enjoying the slides, relaxing in the lazy river, and sampling the exotic flavors of flash-frozen, deep-fried burgers and fries. Anyone not expecting this could easily believe they just stepped through a teleportation device.

    Without warning, the idyllic family-friendly ambiance is interrupted by panic. People begin to scatter, fleeing from a fight forming in front of the lockers at the entrance to the park. Jubilation Lee is standing in the center of it, lowered in a ready, fighting stance. She's surrounded by an unusual group of would-be assailants. One of them might be recognized as the Daywalker, Blade, wielding a sword and waiting for the right moment to strike. Next to him, a tall woman with a red ponytail, Elsa Bloodstone, pumps her shotgun and points it at Jubes.

    "I'm just tryin' to get my slide on, you guys!" Jubilation can be heard complaining. Her tone suggests that she's playing pretend, not really trying to make a convincing case.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Remy was coming down to do a little workout of his own, the ruby-eyed mutant dressed for battle in his purple and black gear, the metal boots barely making a sound as he walks down the hallway. How does he do that? As he approaches he sees that the room is in use, the light above the door indicating someone is already currently inside with a program running.
     Change of plans then as the Cajun diverts towards the control room to at least take a peek and who is in there doing what, and maybe mess with them a little bit depending on who it is.

Patty Sloan has posed:
A long night lead into a very long day. Her sleep was littered with nightmares about Spider drone sentinels. She attended her classes, sleepily. Now its evening and Patty was curious. She hadn't explored the mansion as much as she had hoped. So that is just what she is doing now.

"Okay I can go anywhere except peoples rooms without their permission and I can't go into the subbasement. I don't even know what a subbasement is!" She heads down into the basement. Checking out the different rooms, The girl is in awe of the sheer amount of tech in the old Victorian mansion. "This place is insane." She comes up on a door with a light on above it. "I wonder what this room is? Maybe its a dark room! That would be a cool hobby to take up. Photography and developing actual pictures!" She opens the door not really knowing that you shouldn't open a door to a dark room that's in use. That would ruin the pictures. What she finds inside is, "Wait the indoor water park? How is that here? That place is in New York City! Not in Westchester..." She comments and walks in.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    In the control room, an information screen shows that the current program is called 'Fun at the Water Park' from the 'Rise and Shine' group. These are the really weird scenarios that don't offer much for anyone looking for a traditional program, instead following a trend of resembling mundane, real-world situations that sometimes include monster hunters for some reason. While it's a secret to most students, it's common knowledge among staff that Jubilation is now a creature of the night and these programs were made so she can give in to her violent, murderous vampire impulses when they become too much for her to resist. It's not the purpose of the Danger Room, but she has special permission. This program was designed to replicate the recent charity event at the Big Apple Splashzone. There are plenty of settings that someone in the control room could tweak, should the mood strike.

    Inside the holographic water park, Jubilation squares off against two would-be monster hunters. One wields a sword against her. The other points a magical shotgun at her.

    "Can't a girl get, like, an hour to herself? I haven't even gone down the Annihilator, yet!" Jubilation complains, gesturing to the giant vertical slide that casts a big shadow over the smaller slides of the park. "See? No wedgie." She turns to show Blade and Elsa the un-wedged butt of her bikini bottom, but it's all just a distraction. As soon as she turns, Jubilation launches into a backwards somersault through the air, landing behind Elsa. The hunter thrusts the stock of her shotgun into Jubilee's chest, sending her flying backwards into a bank of lockers a few feet from where Patty just stepped in.

    Jubes slides to a halt at the new girl's feet, letting out a guttural sound from the impact. "Oof... Good one," she mutters, apparently impressed by Elsa's quick reaction. "Hey Patty." Jubilee rises to her feet in an overly smooth, supernatural motion and hesitates. "Patty!" she cries out, almost double-taking. Uh oh. Jubes turns to watch Elsa and Blade. The safety protocols are purposely disabled in this program...

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     In the control room, Remy grins. While he may not be staff, he has been around off and on long enough that he knows these programs, and knows who they are for. He looks at the screen to see what action is currently happening, and in a flight of whimsy decides to have a little bit of fun.

     "Remy, you really shouldn' be messin' wit' Jubes..." the Cajun says to himself even as his gloved hand reaches for the controls to change the shotgun slightly so that it shoots out M&M's instead of pellets. "But you is a bad man sometimes, Lebeau."

