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Mojo's Arcade Legend: Crystal Scar
Date of Scene: 01 July 2020
Location: The Crystal Scar
Synopsis: The Champions work together to take the arena!
Cast of Characters: Maria Hill, Elektra Natchios, Remy LeBeau, Bette Kane, Kaminari, Natasha Cranston

Maria Hill has posed:
"HELLO SUMMONERS!" The cheery announcers voice echoes across Crystal Scar.

"You may find yourself a little confused, but I assure you, this will be fun for all! Especially ME!"

The 'summoners' awaken around a large, glowing mound of crystals in the middle of a flat, cobblestone area. Nearby is a stone turret, facing two (currently closed with gates) openings in a tall stone wall; between the turret and the gates is a pair of smaller glowing crystals. Behind the summoners is a mountainous cliff, blocking them into the cobblestoned area.

"The rules are simple! Knock down your opponents turrents. Destroy their inhibitors. Capture their base. Oh, and DON'T DIE, because I haven't quite worked out this whole RESPAWN thing quite yet." There's some grumbling from the announcer. "Also, Arcade wouldn't let me." That's a bit whiny.



A seperate, annoyed voice takes over. "For those of you UNAWARE of the GAME, the GAME is the LEAGUE. Of. LEGENDS. I want to see if you are worthy champions, of course. But in more detail: every so often, your enemies base will release a spawn of minions who will make their way down the lanes to damage your towers and eventually your base. At the same time, your base will do the same for against the enemy. Sadly, these minions are merely constructs. My 'dear friend' wouldn't allow me to bring in additional fools to serve in that role. Please kill them, and your enemies, with great relish."

Arcade hmms. "Ah yes. The enemy. Another team just like you... CHANGED. It's really what Mojo is best at. They'll be trying to destroy your towers and claim your base as well, so pip pip. Murder them first. You know the drill."

Mojo's voice cuts back in. "...I didn't agree to this murdering thing, Arcade. It's really no fun if all our new friends die."

"That is PRECISELY what makes it fun." Arcade chuckles.

There is silence, but the announcers line stays open.

Then. "If you say so," Mojo sulks. "I feel the ratings on this will not be so great with so much murder." Oh. Did we mention that Mojo is televising this? On all channel 10s, across all cities? Because Mojo. "Anyways! The challenge will begin in five minutes! GOOD LUCK, SUMMONERS!"

Then the line goes silent.

Dead silent.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
This had to be a joke. Or perhaps Elektra was dreaming. Whatever the case was someone was going to pay...

She wakes up to find herself clad in what would be more proper for some type of hip-hop group, all glitter on the cheeks, hair in multiple colors, ravishing jewelry (ok, this last part wasn't so bad to her) and the type of clothing you wouldn't want to go out to kill in, white fluff jacket, tight pants and ..., who had painted her nails in yellow?!

Someone was definitely going to pay ... and while the weapon she found herself holding wasn't exactly her favored it was still an instrument for killing. Her eyes go over the strange hula-hoop esque blade and then finally to the rest of her companions gathered nearby.

"Don't get in my way." She tells them with a very not-pleased expression. Typical assassin, wanting the kills all for herself!

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Slowly, Remy pushes himself up from the ground with both arms and rises up to his knees. As soon as the voices start, he moves with cat-like grace, rising into a crouch and then into a wary, combative stance. One hand drops to his side only to touch nothing, the coat he wears decidedly different from the one he's used to.

"What de hell?" he mutters to himself, holding his arms to either side to look down at himself. He pats the strange, slightly more formal and upmarket clothing in black and red that he's wearing. A hand reaches up to the hat on his head, tugging cautiously at the brim for a second before pulling free the Ace of Spades that sits tucked into the hatband. His other hand runs through his hair with a bemused expression on his face.

"Hey, dey got me wit' de Ro-gaine .. ."

Bette Kane has posed:
Well, the leotard wasn't unflattering, nor the cute bunny ears. But this giant sword and high heels combo was kind of dangerous. Lucky she's been training all her life to be great at combat and balance. But, ... "Where the hell am I?" She starts to walk around the cobble stone area and peers at the other people she sees. Not one of them does she recognise and she sure hopes not one of them recognises her - though they might if any of them are tennis fans.

