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Latest revision as of 10:52, 12 July 2020

Did You See What I Saw
Date of Scene: 12 April 2020
Location: Downtown Manhattan
Synopsis: Sif and THor talk... and Loki makes a cameo.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Sif, Loki

Thor has posed:
    The Villard Houses in Manhattan are a beautiful building sitting on the corner 50th Street and Madison Avenue. Culturally significant, wondrous in decor, it's truly a remarkable presence in the city and it's located close to particularly important buildings in the city. It stands empty for now, though there is occasionally movement inside, perhaps staff tending to the maintenance of the domicile. For the current owner, the Sultan of Brunei, is never in residence due to some political issues had with the States.
    And it is these very reasons that the place has gained the attention of the tall blond man standing outside of it and across the street, pondering the dwelling with a casual air as he leans upon the mail box before him. Umbrella settled in both hands, and his posture terribly casual he looks on the place and seems to be in a reflective state of mind.
    Of course, occasionally, some people walk by and give him a second glance. Assuredly not able to realize the man's identity as he is in 'disguise' with the hood of his sweatshirt up and over his head. Normally that might not be enough but he has added the piece de resistance. Sunglasses.
    And yet he still gets second glances.

Sif has posed:
Not wishing to deal with stares and side-commentary, the tall Asgardian woman walking down the street towards the Villiard Houses does not have sunglasses. She does, however, have a light peacoat overtop her t-shirt and tan leggings tucked into cavalry boots. The dissonance is likely the sword still kept at her hip, ever-faithful Brumeoalfold in its scabbard on the belt worn overtop the longer hem of the black t-shirt. It makes Sif appear to be a few items shy of a proper RenFest showing.

Seeing Thor too in casual wear, she decides to simply walk over to him and take up a stance beside him with a comfort of long-familiarity. No overt greeting, no bombastic 'HAIL', just a nod in his direction along with a hesitant smile.

"Thor. This is the locale?" Her pale eyes scan over the refined building. It feels an anchor to the past in the modern metal and glass rise of architecture around it. "I approve. I have observed Midgardians tend to feel comfort in such places and a sense of recollection. It will suit us given our ties to their past." Her gaze returns to the Prince beside her. "The day finds you well?"

Thor has posed:
    She can see the recognition light his smile if not in his eyes, those rather perfect aviator sunglasses hiding his irises from her consideration even as they so completely protect his identity. "Sif!" He says, perhaps without the volume he normally would, but still the enthusiasm.
    He turns to extend an arm and has no hesitation about drawing her into an embrace with that forearm shake, seeking to thump a hand gently on her shoulder as he then steps back to look at her.
    "You look well, beautiful as ever." Always Thor. He turns back and resumes his place upon the mailbox, nodding as he considers the building once again. "Aye, one of them at the least. A potential one. Though this one..."
    He lifts his umbrella and gestures with it, "It has potential."
    That said he looks back to her, "How fare you? It has been some time since we've shared warm words over good food."

Sif has posed:
Rarely does the Valkyrie show affection, but long has Thor been a companion. As such, she gladly leans into the hug and sneaks an arm around his ribs to whallop him mid-spine a few times for good measure. A Midgardian would have been left reeling; it sounds merely solid against the muscles of the Prince's back.

"I would speak with your Midgardian comrades about it. It truly has potential," she agrees, giving the grand building one last considering look. "But you are correct, it has been enough time. I have not yet had breakfast, care to join me? This city hosts a vast number of food stands or small eateries, we are sure to find something appeasing should we pick any cardinal direction." Sif smiles faintly to herself again, turning as if to walk to the right, her attention still on her fellow Asgardian.

For the better or worse, Sif as always is terse and plain in her update. "The young Lady Heidi and I have been both on-world and in Asgard some number of times. Her battle skills improve regularly, much to my gratification. Your brother seems...well enough given his circumstances." Sif does hedge in this particular information which probably speaks familiar volumes as to what 'well enough' means. "His abode recently came under attack by an unfamiliar enemy to us both -- shadowy...blobs, like living ink, but with teeth and an intent to sup of the living magic in his place. He is perfectly hale," Sif assures Thor firmly, " -- given I was present to defend against this enemy. Should you hear ringing in your ears, as if a bell long-sung, use your cellular device and tell me immediately. I will come to you. This seems to be the precursor to this enemy's arrival."