     Remy's fingers fly over the keyboard now as he alters the program. Shotgun now shoots little candy coated chocolates. Blade's signature sword, becomes a limp noodle of black licorice, the water in the waterpark starts to flow into thick, sticky chocolate, and the general landscape of the waterpark starts to morph and turn into a more Wonkafied version as the Cajun cackles with glee..

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty looks around and notices that people are running around for their lives. Then she spies Jubilee and two others she doesn't know. "Oh hey Jubilee!" She smiles. "Why is everybody running? I mean There isn't any..." Its then she notices the sword wielder and the shotgun wielder. She winces. "Ummm why are they armed?" She asks nervously. Wind starts to pick up around Patty as she is suddenly very worried. "Umm Jubes? What's going on here?"

Then Blade's blade is little more than a black licorice whip. If thats not enough all the water starts changing into Chocolate. "Ummm... What?" She has no idea what is going on now and everything is getting more and more weird. "Chocolate. I love chocolate but I don't think it would be sanitary to try to eat the chocolate out of the swimming area. That sounds kinda gross. Also WHY IS THE WATER CHOCOLATE?!" She starts panicking.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
M&M'S SHOOTING THROUGH THE AIR?!  Noriko goes skidding across the lazy chocolate river leaving the smell of burning chocolate in her wake and a delicate crust in her wake. She lifts her foot to zap off some extra chocolate chunks from her shoes.  "It's just the way things are now," Noriko answers Patty's question as if the girl were losing her mind and there's nothing abnormal about it...as if chocolate water was the norm.  Then she reaches out to break a giant piece of mint chocolate leaf from some foliage and takes a big crunchy bite.

Maybe it was the smell of chocolate that brought her here.  Maybe she's here to save Jubilee from licorice.  Perhaps she's just on a break!  She has no interest in spoiling her own surprise as to why everything just got a bit...sweeter.  Kids don't question why it's raining gumdrops.  They just eat them.  There's a kid still in Nori that can't resist.  She continues to munch on the leaf like a happy caterpillar.  Chomp!  Chom-chomchomp!  It becomes a frenetic pace.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Oh, it's nothing, Patty..." Jubilation insists, stepping forward to place herself between Patty and the monster hunters, even as the simulated wind begins to pick up. Normally, she'd have a goofball, wiseass comment ready to go, but the stakes have increased now that there's a student joining the face-off against a pair of lethal constructs. Before Jubilee can answer her questions, Blade decides that Patty is fighting on the wrong side of his war. "I'm armed because I'm working. I hunt those who feast on humans and---" he begins, jaw stiffening as he prepares to deliver divine retribution.

    ...With a noodle of licorice.

    Blade's expression fades as he stares at the limp piece of candy that wags harmlessly through the air as he swings it a couple times. Elsa, meanwhile, has pump-and-fired through several rounds of M&M's before tossing the weapon to the ground. She reaches for the amulet at her neck. While Blade's programming in this scenario is a little more fleshed out, Elsa's just a wooden cutout of the real person.

    "Aw, it's okay, Blade! That happens to a lot of guys," Jubilation teases, relaxing a little as she finds some room in this to crack a joke or two. Jubilee folds her arms across her chest as she surveys the water park's transformation into a psychedelic chocolate factory that's being quickly unraveled by a certain hungry speedster. Jubilation sighs a little puff of air she kept hidden away in her dead lungs, one she reserves in case she needs to express herself with an indignant sigh, and glares upwards at where she assumes the control room is, beyond the simulation. It's hard to keep track after more than a few minutes inside.

    "I don't mean to worry you, Patty, but I think you're losing your mind," Jubilee mutters. As if formally giving up on her evening of mindless killing, Jubilation tosses her wooden stake into the air as bait for the blurry speedster. The wooden stake transforms into a hollow block of chocolate as soon as it leaves her hand, following a long arc that she's sure Noriko won't be able to resist.

    Without waiting, Jubilation balls up her fists and shouts at the heavens. "Ha, ha! Very funny! Now come in here for your butt-kicking!" Who is she shouting at?!

