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The End is High: Bart has a girlfriend
Date of Scene: 16 April 2020
Location: Shake Shack
Synopsis: Cassie, Conner and Bart meet and chat. We all knew the only thing that could slow Bart down was a girl
Cast of Characters: Conner Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Bart Allen

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner has been busy with college lately, and his attempts to keep in touch with old friends are not as successful as he likes. Rumor is Bart got a girlfriend (!). Robin is doing Gotham things (meh) and Cassie? Where is Cassie. Amazon things, he bets. But he keeps trying, now and then, to offer them going to a movie, or grab a burger.

College life is cool, but his new friends are all regular humans (or are they? Who knows?) and there are some things he can talk about only with... people like Cassie.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie has been very busy in recent weeks. Ever since she 'came out' in public as Wonder Girl, she's been attending events at women's shelters, schools, and everywhere that Diana wants to be, but doesn't have the time for in her schedule. And she's been doing a fair amount of crimfighting, as well. BUt, when Conner texted her to have a catch-up meeting, Cassie was more than happy to reply with a 'Yes!'

So, she arrives at the Shake Shack in her casual civilian clothes; blue jeans & a simple t-shirt, both worn over her Wonder Girl costume, with her black boots under the cuffs of the jeans. "Hey, Conner!" she says as she goes over to where he's sitting. "How are you doing? Sorry it's been so long since we hung out. Life's just been *really* busy for me."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Same here," he looks at his cell. "Astonishing, Bart has not responded a text in four hours. I think it is his record. Maybe he got a girlfriend." He snickers. Tooootally impossible concept, of course.

"Looks like it is just us, their loss," decides Conner. "Oh, tell me all about the Amazons. I want to know. Also... you are now public? I went the other way. I want to try to live a few years as a regular college guy."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Bart? With a girlfriend?" Cassie looks astonished at the prospect. "The End Times have come..." She laughs and relaxes a bit in the booth. "Yeah, I went public with the identity. And it's not so bad. I mean, I totally get wanting to have a 'normal' life, but I've already been normal for almost all my life. And, with everything that Diana and I want to accomplish, it wasn't going to take very long for people to put two and two together. So I figured I might as well get out in front of things and just come out on my own terms. And it's been good, so far. The other day, I went to an elementary school to give a safety talk, and there were all these girls just...watching me. Like they'd been waiting all their lives to see someone like them as a hero, besides Diana. And it was....it was a good feeling." Cassie smiles warmly at the memory.

Conner Kent has posed:
"He always responded so quickly to texts," notes Conner. Then he nods to Cassie. Ironically, they were in just the opposite situations. Cassie struggling with her real life and family. Conner unable to get a toehold of normalcy due to his attitude general and weirdness attacking him all the time.

"Well, hope it works for you. I am having a blast," he admits. "Not as much as for the classes, although some are interesting. Well, the teachers make them interesting. It is just the whole life in college."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Oh, I'm still doing college," Cassie replies. "Still planning on starting at Columbia in September. It's just...." Cassie sighs a bit and bites the corner of her lip. "You know, I was always, like, the one that nobody noticed much. Sort of the 'add-on'. Not just in our group, but in school as well. So...and I know this is totally wrong. But I guess I'm kind of...liking the attention. And yeah, that's vain and selfish and shallow of me. But it also feels good to inspire other girls that feel that they've been left out of all the things. To give them a role-model to look up to." She sighs and shrugs. "I don't know...It's a double-edged sword, for sure."

Bart Allen has posed:
Just a little bit late to the memo is Bart Allen! Using his super speed to help him get there quicker (but still late, somehow), Bart enters through the doors of the restaurant with a happy-go-lucky smile on his face. "Heyo gang." Bart says when he spots the pair of Cassie and Conner. "Sorry I'm late, had to make sure my girlfriend got home safe from work. Whats up?"

He then look sbetween them for a moment.

"I'm not third wheeling, am I?"

Conner Kent has posed:
"Bart! Third wheel you, the Bartman? Never. Maybe fifth... wait," Conner had stand up to give Bart a manly hug when he mentions 'girlfriend'. "No. Way." Disbelief turns amusement as he turns to Cassie snickering. "I always knew a girl was the only way to make Bart slow down!"