Her eyes turn to the large crystals and she surmises that perhaps this is some kind of magical fantasy land.. then she hears the announcer. Oh yes, most certainly a magical fantasy land. She gives the sword a twirl and looks at it with curiosity. "Uh.. hi?," she says with an awkward wave to the other people. "Look, this is a bit of a bad dream huh."

Kaminari has posed:
Waking up and not being quite sure where she is or what's going on around her is nothing new for Kaminari. The Goddess of Rock has several habits that can lead to this not the least of which is a penchant for the heavy consumption of Asgardian Mead.

Kaminari rubs her head as she gets to her feet, "What the fucking fuck? Did someone put some Asgardian Mushrooms in my drink?" She shakes her head trying to clear it but nope, everything still looks the same.

Except that is for her clothes, though even those haven't changed /too/ much. Instead of her usual velvet corsets and lacy skirts she seems to be showing a more hardcore rock edge. Leather, spikes, and chains are the order of the days as she finds herself in Sona's Pentakill skin and floating in front of her is a stringed instrument vaguely reminiscent of a koto but crescent shape and maybe GWAR had a hand in its design since it too is covered with spikes, chains, and blades.

Reaching down she gives the strings a tentative plucking, a few notes from some old courtly melody. The blast of destructive mystic musical energy that shoots out when she does is cause for a raised eyebrow, and then she grins "Tripping balls or not, I think this is going to be an entertaining diversion."

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Among the traits held in common by successful CEOs and costumed vigilantes is the ability to react quickly even to unpleasant surprises. Even so, the sudden shift from a supposedly empty warehouse where the Shadow had been searching for clues in her current investigation to some kind of fantasy environment is enough to startle her. She's still looking around and taking in her surroundings when the twin voices of Arcade and Mojo boom out, explaining their predicament.

    A quick glance down at her body only increases the consternation; the purple and blue bodysuit was not what she'd been wearing a moment ago.

    "If this is indeed Arcade's doing, it almost certainly isn't a dream -- and we'll need to work together if we want to survive the nightmare." Her eyes widen briefly; apparently the change affected her voice mask as well.

    She looks around at the others. "I don't suppose any of you are more familiar with this game?" she asks, hefting the blue glowing rifle-like object that is apparently going to be her weapon for this fight

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Not with the game." Elektra will admit to Natasha in a grumbling tone, her eyes darting here and there as she takes in the surroundings, where they are..., what may be beyond those gates. "But I am familiar with killing." and it was mentioned they'd win by killing their opponents. Suits her!

Her hands focus on flipping the large hula-hoop in her hands. A bit unwieldy to start with .., but it'd have to do. A fingertip tests the edge of the outer blades, drawing out blood. "Well, at least it's sharp enough.."

"But fine, do suppose I can hang with you guys.." because even she knows there's strength in numbers.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
"Do I look like I play games, cher?" Remy asks Natasha, tilting his head forward and peering at her with a devilish smirk from beneath the brim of his hat. From his sleeve he draws a card, flicking it expertly between his fingers and then vanishing it just as quickly, "Heh. Don't answer dat, hein?"

Feeling a little more comfortable in his skin now, given that it is no so far removed from the one he's used to, Remy straightens up and takes a more critical look at his surroundings. The ace of spades he holds is returned to its place in his hatband and he tugs his collars to ensure they're straightened.

"Hey, I know an assassin when I see one," he calls to Elektra, pointing a finger and giving a wink, "Promise not to cut my throat, and we be fine friends."

Bette Kane has posed:
"Right.. Arcade, Mojo," she takes notes and hmmms thoughtfully, tapping a foot. Her eyebrow raises, "Yes we're not seriously contemplating playing a game for these psychopaths are we? ...and those other people on the other team? what happens if we kill them. They don't respawn apparently, are we hurting them for real? No.. our efforts should be spent on breaking this game, not harming other victims - whoever they are."

There, she said it. She looks up at the sky waiting for lightning to strike because you never know how petulant little gods will behave. "It's a game. I have seen live streams of it occassionally. All games have bugs, we just have to find the right bugs to break it."

Her eyes turn toward the shop keeper and she points, "You, you must know of a way out of here. Tell me what you know, it is of vital importance, there's crime afoot." She stalks over to the shop keeper and slams a palm down on his table.

