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Latest revision as of 19:16, 7 July 2020

Christmas in July
Date of Scene: 04 July 2020
Location: Abandoned Warehouse
Synopsis: Some individuals decide to explore the ice palace that popped up mysteriously in NYC.
Cast of Characters: Nessa Donovan, Bart Allen, Siobhan Smythe, Landry Lugar, Michael Hannigan

Nessa Donovan has posed:
The ice palace in the Bronx, while it's been there for over a week now, seems to have held up well despite New York's July weather. A massive structure that's entirely taken over a warehouse in the Bronx, it seems to be incredibly intricate with engraved detailing, windows like stained glass, a dramatic entryway with a balcony, and even ice and snow furniture. There's usually a few people about, wandering around and taking pictures, the cold eventually driving people out--it is July, after all, and few were smart enough to bring a coat to enter what is essentially a fridge.

Curled up on an ice sofa near the front of the castle itself, Nessa is reading. Her head rests against the armrest, book propped up on her stomach as she reads. Down by her feet seems to be a rabbit made of snow, sleeping peacefully on the couch. It's breathing, much like a real rabbit.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen had somehow missed hearing about this place until recently. It is not like he is easily distracted or anything. So supervillain ice castle, this must be checked out by Impulse. He comes in at a blur, and is heading around the thing taking it all in from the outside and thinking how neat it is, and he has to se the inside, and in he goes. This goes ok till he sees the rabbit, and is stuck by how neat it is and decides to stop and look at it. Well as he tries to stop you get a moment of the Wille E Coyote look on his face and he slams into a wall rattling it a bit, and looks over from the pile he ends up in "Cute bunny." He moans out.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
Walking up to the area, she had to see it. It's just something to see. Siobhan isn't one to take selfies and post it on the internet or whatever. Who cares that she was here? However, she does want to see a castle made completely of ice. As she approaches, she blinks at the sight of it. She just stares for a long moment, looking it over before suddenly looking down at the sight of Bart slamming into a wall. She blinks several times before she starts jogging over to see if he is ok and then there's a bunny and a girl and....this is all getting rather strange. Siobhan waves her hand, "Hey, ya alright?" Her thick Irish accent slipping over her words.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar had read about this place on one of his online forums, and decided to come check it out on his night off. He was dressed as usual in dark jeans, a backpack, and his black hoodie, with STAFF on the back, with a Treble Clef for the S. He had his phone out as he explored, having fun poking around the ice castle and seeing what all secrets he could find there. Seeing others playing, he pulled out some lighting equipment from his backpack, and set them up around the place, tinting the ice in a rainbow kaleidoscope of color.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Well, if one thing could be said about New York, it's that it doesn't stay boring for long. And well, when there is mention of a giant ice castle appearing in the Bronx well. There you go.

A bit curious to the sight, a purplish black raven flies overhead, taking a lingering sky tour of the scene. It is an amazing view that's for sure. But the inside has to be just as nice. Flying over to a window area, he glances in. Just in time to see the wipe out.

The raven gives a visible wince, not really characteristic of the species but there it is. "You okay man?" The bird asks.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
The sound of someone smacking into the wall is enough to shake Nessa, who scrambles to sit up and drops her book to the floor. She fumbles around near her until she finds a pair of gloves near her which she promptly tugs onto her hands before she picks up her book and looks towards the costume-clad and wall-squished person. "Uh, I hope whatever powers you've got there involve some kind of shock absorption, because that's pretty solid ice there." She takes a few steps closer out of concern, but leaves a healthy amount of space there.

