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A snails pace in Battery Park.
Date of Scene: 03 July 2020
Location: Battery Park City
Synopsis: A group of mostly strangers run into each other in Battery Park. Snails are found, music is played and there's some conversation.
Cast of Characters: Vivian Vision, Bart Allen, Amanda Sefton, Siobhan Smythe, Singularity

Vivian Vision has posed:
With Happy Harbour High School currently on Summer break Vivian has rather a lot of time on her hands. And with no real parental supervision and a whole world to explore she's been doing just that. Roaming around New York taking in the sights. Her disguise of choice for today includes a yellow holographic summer dress, caucasian skin tone and some highlights that make her green hair look like the colour came out of a bottle rather than an industrial plastic factory.

She takes a meandering route that keeps the Hudson river in sight. Without seeming too concerned about her surroundings or any of the other tourists here taking in the sights. The crowds also include a fair few locals, mostly from the nearby residental areas, out jogging or taking pets for a walk.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen is out and about, he has a two small plastic pet carry cases with him, and some nets. He has the cases fastened to his belt and a back pack across his back. Odder still is the pith helmet he is is wearing as he is on his hands and knees in a section of the grass seeming to be searching for something.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Out for a run, Amanda Sefton has also been following the river view, though from the opposite direction to Vivian. Her steps slow, however, as she sees the odd fellow in his pith helmet kneeling in the grass. A brow arches faintly and, in decidedly un-New Yorker fashion, she actually stops rather than running on by. "Lose something?" she can't help but ask. "Or are you just...erm... lost?" Lost. Not quite the word she's thinking.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
Having brought out a mini amp to her side, plugged in with her guitar on her lap. She was here just practicing and enjoying the air. She idly strums at the guitar, smiling as she plays through a few chords before playing through another bit of music. She looks over toward Vivian for a moment and then blinks as she spots Bart in the distance. She continues to play with a smile as she watches the people as they move. She is fairly good but she isn't really showing off at the moment.

Singularity has posed:
    There's a little *poink* in the middle of the park as a blue dot appears, then rapidly expands out in a flash into a girl who touches down easily in the grass, looking around curiously. The fact she's made of, well, stars, does draw attention from some passerbys and a pair of joggers, including a dog that immediatley tries pulling its owner closer so it can sniff the strange blue person.

    Singularity giggles a bit, patting the doggo as the owner gets the golden retriever under control, apologizing reflexively. "Okay. Good. Dog. Yes." the petite girl notes, beaming at the dog and owner, before starting to wander through the park, mostly seeming interested in just people watching and enjoying the day. The music actually draws her attention, as she drifts over towards Siobhan.

    Not literally though. She could drift like that. But she actually has her feet on the ground for once.

Vivian Vision has posed:
While Viv might seem to be aimlessly wandering all sorts of Synthezoid processes are going on behind the scenes. Audio recognition picks up that distinctive 'ploink' as Singularity appears and she turns suddenly. Adjusting her course to wander over towards the Sentient Universe with a suddenly swerve that seems rather random to the casual observer. She's never seen Singularity cause trouble before but that doesn't mean her appearance isn't potentially going to alarm the locals!

Another mental instance is fired up to keep track of the other things going on around her. This subsystem of Vivian compares the sound of Siobhan's guitar playing gets run against an online song database to see if it's something original or not.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks up and blinks a moment recognizing someone playing guitar, but gotta protect the whole secret identity. He looks up to Amanda, and says "Looking for snails. I just started a snail habitat, and am trying to find good subjects for it. My friend told me any pets I had could not be getting loose, so I thought about snails." He looks over and pulls out a net, and says "Ah got ya " He pulls one of the cases from his belt to put it in it.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Ah. So, the pith helmet fellow is indeed... (*ahem*) 'lost'. Amanda raises a brow at his explanation. "I... see," she says as he claims his snail. "Can't say I've ever heard of snail raising." A beat. "Snail *racing*, mind. But I always thought them much the same as flea circuses."

