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Latest revision as of 01:24, 17 July 2020

Mojo's Arcade Legend: Proving Grounds
Date of Scene: 01 July 2020
Location: Proving Grounds
Synopsis: Teamwork makes the dreamwork. ARAM, Proving Grounds!
Cast of Characters: Maria Hill, Matthew Murdock, Daisy Johnson, Ariah Olivie, Henry Devine

Maria Hill has posed:
"HELLO SUMMONERS!" The cheery announcers voice echoes across Proving Grounds.

"You may find yourself a little confused, but I assure you, this will be fun for all! Especially ME!"

The 'summoners' awaken around a large, glowing mound of crystals in the middle of a flat, cobblestone area. Nearby is a stone turret, facing one (currently closed with gates) openings in a tall stone wall; between the turret and the gate is a single smaller glowing crystal. Behind the summoners is a mountainous cliff, blocking them into the cobblestoned area.

"The rules are simple! Knock down your opponents turrents. Destroy their inhibitors. Capture their base. Oh, and DON'T DIE, because I haven't quite worked out this whole RESPAWN thing quite yet." There's some grumbling from the announcer. "Also, Arcade wouldn't let me." That's a bit whiny.



A seperate, annoyed voice takes over. "For those of you UNAWARE of the GAME, the GAME is the LEAGUE. Of. LEGENDS. I want to see if you are worthy champions, of course. But in more detail: every so often, your enemies base will release a spawn of minions who will make their way down the lanes to damage your towers and eventually your base. At the same time, your base will do the same for against the enemy. Sadly, these minions are merely constructs. My 'dear friend' wouldn't allow me to bring in additional fools to serve in that role. Please kill them, and your enemies, with great relish."

Arcade hmms. "Ah yes. The enemy. Another team just like you... CHANGED. It's really what Mojo is best at. They'll be trying to destroy your towers and claim your base as well, so pip pip. Murder them first. You know the drill."

Mojo's voice cuts back in. "...I didn't agree to this murdering thing, Arcade. It's really no fun if all our new friends die."

"That is PRECISELY what makes it fun." Arcade chuckles.

There is silence, but the announcers line stays open.

Then. "If you say so," Mojo sulks. "I feel the ratings on this will not be so great with so much murder." Oh. Did we mention that Mojo is televising this? On all channel 3s, across all cities? Because Mojo. "Anyways! The challenge will begin in five minutes! GOOD LUCK, SUMMONERS!"

Then the line goes silent.

Dead silent.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt wakes slowly, reaching up to touch his head, feeling some loose hood like covering there, leaving only his chin exposed. "Melvin must have made some changes to my suit?" he thinks aloud before his senses give him a sense of his location and well? safe to say he's not in Hell's Kitchen any more.

He springs to his feet, "What in the hell, where in the hell-"

That's when Mojo and Arcade start talking, Matt stands and listens, he lets out a breath of frustration. "Great," he says and turns towards the other champions, "Looks like we're in this together, I'm Daredevil, and for some reason this game's made me blind with some sort of 'echo sense', so if we've met before and I don't recognize you, sorry."

Of course Matt has his full suite of senses but he wasn't going to let on that normally Daredevil couldn't see. Had to keep up that separation from his alter ego.


Daisy Johnson has posed:
Ugh, what is it with this headache ...? And why is Daisy dreaming about League of Legends...? Getting up comes hard and then she realizes she isn't in some dream, maybe she drank too much during the SHIELD party and someone's pranking her? A very elaborate prank if she considers what she is dressed in, some kind of mix between a plant and a spider, dark green and purple, leaves covering her body along with four menacing extra 'arms' that are rather spider-like. And scariest of all they seem to be moving as she wills them to. Because of course Daisy would be in a flower-themed skin. Flower power!

"Ok, what? Mojo?" She looks up at the 'sky' and then back to the others waking up near her. Yes, it definitely doesn't seem like it's a prank. She gathers herself quickly enough. Eyes dart towards the familiar voice of Matt and she nods. "Quake." she introduces herself to the others.

"And yes, teamwork will be key." she says.

