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BFF meet BFF
Date of Scene: 28 April 2020
Location: April's Apartment
Synopsis: Harley brings Ivy home, Ivy brings Frank home, Mikey brings Klunk home, April brings sanity home... this is why we can't have nice things.
Cast of Characters: Pamela Isley, Harley Quinn, April O'Neil, Michelangelo

Pamela Isley has posed:
Just getting into the neighborhood makes Ivy quite skeptical, "this how you been living, Harl?" She asks while still in the car, when the drive from Gotham is finally about done. Ivy is still dressed in Arkham orange, because she wanted to settle in Harley's safe house before deciding on a change of clothes. It may not be best for perfect first impressions, but then again, Harley may have neglected to mention that this rad safe house she has in NYC happens to belong to someone else. It wouldn't be Harley otherwise. "I'll give you this, Harl, NOBODY will come looking for me here...it's so depressingly urban, not a shred of plant life..."

Harley Quinn has posed:
What Ivy has failed to mention is that they're in a Farrari.

Because Harley rented one to go pick up Ivy since nothing is as low profile as an Italian high preformance sports car. Ducking her head to look up at the brownstones as they pull up infront of the apartment above the antique shop, "Yup! Tha's the whole idea, aint't? It's like a magic trick oah porn.. ya jus' keep the screen dahk an' I don't know wheah I was goin' wit this analogy." Shutting off the car, she climbs out and slides across the hood in her yellow shorts and frilly multi-colored jacket, pig tails swinging as she comes down on the sidewalk. "Come'on, dooh's around back."

Already there's the yipping cackle bars of hyenas in the stairwell, already they are pawing at the door trying to get out, waiting for momma to get in. "Shush yous..." Pulling the door open, Bud and Lou are on her like ticks, lapping and trying to push her over into the alley-floor... Lou, who spies Ivy first, yaps happily and starts her way! With a collar encrested with diamonds and his name on a silver locket!

Cause Harls is fuckin' loaded.

April O'Neil has posed:
April is in her apartment, she's been in her apartment all day, preparing for her professional life to become separate from home life by moving her podcast setup to the new studio. Most of her office has already been moved out, she's still keeping a laptop at home, but she's no need of the rest of it being here so the office is mostly empty now. At the moemnt she's on the edge of her bed's corner with her phone in her hand and her eyes on it's screen as she's sorting through some items in a box on the foot of her bed. She hears the 'boys' start to bark down below and it doesn't really phase her anymore as she's gotten fairly used to that. She /assumes/ Harley is home because they're making that 'Hey, It's Harley!!!!!!!!!!' bark fit that is unique for her arrival.

Pamela Isley has posed:
"You were obviously trying to get a rise out of me, Harl, not gonna work, I'm just not as delicate as I look," Ivy winks at Harley as she gives a playful little pull on one of her pigtails, "let's see what it's like on the inside, I was very impressed with your driving by the way, I thought the only driving you did was getaway style. Before they had inside, Ivy turns to the back seat where the carnivorous Frank is chilling, "now Frank, I'm going to scout it, and if it's safe, I'll come get you, got it?" To which Frank answers, "yeah, yeah, yeah, you just wanna cheat out of carrying me, I get it, might wanna work up on ya exercise, get some stronger triceps ta help with the lifting, ya feel me?"

Ivy just ignores him for now, and goes to follow Harley inside through the back door. She's been in Arkham enough to actually grin at Lou as he comes yapping her way, "oh I see Lou got a brand new collar, is that a Cartier or Tiffany?" She even reaches to embrace the hyena, scritching him a bit, before looking further inside, "so how'd you come by this safehouse again, Harl?" Ivy asks as she looks around, "you don't mind if I add a bit of green around, do you...?" Clearly, she doesn't even suspect there someone else who might have a say about it.

