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Wolf in the Network
Date of Scene: 29 April 2020
Location: Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: Spider-Man meets with Spider-Woman and Wolf to connect them to the Spider-Comm network.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Leon O'Malley, Jessica Drew

Peter Parker has posed:
Hell's Kitchen is not as rough as it used to be in the 1970s and 1980s, but it still no walk in the park. Unless you considered JURASSIC PARK, in which case it would work.

However, it is also filled with people doing their part to make the district a better place. Whether it is the concept of applying the "Broken WIndows" practice of making the place too respectable for crooks to hang around, or taking a more active role with street crime.

Like the guy in the red-and-blue longjohns currently looking down on the streets below.

He has been working around the concept of following the backtrail of various Spider-types. He hoped he was right about this one.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
As Spidey is looking for the wayward Wolf, a young person dressed in a style one might associate with a 'punk' slips into an alley across the street. A moment later, another person of similiar but bulkier and more concealing style slips from around a dumpster. The two talk for a moment, and the one off the street pulls out a wad of bills, as the other pulls out a gun. It appears to be a low level arms deal.

    Before Spidey can leap to a quippy put down, a shimmer steps away from the wall of the alley, suddenly shifting appearance to that of the black suited hoodlum Peter had been looking for, "Bout time, I've been waiting for like an hour." The buyer goes to make a break for it as the dealer turns to shoot at the Wolf, a tendril slipping from one hand and snatching the ankle of the runner like lightning, while the other gives the dealer a simple shove into the wall....Hard enough to let out a smacking sound that Spidey can hear clearly from his perch and send dust puffing out in all directions for over a foot.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man looked down, then winces. He's gonna feel THAT in the morning. He walks over to the edge of the building, then walks down the side of the brick wall, gradually making his presence known around the same time as he tell the runner, "You should probably stay down, buddy."

He looks over to Wolf, but doesn't do anything for the moment. This is Wolf's "collar," as it were. He seems to be doing a good job of it so far, so Spidey opts to let him run with it. See how he handles it, and if it looks like someone's going to get violently ended, THEN he will weigh in.

But not yet. It's still Wolf's show.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
The tendril sloooowly retracts the runner, quite literally kicking and screaming until it returns into being Wolf's hand, holding him upside down by the ankle. The would-be buyer then tries to be stupid and repeatedly awkwardly kicks at Wolf's head, neck, and shoulders, failing to even budge him, "....Ya know, that doesn't hurt, it's just annoying." The runner stops and goes to say something before a tendril snaps out and presses against his lips like a finger to accompany Wolf's shushing. The tendril then snaps off to rummaging through the runner's pockets, pulling a phone out and zipping it to Wolf's other hand, "Callin the cops. Just hang around for a sec...And before you think about lying, there was a traffic camera right over there. I swear, you criminals are getting dumber by the day...." He puts the phone to the side of his head and then pulls his hand away, the phone sticking like glue to his ear area, and waves over his shoulder to Spidey, "Heya, Pajama Sam. 's been awhile."

Peter Parker has posed:
Pajama Sam? In a way, that hurts even worse than JJJ calling him a menace.

Okay, he IS wearing heavily-modifed longjohns, but STILL...

Spidey shakes his head sadly. "You almost done? We need to catch up, Wolf. It's *important.*"
There is a subtle accent on the laast word, but the jokey demeanor is nowhere in it. Which means Spider-Man is being totally serious. A rarity, to be sure.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Wolf shrugs, "Yeah, just waiting for the cops. Hey, can you web this guy so he doesn't go anywhere? Ours only lasts a couple seconds before it just kinda explodes into dust." He doesn't wait for and answer and tosses the guy up in the air for a webbing against the wall before leaping up himself to cling to said wall with his back, the phone just sorta dropping off his head mid jump, "Sup, man?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey blinks and catches the guy in a cocoon before he hits the ground again. Jeez Louise, it's like he's in an action movie. The bad kind, like if Muslim terrorists were sent back in time to pre-emptively kill Jesus.

Yes, that is an actual thing.

After taking care of the guy, Spider-Man heads up to the roof of the building, beckoning Wolf to follow. What he had in mind, he needed a floor below his feet. This was not kid stuff from Toys R Us.

Spider-Man reached the roof and stretched as he took off he backpack, looking around for the skeery one.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
As Spidey slips up over the roof, Wolf twists around and climbs up after him, hopping over the lip of the roof like hopping a fence, "You ok, man? You're acting....weird. Like you're thinking about something heavy. Rent due and no job?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
End of the workday catches Spider-woman not in costume but work clothes. Black being her color of predilection when on a stakeout, Jessica blends right in with the neighborhood, from her black Cloud Adventures to the chic black leather jacket.

Stopped at the end of the alley, spider smell wafts at her in a cloud of pheromones mixed with beaten up punk.

"Hello, fellows," she calls looking up, her Oxfordian accent at odds with how she strides into the alley like she was on her turf and boss of it. Quite matter of factly, she takes off those nice shoes, stuffs them into her bag and climbs the wall to join the others.

