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Latest revision as of 03:30, 15 May 2020

Good Morning America!
Date of Scene: 14 May 2020
Location: Times Square
Synopsis: Cecily Saves the Avengers!
Cast of Characters: Thor, Pepper Potts, Cecily Winters, Dinah Lance, Tony Stark

Thor has posed:
    The show was going well!
    It was but a day or two after the events in Metropolis and Gotham, with the giant shadow creature that had threatened those great cities. Early morning in the great city of Manhattan, there in the bright sunshine of a Spring morning and Glen Hadden of Good Morning America is drinking some coffee as he chats amiably with his guest, none other than The Mighty Thor.
    "So, how's it like living with the Avengers, lots of parties I bet, huh? You guys throw some killer parties."
    "What?" Thor says, "No, not. /Many./" He says a hint of indignance in his eloquent tone. "Though, this last month yes there were several. But we..."
    "AND WE'RE BACK!" Hadden turns to the camera, "Welcome back America, I have with me Thor Odinson of the Mighty Avengers, so recently saved the city with the help of many of the heroes from the Metropolis area."
    "Well it was indeed a group effort."
    "So tell me, Thor. Tony Stark. What's the man really like? You know, when the cameras are off."
    "What? He's... well he's Stark?" Thor looks a touch puzzled.
    Yet meanwhile out in the crowd around the open set, New York mills around openly watching and listening and people are taking videos with their phones and laughing. Some people are waving around signs, one proclaiming prominently, John 3:16. All for this interview with Thor. Which will likely last another two minutes.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper is used to this; the handling of the interviews, the timing, making sure the questions were vetted before hand and no one strayed from the script. Everything sounds like it's going well; a couple of funny questions here to loosen up the guest, and everything is fine. She's dressed in business attire, hair up and in that bun, an earpiece set so she can hear everything.

The moment it starts going sideways, green eyes widen, and she glances over towards the stage manager before she starts to stalk towards her. In a low voice to speak over the headset, Pepper sounds cool, calm..

"This wasn't on the list. Take control of your host, now, or you won't see us again.."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Backstage but easily out of view of any cameras or windows, another meta stands adjacent to a wall. Cecily's got an earpiece as well, though it's tuned to emergency chatter. The NYPD could handle the 'riot' outside, but a fox seems to be just another face in a formal outfit.

    She maintains an air of calm that seems to mirror Pepper's, without the edge from the lapse in the host's judgement. No, the vixen's face remains passive, her hands clasped behind her back, just above where her tails protrude. There's a messenger bag slung across her shoulder and a security pass on a lanyard attached to the lapel of her suit jacket. Though she's more than happy to meet the legendary Thor, she's here on business, watching and listening to the proceedings.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Near the outdoor set, Dinah Lance is enjoying the sunshine in a pair of jeans, t-shirt and biker leathers. Most people avoid driving in Manhattan like the plague, but it's a pretty different story when you're on a motorcycle. And not shy about... improvising. Right now, Dinah's pulled her Triumph up onto the sidewalk and is having a conversation with one of the street vendors.

"Look, I don't care *what* you call it, this isn't meat."

"But Miss, I..."

"No! I watched you open the can. Yes, *that* can. In the trash right there. I challenge you to show me where, in the ingredient list, it says that there is actually meat in this." She holds up something that might be a gyro, or might be schwarma.