She glances over her shoulder as a momentary shift in the 'reality' of the city popples briefly with the incoming teleport. She *knows* teleports. The flash of light and the coalescing blue causes her to straighten a moment, but her posture relaxes almost with disappointment when she registers that 'plonk' is not the same as 'bamf'.

For one thing, it *smells* a jolly sight better...

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A blink as she hears that sound and she looks up. A blue girl. A blue...glowy sorta spacey looking girl? Well, it's possibly the strangest thing that Siobhan has ever seen and she's seen some pretty messed up stuff. She stares for a long moment before she blinks and realizes she is just absently playing the guitar, "Oh, hey dere." Her accent is deep in the Irish brogue and she looks down before looking up, "I can't say ah've seen anythin' quite like you afore but do you like my music?" She asks with a grin.

For the moment, if Vivian is analyzing, the set of notes that the girl is playing is original in nature. It's nothing that is really truly a song, just a series of notes she liked to play when she was relaxing or just messing around.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity nods enthusiastically. "Yes. Pretty!" she exclaims, clasping her hands behind her back as she listens, bouncing on her toes just a bit. Definitely no cloud of sulphur accompanying her teleports either. She sways a bit from foot to foot as she listens, obviously enjoying the sounds, though she does look over a bit curiously at Bart running around with his net. And then spots Vivian, perking visibly and waving excitedly at her!"

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I hope you are having a good day Singularity?" Vivian asks, making a slight tilt of her head. The nod of someone who no longer finds entities appearing out of thin air unusual. A moment later she gives Siobhan a greeting nod too. "I presume you are new to New York? After all while you will get used to this sort of thing."

Vivs secondary system can't help but pick up Barts voice nearby. Matching it against her records from school. Of course his particular file lists him as a graduate now which means technically no longer a fellow student. Raising her voice a little so it carries the extra distance she says "Would you like any help locating snails Bart? And if so do you have any specific sort you are after? New York State has around a hundred and fifteen different species."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "If you want to help Vivian, I would not turn it down, trying to get as many different types as I can." He looks to Amanda, and says "I did not know I could teach them to race, that might be interesting, will have to look up how to train them. One of my old teachers, this really old guy told me that I need to learn to slow down and I thought watching t hem might help sorta zen ya know?

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda chuckles at Bart's revelation. "Good luck with it," she bids with a smile. She then unhooks a water bottle hanging off the strap of a pouch about her waist and opens it for a swig. "It should do that, yeah," she agrees. "Though, I prefer meditation, myself."

She pivots slightly now, catching the Irish lilt in the musician's voice. Her own accent has shades of London in it, and maybe a hint of the Continent that drifts towards News Anchor American. Her head cants some and she takes half a step back when it appears Snail Lad knows Green Girl. A wry smile touches her lips, something about the exchanges here reminding her of others she knows.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A smile is given to Singularity and she nods, "Glad ya like it." She states simply enough and turns her gaze over to Vivian briefly and nods to her, "Oh, ya needn't worry." She shakes her head, "I'm Irish. We're used to seein' strange things." She nods her head and laughs a little before she closes her eyes, "At least when we're drunk." She grins and then she strums out a few more chords. She looks over to Vivian and then to Singularity, "I'm Siobhan." She nods and then smiles at Amanda, too. She then idly looks down before looking up, "I can play somethin' a bit more known if you'd like?"

Singularity has posed:
    "Very. Good. Yes!" Singularity agrees with Viv, promptly walking over to her then pulling up short. "...can. Hug?" she asks before she does it. It's polite! As much as she likes hugs. Either Vivian gets a hug or a pat on the arm depending how she answers. She turns to face the others, belatedly answering Siobhan's comment. "Yes. Singularity." Becuase she is singular and people haven't see something like her before! Maybe?

