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Latest revision as of 03:29, 15 May 2020

Date of Scene: 14 May 2020
Location: Avengers Mansion - Kitchen
Synopsis: Avengers gather over a pot of paprikash. Janet has good news, Wanda bad.
Cast of Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Pepper Potts, Janet van Dyne, Steve Rogers

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
It's not the first time that Clint has been made, or been taken on, a foray into Eastern European cooking. In fact, showing up for the Pasulj Corba, a soup that Wanda buys from a vendor in Central Park the one day a week he makes it, was one of the events that helped bring them together.

But today's adventure will be Wanda's own cooking. Rather than cooking up in the kitchenette in her suite, she has come down to the larger kitchen to make paprikash.

A bag of fresh chicken is waiting nearby, but for now Wanda is working on the sauce. A big pan of it is simmering on the burner as she has a rather impressive assortment of ingredients that have already gone into it. Wanda leans over, wafting some of the scent her way. "There, give that taste," she says, getting a fresh spoon to get a little of the sauce for Clint to taste. "It's rather spicy though. If you think you can handle it," she tells him, eyes twinkling a bit.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint leans against the counter while Wanda cooks, watching her deliberate movements with interests as she prepares her dish for him. When the spoon is offers, he grins, leaning forward to sample some. "I'm sure I'll manage," he says with a grin, before he has a taste. Turning from the pot he begins coughing violently calling out between coughs, "Oh god it-" he straightens up and smiles. "Gotcha," he says. "Seriously though, it tastes great, anything I can do to help?" he asks keeping out of swatting range for now.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    Someone's making Paprikash.
    Natasha Romanoff is not given to nostalgia, generally speaking, but there are certain curiosities that must be resolved, and that smell is one of them; and so she wanders into view of the kitchen just in time to watch Clint nearly die.
    Natasha quirks an eyebrow at Clint, something that could possibly be described as 'wry sympathy' on her face as she says, "I should have gotten here sooner, I could have warned you." She leans against the doorframe a bit, "... Everything from Russia is a trap."

Pepper Potts has posed:
The days have been filled with work, with meetings, with rounds and rounds at the Mayor's office, at the recreation department (for the STEM camp), and Pepper is slowly learning to take a single step back to actually enjoy something.

That something is a friend.

Pepper's still dressed in business formal, that is, her well-tailored business suit is dry-cleaner perfect, her hair is up in a bun but for a few loose strands playing at a frame of her face, and her briefcase is set inside the front door. Voices can be heard from the living room, laughing and personal, and on Pepper's end, warm and animated.

"I have to admit, I want to see what you pick. Not because I'm part of the selection committee, but it's like shopping." Without spending money. "Do you know how hard it was to keep that a secret?"

The smells from the kitchen do waft through.. and there is a moment before,

"That smells... amazing.."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"I have to admit, you really nailed it," Janet agrees. She sits opposite Pepper, wearing a black leather skirt and loose-fitting white blouse. Hose and black stiletto pumps give her a little monochromatic contrast, focusing attention on the subtle dark colours of her makeup.

"I don't know how you -pitched- it," she tells Pepper with a dry tone, "but some things are just rude to ask about. I heard Chihuly was on the candidate list again this year, he's going to be fuming. I've one of his chandeliers in Madrid." She wrinkles her nose. "Or is it Paris? Either way. Whatever."

Her small, upturned nose twitches towards the food, and Janet uncrosses her legs to stand smoothly. "It /does/ smell good. Let's go see who's making dinner. Hopefully it's not Rhodey trying to kill us with his chili again." Janet waits for Pepper before heading to the kitchen with the redhead in tow. Her face immediately brightens spotting the occupants of the room. "Hey guuuys," she says, sounding pleased to see the two SHIELD agents chatting. "Wanda, whatcha making? It smells yummy."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda Maximoff looks at Clint's rough handling of the spiciness with surprise, and is about to say something when he reveals that he's just joking. She lets out a exasperated sigh and looks like she would indeed swat at him if he was still in range. Obviously the wily archer is wise to her ways.

In her typically slow, thoughtful sounding delivery, Wanda says, "I was about to say, if you couldn't handle this, it would cut down the dishes I have for you to try still." She gives a light laugh. Wanda gets a fresh spoon to taste the sauce herself. "Mmm. Time to get the chicken cooking," she says. At Clint's question about what he can do to help, Wanda says, "A glass of wine maybe?"