Thor has posed:
    Likely, like unto lightning, a message is beamed to the hidden earpiece for the host on that open-air set with its wall facing the public. The fountain trickling in between the set and the crowd. And he just keeps on smiling as he says, "I had a buddy who met him once, says he's completely different off camera from on. Completely." Hadden spreads his arms to lend emphasis to the gesture and nods to Thor.
    And Thor returns and ever polite he actually answers, which might be why he doesn't do /that/ many interviews. "I've not seen a difference in manner, Stark is Stark. You might as well ask why the sun chooses to rise in the East and set in the West. Or why Mjolnir e'er returns to my hand when called. It just is."
    At that the host laughs and slaps at Thor's large bicep with the cards i his hand. "You're a trip, Thor. We gotta get you back again soon. Thanks, buddy."
    And suddenly the camera is off of him as the host looks away and starts talking, chattering happily about the new electric car they're going to be exhibiting and the latest music craze. For an instant, the Thunderer might look lost there, just sort of looking around with a curious gaze and then undoing the small microphone from his collar. He pushes off of the seat and starts to walk one way, then is motioned another. He doesn't exactly look like he dressed to be on television, what with his blue jeans and work boots and that grey hoodie. But still he cut a decent silhouette.
    Meanwhile out in the crowd, Cecily likely has a good vantage point to gauge and watch. To measure that casual ebb and flow of movement. The crowd seems reasonably at peace though the outliers are always a little more rowdy. But their difference in body language likely stands out as it's more focused, angled... and has some of them pushing through the crowd in the direction of Thor. But the course is more likely to take them closer toward Pepper. And perhaps near that particular blond bombshell.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper is fuming, and not in a good, 'we need to talk this out' sort of way. It's more of a 'I will bury you' sort of way, complete with 'and the Nielsen family won't be able to find the bodies' topping. As she crosses the outdoor sound stage, the PA is upclose and personal with the stage manager, inches from his face.

"If you //ever// do that again.. No, you will //never// get the chance to do that again. Ever. You're going to be looking for a new job within the week, so I suggest you start looking for a new job in Terre Haute.. because that's where you'll be."

Spinning around on her Prada heel, Pepper makes her way back towards Thor, her tones softly apologetic, but still tinged with simmering anger. "That wasn't on the cards given. You know that.. it's not your fault. We can make up for this." She takes a couple of steps beside the larger man, effectively offering to lead him, "Come on.."

Tony Stark has posed:
"Hi!" Tony says abruptly at Pepper's left, placing a coffee in her hands. She'll know, though, from long experience, that the coffee is not for her consumption. It's just for her to hang onto for a little bit until he wants it again. "I like this ferocious side of you. Go for the eyes, or wallet," Tony suggests to Pepper while he digs out a mobile device, fiddling with it. He seems to be entirely oblivious- intentionally - of the interview.

Tony doesn't have the ability to actually sneak up on anyone properly without calling lots of attention in general. He has a posse of assistants and people around him. Or at least, a group that's rushing to catch up to him, since he darted in a direction they didn't expect right away. He was going to stay over to the side, not rush into things, past some overwhelmed producers that rapidly, no doubt, had to sort through their notes: IS THIS THE NEW PLAN?

And, so, attention being called is the case now: he's rolled up in a flashy suit, sunglasses, with zero attempt to mask who he is. The sunglasses, and the upbeat attitude, help mask the lack of sleep. Distracted by his mobile device, he looks at that, thumbing through an array of holograms that spring to the surface in orange flux of Stark's rapid demand.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily shakes her head. She hates crowd control. She hates television shows and cameras. Almost two years as a bodyguard to high-and-low profile clients alike and she will never enjoy being near a camera, let alone the focus of it. But here she is. Perhaps a favor to the PD, to help keep an eye on things. In fact, she almost rolls her eyes with how quick the sound byte is over and Thor is being shuffled off for the next article of dubious news.

    And then she spots the movement. Her ears prick up and her lips shift into a small frown. One doesn't call themselves a security consultant without reading body language. She steps forward, away from the wall, see if she can get a position that's at least a little bit more elevated so her eyes can follow the aggressive movers. "...there might be a situation developing..." she murmurs into her mic.

    And then Tony Stark shows up. Another 'and then' to add to the list of 'and thens' one may or may not wish to put on a short list of developing situations. Now there's not two, but three highly visible VIP's near a dense crowd. Her ears lay flat against her head, and she develops a momentary outbreak of 'Pepper Potts Face' as she frowns.

    Oh it's going to be one of those days, is it?

Dinah Lance has posed:
And Dinah? She's still discussing the nature of her 'no-meat street-meat' with the vendor. Avengers in hoodies? Soon-to-be-canned TV producers? Anthro-fox bodyguards? Billionaire-philanthropist-playboys? Not even on her radar.