Thor has posed:
    "I agree," Thor nods in regards to the likely site of the embassy. He gestures with his umbrella, "Apparently it is unoccupied. Owned by a man who has no use for it. It is close to embassy row and so fitting." The tall Asgardian nods as if all was already decided. "I am finding it hard to find a drawback. Unless this Sultan wishes something unacceptable for it."
    But then again, it is only real estate.
    He turns back and nods, "Breakfast? Assuredly." And with that he will follow after her, falling into step with the casual ease of long term companions.
    As Sif tells her tale, he stops abruptly. "Loki was attacked?" He reaches a hand out to stay her advance, concern furrowing his brow. But he nods as she continues with her explanation. That causes him to purse his lips as he shakes his head, frowning the while. "Have you any idea who has attacked him?"
    He starts walking again.

Sif has posed:
Sif doesn't seem happy to shake her head at his query. Having paused when gestured at, she then begins walking again as Thor does.

"Would that I knew who summoned these creatures. I have not seen the like, not in my years. Even if they were but harmless and did not wish to drain the magic from living beings, their ability to split themselves and remain dangerous is unnerving. Cleaving one in half only doubles the danger. Thrice seems to be the limit of the smaller scouts." She gives Thor a wry glance, lips set in something not quite a rueful smile. "Your brother apparently endeavored to lure this creature in order to observe it. He claimed it a scout for its kind. It was the size of a Midgardian cat. If general logic holds forth, there are larger of its kind. Whence they come from..." Again, her lift of hand off the pommel of her sword is frustrated. "Loki does not know either. Oh."

And something seems to occur to her. She pauses nearly at the corner of the sidewalk and plucks aside the high collar of her peacoat. Nestled at the collar of her t-shirt, tucked against her pulse, a small hummingbird, emerald-green but for the turqouise spread of tailfeathers and ruby-red throat. She beeps once quietly, gem-like eyes sleepy. "Your brother's work." Sif lifts her eyebrows significantly at Thor.

Thor has posed:
    Eyebrows lifting at the bird, then he looks across the way at her. He tilts his head the other way, "You seem... to spend a good amount of time with Loki." For now the other matters are forgotten, or at the least pushed to the side as they continue to walk. And she can see the Thunderer's features in the way he so often carries himself. Trying to speak on a matter that he knows might not be well received or might cause turmoil.
    "I appreciate your presence, aiding him, looking after him. Yet you know of his crimes. You know the ills he has perpetrated. No small mischief these." Despite his claim to being the god of such.
    "But are you well..." He asks curiously.

Sif has posed:
Sif too grows more solemn. Rather than cross the street, the direction of travel turns at the corner, the better to continue moving rather than be stuck standing still.

She speaks again, her voice still even in a Courtly manner. Of course the Lady of Vanaheim and Asgard both would revert to such behavior. "I am aware of Loki's actions in this world. I am fully aware of why your father chose to set him here as such."

She seems to weigh something by the side-cast of her attention, away from Thor, as if she'd hide any tells of expression. "Your brother requires support in this endeavor. It is a chance to mend ties between our world and Midgard." Her ice-blue eyes return to his face. "I am delivered to offer him such aid as I can within reason." As in, somebody set her to this task. "I have also seen him do good while here, Thor."

Still, she sighs, her expression gone flatter. "And if you are concerned of mind-workings, by all means, ask me something that would test this. Otherwise know that I am uninfluenced and my actions are my own."

Beep, says the hummingbird.

