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Hellfire Masquerade: VIP Lounge
Date of Scene: 11 June 2020
Location: VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: VIPs had a good time talking about the people present and academia.
Cast of Characters: Sebastian Shaw, Lorna Dane, Elektra Natchios, Pietro Maximoff

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The VIP Lounge is outfitted like it's Carnivale: bold purples, bright greens, glimmering gold decor jazz up the normally staid bar. The servers and bartenders are all wearing black and red oversized domino masks with the flame motif of the club. Security has more simple black masks of their own, and the ever-present earpieces and flame lapel pins.

The signature drinks for the night are the Gin Fizz, the Vieux Carre, Mint Julep, and of course, the Hurricane... a lovely selection of New Orleans Mardi Gras themed drinks. Other drinks, should one prefer, are also available at the bar, which is fully stocked and ready for the night.

There is also a laoded table of hor d'oerves: muffuletta pinwheels, tiny mask-shaped cookies, king cake inspired petit fours, andouille skewers, jambalya balls, mini shrimp poboys, and colorfully powdered beignets. Some are a little messier than typical finger foods might be, but the flavors are utterly worth it.

Sebastian Shaw is present in his costume, which is a tuxedo paired with a domino mask that is not very ornate, but clearly expensive and sleek in its design. He holds a mint julep in one hand while observing the room, electing to spend the evening in the VIP lounge away from the others, for a much quieter evening. The Black King is clearly at home here, showing nothing but comfort in his domain, observing all who enter and what they are up to.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna had had a hectic few weeks, and she had not been present at the Club in sometime. But that wasn't to say she hadn't put what little free time she did have to good use. Limited as her time to go shopping was, she did have a few people that she could talk to in order to make sure it was done reasonably well. Her gown at first glance was a simple black, off the shoulders dress. It was a slim silhouette, but with a pooling train that made it impractical to wear outside for any length of time.

But as she moved, little twinkles of starlight could be seen. The lights glowed and if one knew their stars well, would find a twisting pattern that led upward in mimicry of Ursa Major. Her hair was half up, with long curls of green freely hanging down her back. And in her hair were a myriad of golden sticks with an array going outward around her.

A simple piece of sheer black fabric made up her mask over her eyes to complete the look. To put it simply, she was Polaris. In many senses. To avoid the crowds she'd made her way to the VIP section, glancing back at Pietro briefly with a smile. "Well, it's quieter in here?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
When there is a party to attend Elektra can be expected to attend. At least those she finds worthy. Or with the potential to be so. As afterall life isn't only blood and delivering death, one must enjoy themselves when they can.

The former ambassador's daughter steps in through the main doors of the VIP lounge, dressed in a dark red dress (always the most fitting color for her), backless with the ends touching the floor behind her, dragging as she walks. The dress is just revealing enough without being indecent, leaving enough to the imagination, full of lace and frills. High heels, of course, the italian type she likes so much and to finish a domino mask covering the upper-half of her face. Hair has been pinned up into a bun in the japanese style, some of those midnight black bangs hanging loose from it.

Upon entering she immediately picks up one of the fine drinks being passed around. In this case a Vieux Carre. She enjoys indulging a bit these nights. A sip later and she is taking a look around the room, noting who is who, the conversations around and the general ambience. Always observe before moving in.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There is a short nod from the older brother as Pietro acknowledges Lorna's comment. "Certainly is." A terse response, but not completely devoid of emotion. Less people certainly means less people to have to wait for.

His ensemble for the evening is, in a word, white. A white formal tuxedo fits the Avenger like a glove, specifically tailor-made for him. There is just a dash of color, a light blue bow tie with a matching pocket square, centered just so to be perfect. However, there are more touches that has been added to give it a more dramatic flair. A half-cloak sits upon his shoulders, the outside the same gleaming white as the tuxedo, with the inner lining matching that same light blue as before. A simple white domino mask sits upon his face, obscuring Pietro's features appropriately, but doing little to nothing to actually hide his identity....which is just as he likes it. Within one hand is a walking cane, white along the shaft, with a blue polished circular stone upon the top.