Harley Quinn has posed:
After some QT with Bud, licking each others faces because that's how this works, Harley shoves him away and pulls Lou off of Ivy to join his brother in the stairwell. "It's.. well it's an involve't story, really. April said I could come live wit her aftah she convince't me ta break outta Arkham." Probably not precisely the exact letter of the phrasing, but it suffices for Harls personal point of view! Leading the way upstairs, "Oh, yeah, sometimes I do get away drivin' an' sometimes I jus' do get outta tha way drivin'.. but we was keepin' a low pro- watch out foah the poop.." Pointing it out on the stairs, there's not as much!

"Low profile."

Door opens, she even has keys! Inside, there's plants and about a two dozen high end shop bags beneath the kitchen table. "APRIL! I'm home! I got company! We'ah both clothed!" She adds that last part as if that's been a concern in the past. Immediately starting the tour, "This is tha bathroom.." Pushing the door open with two fingers to reveal... a bathroom. "An' thats the couch wheah I'm sleepin' til April gets the office all clean't out from her podcast stuff.. then I can have a real bed tha' aint on milk crates, even though that is kinda stylish in the hipstah community..."

Green stuff?

"April has a gahden on tha roof, I'm sure she wouldn't mind if ya turn't it inta a field of man eaten forest oah whatevah, HEY APRIL IS IT OKAY IF MY FRIEND TURNS YER ROOF GARDEN INTA A JUNGLE OF MAN EATEN VIGITATION?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April was busily trying to type something on her phone with one thumb to her show manager Vernon while her other hand was idly searching for the cables and wires she needed for the studio without having to go needlessly buy new ones because she was SURE SHE HAD THOSE WIRES IN A BOX SOMEWHERE!

When the door opens and she hears Harley's initial announcement, it takes her a moment before she's finished typing and moves to stand up. On her way out of her room she starts talking before seeing them both. "Aren't the people who are coming home usually the ones who are -are- dressed, Haaarley---"

That's Pamela Isley. That's freakin' Pamela Isley.

April stops, looks stunned and stutter steps a bit. She's wearing a pair of yellow and white bike shorts, and a black loose fit tshirt that has a golden kitty cat face slightly turned to the side shining in the ambient light on her chest.

"Heeeey!" April says, in her nervous mode again - a mode Harley is very familiar with by now. "Welcome -home-!"

She glances toward the windows behind the sofa, almost as if she's expecting Batman to smash through them at any second now. It's only a matter of time at this point, really, right?

Pamela Isley has posed:
"Oh right, you did mention it had to do with the interview lady," Ivy recalls now, "funny she invited you to live with her. Some people will really surprise you with their charity. I'll keep it in mind for when nature takes over again." Ivy casually offers a boon to the lady who was nice enough to Harley, without that lady even being aware, because Ivy isn't just good for credit. She's just generally a good person.

When warned about the poop, Ivy shakes her head, "Harley...if you're going to keep pets, you need to take care of them, or have someone else take care of them. This is a waste of perfectly good fertilizer if it winds up here on the stairway," Ivy tsks in a lecturing tone as she follows Harley, very carefully, up the stairs. Ivy is quite the clean lady.

Ivy chuckles at Harley's greeting, "you'd come with naked friends unannounced?" She finds this amusing, but mostly because the apartment wasn't hers. "Oh look, some touches of green, was that always here or is that you Harl?" Ivy asks, as if that would carry some weight on what she makes of the aforementioned April.

When April does step out of her office to meet the two, she'll find Ivy in the middle of appraising her apartment it seems, looking every which way suspiciously and with a critiquing eye. If April missed the news about Ivy's very recent escape from Arkham Asylum, she has a reminder in the form of Ivy's orange Arkham getup she hadn't had a chance to switch out of quite yet. "Oh hey," she says right back at April, eyes lowering to the yellow bike shorts, before going back to the shirt with the golden kitty, "I see why Harley likes you, April, you share fashion tastes..." was that a dig? Was it a compliment? Ivy is so deadpan, it's neigh impossible to derive the meaning.

"Home...?" Ivy looks surprised, before slowly starting to smile, "awww, you were right Harley, she's so sweet. We haven't even gone through introductions, and already she invites me to stay," Ivy walks up to April and extends her hand, "that's very generous I'll take your offer and stay for a while, until I get settled and all, Poison Ivy," she introduces herself with her adopted name which the media has taken for a codename. But the very introduction, puts a reminder on the fact...is it even safe to shake her hand? Very high stakes game of manners going on!