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    What a strange way to wake up. Ariah remembers the night before, an enjoyable evening taking in the New York City night life, being that she is very much a piece of that night life. Singing. Music. A good meal and good company, temporary though both may have been. And then. Cold cobblestone and alien scents. Her vision slowly clears as the base area for the Proving Grounds fills her sight.

    As someone who has enough trouble using a modern phone, it's no wonder at all that the smol vampiress has no idea what or where this even is. She just takes stock of her surroundings and blinks owlishly up at the sky when the announcers state her predicament as well as... well, at least she's not all alone.

    Her body, though, also feels alien. She looks down, noting that she's at least another six inches taller than she's used to, plus heels perhaps, again blinking at the ground. "...is this what being tall feels like?" she asks, aloud, stiffening at the sound of her voice. Its different. Darker and more intense. Not the crystal-clear cold she usually has. Finally, she takes stock of herself, outstretching her arms and legs, pale flesh instead holding a duskier tinge, examining herself, her attire. The elegant black dress, the wisps of long, deep purple hair encroaching on her vision and... the wings.

    It's a lot to take in, but she tentatively tries to conjure up her magic. Her power. There's no glow in her arms, no runes in her bones. But it's there. Instead of bright blue-white, a blue-ultraviolet sphere of dark energy coalesces in her palm, just as effortlessly as she would have been able to do so back in reality. Its a reassurance, even in the wrong body, and she casts those glowing violet eyes over her non-consensual companions.

    "A curious predicament, non?" she asks, her French accent still shining through even in her new voice. "...I appear to have most of my facilities... allow me to support you... I can offer both protection--and artillery..."


Henry Devine has posed:
Ratchet finds himself slowly coming to in the middle of the cobblestone-paved based, the voices of the announcers slowly rousing him to a heightened state of awareness...and to his current predicament. What was once fur and fury was now armor and chrome, strapped to a hot-rodded ATV-hybrid and pumped full of fuel. The one-rat-now-top heavy-automaton pivots in place to take a quick gander at his teammates.

As if that would actually do anything for him. Really, he only had a brief brushing with LoL, but this? This was entirely his jam.

A pair of flame-painted fists ram together with a might CLANK as he howls: "LET'S DO THE THING-STUFF! WHATEVER IT WAS!" And with that, his tires rev underneath him with a screech, his engine rumbling and his body burning up with the need to bring some boys to the industrial zone known as Pound Town, where fists are applied to faces with alarming degrees of efficiency and thoroughness.


Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt takes a moment to take in his allies, a smile is flashed towards Quake as he does. "Good to see you Quake," he says to the one familiar face. "New outfit?" he can sense those extra arms.

Blitz and Morana each get a nod. "Good to meet you guys. Anyone play this game before? What are we going to be up against?" he asks, always the strategist, in or out of the courtroom.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The spider-Daisy takes note of their group, and more notably the champions they are. For is it a surprise that the former hacktivist had been quite the LoL player in the past? Well, a dark past if one considered all the 'flaming' she did against her opponents. Though all part of the past! When she was still dark Skye.

When Matt addresses her it snaps her out of those thoughts and she grins. "So it seems." her extra arms poking the air, "You aren't half-bad yourself."

Her gaze sweeps both Blitz-Henry and Morg-Ariah and she dips her head. "I have played it.." she admits. "We should be up against a random set of opponents on the other side, and if this is anything like the game careful not to get too close to their towers." another glance. "We should probably stick close to each other to begin with until we figure out what's up." SHIELD really made her value teamwork! It's all about sticking together for her.


Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Nobody here is familiar to Ariah and it's likely that nobody here would even know her from Eve out in public either. She's not a big superhero name, and she's really only well known in the public circuit as a singer and musician that drifts around bars and cafes when she's not spending time in the library. Even this form is a far cry from her diminutive, white-haired self under normal circumstances.

    "Game?" she blinks owlishly at MattSin, though the features of the fallen angel don't lend themselves quite as much to that expression as Ariah normally would. "...I am afraid I cannot answer any inquiries..." she gives a shrug, quirking a brow as her wings lift up when her shoulders do, too.

