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Latest revision as of 20:52, 3 March 2020

Happy Harbor: Meeting A Niece
Date of Scene: 03 March 2020
Location: Morrigan's Office
Synopsis: Jonn brings M'gann to get enrolled in Happy Harbor.
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, J'onn J'onzz, M'gann M'orzz

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
It's past lunch time and Morrigan's in her office going through files. Because with the school still as new as it is there's always files coming in or going out. And someone has to take care of them. The redhead is dressed in a green dress and black heels, nothing that would be seen on a movie star, but well tailored. There's a bit of a frown at something, but then she moves along. Her violet gaze looking at names and then filing them into the open drawer.

The door to the office is open and there's a 'come on in!' scribbled in chalk on the blackboard attached to it.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz told his newfound niece that he would introduce her to the schoolhead, and enroll her in, and so it is that J'onn today is in the shape of the psycology teacher, John Green! Or at least that's the identity he's using to move in that sphere, anyways.
His shape is that of a man in his late twenties or early thirties with a relatively average face, standing a couple of inches above six feet, with light brown hair, hazel eyes, and dressed in a tailored blue suit. He even has a british accent to go with it! And it is with that that he announces his presence with a "greetings, miss. May we come in?" well of course there's come in written on the door! But asking doesn't hurt, does it?

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     No Martians today, just Megan Morse, totally normal high school student! Today's outfit of choice is a dark red fleece hoodie, front unzipped to reveal a NASA T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She's been doing her best to hide her amazement at being in an actual school, but... with middling success.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look up when she hears a voice and there's a smile, "Of course, come on in and have a seat if you like. I think someone opened a portal and keeps dropping files on my desk." she muses to that. Then she's shutting the drawer and heading towards the desk, "Can I get anyone something to drink or anything like that?" she asks. "Please make yourselves comfortable." she motions to the comfy chairs in front of her desk.

While the curtains are open, none of the light touches the desk. It's been positioned 'just' right.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
"we should embark on a quest to close such an evil portal! But then, I'm afraid, the entire school would collapse under the umbearable weight of unsolved paperwork." John Green states with a smile, stepping into the office and walking towards one of the empty chairs "Indeed you do have our crespect and admiration for the sacrifice that you're making! And this" he gestures towards Megan "is my, niece, who would like to enroll in our school..." he smiles again, answering to the question with a brief shake of his head "I'm fine thanks! Though I won't turn down a glass of water..."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "Thank you! Just water, please. Megan has not yet been introduced to the teenage elixir that is Soda, so water's enough for now. She takes her seat, wiggling a little in the cushions and getting comfortable. "Nice to meet you, Ma'am. I'm Megan Morse." She offers a handshake, firm and confident. ...That's what you're supposed to do, right?

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan settles into her chair and then scoots back a little to grab two bottles of water out of the little fridge she has hiding close to the desk. Never a bad idea to have hold out caffeine for situations. She shakes the offered hand from Megan and there's a smile, "I'm Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre, it's nice to meet you Megan." she tells her. Then the bottles are settled onto the desk in front of them.

"Has John told you about the school and what it's main purpose is?" she asks her. Then there's a smile to Jonn, "I'll probably die on the hill of paperwork." she muses.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz chuckles lightly, offering another small smile "then we shall erect a monument to you, so that people will remember in the years to come, the bravery and heroism of such a woman! But lets hope it doesn't come to that and that you'll survive no matter the staggeringly enormous amount of paperwork raining on your head, and desk..."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "Yes, he's told me everything he could." Behind Megan, the deadbolt on the door clicks closed. The teen takes a look to make sure she doesn't have a good line of sight out the window, before concentrating. Her facial features shift subtly, skin tone darkening to a green. "My real name is M'gann M'orzz, and I'm planning on using Miss Martian as a hero name. When I'm ready. Right now, I need to set up a good human identity on Earth and get some practice."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan laughs at Jonn, "Oh I can't die yet. I have to make sure the kids get a prom and things before that." she muses. Then she gives a nod to the closing and locking of the door. She doesn't startle when the door closes, it's a bit of one of those 'huh' moments. That's neat! Then there's a smile to Megan when she reveals her true self, "That's a nifty thing to have. Is that an image inducer?" she asks. "And discretion is our number one goal here after getting people settled into living among humans. I know sometimes it will be hard hiding who you are and sometimes it might feel like a punishment, but it's not." she states. "Will you be staying with us in the dorms or are you staying with your Uncle?" she asks with a smile.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz chuckles a bit, but lets Megan answer the question about the image inducer... "If I may offer my advice, I think it'd be better if she staied with you in the dormitories. It's not because I don't want her, of course. But I think it'll help her integrate."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "Shapeshifting, actually. One of Martian's many natural abilities. I can do most of the things my uncle can, just... not quite as well." M'gann's figure flows and morphs into an exact copy of Dr. MacIntyre, down to the glasses, before returning back to the teen's human self. "The Dorms would probably be good for that. Just have to make sure I don't do anything with my powers by accident. ...I'm not sure how many classes my powers would make it hard to take, though..." Gym might be a bit of a problem unless she got /really/ good at acting, and language classes... Did it really count when her brain effectively translated everything already?