The rabbit, who had jumped a little, shrinks back from the sound of the smack but promptly hops down from the couch to hide behind Nessa's feet as she moves from the couch.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen Um.. yea, um I'll be ok in a moment, just my ego bruised, well that and my body." He admits. He will slowly move to get to his feel looking over to Siobhan, and says "I know you." He looks over to Landry "And you." He looks down to his feet making sure there are no ruby slippers on them. "Gotta remember need at least another pico second to come to a stop on ice." He rubs the side of his head "I'm Impulse by the way, nice to meet ya." He says to the ones he has not met.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
The girl blinks at Bart as he speaks and she then looks to Landry, "Oh hey." She waves a hand before she nods back to Bart, "Well, ye at least seem to know how to talk still." She nods her head and then looks to Nessa briefly before looking up and blinking again, "Did anyone else see the bird talk?" She asks and then looks to the others.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar was just finished fiddling with his lights, when he heard Bart's voice. He looked up from what he was toying with, and gave the hero a smile, "Oh hey! Impulse! Isn't this awesome?" He waved to the ice castle. "I wanted to check it out before it was all gone." He hopped up to his feet, and walked over, seeming to handle the slippery ice very well.

Seeing Siobhan, he gave her a smile and a wave as well, "Hey! Good to see you again! Yeah, I heard him. Last time I saw a talking animal, it turned out to be Doctor Strange had transformed into a cat." (No it wasn't. It was really Loki. But Landry didn't know that.) " Is that you, good Doctor?" He asked curiously to the bird.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Most people know not to run on ice." The raven comments, indirectly answering Siobhan's question. His head tilts to look to Bart, "But something tells me you're a fast healer."

Spreading his wings, the bird hops off the ledge gliding down towards the small gathering below. He gives a winged wave to Landry. "I might be strange but not that type of Strange. But I have met him a few times." He glances over to the percieved resident of the new ice castle. "Your place?"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Given that Impulse hasn't been seriously injured, Nessa steps back to allow for more space, almost tripping over the rabbit who quickly hops a little ways away to give /her/ space. Her gaze falls on Siobhan for a moment, then in the direction of the bird. "I certainly heard something." She pauses. Then there's the bird talking again. "Running on ice is fine if you know how to handle it. And the right shoes, that's key." Voice of experience there.

The bird's question about their surroundings has her laughing. "I don't own the warehouse that was here and I didn't make the place, if that's what you're asking. But I have been around here since it was made and I've been scaring off the people who think it's funny to try and charge for admission. So not my place but... I guess I'm the self-appointed caretaker. Uh, welcome, I guess. I'm Nessa. Try not to destroy anything, I can't fix it well."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to them and says "Oh I can run on ice, it is much more the stopping." He jokes a bit and says "Just have to pay more attention to what I am doing." He admits "So, are there more animas and things here like the bunny? Do we need to find a way to help keep the place cold?"

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A look over at Landry and she smiles and nods her head, "I don't know that it is anythin' like that." She states and looks over to the bird again as it speaks. She shakes her head. Certainly not the strangest thing she has ever seen. SHe then looks to Bart again and then adds, "Run on ice or no, it'd be best for ya not to try to slam into anymore walls, I imagine." She nods and then looks to Nessa again for a moment. She seems to tilt her head slightly and then she shifts, "Hey." She says to Nessa, "Are ya from Ireland?" She asks and tilts her head, "Sorry to ask but I haven't run into very many from home."

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar smirked at the raven's comment about not running on ice and Bart's reply, "The Jamaican bobsled team could do it." He nodded about Strange, "Nice. He was a nice guy. Took care of a thing for me. It was awesome. What's it like being a talking bird? What do we call you?"

He looked to Nessa, "Some people try to ruin everything... Good you've been taking care of things. I set up lights, so people could play at night too. Hope you don't mind. I'll come pick them up when it's all melted and stuff."

He laughed at Siobhan, "I don't either. Never know with people that can change shape and all!"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The phantasm nods, glancing around, "Well. Compliments to whoever did it. It's pretty well done."

His head turns, looking over to Siobhan as she asks about Ireland, giving a curious glance before looking over to Nessa.

When the question is posed to him, he looks over to Landry, "Oh, well. I never really bothered with a name for when I'm like this but it's termed a phantasm form so.... Phantasm?"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"Ice is really dangerous if you don't pay attention, yeah," Nessa agrees with the general sentiment. "But, ah, no, the rabbit's the only thing living here as far as I know. Nothing's come out and shown itself, at least." She looks down at the rabbit and scoops it up into her arms. "This one's a gift of sorts. I'm still trying to work out this kind of thing myself. Not easy to just /make life/, you know?" She pets the top of the creature's head. On closer inspection, it looks like it's composed mostly of soft, pillowy snow.