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     "Come with me, and you'll be, in a world of pure imagination..." sings a voice echoing in the depths of the candified waterpark, the clop, clop, clop of hard soles on candy-coated pavement as a figure approaches dressed in what one would say is a bad vampire costume, except decked out in purple and gold instead of black and red. "Take a look and you'll see, into your imagination."

     The figure moves closer, lifting his head to smile a white smile at Jubilee, complete with pointy sharp fangs. It's someone she should recognize. "We'll begin with a spin, traveling in the world of my creation...What we'll see will defy...explanation."

Patty Sloan has posed:
"You hunt those who feast on humans? Last I checked Jubilation wasn't a cannibal." Patty states to the image of Blade. She shakes her head. As the girl watches closely, she generates more air around her. It whips around causing simulated debris to fly around. "How about we talk this out over a burger... or cheeseburger candy If thats what it is."

The blonde looks around the room and notes all the different candy. "I think I wondered into Willy Wonka's Chocolate factory." At the muttering, Patty frowns, "I have seen too much weird shit in the past few days to go crazy now!" She sighs. The girl is ready to defend herself if needed but is completely lost concerning the weird vampire in purple and gold. "This is just too weird."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Jubilation has been Noriko's roommate since the zappy speedster was brought in, so naturally her instincts are spot on.  The sudden arc of stake-turned Toblerone bar proves to be exquisite bait.  She hops through the air like a low jumping cricket, snatching it at the apex of its arc.

As per usual, Noriko seems completely unfazed by all of the danger, thinking her speed will get her out of anything.  She bounces around, sampling a bevy of newly transformed objects.  She's in the middle of shooting some M&Ms into her mouth with the discarded weapon when she notices the weirdo addition all dapper and smiling. This causes her to stop.  She knows Jubes doesn't really 'simulate' her fights, that she takes off her safeguards and this wasn't expected.

"Nope!"  Noriko wheels around to point out to the big control room in the sky somewhere, "This isn't fair."  This is clearly making Noriko think twice, the invincible speedster, on what is going on here, and ceases her Great Sampling Adventure.  "Jubes.  You didn't do this to summon me right?"  Nori already knows the answer.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "You're right," Blade replies, gritting his teeth at Patty. "And I ain't here for cannibals..." His monologue gets cut short by the sound of footsteps getting closer. Blade, with his licorice noodle instead of a sword, and the under-programmed Elsa Bloodstone construct turn in unison to face the direction of the sound. Blade's expression sours further, totally non-plussed at first, as though this is just the most recent bad thing to happen to him tonight. "Aw, fuuuuuuuuudge..." he grumbles, only he didn't say fudge. The sparse programming given to Elsa just affords her a few cycles to turn to regard Blade and mimic his response. "Aw, fuuuuuuuuudge...." she repeats, but, also not fudge.

    "Heh, it's always the last place you look, right?" Jubilee asides to Patty. Wonka's factory was below the Mansion this whole time. Her expression fades a touch as her would-be opponents shift their attention to someone else. "Hey, what gives, you guys!" she complains, even lifting herself up on her tippy-toes to be harder to ignore. "Hey, hi, hello! I'm right here! Helloooooo?"

    When Noriko joins them, Jubilation gives the speedster an easy grin. "Summon you? With /this/? No way. I just wanted to get my fang on..." Jubes answers, momentarily forgetting about Patty.

    "Okay, okay, like, his face is a little 'central casting'..." Jubilation comments, doing finger-quotes with both hands at the right moment. "...But I /know/ that guy and...." She hesitates, squinting a little as she continues to stare at the approaching figure. "Okay...so, like, the suit is kinda confusing, but, like...I think..." When the stranger begins to sing, the un-life drains from Jubilation's face. That voice.

    "...It's Count Wonkula..." Jubilation whispers, actually sounding truly frightened. She hesitates for a few seconds as the other vampire's presence makes it hard to summon the willpower to move from his gaze, but Jubilation manages to turn and lift her hands to try to shield Noriko and Patty's eyes. "You know how we're, like, super cool bad-asses all the time, you guys?" she begins. "Well, this isn't one of those times. Run! Now!" Jubilation Lee begins to take off towards the sound of splish-splashing, seeking out any water that might still remain...

    Somehow, with its safety protocols disabled, the Danger Room has created the most powerful vampire in the world, Dracula, and made him as mad as Willy Wonka.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Up in the control booth, Remy doesn't really even realize what he may or may not have done by just goofing around. He's just up there enjoying himself with the madness that he is creating down in the DR for Jube and the others.