When Natasha joins them, Wanda amends her request to Clint. "Make that two? Wine, Nat?" she offers. "Or four. Hello, Pepper, Janet," Wanda says as the quorum of redheads in the kitchen goes up by one more. "Please come in. Should be about... fifteen minutes on the food," she tells them as she gets the chicken cooking.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint grins, "Nah, whatever you've got I can handle, and sure, wine coming up," he says about what to do, though he pauses on the way to get the bottle when Nat appears at the doorway. "Noted," he grins to his work partner with a nod, "And what did you think of my amazing acting skills Nat? Think I've got you beat?": he totally doesn't or at least he wasn't trying hard.

When Pepper and Jan joins them the archer waves, and greets, "Hey guys. Just in time, was going to get some wine for us here, I figure the two of you know what we've got better than anyone, any recommendations?" After all Jan was Jan and Pepper's job was to wrangle Tony, so he figured both of them knew their way around some booze.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    Nat smirks at little at Clint. "Gonna be out of a job if I don't silence you before word gets back to Fury." She says dryly. Natasha offers Wanda a little wave in response to her greeting, and seems to consider the offer for a moment. "... Sure. If three's not a-"
    And then suddenly EVERYONE is in the kitchen.
    "... crowd."
    Nat's not getting a lot of counter-evidence to the theory that she is the harbinger of personal couple-moments being annihilated.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper walks with an easy step with Janet, her voice dropping to something of a stage whisper, "He's not happy," she confirms. "But at this point, everyone on the board is very happy with their choices for the exhibit." She'll let Janet make whatever professional announcement in her own time. It's the designer's time to shine!

Walking into the kitchen, Pepper takes a look around, her expression more relaxed than it has been for a little while. Refreshed.. freckled face a little more pink, and rested.

"I guess five is, though?" That one is just for Nat. There is a touch of apology there, but Clint's welcome is enough to set her at ease once again, and she smiles, a soft breathed laugh exiting,

"We actually have a sommalier on retainer to catch the new offerings, but I think we," she looks at Janet briefly before coming back around, "can find something."

A step forward, and Pepper looks like she's absolutely enjoying that aroma, but maybe she's committing a sin by asking,

"Do you use red wine to cut it a little and bring out the spice more? I can find something to pair it with, or Janet can?"

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"I'm really not much of a wine snob," Janet admits to Clint with a wrinkle of her nose. "It's just not my thing. You probably want something European, if Wanda's cooking, like ..." She glaneces to Pepper, shrugs. "Cotes du Rhone, maybe something from a Rhineland vinery?" she hazards.

The fashionista slides onto a stool and crosses her legs, folding them neatly under her and hooking a rail with her spike heel. "Sorry. If it was taco night, then tequila's the answer. But tequila's /always/ the answer," she says, and retrives a potato chip from a bowl on the counter so she can nibble daintily upon it.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda shakes her head to Pepper. "No wine in it. Chicken broth, oil, sour cream, and a lot of peppers and other seasonings," she tells the other woman. Wanda considers for a moment, "Something like a Barbaresco, a dry red, or else a cool Zinfandel, either would go well enough," Wanda says in her softly accented English. She nods as well at Janet's suggestion. "That would likely go well with it as well," she says.

The chicken goes into the big pot and the whole thing brought to a boil for awhile, reducing and filling the kitchen with the spicy aroma. Soon enough Wanda is serving up plates of noodles with the spicy chicken and dumplings added, along with a healthy measure of sauce. She passes them around to anyone wishing one before she'll get a plate for herself. She gives a Serbian blessing over the food. "I hope it's enjoyable," she adds back in English again.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint can't help but grin at Nat. "Right?" he says of his supposed acting chops. "Too late, you already committed," Clint says about there being a crowd or not, he kicks out a chair for Nat.

As for the wine? Clint nods, "Well sounds like Janet knows what she's talking about wine snob or no," he says before glancing back at Wanda. "Unless this goes with tequila?" he asks pretending to be hopeful. As more wines are brought up, Clint surrenders the field to those more knowledgeable than he and works on getting the bowls passed out when the food's ready to eat. Once everyone has one in front of them he asks, "So, what's been new lately? Been tied up in the office," the Triskelion, "Most of the week."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Anyone with sharp ears might catch the rumble of the modified Harley returning to the side-drive of the mansion. It precedes the arrival of one Steve Rogers, just shucking out of his brown leather jacket. He must have been at the Triskelion given he's wearing a plain blue button-down with his jeans and Oxfords rather than combat boots -- pinch yourself.