She gestures a gloved hand around. "But your guess is as good as mine how long this place will last. There was an /awful/ lot of magic poured in to making this. It certainly does draw attention though. Point was made, attention gotten..." She looks towards Siobhan and grins. "Not from there. Second-generation. My parents immigrated here and the rest of the family stayed." She pauses. "Good ear."

She offers Landry a smile. "Yeah, I saw the lights. That's pretty cool to do, I'm sure people will enjoy it. I'll keep an eye on them to make sure no one tries to run off with any of it. Like you said, some people try to ruin everything. I'm not much of a fan of letting that happen." She glances towards the phantasm. "I'll let the guy who created it know you're a fan. If he comes back." She squints a little in thought. "/When/ he comes back. But nice job with the phantasm thing, that's pretty cool."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmmms and says "I might be able to get my hands on some things to help it stay solid." He will tell them. He looks around a bit and says "So really magic? I mean I have heard some and know some folks, who might be able to help, maybe that Dr. Strange fellow, I don't know him, but heard when ya got magic stuff, he is like #2 person to take it to." He smiles and says "Um... can I pet the bunny?"

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
"I suppose that is true." Siobhan responds to Landry and nods to him, "I 'ave seen some awfully strange things since comin' here but talkin' animals isn't really even up there. Still strange though." She adds, "Well, when dey speak English anyway." She then turns her gaze to Nessa and smiles, "Oh, it's a gift." She states and nods her head, "And a curse." Literally. She glances at the rabbit and approaches softly and smiles, "As the fast one asked. I would love to pet the rabbit as well." She then makes little noises, soft, squeaky style noises. One might mistake them for just someone being all cute toward a rabbit. Trying to calm it with little noises but she's actually making real rabbit noises. If anyone can sense magic, they can catch the fine hint of magic dancing into those noises. As if she were making such noises by magic.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar nodded to Mike, "The Phantasm?... That sounds pretty cool. Like that old guy, The Phantom right? Cept less purple. That's cool..." He trialed off nodding, having lost himself in his own train of thought.

"Magic..." He looked from the bird to Nessa, "Is that like, something you can teach? Is there really a Hogwarts? I know I missed out on the age limit there, but, man, that'd be really cool to learn." He chuckled, and looked at the rabit, "You are really trying to create life?... I guess a bunny would be a good place to start with that... I mean, if you made 2, you'd have who knows how many in no time." He mused idly as he walked around, running his hand over the cold ice surfaces as he explored. As he got close, he offered Nessa a business card with his name and number on it, "Just let me know when you come pick it up, yeah?"

He chuckled as Siobhan spoke to the rabbit, "Shhh... Be very, very quiet... She's speakin to wabbits..." He joked, and climbed up a staircase, eyeing the railing to see if he could slide down it.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The bird cocks his head looking to Bart curiously "Really? Who is the number one person?" Hmm wonder if they have a library... The bird looks to the bunny but doesn't ask to pet it or make any effort to. He looks over to Landry. "Not THE Phantasm. Just ...Phantasm. More like, a universal 'hey you' It's not like I'm the only one out there. What kind of egotistical person would add 'The' in fr-" He pauses, seemingly remembering something and sighs, "... scratch that last thought. Um Just... Phantasm. We'll just treat it like a name. Not a title."

He glances over to Landry, "If there's a Hogwarts I sure as hell did not get a letter."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"I've heard of Dr. Strange," Nessa says. "Kind of hard to avoid hearing about him if you're in the circles that I'm in. Never met him, though. /Usually/ I don't find I draw the attention of anyone worth talking about." She gestures around a bit. "Not always, though, apparently." She holds the rabbit out a bit in gloved hands, so it's a little easier for anyone interested in petting to reach. "Careful, it /is/ made of snow so it's certainly very cold. I've found it's incredibly soft though. Kind of like when the snow's fallen and there's fresh powder..."

