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Latest revision as of 14:19, 23 May 2020

Sometimes it be That Way
Date of Scene: 30 April 2020
Location: Luke's Bar
Synopsis: The Defenders meet at Luke's
Cast of Characters: Matthew Murdock, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Elektra Natchios, Colleen Wing

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The Defenders weren't the sort of organization that held regular meetings, or were that much of an organization when you got right down to it, but every once in awhile a few of them would get together, usually in a bar, to catch up and discuss whatever trouble they've managed to get themselves into. Today, that bar was Luke's, Matt putting out the call by text to anyone free then dropping in on the Harlem drinking establishment, dressed in his usual suit and tie combo, lead by his white and red cane. He stuck out like a sore thumb in the place, but by the quiet almost smug smile on the lawyer's lips, Matt seemed to welcome that.

Taking a seat at the bar, he calls out, looking nowhere in particular. "Is Luke in today?" of course he could tell with his senses if the man was there or not, and likely what the guy had for breakfast last Tuesday, but the act of being Matt Murdock required he play the part.

Luke Cage has posed:
The part time bar tender doesnt even get a chance to respond to Matt before Luke is coming around from the back, a towel tossed over his shoulder as he approaches. His shirt, taut over his muscular frame is actually without bullet holes or any other battle damage today. Hooray. "I got this..." he waves off the bar tender and moves to where Matt is sitting with a smile.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica has tagged along for Matt's invitation, usually her attendance is impeccable for any gathering done in any ol' bar. Besides, it was high time she'll make it to Luke's bar, and see what a fellow Defender had set up. She's dressed in what is seemingly the one outfit in her entire wardrobe, one could only hope she at least had change of underwear. "He's a looker, isn't he?" Jess whispers at Matt as Luke steps out to greet them, even though Matt likely was a bad candidate for girl-talk. It's only fair, he seems to go out of his way to tease Jess after all.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt can't see smiles but he can feel them in how a person presents themselves, a combination of body language and a bunch of visceral reactions most people aren't comfortable with Matt being privy to so casually. He can also feel people's reaction to Luke's presence, and by female heads (and some male, hey it's 2020) that turn when Luke walks by, he gathers Jess is right. "So I've heard," he whispers back to Jess with a shake of his head. Then to Luke the blind man smiles, "Hey, Luke," he greets responding to the sound of the man's voice. "Think you can set up a couple of drinks for some friends? I'll take a scotch, she'll take everything else." The teasing of course went both ways.

Luke Cage has posed:
Reaching down Luke grabs a glass for Matts scotch before he glances to Jess gving her a smirk, "What part of everything else should we have first?" he asks, trying to get an actual drink order as he pours the scotch. "I have a table set up for us in the next section over..." not like they really need it, Lukes bar isnt exactly the most popular or happening place.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica grins when Matt goes with the flow and doesn't even seem to notice she was teasing him. "You do have impeccable hearing," she remarks as they move to settle at the bar. She says nothing to his ordering for her, because, he mostly got it right. "Whatever is your cheapest whiskey will do fine, followed by your cheapest bourbon, and then I guess some single malt scotch because I deserve something good too." She gives Luke a once over, and then heads to the table, "let's go Matt, we got a table, it's official as it gets."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"I do," Matt confirms with an easy grin enjoying the banter. "Thanks," Matt says when the drink is poured, he takes it hand and chuckles warmly as Jess makes her order. "Good to see you treat yourself," he says wryly before going with Jess to their reserved table.

Once seated he feels the top, "Not engraved with the word Defenders?" he asks with a grin for Luke. "Way less questionable stains that any table at Josie's though, so, definite improvement," he says continuing the joke before he smiles, yes, he knows his jokes are bad. "Anyhow, how's things been for you guys? Anything going on we know about?"

Luke Cage has posed:
Luke Cage pours Jess' whiskey next and then pours one for himself. He leads the duo over towards the table he had set up with a smile, "Ive been good...good and slow." he adds as he kicks out some chairs for them and settles in himself, "Not that I will complain about a lack of action...Ill just expect it to come back on me eventually." he muses.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Not all the time, but I make sure, every now and then, I do deserve it..." Jessica says the most un-Jessica thing possible, albeit alcohol was always an exception. "Yeah, looks like you can drink here happily without knowing how to fight," Jessica quips. Though she may not admit to it if anyone were to tell Josie. Depends on her mood on that day.