The free hand runs through the white coif of hair upon Pietro's head, a last-minute grooming measure to make sure everything is as it should be.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw takes a few moments with his drink before approaching the others in the room, placing himself about equidistant between Elektra and the brother-sister duo. He first turns to Elektra and gives an inclination, "I hope you are enjoying yourself?" He says with the courtesy due to any VIP guest, "It seems our bartenders have outdone themselves this evening." Shaw gives no inclination of recognizing Elektra, but that is indeed the point of this, the illusion of anonymity. The crowd is certainly a bit more manageable here, at least.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna paused to collect a glass of one of the house drinks when it was offered to her, and she turned to catch her brother fidgeting with his hair. "You look fine. Your hair is fine." She offered gently, a smile still on her expression as she glanced at Elektra. She didn't know the other woman in the least, and her gaze quickly swung to Shaw. At least she'd had a friendly acquaintance with him, and the club by extension. It was something. She sipped at her drink and inclined her head.

"I'm pleased to have a chance to avoid the crowds for a while and be able to talk easily. My compliments to the staff." She kept a comfortable distance. One that wasn't leaving her talking across open space, but also one that wasn't particularly intrusive if he'd been more inclined to speak with the other woman instead.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"Of course it is." It is the good-natured retort of the Maximoff that may solicit a grin. After all, Lorna caught him red-handed, as it were. Still, he does lower his hand with no sign of embarrassment, turning to look over the edge to the ballroom below. "It does certainly look rather crowded down there. More relaxing here."

Not that Pietro *looks* relaxed. He is, as Lorna would know, fidgety. But...he hasn't disappeared, so that is something. He must be at least somewhat at ease.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra's dark gaze turns and falls upon their host for the evening, studying his features. If she recognized him she gave nothing away. Illusion of anonymity indeed. "I always do. Thank you. And yourself? I must say the Vieux Carre hits the spot." a dip of her head in recognition to the quality of the club, eyes then sweeping towards the duo. Green hair, white hair. She perhaps had an educated guess whom they could be but again, no names. Only a sharp smile upon her features.

"Quieter up here indeed, but not lesser." She says to Lorna, then a glance towards the view to the main party. "It does appear to be packed down there. I expected no less. Seems like noone loses a chance to wear a mask when they can." some amusement upon her features.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw pivots and takes a step back to allow him to address both sets of guests. He gives a salute with his glass to Lord's remarks, "Indeed. I hope that they are informed of their success." He takes a sip from his own glass and gives a nod to Elektra, "Indeed, as usual, there is nothing lesser about this club, though it does not surprise me about the masks. Everybody revels in the illusion, but it is all in fun." If it is not, well, there is a reason Hellfire Club security is well trained and paid. Shaw does note Pietro's silence, but he does not seem to judge, instead asking the three of them as a group, "I do hope you all enjoy yourselves, after all, it's why we are here."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna glanced back at Pietro, arching a brow beneath the sheer fabric that served as her mask and hid a smile behind a sip of her drink. "Did you want something to drink?" She murmured, she didn't particularly note what she'd grabbed off a serving tray, but it tasted good and that was truly the point at the end of the day.

Her gaze returned to Shaw and Elektra. "It is nice to see everyone dressed up so well. And I do enjoy the chance to relax for a few hours." She smiled again, politely this time rather than of amusement at her brother's continued silence.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There is a moment of silence...then Pietro realizes that Lorna was actually talking to him. There is a blink of those blue eyes then a slight smile, which is more than he usually shows in public. "No, it is okay. I don't need anything at the moment. Thank you, oh star." That smile might have twisted to a sarcastic grin, but at least Pietro resisted the urge to tousle the hair. He would not do that to the Northern Star.

