Justice League

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Justice League
Founded 01 January 2012
Headquarters Various
Leadership: Clark Kent, Diana Prince, Bruce Wayne
Brief Summary The Justice League was formed in 2012 to battle the global threat of an alien invasion led by the Dominators. They were the first team with an open roster. The Death of Superman led to the group fragmenting into individual concerns. After the attacks on Genosha and New York City by Brainiac in 2020, the League reformed as an active hero group with a mission of global protection and crisis response. They are considered a nonpartisan international aid group under the Sokovian Accords and have a global mission of humanitarianism. They are based out of the Watchtower, a space-based orbital station. The Hall of Justice serves as secondary facilities and as their public relations center.
Allies: Felicity Smoak

Additional Group Information

Group Assets

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Full Summary

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The Justice League assembled in 2012 in response to the Alien Alliance Invasion after the alien invaders had been repelled. Diana Prince, Clark Kent, and Batman were three of the most vocal proponents of the formation of the League. Early members included Barry Allen, Oliver Queen, and Arthur Curry.

The team expanded their roster slowly after the Invasion concluded. Notably they rejected the membership of several side-kicks, including Dick Grayson and Donna Troy for their youth. The League accepted new members over the years on a per-person basis. They were major advocates for the passage of the Alien Resettlement Program and other metahuman legislation.

After the Death of Superman in 2017, the League fragmented over grief and bickering. The charter never wholly dissolved but active membership severely diminished, particularly as Batman returned his focus to Gotham City. They are still an active contingent of superheroes, considered a loose collection of like-minded individual reservists rather than operating as a cohesive team.

Notable Events

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