     Meanwhile, Wonkula continues his stroll towards Blade and Elsa, still singing like he has no care in the world.

     "If you want to view paradise, Simply look around and view it. Anything you want to...do it!"

     It's then he lunges at Blade with no pretense to the movement. One minute he is there singing jauntily, the next he pounces, fangs and claws bared as he goes to try and rend the vampire hunter to shreds of bloody meat.

Patty Sloan has posed:
"But Dracula isn't real!" Patty exclaims but this place isn't exactly making much sense anyway so she takes off running. She takes cover behind the pig roaster. Her heart is pounding now. "What the hell is this place?" She asks as she tries to piece together some form of sanity. Sanity of course doesn't come. Part of her wants to just relax and laugh at the lunacy but sadly with an epic insane vampire like Count Wonkula on the lose, There is no such thing as relaxing.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Patty.  I hate to shatter your brain, and you've got a lot to learn now that you've made it here, but, Dracula's real," Noriko drops the bomb quickly, her words coming out naturally faster with the sudden danger of the situation kicking in.  And thankfully, Jubilation shields the speedster's eyes.  Noriko knows a lot, but she hasn't done any training to build up her defensive instincts around vampires, and it shows.

"We need to call in backup!"  Noriko never says this.  Never.  She's never said this in her life.  It feels weird coming out of her mouth.  She smacks her lips like her mouth is full of unbidden cotton candy.

Suddenly Noriko's eyes get really big.  Jubilation can see it.  There are moments in Noriko's life where she has no control over her natural speed kicking in.  When her body is working well, sometimes reflexively, her world will be thrown into a some level of slow motion, or even stand still, depending on the level of fight or flight in the situation.  What Noriko sees is the sudden blossom of blood that spouts into the air in the wake of Dracula's lunge.  Her stomach clenches primally and the blood hangs in the air briefly for her before she kicks back into the moment.

Noriko reaches out to Patty as she runs alongside her.  "Ride on my back!  Quick!  I won't zap you!"  Jubilation might be able to summon some of her powers to get away quicker than a human, but as far as Nori's concerned, Patty is a sitting duck.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Dracula, even in his Wonka form, leaves a lingering effect within young Jubilation, unable to escape his power even as she's able to move away from him. Dracula. "Turning the place into candy so all the kids get nice and plump..." Jubilee explains to Nori and Patty as the three of them race forward through the throngs of confused park-goers. She sounds impressed, admiring the idea for its brilliance. Bigger kids have more blood. Jubilation Dracula.

    Jubes vaults over a middle-aged guy removing a Tootsie Roll that got stuck in his flip-flop, secretly jealous that he's closer to Dracula than she is now. Not even the sweet smell of Blade's Dhampir blood can snap her out of it.

    "...Transforming all the water into chocolate so there isn't any left to..." Her sentence trails off a little as it's replaced with another one. Mrs. Jubilation Dracula. Jubes looks over her shoulder as she continues to escape. "...I bet he's going to figure out a way to get out of the Danger Room and take over the school," she gushes, now fully overcome by this little trance. Jubilation comes to an abrupt halt, right there in the middle of the park, and turns to face the direction they just came from. She's rooting for him. Instead of continuing with Noriko and Patty, Jubes begins to walk back towards the future father of her children.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Blade struggles against the father of all vampires, but ultimately he falls to the fangs as they dig into his jugular. Wonkula raises his head, dropping the now still Dhampir to the floor as he pulls out a hanky from his sleeve, wiping the blood from his lips.

     "There is no life I know to compare with pure imagination." His head turns, seemingly to know exactly where Jubeilee is as he looks straight at her, "Living there, you'll be free. If you truly wish to be..."

     He holds out his hand, it's an offer to the young vampire. "If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it. Anything you want to, do it..."

     Elsa's limited programming has her bring up the shotgun and fire both barrels at the vampire, but the gumdrops that now fly out bounce harmlessly off Wonkula's vest. Elsa peers down at the shotgun, dropping it and pulling out a stake of hollowed chocolate and rushes towards the vampire.