    Then there's Henry. The Towering Diesel. The Flaming Fist of Road Rage. Lord Optimus Humungus. Putting the Blitz in Blitzcrank. Daisy's explanation of the game earns an absent nod, the information processed, the joys of teamwork not unknown to her at all. "We are soldiers, then. Stand or die."

    A few more blinks up at Henry, and she reaches a hand out tentatively, "May I ride you?" she asks. It comes out quiet, innocent, and if given an affirmitive, she'll lash out with some of her dark energy. Ultraviolet chains with etheral hooks will grapple on to the exhaust stacks and she'll yank herself up, landing artfully atop one of the road golem's shoulders, wings outstretched for a few moments.

    "Sticking close," she adds, nodding to Daisy.

Henry Devine has posed:
Ratchet pumps his massive, heaping fists of steel and flame, cackling madly at his overbearing, and frankly overzealous new stature, rolling the shoulders and getting a feel for the well-oiled joints and sheer horsepower of his well-rounded chassis. "Yesss, stick together. Fight. WIN! Hahahah~!!" For all the times that he'd tinkered on machines, he'd never considered being one himself. This would be a welcome little experience into that thought.

His head swivels as a cold, smokey voice reaches his ears...or some car-equivalent thereof. He sees Morgana reaching out to him, bidding him a ride upon his shoulder. An opportunity to show off his new frame, *and* even give her a lift atop his hot-rodded bod? Well that wasn't a chance he was about to pass up! "All aboard, stranger!" He gingerly reaches down, and helps her up onto the shoulder of his rumbling tower of power while her power helps her up the rest of the way, turning his gaze back to the gates as he waits for all hell to break loose!

Maria Hill has posed:
Above the Nexus, a magically glowing set of numbers pops up.






On the 1, the gates crank open, revealing a tan cobblestone corridor between mountains, as well as outside of the gateway another tall tower with turrets on top.

GLHF noobs! blinks for a second before disappearing.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
MattSin nods to the others. "Okay, Quake as our expert, you're in command, we'll stick close and try to get through this thing," he says with his head turned towards the others mere seconds before the gates drop.

When they do, MattSin takes up a position at QuaLise's side, hands raised in a fighting stance, "Alright, Quake, This is your show how are we going to do this?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
There's something to be said about infectious attitude, and when the Blitz-ratchet appears to be taking all this in stride it makes Daisy grin and give the new formed duo of Ariah and Ratchet a thumbs up. "Well, seems you guys are already into the spirit. Good." and broken combination too! She likes those...

A gesture with one of her extra arms and she points. "Lets try and move through the bushes .., I mean.., those trees there." she begins to jog towards the the only lane, glancing over her shoulder at the others. "With some luck we will be able to gank one of those noobs unaware."

She tests out some of her powers on her way, her quaking abilities coming out a low weaker than she expected. "Mmm, might have to rely on what our champions actually do, instead of any you may have." she warns.

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    It's almost something out of a modern fairytail. MorganAriah would take the help, most certainly, carefully placing high-heeled feet in the GO-lem's palm and once lifte high enough, use her magical chains to go the rest of the way. She gets situated, frowning a little as the numbers count down, and idly wondering the practicality of combat in said heels. Tick tick CLANK. "...this is a coliseum..." she muses aloud.

    The acknowledgement of QuaLise being in command isn't challenged in the slightest, glowing eyes falling on the spider queen expectantly, ever the soldier awaiting orders. Of course, she likes her position where it is, atop the WIN-ferno that is Ratcrank's shiny and chrome form.

    And then she starts speaking in tongues. Not Ariah. Daisy. "...gank...? Noobs...?" the fallen blinks, unable to parse the words, but at least the instructions of a stealthy ambush don't escape her. ...as stealthy as a glowing, winged sorceress standing atop nine feet and half a ton of raging motor madness can rightly be.

    "I have most of my facilities... the flavor is different but I am able to fully engage..." she assures Commander Quake, even if her body is much slower and less durable than her blood-fueled vampire body back in reality.