The vendor tries to change the subject, pointing to the motorcycle on the sidewalk. "Miss, you cannot par-..."

"Don't you DARE try and change the subject. And don't even think about touching my bike." Dinah retorts. If she had hackles, they'd be up. And she steps in to point a finger vigorously in his face. Deep breath, Dinah. She lowers both the finger and the wrapped concoction.

"Listen, I'll tell you what. Just go ahead and remake this, alright? Except use real meat. I'll pay you... half price for it. And I won't call the police, because THIS..." she gestures with the wrap in her other hand again "... is a crime. Okay?"

Thor has posed:
    The stage manager has the good nature to /act/ like he had no idea as he replies, "Pepper, honey, sweetie. You know Hadden he's a loose cannon!" But when Ms. Potts turns around and moves off the stage manager grins and shoots his host a big /thumbs up/ to show his support.
    But then Pepper is advancing on Thor who at first looked a little lost until some fans yelled at him, "We love you, Thor!"
    To which he answers, "And I love you too!" Which causes all sorts of laughing and giggles.
    "Ah, Pepper. Are we off then?" And as easy as that he falls into step with her, moving along with a hand in his pocket and the other reaching out... until an umbrella leaps across the room into his hand...
    Just as Stark appears. "Stark! Did you see me?"
    "We love you Thor, ohmigod is that him? It's Tony Stark!" And loud shrieks go up all the more.
    The Thunderer smiles openly as he moves along, "I believe I did a fair job. Perhaps decently so."
    Yet when the voices lift mentioning Tony Stark, Cecily will likely get a good angle on the situation as several of those men cutting through the crowd reach into their jackets. Though the way their clothes hand, it doesn't seem like firearms are being drawn. Something else?
    On the microphone Cecily will hear the security detail responding quickly, << Eyes on? I've got nothing from street side. >>
    A feminine voice is heard on the comms, << Balcony, I got nothin' from here. >>

Pepper Potts has posed:
And there he.. when.. what? Pepper looks briefly puzzled, but she recovers her angry game face soon enough, her voice in a low, for him only, "Tony, not now please--" but it's short-lived as the coffee mug is thrust into her hands. "What-- what?" She's going for the throat //and// the wallet, not a matter of 'or'.

There's that face, and she's got the mug in hand, and the moment she hears 'Pepper' from that producer, she's on him in a New York Second. "It's Ms Potts, and if you think for one second.."

And it's time to 'handle' Thor while keeping an eye on Tony. "You were great, Thor.. and," her voice is lost in the shouting, so she really doesn't even try. She does stay close, however, in order to direct.

A few more steps and the crowd is shouting Thor and Tony's name while Pepper is trying to keep whatever momentum going.

Tony Stark has posed:
"Of course. You interview like ...nobody else, Point Break," Tony says, with a one-handed thumbs up at Thor, which then abruptly turns into a grand wave out into the fans as he and Thor are addressed. Pepper at the very least will see it coming: and fortunately, so does Tony's personal protection. They clump around him to bodily block and strong-arm anyone that tries to touch Mr. Stark.

Because Tony has moved into rock-star grin mode, and crosses directly to the line of the fans. "Selfie, Mr. Stark? Please?!" begs a fan, and gets her wish, as Tony leans over the barrier line and faces the fan's camera.

"Me too? Photo?" asks another. Tony takes the picture, but then steals the phone from the fan, steps away from the fan line, turns, and takes a series of selfies of himself with the fans behind him with the fan's phone. "And a silly one," Tony calls behind him, with a flippant grin, before he turns and tosses the phone back to the hyperventilating fan. There's a surge of people offering their phones and flashes, and Tony basks in it. This is his happy place.