The rabbit wrinkles its nose and looks up at Siobhan with a curious glance, sniffing the air. It does seem fairly calm. The noises have caught Nessa's attention for another reason, and she watches curiously. "Maybe if I learn to make one I'll have to pass it along. Not sure how long they'd live for given they need the cold, though." Her attention shifts over towards Landry at his Hogwarts comment, grinning.

"Well, I'd say most people could learn it but not really be effective at it. Say you want to learn the guitar. You could study, learn to play from videos online. Maybe even get a tutor. But are you going to compare to the people who have a natural gift at it who have been honing it since a child? Probably not." Nessa takes the offered business card, tucking it in a pocket with her gloved hand. "This right here, it's kind of my Hogwarts letter, I think. It's a good way to get someone's attention."

She looks to Landry. "I mean, as much as you can make life out of magic, sure. I'm working on an incantation that I /think/ is going to be to make something like this rabbit. I can't be sure. It's always dangerous when someone shows up in an ice palace and gives you a sheet of paper with magic words on it and doesn't tell you what it's for." She shrugs. "But that's life, right?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will wait his turn to pet the magic bunny, and says "Zatanna is like the best ever." He says maybe a bit biased. "Yea with enough practice guitars and such can be learned, took me a whole three minutes to learn to play one." He admits. "I don't know if I would be able to care for something like him or her, I have just started getting some snails as pets. He looks over to Siobhan "Can you speak bunny? Thats so neat." He smiles and looks over to the others "I don't think I could do magic though."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A smirk over at Landry and she rolls her eyes before looking back to the rabbit, "It's not real then?" She asks and reaches out to lightly touch it, smiling at the softness, "Feels real." She states and then steps back and shakes her head, "Though, it loses something, I suppose in not bein' real." She grins at Bart and gestures for him to pet it if he wants before she blinks, "Well, I speak ta anythin'." She states and nods her head, "Anyone, anythin' as long as it has a language." She nods her head, "Everyone around here seems to have a super power. Mine just isn't all that useful for fightin' crime."

She looks back to the castle and nods her head in time with Nessa's words. She hmms softly, "So, who was it that made it? Ah haven't been payin' a lot of attention to the news so if it wa ssaid, I missed it." She chuckles, "Impressive though it is."

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar gave a nod, "Got it, Phantasm. Phanty. Phanta." He grinned, "I'll stop teasing the obviously magical bird now." He climbed up on the rail, and let himself slide down, and up into the air at the bottom, to land in a bank of snow.

His head popped out, "Right. Yeah, I get that. Be like, a dabbler? That'd be cool." He looked to the bunny, and back to Nessa, "Just like, make sure you know how to control it and all. Between watching the Sorcerer's Apprentice, and Monty Python, I really don't want to know what a runamuck rabid magical rabbit could do!"

He blinked to Impulse, "Three... Minutes? To learn the guitar? That's pretty awesome! I guess things would go quick for you and all, yeah?" He shook his head imagining what he would do with that power.

He chuckled, "Not everyone has a super power. But, being able to talk to anyone? That is pretty super! Think of all the problems you could solve by being able to talk things out with everyone, you know?" He gave a shrug, "I've just got regular powers. They arn't super." He motioned to the lighting equipment, "I just have my lights."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"It's really weird. I just kept bumping into him for awhile," The bird shrugs. His head tilts to Bart as he replies back to his first choice. "...Zatanna?" His head tilts, "Really?"

The bird's eyes narrows at the attempts to shorten the name decision, looking to Landry, giving him a look. "So you know. This is my nice form." Yes. Do not tease the obviously magical bird. Quite.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"Magic isn't really for everyone. People would probably get frustrated if they didn't get much of it right away and give up. You don't make things like ice palaces unless you've got some natural talent," Nessa points out. "Talent and /lots/ of practice. But the news didn't say who it is because they don't know. I know, because I was here. A Sorcerer named Jianyu Vega. He did choose the best way to get my attention, though. This is certainly impressive." She looks down at the bunny. "It's real snow, the thing's not an illusion. So what you're touching is real, it's just the equivalent of a marionette that has no strings."