Maria Hill has posed:
The shopkeeper, faceless and expressionless, doesn't respond. The repetitive gestures and movements it has seems to indicate it may not be a person, but an automaton of some sort.

Kaminari has posed:
Kaminari tries a few more chords, and suddenly she is moving faster as she seems to glide over the ground over towards the others. "Well this is certainly interesting."

She looks over each of the companions she has been thrust together with in turn, "I am not sure who this Mojo or Arcade are, but they can face divine judgement later, for now we just need to destroy the other team and their towers. I have played some games in my time, not this particular one, but the concepts are often similar. It seems I am in a Support."

Natasha Cranston has posed:
Natasha doesn't react to Elektra's admission -- or Remy's comment -- but nods at Bette. "A fair point, although from what I've been given to understand from Mojo is that he literally controls reality in his... 'TV world', I believe it's called." A shrug. "I agree that we should keep our eyes open for any opportunity to break out of this that presents itself, but we will need to survive long enough to exploit one..."

    She looks at Kaminari. "A point of order -- if I understood the rules of the game as they were laid out, the objective is to destroy the towers, not the opposing team. I recommend non-lethal force on them if possible -- they're as much the victims here as we are and I decline to murder innocents just because some would-be god thinks it entertaining..."

    She looks from the obvious merchant to the money pouch at her belt. "What do you have for sale, and how much will this buy me?" she asks him.

Maria Hill has posed:
The merchant seems to repeat the same motions over and over again, responding but not responding to queries, like it is caught in a loop.

Above the Nexus, a magically glowing set of numbers pops up.






On the 1, the gates crank open, revealing trees and pathways, as well as outside of the gateway another tall tower with turrets on top.

GLHF noobs! blinks for a second before disappearing.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I never make promises I can't keep..., cher." And Elektra winks back to Remy, amusement showing on the rich accent of her voice before she focuses on flipping the blade around her hands for a small while longer, getting familiar with it's handling, a few chops through the air ... Fine, this would do.

When Bette-bunny and Natasha move to interact with the shopkeeper she quirks a dubious brow and tells them. "I want to get out of here alive. I am sure those on the other team will be trying to kill us, we can't afford to show mercy." always the assassin!

Yet then the timer is counting down. She looks up at the numbers, nearing the gates and runs out of the gates in a dash, moving fast..., real fast actually. It even surprises her when she moves to find cover near the trees how she just seems to dash towards them ..., interesting.. She begins wondering down one of the pathway through hidden grass if she can, prowling. A hunter.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
"Glu-huff?" Remy says aloud, staring up at the colorful writing before it disappears. No, they didn't have much in the way of video games in the Thieves Guild. They focused more on trolling others in real life.

"Hey, wait, we oughta work together here - "

The Cajun Twisted Fate's mouth hangs open as Elektra disappears from view. Then it claps shut as he turns, slowly, to regard the other players gathered there. Slowly he takes a few steps, gingerly waves an arm out of the gateway, and then takes a step out of his own.

Bette Kane has posed:
"Okay, so.. count down complete. I suppose we wander out there. Let's see if we can't talk to the other players and convince them that our best option is to put aside the duel to the death our abductors want from us," Bette says. It's a weird look to be dressed like a playboy bunny but also carrying a big ass sword.

"And if they resist our attempts to play nice, we shall have to disarm them, arrest them, push them back until we can figure this thing out... but killing here? who knows what kind of affect that could have on someone. I intend to live."

She nods to Natasha in agreement and then frowns at the shop keeper, "And this guy seems to be a mindless construct."

Rive.. er.. Bette starts wandering out through the now open gates. "Hello.. other team? Are you out there. Parley?" She swishes the sword and does a spin with it. There's a small grin as she likes the way it handles. May be she should buy a sword when she gets out of this mess.. nah, Kate would have a conniption. "So this is what it feels like to be super human." Her eyes are drawn to the blade again, catching her reflection it, "A sword mirrors its owner."

Kaminari has posed:
Kaminari turned Sona, the hard rock mistress of strings smirks at something Natasha says to her, "Then destroy the towers swiftly." is her only reply as she drifts over towards Remy, feet still not seeming to touch the ground.