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty is stunned silent. She simply does as she is told. She hops on Noriko's back and goes for a ride. What is she supposed to do against a vampire? Especially one as powerful as Dracula? Even worse. As powerful as Wonkula. She holds on for dear life as they move at blinding speed. One day its a fifth dimensional imp, then its sentinels, now its Wonkula. She can't catch a break it seems.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Well, Noriko /thought/ Jubilation could handle herself, but everything can change in an instant, especially at this painstaking speed.  One of the things Noriko is in the paranoid habit of doing, is speeding up momentarily as she assesses her environment like a lemur.  It's a defense instinct born out of her days on the streets and it allows her to spot Jubilation coming under some kind of influence, like a personal tractor beam of insanity.

"No...no!"  Noriko cannot fathom the horror of it.  The last thing she wants is for that creature to burrow into Jubilation's mind.  Noriko reaches up to secure Patty before racing as fast as she dares right up to the Wonkula and try to nail him in his nether regions so hard he might have some discomfort regenerating.  It's going to hurt Noriko, but it will be worth it, not that the speedster thought this through.  It was nearly a reaction.  She doesn't know what to do!

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilation continues along her path towards her beloved, aimlessly moving out of the way of the panicked masses coming towards her. Her eyes are lidded, mouth gaped, as her imagination becomes consumed with the different pet names they'll call each other. As the effects worsen, Jubilee can be heard going through imaginary pillow talk with her lover. "...Don't say I'm like Twilight," she mutters, smiling a little and lazily swiping her hand through the air flirtatiously. "Or I'll call you Count Snugglefangs..."

    Jubilation is abruptly pulled out of her fantasy by Dracula's stare. She immediately turns in the correct direction, though unable to feast her eyes on him thanks to a poorly placed snack booth that stands in her way. She presses her palm against her chest, checking if her heart really took a beat or if it was just her imagination. Her fingers crawl upwards and begin adjusting her cover-up so her neck is nice and exposed when she comes around the corner. She knows what her man wants after a long, hard night.


    Jubilation's form blurs a little through the air, hinting at her supernatural speed, before she leaps on top of Elsa Bloodstone and wrestles the chocolate stake from her hand. She hisses a vicious warning to back off her man before plunging her fangs into the would-be hunter's neck!

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Up in the booth Remy is still toying with the computer, adjusting this variable and that. Orange and green bats with little white overalls start to divebomb the fleeing crowd, some being nipped at while others are raked with little talons.

     Wonkula turns his attention to Elsa, smiling a big fangy smile as Jubilee takes her down, fangs in her throat. Elsa's bloos tastes sweet, and is thick, almost syrupy in consistence. The monster hunter flails, trying to rip Jubeilee from her body, reaching into her jacket and pulling out a cross made of pretzel bread, heavy on the salt, and tries to press it to Jubilee's forehead in an effort to ward her off. All they while, Wonkula continues to hum that haunting tune, '...Want to change the world? There's nothing to...". The song abruptly cuts off as Noriko speeds up to him to smash him in the nards. Wonkula has supernatural speed, but even as he might see the speedster approach, his speed is still no match for hers as he slams her hand into where the vampires junk resides. Surprisingly the vampire reacts as most males do, doubling over and howling in pain at the unexpected damage to his gonads, including the comical rising of his voice a few octaves. "You get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!" He lashes out at the speedster, claws extended with a vengeful hiss.

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty is still holding on to Noriko. She is hanging on for dear life. "We've gotta do something! Any... Oh." She watches as Count Wonkula drops to the ground. "Well alright then. Old tricks are the best tricks." She laughs. "Lets see if some high winds can pin him down for now." She closes her eyes. A strong downbust comes blasting down from above Wonkula Its not a soft breeze either. Its full on tropical storm force wind coming down on him and coming down hard. "No idea if this will work. But its me trying to do something!" She states as she continues to buffet the vampire with the wind.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko hops back at the extended claws, completely surprised by how well her attack worked.  Her eyes widen suddenly in realization.  Patty stepping up gives Noriko a moment to properly freak out about Jubilation.  "SHE WANTS TO HAVE HIS BABIES!" she says with boiling anger.

Noriko punches an orange and green bat that comes at them into a spray of viscera.  A fractured web of electricity jolts through it, singing the air with the smell of Bat-B-Q.