"Well, Danny and I have a meeting with Roxxon, so fingers crossed it goes well," Jessica reports, before leaning slightly towards Matt, whispering, "I also had a visit from Spider-Man, he's willing to help me if I need in certain investigations...got in touch with him through an old friend from High School. Amazing what a small world this is."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt nods to Luke. "Slow, isn't always bad, but you're right, probably not going to last long. "What with the Hand in town? You get filled in on all of that yet?"

As for Jess treating herself, "Beats treating yourself with a day off, right?" he asks her, as if either of them knew what those were.

"Yeah, you mentioned about Roxxon, something about trying to buy their dock? And the Grayson thing go okay?" he asks about the other case involving Danny. Sure he asked about it before but they'd both been pretty deep into the sauce when he had.

Luke Cage has posed:
Luke Cage nods, "Limited. Could always use some more information..." the reluctant hero adds, "If you guys need my help, let me know...if Im sitting here tending a bar and you guys are in trouble and get hurt..." he shrugs and leaves it unsaid. He may not be the guy that jumps into a hero with both feet but he is a good friend with a moral standing.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I actually finished the Grayson thing, not the dinner date, the investigation, I worked my way out of that date," Jessica informs Matt before elbowing him lightly, "no thanks to you! Anyways, Selina Kyle checks out, rich charismatic girl with an affinity to large cats, what can I say..." she takes a sip of her drink and notes, "she probably wants Bruce for his potential to help her cause more than anything else. But no danger to him there, and as a rich boy, he can take the hit and help a good cause while he's with her."

"Danny annoyed me though, but I already had a talk with him, so we should be good rest of the way," Jessica eventually mentions as a by the by. "Awww, Luke, that's touching, but, you know...I never get hurt. I'm cold steel."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Fashionably late. That's Elektra.

But even if it's the sound of high heels that precede her at least she didn't come in one of those high-end dresses, as afterall she doesn't exactly know the type of bar that this is. She hoped it was a bit above Josie's at least. So she found a compromise with dark jeans, an even darker shirt and then a leather jacket atop it. Must be her goth phase. And some high-heeled boots of course.

A quick scan of the room and she finds the grouped-up Defenders, the corner of her mouth curling up ever so slightly in a smile and she approaching, chin up. "Good evening." she offers, eyes sweeping over each.

"Started without me already. I feel hurt." No, she doesn't.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt's head turns before Elektra enters, he wasn't sure if she'd come or not, but now that she was he offers a warm smile for the woman. "Hey, grab a seat," he says. "Was just going to fill in Luke about the Hand situation. Unless you want to handle that?" he asks the woman. Though he doesn't leave Luke hanging there, "We'll definitely need you, I think when it comes to taking these guys down you're pretty much our ace in the hole."

Matt nods about the Grayson case, "I don't know what you're talking about," he says about the potential date. "I just said Karen could lend you a dress," he says, playing innocent. "And what'd Danny do?" Yeah, okay, Matt may enjoy a bit of gossip.

Luke Cage has posed:
Luke Cage nods, "I sometimes forget how invulnerable some of us are." he smirks to Jess, he hadnt forgotten at all. When Elektra arrives, "Let me know what you want to drink and then someone fill me in and let me know how I can fit in. I have no proboems punching ninjas in the face..." he muses.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica has so far only met Elektra on the one, or was it, two occasions? She's still not sure what to make of her, although she's no fun of mystical martial arts. Or Magic Karate as she calls it. "Well, we were here, didn't know there was a rule stating we need to way to anyone who might decide to join in their own free time." Jessica answers Elektra's accusations, "some of us, largely being Matt with his firm and me with my agency, have to be punctual. It's called being an adult." She then gives Elektra a once over, before grinning, "glad meeting me had an effect on you, you look much better like this."

"Ace in the hole?" Jessica turns to Matt, "she's our only Magic Karate person, I mean, there's Danny but he punched a magic dragon, so I tend to trust Elektra more. Being part of a death ninja cult sounds more beliveable."