"You are right, we should work together. Games like this are based on teamwork." Her eyes track towards where Elektra disappeared for a moment, "She'll likely be back if she runs into trouble."

She seems to be ignoring most of Bette's moralizing about killing, the lives of men mean little to the gods.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    ... And that's two off already. Natasha suppresses a sigh as she looks from Bette to Kaminari. "Regardless of anything else, we'll get no answers nor progress if we stay here. I think our best bet for survival is to keep with our... 'Minion waves' I believe they were called, and support them as they do the heavy lifting against the enemy base".

    Another glance at Kaminari. "I take it that is what you meant when you said 'Playing Support'?" She hefts her gun and sets out for the gate along with the others.

Maria Hill has posed:
The pathways circle and criss-cross each other, with strange runes in small cobblestoned areas on the ground on some of the crossings.

Near Twisted Remy, the tall grass shifts, and suddenly a short, blue fish-person darts out, jabbing at him with a trident. "The tide turns!" the fishperson chortles as he stabs.

Down the pathway towards Elektra, an old man with a long white beard floats slowly towards one of the cobblestoned runes.

Out there, it is likely others await.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
A glance over a shoulder tells Elektra the others have yet to catch up .., and then she listens to the calls of parley.. A grimace comes to her expression, they will most likely attract trouble to themselves, maybe she should return but then ...

... Is that a lone, old man walking down the path? Too good to be true. "Too easy.." she murmurs to herself. Elektra takes advantage of her new found invisibility to prowl closer, waiting until the old man is closer to the rune ... She springs out, running to try and catch the old one by surprise, sticking close to a wall as her Hula blade flicks and tears pieces of it, glowing as it charges up and she attempts to cheap shot attack her opponent from behind. The assassin way!

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy lets out a startled cry as the fish-person appears to jab at him. He leaps backwards, turning foot over head through the air and landing in a graceful crouch several feet away. Instinctively he draws the card from his sleeve, flinging it in the fish's direction. It splits immediately into three, one aimed at the trident-wielder while the other two fly harmlessly through the air on either side.

"Hey now," the Twisted Cajun murmurs, grinning from ear to ear behind his newly-minted beard, "Dis ain't so strange after all!"

Bette Kane has posed:
Bette looks back to Natasha and Kaminari as she hears shouts from up ahead. "Uh dear. Seems they're engaging in combat already. Let's try and talk some sense in to them." She starts to run forward but instead dashes ahead instantly. "Whoa..." Feeling energised, she dashes off to the side, grins, then dashes forward with a jump in to the grass. "Wow, that felt amazing. This must be what it feels like to be Sif."

She walks out over the bushes and sees that fish person with the trident, "Hey you two.. stop fighting, we're all in this together." She narrows her eyes and walks toward them briskly, "Stop or I'll take that dang trident off of you stranger. This might be a video game but that doesn't mean morality goes out the window." Well.. depends if there are teenagers play really.

Kaminari has posed:
Not seeming to have much desire to stay in the goody two shoes preaching zone, Sona-nari nods to Natasha, "That's true, then I shall go support them. This instrument has some fascinating songs to play, I can feel it." and with that she and her instrument are gliding off in the direction Remy went.

As she goes her hands pass over the strings of her instrument and she becomes surrounded by a pulsing circular purple aura of mystical music in all directions as her pace is quickened by the Song of Celerity.

Bette earns herself an eyeroll.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Natasha looks at Kaminari and Bette. "That's two of them. According to Mojo there are five opponents in total; where are the other three?" She glances back at Kaminari, then inclines her head toward one of the other paths before heading down it, fading into the background despite her garish outfit.

    She follows the minion troops, matching their pace and keeping an eye out -- after all, their opponents might be doing the exact same thing...

Maria Hill has posed:
Bette's plea is met with a bubbling laugh from the fishman, despite having been hit by Twisted Remy's card strike, who darts back into the tall grass just as a giant walking green blob of... blobbiness... appears from the other side of the tall grass, his arms stretching out to punch Bette from the side.

A glowing set of words pop up floating in the air. The Drill has been captured by the red team.

Well, perhaps there's an idea of where those other two might be... a wooden sign sits off the path, pointing right "The Quarry", left "The Refinery", and a double left "The Windmill".