It does remind him that he is in public, regardless of the reserved number. There is a short bow to the bemasked Shaw, then another one to Elektra. "It would appear that people like to have the anonymity that masks bring. For good or for ill. At least here is a safe outlet for that.."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The interaction between Pietro and Lorna has Elektra observing them for a few moments, an easy enough smile upon her lips, "No drink? You have no idea what you are missing.." as she takes another drink out of her flute. Mmm, tasty. Though if anything she appears to be right in her habitat, with the high rollers, the rich and powerful. Might just be some socialite!

Attention then fleets to Sebastian. A nod. "All in fun..." she echoes. "Yes, for tonight at least I agree. Yet this is what it's all about, isn't it? An illusion away of our usual lives." and she finishes draining the rest of her drink. There are more to be had afterall. A passing servant receives her now empty flute.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw says politely, "Should you change your mind, there are no wrong options, the signature options this evening are outstanding, and if you would prefer something less potent, the mocktails themselves are of the highest order." Nothing else would be acceptable, especially in the VIP lounge.

"Indeed, a night away from the troubles of the world, to instead be 'someone else'," Shaw then takes a sip, his drink still about three-quarters full, "But when dawn comes, so again does reality."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna arched a brow beneath the fabric that made up her 'mask' and tilted her head slightly as she glanced to Pietro at his comment. She barely refrained from rolling her eyes. Her smile turning less polite and more a twitch of amusement at her sibling. Particularly as he addressed the others and bowed.

Her green eyed gaze returned to Elektra and Shaw. "I'll make sure he at least tries something." She offered, as if she were solely responsible for her older brother. Another sip of her drink followed as she shrugged lightly.

"I would say at least a few hours. I doubt I'll be looking at dawn before reality sets in again unfortunately."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
    The white-clad gentleman casts a sidelong glance towards the Star personified. While the mask certainly does do a stellar job at obscuring the celestial's features, Pietro seems to know just what sort of expression is being hidden from him. "Find that amusing, do we, Madame Star?" He is leaning into that anonymity pretty hard...all to keep his star-clad sister entertained.

    There is a turn to the other two. "Oh, don't worry. At some point, there will be a drink consumed. I find that, while I am adrift in the night surrounded by celestial bodies and myths of legend, that alcohol simply runs right through me. I...do not find it necessary to drink unless the situation calls for it."

    Simply put....Pietro is going to burn right through anything he drinks. Such a burden to bear for him.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"This will all depend on how many of those drinks you do have." Elektra says, eyes turning briefly to the drink being handled by Lorna at the moment. And then, because she is Elektra and likes to poke others just enough she adds. ".. And the quality of your date as well.." some teasing, her attention taken towards Pietro. And perhaps assuming things. Or maaybeee just trying to confirm if her suspicions on who the duo is.

But with all her talk one of her hands is lifted up in refusal to a drink when another passing waiter moves past. Because SOME people don't process their drinks as fast as others.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Understandable," Shaw says to Pietro, "Though, there are other options as well, if you would prefer to drink things solely for taste." He raises a brow at Elektra's commentary and takes a sip, "The quality of company at-large is important," he notes and grabs a beignet for himself from a server, "But that should be a given, there's a reason we are all in this room." Shaw's tone is polite, but he does spend a few moments to think, "But even if the real world waits for us at the threshold, at least it can wait there for the time being."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna glanced back at her brother, and promptly nudged him with her elbow while she sipped her drink with her other hand. "That's a new one." She drawled, her voice dry and she looked owlishly at Elektra's comment regarding quality of dates. She blinked, once, twice, and then nearly snorted into her drink as she tried and failed to completely suppress her laughter.

At least she was saved from saying anything at the moment by Shaw's graceful commentary on all guests being a matter of quality. It was the VIP room, so that was an entirely safe way to handle the conversation. The green haired woman's eyebrows lurched upward though and she took another sip of her drink in lieu of actually commenting for a moment.