"And don't let Harley scare you about that rooftop garden, I'll only spruce it up a bit, it's not ACUTALLY going to become a jungle," she laughs as if it was the silliest joke. Notice, she made no promises about man eating plants.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"See? Told't ya she wouldn't mind!" Harley beams a smile, first to April, then up at Ivy, "She's already sayin' this is ya home.. She's so undahstandin'." Crossing the distance to April to give her a nice tight hug, "Now, I know this is an imposition, so Imma foot tha bill foah Ivy's third of the rent until she's got her feet undah her." Reassuring because that's /certainly/ why April is nervous right?

Financial stuff.

How couldn't it be?

It's POISON IVY foah cryin' out loud!

Content to flop onto the back of the couch for the singular purpose of pulling off her gogo boots which she tosses, like basketballs, towards the door. "It was always heah.. When I first got heah, right aftah I escape't, April tried to gift it to me." Technically she was trying to use it as a blugeoning weapon.


All smiles now that her two pals are hitting it off so smashingly. "Who wants pizza? April has lots and lots of pizza." Oh, she heard that part about not taking care of the babies! "I'll have you know they eat hundred dollah a bag healthy foods... that's their dookies from /today/... they have healthy digestives tracks okay? An' futhahmoah, it's perfectly natural to have at least two shits an' twenty seven flatulant movements in a twenty foah hour period... even moah when ya take ya probiotics!"

The more you know

April O'Neil has posed:
April was raised to be a 'good girl' so to speak, or more accurately 'a good person' so she does offer hospitality to Ivy. She has no reason not to. She shakes her hand and when the two start to explain that Ivy is going to stay here too, April just starts to laugh... long and arguably awkwardly loud too!

She just starts to shake her head side to side while Harley hugs her super tight and her hand keeps shaking Ivy's... awkwardly long. "Wonderful. Just wonderful!"

She eventually looks down to the hand shake and releases the woman's hand then looks over to the office she's been clearing out for Harley as Harley herself goes to collapse on the sofa.

"Well, uh, I mean... you two wanna go bunk bed shopping?" April asks, making a silly joke and following it up with some cheesey laughter - i.e.e her usual.

She has to do it though, she has to, she looks to Ivy then and points at her clothing. "I didn't know they let you keep those when you got released!"

She's not really so much worried about the garden right now, as she is about having a second WORLD CLASS CRIMINAL LIVING IN HER APARTMENT NOW!

Harley was out legally now, apparently, so rumor has it.... But, Ivy?

Pamela Isley has posed:
"And I shouldn't have doubted you, Harley, you clearly made a very good friend." Ivy smiles lovingly at Harley, before turning to April, "truly, I'm touched, most people would be concerned about the fact I just escaped Arkham and am probably wanted by the law, Batman, and maybe some other heroes. But you don't worry about that noise, because you, April," Ivy reaches to poke April in the chest, "have a GOOD heart! That's so rare in people these days."

When Harley gets into the health habits of her hyenas, Ivy begins to frown a little, giving Harley a very judging kind of look. "Yeah, very important, very happy for you. For them. For both of you...bbbbUUUUuuuuttt, having said that," she gestures with her hands towards the filthy staircase, "that stuff, probably would be put to better use as fertalizer, otherwise it's just a recepie to destroy some Jimmy Choos, ok? I was thinking of getting a lovely green pair to celebrate my 'release' from Arkham."

Ivy shakes hands with April, pleased that April didn't shy away from it. Most people who know about her would be hesitant, other who don't, would be hesitant still for the 'Poison' part of her name which seems oddly suspicious along with her evidently green skin. But then the handshake prolongs, awkwardly, and Ivy laughs, "no need to be so possessive, I understand, you really want me to stay and I appreciate that. I'll stay. For now, can't promise it'll be for long..." Ivy apparently had somehow taken the idea April might be a fan. "On the plus side, I have such a reputation, that I doubt anyone would try to burglarize your home. People get the crazy idea my plants are dangerous...or that I'd poison them, or worse..." her voice trails off surprisingly sinsiterly for having made the point she's not dangerous.