Her gaze shifts in Landry's direction with a smirk. "I think out of the magical entities in the room, the rabbit is the least of your worries." There's a laugh. "But really, whatever you do is what you make of it. It's no measuring contest."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will very gently pet the bunny, and smiles a bit "Very soft, I hope he lasts, if you need any help for him let me know." HE looks over to Siobhan and says <Can you understand this not many people can speak this yet, would be neat to find someone else who can"> He will say in 30th century universal common. He steps away from the bunny not wanting to cause a breeze around it.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A look at Landry and she shakes her head a little, smiling some as she then realizes what Bart said about learning guitar in three minutes. She'd...say something but then she was able to learn a guitar within a week so she really can't say much. Her ability with sound is pretty amazing so...she has no room to be jealous or talk. She instead turns to look at the bird briefly and only smiles some. Nice form, huh?

"Real physically, maybe, but it isn't..." She gestures, "How can I say this? It doesn't have the spirit of a rabbit?" She laughs a little before she then blinks at Bart and looks at him. She stares for a long moment before saying in the exact same language, though it is struggled, like someone just learning (that and it still has that Irish brogue to it), <More...word.> She seems to focus on him a little before gesturing for him to continue.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar 's eyes went wide at Phantasm, "Right. Got it." He gave a nod to the little bird. He chewed the inside of his lip, "So..... What other forms can you do?..." He asked, curiousity getting the better of him.

He looked to Nessa, "Yeah... That's probably true. I mean, if you arn't good at something, even with practice, you tend not to do it much. Like, me with a guitar. I tried to learn in high school. Cause that's how you get girls, right? Wrong. It got me no where quickly. So, I still don't play much." He mused, half joking, half serious.

He looked curiously as Bart and Siobhan started speaking in something he couldn't even recognize. "See. That's awesome."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The bird glances over to Nessa and looks over to Landry, giving a pointed grin. He's opted not to follow up on the guitar comments either. First off that's not his primary instrument and second off, well. in the end, he still gets paid for music so...meh. He looks over to Landry at the follow up question. "It depends on a lot of things. Situation...Mood." He gives a pointed look to Landry, frowning for a few seconds before giving a smile, "No worries, you're safe."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Nessa holds the bunny carefully so it doesn't hop away or wiggle too much. In spite of the fact that it's really not made up of much, it's certainly behaving like a creature and less of a pile of snow. "It doesn't have a spirit of a rabbit, certainly. It's not a permanant construct. I'm certain that there are magic users who could put the real spirit of a rabbit into a body of snow. Magic is tricky, though. Not sure that's something I would try. For now, I just try to figure out what has been suggested to me to learn. I figure something good'll come of that."

She looks between Bart and Siobhan at the language and grins. "Looks like they've found some commonalities." The mention of guitars again makes Nessa laugh as she looks in Landry's direction. "I think that learning guitar thing was a really good ad campaign from some kind of guitar maker because I've heard that so many times and never found it to be true. What they don't tell you is it's not the guitar, it's the idea of someone putting effort into something to impress you."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen 's eyes light up, and continues in <You know no one has ever asked me to talk more, I mean they are all that's enough Impulse, yea we knw impulse, only the facts, slow down." > HE smiles and continues on <Does all the words to be like normal talking or should I through in odd words like giraffe, xylophone, winklepicker that shoes that look like a like tools to make shells less wrinkly."> He will tell her.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A smirk at Landry and she states, "I don't know about it bein' awesome but it can be handy." She then looks over to the bird briefly and then she chuckles a little to herself when Nessa speaks up. She shakes her head at her before saying, "Commonalities if ya mean any one with a language." She then looks back to Bart and holds up her hand and shakes her head.

<"No, that's enough. You don't have to go wild on me. I can understand now."> She nods her head and nods to him, <"And now I speak...whatever language this is.">

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar met the birds gaze as he was frowned at with the pointed beaky look. "Oh good." He smiled back, "That does make me feel better, and worrisome for those that cross you in the future." He chuckled.

