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Latest revision as of 03:43, 21 May 2020

Spy(der)s and Cloak and Dagger
Date of Scene: 20 May 2020
Location: Abandoned Church, Brooklyn, NY
Synopsis: Spidey and MJ/Red engage with some Cloak and Dagger.
Cast of Characters: Tandy Bowen, Tyrone Johnson, Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson

Tandy Bowen has posed:
The fire that devastated the church several years ago left most of the roof open to the sky and one stained glass window intact-lights shine a ghostly gray through it. The altar, with all its valuable arsenal of religious artifacts, has long been looted or carted away by the diocese. One room remains intact; the roof over the priest's changing room keeps it dry and protected from the elements-their squat.

One pew, recuperated from the fire has a strange light emanating from it. Dagger glows softly leaned against amorphous darkness that she is talking to, "So, Father Delgado got word to him some mysterious way. Says it should be around now."

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    At first, it might appear as if Tandy were all alone there in the devastated building. But that is before a hint of movement can be picked up in the shadows. A small bit of darker black in the shadows lowers, and then comes back up. Yep, you guessed it. It's a head nodding within the folds of the hood of his cloak.
    "The father is resourceful. We should not impose upon him more often than necessary." he says after a brief pause. He is slow to find his words most days. It also sounds as if he is telling himself that because he is parroting the words Tandy spoke to him.
    Behind him, his cloak spreads out over the floor and up to the wall of the main room of the old place. But he doesn't move from that position... falling silent again as he merely waits.

Peter Parker has posed:
The Spider-Man Ride was DEFINITELY an E-ticket.
After the restaurant, Peter had invited MJ to go on a nice walk with him, out in the neighborhood. It was a warm night, and they had opted not to go to the graduation party after all.
The reason was the phone called Pete had gotten. Father Luis Delgado, a Catholic priest, had called Peter to try and reach out to Spider-Man, because of all the pictures he had taken of him. Someone needed his help. The meeting place was the Queen of Heaven church in Brooklyn, what was left of it. It had been gutted by fire while Carl King was taking his lunch money in elementary school.

He listened to the message, then had hung up and looked to MJ.

"Someone needs my help. Mind coming along for the ride?" he had asked.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane grins over at Peter, "Are you kidding? I'd love to!" She hmms, "Besides, wouldn't hurt to have someone watching your back for a change." Which, well, that /is/ true, as she simply says, "Let's go."

Sometimes, it really is just that easy.

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    To be honest, it's not like Tandy and Tyrone do a lot of talking. Well, Tandy does. Tyrone has become the darkness that he embodies. He looks, lurks, and stoically stands silently. Seriously, it's not like he chose that out of some Noir novel. It's just.. all of his life, he's had trouble communicating. A terrible stutter. So he got used to avoiding speaking unless he had to.
    Now that he is Cloak, he has no stutter, but still doesn't talk much. It's just a habit. Bless Tandy for being one of the few people patient enough with him to give him the time he needs and not make it feel like a guilt trip.
    It is a companionable silence that permeates the former Sanctuary... or rather since this is formerly a Catholic church, the nave. Each of them taking assurance in the presence of the other without needing to specifically state that.
    The two really have become more than just the sum of their parts. But finally, Tandy does murmur softly, "Any... minute.. now."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey is a little more expressive with his webslinging after the first time. Which means a LOT more acrobatics. They seem natural to him, but MJ finds herself doing enough flips, somersaults, vaults, and backflips to win ten Olympic events, and Spidey isn't even breathing hard when they land on the lamp post near the church.

They drop to the street, Spidey carrying MJ in his arms and in the harness. As he unbuckles the harness, he looks to her. "Hope that wasn't too much for you."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
MJ chuckles, wearing a modified motorcycle suit at the moment, complete with a helmet this time instead of just a ski mask. "Awesome. Can't wait to do it again." She grins, wearing the sword on her back as she puts her hands on her hips... and checking to make sure her batons are still there.

Then she glances over towards the church, hrmming a bit, "Looks quiet enough. Shall we?" She gestures to Spidey, "After all, this was for you, I'm just your 'and one' this time, Tiger."