"We can go with that, reality at the threshold sounds about right."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
    Quality of dates. The comment causes Pietro to arch an eyebrow, before turning to Lorna....and can't help but laugh as well. While Lorna's laugh is free, Pietro's is short, as if it was a temporary lost of control before he reins himself in. "Yes, well...I fear I am not a very good date for the celestial. But...I do make a somewhat decent companion." Downplaying himself. Hardly like Pietro. But, then again, he is supposed to be under cover, conveniently so.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Saved by the bell! Or in this case by the Shaw. Elektra does give Sebastian a nod of her head, perhaps in recognition of his own comment that crafted Lorna away from an answer. Her amusement only grows and she even dares to let out a brief chuckle. "Yes, indeed it's a given the pedigree of everyone up here tonight.." but perhaps their reaction has given her the proof she needed. Or not. It's all about the illusion tonight afterall.

And finally she gets another drink. Gin Fizz! Because repeating drinks can't be a thing when there's such a good selection to choose from. "You both do at least seem very at ease with each other. To decent companions then." she lifting her glass in a salute before a sip is taken.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
One awkward conversation hopefully averted. Or at least Shaw hopes. Last thing he needs is a room of the Hellfire Club's finest becoming a disaster. He takes a swig from his glass, and looks to Lorna, "It is certainly a good costume. The detail is exceptional." The Black King finishes his own glass and remains drinkless for the moment. "But yes, only the finest." The senior member finishes his beignet and is able to secure a napkin to wipe his hands of the powdered sugar. "I can say that the food is in the same tier as the drinks."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna glanced at her sibling, enjoying the fact that he'd laughed with her, however short it might be. "Well, you know stars don't like being alone." She joked lightly, in return for his celestial comment. She finished off the drink in her hand then, and paused to pick up a mocktail and something to snack on. She wasn't looking particularly at the little name plates to know what she was picking up. After all, she just figured it would be something good regardless.

She paused to offer her brother the mocktail and glanced back to Elektra and Shaw. Not that she had any idea who the woman was regardless, but the masquerade was a good place for that.

"To decent companions." She offered, amusement thick in her voice as she glanced back to Shaw.

"Thank you. I felt it was suitably different to be interesting at least." And to be fair, she hadn't seen others walking around with LED's in their costumes either.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"What inspired you to it?" Elektra then asks, presumably about the choice of costume. And now taking her time on having this second drink. No need to rush it up. She does relax against the bar counter though even if she is still standing, one elbow supporting her, Elektra now more at ease.

"The food does cut away at the alcohol though. I don't think I want that just yet." A faint sigh escaping her lips. But then she inquires.

"Is this your first masquerade party here at the Hellfire?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw listens quietly for the moment and looks to Lorna and nods with a light laugh. "Well, it is clever. Though I do also wonder what inspired it," he gives a nod to Elektra, "My first? No, but each is very much different compared to the others."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna glanced at Elektra briefly and she shrugged, "Not my first Hellfire party.. but masquerade? Yes..." She glanced nibbled at whatever appetizer she'd picked up, and went for another drink. She figured this one must be the mint julep given the smell and taste. She sipped at it and considered. "I'm not particularly good at costumes. So I went with what was the easiest for me." She murmured.

"My father always said I was his North Star." She murmured, and glanced back at Pietro, amusement in the curve of her smile.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
    "My father called me an embarrassment. Not that I cared much." There was a nonchalant shrug as Pietro flashes a smile, albeit brief. "I was never much for listening to him." However, as the talk shifts to parental figures, the white-clad Pietro does wander over to the bar to claim one of the signature drinks for his own. He doesn't even look to see which one he takes....any one will do.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
SHaw listens and nods, "Well, this one is wonderful," he says reassuringly. Pietro's remark is a little shocking, but Shaw does not let it phase him, but he gives a polite smile, "Well, I am glad you are both here, and do hope you both have a great deal of fun."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna glanced toward Pietro, her expression twisting with sympathy. Not everyone was going to be happy if the transmission turned out to be true... and well.. If their father was truly alive, it would certainly mean changes would be coming. She wouldn't be Queen either. "Our family is always interesting.." She muttered, her eyebrows lifting upward and back as she looked to Shaw.