"Yeah, well, lack of 'proper attire' was my out of any commitments with Grayson, and you ruined it..." Jessica shakes her head, "you knew what you were doing, you're a clever guy, Murdock. And no, I don't need a date, it won't make me feel better." She then casually remarks to Luke, "unless you asked, but only because you're a goddamned looker and you know it, hot stuff." She then downs her drink, and adds, "just kidding, back to business."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Elektra." The new arrival says in ways of greeting towards Luke, her dark gaze measuring the large man, thoughtful just before she offers a dip of her head, "I will have a martini, if you please." and she keeps her poker face about punching ninjas in the face. She being one and all that.

So she brings a chair over to sit down, one leg over the other, arms folding. "Basically the Hand is attempting to take hold of what they believe is a weapon they call Black Sky." she explains. "They have been gathering artifacts both here and in other cities. We have intercepted a few, but we believe there are a lot more." she nods towards Matt. "But Matthew can fill in the rest of the details."

Though at Jessica's response to her 'accusation' she looks amused. "Did you wake with your feet off the bed today?" trick question. She knows Jessica likes being abrasive, even after a single meeting!

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt shakes his head as Jess is well, Jess. "It's fine we were just getting started," the man tells Elektra, before saying, "And yeah, well mostly meant Luke as our Ace, beyond our two 'magic Karate people', he's probably not someone the Hand is prepared for."

As to the Hand situation, Matt supplies "We're hoping Jess and Danny can find out some information down at the docks so we can track them to where they're putting together these artifacts to summon their weapon, this Black Sky whatever it was," he takes a moment to consider how what he just said sounded, it really was magic Karate. "Once we have a place, we'll hit it and send the Hand back into the shadows. So far they don't seem to think we have anything to do with the one artifact we already took from them." He looks to Elektra for confirmation of that.

There's a snort for Jess' remarks to Luke. "Are you sure about that whole date business?" he teases lightly.

Luke Cage has posed:
Luke Cage gives Jess a look, its brief but its there. "You always know where to find me for a drink..." he points out with a grin.

Nodding then to Matt, "Makes sense. Seems something as organzied as they are would he best to hit hard and fast and cut them out before they can reoganize to fight back on their terms."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Feet off the bed? What bed? I woke up on the floor," Jessica snorts at Elektra's dig, rolling her eyes a bit at the mention of The Black Sky, "they really need to fire their copywriters, that's such a stupid name for a weapon. For all I know it gives the impression of a fart machine," Jessica shares her own two cents about it. Rising her glass of whiskey, Jess chirps in, "I can see that, to Luke then," and she has some more whiskey. "So, you do punch people through walls, right?" She asks Luke, as if it mattered much. She does, however, cleverly chooses to not quite hear Matt's last little question. She gives a thumbs up to Luke, "that's why you're so affable!"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"My point still stands." Elektra says deadpan towards Jessica, chin still slightly lifted. Though she does smile faintly at the skepticism towards the mystic arts. "You do know there's a really big world out there, right? And aren't you the one that punches people real hard...?" as if that made Jessica just as magickal in her book. Because she has none of those magicks!

But then she is nodding to Matt, "So far I do not believe they are aware of our involvement. But we will need to act fast since we took that ledger they will be aware eventually." she warns them. Another glance to Jess. "So whatever you are able to figure out with Danny we should try to get it soon."

"Though they are digging into other opportunities here too. Namely getting into the drug business. But ..., that's typical Hand." a roll of her eyes. It was one of those things she had never approved, even if she had belonged (or did she still belong) to the Hand. But well, noone needs to know her ties! Almost noone that is ...

Colleen Wing has posed:
She had got the message. Meeting at Luke's and a time given. Thing was, that time was going to pose a bit of a problem. She had her loyatly to the Defenders, but she was not going to cut her last class of the day short to get there on time. She was the afterschool safehave and that specific time was ne she never ever altered. Tho, when it was over, the young Sensei made her way over to the bar, entering and apparently in themiddle of a phone conversation that started in transit. "I don't care. No really...if you could read my lips you would see them saying..I..don't..care. No, you find a way. Sure sell a kidney, you have two." She seems agiatated about something and unaware she is actually in the doorway of the bar still talking. The next words are spoken in Japanese and she seems to be going off. Anyone that knows her knows the Japanese only usually comes out when she is really mad. "Sayonara."