"He //touched my phone//," squeaks the young lady who is now getting steered back by Tony's entourage.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    <<Human, male, multiple. Wearing jackets. Reaching into their pockets...>> Cecily rattles off details quickly and tersely. <<Too aggressive to be phones or cameras. Tentative negative on concealed firearms. Beelining in. Follow my trajectory, balcony.>> Normally, she'd have much preferred balcony duty, but even with less-than-lethal munitions, a rooftop shooter has very, very difficult choices and precious few options when such a crowd is involved.

    So in her smart flats she pushes inward, to join crowd and work her way through it. Her ears lay flat against her head, making it easier to hear updates, and perhaps obscure her vulpine features. Her tails coil around her waist, not just keeping her bag snug to her side, but also keeping them protected from grabbing hands and stomping feet.

    With any luck those 'abnormal' features might get the way to part for her, depending on how pro-mutant the crowd is.

Dinah Lance has posed:
The street vendor stops talking. His gaze shifts from the motorcycle to the blonde then back to his food stand before something in her argument sinks in. "I will do as you ask, Miss. Just wait for a moment, please."

For her part, Dinah looks satisfied. Or at least no longer incredibly displeased. Casually dropping the wrap into the trash, she folds her arms to wait for its replacement. And that's when she spots Thor moving through the crowd. Who could miss him, right?

Not to mention the stirring in the crowd caused by a certain Mister Stark as well. She spots the bodyguards, of course. It's not like Stark's security is less discreet than he is, right? Detective instincts kick in. Something is happening.

Dinah reaches into her pocket and peels out a fiver, handing it to the vendor without looking. "Keep it warm for me..." she says softly.

Thor has posed:
    There's no real plan to it, no organization. Perhaps six people dressed dissimilarly save for the fact that a lot of their clothes seem uncared for. Haggard severe men with jackets in Spring time moving through that open crowd and trying to keep pace with Thor as he is the easiest for them to see. But when they spot Tony, hear mention of him, some begin to pull sharp wicked edged weapons from their jackets. Elaborate knives that catch the light when readied.
    It's there in that bare moment, that single instant, that Cecily will see one with a red hat as he starts to break from the crowd and rush towards her charges. Another across the way, wearing a business suit that has some stains upon it, he draws the same knife and tries to push an older man out of the way to close the distance.
    Six in all, now rushing, now trying to get within reach of at least /one/ of them as they come from the myriad of angles where the talent are forced to pass closest to the crowd.
    When Cecily cuts through the crowd her features do draw the repeated double glances. When she presses to push through she finds it a smidge easier. Then she can likely see the paths, the consolidating point of focus of all... six? Yes definitely six of them.
    It's then that Dinah's instincts kick in as she sees the sixth that the others may have missed. A large burly man with dark skin in a football jersey. Giants? A Simms jersey of all things. But what might draw more attention is the moon-like curve of the knife that he draws as he says to those near, "Get out of my way!"
    In those words the first jolt of fear lashes through the crowd.

Pepper Potts has posed:
She still has that damned cup of coffee.. and twisting around, Pepper is looking for someone to hand it off to. Dammit.. and that is plainly read on her face. Bodyguard, bodyguard.. "Happy.. where's Happy?" He's got to be around, right?

Aaaand, there goes Tony, into the crowd, doing everything but surfing. Pressing her lips together in a tight line, she's forced to slow her pace. As a result of the adoring fans, Pepper is left literally holding the cup. At least the bodyguards are being allowed to do their job.

The redhead looks around, searching for the best exit now. Where's the limo?

Tapping onto her earpiece, it's a quick message, tinged with anger and frustration. "Happy, you have the car? Meet us at the corner of 42nd and 11th. Tony's joined us."

Tony Stark has posed:
After having been attacked and kidnapped on multiple occasions, Tony is a little jumpy, and it shows in how quickly he does orient. "Women and Children first," Tony calls back at the man yelling for people to get out of his way, but the tone is more along the line of 'get pictures first', not a warning. However, Tony's bodyguards start to pull in towards Tony and 'encourage' him to back off.

Tony's going to finish signing this woman's forearm first, though, before he's willing to get moved anywhere. "/SIR/," attempts one of them, frustrated. He's new to the Tony group, and is flummoxed by being handed the sharpie Tony was using.