Peter Parker has posed:
"More like 'Plus Two,' Red." Spider-Man looked around, then walked through the entrance, listening to his Spider-Sense. It wouldn't be the first ambush he's walked into.

Spider-Man has no weapons apart from his web-shooters, but walks in with palms open as he works his way into the deconsecrated church. "Hello...? I brought a friend, but she's cool. Say hello to Red."

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    Spider Sense is weird... it's not that it only detects threats that the normal senses -could- detect. It is less of danger sense, and more like... Detect Potential Threat. So there is a minor spike of it as Cloak simple ceases to be in the shadow he had been standing in, and flows into the one nearest Spider-Man. It's not like a spike of, HEY STUPID! YOU ARE ABOUT TO BE ATTACKED!... so much as... whoa, something's over there to your right. Weird!
    So when a bit of the shadows moves independently from the rest, and a dark brown face is revealed in the hood of Tyrone's cloak... it may not seem like so much of an attack as merely a surprise. "Spider-Man." says the man's deep resonant voice. "You brought..." a pause, "I cannot begrudge you wanting backup. I presume Father Delgado was not entirely forthcoming in his message. My partner and I merely wished to speak with you about the future."
    At the mention of a partner, he gestures further into the nave, where a white-clad Dagger (Tandy) sits. But now at his voice, she stands... unable to prevent just the barest hint of a glow of light coming from her. It almost looks like it's coming off of her white costume. But it is all of her.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
MJ might still be in control, but Red Sonja is definitely riding shotgun in her head right now when Tyrone reveals himself. Her stance shifts, just a bit, focusing on the man's face as the darkness writhes around him. "Well, better safe than sorry, right?" The woman's face is obscured by the helmet, though red hair can be seen peeking out. Along with the fact that it's a red-and-black biker suit, which explains the whole "Red" thing anyway.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man feels that little tingle at the nape of his neck, but it is barely there. The same feeling when he nearly swung into a power line.

He held up both his hands. "Hey. Talking's good. I'm a big fan of talking, really. In fact, some people say I do a little too much talking." He paused. "Like now, I guess. Okay." He lowers his hands. "Well...you know who Red and I are...so what do we call you two?"

Tandy Bowen has posed:
Tandy is still getting a lid on controlling her glow. Anxiety increases it, anger or any strong emotion. Though she implicitly trusts the Father this is only the second time she has been around someone that has been changed. Of course, not changed the way they've been, still changed so they need to hide their identity from most people. The need to hide has shadowed their young lives these past few months.

Dagger stands and approaches the entrance to place herself next to Cloak, they are the living embodiment of night and day, in temperament, too.

"Father Delgado performs miracles all the time. Look! He multiplied you. Um, hi. I'm, ah, Dagger and this is Cloak." She pushes back a lock of blonde hair, lighting the area with her 'natural' glow, "You must be the one that the Father recommended but I don't know your friend."

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    Eyes so dark brown that they may as well be black shift to regard MJ for a long moment. Cloak does his quiet and thinking thing. He turns those eyes back to Spider-Man, and as Dagger moves his way, the cloak billows just a bit as his arm lifts it and drapes the 'fabric' over her right shoulder. This cuts off just an inch or so of her skintight-suited body from view as that cloak absorbs much of the light.
    The odd part is that her light does not seem to illuminate his body within that cloak, but merely fades out as it reaches that area. "Indeed. The truth is, we asked the Father to arrange a meeting with you Spider-Man. We do not object to anyone having backup. I do find myself wondering just who this is. But.. if you trust her, then out of courtesy, I will." (He didn't say we of course.)
    Another brief pause as his face turns to look towards Dagger, the expression softening for just a moment before his eyes return to Spider-Man. "We seek to help the innocent. We are victims of the darkness that pervades this city and we wish to help others to -not- be victimized. We... have been stumbling around, in the dark." A heartbeat of pause before he adds, "Pun intended." as an attempt at a mood lightener. "But we know of your activities. What we wish... is guidance, and suggestions as to -how- we might put our particular talents to use to help others. And whom better to ask than our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man... and guest?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
"Cloak... and Dagger?" 'Red' smiles beneath the helmet, looking wryly over at Spidey, "They definitely have your taste for punning, that's true." She glances over at Dagger, giving her a measuring look before nodding once towards both her and Cloak, "Call me Sonja. I'm not quite as impressive as Spider-Man, but I have some talents." Considering she has a massive sword strapped to her back that doesn't appear to be just for show...

