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Latest revision as of 15:24, 16 June 2020

The Brain and the Bad Men.
Date of Scene: 15 June 2020
Location: The Black Market
Synopsis: A deal is struck and mozzarella sticks ordered.
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Floyd Lawton, Spencer Smythe

Thomas Blake has posed:
The bar is a nice change of pace. Clean, top shelf liquor and the pub food is excellent judging by the way Thomas Blake is making those ribs disappear. Besides the ribs the table is occupied with several imported beer bottles and a bottomless basket of fries. "We're going to mind our manners with this man. He's new to the life. Don Corizini was doing me a favor even admitting he knew him. He's educated besides. Not the sort we meet in the joint... except for the Thinker, and Eddie, and Professor Crane..." He growls faintly as he tears into another rib.

Floyd Lawton has posed:
    Floyd downs a shot of whiskey. "He better be worth it." They had gone through -everyone- they could think of, before reaching this guy. Smythe was a top level techie, but his specialty was robotics, not computers. Hopefully he at least knew how to crack a few passwords.

Spencer Smythe has posed:
Spencer Smythe walked into The Black Market, his eyes gazing around, storing every detail of it into his brain for futue use. Don Corizini had told him that a certain villain called "Catman" wanted to hire him for a certain job, and Spencer agreed. He was wearing his "casual wear", which was consisted of a neatly pressed blue suit, brown loafers, and a blue hat with a white hat band in the middle.

As he walked through the bar, looking for his clients, he was followed by what looked like a skinless, robotic dragon, which followed closely and growled at anyone that got close enough.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake gets up to call the man walking his dragon over. He grabs a wet nap and cleans his hands quickly for a handshake. "Good of you to come meet us. I'm Thomas and my friend will remain anonymous by request. Have a seat, order up if you want anything and we'll get down to business." He sits back down eying the toy dragon curiously.

Floyd Lawton has posed:
    Floyd just stares at Smythe and his little 'pet'. "Nice toy." He comments, cocking an eyebrow. Otherwise, he keeps silent and lets Tommy do the talking, as he pours himself another shot of delicious whiskey.

Spencer Smythe has posed:
Spencer takes a seat at the table, his dragon sitting on his shoulder as he does. If you were to take a look at his right cheek, you would see a nasty looking skin graft scar in the middle of it. As Spencer looked you two over, he suddenly winced out in pain and swore a bit as he took two pills from his pocket, and popped them into his mouth while clutching his scar and muttering,

"Dammned Skin Graft."

Upon the comment about his toy, Spencer looks at both of you with a serious, no-nonsense look as he said,

"This is no mere toy. This is a drone, and it comes equiped with a machine gun that can easily riddle you ful of holes if you even try to kill me. Now, what do you need?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake looks to Floyd and they both chuckle. Then Catman says, "Why'd we want to kill you? We asked you to come here to perform a job. We tell you what the job is and you take it or not. Let me explain something to you. I say this without pride or fear of contradiction. We want someone dead, they are dead. We don't do it over pub food. they'd throw us the hell out of here and I like the place. Now then, we have four laptops, eight thumb drives and an external hard drive we need decrypted and possibly defuses. A robot would be handy since the people we got them off of are really poor sports. Like having sea snake envenomed needles under keys, or casing moulded from C-4. We understand hacking is not your strong suit but... you need computers to make robots work and I'm sure you know where to get codebreaker gear. I will write a number down here. There's no haggling here. You take it or not. You can buy a lot of little metal dragons with this. Also any robotics stuff you find is yours."

Catman wets the tip of his finger on a bottle's condensation and writes a hefty number on the table.

Floyd Lawton has posed:
    Floyd can't help but smirk. "Try it, and you'll be dead in seconds. Rules are rules, doc." He points out. "We're paying you a shitload to get this done." He downs his whiskey again, letting Thomas handle the talking. "Now, let's be clear; You talk to anybody about this, and we'll pop you. Don't bother trying to hide, we've been doin' this longer than you. Just remember that."

Spencer Smythe has posed:
Spencer dosen't make a comment throughout the entire job explination, only speaking once to order Mozerella Sticks from the Waitress. As he took a bite from his frist stick, he lloked at the gathered villains and said,

"Very well, i shall take this job. I should be able to have everything ready in a few weeks or so. If you don't mind me asking gentlemn, where exactly did you get these computers?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake shakes his head. "You guys are posing and tough talking superheroes. Have you no professionalism? Listen Dr. Smythe, you do this, it will benefit you. Because we know people. You will get more jobs. You will get talked up. Ask the don how it works, if you don't believe me. So-called villains? We do business. We have no time for egos like those sanctimonious pieces of crap called heroes. What do those assholes do when they meet? They fight. We meet over drinks and pub food."

Catman denudes another rib. He simply says, "AIM." Then he wipes his hand and extends it to Smythe. "You understand our terms? Do the job, keep your mouth shut. We shake on it there's no second thoughts. Shake hands with Dr. Smythe, pal."

Floyd Lawton has posed:
    Floyd scoffed. He was about to stop Thomas when he explained where they got the data. All he can do is cast an annoyed glare at Thomas, downing his shot. He'll chew out Tommy later, when they're not doing business. "Right." He grunts, and holds out a hand for Smythe.

Spencer Smythe has posed:
Spencer grunted in surprsie when he heard about AIM being the source of the robots, then smiled greedily. If he managed to crack these robots, who knows what kind of robotics knowledge they would give him. The others wouldn't have to know about him skimming some information. Besides, they invited him to take anything robotic. He would have get one of his men to help him crack the computers as soon as possble. He then reaches both of his hadns out to shake both Catman's and Deadshot's hand while saying,

"It will be a pleasure to do business with you."