Henry Devine has posed:
Ratcrank burns rubber as he redlines his engine in preparation for the big sprint. As the gates fly open, he kicks off into first, rubber biting into the stone and hauling him forward into the battlefield! Evidently the towering hulk-rod had other plans as he sped off towards the opening of of the top lane.


Thus, he speeds off for the only lane's entrance, just barely holding off on dumping the nitro into his engine...for now. Better save that to close in on a baddie or to break free n' beat cheeks out of a dangerous situation. Hopefully his new friend would appreciate the SPEED and VROOM threatening to break free of his modded body.

Maria Hill has posed:
Ths map is actually pretty boring, and easy to see all the way across. At the other gate and turret stand four... people? A glowing pink-purple eye and tentacles thing, an icy-bird, a very pretty blonde vampire man, and a tiny furry... raccoon? Thing? on a chicken? They are all in a line across, waiting, watching for their opponents. The vampire points as the Champions appear, turning his head to say something to his companions.


Matthew Murdock has posed:
Unfortunately it looks like there's no jungle to jungle in on the Proving Ground, just a single lane, like a hallway and a bunch of badguys at the other end. MattSin smirks, "This seems familiar," he says to the others cracking his knuckles. He doesn't know what he can do here exactly but by the wraps on his hands and feet, he can guess he's some sort of hand to hand fighter. Convenient.

Sticking close to Daisy he makes his way down the single lane by her side, "So, what can we all do?" he asks the team. "Because if anyone's got some range we might want to test our opposition a little, see what we're in for."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Well, that ruins the element of surprise.." Quake states when they are able to see the adversaries on the other side of the lane. And then there's a big truck speeding down the lane, ignoring all speed limits. "Hey, careful. Don't get too close!" she tells them.

To Mattsin she then says, "I should be able to transform into a spider and .., do some spiderman tricks, like gluing people and so.." she then concentrates, she sorta still remembers this one. So as she is running down the lane along with Matt she conjures up a small spider that starts to trickle down towards the enemies. "Ok, don't ask me how I did that .."

As they near the middle of the lane she keeps her distance for now, studying. "Those two, the tentacle thinged one along with the bird. Should focus on those first if we can." she gestures, then glances to Mattsin. "Those should be their artillery."

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Ariah is still trying to figure out the whole ganking and noobs and lane business. But at least she's got the best steed in the game. That Kled fellow and his battle chicken-lizard-whatnot has nothing on the mountain of roaring metal that is her mount. "Do be careful... I have no idea what they all can do..." she says quietly, though her eyes narrow slightly at the obvious vampiric edgelord. There's a little twinge in her eye and she exhales a quiet sigh. Stereotypes.

    It doesn't linger for long, though, as she catches the tactical suggestion coming behind them, from Spider Chief. She casts a glance over her shoulder, giving Daisy a nod of affirmation, and lifts both arms at her sides. An unhealthy purple glow rises from her as globes of energy pulse in both hands, fingers curled as she gathers spell power. She did say she was artillery, after all!

Henry Devine has posed:
Blitzfink races towards the other side with his teammates, with Morganah riding shotgun on his shoulder. As the team strategizes, he lifts a hand up and pumps it, making a little shotgun-pump noise. "These hands are ranged! I'll pull 'em in if you'll stomp 'em down!"

His tires gain more traction on the ground beneath him as he learns forward, focusing his gaze on the chicken-mounted fella. "I'll nab up that chicken-rider! Get ready to back me up!" With that, his hand starts to wind up, readying to burst forward at any moment to ensnare a foe!

Maria Hill has posed:
The frostbird rises into the air and fires a massive chunk of ice towards the Champions at the same time eyeball guy hurls a giant purple energy bolt their way.

The little furry guy lets out a war whoop, yelling, "I'm gonna' cut you open and use your spine for a back scratcher, because it is itchy! Very itchy!" while his chicken... lizard... mount thing clucks "I AM SKAAR!" before they start charging down the pathway, heedless to anythign else.

It's really quite ridiculous.