Meanwhile, Elektra's strike lands true, and the white-bearded man turns. "Inevitably," he drones, and with a flick of his hands Elektra is slowed down as he floats away from her. A flash of blue and gold surrounds the old man like a protective ward.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The slowness makes her grit her teeth.. Now that -is- annoying. "Come back here, old man." As Elektra's quick pace and dash begins to slow she looks around but she is pretty much stuck in place.. At the mercy of this old man? Not if she can help it, and there's no way she will be letting herself die here.

So with a shout of rage mingled with frustration she swings that blade in a sweeping motion in front of her. A gesture that she is mostly thinking will just show how unfair she feels it all to be until a shock powered by her brushing past the wall earlier is released from the weapon towards the old man!

Remy LeBeau has posed:
"Look, cher, I don't wanna kill nobody either," Remy calls out to Bette, and it's anyone's guess whether that's true or not, "But we got a classic 'us or dem' scenario, and while I'm all for bustin' outta here and kickin' dese Mojo and Arcade fellas in de teeth, I'm not gonna die for 'em."

With the fish-man having run off, the Twisted Cajun turns his attention to the glowing words in the sky. His sort of games may involve cards, but he's always been swift to pick up on the rules so he can learn how to break them.

"I guess we gotta go damage dere towers, hein? Let's go!"

Bette Kane has posed:
Bette stumbles back from the punch. She adjusts the askew bunny ears upon the top of her head. "OOwww son of a.... okay jello boy if you want some," she twirls the sword, pointing it at him and motioning with two fingers, "come and get some." She smirks. She may not entirely understand these super powers she's been gifted but she sure knows how to fight monstrosities and this green blob counts.

The announcement of 'the drill' being captured makes her double take and she peers at the signs, "Four... capture points?" She hmms, "Perhaps we can end this non-violently." Her gaze goes back to the blob though, she's not going to turn her back on an opponent willing to take a cheap shot.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Natasha curses inwardly for missing the obvious -- of course an arena like this would have strategic locations. She breaks to the far left, leading the nearby minions towards this "Windmill" -- given the rifle that's apparently her designated weapon, a higher position with a good view could be ideal. "Try to capture the other locations as well," she informs her teammates. "they may turn out to be crucial."

Kaminari has posed:
Sona-Nari's fingers move across the strings as she begins to play a melody somewhere between a classical Heian era court ballad and modern rock on her menacing floating stringed instrument. A burst of green mystical musical energy flies forth enveloping Bette and suddenly that punch doesn't hurt so much anymore, at the same time translucent green shields manifest around her nearby allies. "Take them down, even if you don't kill them they are in the way of our objectives and don't seem like they'll be showing you the same courtesy."

Maria Hill has posed:
Fishboy darts out again, attacking Remy. His attacks glance off the shield, though. The old man floats away at a somehow rapid pace down the path towards The Refinery, shuddering as he catches Elektras shot to the back. He drops to the ground unmoving but the blue and gold glow around him flickers, and in a moment he is back up and floating again, clocks appearing in midair around him for a moment spinning backwards.

The blob's punches come again, though much of it is absorbed by the shields Sona-nari put up.

The path to the Windmill is fairly clear, and when Natasha arrives, a glowing timer pops up in her field of vision. 60 second until Windmill is captured.

The glowing numbers begin to count down.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
When the shot on the back makes the man fall Elektra smirks. One down for the count. GG EZ. But then that cheat starts getting up again! "So much for people not respawning....!" she grumbles. But this just means things got serious. So she sets those enormous sunglasses down on her eyes and starts running though not towards the old man Zilean, no. Instead she dashes towards the bushes again to gain her invisibility, hoping to cut clear past this time mage to reach the refinery first.

She glances across to see if her opponent is moving as fast as her while she attempts to be the first to reach this refinery and capture it!

Remy LeBeau has posed:
"Ow!" Remy lets out a shout of pain as the trident grazes his side, once more spinning out of range to avoid taking the brunt of it. The tails of his coat trail out around him as he moves, and once more a card appears clutched between his fingers. Even as he looks at it, the color shifts from blue, to red, to yellow, and then back. Cycling through the three colors over and over again.