"Thank you. And at the very least this is a place where we can relax for a few hours.. Like I said before." She nodded and lifted her glass in Shaw's direction. "Which is the benefit and purpose of the VIP room I think."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw nods, "Indeed, there is enough trouble out there," he gestures to the door, "But sometimes there are respites, and this party, and this club as a whole, are a respite from those troubles that we face." He acquires a hurricane from a passing server and says, "Besides, we can only make the best of what time we have."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna inclined her head, and with careful steps made to sit down at the nearest available chair. She'd been on her feet long enough in heels, and while she could magnetically cheat by floating.. she also liked to sit. She smiled as she gestured to the table. "Would you join me in taking time to relax yourself. I mean, if you don't have to rush off to attend to other guests and ensure they're enjoying themselves?" She offered, sipping her drink and leaning back in the chair. Her dress luckily, easy enough to sit in.

"After all, what's the point of a party if you can't put your feet up for a little bit?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"The joy of the lounge is the small numbers," the room has had a steady number of people, but far less populous than the other rooms. Shaw takes a seat, "Besides, if they wish to speak with me, they can come to me." It's good to be the king. "But yes, there are far better places or ways to be angry, sad, or any other negative feeling. Here is a place of happiness, and propriety."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna inclined her head as Shaw joined her and she sipped at her drink as she shifted her position once he'd joined her. "That's certainly true. The mask might be dashing, but truly.. they'll know where to look." She murmured, and continued to work on her drink as she swirled the contents back and around slowly in an idle manner.

"I'm sad that I only learned about this place when I was at my worst. I wish I'd known about the Club before. But it has become a place for me to enjoy myself and take sometime for myself when it seems I can't else where."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw nods, "The anonymity really is a myth, but it is enough plausible deniability for some, or at least historically was." He shrugs and sips, setting the drink down on a napkin. "Fortunately, it seems that most are simply enjoying themselves, which is ideal, and I have yet to hear of an issue facing our guests."

Lorna's comment causes Shaw to frown, "Well, then we will be here when better days come. We can not change the past, but we can improve the future."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna inclined her head her lips twitching, "I find it difficult to carry on the whole secret bit. But that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone." She murmured, setting her drink down to accept a small plate of food that was held out on offer on a tray. She picked it up, murmuring a thank you and picked at the contents.

"I can only hope that the future brings hope for something better. Even if I am more now unsure of what that might look like right now." She sighed, and offered Shaw another smile.

"And I do have to offer the Club my sincerest thank you, without the connections here I wouldn't have been able to do what I have."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw frowns and takes a drink, "I can not speak entirely to your experience, as it is unique to you, but," he says with a pause, "know that lack of certainty is, to a degree, good. You cannot predict it, which means that it is not guaranteed to be unfavorable, the key is improving your odds." He speaks in a more businesslike tone at this point, "Set your goals, or determine what a favorable outcome is, find variables, and reduce the number of ones that could result in unfavorable results. Easier said than done, but at least you can at least impact it."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna sighed softly as her smile remained in place, her fingers playing over the glass stem of her drink and she idly twisted it around and around. "I've never thought of it that way before. As something good. I mean there's always a chance things go badly.. but I think I've been doing what I can to improve my odds.." She murmured. She didn't want to talk about the 'real world' but at the same time? It was solid ground conversationally.