"Nice to escape it, isn't it?" This to Clint in particular, Steve having caught Clint's comment to the group with bowls before them all. He tosses his coat over a chair and diverts to press a kiss to Janet's crown of hair before wandering to serve himself a bowl as well, sauce abounding.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    Natasha stops the chair with one foot, blandly saying "Curses." as she takes a seat. Natasha shares a bit of a look with Pepper, but says nothing, letting the conversation bury the moment for a little while before she straightens up and tries not to look too curious peering at the concoction as she rolls herself over with a gentle kick.
    She takes a plate gracious, breathing in its aroma for a moment and sighing. "I try not to get nostalgic, but here I am. Thank you, Wanda." It's... sort of a Nat compliment. Her own Russian accent is completely disguised, coming off as simply neutral American. She makes a bit of a sound as she tastes it and shakes her head. "Mmph. Perfect."
    "Captain." She greets Steve as he enters.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Looks like Pep is the one to go for the wine! Which is absolutely fine with her!

"Be right back."

On her way out, the PA with the mostest confirms, "Dry red. Got it. Anything else?" Still, she'll find some good pairings, and perhaps a good bottle of vodka settled in a freezer wouldn't go amiss either. While not for her, there is little argument that it wouldn't go. While tequila may go with everything, the near freezing temperature of a good vodka also would!

Passing Steve in the hall, Pepper smiles and disappears to retrieve the bottle.

She's not gone for long, however, and upon returning, sets the bottle onto the counter near Clint. "I'm really bad at opening it." Pep's tones are in a wry sort of apology; she can do many things!

Pulling out a seat for herself, she takes a warmed plate and waits for the others to serve themselves before, piling the noodles before adding the chicken and sauce.

"It feels good to get out and breathe."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
The fashionista accepts a bowl from Wanda with both hands and a grateful, eager smile flashing for the Romani girl. "God this smells -good-," Janet mutters, and reaches for a soup spoon to start digging it.

Janet beams at Steve when he passes by her, and leans back obligingly as she's embraced. Fingers reach up and curl around his arm in an expression of affection, and trail down his wrist as he steps away. "Honey, did you leave your boots at work?" Janet inquires, staring at Steve's shoes in puzzlement. Pepper shows up with the bottle, so while she's wrangling her own food, Janet grabs an automatic bottle opener and drives it into the cork to dislodge it.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda Maximoff makes sure everyone has food, including a just-arriving Steve Rogers. "Come help yourself, made enough for the team and staff. Well, unless Hulk shows up, then I made enough just for him," she says in a teasing tone. "Which makes me wonder... what happens to all of that food that Hulk eats, when he turns back into Bruce? It still has to be digested, right?" she asks, holding up her hands as if unsure.

She gets her own plate then, and smiles as the wine is brought out. She pats Clint's back as it is passed to him to open, while she gets some glasses from a cabinet for him to pour into.

"We didn't have very many years with our mother. But she used to make this," Wanda says as she gets her plate back and takes a small bite, sighing happily at the flavor. "I had to learn to make it from others, later on. I hope she'd have thought it a good version," Wanda says of the dish.

Clint Barton has posed:
"Too slow," Clint says to Nat. "But hey, at least you get free food out of the deal right?" he asks his fellow agent just before Steve walks in and Clint gives the man a grin, "You're telling me, you been cooped up in there too, huh?" he asks about the Triskelion, it was a big place, even Avengers didn't run into each other there on the daily.

With the wine handled, Clint hops up for glasses and begins to pour for everyone who wants it.

Chuckling about the Hulk. "Are we sure we want to know where it goes?" he asks the group with a bit of a smile, before finishing handing out the wine and making his way back to his seat. "I'm sure your mother would be proud Wanda, and I bet Pete really packed this stuff away back in the day too," grinning at the last part. "If was as hungry then as he is now."

Clint digs in, and truth be told he could definitely stand to pack a lot of this away. "So good," he says with a nod for Wanda.

Steve Rogers has posed:
"Hey Nat," the Captain in question greets his fellow SHIELD-ie, small smile included as he works at ladeling himself his bowl.

"Boots're in the closet." Steve does shoot a knowing grin at Janet and even waggles eyebrows. That's right, fashionista: pinch yourself. "Today required the work shoes. Cooped up, yes," comes the confirmation to Clint. "'nd I'll take a glass of wine, please."

Seating himself next to Janet, close enough that elbows might touch, he then sets in at a quiet, decent pace. "It is good, Wanda, thank you." He shoots a grin towards her. "'s'a treat to come home to something like this. Not that I mind leftover pizza, but, again, this is something special."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper quietly murmurs her thanks to Clint for the glass, post pouring, and picks up a fork, ready for the fare. To hear about Wanda's family, well, she's softly sympathetic, "I'm sorry Wanda. I'm sure she'd think your version was perfect. I can tell it is just by the scent alone." To underscore it, Pepper does take a bite, and a breath is taken for the heat of it, chews and swallows it. She's not to the eyewatering stage, but, "That is really good... heat and flavor. Such a good balance."