Meanwhile, the vampire sighs. "I sincerely hope you're pumped for this," he notes, stepping forward slightly, though still within the bounds of the turret's range, and reaching out for the nearest champion to draw their blood out from a distance.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt feels the eye beam and the ice blast coming their way but with the eye beam aimed at QuaLise he dives in that direction meaning to take the blast himself only to find a shield pop up in front of them both harmlessly blocking the beam. "Good to know I could do that," he says with a smirk for Daisy. "And are my senses working right, or is that guy riding a chicken?" he asks as an aside. Getting ready for their opponents to get a little closer.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Ick, painful eye beam. Though when Mattsin intercepts with his cool magic monk karate stuff and makes it so they are protected. "Well, someone is a natural." she grins at him, then says, "Remember how I normally shoot my concussive blasts.., you should try that." a wink given. And yes, sure, he may be blind and all that but she knows he has quite the senses.

The charge of the Valky-chicken makes Daisy frown though heedless of it she begins running in. "I am going to try..." and she begins to morph mid-air, body becoming that of a spider and the voice that comes next is all but human. "... and get to their backline." just as the ice bolt is closing in she swings in a webline, just like your friendly neighborhood spider and jumps out of reach! The spider she had conjured comes along with her as they swing about the battlefield and start closing into the tentacle creature. Death from above!!

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    "I am prepared... bring them to us..." MorganAriah says down to her metal mount. Her iron steed. The thought of 'ranged hands' makes her wonder just what Ratcrank can do with those hulking fists, the concept of a rocket punch, let alone a grapple like that, still a little alien to her. She's seen some shit but she doesn't play video games!

    And then the assault begins in earnest. The eye beam from the eldritch horror is nullified by one of her companions, which leaves the onslaught of ice raining down towards them. Her fingers clench, digging into the sphere of energy in one hand, rupturing the orb and directing the unleashed magic to form a barrier over herself and rumbling rollabout. The purple energy flickers and crackles, tanking the impact of the ice, cracks of white forming in the shell and sending it dissipating, but the remainer of the magic chill comes down like snow.

    "Set one up?" she urges her companion, still holding that other pulsing sphere of purple in her other hand, ready to use it.

Henry Devine has posed:
Ratchet starts to swing wide as his hand gears up for the reach, breaking off slightly from the rest of the group so he can snag the little raccoon fella' and drag him away from his group! growing ever closer to the oncoming enemy team, he veers himself out of the way with a hard wheelie before careening back onto all four wheels!

"Closer..." Almost in range...! "Closeeeer...!"

Suddenly, the towering car-behemoth throws his wound-up hand out, a pair of exhaust rod propelling the lurching grip forward as it reaches out with a fierce grip! As it nears the rider (and mount, preferably!), the hand tries to clamp down on him and reel him back to the side. Meanwhile the other hand cues itself up, ready to meet the other for a resounding, face-shattering clothes-lining of this foe!

Maria Hill has posed:
The pheonix and the tentacle-eye fire more of their blasts, the tentacle creature being driven forward as he is launched into by the spider-foe! That isn't actually a spider-foe, but he certainly seems to not like spiders much, as he swats Quake with his tentacles, then opens up a giant void in the ground beneath her!

Ice birb is still hurling ice chunks at both teh metal monstrosity and the blind monk.

The grip works on the overly excitable yordle, who is snatched up by Blitz. The small fuzzy thing begins to frenzy in his grip, slashing and hacking away violently.

The vampire's demand for blood hits Morgana-Ariah, snatching a touch of her life force as she has gotten close enough for him to feed from.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt finds his shield coming back into play as he blocks an ice blast from hitting both him and Ratchcrank. "Okay, you got furball?" he asks the big metal man. "I've got the bird."

He rushes forward then, almost supernaturally fast, leaping into the air foot blazing with energy like a certain billionaire's fist, aimed right for the center of the bird's chest!

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The web swinging seems to be good to have her sail across the battlefield towards her foe, but then that assault begins before she can sink her fangs right into the tentacle creature. "Stop hitting me with ..." Quake takes a tentacle slap to the face. Or well, her spider-face. It makes one of the leaves break away. " ... with those things!" the little spiders conjured do begin to climb up and start to bitey-bite at the creature though, even if Daisy herself is caught on that void underneath her feet and it makes her be tossed back.

