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Revision as of 14:04, 17 May 2020

In 2017, the world was shocked when the alien creature known as Doomsday appeared in North America. Doomsday proceeded to run rampant throughout the western United States, defeating the assembled Justice League, Fantastic Four, the Titans, and X-Men when all attempted to intercede. Several metahuman heroes and many civilians were killed. It was not until Superman arrived that the fight began to turn, the battle cutting a swathe of destruction across the United States. News agencies follow the fight at a safe distance, and people around the world watch in horror as Superman fought the most savage and powerful foe he had yet encountered.

It was in the heart of Metropolis' New Troy that the fight finally came to an end. Superman killed Doomsday but was forced to use every ounce of his strength to do so and died shortly thereafter. A funeral was held for the Man of Steel and his body interred in a tomb constructed specifically for him in Metropolis' Centennial Park.

In the wake of the battle, new "Supermen" emerged to fill the yawning gulf left behind and the world mourned. The Justice League fell into disarray and largely dissolved, its members returning to their own individual concerns.