Thor has posed:
    She's seen Thor's features like this before. When Loki has tried to tell him a tall tale that slips beyond even his capacity to believe. Or when his father had been telling him of old wars and efforts of the past, but started to drift into metaphor and simile. Or when the stablemaster tried to tell him that people pay good money for the capture of Horseshoe fairies that live underneath blacksmith anvils.
    He doesn't entirely buy it.
    But he shakes his head a little as he walks, hands in his pockets. "I would see him mend his ways, Sif. You know that. But the lives he has taken here in this land. The pain he's caused is still too new. And with what has passed in Genosha." He shakes his head, "Perhaps my father has some ulterior motive I cannot see. But this has been a mistake. Though I do hope there is a way that things can be ended for the better."
    There's a few more paces and then his tone changes as he says suddenly louder, "You were /there/ when he killed me!" With the Destroyer armor during his exile to Midgard.

Sif has posed:
Sif comes to an abrupt halt. Her hand rested yet on the pommel of Brumeoalfold goes briefly white-knuckled not against an urge to attack, but an urge to keep the shaken expression from her face. She turns to fully face him, a full mask of neutrality put forth that is as familiar as Thor's difficulty in buying her words.

"Yes, Thor, I was. I saw you fall. I also saw you rise and my faith in your power set to stone. I saw your brother punished for his actions. I see him punished now. Whatever your father is thinking, I know not, nor do I agree. Caging a Bilgesnipe does not take away its terror or its ability to spread one's guts upon the floor in ruin." It takes effort to continue looking up into his face, but Sif does, her spine steeled. "I love you no less as a friend for my time spent with your brother. You, one of the few who supported my endeavor to become the Goddess of War -- who offered a hand when I was on my knees -- who brings light to a gloomy day with your tales of our grand doings -- I am your friend, Thor, no matter what comes of it. I cannot...I cannot deny your mother's missive," the Valkyrie reveals, her solemn mask crumpling at the corners. "She wished me to watch out for him. I could not say no."

Thor has posed:
    A deep breath is taken as those eyes meet hers, and they are the eyes she has likely seen in the face of a young hound that has just felt the lash. A semblance of feeling that he allows to show for a single moment, before he takes a deep breath and nods.
    "I understand, Sif. I do." He shakes his head, no longer walking as he spreads his hands. "I just... if he had meant to take your life even if something saved you at the last..."
    The Thunderer looks away and then back as he murmurs, "I would find it hard to ever forgive him. Moreso than what he has done to me."
    But then the moment starts to slip past, at least for him as he looks away, drawing his lower lip in between his teeth before he visibly shakes that feeling off. And again so like a young hound he puts it behind him mentally and murmurs.
    "Come, it was unworthy of me to give voice to such sentiment." He takes a breath and smiles, and there again is the man's warm features, "Let us break our fast together and speak of better tidings."

Sif has posed:
Sif wilts internally. It wasn't enough, her attempt to mollify her oldest friend, and the mask of neutrality freezes to her face. To see the look in his eyes is abject failure in her mind.

"I understand." She has nothing else to offer now on the topic except a continued presence beside him as they walk. Her decorum is upright, refined, contained.

"Better tidings, yes. Have you any to report? And might I suggest the place named 'Toast Uptown'. It is but a block further along the road here. Their fare is hearty enough for Midgardian food. I have been there once with the Lady Heidi."

Thor has posed:
    Nodding at the suggestion of 'Toast Uptown' he gestures with one hand for her to lead on, keeping pace at her side with his umbrella tucked up under one arm.
    "I had occasion to meet, Lady Heidi." Thor offers in way of lightening the mood, smiling a little sidelong toward her. "She spoke highly of you. You have done some good work there. You should be proud." That said he lifts his eyes upwards as he ponders his own events to relate.
    "I spoke with Jane of late. She came upon an Asgardian artifact and I took her to speak with some of our elders as well as father." He offers that insight, "I was able to speak with him as well about perhaps giving the people of Midgard a voice in their fate."
    He looks to the side, "Did Loki speak to you of such? It went curiously. There was a celebration of it and Odin declared Captain Rogers Lord of Midgard. Which... has become an issue."

Sif has posed:
To his compliment and that of Lady Heidi's good words, Sif nods acknowledgement. Her attention remains ahead on the path. Pedestrians thinking either Asgardian will move aside for them learn quickly otherwise, at least in the case of the dark-haired Valkyrie.