The talk of work swirls around her, and Pepper is more than happy to let it do just that. It's the gratefulness of getting free time away that makes it all, though. "After this, I'm afraid I have to go back. Some things are timezone sensitive, and we're waiting on calls from Japan." She is, anyway.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"Oxfords and jeans, though? It's--" Janet waves it off, shaking her head. "Y'know, nevermind. Not important. I'm taking you shopping this week for new outfits anyway," she tells Steve. "We'll sort it out then." Fingers rest on Steve's wrist and she squeezes it affectionately.

"Mm, so now that Steve's here, I've got some news," Janet declares. "-Someone- pulled some strings," she says, with a deliberate side-eye at Pepper, "and the Metropolitan Museam of Art has picked their next travelling exhibit. It'll be a look at modern couture and contemporary fashion, featuring the work of this beautiful lady, riiiiight here," she says, and sticks two thumbs up back at herself. "Travelling road show, at least fourteen weeks up and down the eastern seaboard. All featuring my designs."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda slowly makes her way through her food, finding a spot beside Clint to eat at, and take occasional sips from her wine. She doesn't seem to mind the spice too much, though it's enough she notices it, probably clears out her sinuses a little.

"Thank you Pepper, that means a lot," Wanda tells the other woman with a grateful look. Wanda's gaze swings to Janet then as she shares her news. "Wow. That is wonderful, Janet," Wanda says. "When it's open in town we'll have to go see it," she says, looking over to Clint.

Wanda pauses for a moment. She lets anyone else respond to Janet first, not wanting to take away from the special moment. Though eventually, Wanda will say quietly, "Has everyone heard the news about Loki?"

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint slides a glass of wine over to Steve. "Been one of those weeks. Everything happening all at once."

Then Clint is content to sit back and enjoy his food until the news both good and bad comes out.

Clint raises his glass, "Grats, Jan, that's amazing," he says. "So, when does it start and when do we get tickets?" he teases with a grin.

The grin lives a short life however when Loki is brought up, his expression becomes sour in a way that suggests he already knows what's coming.

Steve Rogers has posed:
"Ain't it the truth," concurs Steve with the archer as he receives his glass of wine. Clint is thanked for it as well.

The Captain doesn't seem overbothered by his predicament. Clothing shopping is something he's come to accept as one half of this pairing. He does glance over as Janet's voice rises in preparation for her announcement. A sip of wine to clear his palate and then a broad grin.

"That's wonderful, Janet -- an honor, without a doubt. Congratulations!" He didn't miss the side-glance given to Pepper and looks to the red-head almost knowingly; almost. Steve had nothing at all to do with this particular event. His smile only fades when Wanda asks her question because...it's a doozy.

"...what about Loki?" he asks more quietly, expression gone sober.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"He's going to need a new outfit for those openings," Pepper teases. "But, he does look good in a tux." Who needs anything but that?

It should be more than obvious that Pepper is very happy for her friend, and catching the announcement mid-swallow, her free hand rises to her throat and it's completed with a brief cough and a whispered, "Excuse me."

Now, however, Pepper chimes in, "I simply showed them that someone had been missing off their sheets and perhaps they should be reviewing other portfolios," but there's that smile. "I didn't have to say a word after that." Really, though, does she have to in some circles? Reaching out to touch Janet on the arm lightly, Pepper adds, "It's your work that did it. You deserve it."

To answer the question on everyone's lips, though, the master scheduler returns with, "The opening is in August. It'll start with a black tie affair for invited guests before the actual opening for the public." She pauses before, "Everyone should have their tuxes cleaned for this one. And I think Janet would agree that it's a perfect reason to go shopping."

The question regarding Loki, however, causes her expression to fall. Perfect time for Tony to return to more activity with the Avengers... not.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet beams at Pepper and squeezes her hand in return. "It never hurts to have friends who grease the wheels," Janet points out. "After all, it's not who you know, it's how you know them. Don't downplay what you did," she scolds her, and laughs and with another squeeze releases Pepper's fingers.

"You can have tickets Clint, but you're gonna go wearing one of my designs," she informs him. "That's the price of admission."

But then talk shifts to more dire matters, and the smile fades into worried concern. Absently one hand slides over to squeezes Steve's left hand as if looking for a little physical reassurance from him. "I hadn't heard the news either. Why, what's going on?" she asks, warily.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda lets out a soft sigh, bad enough to find out if others knew, worse that they don't and she'll have to tell them. Wanda finishes her bite and puts her fork back on her plate and lets it rest there.