He grabs Bart's arm, dragging him to the table. "We must know. We want pictures. And burgers. C'mon!"

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie smirks at Bart's question. "A third wheel?" she asks, then points at her eyes and teasingly replies and smirks in Conner's direction. "Do I look like I have an eyepatch?". Snark achieved, Cassie gets up and gives Bart a hug before sitting back down. "It's all fine, Bart. And if you have any pictures of your girlfriend, I'd love to see them as well."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart smiles as he gives Cassie a hug. "Hey Cassie." Before his attention largely returns to Conner, because the Krypto-Human is very much so stronger than him and Bart is thus dragged down into a seat. "Okay, okaaaayyy."

He pulls out his wallet and shows them the picture inside: https://www.celebtattler.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Grace-Fulton-e1567321674856.jpg

"She's really turned my world upside down. You guys will definitely meet her really really soon, assuming I can get her off work." he chuckles a bit. "But....yeah. I think you guys would really like her. Down to earth and nerdy, like me."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner looks at the picture and pats Bart's back. "She's a looker, good and..." wait, Bart is down to Earth? There is a moment of cognitive dissonance right there. But Conner will not argue the point. It would sound a bit mean.

Cassie's comment about one-eye gets her an odd look. Is that what is seems? In truth trying to reach Rose, much less befriend her, feels like headbutting a concrete wall. Except he can usually headbutt down a concrete wall, but not Rose Wilson.

He sighs. "Yeah, let us know when. We will be nice, promise. I mean, nice with YOU."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie gives COnner a look. "We'll be nice to both of you," she reassures Bart. "But that's awesome that you've got someone that you care about and it sounds like she cares about you." She smiles at Bart for a bit, then moves to the 'Big Question'. "Does she know about..." And she makes a running gesture by waggling her index and middle finger quickly as well as moving her hand over the table.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart laughs a little bit when Conner suggests that they'll be nice to him and him alone, and so Bart nudges Conner in the chest with his elbow pretty hard. THough Conner has this thing called Kryptonian skin, so its not going to hurt him at all.

So, he looks at Cassie and gives her a big smile. "She does..and well, I like her a lot." sounds like Bart's new nickname might be loverboy if he's in love. "But, yeah, she knows. I told her. So you guys can talk about that stuff around her if you want." he smiles big and wide.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Cassie," Conner looks mock-offended. "I would always be nice to HER," he is only mean to his friends, you see. "Tim is not going to believe us... no wait, he probably knows already. It is the bat-thing. I have not seen him in weeks now. I suppose the Bat keeps him busy, uh? Maybe we should go to Gotham and see if we can help him, and then run away before the big Bat shows up." It sounds like a perfectly bad idea!

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie gives Conner a solid punch in the arm, but still smiles at him. "We'll it's been a few weeks since I saw Tim; but like I said, I've been real busy. He asked me to train this woman from Gotham that's about our age. In martial arts. So, I said 'sure'. She comes to the Embassy and we start talking. Turns out she has, like, 8 years of training in Aikido and MMA! I'm all, like 'Wow. you couldn't have checked her previous experienc yourself, TIm?'" Cassie smiles and shrugs. "At least I got to make a cool, new friend, so it all worked out."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart looks at Conner with a playful smirk touching his features before he ponders. "Heh....we'll see if I can find the guy. I haven't seen him in a while. Though I thought he wasn't under the big bat anymore and was going his own direction, like that Nightwing guy?"

Oh well.

He does look over Cassie's way with a bit of a smile."Nice, happy to hear you've been busy. Who's the girl? Any previous experience?"

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner hmms. He heard nothing? This means he really needs to catch up with Tim. "Nightwing seems cool," he offers. "I heard the Titans reformed. There are lights on the tower again. Maybe Tim is involved in that too." He suggests.

There were no Titans and no Justice League when their group was more active. Both teams disbanded after Superman's death. With no adult guidance, well. They still did a good job!

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Well, that's another reason to try and catch up with Tim. See if there's something going on with the Titans." Cassie taps her finger thoughtfully on the table. "Also, if you guys are interested, I could talk to Donna about the Titans. Donna Troy? She was a memeber back then and I'm sure she'd be a part of any re-grouping. Either way, I'd still want to be on a team with you guys."