"Oh these...?" Ivy tugs at the god awful orange duds she's stuck with for now, "oh, they don't let you keep it, but you know...when you leave of your own volition, you're short on options if you don't want to be naked. I'll be sure to go shopping for something decent," hey at least she did say 'shopping', so there's that. "Don't worry though, the search for me is focused on Gotham's Robinson Park for now, so they wouldn't come to New York City, and if they do, your apartment is the last place they'd look."

Ivy looks around, and then walks up to the coffee table by the couch and pretty which whipes everything off to the floor, hopefully it was just papers there, "I think this spot will do," and then she goes back out to the car.

It's only minutes, before Ivy is back, carrying a huge potted venus flytrap, that looks like it just might eat a person if it was hungry (https://harleyquinn.fandom.com/wiki/Frank_the_Plant). Ivy moves over to the spot she cleared on the coffee table and sets Frank right there, "see, there's even a tv Frank, you'll love it here."

Frank in the meantime moves his vines which apparently have eyeballs in them, pointing them to April, "so you the crazy chick that shacked up with Harley, and yer gonna room with Ivy too? I like it, I really dig crazy chicks, they pretty good in bed." Ivy doesn't seem to approve, however, crossing her arms and snapping, "Frank, April is inviting us to stay with her until I figure something out, the least you can do is be polite!"

Frank sighs, withdraws his vines to wrap about himself, before leaning in April's direction, "I meant to say you a fine ass lady, April, I can tell ya classy by the high def tv."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oh, Frank!" Harley beams at April when Ivy departs to go get frank out of the car, "Frank is the best.. he's a lil mouthy foah a plant, but ya get use to it once ya realize it's prolly a lot to do wit his bein' trap't in a pot foah his entire existance." While the pair of them are alone, Harley is all smiles for her roommate.

One of those temporary moments of lucidity slips upon her entirely too pale face... looking around the apartment from where she sits on the back of the couch after having removed her shoes. The amused, admittedly cray cray, smile disappears... Realization slapping home like a palm to the side of the face.

Blue eyes cut around without her head moving, at the systemic infection her presence has had on April's life. She's turning to say something to the Red head, possibly some apology, a promise that as soon as she's able she'll disappear. That she'll not bring any more chaos in her wake, even?

It's cut short by Ivy's arrival with Frank.

Moment lost, Harley grins brightly and snaps her head over towards where Frank is spelling out his observations of April, "She's soopah classy, Frank.. an' she's got Disney plus. Sos we can watch Air Bud latah.." Thumbing over at the television, which is awful big, and likely an addition from Harley's new found windfall. "Yeah! Hey! We should all go shoppin' tomorrow! I still got almost two hun'rit thousand dollahs, might as well get some skimpy ass bikini undahpants to go wit them Jimmy Choos?"

Michelangelo has posed:
It was a bad day at work. Someone had decided to kick Cowabunga Carl in the junk, because he was showing off his 'ninja moves'. And as much as Mikey wanted to do something, and it really really hurt, he just partied right on through it. Because he needed the money. And he got paid, though the mother gave him a look because he wouldn't take off his 'mask'. He had taken off the orange cloth, and she was demanding he take off the turtle head and that just wasn't going to happen!

And then he got back to the lair. And Raph was moody. Leo was off somewhere. And Donnie was once again, working on some technical project. In light of finding everyone else busy, Mikey had the idea: Why not visit April? She's always good for the company and maybe she'll have pizza on hand. And that wasn't all. He had important business to discuss with April!

Arriving at the rooftop of April's apartment building, Michelangelo makes his way stealthily down the fire escape to April's rear window, and gives it a little jiggle to open it.

Slipping within, he makes his way to the kitchen. "Appppriiiiiiiilllll~?" he calls out in a sing-song manner. "You home? More importantly, you got pizza?" he asks, opening the fridge door to root around.