She's briefly disoriented but she begins to unmorph out of her form, back to her human form, tossing a web towards the squid to try and keep him still while her little spiderlings nibble at his tentacles!

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    The feeling of being drained, momentary as it is, makes Morgana's brow furrow. "...that's cheating..." she says softly, under her breath. Vampires are supposed to bite to draw blood, aren't they? It's ba denough this man is some sort of... imposter-stereotype! The rules of the game vex the sorceress and she takes a necessary moment to draw power into her free hand once again. "...apologies, the fuzzy one is yours, I must deal with this.."

    She leaves Turbocharged Blitzcrank to handle the spastic yordle, while she thrusts both arms outwards, sending a twin spiral of dark energy towards the blonde reaper. Instead of exploding in his face, though, they slam into the ground and leave a void well of swirling black-and-purple energy, sucking the essence she'd just lost right back from him!

    She'll need it, too, as the ice bolts rain down. She's a much smaller target than the gas-powered tinker, but using her wings as a shield hurts a lot more than she'd bargined for, emitting a hissing squeal of pain as the feathers of one are nearly solidifed and ruptured.

Henry Devine has posed:
Ratchet hauls the rabid little rascal in as spears of ice begins to glance and crash into his steel carapace, spraying frost all around him as the assault doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon. "Ahhh! Cold, cold, COLD!!" It didn't help matters that the little bastard in his grip was getting ready to hack free soon enough.

"You want to break out so bad? FINE!"

Winding his other hand back, he reels his grip all the way back and releases it just as his upper body pivots and brings a mighty Power Fist to bear, careening into a wild upper cut that would send the fuzz ball up into the air! Naturally, this would put the fore straight into the path of another salvo of the ice spears!

Maria Hill has posed:
The bird hisses annoyedly at Daredevil-Sin, calling a driving rain of hail and frost around them both. Obviously that hurt! The tentacle creature lets out a wordless wail of anger and shoots a very ANGRY laser beam haphazrdly out , slicing it around as if he isn't quite sure how to aim it!

The vampire melts into a pool of blood, oozing around the feet of Ariah and Matt and Henry, drawing nubbles of lifeforce as he does.

The yordle howls with... is that... delight? as he is hurled into the air. "WAHHHHOOOOOOOO!!!!!" he cheers, then reaches behind himself midair as if for a gun. Instead of a gun, though, a giant beartrap on a chain lashes out and snaps at Blitz as Kled falls towards him!

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The kick must have stung but so too does that hail and rain, hitting like needles along Matt's body. With another burst of speed he's beside Quake with a shield up around them both, which is good because that laser is blasting wildly around the narrow corridor. "Hey, had to borrow you for a second to get out of the way," he says to QuakeLise. "Better hope Spidey isn't watching this, or he might get jealous of your little spider friends."

Then as the storm stops circling the bird, Matt rushes back in, with a flurry of blows before, he leaps into the air "A friend of mine is fond of this one," he remarks to the before slamming his fist into the ground sending a shockwave out around him.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The shield that forms around both Mattsin and Quakelise makes her grin, that beam not being as destructive as it would had been otherwise. "I could get used to these.." she says of her new powers when Matt drifts by. And just before he runs off again to do his magic karate she calls out. "Remember to break the egg after!" whatever that means!

Attention is back on Squid-boy though. She hisses, very spider-like and runs ahead, a spit of venom tossed just before she again morphs into the spidery-one, lil legs scuttling through the ground and trying to dodge the beam as best as she can to carry on closer.

More spiderlings form and then she jumps forward, aiming to sink her fangs in. Ugh. She hopes she actually won't have to taste tentacle.

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Shhhhhhnk-CHUNK! That bear-trap-on-a-chain CHOMPS down on Ariah's epic ride, latching on to Ratchetclank's shoulder right in front of her feet. Her feathers ruffle agitatedly, she would have been the one caught had she been forward about six inches more. Her glowing eyes narrow as she stares up at Kled, descending on them both like a madman! And then theres that pool of crimson sloshing around, nibbling and nomming on lifeforce, cowardly and sneaky!