He gave a nod to Nessa, "That's probably true... I mean, at the time, I really wanted to be a performer. Actor, musician, something, you know? It just... Didn't pan out well. Though, getting into it all did lead me to what I was good at. I'm a natural at theatre tech. Lights in particular. Made it to college and all. Working out pretty well, so, I'm happy with myself for now. Still not impressed the ladies yet, but, they'll come around, right?" He joked, sounding quite happy indeed. He made a small snowball in his hands, and hefted it in the air for a moment. "Handy is awesome. One of my heroes said, 'If your woman can't find you handsome, she should at least find ya handy!' and that's kinda been my motto ever since.

He eyed Bart and Siobhan talking.

Hefted it again.

Eyed Bart again.

And then let it fly towards the costumed hero, seeing what would happen.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The bird smirks at Landry's assessment before glancing to the others. The movement to the side has him look over to Landry in time to see the snowball being thrown.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Nessa grins at Siobhan. "You can speak that to each other, that's more than I can do. So you've got something in common, which is cool. I'm sure it means something to him," she gestures towards Impulse. But Landry caught her attention with the mention of doing theater tech and lighting.

"Theater tech is probably one of the most underappreciated professions ever," Nessa points out. "People have /no/ idea how much work goes into any sort of performance. It's astonishing. So good on you for doing that. And for sticking with college." She gives a bit of a shrug. "College wasn't my thing, so I just dropped out. Studying magic doesn't pay the bills either, so... I'm just doing what I'm okay at."

She's already looking in Landry's direction when he hefts the snowball. There's no warning, though, and she takes half a step back out of the way of the potential snowball fight, setting the rabbit down nearby so it's not going to get stepped on.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "I am looking for a job while I go to college, it can be a pain to find them." He looks back to Siobhan, and says <Universal Commmon> to tell her the name. He sees the snowball, and runs over and grabs Landry moving him to where Bart was before he threw the snowball, so it should hit Landry "Being on a game show as a hero does not pay any bills."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A smirk at Nessa and she chuckles before looking back to Bart and grins at him, "That game show is what got me a good start here in the States." She nods her head and she switches to Universal Common, <"So, I suppose being someone you can speak to in your Universal Common is the least I can do to help ya out."> She nods to him before turning her gaze back to Nessa, "I appreciate it, too. Nice to know more languages." She nods her head, "Still takes me a moment to absorb the language. Nice to just know it now."

She then blinks as Landry appears to be up to mischief. She is blinking at his actions and only for a second does she get to blink when Bart goes into action and she's left staring for a moment at the outcome.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar was smiling towards Nessa as she complimented him on his school and career path. "Thanks! It really means..."

That was, until he was bodily moved, and found himself looking at Siobhan instead, "a lot to me to hear it..." He ended, confused for only the slightest of moments before the snowball HE threw, hit himself in the face. He sputtered, "Oh, that is SO not fair!" He laughed and dusted himself off.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"I didn't make it to college either." The raven volunteers, giving a frown. ALSO not a natural look on a bird, "Things happened. But I do have a pretty good c-." The bird blinks as Landry is now getting hit with his own snowball. He looks over to Bart. "Nice."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
While Nessa was certainly expecting the speedster to dodge, speed seemed to be his ability and all, it's the changing-places thing that startles her more than anything. She does laugh. "Well, not how I expected that snowball fight to go." She folds her arms over her chest, tilting her head to the side. "Somehow I have a feeling that you get excluded from all kinds of games with a trick like that," she directs towards Impulse, though she lets her attention shift momentarily towards the bird. "College is overrated. Sometimes you just have to deal with life and figure things out in a different way. Don't ever let people give you shit for that."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Well am somewhat hoping college might help me get a bit more normal time, I am a bit more used to this life than the normal one. I tried out for sports in junior high, but it sorta sucked, when I could not go out. I only play games for fun any more." He grins and says "Ultra Smash Combat 4 rocks."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
Then she's blinking at Landry hit by his own snowball and she laughs, shaking her head. She then looks to Bart and then back at Landry before saying, "Well, seems ya picked the wrong opponent." She chuckles and hten she looks at her phone. She frowns and shrugs before saying, "Well, time for me to get going. I can't very well stand around here all day watchin' someone try to get hit by their own snowball." She smirks at Landry before looking over to Nessa and nods to her, "I'm Siobhan, by the by. I don't think I ever said that but there it is." She then waves, "And goodbye to you strange bird." She then nods to Bart, "And see you later as wel." She then turns and starts off, "Have a good one, all of ya." And she's off.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar chuckled, "Yeah... Probably not the best target... But, go big or go home right?" He waved to Siobhan as she left, "See you around." He grinned to Bart, "That was pretty good. I've not had time for many games lately, but, if you ever want someone to play with online..." He pulled out a business card, and wrote his gamer tag on it as well, and offered it out.