The phone is clicked off and she finally looks up to the crowd of Defenders sitting at the table, making no effort at all to even address what the call was about. She is wearing a pair of ripped jeans, red converse shoes and her white hoodie, the hood down showing her hair back in a loose ponytail. Despite the prior agitation, she offers a welcoming smile. "Hey, sorry I am late. You know the whole dojo thing. Teaching kids to defend themselves and not go aorund hitting one another." She finds an empty spot and settles into the chair leaning back, looking around to those gathered, giving each attendee a nod. "I'll catch up."

Luke Cage has posed:
Luke Cage rises and grabs a chair from another table for Colleen, "You didnt miss much...our best excuse for witth banter and then Ninjas and their Black Sky weapon." he explains overly simply.

He looks to Elektra then and says, "You're the most in tune with them, whats the next move? Where so we hit them?" he asks simply. Leave it to Luke to think the best solution to all of this is to hit something.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"You're one of those insufferable people that always have to be right, aren't you?" Jessica asks pointedly of Elektra, despite the absolutely charming smile on her visage. She shakes her head at Elektra's retort, "I'm the one who digs in people's trash, finds evidence, get them busted, and collected the pay, thankyouverymuch. I wade in a lot of shit, but it comes with a badge, I'm a licensed P.I."

Was Elektra there for the Assault on N.Y.? Jessica wagers she wasn't, so she assumes she doesn't know much about her and that punching bit was a lucky guess. She wasn't about to indulge her that one.

"Don't worry, Elektra, Mr. Rangd and Paige are on the case," Jessica says in an endearing high pitched tone, before shooting Elektra a mock salute. Yeah, that limp wristed salute wouldn't be accepted in any military force.

Jessica eyes Colleen in silence, she doesn't know much about her, but liked what she heard as Colleen walked in. She delays a moment, and then adds, "if that was a business call, I dig the way you handle business."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I am insufferable whether I am right or wrong, that part is true, yes." The smile remaining on Elektra's face as she regards Jessica for a few moments, locking eyes with the other woman. Not that she seems aggressive. Perhaps amused? It is always interesting meeting up with Matthew's friends.

But then a glance towards Luke, "Figuring out where their shipments would be the best, and then hit them in one quick swipe, before they know what happened. Take them by surprise." which always sounded ironic to her. Take those masters of stealth and ambush by surprise, when it should be the other way around.

Colleen's arrival does make Elektra look her way. A nod. Seems like they know each other. "Hello, Colleen." a gesture. "We were just talking about the Hand. And what they have been doing here in the city." her tone somewhat expectant, as if waiting for her to add her own part of the story if she so wishes.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Collen leans back in her chhair taking in all that has been said and trying to garner what the conversation is about. At hearting Jessica's comment about how to handle a business call, Colleen offers a slight smile and a casual shrug. "I am sorry about that...you guys saw that didn't you? Long story short...when people say they are going to pay you for something you did for them, of which can be remain unsaid...they are supposed to pay you. Even if they are family." She extends her hands to the side as if to say /what/.

Then the words is dropped, that word that instantly puts Colleen on edge, shifting in her seat slightly: the Hand. Her eyes slide to Elektra and she nods once, a slow exhale escaping her. "Yeah..what they are doing is leaving notes on my door and telling me that I need to handle a little drug gang problem on what the apparently deem to be my turf. You know Chinatown. Yeah the token Asian/ Lump us all together, cuz that's what we are." She rolls her eyes and places her hands on the table. "You know the blackmailing..we will harm your students if you don't do this for us. Apparently, they want to establish themselves in Chinatown as the primary drug provider, but the established gang removed without them being implicated in doing so."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt had seemingly zoned out for a moment, having heard an altercation outside that sounded like it was going to get violent, but cooler heads prevailed and after some posturing both parties went their separate ways and Matt's attention turned back to the conversation at hand. "Trust me, it's not some evil fart machine, we can count on that much, and I agree with Elektra taking them out all in one go sounds like our best play."

"You're good at it though," Matt offers Jess about wading through shit to find what they need to put people away.