Even in general terms like they were using. "Which is all any of us can do at the end of the day, hmm?" She arched her brow upward, turning her green eyed gaze back to Shaw and away from her glass.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"See," Shaw says with a nod, "and yes, that is all we can do. Unfortunately we do not have a crystal ball that can tell us what will be, but there is the aforementioned comfort in that. That we have some impact on the future." He takes a big drink, looking back and raising a finger, "That is the key to it. Know your goals, and how to get there. Sometimes it will fail, so be prepared for that."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna exhaled an amused breath as she sipped at her drink and gestured with it toward Shaw. "This is something I've never been taught in such a way. Must be the businessman in you." She murmured, "Something that was missing in my... varied and interesting educational scope." She smiled and shook her head at her own thoughts.

"Also highly sporadic at best. I suppose when all is said and done, and the best outcome happens.. I'll need something to do with my time again. Maybe I'll take the time to get that PhD I've thought about.. or maybe travel Europe."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"It is simply the way of things," Shaw notes, "It is the basis for any strategy." He finishes his drink and sets it aside. "But yes, it is the general approach most of us take in the business world, because without a plan, you rely only on luck, the worst variable to rely on."

When Lorna notes a PhD, Shaw gives a nod, "In what field, if I might ask? More education is seldom a bad call. The biggest cost is time, though travelling Europe is also a valid option."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna inclined her head, "I've had to sometimes break strategy to win. If you ever played a game of chess with my father..? He tries to figure out every possible move someone might make. At least 5 steps ahead. He over analyzes, and sometimes, breaking that can beat him. But that is a strategy in and of itself." She mused, and sipped at her drink, pausing to nibble a little the food on her plate.

"Mmm, I have my master's in Geophysics. A bit of a cheat technically with everything, but it does help me to better understand myself. I think it might prove useful at the very least. I thought it was a dream I'd have to give up for a long while. Until things were more stable.. But again, we shall see. If the best outcome happens...?" She shrugged once more.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Indeed," Shaw says and acquires another beignet, "But that I can understand, all things considered. And it is an example of you trying to adjust variables in your favor." When the topic shifts to geophysics it gets a nod from Shaw, "Useful field, and will certainly be useful for you in the future. The planet isn't going anywhere." Nor are its resources, "But as someone who has travelled that academic road, it has proven useful and well worth its investment."

Lorna Dane has posed:
The Genoshan ruler shifted in her seat, and grinned, "In less than a dozen games of chess I managed to beat my father. Which not everyone can say.." She murmured, her hand propping up her chin briefly.

Yet as they shifted toward academics, Lorna arched a brow upward. "I'll admit, I didn't consider you to be an academic as well as a businessman. Color me pleasantly surprised to hear that." She passed a napkin across the table as she noted the powdered sugar, a silent offer as she had yet to use her own.

Another sip of her drink followed. And as a server approached as she waved him over with a finger, she asked for water. She could already feel the drinks going to her head. And her brother wasn't about to make sure she didn't trip immediately upon standing in her heels.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Any more it seems MBAs are the new bachelors in business," Shaw notes. He takes the napkin with a nod of thanks, "You would be surprised to know who holds advanced degrees, though the true surprise is who does not in certain circles. But yes, go get your PhD if that is a path you wish to pursue, no doubt you will be a desirable candidate." Because who says no to a head of state?

When the water arrives, Shaw takes one as well, "Just do not let yourself get burned out. Dissertations are very capable of burning people out, so make sure you are willing to stick it out with what you choose to study."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged with a small roll of her shoulders. Her dress shifting enough that she reached up to readjust the shoulder balanced strap. She reached for her glass of water as a waiter sets it down in front of her. She smiled, and offered a thank-you, her gaze turning back to Shaw.

"I happen to know an inordinate amount of PhD's and MBA's of various sorts. I suppose that comes with the circles I spend time in." She mused, and trailed her fingers over the condensation on her glass.