    MorganAriah is ... usually unflappable. But this is annoying. She's not the one doing the biting, as even Dasielise is getting in on some quality chow time. And there's a goofy fellow making a mockery of noble vampires everywhere. He might as well pop up and start going 'bleeeh~!' for all the good impression she's getting from him.

    Her wings glow bright, unfurled, unleashed, two becoming four, almost blinding purple as she sweeps her arm skyward. A chain of energy erupts from the glow surrounding her, thrust towards Kled above her. Not only does she yank, but she leaps, too, with a hard beat of those glorious, glowing appendages. It skips her out of range of Vladimir's Worst Swimming Pool Ever and also drives her and Kled together at.... blinding speed.

    Her free arm winds up for a hard punch to the ... well, anywhere she can make purchase on the crazed, rotund creature, fist pulsing with that same glow of power. A hard impact, as hard as she can get with the body she's in, with the added 'burst' of magic behind it.

    And all the while... Kled remains attached to Road Warrior Ratchet by way of one chain. And MorganAriah to Keld by her own.

Henry Devine has posed:
Thankfully, Ratchet's keen senses tip him off, lurching his body out of the way of the beartrap so that it only latches onto his shoulder! With his own mechanical know-how, it barely (pun-intended) takes a few moment to find and tug on the massive thing's safety release. Grabbing the chain up as the trap's bite slackens, the armored brute seizes the carpe that is this moment!

His eyes gleam as his exhausts flare up, diamond-shaped plumes of flame spiking out as the chrome rods roar! Kicking his gear into Overdrive, Blitzrat tightens his grip on the chain and bursts forward towards the other group of baddies as his hips begins to spin in place...picking up dangerous amounts of speed!

Hurtling towards the opposing team, trying his best to hurl the little bastard around at neck-break speed, Blitzrat lets out a rebel yell, no, a SONOROUS WAR CRY:


...The rat is confused, but his heart is in the right place.

Maria Hill has posed:
As the furry yordel gets hit from two directions, he explodes into a mass of pixels.

The bird, as well, seems to not enjoy its damage, regressing into a giant icey egg.

THe puddle of bloode pulls away and reforms into the vampire, hurling a bloody cloud towards the heroes!

And the tentacles swat, throwing another void at Quake-lise, though he's not looking too great.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt grins at QuaLise, "Yeah, beginning to like mine too, might need to go punch a dragon sometime and get them in real life," he quips, before he's gone off to punch the ground and knock the bird from the sky. Shut up! It's video game logic!

Seeing the egg and remembering QuaLise's words, he grimaces, "This feels wrong," he says before driving a hand down into the egg.

Unaware in the moment that the bloody cloud sent by Vladimir was headed towards him!

Daisy Johnson has posed:
All those hundred eyes roll up hard when Matt mentions he may go punch a dragon sometime. Some things were just hard to believe, really! And ewwww, now she knows how tentacle tastes like... She unhooks her fangs when she notes the void starting to open beneath her feet. "Not gonna trick me twice, bud!" she jumps back and uses her webs again to gain height, out of reach of those void thingies and she swings just like spiderman around the map.

"Woooo!" just as she forms back into her human form. She notices the blitz incoming (because who could not hear the DEMACIA shout?) and trying to take advantage of it she throws a web that she hopes will keep the tentacle guy glued to the floor enough for the others to knock him out of his senses.

"Get the tentacles, he won't be able to move out of the way!" she calls out. And with the cloud coming, not much she can do against it too besides saying. "Daredevil, jump to me!"

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    MorganAriah has different problems. She'd helped sign Kled's name on the killboard, with Overdrive Overlord Ratchet going to town with the yordle as a flail, but the dark-winged angel is riding the carnival attraction that is the Wild Wheeled Wonder. She can feel her head swimming, holding on via her magical chain for precious moments, heartbeats turning her view into a slideshow.

    Tick. Tick. Tick. Three left. There's what more left? The tower. There's still the 'completion' of the game, right? Was it just a fight to end the enemy team or was there still ground to take? Spin spin spin spin! Her wings shift slightly, the energy burning from them quickly. She's not meant to hold this for too long!