"Been housecleaning?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey takes a deep breath. He is about to speak when he hears the familiar voice and he relaxes slightly. This is better. He was glad she was able to make it.

"Come on up...I'd like you to meet someone." *...something.* He is too polite to say that, only think it.

He waits for Jessica to show up...in civvies? Oh, well, her option. He hopes she brought the mask, though. "All right...I'd like to make the introductions. Wolf, this lady goes by the code name of Spider-Woman. Spider-Woman...this intimidating fellow uses the moniker of Wolf Spider. I hope we can work together."

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Wolf turns furrows his brow...how his mask can animate a furrowing brow is a matter best left unexplored by those who enjoy their sanity, and turns towards the voice as Jessica climbs up, "....Your voice is familiar, have we met?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
"I knew there was someone else with you. Just not who the someone else was, Spidey," she replies as she jumps over the ledge to join them. Pushing back her black hair, she nods in recognition and points, "Oh, you! I should say so!" Her accent has revved into high British dudgeon but her smile takes any sting from it.

"Spiders will be spiders! How are you doing, Spidey? Things advancing with your comms?" She is rummaging in her bag as she speaks pulling out her red mask.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man smiles under the mask. "Advancing?" He removes two cardboard boxes from the backpack, each about the size of a cell-phone box. Repurposed StarkPhone boxes, actually. "I think we've gone all the way to advanced." He smiles encouragingly to Wolf, then says, "They're fully-tested and ready to use. The Spider-Comm system is now fully online."

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Wolf snaps as he sees the mask pulled out, "Yeaaahhh, we remember now. Been awhile. How'd that dust wash off? Didn't inhale any of it I hope. I dunno what this stuff'd do to your lungs, but it cant be good." He says with a long pull of his suit's forearm, the suit snapping back into place with a ripple when he lets go.

    Wolf then looks back to Spidey and looks the boxes over, "Oh? Huh. And here I was sure this'd been a scam. Glad we got our money's worth."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Well, rather! Good on you then, Spidey!" She holds out a hand for one of the boxes with a smiling nod. "That was quick!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man eyes Wolf for a moment. Wolf thought he was some kind of scammer? MAN, did he need some good press if even the good guys thought he was a con man.

He hands the box with SPIDER-WOMAN written on the box in ballpoint pen to Jessica, then the one marked WOLF to Wolf Spider.

Each box holds an eye insert matching the aperture of their mask (or perceived mask), two earbuds, and a thin band of slightly-thickened fabric. The choker was adjustable, and nearly invisible under the costume (?) each wore.

"All right. Spider-Woman, I'd like you to put the eye insert into your mask. It should mold perfectly, and the adhesive backing should attach to your mask." He looked to Wolf. "Earbuds go in the ears, eyepiece goes over the eyes, choker goes around the neck. There's a subvocal microphone in there."

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Wolf opens the box and looks the contents over, "Oh yeah, I used to use stuff like this...A little lower tech, but still, same principal." He says as he picks the eye inserts up and presses them to the white eye markings of the mask, the inserts sinking through it like quicksand, "....Ahh, gonna take some getting used to." He then pulls the same routine of melting the tech into his suit for the rest of it, stretching his neck out for a moment after.

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Oh, clever this. You've taken things to a new level." Jessica looks around her and settle on the ledge for all the world like a child with a new toy. Face shadowed by her dark hair, she slides the eye inserts into place admires them then pops the earbuds into her ears.

"Oh, interesting the subvocalization band should be comfortable from the feel of it." Slipping the band around her neck she velcros it closed. Holding up her mask, "Alright, let me get this on and we can do a test run!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey looks to Wolf as he lifts up a hand to tap on an apparently-invisible keyboard in front of him. "Okay, Wolf. I need you to say, I am Wolf Spider. My voice is my passport. Admit me.'"

Because of COURSE he liked SNEAKERS.

"That will set up the initial configuration and imprint it on your voice. That way you will be the only one who can activate it and use it. There may be a bit of blurriness as the A/R kicks in."

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Wolf straightens up as if being called to attention, "I am Wolf Spider. My voice is my passport. Admit me." He pauses and his head sinks a bit, the eye areas scrunching repeatedly, followed by a harsh headshake, "Ugh...Reminds me of an old CRT...Ok, we're good. We comin through clear?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
"I'm assuming that I should do the same." After casting an interrogative look at Spidey, she repeats the magic words in a crisp voice, "I am Spider-woman. My voice is my passport. Admit me." Fingertips go involuntarily to her temples as though she were adjusting glasses. "There. Yes. Oh, good. What now?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods to Wolf as the tracking from the choker analyzes body form and tracking for both Spiders. A moment later, the view sharpens, and a HUD appears in the vision of Wolf and Spider-Woman, with a few overlays. A pointer appears over Spidey's head.

"There. I've set myself up as discoverable for now. If you look in the lower right corner, the little round gear icon brings up the settings and the manual for how to use it. The File icon connects you to the private database, where you can look up info on various subjects, or add your own information for others to access."