A strap around his shoulder leads to a cooler at his hip, and as he searches for pizza, there comes a 'Meow' from the cooler.

April O'Neil has posed:
April just watches Ivy turn to go and get her plant? She looks over to Harley on the sofa. "She doesn't think the police are going to go to where they surely know her long lasting best friend has been living, with the Reporter who lives in Brooklyn and has the internet podcast and is on tv like every other morning?" April questions Harls before Ivy can return.

When Ivy does return, April looks to her and then to Frank as he's set down. His whole... speech toward her makes April's eyes blink several times. She points at him. "That's a talking plant." She announces to the room. "That's a talking plant that just hit on me." Her blue eyes go from Ivy, to Harley, then back to Frank.


April points up toward the kitchen across the room from where she's standing between her bedroom and Office (Harley's new room). "And Mikey's here. Looking for Pizza."

April raises her hand and points to the kitchen, then looks to Harley. "Look, Harley, Mikey's here. The one you haven't met yet." She says it matter-of-factly because it's possible April's head is about to break.

Pamela Isley has posed:
"Yeah, yeah, he's been all bitchy in the car, thought I was joking and meant to leave him there. That was a very rude insinuation, Frank, when have I ever desserted you?" Ivy demands, to which Frank answers pointedly, "what ya talking about, Ivy? You crazy? When you let that idiot Nightwing take ya ta Arkham is when ya desserted me!" Ivy growls at Frank, "I didn't let him, ok? I'm sorry my being trapped in a shitty ass mental asylum hurt your feelings. Bitch." There's a moment of stare-off between Ivy and Frank, as he shifts his viney eyes towards Ivy but eventually relents, "ya know I love you Ives," and she just nods, "sure, Frank. Like you got any other superhero giving a damn about mother nature and your friends."

When they've had their say, Frank turns one vine to high-five Harley, if she'll oblige him, "Disney+!? That's my jam! All dem Star Wars movies and Superheroes stuff? Dat's what I'm talkin' 'bout! Quality shows!"

"If he's a bother, we can put him somewhere else, just figured he'd enjoy the tv. He's a junkie," Ivy explains to April, before Frank interjects, "hey, if ya was stuck in a pot, ya'd be dyin' for quality entertainment too!"

When a voice comes from the kitchen, that wasn't there before, Ivy arches a brow as she turns to April. "Some random guy just walked in your kitchen...do you know that? It happens a lot? I can beef up security around here for you..." Ivy starts, before turning to look at Harley, and back at April, "well, for us. You, but mostly us."

"Yeah, and yer a talking reporter, what's yer point?" Frank interjects when April says the obvious about him. "Yeah, I hit on ya, cuz you get that sexy ass good looking bod, ya know you rockin' it, because everyone can see you put in the time. I respect that in a woman."

"Frank, stop hitting on our host!" Ivy snaps, and Frank just falls quietly, though he moves his vines in a gesture suggestive of 'call me' towards April when Ivy isn't looking.

"Mikey...?" Ivy sighs in relief, "at least it's a friend."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley watches the exchange between Frank and Ivy as if this were high entertainment, literally scooting towards the edge of the couch back where she's sitting, waiting on pins and needles to see how this plays out between totally not evil plant lady and totally not evil plant. This is some BBC type shit, okay? Doctor Who... Whatever the fuck else plays on the BBC?


Nobody watches that shit.

Then there's April starting to show cracks in her own sanity.

Harley glances over towards her friend, "April, babe, take a breath okay.. You know what you need? A big ass glass of wine... like A big gulp sized glass of wine full of wine..." There's a Mikey!

She's heard about Mikey.