Tony is, in fact, paying attention, though, and taps the side of his glasses, talking to nobody. He's not coming out into public naked. "I think 42nd and 12th might have less traffic," Tony comments at Pepper's observation lightly --- just, probably, to be opinionated.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    <<Blades. Six. Converging on VIP's.>> Cecily's voice stays even and cold, her expression still marred by a deep frown. She's less gentle about her movements now, and peels towards a nearby lamppost. "Move. Get down. Get out of the way. Excuse me. Stop gawking. Please evacuate immediately," she rambles with a growl as she moves.

    Closer and closer and then a burst of movement. She winces, likely going to regret this if everyone's taking pictures, but she needs a better position. And a better position she acquires, hopping, skipping, from a stone planter to a newspaper box to hooking an arm around that post. She bends her knee, curses her skirt, and kicks off the pole with a surge of motion.

    It's an almost graceful dive, her white tails fanning out behind her, the flash of chrome and chain clasped in one hand. Cuffs. Drawn from her jacket mid-flight. And down she goes, on top of one of the ruffians, one arm wrapped around his neck, crossed over his chest, the other grasping for the wrist of the blade hand.

    There's a tumble, an impact, pulling him to the side on the way to the pavement and rolling once or twice in a manner that ends with him pinning him to the ground, working to secure his other wrist in the bindings. <<One down...>> she reports, as if it wasn't obvious with her display, but she's still just one person.

Dinah Lance has posed:
People start converging on the celebrities, then. People with big, wicked-looking knives. Oh *Hell* no.

The big, burly guy in the football jersey bullies his way through the crowd, and the crowd complies.

Mostly. Dinah stands just a little over 5'6" with her boots on and probably weighs half as much as this guy. Facing him with hands on her hips, she replies simply. "I can't do that." With a snarl, the bruiser slashes at her with the knife...

One of the TV cameras was panning the crowd, and afterward they'll have to roll back the footage a few times... in slow motion... to figure out exactly what happened to the guy. One second he's there, then there is a blur of black and blonde and he's down. Face down on the pavement, boot on the back of his shoulder while the blonde levers his arm upward at a really unnatural angle.

Almost casually, Dinah plucks the knife from his numb fingers... holding it carefully by the hilt while the guy twice her size weeps in pain. Looking around, she cranes her neck and tries to see what's going on. All the while cursing herself for lack of communication.

Heroes are all supposed to be on some hero-radio-com-thingy, right?

Thor has posed:
    The crowd reacts quickly, people break in different directions, clearing out angles and pathways towards the stage as most realize that these guys aren't there for them, they're there for... /them!/
    And as Thor becomes aware of the ruckus, he turns and holds up his umbrella, taking a step to the side to interpose himself between Stark and Pepper and whomever these men are. Though really that means he's also standing in front of some of the security element as they start to react to the comms and abruptly Cecily has people backing her play.
    One of which was apparently that blond out in the crowd as she had that huge Phil Simms jersey guy rushing her, only for her to smash him to the ground and dislocate the man's shoulder roughly, holding him at her mercy while just twenty feet across the courtyard Cecily displays amazing agility in her tackle, tussle, and then lock down of another.
    There's a cry that goes up from the remaining four as they shout something. Something loud that sounds like. 'Ha-SHO-INT-zee!' their blades brandished as they rush toward the cluster of others. Security guards draw in front of Tony, weapons are up.
    << Engaging. >> Is heard over the comms as the sniper in position lets their weapon bark twice, felling one of the rushing men with a rubber bullet? Something suitably non-lethal as there's no blood. It leaves the three still charging...

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper is trying to contain the confusion, but that simply isn't possible with 2 Avengers now. Pausing in her step, the redhead is watching both men as they try and share with the adoring crowd in their own unique ways.

The bodyguards, at least, are taking things very seriously, and judging from the back of her employer, she can read him. Things need to move.

'Get out of my way!'