"Jubes, SNAP OUT OF IT!...AFTER YOU FINISH FINISHING HER!"  She knows better than to get between Jubes and...this, this is prey.  Her eyes dart around for any legit form of wood, but every option long ago transformed into deliciousness.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    The stories are mostly true. Religious symbols can be really effective at deterring most vampires, but they usually need to be in the hands of a true believer and, typically, not made of food. As soon as the pretzel cross touches Jubilation's skin, she lets out a hiss of pain as the power of Auntie Anne compels her. She reaches up and haphazardly swipes at the cross, demoting it back down to normal pretzel by snapping off one of its horizontal ends and ending Elsa Bloodstone's last stand.

    Jubilation turns, letting Elsa bleed out on the candy-coated concrete, and looks for her next victim. The stormy gusts of wind and even the shouting for her to snap out of it practically bounce off of Dracula's magical hold over Jubilee. She's just about ready to tell the others not to wait up for her, but then Noriko pulverizes Dracula's most tender area and the source of his animal magnetism. She blinks a couple of times, confused and tired, but gets forced into lucidity by a squad of Oompa Loompa bats swooping in for a hit-and-run. Their cries of 'doompity da' and 'doompity dee' are drowned out by flashes of sound and color as they disappear into a cloud of Jubilee's plasmoid fireworks and are never seen again.

    Jubilation's hand leaves a wake of fireworks as she lowers it to her side and readies herself to officially end the shortest relationship in her entire dating career. "Hey!" she cries out, trying to draw Wonkula's attention away from Noriko and Patty. "Honey! I think we need to have a serious talk about our relationship!" The scariest words ever spoken.

    Jubilee is ready for Dracula, this time. One of her hands is puppeting a cloud of fireworks in the air just front of her face, temporarily blinding her and keeping her from getting mesmerized by Dracula's dreamy, sexy stare. Her other hand is held out at her side, stoking a little supernova of white hot plasmoids about the size of a baseball.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     "Impossible, my dear lady! That?s absurd! Unthinkable!," replies Wonkula as he recovers from the worlds fastest junk punch like the undead trooper that he is, eyes turning to focus on Jubilee with that devilish fangy smile. The gale force winds buffeting down on him has the purple velvet cape he wears flapping rapidly, his words hard to hear over the roar of the wind. "No, no, don't speak. For some moments in life there are no words."

     The others are forgotten about as his prize is so close at hand, he can almost taste her. "There?s no earthly way of knowing which direction we are going, Is it my soul that calls upon my name?" He takes a step forward against the wind, his undying might making it even possible to struggle that one step, then another. "We have so much time and so little to see. Come with me."

     Meanwhile, another swarm of Oompa bats streaks in from the waterslide that seems to have turned into a giant gummy pipe, terrorizing more fleeing people as they decend into the madness, a few coming for Noriko and Patty."

Patty Sloan has posed:
"Crap! My winds doing nothing on that guy. Geez are all vampires that tough?" Patty asks as she tries to understand this crazy new world she has been thrown into. Then there are the Oompa bats. She gets an idea and smirks. "oompa loompa doopity doo, I've got some bats made just for you!" She sings out as she focuses on the oompa bats. She turns that gale force wind onto the bats, blowing them at Wonkula! "Projectiles are fun!" She says as she continues holding on to Noriko's back.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
When Jubilation is finally able to give Noriko more of a window of opportunity, Noriko takes off so fast there is no way Patty can hold on, completely abandoning Jubilation and Patty to go find the control room.  Noriko knows they can't beat them head on.  She's had plenty of time to think about that and everything else she could do.  What putting a lot of electricity into this Dracula might do, but all of that seemed futile and lead her back to thinking around the problem.

"Ugh," Noriko exclaims as she realizes yes, this is the only way.  "Keep him distracted while I-but-WELL YOU KNOW!  Don't look at him!"  Noriko isn't immune to Dracula; it just seems that she doesn't have a propensity to look male vampires in the eye, so it hasn't really been an issue.  She's off again.

So what this amounts to is Noriko bursting into a bunch of rooms in the simulation yelling out, "STOP THE SIMULATION!"  And it happens more than once.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee's blinding fireworks keeps her safe from getting lost in those eyes, but even the stormwinds can't keep his siren song from reaching her ears. She once again falls into the warm comfort of a life with her beloved, struggling to form the sounds of her next wise-ass remark after Dracula commands her not to speak. The words just don't seem to come anymore. "Um..." she tries. What was she saying?