Harley looks towards the kitchen, pigtails shifting around her head, and starts in that direction. "Ivy check this out, it's a giant turtle... but theah' real people, so don't mention tha fact that theah turtles. Especially if it's the one wearin' red.. he's real moody an' gets mouthy an' then ya wanna hit him in the face wit a fuckin' mallet cus he's so mouthy-"

Coming around the corner, into the kitchen... Orange not Red! "Mikey! Hai! I'm Ha'lee Quinn an' that's Poison Ivy." Pointing towards the dining area. "We live heah. All of us. Includin' tha talkin' plant. His name's Frank.. could ya hand me tha big gulp cup an' tha bottle of wine in tha doah? April's losin' her shit in the livin' room."

In a quieter voice, leaning towards the Turtle amongst the group, "I think it's Vernon stressin' her out.. tha' guy is dubious."

Michelangelo has posed:
Wait, record scratch! April has company. Two really hot company. The type that could make a Teenage Turtle forget that crush that he has on a certain reporter. That is until /FRANK/ speaks up. "Wait a second, April's not on the market!" protests the man in the kitchen, and then he's stepping out. And it's a five and a half foot turtle with an orange domino mask. "I mean! Maybe she is! But when it comes to animal, vegetable or mineral, vegetable's totally out!" Mikey foot, meet Mikey mouth.

And almost, for a moment, Mikey forgot that he was here on a mission! "I need your help, April!" he says suddenly, moving to set down the cooler on the table in the living room. "A couple of months ago, I found a stray kitten, and I named him Klunk, you know, after Captain Zoom and his sidekick Klunk? And I was doing a reeeeeeeealllly good job taking care of him! I even hid him from Splinter pretty well!"

"But I got a call today and there was a job for Cowabunga Carl, so I went out! When I came back, I didn't realize I had left out my ice cream with the mutagen in it and..." he opens the cooler. Packed inside the cooler with several ice packs is what looks like a blob of Neopolitan ice cream. Until it unfurls and goes from being three scoops of ice cream to ... a cat. "Klunk became Ice Cream Kitty!" he announces. "Splinter is so gonna kill me if he sees this. Can I stash him in your freezer for a bit until I can make him a better home at the lair?"

Finally, he remembers or rather realizes that he hasn't introduced himself to the women. "Uh, hi. I'm Mikey. Or Michelangelo, you know, if you're into works of art." With that, he nods. Because that was a great line. He'll have to write that down later. Then he's back to giving Frank the stink eye.

He gives a finger wiggle. "I live with my three brothers and my dad, I know how much an apartment in New York is!"

Ice Cream Kitty can smell the hyenas and it's arching it's haunches in a hiss of anger.

April O'Neil has posed:
April starts off by just smiling agains ther will at the compliment from Frank. "I mean, I work out... but I haven't been to the gym in like a wee---" She stops herself and stops 'standing flirtatiously for a plant' when she comes back to her senses and just glares at Frank. "Behave!" She points at him once before she looks up to the others and just gawks at Harley and Ivy before she has to just... stand and process it all.

Mikey, she has to focus on Mikey.

"You turned a kitten, into an ice cream... thing?" She asks him, confusion ripe across her face like fruit on the low hanging limbs of a tree. "Mikey, you can't be serious. Is that even possible?"

She starts to walk across the apartment now to go find this cooler he brought to check on this.

The rest? The Ivy... the Frank? Well, let's be honest, the SWAT team is probably on their way here right now anyway.

Pamela Isley has posed:
Neither Ivy nor Frank seem to notice Harley being entertained by their exchange, being far too engrossed in it. Ultimately, they are best of friends, even if you might not be able to tell at first glance.

When Harley asks April to breathe, Ivy turns to look her way, letting Frank be. "Oh you need to relax, you know what, it's probably because you don't have enough plants in the house! Don't worry, I'll fix that, you'll be feeling much better tomorrow!"

But then out steps Mikey, and Ivy blinks, "well I'll be, you're not kidding, Harl, it is a giant turtle. So let me guess, mutant?" Ivy asks a rather amicable smile on her lips, "me too." Well, she is green skinned! That's a sign if there ever was one, right?

Both Ivy and Frank wave at Mikey when introduced by Harley, one waving a hand, the other waving his vine.