"Let's find out what dis one does, cher!"

When the card is flung at the fish-man, it is now red with a sword motif on the back. It hisses through the air with a trail of energy, but even as Remy lets it fly, he is turning to make a run towards another of the signs and the paths it leads to. The Quarry.

Bette Kane has posed:
Bette ducks and weaves against the next incoming green blobby fist, but watches with amazement as the green shield absorbs it. She touches her cheek, pokes it, not feeling the hurt from the first punch. "Healing magic. Okay then. Fantasy game world rules, fantasy game world magic."

She smirks and says, "Now it's my turn blubber boy." She dashes forward and jumps in slashing the sword down. A blob creature probably can't be too hurt by being cut in to pieces? She feels her sword humming in her hand, becoming empowered as she waits for the blob to go for another punch, then dashes to the side.

"I feel like the dang Flash right now combined with ..whoever weird blades a lot. Too many superheroes." The sword seems to want to move for the cuts as it empowers up more and more and she slices through the green blob while crying out, "YHAA!" And just as he is about to retaliate, she feels the energy explode from her, shielding her briefly from his retort.

Kaminari has posed:
This time Sona-nari brings her fingers back across the strings in an almost discordant fashion more reminiscent of what you might hear at a metal or hardcore concert. As she does so blue mystical musical energy billows our in a circle around her and bolts of crackling blue lethal sonic energy fly towards bow the Blob and the old man that slowed Elektra. As she does so her allies also feel a strange sense of empowerment, a feeling of Valor, like they can hit harder, cut deeper. "Press the attack! Drive them back from our towers!" she shouts imperiously as if she is in charge.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Natasha glances up at the timer, then back down at the path leading back to the rest of the arena. If that sign is visible to everyone, it's a clear indication to the other team that one of their enemies can be found here -- and is about to snatch up an important resource. She holds her rifle steady, keeping alert, watching the minions stream past her...

Maria Hill has posed:
At the Windmill, as the timer clicks down, a man in what looks to be a Roman Legionnaire's outfit with a spear steps into the zone. The Windmill is contested. The timer pauses. The spear wielder cocks his helmeted head, and begins jabbing down minions with his spear, warily looking out for Natasha, who he hasn't seen yet.

The blob keeps slapping and punching Bette with his oozy arms, like an extra gross Reed Richards with a monster mouth. The old man chucks a ticking alarm clock bomb behind him as he continues to retreat and move towards an objective. Elektra, however, regains her speed after a few seconds and slips into the Refinery. 60 Seconds Until the Refinery is Captured. But almost immediately a large troll trundles into the Refinery! Refinery is contested. The timer stops and the troll wheels, hunting for prey.

Remy makes his way towards the Quarry even as his fish friend moves to keep harassing him.... though the red card, augmented by Sonanari's pulse, causes the Fishman to explode into what looks like pixels. Whoops.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Bombs, slowness, getting back to life. Elektra is relieved when the old man just wheels away from her! And finally here is the objective. When the troll moves in to contest she lifts a brow from under her sunglasses. "Really? A troll? Fitting..." she lets out an exhale, all that jewelry shaking as she spins her blade, getting ready ...

And still feeling that jolt of power from Sona-nari she grips the handle hard and dashes forward, out of bushes and in, blade grazing earth...

There is no hesitation as she spins out through the air, blade twirling as she gains speed, doing an authentic dash aimed to go past the troll and let him taste steel.

She then calls out to the rest of the team. "There's an old man running around tossing bombs. Careful."

Remy LeBeau has posed:
The pixel explosion of the fishman gives Remy pause. He was already reaching for another card which sits clasped between thumb and forefinger, but suddenly the trident-wielding guy is gone. The Twisted Cajun tilts his head back to move his hat from his brow, mopping it gently with the white of his visible shirt sleeve.

"Let's, uh, let's not tell anyone I blew you up dere, cher." A pause, and then he turns back towards the Quarry, "I'm sure he's fine, anyway."

Surveying his surroundings, he calls out as well: "De fish-man is, uh, gone."

Bette Kane has posed:
Bette groans and snarls as she dives and rolls across the ground in a full on brawl with the blob. For a not quite solid he sure hits hard. The sword is humming in her hand and she cries out angrily, thrusting the sword forward as it grows in size suddenly, "No more hesitation blob man, it's time for you to retreat and think about the mistakes you're making with your life."