He looked to Nessa, "Yeah, college isn't for everyone, but, it's not bad either. Plenty of different paths for plenty of different people! Just gotta hope everyone ends up where they are supposed to go! And not lose their Hogwarts letters along the way."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"I got more shit from people when I was IN school than out." The bird replies, giving a beaky grin, "Besides, I'm doing pretty well. Not all good careers require college."

The bird turns his head, lifting up a wing to wave goodbye to Siobhan, "You too, you walking Rosetta Stone."

He looks over to Landry, "If there is a Hogwarts I haven't seen one. It's mostly independent study. If you're lucky, you get a tutor."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"Yeah, being 'different' does change the way you live your life," Nessa does sound like she gets that. "But don't assume college will make everything better. A lot of figuring out how you fit into the grand scheme of things is you figuring out you, not letting the world shape you how /it/ thinks you should." She waves to Siobhan as she leaves before she looks back at the others to resume the conversation.

"College just turned out to be a waste of my time. It wasn't helping me and I was finding that it wasn't getting me any closer towards what I wanted out of life, so I figured I'd offroad it a bit and find my own path. I don't have a career, but I don't have a bunch of students who think they're better than me trying to rub it in my face all the time."

She looks around. "Yeah, independent study for sure, but I think this really is my Hogwarts. Some day, I'm going to be able to do all this. /Better/ maybe."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Am looking at hanging out with a friend and finding out more about normal stuff, I aint sure on what I should study but I am sure with time I will figure it out." He watches Siobhan go looking a bit thoughtful, and moves to take the card and says "I will look for Real Impulse 3k

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar gave a nod to the bird, "I'll keep that in mind if ever I want to try out the mystic arts, instead of my fine arts." He grinned, and then looked to Nessa, "Oh yeah? Is that what you want to do? Make your own school?" He grinned to Bart, "Yeah, I could see that being a problem, having 'normal' friends and all."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The bird looks over to Bart curiously. "What really counts as 'normal'? Just without powers? Mirroring a particular economic group? A certain location? I figure normal in New York is different than normal in Metropolis or Gotham."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"I doubt I could teach in a school, I just mean this is my ticket in. Someone makes something this big to catch your attention, you don't just ignore it." Nessa looks around. "I mean, who has the audacity to just use magic to make /this/? It's a huge amount of magic to make something like this. I felt it. It's significant." She grins. "Starting a school for magic is like trying to teach painting to students who are sculptors. Everyone's a bit... different."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Normal is a society average or at least expectation. I have had friends talk to me about how important a life like regular people is very important.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar gave a nod to Nessa, "Yeah.... That'd be a chore. Still. If you open up magic school, call me." He grinned, and gave a wave, "Time for me to head off to work. Ya'll have a good night!" He gave a last wave, and headed on his merry way.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The bird's head tilts, turning his head to wave to the departing Landry, "Nice meeting you."

He turns back to the others, "I should probably go fly as well before anyone realizes I flew the coop." He pauses, looking between the two for any form of reaction. Blink. Blink.

...That's still not natural.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Nessa grins in Landry's direction. "Sure, I'll let you know. At the very least, I'll let you know when the place is melting so you can have the lights back." She waves in his direction before looking back at the others. "Don't let me stop you from your enjoyment. This place belongs to no one. Feel free to explore it all you like."