"I think it would take a great deal for me to burnout. Academia sounds downright relaxing after the international issues I've had to face recently." She shook her head and grimaced briefly. "Though in an entirely different way, I suppose."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Exactly," Shaw nods, "it is almost expected at a certain point, but it is the way of things." He takes a bite and ponders as Lorna speaks, "Good, because dissertations can suck your soul away, or at least frustrate you a great deal, but not on the level that you have been dealing with," Shaw says, "Compared to that, it is likely a walk in the park. I just hope you get a good advisor, should you follow this route."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna grinned, and exhaled a breath, "I'll have to figure out what schools to apply for and everything. I dunno, it seemed a pipe dream weeks ago.. but.." She shrugged, there was hope her father was alive now. Hope that he and many other mutants could be saved: she wouldn't be Queen anymore. She could have some modicum of freedom back.

At least that was the hope. And speaking to Shaw certainly made it sound more attainable than it had in her head. She sighed, and reached up to prop her chin with her other hand in thought. "Who knew I'd be so excited about the concept of going back to school again?" She laughed softly, and shook her head. "It's the little things, in life, isn't it?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"That is a question you will have to answer for yourself," Shaw notes and finishes the beignet, using the napkin to clean his fingers and face, "But it is an option. You will be rejected on every application you do not send." He relaxes in his seat and chuckles, "School seems so much better when you leave it. I am sure some of it will be dreadfully boring, but it is a step towards an ultimate goal. Though at least you know how grad student life is already."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna nodded and seemed to have had enough water that she switched back to her previous drink now. "That is certainly true. I had intended to go straight through to my PhD.. but well, my father offered me a place and well.. the rest is history." She looked down at her drink, her eyebrows behind the fabric knitting together into a furrow.

"I suppose having taken some years off will only help me to appreciate a return more." She mused, and glanced back to Shaw. "What degrees do you have, if you don't mind my asking?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Your father may have done you a favor," Shaw says politely, "Now you have real world experience instead of staying in academia for eight to nine years straight, if not longer." He nods and sips, "Some real world understanding goes a long way."

When the topic shifts to him, Shaw says, "I have a PhD in engineering. Not the most exciting in the world, but incredibly useful." He gives a polite nod and takes a drink of his water.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna inclined her head, "True, I have certainly learned a great deal more than just geophysics though. I've dabbled in international studies, foreign affairs, and many others that I'll have to figure out how best to write and include on an application. Though I'm sure that won't be too big an issue at the end of the day. Well, if I can find a program willing to accept me." She murmured, and sipped at her water again.

"Engineering? That's certainly a useful field to go into. Any particular reason why you decided to go for a PhD?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"It is all connected, you will not have tunnel vision and actually understand the practicality of certain things, or what questions you want to know the answers to," Shaw says. He smiles, "As I said before, you will almost certainly be accepted somewhere worth going." He sets his glass aside on the napkin and thinks a little more, "More for the utility in my field. With an academic background it helps understand the more arcane side of things, and also keeps me aware of what I do not know, and why I hire people to fill those gaps."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna offered yet another bob of her head in a nod as Shaw spoke of tunnel vision, particularly regarding those with PhD's. It was certainly a problem that happened from time to time. She arched a brow upward though as he assured her that she'd certainly get accepted somewhere. "You truly think so? I worry that with the rise of anti-mutant sentiment I might not get accepted." She added softly, "Particularly for me and who my father is." She bit back the urge to sigh and shook her head, as if dismissing the thought.

"The more arcane side of things? With talk like that I'll assume you're in the business of magic."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw listens and nods, "Very simple. One, you are capable, and two, you have several intangibles that would make you desirable, your celebrity, the fact you are a queen are only two of them. While it may close some doors, it breaks some wide open." He then drains the glass and says, "It seems like magic until you look behind the curtain and see the gears. Minor details that drive major things. It is all interesting, but it takes suffering through studies to fully get it." He secures another drink for himself, he spends the next few bits giving some minor points, though nothing nefarious, on how to approach applying for doctoral programs.