Colleen is greeted warmly. "Colleen, it's been awhile," he says, before listening to what she has to say. "Need any help with those guys?" he asks, Matt Murdock, always ready to help.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Catching the exchange of glances between Elektra and Colleen, Jess arches a brow, before stating, "don't tell me, you two were in the same Hand girl scouts troop? Did you have to sell blood and guts cookies?" Is she being abrasive? Possibly, or it might be just he alcohol. It is her second...was it third? Fourth glass? Regardless, she's drinking it.

As Colleen decries racism against Asians by the Hand, Jess looks a bit preplexed, as she asked, "aren't they mostly Asian themselves? Is it racism when they do it? Plus they probably tell Chinese, Japanese and Korean apart better than I do, to be fair."

As she empties yet another glass, her phone buzzes, and Jess reaches to peek at it before snapping some kind of stifled swear word. "If you'll excuse me, I got an asshole I need to punch through my office door..." and with that she gets up and heads out the bar, but not before turning with a thumbs up for Luke, "awesome bar, man, I'll be back here."

Luke Cage has posed:
Luke Cage looks back and forth as everyone says there piece. His thoughts interrupted to nod to Jess on her way out, "See you soon..." and then his gaze back to the group. "Seems like the Hand are all over the place...with them stretched out like that there has to be opportunity."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The jumping in from Matthew brings a knowing smile out of Elektra. Yes, he was always so ready to help out. But then again, it was part of what she had always known about the man. She folds her arms together, just rolling her eyes. "Now you will have a regular for life, Luke." this said about Jessica when she is heading out.

Not that she goes about explaining whether Colleen and her were part of the same Hand business or not. Or if they still were. Complicated! So that one goes unanswered. Instead she looks at Colleen, not too surprised what she shared with the rest of them.

"Yes, they are stretching out wide, trying to perhaps grasp more than what they can. This might be a good one. Even if apparently you may have to do their own work first. Doesn't mean they can't be taken out afterwards." she muses.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Oh Colleen is not touching and referenvce to her having been part of the Hand, not here and now now. However, Jessica's words do cause a quick glance to Elektra and then back to a neautral table wide acknowledgement. "Look, I don't know where they are streched out and where they are not...all I know is they have stretched their way into Chinatown or are looking to." As Jessica gets the call and has to leave, a small hand wave is given. "We have to catch up..."A strad of hair is tucked behind her ear. "It has been a while Matt. My apologies. It is good to see you. Life has been...a little crazy lately."

Did Jessica leave a drink on the table? Colleen reaches across and snags the glass, sniffing it and takes a sip. She coughs once or twice, continuing. "I don't have a choice. It has to be done. Eliminate a smaller dragon and rpelace it with a larger one Not exactly my idea of good business, but I think there is an oppurtunity here. A chance to strike them a blow in time by allowing them to stretch themselves wider." SHe looks between those at the table, lingering on Matt, Luke and Elektra. "Of course that means...we have to get over the idea that we are doing the Hand's bidding. Can all of you get over that? I would appreciate the help."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Later Jessica," Matt says, as the PI goes off to deal with business. Colleen is given a warm smile. "I can understand that," he says, his own life was much the same.

"So we take out this gang, the Hand moves in and over extends, we come back and take them out next?" he asks making sure he understands what work they're doing that's going to help the Hand.

His attention turns to Elektra and Luke. "I am able to live with that if we think they're really going to overreach," that part is a question to Elektra. "And if we're all okay with it," that last is to Luke.

Luke Cage has posed:
Luke Cage considers for a moment and exhales, "Sure. I can handle that. Take out one piece shit so we can hit the bigger piece of shit?" he glances around the table. "/If/ we really think that the move will help take down the Hand locally." he knows the Hand is too large internationally to think any move in China town will solve that problem.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Been there done that. Doing the Hand's bidding. Just her every day for the last few years! Or was it? Elektra always had her own plans afterall. But she dips her head about the thought of doing their bidding this time. "I believe that is the best we can do at this point in time." she assures Matthew. And even without any hidden deception there. She truly believes it might be for the best.

"Are you really sure you can handle Jessica's--" But then a smirk at the coughing from Colleen. She doesn't comment further.