"Loki has not spoken to me of either Jane Foster or the declaration, though I was made aware of the latter last I attended upon Court itself. The suggestion, as is wont for the orrery of gossip, has its supporters and nay-sayers alike. I suspect your good friend the Captain was not intending to become as such, given I have heard no word from any of those Midgardians associated with him." She sighs shortly. "It is an honor, yes, and he should feel as such."

Thor has posed:
    A hand lights on her shoulder to turn her back to him, "Sif, forgive me." He meets her eyes and as quick as that any ill feeling has fled, any negativity carried, it all is gone as quick as that, lost in his own self-recrimination as he meets her gaze. "I understand how difficult it must be for you and you likely have wrestled with things. It was petty of me to allow myself to give voice to such ill feelings."
    "You are loved as ever you have been, and you are my staunchest friend. I cannot think of you otherwise even if I tried."
    He straightens and it's perhaps testament to the man that Thor is that he now looks for forgiveness in her eyes, and in that stoic mien.

Sif has posed:
Brought to a halt by his hand on her shoulder, Sif turns to once again look Thor dead in the face. She listens. The wee hummingbird shifts against her throat in a tiniest tickling of feathers before becoming still once more, dozy-eyed.

His words seem to melt the frost around the corners of her pale eyes and the distancing set of her entire poise. Her throat bobbles. "I know, Thor, but it is good to hear it said nonetheless." Rising from its resting place at her sword-hilt, her hand lands atop his and squeezes it. "You need not ask for my forgiveness, but I grant it nonetheless if you wish it. These are trying times for all of us."

That being said, she makes to move onwards, happy to leave the entire affair behind in the space they once occupied. It is about as much emotion as she can bring herself to show in a public space in regards to the matter.

"You have explained to your friend the Captain as to the weight of your father's decision?"

Thor has posed:
    A breath is taken as he walks, "Indeed," Thor nods as he continues taking his umbrella from under his arm and holding it in one hand, the object making a low /whum/ as it's moved slightly through a smooth arc. "I tried to break it to him in a... suitable manner. But even then he took it ill. Understandably so, and for that I bear the burden of what has passed. In my efforts to make things better,"
    Thor takes a deep breath and looks upwards, then back sidelong toward Sif and murmurs, "I have perhaps made them all the worse. I do miss at times having... more counsel. Being able to converse with others on such matters." His jaw tightens a little as he shakes his head.
    "But there is still hope that matters can be resolved peaceably and that the people of Midgard can gain a stronger voice with our people."

Sif has posed:
"I thought your Captain was not one to take things so ill? You have mentioned many a time he is of level mind and thoughtful action. Do you mean he was surprised at the edict? I can imagine he was. With all due respect, your father takes little counsel but from your mother and announces as he pleases," Sif notes. "I do not see the Captain or your comrades acting violently against this edict. If anything, they might be discomfited because it has been long and long since Midgardians held court with a king. It is a new and uncomfortable place to be when one has suddenly assumed titling."

And doesn't the Lady of Vanaheim and Asgard both know how god-awful Court can be when you're new there.

Sif now steps aside to allow someone to pass her rather than allow them to bounce off her shoulder as a bird might a windowpane. "I have faith in them as I have faith in your ability to counsel them in turn."

Loki has posed:
Loki doesn't just arrive. The's often a knife at the outset, that blade from the dark, unexpected and keen. It isn't a physical blade, and it doesn't do more than actually glitter instead of stab, but it is there all the same in the form of his silver-tongue voice:

"Counsel is /available/, should you make use of your resources."

Loki dematerializes on the opposite side of Sif, perhaps using her as a physical layer between himself and his potentially snarly brother. The brother that may or may not take Loki's arrive well right off the bat. Still: Loki's blade isn't bad at all, in the grand scheme of blows.

Loki is dressed Midgard-casually but doesn't particularly mask who he is at all. He isn't in battle regalia, though, so recognizing him on a street isn't really in the cards for passerby. Whether he is illusion or not is probably entirely unclear: it could be either way. "Lady Sif," Loki greets Sif sleekly. It is a method that may trigger a variety of alarm bells for Thor: the tone is 'overly interested,' and suggests too much attention from Loki is focused on Sif. Loki can be dangerous if his attention is focused on something - or someone - it means he has /plans/.