She swings and swipes her sword, her range and damage suddenly increased - she can feel the sword in sync with herself as she twirls and slashes at him.

"Great!," she snarls out to Remy, "Throw one of those cursed cards blob-a-ways." The cute bunny ears fall off as she twirls around in another big arcing cut and in a final moment of power the sword explodes out a massive arc of sword-energy to the blob man. Immediately the sword's humm stops and it feels just like.. a sword again, less an extension of her.

Kaminari has posed:
Three spells cast, Sonanari feels an unexpected power welling up within her music as she continues to assist Bette Kane in fighting the giant green blob monster. Drawing the last of the power from the Hymn of Valor she channels it into a Power Chord, a real hard rock solo as a merciless blast of super charged mystical musical energy enhanced by the linger magic of the Hymn of Valor shoots forth towards the Green Blob Monster. "I grow tired of you Jello-O Man, time to end this!"

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Not being noticed is Natasha's stock-in-trade, and she exploits the advantage by carefully lining up her shot, looking to disarm or at least severely impair the spear-wielder -- She doesn't need to kill him as long as she can force him to retreat instead. She grimaces as she hefts the weapon, not entirely comfortable with how smoothly she seems to be able to handle it. She sights carefully, watching the rhythm of his swings, and takes her shot just as he hauls back to strike again.

    All the while, she concentrates. Whatever ridiculous guise she's forced to wear, she is still the Shadow -- and the power to cloud minds is hers to wield. Her opponent is clearly expecting an ambush; nudging matters so that he suddenly sees far more enemy minions than there actually are isn't difficult at all...

Maria Hill has posed:
The troll grins viciously as Elektra attacks, pivoting to try and counter her attack with one of his own. The Quarry is uncontested as Remy arrives, the glowing countdown timer popping up in his field of view. Blobman pops as between Sona and Riven he has taken too much damage. He oozes into a puddle which disappears into a puff of pixels. Two down it seems. The man with the spear keeps jabbing minions but is taken by surprise when he takes a shot to the chest!

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Soooo, hula blade meets big caveman club... With Elektra's first slash not cutting the troll down (because that damn troll thickness is hard to breach!), she takes a club to the face which sends her sprawling out on the ground. One of those fine yellow nails breaks, and her sunglasses fly away...

"Oh, now you have done it .." Elektra gets back up to her feet, wiping some blood off her chin and focuses. She feels the blade humming, as if calling for action, calling for that ULTIMATE!

She spins and lets the power unleash out, sending a shockwave that is sure to make the battlefield tremble if it hits both Troll and the wall near him. Time to bring the BIG guns out!

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy breathes a minor sigh of relief at finding the Quarry uncontested, though he nevertheless keeps one of the cards clutched between index and middle finger just in case. It's raised to hurl off at the Blobman in the distance, but seeing him pop he cracks a smirk and keeps his eyes peeled.

"I t'ink I got dis one, ladies," he calls out, raising his voice loud enough for them to hopefully hear, "Sooner we win dis, sooner we get out ... "

Then, lowering his voice to a mutter only he can hear, he adds: "I hope."

Kaminari has posed:
"This was an entertaining diversion but I grow bored with this game." Sona-Nari's demeanor has changed after the vanquishing of the blob man, "Let's finish this." she begins to rise into the air, manipulating the air pressure and winds not with the powers of Sona but the divine might of Kaminari the Goddess of Thunder and Noise. As she rises into the air above the battlefield she begins to play an extended series of chords with the mystical musical power building around her until she unleashes Sona's Ultimate Chord, the 'Crescendo'!

It is no ordinary Crescendo, however, as the power she has been granted by this game is boosted by the divine power of a Goddess of Noise, amplifying the Cresendo in volume till it rivals the loudest cracks of thunder, reverberating across the battlefield like thunder reverberates across the sky. The true unleashed power of Sona-Nari's combined aspects compels her enemies to dance even as the amplified sonic vibrations tear at their very beings!