"If we are able to both diminish their drug operation here, and also snatch those artifacts out of their reach, yes. They will have little reason to remain." She tells in Luke's direction. Then a brief sip out of her martini.

Colleen Wing has posed:
That drink, it could make an elephant fail a breathalyzer. Colleen pushes the drink back across the table having learned her lesson. "I...I know this is crazy. Doing the work of the Hand and all. I mean the last thing I would ever consider doing is helping the hand." Okay little white lie there, but hey that's the past and the past stays buried...usually. "But, they are going to entrench themselves in Chinatown whether we like it or not. It is going to happen..however, in this situation we can kind of control the when and the how. And then going forward , buy ourselves some time to counter."

She leans foward on the tables, placing her elbows down and speaking softer. "You have to trust me on this one...blackmailing aside, this is going to help us."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt takes in what everyone at the table has to say and when they've spoken he nods. "We trust you Colleen, and if this is what helps us get rid of the Hand then we need to do it."

Of course this is when his phone starts repeating, 'Foggy' over and over until Matt finds the button to silence it. "Got to go take this, but work out the details of what we need to do and I'll be there to help," he promises solemnly before giving a nod to Luke and letting a hand rest on Elektra's shoulder before he slips out of the bar to take his call.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
When Matt gets up, and Elektra spots who it is calling she can't help it. Another eyeroll. Is there some kind of rivalry between her and Foggy? The sigh that comes after shows she most likely knows who it is. But she also understand why Matt has to go. So she simply inclines her head, the touch on her shoulder getting a brief smile out of her. "Letting us do all the heavy lifting, is it?" she teases Matthew when he moves off.

Eyes then go to Colleen. A brow arches. "Seems like your friends are always ready to help you." she pretty much knew they would be though. Then a glance to the glass. "Did you enjoy your scotch?" another little sip from her martini.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen regards Elektra a moment, tilting her head to the side and addressing her from that position. "Friends. If there is anything in this world I question is friendship. Hell, I am not even sure I trust you fully and I know you don't trust me one hundred percent either. No, loyalty is one thing, friendship is but another. What we are about to do is for the betterment of a greater cause than friendship. I'll take it tho. Afterall, we all need friends..right?"

Her eyes fall to the glass once more and she laughs lightly. "Yeah, no more scotch for me. How does she do it? She paid for that shit?" Her eyes look over to Luke who has moved to tending the bar. "Sorry..its really good scotch. The best..I mean right out of Scotland right?" SHe whispers to Elektra. "Is that where its from?" She then leans back in her chair, nodding once. "This is going to work Elektra. I just failed to see the benefit at first. But...we need to hit the first target sooner rather than later. There is a closed store front right off Canal. Word is their electricity has been turned back on and billed to a Mr. Lu Fei. The same Mr. Lu Fei who used to distribute those illegal weapons into other parts of the city. The same Mr. Lu Fei who runs the Silver Monkeys. That is our first target."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Trusting me fully..?" That makes Elektra arch one finely-trimmed brow. "That is one thing you should never do.." she tells her with a knowing smirk, shaking her head. "But I will let it pass as the scotch talking instead." yet she does nod about the differences between loyalty and friendship. "Sometimes they can be the same though. And in this case, seems that at least they are friends of yours."

At how Jessica does it she just lifts her shoulders. Elektra isn't privy to her secrets! When Colleen starts going about whether Scotch is from Scotland or not she just grins. "Yes, definitely the scotch is talking instead of you." and amusement is displayed there. She finishes draining her own martini.

"Silver monkeys?" A nod, "Sounds good to me. We will hit them soon then, once everyone has the chance to gear up and go." she then begins to get up to her feet. "I will be on my way for now. You know how it is. Blades to sharpen.." bit of a dangerous smile there to lips.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen mutters to herself as Elektra gets uo to leave. "Those scots are crazy. I mean seriously crazy." Talk of the drink is put to rest and she too slowly rises from her chair to follow Elektra out. "Sounds like we have a plan then. You know where to find me." She walks up behind Elektra and places her hand on her shoulder as they walk out, leaving it their for the briefest of moments. "Hey..thanks for you know..keeping the whole backstory on the down low. I appreciate it...really." And with that she slips her hood up over her head and steps back out inot the street, her hands going to her pockets.