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a nod to that, "Good to know." she notes on that. "And I think we've got quite a few enhanced or...well...super strength teens here. So I'm guessing gym might be a not needed class for them. Or for you." she admits. "And accidental use of powers is completely understandable, that's something we are prepared for." she tells her. "Are there any classes you would like to take or are interested in?" she asks her. "And we can absolutely get you set up in the dorms if that's the place you want to be. I think they're pretty comfortable." she smiles to that.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "That's one of the ones I'd thought of. My telepathy also automatically translates Languages, so I'm not quite sure how that'd work..." M'gann unlocks the door again now that things are visibly back to normal, sipping from her water bottle. "I'm definitely interested in learning more about Human Science, Martian Science is very different. We use a lot more biotech, for one. ...Also I was wondering, do you have any provision for students with cars?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I wish I could automatically translate languages. I have to cast a spell to do that." Morrigan muses softly at that. "But it's a good thing to know. And honestly with some kids growing up they learned a lot of languages and it's not something people find suspicious." she explains. "Oh, we'll have to introduce you to Kian. He is also not from Earth and it might be nice for him to have someone that can speak with him freely if your abilities translate all languages?" she asks. "And we can definitely get you into a lot of science courses. As for student parking, we do have it." she smiles to that.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "It is helpful. I had to learn English on my own from TV and radio broadcasts, and it took /forever/." Megan smiles, nodding at the suggestion of someone she could talk to. "I basically directly translate the brainwaves and concepts, so it should work. The only people it wouldn't work on is people with very good telepathic shielding or people without organic minds. ...I think I ran into one of them yesterday." She chews her lip a little, brightening again at the mention of parking. "I guess I just have to teach Ship to be a car, then!"

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz glances towards Megan, offering the hint of a smile "there's another way to work around that, but I'll teach you it later..." he states "ah, now that I think about it, will you take psycology too?" he asks his niece, drinking a bit from his bottle of water