"Thor and Loki were at the attack on Metropolis. I don't know all the details. But in what ensued, Thor broke the fetters on Loki's powers, as they were needed to help defeat that which was attacking the city," Wanda says softly.

She looks to Clint for confirmation she has it right as she says, "At this point I don't believe we know where he is. He might have departed Earth, but... I don't think we know."

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint offers Janet a smile. "I can live with those terms," he says of going to the event in a JVD original. No problem there!

"Yeah, my theory is he conned us, that he was likely behind these shadow creatures and that his endgame was always getting his powers back," he says pushing his food away finding he didn't have an appetite given the turn of subject. "But that's just my theory."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Subtly, the Captain rotates his palm upwards to better interlace fingers with Janet when she reaches for him. His brows slowly meet as he listens; this corroborates the report he'd read after its submission to SHIELD intel.

"Wouldn't be surprised if he did," murmurs Steve in agreement with Clint, his eyes flickering around to each person at the table.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper offers a smile to her friend, and to Steve (also a friend!) of encouragement and a touch of gratitude before she looks at her plate. She's eaten a good portion of it, and the talk of Loki has pretty much put a kabash on the rest of her apetite; Clint's not alone there. Picking up a napkin to daub at her lips, she exhales in a soft breath and smiles tightly, "I should go. This is a little beyond my scope," and to listen to it will only make her a little more concerned for Tony. And that's not what he needs right now. Blissful ignorance, but that was left at the door years ago when Tony took on Iron Man.

"It's okay," is added, just in case she needs to dissuade anyone. "I do have those meetings, and Tony's birthday is in 15 days. There's a lot of work to do, including seeing if I need dwarves to help make it." Beat. "Don't ask," is finished wryly with a touch of amused affection.

"Thank you, and Janet? Shopping? Later?" At least for fabrics!

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"Anytime," Janet promises Pepper with a flashing smile. "Don't work too hard," she advises Pepper, and blows her a friendly kiss. "And don't let Tony rope you into anything too scandalous. That's his job, not yours," she grins.

The expression sobers and she looks back to the other Avengers with a furrow of her brow. Remembering she has soup, she goes for a spoon, then remebers her fingers and curled up with Steve's and she wriggles them loose.

"I definitely am leery about Loki runnin amok in Manhattan," Janet agrees. "Thor really needs to put a collar on him," she mutters over a spoonful. "There's no telling what he'll get up to."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda Maximoff gives Pepper a wave as the woman is departing. "Come by more often, Pepper," Wanda tells her with a soft smile. Afterwards she looks back to Clint. "The cooking, maybe I have down. The dinner conversation? Not so much," she says, letting her accent hang a little thick with the words.

Wanda picks her utensil back up and says, "Clint and I volunteered to... speak to Odin. Give him a piece of our minds might be more like it," she says. "Thor is beating himself up enough about this on his won though. It was needed to save the city," she says softly. "But we should probably make sure to keep additional numbers on hand for awhile, until we can figure out what is going on," Wanda says. "I'm going to speak to Stephen Strange. See if he might be able to assist. Loki is not from Earth, so Stephen may be able to take greater action in his case."

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint waves goodbye to Pepper before shaking his head and looking to Wanda, "It's fine, it needed to be talked about. Anyhow, he's out there we don't know where, but we can be sure he'll cause trouble sooner or later."

After that Clint falls silent, listening while the others speak.

Steve Rogers has posed:
"Take it easy, Pepper." The farewell bidding comes in a tone far more easy-going than the topic at hand with the gathering at the table. He turns back to properly sit in his chair and sighs, his free hand rising to rub at the back of his neck. Relaxing his fingers better allows Janet's escape from unthreaded grip. Steve glances over at her and then back at the others.

"Figure Thor can speak to his father first. Numbers here're more important in the meantime," he opines, nodding agreement. "I think the Doctor's a good option in this instance. He knows more about what Loki could be getting up to even more'n any of us, given how he's up to his ears in magic. Regardless...the unpredictability's just as uncomfortable as last time. Keep me in the loop about talking with the Doc?"

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda Maximoff nods to Steve. "I'll let you know what he has to say," she agrees. She looks over at the pot of paprikash. "Enough left for Pietro," she says, moving it off of the stove to let it cool. After, she walks over to Janet to offer her a tight hug. "Congratulations on the exhibit," Wanda offers again, wanting to leave on a higher note than the talk about Loki.