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, I wish I had the same faith in my capabilities, Sif." Thor confesses with that wry half-smile that they had at times shared in the past. Usually after one of his plans or ideas for adventure had gone astray.
    Of course that's when the voice enters the conversation along and joining its owner to their stroll. A voice that causes a flicker of emotion to light on the Thunderer's features, a quick rush of warmth, then faint disappointment, followed finally by an acceptance as Thor nods.
    "Brother." A subdued greeting then he nods, "I am open to your counsel and would hear what you would say upon these matters. Though I cannot guarantee I will act upon it." A direct and truthful response given, then he pauses and looks to the side, "Will you join us for breakfast?"

Sif has posed:
Sif does return that half-smile as she continues walking alongside. In her way, she understands; the weight of a Prince's power is sometimes a difficult thing to wield. Like mist into a room comes the Trickster's voice and notably, rather than stiffening or flinching in place as she might have some centuries past, the Valkyrie glances over in the direction of the voice.

And there's Loki, set to blend in a little better than with golden horns on full display. On the heel end of Thor's familial greeting, Sif murmurs, "Lord Loki." To his side, she allows a faint, private lift of her lips. He'll be able to tell that she is still somewhat subdued on some matter though in good enough spirits.

"Indeed, we intended to partake at the eatery named 'Toast Uptown'. It is there," and she gestures halfway down the city block. At the high collar of her peacoat pops out the tiny head of the hummingbird. It beeps in Loki's direction.

Loki has posed:
"/Despite/ what you think, I am not /always/ listening to everything that you say," Loki says primly. "/Do/ speak of which matters you seek advice for, should you want that." Loki is slightly affronted! How dare Thor always think he is spying?! Even if perhaps he was, there's no lie to his words either. It is probably easiest to just assume everything out of Loki is a lie: until he's banned from lying. Which, since he does sound like he often does, confuses that issue, no doubt: does Loki not, in fact, /always/ lie?

"I will join you for the walk, at the least," Loki 'accepts' the breakfast invite with a royal dignity. Loki glances at the hummingbird but otherwise entirely ignores it, as if it wasn't entirely his creation. Then again, he often treats his creations like that, when they're not immediately useful. He's used to magical toys and critters, of course.

Thor has posed:
    Still walking with Sif and with her between him and his brother, he's sure to turn enough so they both can read his expression. So the response Loki gets is one of mild skepticism though it's not pointedly pronounced and more simply there in the depths of those blue eyes.
    "I see." He offers at the least in response, but then the topic shifts to the gaining of food stuffs. "A walk in the spring is always a pleasant thing. And perhaps this Place of the Toast will be a discovery we all will mark with enjoyment in the future."
    Ever one to set his sights forward, Thor nods and continues along. Though his manner is perhaps a touch more subdued.

Sif has posed:
"I can verify that this eatery is of sufficient quality to merit more than one visit, given this will be my second." She looks from Thor and to Loki, for all appearances unruffled by current circumstances. "I visited it with the Lady Heidi, you see," she explains to Loki in particular, pale eyes easy upon him. "Their servings are of quantity to suffice."

The hummingbird beeps once more and then disappears back within the security of the peacoat's high collar.

Loki has posed:
"You've convinced me; let us partake of the 'Place of the Toast'," Loki repeats after Thor, his own tone a mocking, but it isn't overtly nasty at all. Loki just can't pull himself out of being snarly with Thor, there's just too much irritation. Still, he's not spitting the venom that he WAS the last time they spoke. Loki's had some time to sit after that particular tantrum sequence. Not that it couldn't explode again very easily.

"Speaking of Heidi, I did find the reagants left; you and Heidi collected them together? She has been quite helpful," Loki observes. He smirks just a little as the hummingbird disappears. While he does't ALWAYS spy ... that didn't mean he wasn't. Misdirection is fun.

"Come, show us to this Toast befitting of princes," Loki says. No pressure.