"Yo, just between me and you, I taste terrible, so you bettah stick ta that pizza, ya dig?" Frank might be a carnivorous plant, but he knows turtles likes to eat greens, and Mikey is one heckuva big turtle.

"Chillax bra," Frank says to Mikey as he turns to look at him with both eyes, "April ya gal? I didn't know that, don't ya worry, I ain't in the business of fucking other men's bitches. That ain't cool." But when Mikey takes out that vegetable diss, Frank isn't amused, "yo, Ivy, tell that big ass turtle, if he don't start showing me some respect, I might try some turtle soup, okay? And I don't eat soup! It'll be a waste of time doing all that damned cooking."

Ivy for her part holds up her hand, "Frank, zip it." She then steps between Frank and Mikey, "I'm Ivy, he's Frank, we're both very happy to meet you. We'll be staying here for a while, so if you're a friend of April's we'll get along just fine." Ivy says with a very pleasant smile...wait a minute...there's something in the air. A bit of wafting pheromones to put all about in the impoisition to be friendly, and reduce aggressions. (OOC: if you don't consent to being affected, you resist it). Either way, since not many can even tell when pheromones are released in the room, suffice to say Ivy's smile looks awful charming for the time being. "So, how about we all just be friends and get along, ok? Ok."

Frank looks amused, he knows what Ivy is trying, as a plant her pheromones don't quite affect him the same way at all, but at least he's smart enough not to give it away. Looking curiously to see if Ivy manages to get the peaceful outcome she desires.

But then Michelangelo reveals his mission, and Ivy arches a brow, not sure if she wants to disclose that she's got several PhD that makes her quite the relevant doctor to try and help the cat. Instead, she just turns to Harey and shakes her head, "leave it to you Harl, to room with the girl who gets Ice Cream Cats delivered to her fridge. I can't believe I haven't met April in Arkham before..." Ivy laughs, good thing she released her pheromones moments ago, so maybe April won't be as offended.

"Well...it's been lovely, but I do have to take a look at just how much green we're talking about for that rooftop garden." Ivy says all polite like, before turning to stare daggers at April, "if the plants are not well watered...someone could die," and then she bursts laughing after a pregnant pause, "because plants die without water..." and as she heads upstairs for the roof, Harley might hear her stammering, "plants and the people who didn't water them..."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley is not so easily befuddled as is her most stoic of bros: April. Even seeing the ice cream cat, peering down at him meowing in all his melted milkiness, she just blinks a few times and glances up at Mikey, then back down at Klunk... and over at April... then to Frank and Ivy.. and back to Klunk.

"Is it weihd that I wanna try ice cream cat? Cat cream? Ice Cat? Heahs my question, is it cat flavah'd ice cream oah ice cream flavah'd cat?" These are the tough questions that nobody was going to ask so you're all very lucky that Harley was here for you.

But then Ivy is departing!

Still peering into the cooler, she slips past Mikey, "S'cus'e..." To bum-rush her retreating flora friend in a fly-trap hug. "I love your face." Which she pets. Slow. Real affectionately. Palm flat down the side of Ivy's face and red hair... Let it happen.

"Tomorrow we shop!" Disengaging so she can go check on the plants, and so Harls can go shut up the Hyenas. "SHUT THE FUCK UP GOD DAMMIT! It's like ya'll aint nevah smell't an ice cream cat befoah... EF EF ESS..." Apologetic smile to Frank and Mikey.. April knows what's up already.

"So Frank, ya wanna watch Air Bud oah Mulan? I'm /kinna/ thinkin' Mulan... oah Little Mermaid. I'm feelin' very Disney Princessy... an' red head.. cus red heads." There's two of them here now!

Michelangelo has posed:
"The ice cream miiiiight have had a trace amount of mutagen in it. I dunno, it could have enhanced the flavor?" Michelangelo asks, of course the way he just said it totally suggests that he totally he knew there was mutagen in the ice cream and this was all one really terrible mistake and now he's trying to figure out how to fix it. Because like him, usually when someone is mutagened...