    She studies Siobhan curiously. "Irish? Irish." she says, as if committing that to memory. "Siobhan." she says, sounding out the word curiously. "Siobhan. Irish."

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision glances around the area, enhancing her sight to it's highest setting and adjusting for time of day, then runs an image recognition program hunting for snails in the area. Silently she consults her internal school rulebook. No students around, outside of the semester, not wearing uniform and not putting anyone in danger. "I believe it will be quicker if I simply mark them for you," she decides. Creating little holographic marker arrows for every snail she can locate in the immediate area. "Then you can decide which you would like."

Her attention shifts back to Siobhan and Singularity. "I'm Vivian, as you may have gathered, it's nice to meet you." She frowns. "I don't really have any preferences regarding music. And I'm unsure if Singularity is familiar with the concept?" She gives the spatial anomaly a quizzical look.

A moment later she adds "I have no strong preferences regarding hugs either." Her posture will remain slightly awkward and rigid regardless of if she gets hugged or an arm pat.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen seems a bit unsure of that, but will look over and says "It is amazing what they can do with phones these days." He is trying to cover for her a bit. He will move towards the next snail, and if they look away he will check almost all of them, the fact his cases are much fuller might be a hint of something odd happening.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
One blonde brow arches again as Amanda watches all the little blue holographic snail markers pop up around the area. "Looks like the greens department has been slacking," she says, glancing to Bart in acknowledgement of his 'phone' excuse. She does't challenge it. Doesn't need to... Though she doesn't know any secrets any of the others may hold, she has enough of her own. And gods know she's seen more than her own fair share of Weirdness.

Still, both Vivian and Singularity are more awkward than not. Moreso than most mutants, humans, or aliens she may have met before now. Less so than most of the demons she's encountered. "What's your favourite song?" she asks Siobhan. "You could play that..."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A grin over at Singularity and she repeats, "Siobhan." She nods her head, "And Singularity." She nods her head, "Interesting. Fitting name." She then looks over at Vivian and then blinks, "Now, that's strange thing. Not really havin' a preference on music is like not havin' a preference for breathin'." She then shakes her head and looks over to Amanda briefly and then to Bart before she huhs, "Strange day at the park but...I don't know about my favorite but I think I can enjoy this one." She idly starts to play and Vivian can find this one.

"If you, if you could return
Don't let it burn
Don't let it fade
I'm sure I'm not being rude
But it's your atittude..."

She sings the song while playing the guitar, smiling as she sings and it's strange. For most, they'd say her singing was amazing. Her playing, too. As if she were a professional to say the least. For Vivian it's something else. It's perfect. It's as if a computer were creating the music. Each note. Played and sung are sheer perfection. There's no mistakes, no warble. Not a single hint of deviation from what each note should sound like.

Singularity has posed:
    A hug it is! A brief but firm one, at least, as Vivian looks like a cat being hugged and not sure if she likes what's happening, before Singularity drops back to her feet. "Good." she says cheerfully, before walking over to Amanda and offering a hand. "Singularity." she says, pointing at herself politely. She'll do the same to Bart if he's in range, but he is also busy with snails which seems important to him, so she's content to wait until he seems finished. Though she does perk at all the blue lights popping up, turning her head back and forth as she looks them over.

Vivian Vision has posed:
As each snail gets scooped up the individual arrows fade away one by one. Probably not quite as fast as Bart is collecting the snails, but as close as Vivian can manage (which is still pretty darn quick compared to Human senses). "Breathing isn't really something you have opinions about. Your autonomic nervous system either allows it to function or it doesn't." And if Siobhan happens to listen carefully she may well pick up that Viv really isn't breathing in or out half as often as a teenage girl should be...