    One more go around and she adjust her wings just a little bit more, altering her vector and... releasing the chain. The energy in those wings dies out, no more glow from them. She spirals, horizontal, cork-screw spinning like a tank shell. Right towards the base of that lone tower.

    Her now two-wings wrap around herself, her arms hugging her chest as she braces for impact, channeling as much energy into an ultra-violet shield right above her head as she can.


    Right into the trunk of that stone turret.


Henry Devine has posed:
Ratchet slowed down as the Overdrive sputtered out leaving him less speedy than he'd wanted, but he was out of the way of the blood cloud, at the very least. Small blessings, and all.

Trying to fight through the worst of the engine exhaustion, he draws closer to the vampire, giggling with glee as his core begins to thrum with energy, surging as he worked his way to the blood guzzler. Ozone fills the air as he bears down on him, and soon enough, Ratchet lets loose a wild burst of static electricity, his internal speakers crackling and popping as it arcs out for both the vampire and the noodley-tentacle buddy nearby! As the field fades out all around him, he follows through by through punch after punch towards the vampire, trying to cut him off from his buddies!

Maria Hill has posed:
The egg cracks, bursting into pixels. The tentacle beat follows suit as Quake-lise rekts his day. And the tower cracks in half from Ariah-Morgana's damage. The vampire squeals as he is caught in Henry-Blitz's blitzkrieg of punches, finally exploding himself.

Leaving just the other team's nexus.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Hearing QuaLise call out, Matt jumps back to her, avoiding the cloud as it passes through the spot he'd been standing. "Thanks," he says with a relieved tone. "Got to say, these video games are pretty exciting."

When the vampire goes down and the enemy nexus is open, Matt rushes forward, starting to pound on the crystal structure with feet and fists hoping this would be their way home.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Ah, they can get a bit too much exciting sometimes..." Qualise says with a sigh. Yes, she still remembered her times when she flamed her teammates. Competitive streak! But now it was time to go home. She tosses Ariah and Henry a grin once she goes back into spider form (so it's a grin full of fangs and ..., however a spider smiles).

"Good job. Now let's get out of here!" she says in that spider voice and then starts to skitter along the lane to their prize, the nexus, followed by all her little spiderling babies.

As they reach the nexus she helps Matt in attacking the crystal structure, poking at it with her sharp spidery-legs. The little spiderlings glee excitedly as they begin to climb up the nexus and nomnom on it.

Henry Devine has posed:
As his engines sputter back to full power, Ratchet speeds by the rubble and throws a hand out towards Morganah. Grabbing onto he, he winds his hand back and pulls her free. "Hold on, friend, I got you!!" It takes a hot second to pull his hand back to his side, but eventually he sets her back on his shoulder, racing off towards the gate!

Hauling the both of them towards the Nexus, Ratchet opens with another Power Fist to the base of it just as the cooldown switches off, ratting the whole length of it. From there? He's like a god damn industrial forge, thundering blow after blow down on the towering, crystalline structure!

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    It seems Ariah has made a new friend. Teamwork makes the dream work, and surely the four of them will have a bond that lasts until the ends of time! Well. If there were in an-game friend list. She seems shaken as she's yanked from the rubble, but gives a very thankful look to Blizrat, holding on to that painted metal mitt and once more taking her place atop that massive plated shoulder.

    "Merci," she thanks him softly in French, barely loud enough to be heard over the smashing of the Nexus. Despite her fatigue, she takes a few moments to gather herself and starts to charge up the last of her emergy.

    She raises her arms as spheres of violet come at her call one more time, forming up behind her spread (only two) wings, and then like a swarm of magic missiles, she adds her strength to the group trashing the base structure!

Maria Hill has posed:
As the Nexus explodes, the awareness of the Champions becomes fuzzy...

        GG wp

            no re

                k thx


The Champions will wake up in their own beds the next morning with memories of the match but no proof, besides the fact that it was televised nationwide, the night prior.

Damn Mojo. At least he put his toys away after he was done playing.

Arcade is probably ticked.