Then Frank's talking up again. April, his girl? That gets Michelangelo Splinterson to sputtering for a moment before he's shaking his head. However, he feels the need to defend April. "I bet you'd taste realy good sauted on a wheat crust with alfredo sauce!" he calls out to Frank, just before Ivy's making things calm. Can her pheremones effect a turtle that became a person? Or is it because she's green, gorgeous, and has an amazing... voice. Mikey stops his arguing immeditaely and he blinks several times, and says in a little sing-song voice. "...okay, I'll stop fightin'..." he manages, swaying on his feet.

"No eating ice cream kitty!" Harley gets Mikey back to the here and now, and he's frowning. "Maybe I should just take him back to the lair and face the music. Awww man, Splinter's gonna ground me for a month." he mutters, but he's watching Ivy leave and finger waves. "Bye, Miss Ivy." he manages.

Though there's talk of movies and that's holding his interest as well. "I mean, you're really busy. I don't want to bother you, April."

April O'Neil has posed:
April ends up near the cooler peering inside of it and she sees the cat and it makes her heart just melt for the creature. She crosses one arm over her stomacn and another goes up to touch her chin and then her upper lip before she just shakes away the feelings of sadness for the kitten -- it looks to be happy'ish after all.

"Oh, Ivy." April says to her... new? Roommmate? "Watch out for the brick leaning up against the door, it'll fall if you open the upstairs door and it might land on your toes." Sure she's an escaped criminal that is probably going to lead the Police to arresting HER and taking HER to Arkham next. But she still has to be nice!

Nevermind that in a week it'll be April in Arkham and Ivy and Harley probably living here in her apartment.

At Mikey, April puts a hand on his shoulder and leaves it there to get his attention. "Take your ice cream friend to Casey's place. In his Garage there's an old fridge in the back room that he leaves plugged in, he never uses it. Klunk'll be safe there. There's gotta be a way to change him back though, right? Get Donnie to look in to it?"

That cat is probably screwed though.

At Harley, April smiles softly. "There's pizza in the fridge, some booze and other drinks. Lets just... lets all just relax and maybe not DRIVE ME UP A WALL!" April's hands raises up, she laughs rapidly and loudly, then starts to walk out toward the living room again to fall on to the sofa.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley is already in the kitchen, letting Mikey and April have thier quiet moment in the small apartment where she can still hear everything! When she comes back out she has two bottles of wine, one big gulp cup, a loaf of bread, jar of peanut butter, crackers, two pizzas, and one slice hanging from her teeth. Frank is on the table craning to look at her treasures, "Does the cat have inside parts?" Frank asks, holding up one eyeball stalk in the direction of the cooler, "Askin' for a friend... an' not because I'd like to eat the ice cream cat."

"I'm with Frank heah... at least lemme get a spoonful of Klunk befoah ya leave?" Harley asks, stepping right over the back of the couch to settle down next to April. Handing over one bottle of wine and one empty big gulp cup, "Heah, put that in this an' drink't... Ya really gotta stop wohkin' so hahd April.. ya look like ya all tense.. Maybe Frank'll give ya one of his world famous back rubs."

"Garanteed to get ya pregnant."

"I don't think tha's true."

One of the pizza boxes is held up to Mikey, over her head, "Peace offerin'."

Meanwhile. Frank is "PSSST... April... PSST..." using vines to move a little closer to the edge of the table. "Psst.. hey.." Motioning between himself and her with one eyeball vine, "Sup.." Winking.

Michelangelo has posed:
When April starts to speak to him about going to Casey's and then with everyone here, Mikey puts two and two together and he probably comes up with seven. Drawing in his breath, he nods. "Okay. I'll go to Casey's." There may be just a touch of dejection there. But when Harley offers him the pizza, he accepts it and opens it. "Onion, bbq chicken and spinach. Nice."

He accepts the box and then goes to close up the cooler. "Ice cream kitty is not for eating. He's a kitty." the young turtle says plainly, obviously protective of the kitty.

"I'll uh.. be on the T-comm if you need me." He knows when he's the kid being shuttled out of the room! With that, he's strapping the cooler to himself to head for the window to use his grapple and head off.