"Besides isn't music very subjective? What feels right for one mood does not work with another emotional state."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Thanks, this helped a lot." He will look over and ask about a song by one of the newer bands that no one has ever heard of mostly because it has not been recorded yet. "Bart by the way a pleasure to meet you all." He does shake hands of all that is offered and no his hand is not slimy from the snails at least.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
"Amanda," Amanda says, capping her water bottle and putting it back on the carabiner on her pouch strap before taking Singularity's hand. Her head cants. "And and quite singular you are." Her tone is warm, not judgemental. "Pleasure." She can't help but study the starry patterns in young woman's form, but is careful not to stare impolitely.

Her head turns as Siobhan starts up the Cranberries tune. "Nice," she grins -- definite approval, given she's been a fan of that band since she was quite young. She'd sing along, but, well, she's more of a dancer than a vocalist... if you can call trapeze flying in any way dancing.

She tucks a loose strand of hair -- fallen out of her ponytail from the wind left in Bart's earlier wake, no doubt -- back behind her ear. Between the holograms popping off like a cascade of fireflies winking out and Vivian's stilted body language, she's starting to suspect at least a couple of these folk have more in common with the mutants and metas she knows than she initially thought. The information gets filed away, uncommented upon.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
She continues to play the music, smiling as she gets the compliments and then looks over to Vivian with a nod to her before she watches Singularity move off to look at arrows. She seems to watch the various arrows and then the way Bart goes after them, not taking his hand for the moment as her hands are busy.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity doesn't seem to mind being looked at particularly, her hair shifting as she nods. "Yes." she agrees, then tilts her head. "Bart. Hello!" the petite blue girl says, waving as he introduces himself. "Singularity." she repeats. In the manner of someone who isn't quite sure how the greetings work yet. You repeat your name each time, right? She points at Amanda's outfit. "Very pretty." she compliments, then nods to Vivian. "Yes. Music. Beautiful. Many types. All good." She has eclectic tastes, apparently.

Vivian Vision has posed:
In Vivs case it's more that a lack of emotion removes most of the meaning from the music, but she nods in agreement with Singularity. As much to be polite as to avoid having to explain her position on the topic in detail. "I trust this means you have found enough snails for your collection Bart?" she wonders as he moves over to shake hands. "If so then I may have to resume my walk."

She gives an apologetic shrug.

"I've been looking into acting classes. I thought perhaps next semester I'd try out for the school play.. And... I could likely use a lot of practise beforehand."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Enough from here, yea, I need to look in other places if I am going to get different types, there is some I can't get cause they are endangered, but I will be working on it for a few days.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda looks down at her running outfit and then up at Galaxy Girl. "Uh... thanks," she says, the subtlest hint of dry humour behind the words. "It works for me -- for the moment, at least." Though with the rising heat of the summer day, she's thinking she might have done better to hit the gym club pool, instead. At least the shorts and tee are lightweight.

Vivien's words give her pause, however. "Acting," she says, both brows rising. "Really. That might be..." She pauses a moment, searching for the right word. "A really interesting adventure for you," she concludes with a smile. "Good luck."

She then rolls her shoulders. "And I should probably run along, myself. Before I stiffen up." Touching a pair of fingers lightly to the side of one brow in a loose, mock salute to indicate a polite farewell, she adds, "Nice to meet you all. Have a nice day," before resuming her jog along the river and leaving the impromptu gathering behind.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
Finally she finishes her music and looks up with a smile at Bart and waves to him, "Hi, Bart. Strange but cool hobby." She nods her head as she looks over at Amanda and waves to her, "Have a good day." She calls out before she unhooks her guitar and begins putting things away. She looks over at Vivian briefly and nods her head as she then smiles to Singularity, "Thank you, Singularity." She nods her head and then she looks over to the others before saying, "I think it's about time I start heading out." She nods her head.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity nods, as the group seems to be breaking up, or snail hunting, either! She floats up into the air. "Nice. To meet. You. All." she says in her oddly stilted way of talking. "See you. Again? Soon?" She smiles a bit, then waves, before she soars up into the sky, doing a little twirl as she somersaults over, then begins flying over towards the city, humming to herself. Meet new people is always a good day!