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Yeah, that's probably not the best way to learn...but it is a way that people can do easily." Morrigan admits. Then Morrigan listens to how the translation is done and there's a smile to that, "Fascinating! I wish we could have some sort of device that would help with that. It would make some lines of work so much easier in the mundane world." she admits. "Oh, it's a ship? Yes, we'd definitely have to teach it how to be a car...or see if shield wants to put in a parking garage for aircraft." she chuckles.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "It wouldn't be a bad idea, and it'd give you an opportunity to check on me. Megan grins back at her uncle. "Yes, Ship is martian and shapeshifts as well. I'd just have to get a good enough look at one to copy, probably an electric one so the lack of engine noise isn't too strange. If I ever do have to fly anywhere, I'll make sure I"m using camouflage when I do it."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Makes it a Prius." Morrigan laughs. "Or whatever you like really. There are a number of electric vehicles out there that would make great covers." she nods. "Now I don't expect it to ever come up, but, in case the school is ever attacked or should some mob form up and want to do harm, the teachers and myself will handle it. I'm not going to allow anyone to come into our school with the intention of hurting anyone or treating them like a lab rat. But in the same instance, should trouble arise I don't want you to fight unless you're cornered or absolutely have to, does that make sense?" she asks.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz sinks in his chair, considering for a moment "well, I have the feeling she'd be a match for a lot of humans and nonhumans but... As Morrigan said, don't fight..." he adds. "Oh, sometimes I miss a bioship of my own!"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "I'll hunker down, but I'll also do whatever I can remotely. I should also be able to link the faculty and defenders in a telepathic link that would let you all communicate securely and silently, and I can affect things with telekinesis from pretty far away. Maybe some psychic illusions or something too." M'gann nods, understanding on her face. "I can do plenty to help without blowing my cover or even being nearby. And when Ship is old enough and large enough John, I could have her bud and you could have one too. I just need enough biomass to feed her, and time."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Honestly, diplomacy should win out...but if we have to fight then..." she sighs, "I just don't want the kids to be in it. And I know most of you are mid to late teens, but, you're still children and shouldn't have to deal with it." she admits. Then there's a smile as they talk about ships, "Your ship...grows?" she asks.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
"Martians" J'onn starts "use a lot of biotechnology. The ship is not an object, it is a creature, it grows... We don't guide it in a mechanical way, we, communicate with it.." he chuckles again, looking at Megan "oh, she's less of a kid than she seems! But still I agree with morrigan, m'gann... Stay out of trouble for now, please"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "I'll do my best, Uncle J'onn." M'gann gives a somewhat sheepish grin, taking another drink of water. "There are backup manual controls too, but she's probably safer to be in than any car on the road. Lots more durable, and can practically fly herself. ...Or drive herself. I guess Driver's Ed will be good for both of us."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"That's really neat to know." Morrigan admits. When it came down to it, she was a scientist and she loved learning new things! "I won't tell anyone of course. That's just cool to know." she tells them. "And is Megan older than she appears?" she asks. "If you are, that's absolutely fine." she adds. "And yes, Driver's Ed is generally good for all. But you'll probably have no problem with that." she smiles.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz smiles towards Morrigan and nods "martians age more slowly than humans, so yes, to your standards, she's a teenager. But, well, she isn't in the teen range of her solar years! Like I'm not thirty... I've been around for, well, quite a lot of decades, myself..." he admits

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     M'gann blushes again. "Martians mature slower than Humans by about a factor of three according to Caretaker, but she wasn't sure if there was an upper limit on age for us. Mentally, I'm definitely a teenager. SHIELD should have all the cover paperwork and stuff done in a few days, if I remember correctly. I'm guessing you'll need a lot of that.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Well, that is nifty." Morrigan smiles to Jonn. "And I don't want to offend people by talking about them like they are a kid, so if that's alright with you, I'll keep that in my mindset." she nods to Megan. "I'll be thirty five in a few weeks...anyone got tips for wrinkles?" she teases. Then there's a smile to Megan, "Excellent. Shield is always on top of things. Have you met Agent Danvers?" she asks. "And yes, there is a lot of paperwork, but it ensures that extra cover of protection." she admits.

"Now, did you have any questions for me?" she asks.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz smiles and nods "learn shapeshifting! Or use magic, or, I don't know..." he says towards Morrigan! He glances towards his niece next, letting her snswer, or rather, ask, should she have questions.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     M'gann finishes her water bottle, pondering for a bit. "I haven't met her yet, no. Uncle John handled most of that. And... I think I'm good questionwise, other than... When can I start?" aaaand there's the excited grin again.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Magic sadly isn't supposed to be used like that. I mean...I'm sure I could do it, but at my level we tend to get frowned at by the higher ups." Morrigan chuckles to that. Then she looks to Megan and she smiles, "I can get you started tomorrow unless you want to wait till we have all the paperwork from SHIELD? Completely up to you." she tells her.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz nods at Morrigan learn shapeshifting then! he states but well, I don't think you need it yet, you look just fine as you are if I may say so... he states, finishing his own bottle of water, and sending it to float towards the nearest trashcan.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     M'gann's own bottle heads for the recycling. "I mean... I think that works! I have to move in, though. And a least get enough clothes in my closet that people don't think it's suspicious. And buy school supplies. ...And see if there's any "For Dummies" books that have skills I should know by now that I don't..." ...Okay yeah there's probably a lot she has to do.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile to both of them, then she starts to stand, offering her hand to each of them, "I'm excited to have you with us, Megan. I'll let you guys get moved in and settled. I'll get you a schedule emailed if that works?" she asks. "And if you have any problems, please let me know and we'll look into it." she offers.