Well, pretty obvious what those talents would be, right?

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man smiles wryly. A secretive meeting...and here's Cloak and Dagger. Fairly apropos.

Spider-Man listens to Cloak's story with some sympathy. He knows the feeling of stumbling around in the dark, improvising, making things up as he goes. He got lucky, but many times he had been spinning his spinnerets trying to figure things out.

"Well...all right. I know how it can be, starting out. Having to figure things out. For what it's worth, I'm willing to help out with that sort of thing. I have a communication system. If you can give me a couple of days, I can see about gettin the both of you wired into it, so we can communicate. There's a network of Spider-types, as well as some...honorary Spiders who use the system as well. We can talk at nearly any time. I have more free time than I used to, so I am much more available."

Because, you know, graduation.

"Question...do either of you have powers that create electromagnetic fields? That might be a problem."

Tandy Bowen has posed:
Demonstration is worth ten thousand words. Dagger grins bashfully at the comment on their 'hero' names and makes a little flourish with her right hand. A crystalline dagger with hilt and guard glints in it. "It might be because of this." With a slight lift of her hand she pinwheels it into the air. The dagger spins in an ethereal light but makes a decided smack when it falls into the palm of her hand.

"I haven't been able to do much to electronics, at least not yet. Just living beings. I'm still figuring out everything I can do." A pause in which she unconsciously moves a little closer into Cloak's shelter.

"We've been talking a lot about what we can do to help. How to do it. The Father thought it might be good for us to hook up with other people who feel like we do. The ones on the streets helping out. So being in your network would be cool."

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    "She can cleanse a body with her light. Purge toxins right out of them. It is really amazing. All I do is move through the shadows and bring my own shadows with me." Yeah. Cloak sees his powers as a curse and Dagger's as something beautiful and wondrous. Much the way he views her personally, vs his own terrible self. Self-Esteem... some folks have a problem with it. Tyrone has no problem. He just has no Self-Esteem whatsoever.
    But either way, he nods his head, "Communications would be good. Coordination. We can be anywhere in the city in a matter of seconds. So if you need backup or a quick escape... I can help there."
    "While that can be useful. Dagger... she is really the heart and soul of our partnership. That and her power to light up the world." A pause and he narrows his eyes, "Please forgive me. There is a matter that... well, I will return when I can." And that said.. his cloak seems to shrink in on itself, a lingering graze of it over Tandy's shoulder before he (and it) are gone.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Sonja nods at that, and glances over to Spidey, "Well, much fun as I have being strapped to you while webslinging, being able to just instantly pop through the shadows definitely has a lot of merit. Though... how many 'Spiders' have you collected under your wing?"

A pause, and then she adds, "Because we might want to start thinking about actual teams and organizing a bit more than just giving everyone a communicator." Her head tilts slightly, as she looks curiously at the display of the dagger from Tandy, and nods a bit, "Very nice... do they come any larger than that, or just daggers?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man chuckles. "Just a loose collection. I figured that as our lines of communication were established, we might form a more cohesive group. I've been...a bit caught up in things to work on that. I should do more." He eyes Dagger wryly. "Because if you two are thinking about becoming Honorary Spiders, then it'd be nice to reach out to you when we need you."

Tandy Bowen has posed:
"We want to fight with other people. Yeah. We need to figure it out. It's..." Distress makes her glow more brightly, a luminescent crescent silvering the orb of one eye.

"We can't just be killing people because we know they're doing bad things. So honorary, um, spiders would be great."

Shyness surfaces in her ebullience when she talks about her powers, shrugging, "Well, I can make a lot of them at once and direct them like missiles. It gets harder the farther the way they are. Oh! I can make a sword. That takes more energy than a lot of daggers weirdly. But yeah. The daggers can knock people out, kind of drain them and enough are fatal."