    Come with me. The lyric of Dracula's song pulls at Jubilation, drawing her forward. She can't resist.

    "I...I want to..." she mutters, struggling to maintain that ball of plasmoids roaring in her hand. The fireworks that shield Jubilee from Dracula's stare putter out, sizzling away into nothingness as she takes the final step forward and slips a stick of gum into her mouth.

    Jubilee releases the white hot ball of plasmoids that could have been Dracula's undoing, causing a million pin-sized explosions to spill out onto the ground and snap-crackle-and-pop into the void. Gone. "I hope you like spearmint..." Jubilee whispers as her fate is all but sealed. She rises onto the balls of her feet, parts her lips, and leans in for a kiss.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     The Oompa-bats are thoroughly buffeted by the wind, not having the power or body weight to fight it and start to slam into Wonkula's back causing the candypire to lurch and real from the impacts.

     Sitting at the controls in the control room with a cup of coffee in his hand, Remy is in the middle of taking a sip as he watches the goings on in the DR when Noiko bursts through the door causing him to startle and spill that coffee right into his lap.

     "MERDE!" he exclaims as he wipes and bats at the front of his uniform as he tries to keep the hot liquid from seeping in and damaging anything he might find important. "OK..ok... Was just havin' a little fun, non? I wasn't going to let it get outta hand."

     Remy reaches over and hits the big red emergency stop button, shutting down the program. Everting that isn't a real human freezes and the structures and everything melt away as they de-rez from the solid light holograms they were, be the end leaving a bare room with just Jubilee and Patty standing in the middle, denying Jube that final kiss and leaving her hanging.

     "Dere, see? No harm done, oui?" A pause as he looks out the window towards Patty, "Well, ok, maybe a scrape here and dere, but nothing serious.."

Patty Sloan has posed:
A scrape here and there is right. When Nori accelerated as fast as she did, Patty was unable to keep hold. She fell off her back and went skidding across some rock candy that made up the ground. Her arms get scraped up pretty good causing them to bleed a little. "UGH!" She quickly gets up and realizes, she is in a huge pickle. Fresh blood around two vampires? Yeah she is worried. Quickly she tears her shirt around the waist. Rips it in half and wraps the fabric around her arms to keep from drawing too much attention.

Then... Everything is gone. Its only her and Jubilee in the big empty room. "What the... It was all fake?" She asks trying to figure out everything but lacking the knowledge to piece it together until... Is this the Danger Room?" She asks pointedly.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"There were no safeguards on," Noriko informs Remy and then spurts over to look out the window at Jubilation and Patty.  "Well I mean you could have just paused things.  Oh, you know this is Patty's first time in the Danger Room," she realizes aloud to Remy.  "She doesn't even know where she is," Noriko says with a smirk.  Speedster emotions move quickly.  She seems over it as soon as the danger is over with.

"Nice tweaks by the way.  I need to learn that one.  Wonka-fication."  Nori doesn't notice the blood she's drawn from her dramatic exit.  She's just happy the the Wonkula is gone.  Then she looks through the window again.  "I guess someone should tell her..."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    A loud metallic bang echoes throughout the realspace of the Danger Room as the emergency stop button brings a sudden end to the program. Jubilation stumbles forward as Dracula is no longer there to press back against her kiss. Normally blessed with near perfect balance, Jubes finds herself tumbling to the ground as reality delivers a cold, wet slap to her mind.

    Getting cut off, cold turkey, from Dracula leaves behind a heartache that knows no bounds. They would never curl up together in his coffin. There will never be an argument about why he doesn't come to her coffin every once in a while. They would never flutter around in frisky bat forms underneath a pale moon. All of it blinks out of existence as Remy slams his fist on that button in the control room and condemns Jubilation Lee to an endless existence that's just not worth going through with.

    Or she gets over it.

    "...Yeah..." Jubilation mutters, barely finding the power to flutter her own vocal chords. "...Yeah, it's the Danger Room, Patty." She sounds so miserable.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     In the control room, Remi taps the screen and shows Nori that he had, in fact, put on the safeguards when he started messing with the program. "Don' worry, cherie. I wasn' about to let anyone actually get hurt. Threaten it and make it seem like it, sure, but I know a t'ing or two about what I am doin' even if others don' seem to t'ink so." He shrugs his shoulder as he looks down to the floor of the DR. "Whose Patty? I mean, obviously the one with Jubes...but who is she?" He turns to look at Noriko, "Tell who, what?"