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    ... In the /normal/ world someone who takes a serious hit like that would go down, or at least find their style severely cramped. But by the rules of this 'game', apparently people function at full capacity until they don't. Natasha takes several more shots, taking the time to change position after each one - both to remain hidden and to give her opponent the time to conclude that he needs to retreat before he takes a hit he won't be able to tank.

    "You are outnumbered and outmatched. If you wish to survive this, I recommend you pull back while you still can." she warns the man.

Maria Hill has posed:
The spear-wielder starts dancing inexplicably, not defending himself while he's being shot at. So it's only a matter of a few shots before he explodes into a puff of pixels. The troll takes a hit from Elektra, staggering... and then starting to dance! DANCE MAGIC DANCE!

Leaving himself wide open for a finishing blow.

Meanwhile, just outside the Refinery, the old man has stopped in the middle of the pathway, also dancing.

Two left to go and they are caught up in repetitive motions. It doesn't seem like Arcade or Mojo took into account this possibility!

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Well ..., a battle is certainly no place for some tap-dancin'. "Really...?" Elektra hmphs and jumps over the troll while the creature is trying to look smooth, a kick given to it's back to get it off balance and then she brings her blade down on it.

Cheap? Maybe. But assassins don't particularly care about honor in the battlefield, it's all about getting the job done.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy lifts a hand to tip his hat when the colossal note is played, rubbing his ears and wincing slightly at the incredible sound.

"Is dat meant to happen?" he calls out, trying to be heard over the noise. His eyes trailing down the path towards the dancing man, eyebrows raised.

He looks to the Quarry's timer once again, shaking his head with a sigh: "Dis is too damn weird."

Kaminari has posed:
Once her song is finished, Sona-Nari surveys the battlefield from her vantage point high above. Spying the dancing old man with the vexing temporal abilities, she begins to fly in his direction, fingers dancing across the strings of her wicked instrument again, unleashing a chord of destructive mystical sonic energy as she goes.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    With the challenger down, the control countdown resumes. Natasha maintains position until the site is marked as controlled, then leaves the area and starts heading down the lanes to the location that was marked as taken by the opposing team.

    Either she'll find the remaining opponents there or she'll be able to deny the enemy a strategic objective...

Maria Hill has posed:
The Windmill is Captured!

The Refinery is Captured!

The Quarry is Captured!

Three of the objectives are captured, as the final opponent shudders and explodes from Kami-sona's sonic attack. Either the other two objectives can be captured, or the other teams base can be destroyed... either way, it looks like smooth sailing for the Champions.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
As the timer on the Refinery comes to an end and there's that 'Captured' message Elektra smirks. She steps out from it, now at a pace and moves in to join with the rest of those on her side. "Shall we finish this?" she asks the others before starting making her way down to what appears to be the enemy base.

She wasn't particularly aware of how this game worked but she did wonder if there was some leader left in there controlling the troops. In fact, she looked eager. Perhaps she'd find this Mojo and Arcade waiting. Though good luck with that!

A girl can dream, right?!

Remy LeBeau has posed:
"Dat's more like it, cher," Remy announces to the colorful writing in the air, winking and pointing a finger to the empty space he imagines is occupied by whatever audience is watching this. He has no idea, true, but if he were making a television show he'd put himself on camera as much as he could.

"Sounds good, let's finish it."

He takes off out of the Quarry, running swiftly to meet up with the others.

Kaminari has posed:
Kami-Sona's fingers find the strings again and once again she leans into her divine powers combining them with her Sona Champion given powers to blanket the arena with an amplified 'Song of Celerity' causing all of her allies to move at speeds they did not know they were capable of as they close in on the enemy base.

"Yes, let's finish this." comes the voice of the goddess as she descends from above.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Natasha takes the sudden speed boost mostly in stride, shifting from a guarded trot to a full-on sprint as she heads on to rejoin the others. "Let the minions do the heavy lifting -- they can soak the towers' return fire."

Maria Hill has posed:
The Champions begin to hack and bash away at the Nexus uncontested.

As the Nexus explodes, the awareness of the Champions becomes fuzzy...

        GG wp

            no re

                k thx


The Champions will wake up in their own beds the next morning with memories of the match but no proof, besides the fact that it was televised nationwide, the night prior.

Damn Mojo. At least he put his toys away after he was done playing.

Arcade is probably ticked.