"Tony.. Thor?" People are pushing, and Pepper takes a step back to give the pair somewhere to go before moving forward. Her earpiece is touched again, and there's a note of controlled concern now that rises. "Okay, Happy. Tony says 42nd and 12th. When we get there, be ready to go. I'll get them into the car first."

Off into the middle distance, the crowd does something completely different; yells of 'Move!' and 'Get down!' gain Pepper's attention and green eyes widen. She still can't immediately see the danger, but it shows up front and center soon enough with the big ol' knives.

"Get him out!"

Cecily Winters has posed:
    ZIP. Click. Snap! Chaos reigns as Cecily cuffs the man beneath her, wrists locked behind his back. Up and on her feet in a quick motion, she kicks the knife towards the curb, where one of the peripheral security detail can pick it up. <<Going loud!>> she warns, drawing a pistol from her concealed shoulder holster and levling it in one hand, the other held close to her side.

    There's a loud POP POP! as she lays on the trigger, precise shots with timing matching the blowback of the slide as the pair of rubber bullets slam into both of his calves, sending him head-over-heels with his own momentum. In her other hand, another set of cuffs drawn from her bag, and a wreathe of blue-white flame coalescing around her wrist. A jerk of her arm and a wheel of fire races across the ground, flaring up in front of a second assailant for a moment, the heat and light halting him in his tracks.

    Halting him long enough for her to shoulder tackle him to the ground, the tumble leaving her on her back as she wrestles one of his arms up into a position to lock one of the cuffs around it. Which puts her on the ground, the remaining third having fallen behind just enough to be lunging for her now. They're so close to the guard line, and her hands are busy. But her feet aren't. As he rushes at her, she jerks her leg up, catching his midsection with the sole of her shoe and lifting. His momentum and her support send the man sailing over her, ass over teakettle. Again, she curses her skirt, what with the high kick and all, as her tails move to keep her underthings a secret to the rest of the crowd.

    As for the man getting kicked, he's going places. Places he wants to be. Towards Thor in ways he never thought he would. Right into swinging range.

Tony Stark has posed:
And Tony is helping. Sort of.

Stark has tapped into the system the camera crews are using, and narrates loudly using the tech, and a mix of his own that's arriving on the scene. "And on your left, you will see a group of armed villains being summarily defeated by our talented staff and Avengers. As you take your videos for your Instragrams, you may also want to consider getting out of stabbing range in a calm and/or orderly way," Tony snarks. "And have your round of applause ready...."

Overhead, some small drones that were summoned have appeared, their little robotic eyes peering down, prepared to offer backup should it be necessary. Tony has blown a few kisses from the back, before allowing himself to be removed from the situation.

Thor has posed:
    As quick as the madness begins, it ends just as quickly. Abruptly the six are all put down and put down well, most through the efforts of the FoxCop. Five lie on the ground, locked down, unconscious as others of the security element move in. The weapons are grabbed and secured. But it's the sixth who is loaded up, popped up and suddenly...
    /WHACKED!/ by Thor thumping the man hard with his umbrella sharply and then pointing at the man. "No. Stay down!"
    But after all that, perhaps spurred on by Tony's words, the crowd starts to come back around, to become aware of what just happened, and suddenly all of the cameras are focused on not just the Avengers. Not just Dinah and Pepper. But front row center stage to the next news story... is going to be Cecily Winters.
    The host lifts his voice, "Let's give it up!"
    And indeed, there is applause.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Of course it had to happen on America's favorite morning show. Of course it had to happen in the middle of New York City. Of course it had to happen with not just Thor and Pepper Potts, but with Tony-blooody-Stark there as well. At least she managed to not show off her knickers to the cameras. She's finishing up cuffing the cur that's now serving as an impromptu cushion on the pavement. Cecily blinks, dragging herself to her feet in front of everyone, ears flattening against her head at the roaring applause.

    "...well shit..." she mutters under her breath, at least having the presence of mind to secure her firearm back in her suit jacket and smooth out her stockings, skirt, and jacket to return her to a proper Ms. Potts level of decorum.

    It's definitely one of those days.