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty stretches her wings and looks around. She can hear how upset Jubilee is. As such she doesn't say anything more to her for now. She breathes deep. Any air that was moving comes to a stop. Quietly she makes her way to the door and steps outside of the danger room. "Well that was a thing." She shudders at all she's learned today so far. Patty leans against a wall and just slides down to the floor. Pulling her legs to her chest she wraps her arms around them and shakes her head. She thought she was in real danger and had no clue where she was.

"At least I'm not crazy." She states to no one in particular. "It wasn't real but what I was told is real... Dracula is real?! Maybe they were messing with me?" She kinda hopes that's the case. Her mind just trying to rationalize the whole thing.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Oh.  Patty is a new college student.  I don't really know anything about her, but she has wings.  You should meet her."  Noriko shrugs as she relays the missing context to Remy.  "And I meant someone should probably tell Patt-" but then Jubilation tells Patty anyway.  "Never mind.  I think Jubes took care of it maybe," she says as she watches in on the two.

"I'm going to see if Jubes is okay," Noriko spits out quickly before she zooms back down into the Danger Room.  "Hey.  Are you okay?  Is everyone okay?  Remy was screwing with the controls.  He said he put the safeguards back on but..."  Noriko just kinda shrugs at that.

"Patty.  Dracula is real.  That one was not real.  Vampires are real."  Noriko then quickly looks from Patty to Jubes, the real focus of her return.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    A red line forms across each of Jubilation's lower eyelids, eventually casting a thin trail of blood that falls across each of her cheeks. She wipes them away with the back of one of her forearms and rises to her feet. She walks out of the Danger Room with a thousand yard stare, still feeling the cascades of despair of Dracula's hypnotic effects leaving her system. She looked directly at him for far too long and got way too close.

    "Everything's real in the Danger Room," Jubilee quietly adds, perhaps as a way of suggesting to Patty that vampires are not actually real and squash any suspicions before they have a chance to bloom into real ideas.

    When Nori asks her if she's okay, Jubilee's lower lip quivers. "I'll be okay," she answers, no power in her words at all. She'd be trying to catch her breath if she had any reason to breathe. Dracula, not even once, people.

    Without saying goodbye, Jubes goes to leave, moving aimlessly in a world that no longer makes sense. Until, that is, she hears Noriko say his name. Jubes snaps to attention and spins around to glare at the speedster. "I'm going to kill Remy LeBeau!" she shouts, suddenly roaring with vigor again. Jubilation takes off in the direction of the control room and can be heard snarling and hissing like (alleged) vampires (allegedly) do.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Unaware of the impeding danger, Remy is busy still trying to clean hot coffee from the front of his uniform, quietly singing 'Pure Imagination' under his breath as he does. He's just taking his time, like a mouse not knowing the cat is stalking up slowly behind it. Or Jamie Lee Curtis waiting by the door as the Shape materializes from the shadows. "IF you want to view paradise..."

Patty Sloan has posed:
"Who's Remy LeBeau?" Patty asks as Jubilee storms off. She doesn't question anything. She simply accepts that all the myths are true and now she has to deal with that knowledge. Idly she rubs her arms where they got scraped up. A bit of red is showing through the fabric she used to wrap them. "Damn." She states as she looks. "I'm going to have to buy another set of clothes." She comments as she stands up. "I am going to head to my dorm. I need to change out of this top and need to properly patch my arms up." She states as she gets up and heads out.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Oh I know Jubes.  That's why I didn't touch him," Noriko says to Jubilation as she tries to hide a small smile, at least until Jubilation is gone.  "Who is Remy LeBeau...Who is Remy LeBeau.  Dead meat, that's who."  Noriko seems just fine letting Jubilation do the chewing out or chewing up of Remy for everyone.

"Oh well.  Bye."  Noriko still has no idea that she's the cause of Patty needing to change her clothes and such.  She shrugs and decides not to intervene with Jubilation and Remy and the hissing and all that.  Instead, she lays down on her back, rests her gauntlets over her stomach, and takes a little nap.  It must just be that time, or maybe the stress of keeping herself from frying people while running around trying not to die just tuckered her out.