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Latest revision as of 04:21, 29 May 2020

What is the Crime is the Question!
Date of Scene: 28 May 2020
Location: Kord Co's Manhattan Offices: Street Level in Midtown Manhattan
Synopsis: Ted is nearly blown up. Disaster is averted by Kyani. Pizza is sent for.
Cast of Characters: Ted Kord, Vic Sage, Kyani Kohanna

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord says to the doorman, "I mean what's not to love about flying a big metal bug around, right? But I realized... must be years since I went driving! I used to love driving. So I'm gonna try my hand at driving in Manhattan. How hard can it be, Steve?"

The doorman shakes his head, "The Legion of Doom would balk at rush hour traffic Mr. Kord. But you hung out with the Justice League... one of them. You should be fine."

Ted frowns a little at that. "whatever. I'm just waiting for an old friend of mine from my Hub City days. We're driving a few blocks to the Blue Bird Diner. I'll just rev the little sweetheart up." With that he climbs into a shiny blue Volkswagen Beetle. No limos for him. the license plate reveals it to be fuel cell operated and eco friendly. He turns the key and frowns as the radio turns on. What the...

"My goal all sublime... I shall achieve in time... to have the punishment fit the crime!" The car fails the start and Ted starts to curse a little.

Vic Sage has posed:
"Try jiggling the key," a familiar baritone voice mutters in a quick staccato from just behind the driver's side window as a shadow falls over Ted. Vic Sage grins down, his right arm leaning against the roof of the old Volkswagen as he peers down into the interior cabin. "Sometimes these old things have a loose starter, and you might just get the connection to...well...connect."

The former reporter pauses, his eyes shifting over towards the radio as the somewhat familiar song plays, a brow raising slightly in curiosity. "Mikado. Gilbert and Sullivan opera. The tune reminds me of Dr. Spaulding." Vic says with a furrowed brow but passing it off as coincidence. "I didn't know your tastes fell towards the operatic arts, Ted. You always struck me as more of a bubblegum oldy kind of guy."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord frowns at the tall man. "this isn't the piece of crap you used to drive. My baby is new and I tricked her out with a fuel cell power system and other amenities. And as it happens I listen to Dropkick Murphys and Ghoultown of late. The parking valet probably was listening to this drivel... no background music... Vic... run!" Ted Kord struggles with his seat belt, while shoving his friend away. "Run! The car is going to blow!" All the while wondering who Dr. Spaulding was.

Vic Sage has posed:
Having been unexpectedly and surprisingly shoved back by Ted, Vic appears to have no intention of actually running the other way as he recovers his footing with a mixed look of shock and surprise which hardens into a look of sheer determination as he starts to rush forward again to make an effort to help Ted out of his seatbelt. "Ted? Get out!"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord grabs a safety cutting device and is cutting the belt when the bomb goes off. As anyone blessed with superspeed (not naming names here) would see, the explosion is constrained. The hood of the bug is torn loose by the force of the blast, and begins to fly off, flipping over the roof and right at the elderly doorman Ted was talking with. The hood aims for his neck.

The rest of the blast though, is going straight up, contained by some wonder of engineering Ted worked out, much like the ammunition compartments in modern tanks.

It's still a frigging explosion and not fun to be near.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    It's another day for the local speedster, though no one really knows that Kyani is a speedster which it's something that Kyani enjoys. Still as he drops off packages and delivers others, Kyani is passing by Kord Industries as he sees the explosion and the hood flying towards a doorman. He sees this all in slow motion as his body works vastly differently then others. Still he is able to race towards the doorman, and whisk him out of the way shocking the hell out of the old man and he suddenly he's standing along the street, Kyani isn't seen but he walks around the corner as if he wasn't running. "Whoa shit, what the hell happened?" he asks.

Vic Sage has posed:
The majority of the concussive force of the unexpected explosion is directed up, but the little that bleeds out and around the specialized compartment is enough to knock Vic off his feet and onto his jean-clad ass, an 'oaf' escaping his lips as the air is forcibly expelled from the impact. It doesn't take him very long to recover, a second or two at most pass before he is again on his feet and rushing toward the VW to check on Ted, "Ted?!" he exclaims as he runs forward, the savior of the old man an invisible blur to even someone like The Question's eyes.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord finally gets free of the belt and almost pours onto the asphalt. He finally staggers to his feet as security and paramedics come running from his building. Several fire extinguishers are brought to bear on the car, and the little fire remaining is smothered. A paramedic checks a struggling Ted out. "I'm fine, I'm fine. I got hurt worse than this on my last date. Go check on Steve. He shakes his head, trying to get the ringing to stop. "I guess we can take a walk to the diner. Oh, hello Kyani. Uh my car exploded. It looks like someone is put out by me."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani doesn't look singed or anything, though he wasn't in the direct blast so nothing looks out of the ordinary for him. He doesn't get closer, "Hello, that's not good. You may wanna call the cops and let them know. If you have cameras setup, check those to see if you can see who came by and was messing with the car." he offers suggestions.

Vic Sage has posed:
Meanwhile, the man whose frequently known as The Question is staring past Ted towards the remains of the burning VW Bug, a hand absentmindedly rubbing at the stubble on his chin. "This is familiar, Ted, in Hub City a few years ago. Mikado. Serial Killer. A real 'punishment fits the crime' type of 'vigilante'. Question is, what did you do to drawn his attention, if it is him at all? But the methods are to similar to be a coincidence."

Vic's eyes focus back on Ted, then glance over towards Kyani with a slight up nod of greeting before looking taking a look around and the gathered crowd.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord rubs his chin. "I honestly do not know Vic. As far as business practices go... I'm not just squeaky clean, I'm virginal. I treat my people and affiliates right. Kord Co could be five times its size otherwise, but I'm not screwing anyone over that I know. Why doesn't he go bother Luthor or Stagg?" He looks at the burning car again and shudders. "I'll have this brought into the sub basement for examination and I'd appreciate not bringing the cops into this. I can tell them it was a mishap. Luckily no one got hurt. I'll order a pizza or something for us. Kyani, you're invited. This is Vic Sage from Hub City... before it sank into the Earth."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani shrugs, "Hey it's up to you man." he smiles. He is about to turn an dleave until his sthomach growls loudly. He holds his stomach, "Sorry about that." he tells them. Quirking a brow at Vic who just glances at him, "You said you were about to head off to a diner, no need to change up. Go eat, I will probably grab something to eat before going home." he tells them.

    When Ted tells him about Vic, he nods his head, "Nice to meet you." he says as he offers a hand out to Vic, if he reaches out Kyani will shake his hand. "I've heard of Hub City, I'm glad you're still here with us." he says. There is no joking about that, a lot of people lost their lives in Hub City.