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Wolf nods slightly, "Right, and to do that we jusssttt...." He swats a few times at the air, presumably where the icon is on his HUD, "Eng...Uck...Just...Stupid depth perception..."

Jessica Drew has posed:
People using V/R look stupid at their worst, eerie at their best. "Well, yes, this is better than what you showed me the first time." She motions at something, think of someone punching the Pillsbury dough boy type of motion. "What now, then?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man smiles wryly. "It does take some getting used to, but you can 'touch' the icons on the HUD to access them. But from here, I would suggest playing around with the system. I'll demonstrate a few things."

Spidey steps back, and then holds up a finger. Five seconds later, a text message comes up at bottom center of their vision.

SPIDER-MAN: Subvocalized messages come through as text. Try subvocalizing a response.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Wolf clears his throat and stiffens up. A few moments later, a message comes across the HUDs of the other Spiders.

    WOLF SPIDER: India Charlie Whiskey-Echo-India-November-Echo-Romeo.

    Wolf loosens up and begins snickering like a child.

Jessica Drew has posed:
It goes over her head. Military jargon of some type, obviously. The giggles make Jessica stare at Wolf, the set of her mouth saying she is expecting the worst.

A humming noise emanates from her vicinity. SPIDER-WOMAN: Harder than hell to sub-vocalize. Need practice.

Eyebrows raised under the mask, she waits for an explanation for the giggles and the next exercise from Spidey.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey is puzzled for a moment, then realization dawns.

SPIDER-MAN: I.C. Weiner? Really? What are you, 12? Oh, never mind. Comes in handy for communicating without making noise, anyway. Now, suppose we want to help out the NYPD. Tap the ANTENNA icon to access the NYPD dispatch channel. You can do it later to listen in, but bear with me while I pull it up. Okay. There's a bank robbery, but the cops have it well in hand, but I'm going to bring it up anyway.

A red pointer appears somewhere in the area of Midtown. The text next to it reads FIRST CHASE BANK, ROBBERY, 8.3 MILES, NYPD ONSITE.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Wolf's snickers break into full blow laughs at Spidey's sussing out of his jargon. He quickly recomposes as the tutorial moves along. As the icon comes up, Wolf turns his head to look in that direction, nodding slowly as Spidey says the NYPD have it handled, "...Ya ever notice this city has a LOT of crime? Just seems kinda suicidally stupid considering the number of costumed weirdos around..."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jessica makes no further comment on Wolf's send than a heartfelt sigh. Tuning in to the police channel as directed, she listens, head cocked to one side, "Stupidity has no bounds. Right! What else? That's very welcome, by the way, Spidey."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man points to the waypoint. "You can set these yourselves. Designate important locations, caches, safe places, whatever. You can share the waypoints you set up, turn them on and off at will for convenience, even associate them with files from the database. Speaking of which...Spider-Woman, say 'Search, Shocker.'

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Alright," she says, her white teeth gleaming in a grin as she gets into the game of exploring the parameters of the mask. She complies, saying, "Search! Shocker!"

Peter Parker has posed:
An opaque file opens up for Jessica.

REAL NAME: Herman Schultz
SIGNATURE: Vibro-Shock Gauntlets
CURRENT STATUS: Incarcerated, Riker's Island.

What fallows are Spider-Man's notes from his own altercations with Shocker. Types of crimes, methodology, areas sighted, and the like.

"This is not networked with any other database. I add what I can when I can, but it also means nothing we put in is seen by anyone outisde the network."

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Wolf nods, "Sounds like a good deal. And good idea on keeping it isolated. Mitigates tracking risk." He pauses for a moment, "....Search, Spider-Man..." He says with a tone of obvious curiousity.

Peter Parker has posed:
Another file comes up, complete with a picture of him hanging from a lightpole upside-down.

REAL NAME: Yeah, Right.
SIGNATURE: Spider-Powers, Web-shooters, cataclysmically-bad luck
CURRENT STATUS: Large and In Charge.

Jessica Drew has posed:
"This is going to get....oh!" Spider-woman breaks into a rich laugh. "Notice, I am not asking for my file or for yours, Wolfy. What else do we need to know?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "Now, these run off the cell network, but if you want notifications to be sent to your phone, you can set it up to do that under any alias you prefer. That way, no one on the network can actually see your personal line, but can still send messages to you."

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Wolf snickers and glances to Jessica, "Who do you think is gonna be our second check, Spi-Wo? Gotta see what he's writing about us in his previously private journal." He then looks back to Spider-Teacher and nods, "We met get around to it in a few decades, when we upgrade our phone.

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Really?" Think of Elizabeth the II at her chilliest and you'll have her tone of voice. "Spi-Wo?" She releases a long noisy sigh through her nose.

"Good to know about the phone. Thank you for this Spidey. It's well done."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man chuckles. "I'm just glad I was able to make it a reality. Now, others might join the network soon. You can all chat with each other, get acquainted, without needing me."